Code Mixing by Oza Rangkuti

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Sandy Muhammad Ramdani,* Erfan Muhammad Fauzi, M.Pd.

English Literature, Faculty of Adab dan Humanity,

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
e-mail: [email protected]

This research aims to analyze regarding code mixing used by Oza
rangkuti is his monologue comedy video. The purpose of this research is
to identify the types of code mixing and find out the most used code
mixing by Oza. The data of this research is the most viewed Oza’s
comedy video on Youtube. Data will be analyzed by Musyken’s code
mixing theory. The method in this research employs qualitative
research and sociolinguistics approach. The result of this research
conduces 18 code mixing in two types that occurs in video. The most
used code mixing in the video is insertion.

Keywords: code mixing, comedy video, Sociolinguistics

Nozanda Arsena Rangkuti usually called as Oza Rangkuti was born in
Jakarta, 05 December 1991. He’s a comedian. Oza makes his stands up comedy
video in You tube. His works contain a monologue, dialog, or a group video in
his youtube channel named “Podcast Kesel Aje”. He often satirized language
style of South Jakarta millennials.
Oza became famous in social media, even a few television programs had
already invited him to be a guest star. The reason that make him famous is his
satirized to South Jakarta millennials’ mindset that always carried uniquely. He
perfectly impersonates the language style of South Jakarta millennials. Their style
is mixing language between Bahasa Indonesia and English language. Indonesian
make fun of it because Indonesian think that it very complicated to mix two
languages, consider that Bahasa Indonesia is simple to use. Finally, several
netizens also recognized him as a representation of South Jakarta Millennials.
For South Jakarta millennials, their language style is normal because most
of them are bilinguals. There are several factors that make them bilingual. First,
the productive age in South Jakarta is more than the non-productive. According to
population statistic of South Jakarta, there are 1.5 million productive age from 2.2
million populations of South Jakarta, which the productive age is 62%. Second,
there are about 60 international schools in South Jakarta with a native speaker
teacher. Thus, it makes them easier to speak English. Third, Social factor. The
bilinguals interact with non-bilinguals, they socialize each other. The non-
bilingual attempt to understand the bilingual speech. Then, non-bilinguals start
adapting or learning the second language which is English language. Over time,
South Jakarta millennials get used to mix the language.
As explained above, social has an influence to language because the social
influenced the second language learning. In linguistics, there is a subdiscipline of
linguistics that discuss the relation between linguistic and social named
sociolinguistic. According to Wardaugh, R. (2006: 13) sociolinguistics is
concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society with
the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how
languages function in communication. At least, we have already known that
bilingualism in South Jakarta caused by several factors.
In the Oza Rangkuti’s stands up comedy videos, he mixes the language
because he impersonates the bilingual of South Jakarta millennial. So, just a few
people who can understand his variation Code is a term in sociolinguistics which
refers to any variety of languages. According to Wardaugh, R. (2006: 1) In most
cases that code will be something we may also want to call a language. In another
hand, the bilingual has two codes for communication.
Relating to the phenomenon, it shows that Oza uses two languages in his
video. Thus, it means that in the video he uses two codes. Thus, researcher intend
to commit a research regarding code mixing on Oza Rangkuti’s video. This
research aims to find type of code mixing and find out the most type of code
mixing that Oza employs in the video. Researcher expected this paper could be
used by another researcher as a reference, or a useful reading. The gap from
previous research is the object of this research is monologue stand up video.
The previous research regarding code mixing that researcher has been
read. First Astri, Z., & Fian, A. (2020). The Sociolinguistics Study on the Use of
Code Mixing in Gita Savitri Devi’s Youtube Channel Video. The result of this
research, for the types of code-mixing, there were 52 data that the researcher
found. Second, Nikmah, I. F. (2019). Code Mixing in an Indonesia Novel Entitled
Teman tapi Menikah. From the analyzing process, the writer found the reason for
code switching and code mixing in Pojok Kampong news. They are: Easier to
Understand, Maintaining Certain Neutrality when both Codes are used, Asserting
Power, Pride, and Status, Eliminating ambiguity, Adopts from other language in
Javanese, Declaring Solidarity, Expressing Identity, Express Self Emotion,
Conveying the Speakers Attitude to the Listener, Being more Informative, Being
Incompetent in Finding the Appropriate Word. Third Risliyanti, I., Sitepu, S. S.
W., & Tampubolon, M. A. (2019). Code-Mixing in Indonesian Selebgram’s
Caption in Instagram. This study concludes that the major type of code-mixing
used in the selected caption from Indonesian selebgram’s Instagram is insertion
based on the samples from this study.

