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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Recruitments for the Educational Degree

in English Education Program of Tarbiyah Faculty
of IAIN Bone


Student Id. 02.18.4124


This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, the content of this thesis
entitled “The Implementation of Online Quiz Application in EFL Classroom” is
my own work. This thesis has not been submitted for any degree or other purposes. I
certify that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my own work and
this is proven by the result of plagiarism check attached in this thesis. Further, all the
assistance received in preparing this thesis and sources have been acknowledged.

Watampone, ,2022
The Researcher,

Student Id. 02.18.4124

The supervisor of the thesis of A. Winda Faradiba, Student Id. 02184124, The

Students of English Teaching (TBI) Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah IAIN Bone,

after carefully researching and correcting the thesis concerned with the title "The

Implementation of Online Quiz Application in EFL Classroom" stated that the thesis

has fulfilled the following requirements: scientific requirements and can be approved

for munaqasyah. With this approval is given for the next process.

Approved by:

Consultant I Consultant II


NIP. 197201022000031002 NIP. 199308242019031011

The thesis untitled “The Implementation of Online Quiz Application in EFL

Classroom” is written by A.Winda Faradiba, students Id. 02184124 The student of
English Education Program, Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Bone, has seen examined and
defended in the final examination held on ……. 2022 and it is accepted to fulfill the
requirements for the degree of bachelor of English Study Program.

Watampone, ................... 2022


Dean : Dr. Ishak, S.Pd., M.Pd. (.......................)

Secretary : (.......................)

Examiner I : (.......................)

Examiner II : (.......................)

Consultant I : Dr. Muhammad Zuhri, S.S., M.Hum. (.......................)

Consultant II : Herman Resyadi, S.Pd., M.Pd (.......................)

Recognized by,
Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty

Dr. Ishak, S. Pd., M. Pd.

NIP. 197910072009011011

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil’Aalamiin,the researcher would like to say thanks to the

Almighty Allah SWT., for His countless blessings, taufik and guidance in the form of

the opportunity that has been given to the author to complete a scientific work

entitled "Teachers' Strategies in Creating Effective Learning Through the Use of

Learning Technology at SMAN 14 Bone" as one of the requirements in obtaining a

degree Bachelor of Education at the Institute of Islamic Religion (IAIN) Bone.

Shalawat and greetings are poured out on the lord of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

his family, friends and followers.

The author realizes that in completing the writing of this thesis there are many

obstacles that cause difficulties experienced, but thanks to the support, assistance,

guidance, and advice from various parties so that these difficulties can be overcome.

For this reason, it is an obligation for the author to express his sincere thanks to:

1. A big thank full to the researchers’ parents, H. A. Baso Abunjani and Hj.

Nurbaya Rachman, who is dearly educating with full responsibility, prays and

provides support, both morally and spiritually, sincerely so that the researcher

can complete the preparation of this thesis. May Allah bestow sustenance and

protect him always. Aamiin.

2. Prof. Dr. H. Syahabuddin, M. Ag., as the Rector of IAIN Bone, Dr. Amir B.,

M. Ag., as the Vice Rector I for Academic and Institutional Development at

IAIN Bone, Dr. Hasbih Siddik, S. Ag., as Vice Rector II for General

Administration, Planning, and Finance of IAIN Bone, Dr. H. Lukman Arake,

Lc., MA., as Vice Rector III for Student Affairs and Cooperation at IAIN

Bone, Hj. Musyarrafah Amin, S. Sos., M. Si., as the Head of the

Administration and Finance Division of IAIN Bone, who has provided

invaluable facilities, facilities and infrastructure, education, as well as advice,

guidance and instructions for the researcher.

3. Dr. Ishak, S. Pd., M. Pd., Dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Bone, Dr.

Andi Muhammad Yauri S., Ss., M. Hum., Ph. D., Deputy Dean I for

Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and Cooperation of the Tarbiyah Faculty of

IAIN Bone, Ilyas, M. Pd., Deputy Dean II for General Administration,

Planning and Finance of the Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Bone.

4. My deepest gratitude is devoted to Nirwana Darwis, S.S., M.Hum. for his

biggest support and his contribution as the Head of the English Education


5. My deepest gratitude is devoted to Dr. Muhmmad Zuhri, Dj., S.S., M. Hum.

For the guidance and motivation in the accompliment of this research as the

first consultant.

6. My deepest gratitude is devoted to Herman Resyadi, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the

second consultant who has guided, motivated, and supported the researcher in

finishing the research.

7. All my lectures and staff that the researcher cannot mention one by one for

their assistance, support, insightful, and invaluable comment this research

which make the researcher has been able to complete this research.

8. Drs. Mubarrak, M.Pd., as the Principal of SMA Negeri 14 Bone who has

given permission and assistance to collect the data needed in the preparation

of this thesis.

9. Andi Herni S.Pd. as the English teacher of the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri

14 Bone and her learners as the research participants of this research for the

opportunity, assisting this research in meeting, and being cooperative. May

Allah always be with them all the time.

10. The deepest appreciation, thanks to the researchers’ best friends Zukhruf

Zahrani, Ayu Fitriani, Nurafifah, Nurul Afdhaniah and Andi Febriani. Thanks

for the friendship, kindness, togethermess and advice.

11. The researcher’s families, who always educate, support, and pray for the

researcher success.

Only to Allah the author asks for a reply. Hopefully all those who have helped

in writing this thesis will get a reward from Allah SWT. With all humility, the writer

realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore, constructive criticism

and suggestions so that in the future it can improve and perfection of further scientific

works. With the completion of this thesis, the author hopes that it can be useful for

those who read, especially for future researchers.

Wassalamu Alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Watampone, 2022
The Researcher

A.Winda Faradiba
Student Id. 02.18.4124

Cover Page.............................................................................................................i

Statement of Originally.........................................................................................ii

Supervisor Approval .............................................................................................iii

Thesis Ratification.................................................................................................iv


List of Content.......................................................................................................viii

List of figures........................................................................................................xi


List of Appendix....................................................................................................xiii

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION......................................................................

A. Background..........................................................................................

B. Research Question...............................................................................

C. Definition of the key term...................................................................

D. Research Objectives............................................................................

E. Research Significance.........................................................................

F. Research Scope....................................................................................

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................

A. Review of Related Literature.....................................................................

B. Theoretical Review....................................................................................

1. Online Quiz Application................................................................

a. Definition of Online Quiz Application....................................

b. Types of Online Quiz Application..........................................

c. The Implementation of Online Quiz........................................

d. The Advantages and Disadvantages........................................

2. English as Foreign Languages classroom......................................

a. Definition of EFL classroom

C. Conceptual Framework.............................................................................

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD.........................................................

A. Type and Research Design........................................................................

B. Location and Subject of the research.........................................................

C. Data and Data Source................................................................................

D. Research instruments.................................................................................

E. Data collection technique..........................................................................

F. The technique of Data Analysis................................................................

CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION.............................................

