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3.1 Buyer Journey

 In the purchase process, three stages may be defined, and each of these stages is a
sequence of processes that are part of various phases.The first phase called as Awareness
Stage. In this stage, the consumer is displaying and expressing indications of a problem
and an opportunity in which the customer conducts educational research in order to
better grasp, frame, and name their problem. For Example, these days, it is difficult to
obtain ready-made cakes, cookies, cookies, dried meals, and frozen foods because most
of these products require a significant amount of time to create before being delivered to
consumers while customers nowadays want something that they can get quickly and
easily whenever they need it. Therefore, they look for a brand that has been proved or
certified by the Food Act to ensure that the company is legitimate.

 The next phase are Consideration Phase. During this phase, they will become aware of
a few solutions that must be developed according to their beliefs and needs. Also, they
are prepared to devote into researching and analyzing all available options and
approaches for resolving the stated problem or opportunity. For Example, from
perspective of MAMASAB, they will evaluate a few things based on the claims made by
the products and the evidence supporting those claims by reviewing the feedback, data ,
bulletins about the cakes and muffins through their official web-page and searching the
list of registered companies on the website.

 Lastly, a Decision Stage.Throughout this step, the customers will go through an decision
stage where at this phase, the consumers has now selected their solution plan, method, or
approach and collecting all available suppliers and goods in their solution approach.
Also, they attempting to narrow down a long list to a short list and finally make a
purchasing choice because the consumers are informed about the product and its pricing.
Apart from this, this is the point at which people decide whether or not to buy the
products and services.
3.2 Understanding Customer Needs

 Understand Your Customers

With the hustle and bustle of everyday lives, consumers seek something quick and easy to
buy without a long wait. By this, MAMASAB understands that their customers are looking
for ready-made cakes, cookies, dried meals, and frozen foods that are easier to obtain when
they need it at the last minute.

 What They Do
MAMASAB customers range in employment from professionals to students. They are all
seeking for a scrumptious and high-quality foods that they can eat on a daily basis without
getting rushed.

 When They Buy

MAMASAB customers specifically will buy the product for their family/
relative/friends birthday party, important occasions, wedding, meeting or tea time and
other events at the last minute. Moreover, the products is simple to eat and the product
packaging allows customers to take it with them in a wide range of situations.

 How They Buy

The product was made are affordable and can be found in a variety of large
supermarkets, cafe, Wisma MAMASAB bakery and especially on online platforms.
This is because online platforms make it easier for consumers to select their preferred
cakes or muffins. By using this approach, it will help the customers who do not have
accessibility to marts and stores.

 What They Expect of You

Consumers will have the polar expectations for this product where they can choose a
variety of cakes, cookies, dried meals, and frozen foods with different design and size
without any potentially dangerous food coloring’s or tastes. They also will predict the
brand to producing more unique and distinct tastes in future.
3.3 Market Segment

a. Geographic Segmentation
MAMASAB aspires to serve to various kinds of geographical areas, including
suburban and urban locations all around Malaysia.This company promotes a variety
of cakes and flavors with different designs, colours, sizes, shapes and texture. All the
cakes and muffins are freshly baked in the oven and the ingredients used to produce
the cakes are safe and sufficient in amount. The flavors of cakes made up of high-
quality, long-lasting and food colouring that is permitted and safe to consume.

B. Demographic Segmentation
MAMASAB is focusing on community and those who are interested in learning
business in line with the value of "Love, Respect, Togetherness, and Humility". This
demographic segmentation started with gender, where it has 57.7% female and 42.3%
male customers. In terms of age, they had divided their segmentation into a few age
groups that started at the age of 13–24; professional workers from 25–36; and 37 and
above. MAMASAB was able to serve their customers by putting more effort into their
marketing after they divided their customers into groups. 

C. Psychographic Segmentation
MAMASAB targeted towards to the all community's perspective. They intended to
promote their company in the image of the community with different races and
religions. Customers also searching an affordable option with a diverse product range
under one roof.

3.4 Target Market

MAMASAB distributes the product through agents and distributors. However,
MAMASAB has a wide range of products that require specific positioning to establish
a niche market through segmentation and competitive positioning of the brand to
reach all customers in Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak. Using the
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) marketing strategy to develop a
marketing plan for distributors and agents It can enable the company to produce and
deliver personalized messages to different audience

 Direct response marketing is the practice of marketing that requires a quick

response from customers who have been introduced to their product. The purpose
of direct response marketing is to get customers to contact a phone number,
browse a website URL, or do another desired action. After conducting some
research, we found that MAMASAB International Sdn. Bhd implements
numerous direct response marketing strategies for their goods, includes paid
search advertising, display advertising, and affiliate advertising all over the place
either online or offline.

5.1 Paid Search Advertising

 Paid search marketing is often used to promote products or services within the
endorsed search results of a search engine or an alliance site by paying them for
each click on their ad. They have the paid search terms on their official website
( Mamasab Bakery Online Store), where it is stated that the customers have to
agree with the terms and conditions. There are two terms on this website, such as
"Terms and Terms of Service’ that govern the use of the Mamasab Bakery Online
Store-managed website, (collectively or individually)
with the keyword "Service". MAMASAB uses this strategy to market their
products since it is simple for them to gather, protect, and preserve information
resulting from customer use of web pages.

