Patient Transportation Protocol

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By Dr.Samuel.K(MD)
Table of Contents
Standard of Practice I..................................................................................................................................2
Standard of Practice II.................................................................................................................................4
Standard of Practice III................................................................................................................................5
The following Standards of Practice were researched and written by the APH EBC team

and other Professionals. They are effective Nov 2022 G.C

APH developed the following Standards of Practice to provide support to healthcare

facilities in the reinforcement of safe transfer and transportation of the patient in the

perioperative setting. The purpose of the Standards is to provide an outline that

healthcare workers (HCWs) in the perioperative setting can use to develop and

implement policies and procedures for safe transfer and transportation of the patient. The

recommended Standards is presented with the understanding that it is the responsibility of

the healthcare facility to develop, approve and establish policies and procedures for the

safe transfer and transportation of the patient according to established healthcare facility protocols.

The following are recommended practices related to the safe care of transporting patients

to the operating room, inpatient department and recognizing the possible hazards, in order to prevent
injuries to the patient and surgery department personnel. The recommended practices aid in

ensuring the transfer and transportation of the patient without tissue injury; avoiding

undue physical or emotional discomfort; and avoiding severe alterations in body

temperature, respirations, and cardiovascular reactions, including hypotension and tissue perfusion.
Standard of Practice I
It is the responsibility of the HCWs to ensure the safe patient transfer of a patient from a bed to a
transportation device.

1. The specific needs of the patient should be considered when selecting the method

of transport. This includes:

A. Need for IV pole(s)

B. Need to transport oxygen tank

C. Mobility of the patient

D. Conscious, semi-conscious or unconscious patient

E. Size of patient

F. Age of patient

G. Determining the physical abilities and state of health of the patient.

Knowing the patient’s state of health and abilities will help in the choice

of mode of transportation, decreasethe possibility of accidents to thepatient and hospital personnel,

and aid in determining the number of hospital personnel needed to help move the patient.

2. The following parameters should be considered when identifying the mode of

transportation to be utilized to promote the safety of the patient and hospital


A. Wheels can be locked

B. Safety straps available

C. Side rails are high enough

D. Rails on crib are high enough to prevent pediatric patient from falling out

E. IV poles can be easily transferred with the chosen method of transport

F. Shelf or rack is available in order to transport oxygen tank and/or monitoring devices

G. Method of transport is large enough to accommodate size of patient

H. Ability to accommodate positioning needs of the patient

I. Mattress on gurney is held in place

J. Ability to use patient transfer devices

K. Maneuverability of transportation device

L. The transportation device has undergone scheduled inspections, maintenance and repair to ensure
proper functioning

3. To ensure the safety of the patient and HCWs, the following safety measures should be implemented
during the transfer of the patient:

A. Adequate number of HCWs is available to transfer the patient. The assessment of the patient will aid
indetermining the number of personnel that will be needed. For the conscious, mobile patient, a
minimum of two personnel is required. For the semi-conscious or unconscious, nonmobile patient, a
minimum of fourpersonnel is required.

B. To promote the safety of the nonmobilepatient and staff members, patient transfer devices are
recommended for use. These devices include rollers and hoists.

C. Adjust the furniture and equipment in the room to ensure adequate space for the safe transfer of the

D. Position the gurney as close against the patient’s bed as possible.

E. Use locking devices on wheels of transportation method to prevent the patient from falling.

F. Ensure wheels on patient bed are locked if wheels are present.

G. Secure the accessory items, such as IV lines and drainage devices before transferring the patient;
ensure the lines remain patent and functioning

4. The following patient care concepts should be implemented during the transfer of the patient:

A. Individual who is transporting the patient should introduce and identify herself/himself to lessen
patient anxiety.

B. Correctly identify the patient toprevent wrong-patient surgery.

C. If the patient is conscious, explain the transfer procedure prior to

implementation to reduce the anxiety of the patient and promote safety.

