4 - Financial Statements

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Purpose and Users of Financial Statements

The financial statements are the financial reports of the business entity in order to
provide information that is useful for the decision-making of its users.

The users of the financial statements include the following:

 Owners, investors and prospective investors

 Lenders and suppliers and prospective creditors
 Employees, customers
 Government agencies
 The general public

As different groups of users will use the financial statements, it should be useful and
understandable to someone who has a reasonable understanding of accounting and
business and who is willing to study and analyze the information presented.  The
financial statements must be relevant, reliable and comparable. Most of all, it must
follow the applicable Philippine Financial Reporting Standards.

The financial statements are prepared at least once a year and can be presented as
frequent as monthly or quarterly. A complete set of Financial Statements comprises the

1. Income Statement or Statement of Financial Performance

2. Statement of Changes in Equity
3. Balance Sheet or Statement of Financial Position
4. Statement of Cash Flows
5. Notes to the Financial Statements
6. Income Statement
7. The Income Statement, also called Statement of Financial Performance, presents
the financial results of a business for a given period of time. The statement
presents the amount of revenue generated and expenses incurred by the
business during a reporting period, as well as the resulting net income or net

Revenues are increases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the
form of inflows or enhancements of assets or decreases of liabilities (or a
combination of both) from the delivery or production of goods, rendering of
services, or other activities that constitute the entity’s ongoing major or central

Examples of revenues are as follows:

•    Sales
•    Professional fees earned
•    Service revenues
•    Interest revenue
•    Dividend revenue
•    Rent income
•    Subscription revenue

Expenses are decreases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the
form of outflows or using up of assets or incurrences of liabilities (or a
combination of both) from the delivery or production of goods, rendering of
services, or other activities that constitute the entity’s ongoing major or central

Examples of expenses are as follows:

•    Cost of sales
•    Depreciation expense
•    Salaries and wages
•    Utility costs
•    Insurance expense
•    Permits, taxes and licenses
•    Repair and maintenance
•    Representation expenses
•    Losses

10. Exercise 1:
11. Prepare the Income Statement based on the following information:
Adjusted Trial Balance
As of January 31, 2021

Account Title Debit Credit
101 Cash P76,000
111 Accounts Receivable 22,000
121 Supplies 7,000
151 Equipment 30,000
152 Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment  P500
201 Accounts Payable 10,500
301 Pacioli, Capital 100,000
311 Pacioli, Drawing 10,000
401 Service Revenue 50,000
601 Salaries 12,000
602 Depreciation 500
603 Supplies Expense 1,000
604 Utility Expense 2,500
TOTAL   P161,000  P161,000
Statement of Changes in Equity

The statement of changes in equity presents a reconciliation of the beginning and

ending balances in a company’s equity during a reporting period. The statement starts
with the beginning equity balance, and then adds or subtracts such items as profits,
capital investments or reductions, and dividend payments to arrive at the ending

Changes in equity over an accounting period include the following elements:

 Net income or loss during the accounting period

 Increase or decrease in capital
 Capital withdrawals or dividend payments to shareholders

Exercise 2:

Prepare the Statement of Changes in Equity of Pacioli General Services (Exercise 1).
Balance Sheet

A Balance Sheet, also referred to as Statement of Financial Position,  presents a

company’s financial position as of a given date. It shows the assets, liabilities and equity
of the business entity.

An asset is a resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which
future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity (IASB Framework). Examples
of assets include the following:
 Cash – includes coins, currencies, checks, bank deposits and other cash items
ready for use in the operations of the business.
 Accounts Receivable – amounts collectible from customers for goods provided
and services rendered on credit.
 Merchandise Inventory – unsold goods for sale to customers.
 Prepaid Expenses – expenses paid but not yet used.
 Investments – assets for the accretion of wealth through capital returns or
capital appreciation or for other benefits to the business.
 Property, Plant and Equipment – tangible assets used in the production or
supply of goods and services, or for business administration purposes.
 Intangible Assets – includes identifiable, non-monetary properties without
physical substance, like licenses, copyrights, patents, trademarks and others.