5.1.1 Benefits of Paid Search Advertising

i. More visibility for MAMASAB

 While improving the web-page may ultimately get the brand and service to the
top of search results, paid search advertising could get you there instantly.
 The company's early location opened in Taman Sri Manja, Petaling Jaya, and was
followed by others in and outside of Selangor, including Pahang, Pulau Pinang,
Johor, and Perak. However, On September 25, 2019, the company's name was
changed to Mamasab International Sdn. Bhd. for future proofing reasons with the
purpose of expanding its wings at the international level and by this, MAMASAB
needs something that can promote her business further and be easy to find by
customers. With paid search advertising, it is perfect for quickly getting in front
of high-intent search prospects.

ii. Customer Segmentation at Its Finest

 At this stage, MAMASAB can play an important role as an SME company
because, the goal is to raise awareness of a new service offered, sell more
products, and expand an email marketing list.
 MAMASAB campaign manager can conduct keyword research to locate their
products or services and offer on those keywords. There are also a few ad-
targeting technologies for MAMASAB that are available and allow it for fine-
grained targeting, such as targeting by area, device, language, the time of day,
and even past website visits.

iii. Mobile position

 In this device-driven economy, another benefit of paid search is mobile position
number one. Since users don't flick and scroll down, the first ad that everyone
views on a mobile search is the sponsored search ad, and the customers most
likely to be clicked.
 For Example, customers who are currently hungry may continue to click and
express an interest for ordering the products from MAMASAB.

5.2 Display Advertising

 Digital display advertising is visual advertising that is displayed on websites,
apps, or social media platforms in the form of displays or other advertising styles
consisting of text, pictures, flash, video, and audio.
 This type of display advertising's main objective is to deliver broad commercials
and brand messages to website users or customers. MAMASAB company
employs this method to keep in touch with their consumers.
5.2.1 Benefits of Display Advertising

i. It offers the brand with such a visual identity.

 Display advertising can assist you in achieving significant brand awareness.
Google has announced that it has over 2 million websites in its Search Network,
which means that no matter how niche your products and audience are, Display
Ads are likely to reach someone in your demographic. If more people could
recognize MAMASAB company's identity through visual, it means that they may
be more recognizable in the future.

ii. Re-targeting and display advertising

 When display advertisements are shown on a variety of websites to consumers
who have visited your site and interacted with your content or are existing
customers, this is called re-targeting. This is useful for current customers as it is
an act of brand loyalty.
 Re-targeting enables MAMASAB to target consumers who have originally
bought services or products from them and bring them back in, providing them
with a sense of value inside the company.

iii. Ease of Monitoring and Evaluating Progress

 Display advertising allows the company to track information like how many
times their advertisements have been viewed, how many people have clicked on
them, and the conversions generated if someone clicked on their ad and then
purchased something if they are selling a product.
 Following this, MAMASAB company can actively checking how their
campaigns are doing improves their brand since they can see which demographic
is generating those crucial conversions, which will result in greater growth in the

 Affiliate marketing is the technique by which an affiliate gets a commission for

promoting the products of another individual or firm. The affiliate simply finds a
product they like, promotes it, and earns a percentage of the income from each
transaction and affiliate connects from one website to another are used to track

 By saying this, Puan Siti Noor Sabrina, also known as Mama Sabrina, the founder
of MAMASAB, said that her goal was to help people who wanted to start a
business by learn how to do it successfully step by step and change their lives in
all ways, through the MAMASAB program.

 Typically, technology is continually evolving and becoming more sophisticated.

MAMASAB is one of the organizations that frequently use social media
platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to market their
products increase and bring brand awareness to customers. The latest method that
was used by MAMASAB is that all the agents and distributors also used their
own social media and online platforms as one of their marketing to promote the
products among customers and increase brand recognition.

 The reason why MAMASAB chooses social media platforms as a way to

advertise her products is to help individuals who want to become entrepreneurs
by offering the best business strategy and coaching from expertise to be ‘Warrior
Mamasab’.By doing this, they can strengthen their relationship with their beloved
customers and believe that when they see a lot of young people purchasing their
products often, older customers will feel more comfortable and confident in
purchasing them.
5.3.1 Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

i. Built a brand recognition

 Companies such as MAMSAB use affiliate marketing to develop connections
with notable bloggers and social media influencers in order to increase organic
traffic to their website. This sort of marketing also helps companies promote their
brand through word-of-mouth advertising and immediately collect customer
feedback on new products.
 MAMASAB began as a sole proprietorship and then changed its name to Sabrina
Bakery Sdn. Bhd. on January 27th, however on September 25, 2019, the
company's name was changed to Mamasab International Sdn. Bhd. We can see
how important and effective affiliate marketing can be in growing a business.

ii. Can improve conversion rates

 The ability to monitor how your business performs enables you to make future
operational adjustments. MAMASAB may gain critical insights into where their
consumers come from and why they buy by collecting information from affiliate
marketing tracking.
 Furthermore, MAMASAB may boost conversions by making improvements to
their website, giving more appealing visual creatives, and finding which affiliates
bring in the most money by studying and analyzing the huge collection of data.

iii. Can save money and cost

 Affiliate marketing is considerably more cost-effective when compared to the
price of advertisements or other marketing activities, and affiliates are only
earned when they make a sale because the programme is performance-based.
 Also, MAMASAB businesses plan out the commission structure ahead of time so
they do not waste money on advertising in an uncertain market for testing

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