Difference Between Local Response Normalization and Batch Normalization - by Aqeel Anwar - Towards Data Science

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Published in Towards Data Science

Aqeel Anwar Follow

Jun 19, 2019 · 7 min read · Listen


Difference between Local Response

Normalization and Batch Normalization
A short tutorial on different normalization techniques used in Deep
Neural Networks.

Why Normalization?
Normalization has become important for deep neural networks that compensate for
the unbounded nature of certain activation functions such as ReLU, ELU, etc. With
these activation functions, the output layers are not constrained within a bounded
range (such as [-1,1] for tanh), rather they can grow as high as the training allows it.
To limit the unbounded activation from increasing the output layer values,
normalization is used just before the activation function. There are two common
normalization techniques used in deep neural networks and are often
misunderstood by beginners. In this tutorial, a detailed explanation of both the
normalization techniques will be discussed highlighting their key differences.

Local Response Normalization

Local Response Normalization (LRN) was first introduced in AlexNet architecture
where the activation function used was ReLU as opposed to the more common tanh
and sigmoid at that time. Apart from the reason mentioned above, the reason for
using LRN was to encourage lateral inhibition. It is a concept in Neurobiology that
refers to the capacity of a neuron to reduce the activity of its neighbors [1]. In DNNs,
the purpose of this lateral inhibition is to carry out local contrast enhancement so
that locally maximum pixel values are used as excitation for the next layers.

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LRN is a non-trainable layer that square-normalizes the pixel values in a feature

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map within a local neighborhood. There are two types of LRN based on the
neighborhood defined and can be seen in the figure below.

Inter-Channel LRN: This is originally what the AlexNet paper used. The
neighborhood defined is across the channel. For each (x,y) position, the
normalization is carried out in the depth dimension and is given by the following

LRN used in AlexNet [2]

where i indicates the output of filter i, a(x,y), b(x,y) the pixel values at (x,y) position
before and after normalization respectively, and N is the total number of channels.
The constants (k,α,β,n) are hyper-parameters. k is used to avoid any singularities
(division by zero), α is used as a normalization constant, while β is a contrasting

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constant. The constant n is used to define the neighborhood length i.e. how many
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consecutive pixel values need to be considered while carrying out the
normalization. The case of (k,α, β, n)=(0,1,1,N) is the standard normalization). In
the figure above n is taken to be to 2 while N=4.

Let’s have a look at an example of Inter-channel LRN. Consider the following figure

Different colors denote different channels and hence N=4. Lets take the hyper-
parameters to be (k,α, β, n)=(0,1,1,2). The value of n=2 means that while calculating
the normalized value at position (i,x,y), we consider the values at the same position
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for the previous and next filter i.e (i-1, x, y) and (i+1, x, y). For (i,x,y)=(0,0,0) we
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have value(i,x,y)=1, value(i-1,x,y) doesn’t exist and value(i+,x,y)=1. Hence
normalized_value(i,x,y) = 1/(¹²+¹²) = 0.5 and can be seen in the lower part of the
figure above. The rest of the normalized values are calculated in a similar way.

Intra-Channel LRN: In Intra-channel LRN, the neighborhood is extended within the

same channel only as can be seen in the figure above. The formula is given by

where (W,H) are the width and height of the feature map (for example in the figure
above (W,H) = (8,8)). The only difference between Inter and Intra Channel LRN is
the neighborhood for normalization. In Intra-channel LRN, a 2D neighborhood is
defined (as opposed to the 1D neighborhood in Inter-Channel) around the pixel
under-consideration. As an example, the figure below shows the Intra-Channel
normalization on a 5x5 feature map with n=2 (i.e. 2D neighborhood of size
(n+1)x(n+1) centered at (x,y)).

Batch Normalization:
Batch Normalization (BN) is a trainable layer normally used for addressing the
issues of Internal Covariate Shift (ICF) [1]. ICF arises due to the changing
distribution of the hidden neurons/activation. Consider the following example of
binary classification where we need to classify roses and no-roses

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Roses vs No-roses classification. The feature map plotted on the right have different distributions for two
different batch sampled from the dataset [1]

Say we have trained a neural network, and now we select two significantly different
looking batches from the dataset for inference (as shown above). If we do a forward
pass with these two batches and plot the feature space of a hidden layer (deep in the
network) we will see a significant shift in the distribution as seen on the right-hand
side of the figure above. This is called the Covariate shift of the input neurons. What
impact does this have during training? During training, if we select batches that
belong to different distributions then it slows down the training since for a given
batch it tries to learn a certain distribution, which is different for the next batch.
Hence it keeps on bouncing back and forth between distributions until it converges.
This Covariate Shift can be mitigated by making sure that the members within a
batch do not belong to the same/similar distribution. This can be done by randomly
selecting images for batches. Similar Covariate Shift exists for hidden neurons. Even
if the batches are randomly selected, the hidden neuron can end up having a
certain distribution which slows down the training. This Covariate shift for hidden
layers is called Internal Covariate Shift. The problem is that we can’t directly control
the distribution of the hidden neurons, as we did for input neurons, because it
keeps on changing as training updates the training parameters. Batch
Normalization helps mitigate this issue.

In batch normalization, the output of hidden neurons is processed in the following

manner before being fed to the activation function.

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1. Normalize the entire batch B to be zero mean and unit variance

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Calculate the mean of the entire mini-batch output: u_B

Calculate the variance of the entire mini-batch output: sigma_B

Normalize the mini-batch by subtracting the mean and dividing with variance

2. Introduce two trainable parameters (Gamma: scale_variable and Beta:

shift_variable) to scale and shift the normalized mini-batch output

3. Feed this scaled and shifted normalized mini-batch to the activation function.

The BN algorithm can be seen in the figure below.

Batch Normalization Algorithm [2]

The normalization is carried out for each pixel across all the activations in a batch.
Consider the figure below. Let us assume we have a mini-batch of size 3. A hidden
layer produces an activation of size (C,H,W) = (4,4,4). Since the batch size is 3, we
will have 3 of such activations. Now for each pixel in the activation (i.e. for each
4x4x4=64 pixel), we will normalize it by finding the mean and variance of this pixel
position in all the activations as shown in the left part of the figure below. Once the
mean and variance are found, we will subtract the mean from each of the
activations and divide it with the variance. The right part of the figure below depicts
this. The subtraction and division are carried out point-wise. (if you are used to
MATLAB, the division is dot-division ./ ).

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The reason for step 2 i.e. scaling and shifting is to let the training decide whether we
even need the normalization or not. There are some cases when not having
normalization may yield better results. So instead of selecting beforehand whether
to include a normalization layer or not, BN lets the training decide it. When Gamma
= sigma_B and Beta = u_B, no normalization is carried out, and original activations
are restored. A really good video tutorial on BN by Andrew Ng can be found here

LRN has multiple directions to perform normalization across (Inter or Intra
Channel), on the other hand, BN has only one way of being carried out (for each
pixel position across all the activations). The table below compares the two
normalization techniques.


[1] https://www.learnopencv.com/batch-normalization-in-deep-networks/

[2] Ioffe, Sergey, and Christian Szegedy. “Batch normalization: Accelerating deep
network training by reducing internal covariate shift.” arXiv preprint
arXiv:1502.03167 (2015).

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