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Effects of Volute Curvature on Performance of a Low Specific-Speed

Centrifugal Pump at Design and Off-Design Conditions

Article  in  Journal of Turbomachinery · April 2015

DOI: 10.1115/1.4028766


41 5,490

4 authors, including:

Hamed Alemi Mehrdad Raisee Dehkordi

University of Tehran University of Tehran


Amir Najafi
University of Tehran


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Hamed Alemi1
Hydraulic Machinery Research Institute,
School of Mechanical Engineering, Effects of Volute Curvature
College of Engineering,
University of Tehran,
Tehran 1439955961, Iran
on Performance of a Low
e-mail: [email protected]

Seyyed Ahmad Nourbakhsh

Specific-Speed Centrifugal
Hydraulic Machinery Research Institute,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Pump at Design and Off-Design
College of Engineering,
University of Tehran,
Tehran 1439955961, Iran
e-mail: [email protected]
The effects of the volute geometry on the head, efficiency, and radial force of a low
specific-speed centrifugal pump were investigated focusing on off-design conditions. This
Mehrdad Raisee paper is divided into three parts. In the first part, the three-dimensional flow inside the
Hydraulic Machinery Research Institute, pump with rectangular volute was simulated using three well-known turbulence models.
School of Mechanical Engineering, Simulation results were compared with the available experimental data, and an accepta-
College of Engineering, ble agreement was obtained. In the second part, two volute design methods, namely, the
University of Tehran, constant velocity and the constant angular momentum were investigated. Obtained
Tehran 1439955961, Iran results showed that in general the constant velocity method gives more satisfactory per-
e-mail: [email protected] formance. In the third part, three volutes with different cross section and diffuser shape
were designed. In general, it was found that circular cross section volute with radial dif-
Amir Farhad Najafi fuser provides higher head and efficiency. Moreover, the minimum radial force occurs at
Hydraulic Machinery Research Institute, higher flowrate in circular volute geometry comparing to rectangular cross section
School of Mechanical Engineering, volute. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4028766]
College of Engineering,
University of Tehran, Keywords: low-specific speed pump, CFD, radial force, velocity constant, diffuser shape,
Tehran 1439955961, Iran volute cross section
e-mail: [email protected]

1 Introduction of 2.5% by CFD simulation using the standard k-e turbulence

model. Kelder et al. [2] studied turbulent flow at Reynolds number
The volute of centrifugal pumps is generally designed for an
of 1:7  106 in the volute of a low specific-speed pump both
optimum or normal flowrate condition. In this case, the angular
experimentally and numerically close to the design point. They
distribution of the static pressure round the impeller becomes
showed that in this condition, the core flow behaves like a poten-
approximately uniform. So, the lowest radial load is generated in
tial flow. Thus, they employed inviscid equations to solve flow
normal condition. When pump is operating at off-design condi-
field. Feng et al. [3] applied various turbulence models to simulate
tion, impeller outflow does not match the volute geometry, and as
nonstationary turbulent flow in a radial diffuser pump. The numer-
a result, a nonuniform angular pressure distribution is established,
ical results obtained for the pressure, velocity, and turbulence
resulting in radial force. Large radial force causes several troubles
fields were analyzed and compared with laser Doppler velocime-
in pump such as: noise, vibration, and extra load on the bearings.
try (LDV) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) data. They
To reduce such undesirable effects, during the last years, a num-
reported that the choice of turbulence model does not have a sig-
ber of researchers have investigated the effects of geometrical
nificant influence on the pressure field. Among all turbulence
parameters on the radial force in centrifugal pumps. The internal
models, the k-x turbulence model had superior performance on
flow developing in a pump at off-design conditions is extremely
prediction of the velocity vector directions as well as the turbulent
complex due to blade curvatures, impeller rotation, rotor–stator
kinetic energy levels. Cheah et al. [4] simulated the 3D and non-
interaction, turbulence effects, and flow separation. Therefore, in
stationary turbulent flow through the centrifugal pump by means
numerical study, it is necessary to employ reliable turbulence
of commercial CFX 11.0 code, using the standard k-e turbulence
models with accurate numerical methods for prediction of com-
model with scalable log-law wall functions for wall boundary con-
plex flow in centrifugal pumps. During recent years, numerous
dition treatment. Their numerical results predicted the head coeffi-
studies have been conducted to apply computational fluid dynam-
cient in good agreement with the experimental data. They
ics (CFD) methods for the simulation of turbulent flow in centrifu-
observed that flow separation occurs at the impeller leading edge
gal pumps. In the following some of these investigations are
due to nontangential inflow conditions as caused by the inlet
briefly reviewed. Gulich and Favre [1] carried out the numerical
curved duct. Gonzalez et al. [5] presented a comparison between
calculation for various impellers with specific speeds ranging
numerical simulations and experiments to examine the effective-
from Ns ¼ 12 to 160 using a commercial CFD code and compared
ness of CFD method in capturing pressure pulsation for a wide
the numerical results with the experimental data. They showed
range of flowrates inside a centrifugal pump. They obtained the
that the pump head could be estimated with a standard deviation
amplitude of the fluctuating pressure field by means of CFD simu-
lation using the standard k-e turbulence model. Spence and
Corresponding author. Amaral-Teixeira [6] studied experimentally and numerically the
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the
JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY. Manuscript received November 29, 2013; final
effect of four geometric parameters, namely, cut-water gap, vane
manuscript received September 30, 2014; published online November 26, 2014. arrangement, snubber gap, and the side wall clearance on the pres-
Assoc. Editor: Stephen W. T. Spence. sure pulsation within a complete double entry, double volute