A liability is a present obligation of the enterprise arising from past events, the
settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the enterprise of resources
embodying economic benefits (IASB Framework). Examples of liabilities include the

 Accounts Payable – obligations due to suppliers of goods and services

purchased on credit.
 Notes Payable - obligations due to suppliers of goods and services evidenced by
a promissory note.
 Loans Payable - obligations due to lenders as a result of borrowing of funds.
 Lease Payable – obligations due to lessors for property and equipment used for
business operations.
 Utilities Payable - obligations due to utility companies for services rendered.
 Accrued liabilities - obligations due to others for expenses already incurred but
not yet paid.
 Unearned Revenues - obligations due to customers for goods and services paid
but not yet delivered.

Equity is the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all the liabilities
(IASB Framework). It represents the capital investments, net of the capital withdrawals of
the owner in the entity, and the net income or loss in the operation of the business.
Equity accounts include the following:

 Capital account –the equity investment of the owner (in a single proprietorship)
or for each partner (in a partnership), and the cumulative effect of the
withdrawals of capital and business net profits and losses.
 Drawing – the equity withdrawals of the owner or for each partner.
 Common Stock, Preferred Stock – the equity of the owners of a corporation
 Retained Earnings – the cumulative balance of the net income or losses of the
corporation, investments of the owners, less the distribution to the owners.

Exercise 3:

Prepare the Balance Sheet of Pacioli General Services (Exercise 1).

Statement of Cash Flows

The Statement of Cash Flows shows the cash receipts and cash payments from the
business activities of the enterprise during the period. The business activities are
classified into operating, investing and financing activities.

Activities of Business Organizations

Operating activities are the principal activities of the enterprise. They are the
transactions and events that enter into the determination of profit or loss. Operating
Activities include the following:

 Cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services.

 Cash receipts from interests, royalties, commissions, fess and other sources.
 Cash payments to suppliers of goods and services.
 Cash payments to employees for salaries and other employee expenses.
 Cash payments for operating expenses such as advertising, supplies, utilities, taxes, and

Investing activities include the acquisition and disposal of non-current assets of the

business. Examples of investing activities are

 Cash payments in purchasing land, constructing a building, buying furniture and

equipment, acquiring intangible and other long-term assets.
 Cash receipts in selling property and equipment, intangible and other long-term assets.
 Cash payments in investing in equity and debt instruments of other companies.
 Cash receipts from selling investments in equity and debt instruments of other
Financing activities include equity transaction of the business and the owners, as well
as borrowing of funds from financial institutions. Examples are

 Investment and withdrawal of capital of the owners

 Cash proceeds from bank loans and repayment of the loans.

Exercise 4.

Prepare the Statement of Cash Flows of Pacioli General Services (Exercise 1).

Assignment. Financial Statements


Adjusted Trial Balance

As of January 31, 2021

Account Title Debit Credit

101 Cash P76,000

111 Accounts Receivable 22,000

121 Supplies 7,000

151 Equipment 30,000

152 Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment  P500

201 Accounts Payable 8,000

 202 Accrued Expenses Payable   2,500

301 Pacioli, Capital 100,000

311 Pacioli, Drawing 10,000

401 Service Revenue 50,000

601 Salaries 12,000

602 Depreciation 500

603 Supplies Expense 1,000

604 Utility Expense 2,500

TOTAL   P161,000  P161,000

Based on the foregoing data, prepare and submit the following:

1. Income Statement
2. Statement of Changes in Equity
3. Balance Sheet
4. Statement of Cash Flows
5. Unearned revenue is a/an

7. a.

8. Liability

10. b.

11. Equity

13. c.

14. Asset

16. d.

17. Revenue
18. Feedback
19. Your answer is correct.
20. The correct answer is:

21. Liability
22. Question 2

23. Correct
24. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
25. Flag question

26. Question text

27. The following are examples of service businesses except

29. a.

30. Cagayan River Hotel and Resorts

32. b.

33. Philippine Airlines

35. c.

36. Spendmore Supermarket

38. d.