LITERATURE REVIEW (Use this style for main parts of paper)

A. Code Mixing

Muysken (2000: 3) Argued that “I am using the term code-mixing to refer

to all cases where lexical items and grammatical features from two languages
appear in one sentence.” Muysken proposed code mixing into three types, there
are insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. The three processes
correspond to dominant models for code mixing that have been proposed.
(Muysken, 2000: 3).
1. Insertion
Approaches that depart from the purpose of insertion view the constraints
in terms of the structural properties of some base or matrix structure. Here the
process of code-mixing is conceived as similar to borrowing: the insertion of
foreign lexical or phrasal category into a given structure. The difference would
simply be the size or type of element inserted, such as noun and noun phrase.
This means that Insertion occurs in pieces of one language by a small
form such as word or phrase. So, insertion is the common type of code mixing
that occurs in several Bahasa Indonesia sentence. The example data of insertion
code mixing (The English phrase in Bahasa Indonesia) is given below.

Kamu akan menjadi my wife.

2. Alternation
Approaches that depart from the purpose of alternation view the
constraints on mixing in terms of the compatibility or equivalence of the
languages involved at the switch point. In this perspective code-mixing is akin to
the switching of codes between turns or utterances.
This means that alternation occurs as a part of utterance, turn or article by
a long form such as sentence or clause. The example of alternation code mixing
(The English clause in Bahasa Indonesia utterance) is given below.

Kita akan menikah, and You will be mine.

3. Congruent lexicalization
The notion of congruent lexicalization underlies the study of style shifting
and dialect/standard variation, as in the work of Labov (1972) and Trudgill
(1986), rather than bilingual language use proper.
This means that Congruent lexicalization occurs in a sentence by a small
form such as word or phrase. Not only a word or phrase, but it must be a standard
variation. In another word, the foreigner term that recognized; to ease
communication. The example of Congruent lexicalization code mixing (The
English phrase in Bahasa Indonesia) is given below.

Aku punya banyak follower di IG.

METHOD (Use this style for main parts of paper)

In this research, researcher conducted qualitative research with grounded
theory approach. Thus, grounded theory is a qualitative research design in which
the inquirer generates a general explanation (a theory) of a process, an action, or
an interaction shaped by the views of a large number of participants (Creswell
2013: 83). This imply that researcher interpreted the phenomenon or data in his
Researcher used purposive sampling in choosing the video
( The chosen sampling data is the
most viewed monologue comedy video in Oza’s You Tube channel “Podcast
Kesel Aje”. This video contains Oza satirized to South Jakarta millennial’s
mindset regarding marriage titled “Jaksel Wedding Tutorial”.
After choosing the data, researcher watch and re-watch the video. Then,
researcher analyzed the video. After it, analyzing code mixing in the video
according Musyken’s code mixing theory. Finally, researcher has the data that has
been analysed to conduces research result.