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centrifugal pump using multiblock, structured grid, and TASC- different working conditions. The governing equations are pre-
flow CFD code. Finally, they recommended proper values for all sented in the Appendix. The solver is a 3D CFD code in which the
parameters to reduce pressure fluctuation and radial force. governing equations are discretized using the finite-element based
Jafarzadeh et al. [7] studied turbulent flow within a low-Ns , high- finite-volume method. Two main advantages of such hybrid CFD
speed centrifugal pump, using three dimensional numerical simu- method are geometric flexibility due to the finite-element method
lation and the k-e turbulence model. They investigated the effect and retaining the conservation properties of the finite-volume
of number of blades on the efficiency of pump and found that the method. That results in low numerical error on nonsmooth grids.
position of blades with respect to the tongue has a great influence The second-order upwind scheme was applied for the space dis-
on the separation. Yang et al. [8] investigated the effects of vari- cretization. For grid generation, the 3D models of impellers and
ous volute geometries by means of ANSYS-CFX software using the volute were first generated, and then exported to commercial soft-
standard RNG k-e turbulence model in a pump with Ns ¼ 23. Their ware. Water at 25  C was selected as the working fluid. For
research showed that volute with round cross section gives more boundary conditions, a constant mass flowrate and normal flow
head and efficiency in comparison with trapezoidal and rectangu- direction was applied at the inlet while a constant pressure was
lar cross sections. More recently, Torabi and Nourbakhsh [9] stud- specified at the outlet. Spence and Amaral-Texeira [10] reported
ied the effects of some volutes geometrical factor variation on that these boundary conditions cause rapid convergence.
radial force. They found that the gap between impeller and tongue It was found that by increasing the turbulent intensity at inlet
severely affects the radial force. More specifically, they found that from 5% to 10% and viscosity ratio from 10 to 100, the predicted
6% reduction in the gap increases the maximum value of the static head changes less than 0.01%. So, turbulent intensity and viscos-
pressure by 50% round the impeller exit. ity ratio were set to be 5% and 10%, respectively. The conver-
As mentioned above, a number of experimental and numerical gence criteria for numerical simulation were set at maximum
investigations have been performed to study the effects of various residuals of 1  104 .
geometrical parameters on the hydraulic performance and radial For mesh generation, at first the pump was split into four com-
force of centrifugal pumps. However, almost none of the previous ponents. As shown in Fig. 2(a), the components are: (i) inlet duct,
investigations studied numerically the influence of main geometrical (ii) impeller, (iii) volute, and (iv) outlet duct. Straight duct at inlet
parameters of volute curvature including velocity or angular momen- and outlet were used to prevent boundary condition effects on
tum constant method design, cross section shape, and outlet diffuser simulation of the pump flow domain.
shape on pump performance and radial force in a comprehensive Each module has been meshed independently. Figure 2(b)
way. In order to fill this gap, in the first part, numerical simulation shows the generated grids for the pump impeller and volute. Due
was validated using available experimental data. In the second part to complexity of geometry, the hexahedral (near walls) and tetra-
two methods of volute design, namely, velocity constant and angular hedral cells were used for inlet and outlet modules, and tetrahedral
momentum constant were compared. Finally, in the third part, the cells were used for impeller and volute. Close to some important
effects of cross section shape, and outlet diffuser shape on hydraulic regions, such as the leading and trailing edge of the blades and the
characteristics of a centrifugal pump were investigated. volute tongue where flow separation may occur, mesh clustering
was applied (see Fig. 2). In grid generation process, orthogonal
2 Main Pump Parameters quality, aspect ratio, and skewness were assured to be in desirable
In this study, experimental measurement of Kelder et al. [2] range. For steady simulation the grids between the impeller and
was used for CFD validation. Design conditions of the studied volute in one hand, and inlet duct and impeller on the other hand,
pump are summarized in Table 1. The details of pump geometry are conjoined by means of a frozen rotor interface. In other words,
used by Kelder et al. [2] are shown in Fig. 1. The investigated cen- for steady simulation, impeller rotation is considered and the
trifugal pumps have a low-Ns of 21. The impeller consists of seven frame of reference is changed but the relative orientation of the
blades with a constant blade angle of 70 deg with respect to the components across the interface is fixed. Both two frames of refer-
radial direction and a constant blade thickness of 2 mm. The main ence connect in such a way that each of them has a fixed relative
volute possesses a compound cross section. As shown in Fig. 1(b), position throughout the calculation. This is equivalent to taking a
this compound is made of rectangle and trapezoid cross sections. snapshot from the flow field in an instance of time. Moreover,
The volute tongue has a cylindrical shape with a diameter of general grid interface was employed between volute and outlet
2 mm. Experiments were performed at flowrates of 82.5%, 100%, duct.
and 112% of the normal flowrate. LDV measurement system was Grid independency studies were performed using different
used for velocity measurements. In addition, static pressure detec- mesh sizes. Figure 3 shows head coefficient normalized by experi-
tion was performed using U-tube manometers. Velocity and static mental head coefficient versus mesh size. It was found that by
pressure data were collected at the locations shown in Fig. 1. As increasing the number of cells from 7:3  105 to 1:2  106
shown in Fig. 1, the pressure tabs are located at the shroud side changes in the predicted head is about 0.8%. Further mesh refine-
just outside the impeller and at mid-height of outer wall in volute. ment from 1:2  106 cells to 1:9  106 decreases the head by
More details of pump configuration and experimental method can about 0.7%. Since the predicted head does not show a great
be found in Kelder et al. [2]. sensitivity to the grid refinement, the numerical results can be con-
sidered as grid independent. All the numerical results were
obtained using the mesh with 1:2  106 cells due to having more
3 Numerical Method and Model Description confidence in achievement.
In this study, a commercial code was used to solve the full 3D
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (3D-RANS) equations for
4 Results
Table 1 Main parameters of pump
4.1 Numerical Simulation of Flow Through Main Pump.
Parameter Value The numerical simulations of the present study were validated by
comparing the predicted static pressure and velocity components
Metric specific speed, Ns 21
with the experimental data [2] at selected locations. As shown in
Nominal flow coefficient, /n 0.15
Nominal head coefficient, wn 0.124 Fig. 1, the static pressure was measured at the impeller periphery
Impeller exit diameter, d2 (mm) 640 and volute center wall, while velocity data were obtained in a
Impeller exit width, b2 (mm) 25 plane located at the center of the volute. In this paper, three well-
Number of blades, Z 7 known turbulence models were examined; namely, the standard
k-e, the low-Re k-x, and the shear stress transport (SST). These