39. Azina Water Refilling Station

40. Feedback
41. Your answer is correct.
42. The correct answer is:

43. Spendmore Supermarket

44. Question 3

45. Correct
46. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

47. Flag question

48. Question text

49. Which is not a basic characteristic of a business?
51. a.

52. A regular activity

54. b.

55. Social marketing

57. c.

58. Involves commercial activities

60. d.

61. Conducted for profit

62. Feedback
63. Your answer is correct.
64. The correct answer is:

65. Social marketing

66. Question 4

67. Correct
68. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

69. Flag question

70. Question text

71. The balance sheet reports
72. Select one:

74. a.

75. The profits earned by the business entity

77. b.
78. The financial position of the business entity as of a given date

80. c.

81. The sources and uses of cash

83. d.

84. The cost of sold merchandise inventory

85. Feedback
86. Your answer is correct.
87. The correct answer is: The financial position of the business entity
as of a given date

88. Question 5

89. Correct
90. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

91. Flag question

92. Question text

93. A statement that shows the listings of assets, liabilities and equity of an entity
94. Select one:
96. a.

97. Income statement

99. b.

100. Statement of cash flows

102. c.

103. Notes to the financial statements

105. d.

106. Balance sheet

107. Feedback
108. Your answer is correct.
109. The correct answer is: Balance sheet

110.Question 6

112.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

113. Flag question

114. Question text

115. A prepaid expense is a/an

117. a.

118. Equity

120. b.

121. Revenue

123. c.

124. Asset

126. d.

127. Expense
128. Feedback
129. Your answer is correct.
130. The correct answer is:

131. Asset
132.Question 7

134.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

135. Flag question

136. Question text

137. Gross profit is calculated as
138. Select one:

140. a.

141. Net sales less merchandise inventory purchased

143. b.

144. Net sales less goods available for sale

146. c.

147. Gross sales less sales returns and discounts less merchandise inventory at
the end of the period

149. d.

150. Net sales less cost of goods sold

151. Feedback
152. Your answer is correct.
153. The correct answer is: Net sales less cost of goods sold

154.Question 8

156.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
157. Flag question

158. Question text

159. Under the accrual basis of accounting, transactions and effects are
recorded when

161. a.

162. Expenses are incurred and revenues are collected in cash

164. b.

165. Expenses are paid and revenues are earned

167. c.

168. Expenses are incurred but not paid and revenues are earned but not yet

170. d.

171. Expenses are incurred and revenues are earned

172. Feedback
173. Your answer is correct.
174. The correct answer is:

175. Expenses are incurred and revenues are earned

176.Question 9

178.Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

179. Flag question

180. Question text
181. Which of the following would appear in an income statement?
182. Select one:

184. a.

185. Expenses that are paid

187. b.

188. Expenses not yet paid

190. c.

191. Expenses whether paid or not

193. d.

194. Cash payments for expenses

195. Feedback
196. Your answer is incorrect.
197. The correct answer is: Expenses whether paid or not

198.Question 10

200.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

201. Flag question

202. Question text

203. The Accumulated Depreciation – Delivery Equipment is reported in the

205. a.

206. Income Statement as part of the Operating Expenses

208. b.

209. Balance Sheet as Addition to the Delivery Equipment account

211. c.

212. Balance Sheet as Deduction from the Delivery Equipment account

214. d.

215. Trial Balance only

216. Feedback
217. Your answer is correct.
218. The correct answer is:

219. Balance Sheet as Deduction from the Delivery Equipment account

220.Question 11

222.Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

223. Flag question

224. Question text

225. All of the following are cash flows in the financing activities of a business,
226. Select one:

228. a.

229. Cash withdrawals by owners

231. b.

232. Cash investment by owners

234. c.

235. Cash payment to suppliers

237. d.

238. Cash proceeds and payments to bank borrowings

239. Feedback
240. Your answer is incorrect.
241. The correct answer is: Cash payment to suppliers

242.Question 12

244.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

245. Flag question

246. Question text

247. A journal entry records the effects of a transaction or an event expressed
in terms of debit and credit. Which of the following is not a correct journal entry?
248. Select one:

250. a.