A. Findings.....................................................................................................

B. Discussion..................................................................................................

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTION...................................

A. Conclusion.................................................................................................

B. Suggestion.................................................................................................


CURRICULUM VITAE.....................................................................................

Author Name : A. Winda Faradiba

Student Id. Nuumber : 02.18.4124
Tiltle of Thesis : The Implementation of Online Quiz Application in
EFL Classroom

This research presents problems regarding the implementation of online quiz

application called Quizziz. This research aims to determine the problems in the
application of online quiz applications using Quizizz and the students perceptions in
the use of online quiz applications. This research presents research on the
implementation of online quiz applications in EFL classroom. This research uses a
qualitative method. The Participants consisted of 5 students from SMA Negeri 14
Bone. This research uses two instruments, namely observation and interviews. Based
on observations, some students had internet connection problems and were in a hurry
to complete the quiz because they had time. Based on interviews, the researcher
found that using an online quiz application made students more active in class and
increased some vocabulary in the English learning process. The Students said that
using an online quiz application was more interesting than doing a quiz using paper
and pen.

Keywords: Quizziz Application, EFL Classroom


Appendix A : Observation
Appendix B : Interview
Appendix C : Documentation

A. Background
Learning English as a foreign language has an important role in
education, as is the case in many non-English speaking countries. Indonesia is
one of the countries that do not speak English and English is a compulsory
subject at the University of Indonesia. Not only English majors, but non-
English majors must also take English courses as one of the prerequisites for
obtaining a degree. Students also face several obstacles in learning English,
namely the limited teaching and learning of the language in the classroom
(DíAz-Vera, 2012). English is a time-consuming course, so may not have
enough time to accommodate classroom activities. In addition, non-English
students are also generally not interested in learning English.
The English learning system needs media that can improve English
education and provide fun language learning. In this case, smartphones can
provide services that support language learners in an easy, flexible, and fun
atmosphere. (Byrne & Diem, 2014) One of the popular positive attributes of
smartphones is their ability to facilitate language learning through mobile
application and websites. (Mindog, 2016) Many researchers agree that
different types of applications and different teaching and learning techniques
can be used to achieve better quality education.
In addition to "transmitting" knowledge from the teacher to the
student, the role of the EFL teacher in the classroom is also to manage the
conditions under which the student can learn effectively in some way. Keep in
mind that the role of EFL teachers in teaching a foreign language is important
not only for normal reasons but also for the changing world of culture and
science. We know that the demand for English is the urge to think about
people. It is growing rapidly as an interactive communication that has
revolutionized humans daily, such as radios, video players, and stand-alone
software packages, and as an important aspect of adaptation to the global
world. As Munandar points out, "People with bilingual languages have the
educational advantage of recognizing two language methods, habits, and
thinking patterns."(Utami Munandar, 2009) Also, The reason English
becomes the first foreign language taught in Indonesia is that science and
technology have become a world culture, which is suitable for both
developments in Indonesia. Looking back on other cultures also has a positive
effect on the sensitivity to keep up with the times. (S Dardjowidjojo, n.d.) For
the above reasons, we can see that English is necessary for various fields such
as education. And this condition shows that learning English as an
international language is a necessity for today's convention.
To participate in digital-based learning, adapting to the development
of Information and Technology, thereby encouraging the creation of
innovative, effective, and efficient use of learning media. A digital-based
learning media is needed so that it can be used to improve student learning
outcomes. (Irwan, Luthfi, & Waldi, 2019). This learning media is a context
that causes interaction with each other between players by following existing
and predetermined rules in achieving a goal. (Arief S Sadiman, 2010) Many
learning media have been presented, which can be applied by teachers, one of
which is game-based learning media in online quiz applications.
The online quiz application is an educational game application that is
narrative and flexible, besides being used as a means of adding material, the
online quiz application can also be used as an interesting and fun learning
evaluation medium. Indonesia has a golden generation that is being swayed by
the swift current of the pandemic transition. The younger generation who are
currently in high school need a flexible learning process and of course, equip
them with a concrete understanding of the material presented by the teacher.
The birth of technology, which is one part of learning media, is to provide
convenience, then produce learning media in the form of online quiz
applications whose existence is increasingly being predicted as a learning
medium right in the middle of a pandemic.
Various studies related to the use of online quiz applications, showing
the benefits obtained, illustrate that this can improve the competence and
skills of each student. The use of online application learning media is one of
the efforts to accommodate the problems of learning media in Indonesia
which cannot be applied conventionally with other Information Technology
and Computer-based learning. In fact, technology-based educational learning
models can be strategically positioned from a narrative perspective. (Aainii,
2019) To produce a formulation of problem-solving efforts through the
application of an online quiz application in the EFL classroom, especially for
students of SMA Negeri 14 Bone. High school students who are growing
emotionally, can sometimes slow down the process of brain performance
when teaching and learning activities are taking place. To create a more lively
learning atmosphere, the application of the online quiz application in the EFL
classroom can be done in such a way, without losing the essence of the
material that has been delivered by the teacher. Quiz games can help
encourage student motivation and improve learning outcomes.
The researcher found problems experienced by students. The problem
is, especially since the pandemic, students' motivation and interest in learning
have decreased because learning assignments are only given by the teacher so
the learning process becomes monotonous. So the researcher wants to do a
learning method by applying an online quiz application in EFL classroom. So
that students' interest in learning increases and the learning process is more
varied and students are not too bored. In addition, the researcher wants to
know what are the problems in the online quiz application and how students
respond to online quiz application. Because currently technology has
developed, the researcher hopes that this online quiz application can increase
students' learning motivation in learning and can be a special attraction for
students. This online quiz application, it is also expected to make it easier for
students to understand a learning material.
Based on the above statement and with technological advances in the
field of education, researcher are interested in researching the application of
online quiz applications in EFL classroom at eleventh grade of SMA Negeri
14 Bone.

B. Research Question
Based on the background above, the researcher formulated the research
question of the research as follows:
1. What are the problems in implementing online quiz applications in EFL
2. What are the students’ responses of online quiz application in EFL

C. Definition of the Key Term

The following is mentioned some explanations terms which appear in
this research.
1. Online Quiz Application
Online quiz application is a platform used in learning media. The use
of digital media in learning is currently an unavoidable demand in line
with the development of the world of information and technology. This
online quiz application is like a game, where the learning includes
multiple-choice quizzes and descriptions. This online quiz application can
be accessed through an application or a web browser.
2. EFL Classroom
EFL Classroom is the use or study of English by native speakers in
countries where English is generally not the local medium of
communication. in short, Indonesia which is an EFL country does not use
English as the language of instruction but English is taught in schools. so
students in Indonesia learn English based on their needs.