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS (Use this style for main parts of paper)
1. Insertion
Oza’s impersonates South Jakarta millennial’s style (variation) in the
video while they are bilingual. Then, there must be code-mixing in the video. One
of type code mixing is Insertion. Insertion in the video is English word or phrase
in Bahasa Indonesia Sentences. Based on analysis Insertion in video occurs 15
times. The following are sample of Insertion code-mixing in Oza’s Video:

1.1. Besoknya pas udah jadi newly wed langsung berangkat ke bali buat
honeymoon ye kan.

The first sample data of insertion contains two English noun phrases in
Indonesia sentence. The first code mixing is “newly wed” in Bahasa Indonesia, it
means “manten”. The second code mixing is “honeymoon” in Bahasa Indonesia,
it means “bulan madu”. Those code mixing that occurs in the sentence is
categorized as Insertion because the code mixing occurs in small unit, form of

1.2. Syukur-syukur kalo beberapa tahun kemudian bisa jadi family goal
ye kan.

This second sample data of insertion contains one English phrase in

Indonesia sentence. The code mixing is “family goal” which in Bahasa Indonesia
means “Keluarga Impian”. This code mixing that occurs in the sentence is
categorized as Insertion because the code mixing occurs in small unit, form of

1.3 Maksudnya, apakah gue mendingan sama yang love language-nya act
of service apa word of affirmation.

This third sample data of insertion contains three English phrases in

Indonesia sentence. The first code mixing that occurs is “Love Language” which
mean in Bahasa is “Bahasa cinta” or “Ragam cinta”. The second code mixing that
occurs is “act of service” which in Bahasa Indonesia means “tindakan atau
pelayanan yang nyata”. The third code mixing that occurs is “word of
affirmation” which in Bahasa Indonesia means “tulisan atau tuturan yang
romantis”. Those code mixing that occurs in the sentence is categorized as
Insertion because the code mixing occurs in small unit, form of phrase.

1.4 Tapi, biar kita tuh bisa jadi couple goal.

This fourth sample data of insertion contains one English phrase in

Indonesia sentence. The code mixing is “couple goal” which in Bahasa Indonesia
means “pasangan Impian”. This code mixing that occurs in the sentence is
categorized as Insertion because the code mixing occurs in small unit, form of

1.5. Bukan biar keliatan clingy.

This fifth sample data of insertion contain one English phrase in Bahasa
Indonesia sentence. The code mixing is “clingy” which in Bahasa Indonesia
means “lengket”. In this case the proper means of “clingy” is “manja” because
“lengket in the relationship sound like weird to use. Thus, the code mixing in this
sentence is categorized as Insertion because the code mixing occurs in small unit,

1.6. Lo perlu bachelor party sama tmen-temen…

This sixth sample of data of insertion contain one English phrase in

Bahasa Indonesia sentence. The code mixing is “bachelor party” which in Bahasa
Indonesia means “pesta bujang” This code mixing that occurred in the sentence is
categorized as Insertion because the code mixing occurred in small unit, form of

1.7 dan cewe lo butuh bachelorette party…

This seventh sample of data contains one English phrase in Bahasa

Indonesia sentence. The code mixing is “bachelorette party” which in Bahasa
Indonesia means “pesta lajang” that propped up to a woman. This code mixing
occurred in the sentence is categorized as Insertion because the code mixing
occurred in small unit, form of phrase.

1.8 Cari venue yang semi outdoor dan bikin acara yang pengantinnya itu
bisa cepet-ceoet berbaur sama tamu.

This eighth sample of data contain two English words in Bahasa

Indonesia sentence. The code mixing are “venue” and “semi outdoor” which in
Bahasa Indonesia means “lokasi kejadian” or “tempat kejadian” in this context
venue refer to place of wedding. “semi outdoor” means “setengah terbuka” atau
“agak terbuka”. These code mixing that occurred are categorized as Insertion
because the code mixing occurred in small unit, form of word.

1.9 Sorry, bukan berbaur ya tapi mingle.

This nineth sample of data contain one English phrase in Bahasa

Indonesia sentence. The code mixing is “mingle” which in Bahasa Indonesia
means “berbaur”. Actually the term has mentioned on the prior but Oza said it
again to emphasize the South Jakarta Millennial culture as he impersonated.
Thus, this code mixing that occurred is categorized as Insertion because the code
mixing occurred in small unit, form of word.