251. An entry with one debit and two or more credits

253. b.

254. An entry with one debit and one credit

256. c.

257. An entry with one or more debits only

259. d.
260. An entry with two or more debits and one credit
261. Feedback
262. Your answer is correct.
263. The correct answer is: An entry with one or more debits

264.Question 13

266.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

267. Flag question

268. Question text

269. The Statement of Financial Position is another term for the
270. Select one:

272. a.

273. Balance sheet

275. b.

276. Income statement

278. c.

279. Statement of cash flows

281. d.

282. Statement of changes in equity

283. Feedback
284. Your answer is correct.
285. The correct answer is: Balance sheet

286.Question 14
288.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

289. Flag question

290. Question text

291. Which may not be a function of a bookkeeper?

293. a.

294. Post adjusting entries

296. b.

297. Finalize financial statements

299. c.

300. Prepare unadjusted trial balance

302. d.

303. Record transactions

304. Feedback
305. Your answer is correct.
306. The correct answer is:

307. Finalize financial statements

308.Question 15

310.Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

311. Flag question

312. Question text
313. Which of the following would appear in a balance sheet?
314. Select one:

316. a.

317. Cash balance at the end of the period

319. b.

320. Cash balance at the beginning of a period

322. c.

323. Cash payments during the period

325. d.

326. Cash receipts during the period

327. Feedback
328. Your answer is incorrect.
329. The correct answer is: Cash balance at the end of the

330.Question 16

332.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

333. Flag question

334. Question text

335. reve
336. Select one:

338. a.
339. Cash withdrawals by the business owner

341. b.

342. Cash payment to acquire furniture and fixtures

344. c.

345. Cash payment to acquire equipment

347. d.

348. Cash payment for construction of building

349. Feedback
350. Your answer is correct.
351. The correct answer is: Cash withdrawals by the business

352.Question 17

354.Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

355. Flag question

356. Question text

357. Which of the following would appear in an income statement?
358. Select one:

360. a.

361. Cash receipts from revenues

363. b.

364. Revenues that are not yet collected

366. c.

367. Revenues that are collected

369. d.

370. Revenue whether collected or not

371. Feedback
372. Your answer is incorrect.
373. The correct answer is: Revenue whether collected or not

374.Question 18

376.Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

377. Flag question

378. Question text

379. Which of the following statements is correct?
380. Select one:

382. a.

383. The accounting equation can also be expressed as Assets – Liabilities =

Owner’s Equity.

385. b.

386. Revenue and Expenses increase capital.

388. c.

389. Source documents are prepared after analyzing the business transactions.

391. d.
392. The bottom line of an Income Statement shows that the business always
have profit.
393. Feedback
394. Your answer is incorrect.
395. The correct answer is: The accounting equation can also
be expressed as Assets – Liabilities = Owner’s Equity.

396.Question 19

398.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

399. Flag question

400. Question text

401. It is called the books of original entry
402. Select one:

404. a.

405. General Ledger

407. b.

408. General Journal

410. c.

411. Trial Balance

413. d.

414. Chart of Accounts

415. Feedback
416. Your answer is correct.
417. The correct answer is: General Journal

418.Question 20
420.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

421. Flag question

422. Question text

423. In the accounting process, which step follows journalizing?
424. Select one:

426. a.

427. Documentation

429. b.

430. Preparation of trial balance

432. c.

433. Posting to the ledger

435. d.

436. Preparation of financial statements

437. Feedback
438. Your answer is correct.
439. The correct answer is: Posting to the ledger

440. Which of the following financial statements discloses the economic

resources of the organization and the claims against those resources?
441. Select one:

443. a.

444. Income statement

446. b.

447. Statement of changes in equity

449. c.

450. Statement of cash flows

452. d.

453. Balance sheet

454. Feedback
455. Your answer is incorrect.
456. The correct answer is: Balance sheet

457.Question 2

459.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

460. Flag question

461. Question text

462. All of the following are cash flows in the financing activities of a business,
463. Select one:

465. a.

466. Cash investment by owners

468. b.