D. Research Objective
1. The Objective of the Research
Based on Research Question, the researcher intends:
a.) To find out what are the problems of the online quiz application in
EFL classroom.
b.) To find out what are the students’ responses of online quiz
applications in EFL classroom.

E. Research Significance
1. The Significance of the Research
From this research, the researcher hopes that:
a.) This research will be useful for English teachers. The result of this
research is expected to be a guideline for the teachers to improve their
English teaching.
b.) The result of this research is important for the students to know the
implementation of online quiz application in EFL classroom.
c.) The Researcher will get advantages and sources of knowledge as
information. It also is expected to be useful information to develop
their research.

F. Research Scope
The focus of this research is the obstacles in implementing the online
quiz application namely ”Quizziz” in EFL classroom and ways to overcome
these obstacles through student responses to the online quiz application in
EFL classroom.


A. Review of Related Literature

In order of terms different research, the researcher has found the
previous research that is concerned with this research about: the
implementation of online quiz application in EFL classroom at the eleventh
grade of SMA Negeri 14 Bone.
The first researcher was written by Perta Rasia Dewi with the title
“The implementation of online learning in EFL classroom” This research aims
to find out what and how the opportunities and shortcomings felt by teachers
and also students in carrying out online learning application in East Baturaja
district during the pandemic. This research was conducted at SMPN 32 OKU,
Baturaja Timur District, OKU Regency. The participants were grade 7
students and English teachers who were selected by the purposive sampling
method. The instrument of this research uses the interview and observation.
The results of this research indicate that teachers and students perceive that
online learning is flexible, and helps students become more active. (Dewi,
The second researcher was written by Imran with the title “Android
Online Quiz Application”. The main purpose of this online quiz application
research is to develop an online quiz, named “LETS QUIZ” for each student
via the internet with multiple choice questions and essays with a
predetermined time limit for each quiz. This research uses qualitative research
methods with twenty participants at the east-west university of Dhaka,
Bangladesh. the results of this research are the researchers want to run and
develop an online quiz application to provide flexibility to its users and online
quiz applications are now very popular and easy to use anywhere as long as
they have internet access to this application. (Imran Hossain, 2015)
The third Researcher was written by Bayu Pertama Sari with the title
“Millenial attitudes in incorporating online application in the EFL classroom”
The results showed that teachers have used online applications in EFL classes
by building communication, encouraging student self-study, improving
assessment, motivating students, and improving classroom teaching. Other
results also show that it overcomes the limitations of online mobile
applications by providing more information and tasks to solve learning
management problems, and adapting learning when tool problems occur. This
research uses qualitative research methods with a small sample. There are 10
participants in the college. It can be concluded that with our ability to operate
technology, we can all take advantage of and overcome the possible
limitations of implementing online applications in EFL classes more easily. In
addition, it is suggested for future studies to more specifically investigate
certain online application practices in EFL classrooms. (Sari, Brameswari, &
Haratikka, 2020)
The fourth researcher was written by Nutprapha Kongphet Dennis, the
title is “the development of blended E-learning application for EFL
classroom” The purpose of this research was to assess student satisfaction in
using an online quiz application. This research uses two research methods,
namely qualitative and quantitative. The instrument used is a semi-structured
questionnaire and interview. Participants in this study were thirty students
from the Department of English at Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University.
The results of this research indicate that the use of this online application
provides positive results. (Dennis, 2012)
The last researcher was written by Nyoman Adi Purnawan with the
title “The effect of online gamification quiz application on vocabulary
mastery for young English learners”. This research aims to determine the
effect of Kahoot as an online quiz application for young English learners. This
research uses quantitative research methods with Pre-experimental One Group
Pre-test and Post-test designs.. The participants in this research were fourth-
grade students at Dana Punia Singaraja Elementary School. The findings of
this research prove that there is a significant effect on vocabulary mastery for
English learners with moderate category effectiveness. Furthermore, the
application of Kahoot as gamification in vocabulary learning is appropriate in
increasing the vocabulary mastery of young students. (Purnawan, Padmadewi,
Gd, Budiarta, & History, 2022).
Referring to the findings of the previous research above, the researcher
can conclude that there are several kinds of web applications that are used in
the application of online quiz applications. However, each study has
differences. The difference lies in the subject, research objectives, research
objects, and also the research methods used and research results. The
significant difference between this study and the research above is that this
research used field observations. So, all research aims to determine the
implementation of the online quiz application in the EFL classroom.

B. Online Quiz Application

1. Definition of Online Quiz Application
The online quiz application has been widely used by teachers as an
assessment tool. By using an online quiz application, the teachers can
practically give quizzes to students. Additionally, the online quiz app
provides immediate feedback, often in the form of an automatic score that
appears at the end of the test. For e-learning, one of the most relevant and
engaging assessment methods is to use a web application that offers a
variety of game-based quizzes.
Many game-based online quizzes can be optimized as a review engine,
such as Kahoot, Quizziz, Quizlet, Edmodo, Schoology, etc. During this
research, researchers used and studied Quizizz. Quizizz is a web-based
assessment tool as a fun, multiplayer classroom activity that allows all
students to practice with their computers, smartphones, and laptops.
(Nanda, S. R., Abdul, N. B., & Daddi, 2018) In Quizizz, multiple-choice
questions with two, three, or four-point answers appear on each student's
screen, so students can answer the question at their own pace and review
the question. Your answer is at the end of the post. Quizizz also has
Google Classroom integration. If students use it as a learning management
system, quizzes can be integrated and sent to the students. this is because
the links are authenticated and linked to the student's school emails.