1.10 …poto lagi sarapan floating, foto di tebing sama close up daging
haram yang lagi ketiban sambel matah.
This tenth sample of data contain two code mixing. first is “floating”
which in Bahasa Indonesia means “mengapung” and second is “close up” which
in Bahasa Indonesia means “merapatkan” or “dari dekat” These code mixing that
occurred in this sentence are categorized as Insertion because that occurred in
small unit, form of word and phrase.

2. Congruent lexicalization

Oza’s impersonates South Jakarta millennial’s style (variation) in the

video while they are bilingual. Then, there must be code-mixing in the video. One
of type code mixing is Congruent lexicalization. Congruent lexicalization in the
video is English word or phrase in Bahasa Indonesia Sentences that discusses
specific topics that need special words and phrases whose meanings are generally
known by many people. Based on analysis, Congruent lexicalization in video
occurs 3 times. The following are sample of congruent lexicalization code-mixing
in Oza’s Video:

2.1. “… temen lo yang akan nge-stroty-in kelakuan ancur lo sambil

ngedoain tentang pernikahan lo”

The first sample data of Congruent lexicalization contains one English

word in Bahasa Indonesia sentence. The code mixing in this sentence is “story”
which in Bahasa Indonesia means “cerita”. But, “story” has generally known by
most of Indonesian. Moreover, Indonesian usually use the term “story” than
“cerita” in social media scope. That happens because “story” often used by
Indonesian and term “cerita” a bit stiff to use. Thus, “story” in this sentence is the
congruent lexicalization code mixing.

2.2 “… dia bakal dicoret-coret pake lipstick di mukanya ….”

The second sample data of Congruent lexicalization contains one English

word in Bahasa Indonesia sentence. The code mixing in this sentence is “lipstick”
which in Bahasa Indonesia means “pewarna bibir”. This term actually has been
borrowed by Bahasa Indonesia which is “lipstik” without [c]. But, the true
meaning of “lipstick” is “pewarna bibir”. Thus, “lipstick” in this sentence is the
congruent lexicalization code mixing.

2.3. “…mulailah bikin thread di twitter…”

The third sample data of Congruent lexicalization contains one English

word in Bahasa Indonesia sentence. The code mixing in this sentence is “Thread”
which in Bahasa Indonesia means “utas”. Same as the first example, term of
“thread” has generally known by most of Indonesian than “utas”. Moreover,
Indonesian frequently use “thread” than “utas” in twitter scope. That happens
because Indonesian are used to use term “twitter”. Thus, “twitter” in this sentence
is the congruent lexicalization code mixing.

2.4 “Jangan lupa besok paginya tuh posting poto lagi sarapan…”
. The fourth sample data of Congruent lexicalization contains one
English word in Bahasa Indonesia sentence. The code mixing in this sentence
is “posting” which in Bahasa Indonesia means “unggah”. The term of
“posting” has generally used by Indonesian people. It because the using of
“posting” is more frequently used by Indonesian than “unggah”. Thus,
“posting” in this sentence is the congruent lexicalization code mixing.

From the analysis above, there are many types of code mixing used in
Oza’s stands up monologue video titled “Jaksel Wedding Tutorial”. There are two
types of code mixing found in the video, which are insertion code mixing and
congruent lexicalization code mixing. Each type has different point in classifying
code mixing. Insertion code mixing emphasizes on the English words and phrases
which are inserted in Bahasa Indonesia sentences, while congruent lexicalization
code mixing emphasizes on kind of grammatical and lexical units which the
meanings are already known in the first language by many people in general.
The result of this research contains two type of code mixing. In this
research occurs 18 English code mixing in Bahasa Indonesia sentence. There are
15 occurrences of Insertion code mixing. Then, there are 4 occurrences of
congruent lexicalization code mixing.
Researcher found that the highest number of code mixing used in the
video is insertion code mixing. Oza inserted English words and phrases within
Bahasa Indonesia sentences many times in his video. Then, South Jakarta
millennials frequently employ insertion as their variation.
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