Homework 3

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Homework Three - Conversational Agent

Due Date: Monday April 11, 2022

Submission: blackboard, by midnight.


Team Work

1. Build a Conversational Agent using NLP.

In the present assignment, you are required to build a conversational agent, that
we’ll call Brainy. The assignment consists of the following modules:

Module #1: Load and Preprocess text data.

In the first module, go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronavirus_disease_2019
or to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennis or pick any other Wikipedia text about a
topic of your choice:
1. Copy some text from the page,
2. Paste it in a word document,
3. Save it as .txt file.
a. Save the file in the same directory as your jupyter notebook.
4. Preprocess and normalize the text.

Module #2: Greetings.

In the second module you will exchange greetings with Brainy:
1. Upon your input of a greeting text (Hello, Howdy, Good morning, Hi, etc…),
Brainy should recognize the text to be a greeting. Once it recognizes it, it picks
a random reply from its own list of greetings brainy_response.
2. At any time, if you input an incorrect text, Brainy should reply: “I am sorry, I
do not understand what you are asking me.”

CSC498 –NLP-SP22 1
Homework 3 – Developing a Conversational Agent
Pauline Maouad, PhD
Module #3: Text Vectorization and Similarity Measure.
In this third module, you will ask Brainy questions about the topic you chose in
Module 1. For example, if you chose the tennis page on Wikipedia, then suitable
questions can be:
• Tell me about Roger Federer
• What is a grand slam tournament?
• What are the Tennis game rules?
• Etc…

Then, Brainy will search the text and return an appropriate answer to your
question. At any time, if you input an erroneous text, Brainy should reply: “I am
sorry, I do not understand what you are asking me.”

Module #4: Speech Recognition.

In module 4, you will incorporate a speech recognition task.
Part I: To that end, you need to install on your system the SpeechRecognition
package. Then:
1. Record your voice uttering a line of task such as a greeting: “Hello Brainy”
or “What is Covid”, or “tell me about the tennis grand slam”
(depending on your text).
2. Load the mp3 voice into your jupyter notebook
3. Input it to the speech recognizer
4. Print the text transcription of the line you recorded.
5. Then feed this line to your agent.

Part II: Then, use your microphone to talk directly and have the speech recognizer
recognize your utterance. To that end you need to install:
1. portaudio and pyaudio
2. Installation instructions for Windows and Mac are found here:
3. The text you speak through the microphone, should be captured and sent to
Brainy, and Brainy should reply (Module 3).

CSC498 –NLP-SP22 2
Homework 3 – Developing a Conversational Agent
Pauline Maouad, PhD
Module #5:
In this fifth module, you need to implement a text-to-speech task, where you output
the response of Brainy through your system’s speakers. To this end you need to
1. gTTs package of pypi
2. Installation instructions for Windows and Mac are found here:

Module #6:
Finally, at any moment you type and/or speak “Bye” or “Bye Brainy”, Brainy
should reply with “Bye human” or “Take care” and close the input (you can no
longer input text).

➔ In fine, when I run your code, I should be able to greet Brainy or ask him a
question, by inputting a text and/or speaking through the microphone. Brainy
should reply to me by text and/or through the speakers.

Enjoy your first NLP Agent!

CSC498 –NLP-SP22 3
Homework 3 – Developing a Conversational Agent
Pauline Maouad, PhD

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