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Fig. 1 (a) Kelder volute geometry and locations of velocity and static pressure
measurement. (b) Volute cross section dimensions in millimeters.

Fig. 2 (a) 3D models of total domain including (i) inlet duct, (ii) impeller, (iii) volute, and (iv)
outlet duct; (b) computational mesh for the investigated pump

turbulence models are described in the Appendix. In Fig. 4, pres-

sure distributions obtained from three turbulence models are com-
pared with the experimental data [2]. Experimental and numerical
results showed that depending on the value of flowrate, the static
pressure distribution has different behavior. For the design flowrate,
the static pressure remains almost uniform which leads to minimum
radial force. At the off-design condition corresponding to the low
capacity /=/n ¼ 0:825, the static pressure increases with h while
an opposite trend is observed for /=/n ¼ 1:12. The wavy shape of
pressure distribution can be seen in CFD predictions; that is due to
impeller blades effects. It is seen that all three turbulence models
give comparable results in both design and off-design conditions.
Despite the presence of local discrepancies between CFD predic-
tions and measurements, both the level and trend of CFD results are
in overall agreement with the measurements.
In Fig. 5, the predicted radial and tangential velocity compo-
nents are compared with the experimental data of Kelder et al. [2].
Comparisons were made for three working conditions (/=/n
Fig. 3 Head coefficient versus mesh size ¼ 0:825, 1.0, and 1.12) along four traverse sections (A, D, F, and