469. Cash proceeds and payments to bank borrowings

471. c.
472. Cash withdrawals by owners

474. d.

475. Cash payment to suppliers

476. Feedback
477. Your answer is correct.
478. The correct answer is: Cash payment to suppliers

479.Question 3

481.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

482. Flag question

483. Question text

484. Which may not be a function of a bookkeeper?

486. a.

487. Record purchase invoices

489. b.

490. Record cash receipts and payments

492. c.

493. Record employee attendances

495. d.

496. Record sales invoices

497. Feedback
498. Your answer is correct.
499. The correct answer is:
500. Record employee attendances
501.Question 4

503.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

504. Flag question

505. Question text

506. Which of the following is an operating cash flow?
507. Select one:

509. a.

510. Withdrawals of cash by owners

512. b.

513. Payments to suppliers

515. c.

516. Payments to banks for loan borrowings

518. d.

519. Payment for purchased equipment

520. Feedback
521. Your answer is correct.
522. The correct answer is: Payments to suppliers

523.Question 5

525.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
526. Flag question

527. Question text

528. The obligations of an enterprise to non-owners
529. Select one:

531. a.

532. Expenses

534. b.

535. Assets

537. c.

538. Revenues

540. d.
541. Liabilities

542. Feedback
543. Your answer is correct.
544. The correct answer is: Liabilities

545.Question 6

547.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

548. Flag question

549. Question text
550. A statement that shows the listings of assets, liabilities and equity of an
551. Select one:

553. a.

554. Notes to the financial statements

556. b.

557. Statement of cash flows

559. c.

560. Income statement

562. d.

563. Balance sheet

564. Feedback
565. Your answer is correct.
566. The correct answer is: Balance sheet

567.Question 7

569.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

570. Flag question

571. Question text

572. All of the following are sources of cash from operating activities, except
573. Select one:

575. a.
576. Cash receipts from rendering services

578. b.

579. Cash proceeds from bank borrowings

581. c.

582. Cash collection from customers

584. d.

585. Cash receipts from sale of goods

586. Feedback
587. Your answer is correct.
588. The correct answer is: Cash proceeds from bank

589.Question 8

591.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

592. Flag question

593. Question text

594. All of the following are uses of cash in investing activities, except
595. Select one:

597. a.

598. Cash payment to acquire furniture and fixtures

600. b.

601. Cash payment for construction of building

603. c.

604. Cash payment to acquire equipment

606. d.

607. Cash withdrawals by the business owner

608. Feedback
609. Your answer is correct.
610. The correct answer is: Cash withdrawals by the business

611.Question 9

613.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

614. Flag question

615. Question text

616. Failure to record the adjusting entry for the expired portion of prepaid
expenses will

618. a.

619. Understate assets and net income

621. b.

622. Overstate assets and net income

624. c.

625. Understate equity and overstate liability

627. d.
628. Overstate equity and understate liability
629. Feedback
630. Your answer is correct.
631. The correct answer is:

632. Overstate assets and net income

633.Question 10

635.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

636. Flag question

637. Question text

638. What is the normal order of accounts in the trial balance?
639. Select one:

641. a.

642. Assets, liabilities, capital

644. b.

645. Assets, liabilities, capital, revenues and expenses

647. c.

648. Assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses

650. d.

651. Assets, capital, revenues, expenses and liabilities

652. Feedback
653. Your answer is correct.
654. The correct answer is: Assets, liabilities, capital, revenues
and expenses

655.Question 11
657.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

658. Flag question

659. Question text

660. The allowance for uncollectible accounts has a normal credit balance and
is presented in the

662. a.

663. Balance Sheet as deduction from Accounts Payable

665. b.

666. Balance Sheet as addition to Accounts Receivable

668. c.

669. Income Statement as part of the Operating Expenses

671. d.

672. Balance Sheet as deduction from Accounts Receivable

673. Feedback
674. Your answer is correct.
675. The correct answer is:

676. Balance Sheet as deduction from Accounts Receivable

677.Question 12

679.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

680. Flag question

681. Question text
682. Which of the following correctly describes revenues?
683. Select one:

685. a.