Verbally communicate to the patient which staff member will indicate that

they are ready for the patient to moveover to the transportation device.
Instruct the patient to move slowly to avoid severe physiological alterations; assist the patient with

D. Maintain the patient’s dignity during the transfer by keeping him/her covered. This will aid in
decreasing the patient’s anxiety and ensure his/her personal and moral rights.

Standard of Practice II
It is the responsibility of the HCWs to safely transport a patient to the preoperative

holding area or operating room.

1. To ensure the safety of the patient and HCWs, the following safety measures

should be implemented during the transport of the patient:

A. Elevate the side rails.

B. Apply safety strap.

C. Confirm IV lines, indwelling catheters, monitoring system lines and drains, and any other lines are
secure and patent, and IV bag and collection containers are hanging away from the patient’s head.

D. Ensure head, arms and legs are protected, adequately padded, and patient is comfortable as possible.

E. The patient should be transported feet first; rapid movements, particularly when going around a
corner should beavoided. Rapid movements, especially if the patient has received preoperative
medications, can cause the patient to become disoriented, dizzy, and nauseated, and induce vomiting.

F. The staff person moving the transportation device should be positioned at the patient’s head in order
to look forward for potential hazards. This also allows immediate access to the patient’s airway in case
of respiratory distress or vomiting. If two staff members are available for transport, the second person
should be positioned at the foot of the stretcher. It is the responsibility of the person at the head of the
bed to communicate any upcoming potential hazards to the other staff person.

G. Never use the transportation device to force open any doors.

H. When using an elevator, the elevator doors should be locked, and the patient is transported headfirst
into the elevator.

I. The patient should never be left unattended during the transportation.

process. Abandonment of the patient increases the risk of patient injury.

Additionally, remaining with the patient at all times will lessen patient anxiety.
J. During the transportation process, remain observant of the patient for signs of physical or emotional

2. The following patient care concepts should be implemented during the transport

of the patient:

A. Verbalize to patient to keep hands and arms inside the safety rails.

B. Explain all actions to conscious patient, ie placing safety strap, elevating side rails and keeping fingers
out ofthe way, raising head of bed at patient’s request, going headfirst into an elevator.

C. Maintain dignity of patient at all times by keeping him/her covered with blanket and/or sheets

Standard of Practice III

Surgical First Assistant (CSFA) and circulator to safely transfer a patient from a transportation device to
an operating room table.

1. To ensure the safety of the patient and surgical team members, the following safety measures should
be implemented during the transfer of the patient:

A. When using a stretcher, it should always be positioned by comparing the patient’s body length to the
OR table.

B. The wheels of the transportation device should be locked.

C. Confirm the wheels of the OR table are locked.

D. IV lines, indwelling catheters, monitoring system lines and drains are secure and not entangled to
prevent dislodging.

E. The correct number of surgical team members should be used for the transfer of the patient. For the
conscious, mobile patient, a minimum of two team members is necessary; for a nonmobile, conscious or
unconscious patient, a minimum of fourteam members is necessary to avoid personnel and patient

F. For the nonmobile patient, a patient transfer device, such as a roller should be used.

G. The anesthesia provider should indicate when the patient can move himself/herself over to the OR
table,or for the nonmobile patient, the anesthesia provider should verbally indicate to the team
members when the patient can be moved. The anesthesia provider should be responsible

for protecting the head, neckand airway of the patient during transfer.
H. Use smooth, even movements when transferring the nonmobile patient to avoid injury; do not drag
the patient onto the OR table from the transportation device. Dragging or bouncing the patient can
provoke decompensated perfusion and cause physical injury to the patient.

I. Center the patient on the OR table and place the safety strap across the thighs approximately two
inches above the knee joints. Place two fingers under the safety strap to ensure it is not too tight.

J. Confirm bony areas of patient’s body are well padded and not resting on any metal portion of the OR

2. The following patient care concepts should be implemented during the transfer of

the patient:

A. Maintain the dignity of the patient throughout the transfer process by keeping him/her covered.

B. Explain all actions to the conscious patient about what is occurring in preparation for the transfer.

C. Instruct the patient not to move untilgiven the command to do so; indicate which team member will
indicate to the patient that he/she can move to the OR table.

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