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Fig. 4 The pressure distributions of impeller periphery

H) of the volute (see Fig. 1). However, some discrepancies As mentioned in the Introduction, Kelder et al. [2] employed
between turbulence models at /=/n ¼ 0:825 are seen here, again Euler equation in their numerical predictions and found reasona-
all turbulence models returned similar results consistent with the ble agreement between computational and experimental data.
experimental data of Kelder et al. [2]. It should be noted that dis- However, level of agreement was not as good as those shown in
crepancies between computations and experimental data could be Fig. 5. For instance, at /=/n ¼ 0:825 on traverse A, RMS error of
partly due to the uncertainties in measurements. An uncertainty present CFD results is about 11% whereas it is about 25% for
analysis gives a relative uncertainty of about 3% in pressure and Kelder results [2].

Fig. 5 Comparison of predicted and measured nondimensional radial and circumferential velocities in the volute along differ-
ent traverses in /=/n 5 0:825; 1; and 1:12

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In Fig. 6, the predicted head coefficients using three turbulent
models are compared with experimental data for a wide range of
flow coefficients, including the design point and off-design condi-
tions. Although the k-e turbulence model returns more accurate
results for the nondimensional head near the design point, the
head predictions of the k-x model at off-design conditions are
closer to the experimental data especially at high flowrate. Since,
the principal focus of current study was on off-design conditions,
the k-x turbulence model with automatic near wall treatments
was employed for calculations.
When the position of blade with respect to tongue ðhÞ changes,
pressure and velocity distribution in the volute vary due to interac-
tion between the impeller blade and volute tongue. In other words,
pump characteristics are instantaneous and unsteady. To study
unsteadiness of flow regime, Fig. 7 presents pump performance
Fig. 6 Comparison of predicted head using various turbulence curves versus blade location with respect to the tongue. The
models with the experimental data results indicate that when blades location vary with respect to

Fig. 7 Pump performance versus blade location with respect to tongue

Fig. 8 2D models of volutes using (a) Pfleiderer design and (b) Stepanoff design

Fig. 9 Numerical results of volute pump using Pfleiderer, and Stepanoff methods for volute design

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Fig. 10 Pressure contours for Pfleiderer and Stepanoff design

tongue, head magnitude, efficiency, and radial forces will alter purpose, it is essential to select a circumferential velocity (Cu ) dis-
less than 2.5%, 1.5%, and 8%, respectively. However, for quasi- tribution around impeller periphery in volute. Cu represents the
steady simulation of present work, in all cases, the tongue was tangential component of absolute velocity in the impeller outlet
similarly located in the midposition of two blades (h ¼ 25:7 deg). and circumferential velocity in volute. The difference of these two
methods would be made obvious far from impeller outlet in volute
where on every section Cu or rCu should be remained constant.
4.2 Comparison of Velocity Constant and Angular Mo- According to traditional design rules, two alternatives are avail-
mentum Constant Methods Volute Design. The preliminary able. First alternative, proposed by Stepanoff [11], assumes a con-
step for volute design is cross section area calculation. For this stant tangential velocity. This design results in uniform theoretical

Fig. 11 3D models and cross section dimensional parameters (in millimeters) of (a) rectangular cross section,
(b) circular cross section, and (c) trapezoidal cross section

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Fig. 12 Pump characteristics with different cross section shape

static pressure distribution around impeller periphery at design numerical results of two new designed volutes. As expected, the
point. Second alternative proposed by Pfleiderer [12] takes con- radial force of Stepanoff design at normal point is somewhat
stant angular moment, rCu , in volute. lower than the radial force of Pfleiderer design due to uniform
Due to circumferential velocity variation, it is expected that the pressure distribution round impeller periphery. Pfleiderer design
uniformity of static pressure is deteriorated around impeller produces a slightly higher head and efficiency in low capacity that
periphery at design point using this method. In this paper, two vol- is consistent with Yang et al. [8] reports. At high capacity, the Ste-
utes are designed using the above mentioned methods. In Figs. panoff design yields far better performance characteristics than
8(a) and 8(b), 2D models of two volutes are demonstrated. In both the Pfleiderer design, and the radial force is much lower than that
volutes outlet cross sections were kept the same. Figure 9 shows of the Pfleiderer design. Figure 10 clearly displays that pressure

Fig. 13 Pressure contours in circular cross section volute

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4.3.2 Design of Volute With Different Diffuser Shape. There
are two alternatives for the selection of diffuser shape in volute
design; namely, radial diffuser and tangential diffuser. In Figs.
14(a) and 14(b), 2D views of these diffusers are shown whereas
the volute geometry is the same for two designs. Figure 15 shows
the results obtained from CFD calculations. As can be seen, both
diffusers provide more or less the same head but radial diffuser
gives a slightly higher efficiency at design point and high flowrate.
Also, radial diffuser produces lower radial force at design point
and low flowrate.