2. Types of Online Quiz Application

1. Kahoot
Kahoot is one of the famous game-based learning platforms
that is very user-friendly for educators and learners. This playful app is
specially designed and aims to repeat and or revise learners'
knowledge and evaluate them in the form of a light quiz in a playful
way. Kahoot currently has four forms: Quiz, Jumble, Survey, and
Discussion which can be used depending on needs and preferences.
Kahoot also offers a free app that makes it even more versatile for
educators and modern learners.
Kahoot is a popular online learning tool that can easily be used
to provide metacognitive support, school vibrancy, and student
engagement in an educational program that requires a large number of
instructors. Limited staff and student education. The free e-learning
platform has gained worldwide acceptance with over 30 million users
and it is based on behavioral design approaches and is currently user-
centric. (Suharsono, 2020)
Kahoot is a simple program to join and can be used to create
quizzes with an interface designed in English. Teachers need to
register on "getkahoot.com" for an easy play environment, but students
don't have to register. The program is free and easy to join. Kahoot
app is easy training after Kahoot games can be used in-class activities.
Kahoot can prepare future study questions equivalent to class lecture
notes. Each student identifies his/her nickname when connecting.
Students with nicknames appearing on the board show increased
motivation, ensuring more active participation. Tables allow to solve
problems faster and visualize them on screen. (Suryana, 2018)
2. Quizizz
Quizizz is one of the online platforms used in the learning
process. The Quizizz app itself is described as a web-based tool
accessible through www.Quizizz.com whose features are superior to
other online learning materials.(Nelson & Stage, 2019) Quizizz makes
students more focused without breaking their concentration on the
quizzes. Furthermore, the students only have to focus on their device
as the question and answer options appear only on their device but
track the time. Then, using Quizizz, each student is unlikely to cheat
because the questions and answer choices are random. So each of them
will get a good result. In summary, Quizizz can have a wide range of
benefits in terms of generating more motivated students. Tools like
Quizizz can help students enjoy and keep doing tasks they wouldn't
normally do.
Quizizz has been used as a learning aid in the learning process
in many educational institutions. This has been proven by various
studies on the implementation of Quizizz in acquisitions from various
places. In the first study at a private university in Yogyakarta
conducted by Zuhriyah and Pratolo, the conclusion of this study shows
that students think Quizizz can be a fun and engaging tool. Moreover,
Quizizz can boost their confidence, make students more motivated and
increase their English learning.(Zuhriyah, S., & Pratolo, 2020) The
data above has proven that students believe that Quizizz can motivate
them to learn foreign languages. The second program is conducted
with students from the English department of Universitas Majalengka,
Fakhruddin & Nurhidayat. The results show that students have a good
perception of the implementation of Quizizz in learning. (Fakhruddin,
A., & Nurhidayat, 2020)
In addition, another function of Quizizz is to enhance the
motivation of students to learn a language because it makes the
learning process difficult. This means that Quizizz helps promote
student motivation and engagement. Together with Mei, Ju and Adam
announced that Quizizz is a web-based assessment tool as a fun
multiplayer collective action that allows all students to practice with
their devices. (Mei, S. Y., Ju, S. Y., & Adam, 2018)
3. Quizlet
One type of e-learning used in learning evaluation activities is
the Quizlet application. Quizlet is a simple, easy-to-use, and
innovative tool that can help millions of students learn online. Quizlet
can be accessed through the website. In essence, the main function of
Quizlet is indeed used to develop linguistic intelligence, especially in
terms of enriching vocabulary. (Aribowo, 2015) Besides being able to
enrich vocabulary, the Quizlet application can also be implemented as
a medium for self-evaluation by asking students to use the modes
available in the Quizlet application.
The results of the evaluation can later be used for assessments
taken by the teacher. The features in the Quizlet application have been
well organized in the form of virtual class services, which consist of
flashcards, learn, write, spell, test, match, gravity, and live. Some of
the scopes of these features include managing multiple folders
containing a collection of flashcards in a specific topic or material,
providing access restrictions for user members, and recording user
scores when running the available modes. In the Quizlet application
there is a flashcard feature that can be used as a test card when
carrying out an evaluation. The Quizlet application also provides
audiovisual facilities that aim to allow users to listen to the
pronunciation of existing words and pay attention to images when
playing flashcards.
4. Edmodo
Edmodo is a web-based learning management system and
social learning service for students and teachers. This application can
provide a virtual safe classroom that can be moderated by the teacher.
It is an online education platform developed in 2008 by Jeff O'Hara
and Nick Borg for educational purposes.(Kara, 2016) Edmodo is used
to create supportive learning by providing channels for students to
communicate with teachers and participate in classroom activities.
Edmodo is also a private microblogging service that provides a
free and secure learning platform. This app is similar to Facebook, but
much more private and secure for the learning environment as only
teachers can create and manage accounts, receive group codes, and
only students registered in groups can access groups. Edmodo is very
similar to Facebook, the world's largest social network, so teachers can
use Edmodo to motivate and motivate their students. On Edmodo,
teachers can continue class discussions online, vote to measure student
understanding, and award students with badges and rewards based on
their behavior and performance.
Edmodo's main goal is to enable educators to leverage social
media to easily customize their classrooms. Edmodo is used in a
variety of disciplines and grades students by approximately 32 million
people, including teachers, educators, and students around the world.
Unlike other social media communities, Edmodo is usually focused on
helping teachers, educators and students manage the online work
strategies in terms of assignments. As the use of social networking
sites and online collaboration tools grows, educators can use these
technologies to increase student engagement in the classroom.
According to Pitoy (2012), Edmodo is a social network
platform for student teachers to share ideas, files, activity agendas, and
assignments. Edmodo is designed to create teacher-student interaction
that emphasizes rapid communication, polls, assignments, sharing
ideas, and much more. (Pitoy, Yani, 2012) As educators, Edmodo
provides features to share files, links, assignments, grades, and alerts
directly to students. Meanwhile, as students, the features provided are
that the students can communicate with their teachers directly, discuss
with other students, send assignments directly, and much more.
So it can be concluded that Edmodo is a web platform using
the concept of microblogging-based social networking that is devoted
to building a safe online learning environment for sharing data,
information, and educational content in the form of writing,
documents, videos, audio, photos, links that can be shared by both
teachers and students as well as special content in the form of grades,
quizzes, activity events, assignments, and polls that can only be shared
by teachers.
5. Schoology
Schoology is a type of Learning Management System (LMS)
for schools, colleges, and enterprises that allows users to create,
manage, and share content and resource-based platforms providing
tools to manage any classroom or mixed learning environment
constituting a Learning Management System. Meanwhile, according to
the official Schoology.com page, it explains that what is meant by
Schoology is a Learning Management System that has all the learning
tools that can create interesting content, create lesson designs, and
assess students' level of understanding. Schoology allows
collaboration of various individual data, groups, and class discussions
so Schoology is very suitable to be used as a supporting learning
media using e-Learning.(Ria Purwaningsih, Undang Rosidin, 2017)
Schoology is one of the innovative platforms that was built
based on inspiration from the social media Facebook for educational
purposes. This platform was developed in 2009 in New York. (Besana
Stefano, 2012) .Schoology helps teachers in opening up broad
communication opportunities to students so that students can more
easily take part in discussions and work in teams. In addition,
Schoology is also supported by various forms of media such as video,
audio, and images that can attract students' interest. Schoology directs
students to apply the use of technology in learning.
Thus, Schoology is a free application service that uses the
concept of social learning management that is devoted to building a
safe online learning environment for sharing information and
educational features or content such as writing, files, and links that can
be shared by both teachers and students. Schoology also has special
features in the form of courses, groups, and resources.

3. The Implementation of Online Quizizz Application

The Quizizz application learning media is very easy to make, namely
by preparing the material in advance, in the form of alternative questions
and answers in the Quizizz application. After finishing compiling the
material into questions with all other content that you want to insert, then
open and enter the Quizizz application, through the website, namely
Quizizz can now also be accessed on the Playstore for Android users
so that its use is more practical. There are two options for creating
questions with the quizizz application. First, by creating questions from
scratch, namely by creating a new quiz menu, and secondly by using and
modifying existing quizzes in the quizizz library using the find a quiz
The following are the steps for applying the online quiz application:
1. Open the web, then type www.quizizz.com then click “Sign Up” in the
upper right corner.