686. Properties or resources owned by the business

688. b.

689. Amount charged to the capital as cost of rendering services to a client

691. c.

692. Increase in owner’s equity due to rendering service to a client

694. d.

695. Economic claims of the owners to a business

696. Feedback
697. Your answer is correct.
698. The correct answer is: Increase in owner’s equity due to
rendering service to a client

699.Question 13

701.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

702. Flag question

703. Question text

704. Posting is the process of
705. Select one:

707. a.
708. Transferring entries from the general journal to the general ledger

710. b.

711. Reconciling entries from the general ledger to the general journal

713. c.

714. Transferring entries from the general ledger to the general journal

716. d.

717. Reconciling entries from the general journal to the general ledger
718. Feedback
719. Your answer is correct.
720. The correct answer is: Transferring entries from the
general journal to the general ledger

721.Question 14

723.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

724. Flag question

725. Question text

726. The bookkeeper is

728. a.

729. the process of recording, classifying and summarizing business

transactions for the proper determination of correct tax declarations and

731. b.
732. the artist of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner
and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least of
financial character, and interpreting the results thereof.

734. c.

735. the recording of financial transactions and is part of the process of

accounting in business.

737. d.

738. the person who keeps and maintains the books of accounts of the
business organization, and is responsible for recording the transactions of the
739. Feedback
740. Your answer is correct.
741. The correct answer is:

742. the person who keeps and maintains the books of accounts of the
business organization, and is responsible for recording the transactions of the
743.Question 15

745.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

746. Flag question

747. Question text

748. The following are examples of manufacturing businesses, except

750. a.

751. Sony Philippines

753. b.
754. Red Ribbon Bakeshop

756. c.

757. Toyota Motors, Inc.

759. d.

760. Rolex Watch Repair Shop

761. Feedback
762. Your answer is correct.
763. The correct answer is:

764. Rolex Watch Repair Shop

765.Question 16

767.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

768. Flag question

769. Question text

770. An asset has been acquired for P250,000. It is estimated to have a useful
life of 8 years, and is being depreciated at P29,375 per year. How much is its
estimated scrap value?

772. a.

773. P43,750

775. b.

776. P28,750

778. c.

779. P15,000
781. d.

782. P0
783. Feedback
784. Your answer is correct.
785. The correct answer is:

786. P15,000
787.Question 17

789.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

790. Flag question

791. Question text

792. The adjusted trial balance shows

794. a.

795. Accounts and amounts which have been adjusted only

797. b.

798. Assets, liabilities and equity accounts only

800. c.

801. Revenues and expenses accounts only

803. d.

804. Accounts and amounts for the preparation of financial statements

805. Feedback
806. Your answer is correct.
807. The correct answer is:
808. Accounts and amounts for the preparation of financial statements
809.Question 18

811.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

812. Flag question

813. Question text

814. Which is not a classification of business activities in the Statement of Cash
815. Select one:

817. a.

818. Administrative Activities

820. b.

821. Operating Activities

823. c.

824. Financing Activities

826. d.

827. Investing Activities

828. Feedback
829. Your answer is correct.
830. The correct answer is: Administrative Activities

831.Question 19

833.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
834. Flag question

835. Question text

836. Which of the following is true about debits and credits?
837. Select one:

839. a.

840. Increases in owner’s equity and decreases in liabilities are always credited.

842. b.

843. Decreases in assets and increases in liabilities are always credited.

845. c.

846. Decreases in owner’s equity and drawing are always debited.

848. d.

849. Increases in assets and liabilities are always debited.

850. Feedback
851. Your answer is correct.
852. The correct answer is: Decreases in assets and increases in
liabilities are always credited.

853.Question 20

855.Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

856. Flag question

857. Question text
858. A claim from a customer for services rendered is an account reported as
859. Select one:

861. a.

862. Service revenue in the income statement

864. b.

865. Account receivable in the balance sheet

867. c.

868. Accounts payable in the balance sheet

870. d.

871. Service revenue in the statement of cash flows

872. Feedback
873. Your answer is correct.
874. The correct answer is: Account receivable in the balance

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