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The key data for assessing hepatotoxicity derives from drug safety
study protocols approved by regulatory agencies. Although evidence
suggests that preclinical animal studies can predict up to
approximately 70% of human toxicity, several problems are apparent
from this approach.6 First, the traditional animal studies clearly fail to
identify all possible adverse liver effects, because many compounds
pass safely through animal testing only to be found hepatotoxic in the
clinical trials or in the postmarketing. Second, the traditional drug
safety protocols were designed only to ask broad questions with a
simple yes or no answer; for example, is the compound hepatotoxic? Is
the compound a reproductive toxin? Traditional preclinical drug
safety assessments essentially ignored the why and the how of
toxicity.9 Historically, few efforts were made to link the observational
results from drug safety studies to molecular and cell level events,
mechanisms of toxicity (MOTs), or to interactions between tissues and
Table 1
Concordance of animal and human organ toxicity
Table 2
Clinical liver effects of structurally similar drugs found safe in animals
Bromfenac Diclofenac
Alpidem Zolpidem
Human Liver Human Liver
Toxic Drug Structure Safe Drug Structure
Trovafloxacin Moxifloxacin
Ibufenac Ibuprofen
Tolcapone Entacapone
Table 3
Commonly used cell and cellular fraction in vitro models for absorption, distribution,
metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET)
Table 4
Concordance of large-scale in vitro screening to human hepatotoxicitya
# True True
Name/Ty Compou Overallb Concord Positiv Negativ Refere
Model pe nds ance, % es, % es, % nce
In silico
alert DEREKc 623 56 46 73 58
QSAR/Mole commerci
cular al
descriptors programsd ∼1600 63 39 87 59
2D 382 76 76 75 60
PaDel 1087 69 67 70 27,61
ECF 6 295 59 53 65 62
# True True
Name/Ty Compou Overallb Concord Positiv Negativ Refere
Model pe nds ance, % es, % es, % nce
2D in vitro cell
HepG2 endpointg 102 70 40 100
HepG2 endpointh 136 76 N/Ai N/A 17
1° Human 4
hepatocytes endpointj 344 75–80 50–60 95–100 64
Co-cultured Micropatt 45 78 90 65
1° human ern
hepatocytes, surface 4
stromal cells endpointk
In vitro cell- Covalent 223 68 45 90 66
free assays binding
e adduct
Open in a separate window
Abbreviations: QSAR, quantitative structure-activity relationship; 2D, 2-dimensional.
aCross-validated results.
gCell counts, nuclear area, plasma membrane integrity, lysosomal activity, mitochondrial
Data from Chen M, Bisgin H, Tong L, et al. Toward predictive models for drug-induced
liver injury in humans: arewe there yet? Biomark Med 2014;8(2):201–13.
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Table 5
Gross morphologic observations in zebrafish larvae identify known toxicants including
hepatotoxic amiodarone
Fig. 2.
ROS generation correlates with death in zebrafish larvae and rat hepatocytes. (A)
Zebrafish larvae at 72 hpf were arrayed in 96-well microplates, loaded with
dihydroethidium (DHE) for 30 minutes, and treated with menadione (50 μM). At the
indicated time points, plates were scanned and analyzed for red oxyethidium
fluorescence on an ArrayScan VTi high-content reader (ThermoFisher, Waltham, MA,
USA). (B) Fluorescence micrographs of dose-dependent menadione-induced
oxyethidium generation at 48 hpf. (C) Zebrafish larvae at 72 hpf (closed circles) or
cultured rat hepatocytes (open circles) were treated in 96-well plates with various
concentrations of menadione and oxyethidium fluorescence quantified. Toxicity
correlated with production of ROS in both zebrafish embryos and hepatocytes.
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Table 6
Examples of multicellular static and microfluidic liver models for absorption,
distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) testing
Fig. 4.
Overview of the Human Liver Microphysiology Platform for studying human liver
physiology, disease models and drug safety testing. The platform is composed of the
following: (A) the Sequentially Layered, Self-Assembly Liver model (SQL-SAL)
constructed from a microfluidic device and 4 human cell types, a fraction of which are
“sentinel” cells expressing fluorescence-based biosensors, and that can include disease-
specific cells, such as cancer cells. Data are collected from the model via (B) high-
content imaging readouts of transmitted light contrast and fluorescence; and (C)
biochemical and mass spectrometry readouts.48,51 (D) The multiplexed data are uploaded
into the Microphysiology Systems Database (MPS-Db) to manage data, associate
external data sources, and build predictive models of human efficacy and toxicity.50