2. Select Sign Up with Email or Sign Up with Google if want to log in as

a teacher.

3. If want to log in as a student, then click "Join game"

4. Then enter the 6-digit code given by the teacher then click "join"
5. Then students enter their respective names then click "Start"
6. Then students take the quiz according to the rules given by the teacher
with a time for each question, for example 10 seconds (according to
the teacher's rules).

Quiz description:
1. Each student finishes answering the question correctly, it will show
how many points are obtained in one question and also how much
ranking in answering the question.
2. If the student answers the question incorrectly, the correct answer will
3. If finish doing the quiz, at the end of the quiz there will be a Review
Question display to review the answers we chose.
4. In doing the quiz, each student gets a different list of questions from
other students because the quiz will be randomized automatically.

Quizizz has been carried out by researchers to build enthusiasm and

increase student learning motivation, the results of interviews and
observations, they the students like the form of assessment as displayed by
quizizz because the results can be seen and students can better know
where their mistakes are. In addition, the quizizz application can display
questions in the form of images and sound.
It's just that based on interviews with teachers, the weakness of this
application is that it can't see the actual abilities of students, if using the
form of multiple choice quizzes. The questions tend to reveal memory and
recognition power only, therefore the teacher has a little difficulty in
measuring the higher mental processes of each student. There are many
opportunities to play chance because the time for each question is limited,
so the students who find it difficult only answer.
However, with the existing weaknesses, it turns out that the
advantages of objective form questions also exist and will be very helpful
in covering the existing weaknesses, namely: being able to represent more
representative content, extensive material, objective, avoiding subjective
elements, teachers having an easier and faster way of checking it, The
examination can also be handed over to other people, every student who
answers the question correctly, the score obtained in one question will
appear and also get a rating in answering the question, if the student
answers the question incorrectly, then the correct answer will appear so
that the student can answer the question correctly. Students can review the
answers that have been previously selected. In addition, each student will
get different questions from other students because the questions that arise
will be randomized.
The advantage of the Quizizz application is that it not only provides
teachers with multiple choice questions, but also checkboxes, fill-in-the-
blank, poll, and open-ended questions. open ended). In addition, Quizizz
also provides a statistical summary of the performance of students. We
can track how many students answered questions correctly, answered
incorrectly, and more. Students can also see the results of their
performance directly and can find out the ranking obtained when working
on questions on Quizizz. This can motivate students to compete
competitively through the "Play Live" feature or work on questions
together with other students at the same time.
The hope is that with an online application like Quizizz, it can make
learning and assessment easier and more fun. So that the goals of
education will be achieved if teachers and students have enthusiasm and
support each other.

4. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Quiz Application

The Advantages of the online quiz application are as follows:
a. For teachers, making it easy to make questions.
b. When students answer the question or quiz correctly, then it will
show how many points they got in a question, also ranked or
ranked by answering the question.
c. If the student answers the question incorrectly, the correct answer
will appear for the student to correct.
d. When notified that you have completed the test, at the end or end
of the lesson, an assessment question will be displayed first to
review the selected answers.
e. When taking the test, each student will receive a different multiple-
choice question, because it has been automatically randomized,
minimizing cheating.

Besides the advantages, of course, it cannot bad denied there

are shortcomings and weaknesses of the online quiz application as a
learning medium, which are as follows:

a. Network or Internet, there is always a problem.

b. As they work, students can open a new tab, which means they can
easily type in another tab to find answers.
c. In terms of time, students may initially get the best grades but are
likely to be downgraded due to poor time management.
d. There will be an additional obstacle or problem if the student is
late to join.
Therefore, the description of the pros and cons of the online
quiz app is used as a learning medium, making it easier for the reader
to understand the pros and cons of the online quiz application.
(Salsabila, Habiba, Amanah, Istiqomah, & Difany, 2020)

C. English as Foreign Language (EFL) Classroom

1. Definition of EFL Classroom
English as a foreign language refers to learning and using English as
an additional language in a country that does not speak English. EFL
Courseware is usually written for students studying English in short-term
courses in their home country or English-speaking country. Play with the
education or learning process. EFL can also be facilitated by using
textbooks, audiovisual materials, and technology-based content.
English is considered an important foreign language for Indonesians
for a variety of reasons, including education and economic development.
Most of the people in the world are Indonesians studying English as a
Foreign Language (EFL). EFL is part of the curriculum of schools,
especially public schools. English is a compulsory subject at school and
university. English is not required in lower grades such as elementary
school and kindergarten. It is taught to students as a topic of local content.
(Nurhayati, 2008)
Nowadays, teaching English is not only important but also in demand.
English must be introduced well to students. The 300 million native
English speakers are found on every continent and a widely distributed
group of second language speakers who use English for their daily needs,
totaling more than 250 million. However, the introduction of English into
indigenous peoples has led to the existence of many independent countries
today, where English continues to be spoken every day.
In the rest of the world, English is a foreign language (EFL). In other
words, although taught in widely used schools, it does not play an
important role in national or social life. (Geoffrey Broughton, Christopher
Brumfit, Roger Flavell, 2546) In our country, Indonesia uses English as
Foreign language. Therefore, the existence of English is only, which is
limited to classrooms or educational institutions. Class English as a
Foreign Language (EFL) refers to a collection of classes in English and
the English School, but English itself has no routine national role. Michael
West defined a foreign language is as follows: "Foreigners learn English
to express ideas, not emotions. Because of his emotional expressions, he
has a native language.”
English (EFL) as a foreign language to learn and apply it. Effective
education can be defined as education that does what the teacher intended,
which can be taught to the fullest in the classroom when the teaching
process itself is effective. Student learning has been successfully achieved.
In essence, effective education has two simple elements (a) teachers need
to have a clear idea of what learning should be encouraged, (b) A learning
experience designed and implemented to achieve this. (Kyriacou, 2009)
It can be concluded that effective teaching is the teacher's best
achievement in giving knowledge, as evidenced by the student's learning
performance. The essence of effective education lies in the ability of
teachers to create learning experiences that produce the desired
educational outcomes. Each student must participate in learning activities.
The status of English in Indonesia is English as a foreign language. In
general, EFL classes require teachers and students as non-native speakers
to communicate mainly in English during the teaching and learning
process so that students can acquire their target language. Currently, there
are degree programs in English as a Second Language and English as a
Foreign Language (EFL) around the world. ESL and EFL have many
similarities, but there are also many differences. Both EFL and ESL have
a mission and values that guide them with the aim of creating an excellent
environment for education and learning. We know that teaching
professionally can produce professional talent because ESL and EFL
support professionalism in language education.
The mission of EFL and ESL is to develop and maintain expertise in
teaching and speaking English with speakers in the English field,
particularly in other languages around the world. English as a Second
Language and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) require two different
educational strategies for several reasons (Lake, 2013). Most people don't
know the difference between the two and don't consider the difference
when they start teaching English. In order to meet the diverse needs of
students, it is important to know what each one is. To begin with, ESL
classrooms are much more likely to have students of different native
languages from different countries, but EFL classrooms are not. In this
case, teachers need to be prepared for mistakes in different cultures and
EFL classrooms thrive when teachers and students play a collaborative
role in achieving this. The class of EFL students usually all come from the
same country. Share the same culture and make the same mistakes in the
target language. Therefore, these errors can be corrected by the teacher as
a whole, rather than being corrected individually by the ESL learner. In
addition, ESL students have other reasons to study English. If they live in
an English speaking country, they need to learn English very quickly so
that they can live their daily lives comfortably. EFL students are much
more likely to study a language for academic purposes and have a distinct
focus on education.
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is a term commonly used to
describe English as a Second Language. For students who are still learning
English as a foreign language, it can be EFL or ESL, depending on
whether they are studying it for knowledge or communication. EFL
classrooms are located in countries where English is not their first
language. Students speak the same language and have the same cultural
background. It is possible that only teachers who are fluent in English will
ever meet. Foreign language education requires clear and easy-to-
understand interactions between teachers and students in order to produce
good teaching and learning activities.
Unfortunately, it seems difficult to consistently and consistently use
the target language in language classes, especially in EFL classroom. It
has happened since EFL students share the same mother tongue (Brown,
H, 2001). Students have few opportunities to use English outside the
classroom. Learning English does not seem to bring any direct functional
benefit to certain people. As a result, students have limited knowledge of
English as a foreign language is a process where teachers and students
interact with each other. The teacher and students are involved in the
process of interaction in the classroom where the education and learning
process takes place. For students learning English as a Foreign Language,
classroom interactions can provide students with very easy-to-understand
input that is useful both in practice and in their use of the language.
In addition, EFL students get a good model of language in the
teacher's oral communication. Therefore, the language used by effective
teachers can help and arouse students' interest to be actively involved in
classroom activities. Consistent with previous ideas, views teacher
discourse as an important source of understandable input for students'
language acquisition (Krashen, 1985).This is which states that interviews
with teachers are very important not only for the structure of learning, but
also for the learning process (Nunan, 1991)

D. Conceptual Framework
Based on the theoretical framework explained before, the conceptual
framework is concluded by researcher as follows:

EFL Clasroom

Online Quiz

The problems in
students’ responses of
implementing of online
online quiz application
quiz application in EFL
in EFL Classroom

On the conceptual framework arranged above, it can be understood

that the researcher will research about the implementation of online quiz
application in EFL classroom. That for the first time the researcher will
explain what the EFL classroom is. Then, the researcher will also explain
about the online quiz application and various online quiz applications.
Researchers want to know the application of online quiz applications in the
EFL classroom. What are the problems in the application and how are
students responding in the online quiz application in EFL classroom.


A. Type and Research design

This type of research is a field research that focuses on obtaining
qualitative data by going directly to the area of the investigation. The goal
of this research is to thoroughly investigate the backdrop of the human
situation and the interplay of social units such as individuals, groups,
institutions, and society as a whole (Nana Sudjana and Ibrahim, 2007)
A descriptive qualitative approach will be used in this research. Data is
gathered in this manner as much as possible so that the researcher may
describe their result in an appealing way to the readers. Marshall and
Rossman in Sugiyono’s book recommend using qualitative methods such
as direct observation, in-depth interviews, and document review
(Sugiyono, n.d.)
According to MoIeong, qualitative research aims to understand the
phenomena of the object of study, such as behaviors, perceptions,
motivations, activities, etc., in descriptive narratives using a variety of
natural methods (Lexy J Moleong, 2014)
This research is being conducted to learn about the implementation of
online quizzes in the EFL classroom. After the interview, the researcher
will analyze the data. In the final step, the researcher takes the data as a

B. Location and subject of the research

a.) Location of the Research
This research is conducted at SMA Negeri 14 Bone, Bone Regency,
South Sulawesi Province.
b.) The subject of the Research
The subject of this research is the Eleventh-grade students of SMA
Negeri 14 Bone.to make observation, the researcher will take about 20
Students. And will take about 5 students who have the highest score
when using the online quiz application to get interview results and
then the students will be asked for information and their impressions
when implementing the online quiz application.

C. Data and Data Source

Qualitative data is gathered as primary data by the researcher through
observation and interviews. Information gathered from first-hand research
is referred to as “Primary Data”. Observation and interviews were used to
investigate the answer to the research question. It analyzes and categorizes
information to respond to all of the problem statements.
The Primary Data from the research are observation and interviews
that will be conducted in the classroom of the eleventh grade of SMA
Negeri 14 Bone.

D. Research Instrument
The researcher uses two Instruments, they are as follows:
1. Observation
Cartwright has defined observation as a systematic process of
monitoring, observing, recording, and paying attention to an activity
with a specific objective. Observation is the activity of finding data
that can be used to conclude or diagnose something (Cartwright, Carol
A, 1984).
The type of observation that will be used in this search is a list
of observations. This was used to answer the first research question,
namely “what are the problems with implementing online quiz
application in EFL classroom?”
2. Interview
Based on Esterberg’s definition in Sugiyono’s book. “an
interview is an encounter between two people to exchange data and
ideas through question and answer, leading to communication and the
construction of shared meaning on a particular topic. If the researcher
will make the first observation, the interview is used as the data
collection technique. An interview is a self-assessment and is based on
personal beliefs (Sugiyono, 2014)
According to Esterberg, there are three types of Interviews as
follows: (Esterberg, 2002)
a.) Unstructured Interview: In this type of interview, the interviewer
conducts the interview without a systematic plan of questions.
b.) Structured Interview: The interviewer conducts the interview using
a series of prepared questions.
c.) Semi-Structured Interview: The interviewer uses a set of questions,
designed to gather specific information.

Based on the ideas above, this research used a Semi-Structured

Interview with the Students. This is used to answer the second
question, namely “What are the students’ responses of online quiz
application in EFL classroom?”.

E. Data Collection Techniques

In this research, data collection will be done by means of observation
and interviews. First, the researcher will provide a list of observations to
students of eleventh grade at SMA Negeri 14 Bone after applying the
online quiz application. Then the researchers conducted interviews with
students. And finally, the researcher will also do the documentation.
Basically, the data collection process specified below:
1. To answer research questions about what are the problems when
implementing the online quiz application. Researchers analyzed
the questionnaire.
2. To answer research questions about how students respond when
implementing online quiz applications. the researcher analyzed the

All data in this research were collected using two techniques,

observation and interview techniques. And contains some questions for
respondents related to the application of online quiz applications in EFL

F. The technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher uses the technique of data analysis.
According to miles and Huberman which consist of three steps, namely:
1. Data Reduction
Data Reduction is a process of mixing and normalizing all the
data that has become a script to be analyzed. After the researcher
conducts a semi-structured interview with the students, direct
observations, and documents, the researcher selects the results, which
are the data the researcher needs to support the research. (Matthew B.
Miles, A. Michael Huberman, 2014)
2. Data Display
The display data stages contain about half of the written data
and have a clear subject line in a matrix of specific categories as topics
are combined and categorized, and will divide the topics into more
specific and simplified topics from the so-called child-topic ending
with these sub-topics ending code matching verbatim to the interview
before this was done. (Matthew B. Miles, A. Michael Huberman,
In this research, the researcher displays the data by narrating
the results of her interview, and the observation she obtained.
3. Conclusion and verification
The final step in research data analysis is to draw conclusions and
verify the data. The initial conclusions identified are still provisional
and will change without strong evidence to support the next phase of
data collection. But what if the conclusions found in the early stages
are supported by valid and consistent evidence when the researcher
returns to the field to summarize the data, then the enhanced
conclusions are created. (Matthew B. Miles, A. Michael Huberman,


This chapter provides the result of observation from the problems in

implementing of online quiz application in EFL classroom by using an observation

1. The problem in implementing of online quiz application in EFL classroom
1. Do you understand how to use the online quiz app?
Answer: This section aims to find out whether students know or understand
how to use this online quiz application. Of the 33 students observed, all of
them knew how to use an online quiz application because students had used
the learning method using almost the same quiz application.

2. Are you having problems logging in?

Answer: This section aims to find out what problems students experience
when they want to log in to the quiz application. and of the 33 students in the
class observed, 4 of them experienced network problems.

3. Do you open any other application besides the online quiz application?
Answer: This section aims to find out whether students take quizzes or open
other applications besides the quiz application. Of the 33 students observed,
all of them took quizzes in the application and did not open other applications.

4. Is the duration of time sufficient to do the quiz?

Answer: This section aims to determine whether the duration of time given is
sufficient in the process of doing student quizzes in the application. and from
33 students, 9 of them said that the time was too fast and the network also
sometimes made errors so that some questions were missed.
5. Are you in a hurry to determine the answer to the quiz?
Answer: This section aims to find out whether when answering quizzes,
students rush to answer quizzes in the application. of 33 students, 11 of them
felt rushed to answer the quiz because of the time problem specified in each

6. Does the online quiz application experience downtime or errors while doing
the quiz?
Answer: This section aims to find out whether the application experienced an
error when working on the quiz application. and of the 33 students observed, 4
students experienced network problems when they wanted to login, and 3
other students experienced errors during the online quiz process.

7. Did you guess the answer when using the online quiz app?
Answer: This section aims to find out whether students only answer quizzes
carelessly or pay close attention to the questions and answers. of the 33
students observed, most of them answered the quiz with correct and good

2. What are the students’ responses of the online quiz application in EFL
a. Data from interview
The Interview was done by the researcher to collect the data. Five
students answered the questions asked by the researcher. Based on the
collected data, the researcher found how the students’ responses in
implementing of online quiz application in EFL classroom. As follow:
1) How was your impression when using the online quiz application?
Answer: Some of the students interviewed had the same answer.
students said the use of this online quiz application is very interesting,
fun, easy to understand, and easy to use. Other students also said that
the use of this online quiz application is very useful and also effective.
2) What difficulties that you got when using the online quiz application?
Answer: Students said that the common difficulties they encountered
when using this online quiz application were an unstable network or
internet connection, causing application errors.
3) What are the benefits that you get when using an online quiz
Answer: Students who were interviewed said that the benefits obtained
are that it is easier to understand and remember the material, increases
vocabulary knowledge and can train accuracy and speed of thinking,
and eliminates boredom when using this online quiz application.
4) Do you like online quiz application? Give the reason!
Answer: Students said that students liked the online quiz application
because, in addition to being fun, it also made it faster to remember the
vocabulary they got and easier to do quizzes.
5) Do you prefer to take quizzes using an online application or manually?
Answer: Five students who were interviewed preferred to use an online
quiz application because it looks more attractive because it is game-
based so it doesn't make you bored compared to doing quizzes

1. The problem in implementing of online quiz application in EFL classroom.
After analyzing all the research data, it is necessary to revisit the
research results. The aim is to find out the answers from the research. The
first research question is "what are the problems when implementing an
online quiz application?". This can be explained from the results of the
application of an online quiz application which is done by giving quiz
questions to students to be answered using an online quiz application. In the
application of this online quiz application, researchers analyzed student
activities when answering questions in the application. This is done by
following the list of observations that have been made by the researcher.
At the first meeting in the application of the online quiz application,
the researcher will do the introduction process first which takes 5 minutes.
After that, the researcher explained the material to be studied first. Then the
researcher gave sample questions to students and was asked to make
questions according to the examples that had been given with a time of 40
minutes and still not done well because there were still some students who
had not finished their assignments while the time was up, so students were
asked to stop writing but there also those who are still writing after the
teacher counts to three, some students are asked to answer their assignments
on the blackboard.
At the next meeting, students were again asked to answer questions
and write them on the blackboard like in the previous meeting. Four students
could not answer the task, then the researcher answered the question until the
student understood. After there were no more questions, the researcher
wanted to try to apply the use of an online quiz application then students
were asked to prepare their smartphones to open the online quiz application
and enter the code. Some students are having network problems so it is a
little difficult to login into this online quiz application. After that, the
students answered the quiz questions as many as five questions, with each
question having a time limit of 30 seconds to answer. Some students are also
still confused by the answer and are also in a hurry to answer the question.
At the last meeting, the researcher asked students to prepare their
smartphones to answer online quizzes again to find out the progress of
students when implementing this online quiz application. after that students
enter the code so they can enter the application to answer the quiz the
application. At this meeting, the researchers made 10 questions to be used as
quiz questions with 30 seconds in each question. At this meeting, the
students answered the quiz seriously and thoroughly, unlike in the previous
meeting some students answered in a hurry so some of the answers were not
quite right.
Based on the analysis above, it can be said that there are several
problems when implementing the online quiz application. At the first
meeting, some students still had difficulty answering the assignments that
had been given. Then at the next meeting, students were constrained by the
network and had difficulty logging in to the online quiz application, not
being thorough and also in a hurry to answer questions. but some of them
don't have any problems. Then, at the last meeting, the problems experienced
by students were reduced, students also answered quizzes carefully, and
were not in a hurry. Students' answers have also increased compared to the
previous meeting.

2. Students’ responses of online quiz application in EFL classroom.

The second question is "How do students respond when implementing
online quiz applications in EFL classes". This can be explained by
researchers by interviewing students, where interviews were conducted face-
to-face. The results of the interviews showed that there were similarities in
student responses about the application of the online quiz application that
they had done.
Taking online quizzes is familiar to students because they have done it
before, especially during the last pandemic. Even though in reality they still
have difficulties when applying the online quiz application and it is natural
for students. Every student has an opinion about the application of this
application, they also enjoy this process without any pressure. Students feel
that the application of this online quiz application has advantages and is
more effective than doing the quiz manually. The results of this research are
relevant to the theory put forward by (Uno, 2011) which states that the use of
models can improve learning outcomes in the sense that learning becomes
effective. Students said that the application of this application can also
improve the understanding of new vocabulary.
Furthermore, during the implementation process, students have a role
and obligation to work on every online quiz that has been given. This shows
that the application of the online quiz application is an activity that
encourages students to connect by doing the quiz, understanding, and
evaluating the application of this application during the learning process.
In general, the difficulties that students get in applying this online quiz
application are from the internet connection, making it difficult for students
to log in to the application. To increase students' independence, they should
not be separated from the teacher's guidance in supervising their students
and not allowing them to use other applications other than the quiz
Based on the students' perceptions above, it can be said that the
application of online quiz applications can make students active in class and
increase students' understanding of English vocabulary. However, this
technique is not always able to increase students' independence because each
student has a different understanding of English quizzes.


In this chapter, the researcher has made conclusions and suggestions, which
are related to the previous four chapters. Researcher makes conclusions and
suggestions to make more understanding of the researcher.

Based on the discussion, the researcher concludes the results of student
observations and interviews that have been carried out in the application of
the online quiz application in the EFL class based on student activities and
student responses to this application.
1. Based on data from students’ observations. The researcher can conclude
that in the application of online quiz application, initially students still had
difficulties with the material and questions given, some students still did
not understand the answers, but the problem could be resolved after the
material was explained again. Then at the next meeting, students had
problems when they wanted to log in to the application because they were
constrained by the internet network on their smartphone. However, this
problem can be solved when students look for a place that can be reached
by the internet. then at the end of the meeting, the problems experienced
by students can be resolved little by little, and students also prefer to take
quizzes using applications.
2. Based on interview data. Researchers can conclude student responses
about the application of online quiz applications in the EFL class. Students
said that the application of this online quiz application was very good. All
students liked it because some students said that using this online quiz
application could add insight such as understanding vocabulary that they
did not understand before. Students also said that online quiz application
was easier than doing quizzes using paper and pen.

Based on the conclusions above, the researcher would like to give
suggestions to the readers and especially to teachers, students, and researcher:
1. For teachers
The need for English teachers is advised to apply online quiz
applications in the teaching process, especially in teaching when giving
assignments because it can make it easier for students to do quizzes
2. For students
Students need to be active in the classroom and not consider the
teacher as their only source of learning. Students must also make
smartphones a tool for learning.
3. For researchers
Researchers suggest further research to conduct research in examining
what are the problems encountered in the application of online quiz
application in EFL classroom.

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A. List of Observation


No. Yes No

1 Do you understand how to use the online quiz


2 Do you have problems when you want to login?

3 Do you open any other application besides the online

quiz application?

4 Is the time duration sufficient to do the quiz?

5 Are you in a hurry to determine the answer to the quiz?

6 Does the online quiz application experience downtime or

errors while doing the quiz?

7 Did you guess the answer when using the online quiz


B. List of Interview
1. How was your impression when using online quiz application?
2. What difficulties that you got when using online quiz application?
3. What are the benefits that you get when using online quiz application?
4. How is your English skill after using online quiz application?
5. Do you prefer to take quizzes using an online application or manually?

No. Name Question Answer

1 Student 1 How was your impression
when using online quiz
2 Student 2 How was your impression
when using online quiz
3 Student 3 How was your impression
when using online quiz
4 Student 4 How was your impression
when using online quiz
5 Student 5 How was your impression
when using online quiz
No. Name Question Answer
1 Student 1 What difficulties that you
got when using online quiz
2 Student 2 What difficulties that you
got when using online quiz
3 Student 3 What difficulties that you
got when using online quiz
4 Student 4 What difficulties that you
got when using online quiz
5 Student 5 What difficulties that you
got when using online quiz

No. Name Question Answer

1 Student 1 What are the benefits that
you get when using online
quiz application?
2 Student 2 What are the benefits that
you get when using online
quiz application?
3 Student 3 What are the benefits that
you get when using online
quiz application?
4 Student 4 What are the benefits that
you get when using online
quiz application?
5 Student 5 What are the benefits that
you get when using online
quiz application?

No. Name Question Answer

1 Student 1 How is your English skill
after using online quiz
2 Student 2 How is your English skill
after using online quiz
3 Student 3 How is your English skill
after using online quiz
4 Student 4 How is your English skill
after using online quiz
5 Student 5 How is your English skill
after using online quiz

No. Name Question Answer

1 Student 1 Do you prefer to take
quizzes using an online
application or manually?
2 Student 2 Do you prefer to take
quizzes using an online
application or manually?
3 Student 3 Do you prefer to take
quizzes using an online
application or manually?
4 Student 4 Do you prefer to take
quizzes using an online
application or manually?
5 Student 5 Do you prefer to take
quizzes using an online
application or manually?

The tables above are the result of the answers from five students who have
been interviewed by the researcher.
1. Observation
The picture above is a list of student observations regarding student activities
in the implementation of online quiz application.
Documentation of observation in meeting 1
Documentation of observation in meeting 2
Documentation of observation in meeting 3
Documentation of observation in meeting 4
Documentation of Interview
In accordance with the picture above, on July 13th, July 20th, July 27th, and
August 3rd, 2022 the researchers chose the classes to conduct and apply the online
quiz application. The picture above shows that researchers have conducted research
and some of the activities above, such as researchers explaining the material and also
the application of online quiz applications in learning, and student interview

The researcher's name is A. Winda Faradiba, born in

Lamuru on September 9, 2000. He is the second child of H. A.
Baso Abunjani and Hj. Nurbaya Rahman. She has one older
brother. The researcher finished her education at Mallusetasi
Kindergarten in Lamurukung in 2006. Furthermore, the
researcher continued her education at SD INPRES 3/77
Lamurukung and graduated in 2012. After that, the researcher continued her
education at the Nurul Junaidiyah Lauwo Islamic Boarding School in East Luwu and
graduated in 2015. the same year the researcher continued her studies at SMA Negeri
14 Bone and graduated in 2018, in the same year the researcher decided to continue
her studies to college. The researcher was accepted at IAIN Bone. She is a student of
the Department of English Education (TBI) at the Tarbiyah Faculty.

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