5 Conclusion
In this paper, the hydraulic characteristics of a low-Ns centrifu-
gal pump with various volutes were numerically investigated by
Fig. 14 2D views of (a) radial diffuser and (b) tangential means of commercial software. In the first part, CFD results of all
diffuser turbulence models were found to be in reasonable agreement with
the measurements. Based on the predictions, the k-x turbulence
model with automatic near wall treatments was chosen for further
contour around impeller in Stepanoff design is much more uni- analysis. In total, five various volutes were designed to study the
form in high capacity and this results in lower radial force genera- influence of various geometrical parameters on the head,
tion shown in Fig. 9(c). Another point of interest in Fig. 10 is the efficiency, and radial force.
low pressure region near leading edge of blades located toward In the second part, it is found that Stepanoff design generates
tongue due to dropping the local static pressure at /=/n ¼ 140%. lower radial force than Pfleiderer design at normal flowrate. Also,
This region is extended more in Pfleiderer design that leads to Stepanoff design encompasses more appropriate condition in
higher possibility of cavitation. This means that the design criteria head, efficiency, and radial load in high flowrate, though the Pflei-
of the volute do not take into account the fact that the impeller has derer design provides superior condition in low flowrate.
a not negligible interaction with the volute. In the last part, results showed that the circular cross section
volute provides higher head and efficiency than the other cross
sections in almost entire flowrate. Trapezoidal and circular cross
4.3 Design of Volutes With New Geometry
sections give lower radial force at high capacity rate while rectan-
4.3.1 Design of Volutes With Different Cross Section Shapes. gular cross section yields lower radial force at low capacity rate.
In this section, three new volutes with different cross section Another point of interest was shifting the minimum radial force
shapes, including rectangular, circular, and trapezoidal cross point of circular and trapezoidal cross section volutes to higher
sections, were probed into (see Figs. 11(a)–11(c)). All three vol- flowrate about 115% Qn of rectangular cross section volute. This
utes were designed using velocity constant method; and cross- means that the minimum radial force does not essentially occur at
sectional areas of three designs are the same. Figure 12 the best efficiency point depending on volute shape geometry. The
demonstrates pump performances obtained from CFD simulation volute with radial diffuser gave slightly more efficiency at normal
for corresponding cross sections. It is seen that circular cross sec- and high flowrate comparing to the volute with tangential diffuser,
tion volute is the best considering head and efficiency. Yang et al. also produced lower radial force at normal and low flowrate.
[8] reports similar results. However, circular and trapezoidal cross Finally, it can be concluded from the numerical results that gen-
sections have higher radial force, at design point and low flowrate. erally, Stepanoff volute design with circular cross section and ra-
At high flowrate, trapezoidal and circular volutes produce better dial diffuser shape provides better hydraulic performance and
condition. Hydraulic radii of circular and trapezoidal geometries lower radial force especially at high flowrate. In low-Ns pump, the
are higher than rectangular one which causes reduction in pressure generated radial force at high flowrate is significantly more than
loss. An interesting matter to be noticed here is the shift of mini- radial force at low capacity. This alarms that bearing selection
mum radial force point of circular and trapezoidal cross section based on zero-flow condition may be risky in low-Ns pumps.
volutes to higher flowrate equal to about 115% Qn of rectangular
volute. As shown in Fig. 12(b), it could be due to higher efficiency
and better flow regime of these volutes near 115% Qn. Acknowledgment
As displayed in Fig. 13, pressure distribution around impeller is The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of
the most uniform at /=/n ¼ 120% that is consistent with the low- Hydraulic Machinery Research Institute, School of Mechanical
est radial force shown in Fig. 11(c). Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran.

Fig. 15 Numerical simulation result for volutes with radial diffuser and tangential diffuser

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Nomenclature Appendix
b2 ¼ breadth of impeller at discharge (mm)
Cu ¼ circumferential or tangential velocity (m/s)
d2 ¼ outside diameter of impeller (mm)
A.1 Governing Equations
Fr ¼ radial force (N) Since the flows in most engineering applications, including cen-
F1 ; F2 ¼ blending functions trifugal pumps, are turbulent, the Navier–Stokes equations need to
Fr ¼ Fr =ð0:5qu22 pd2 b2 Þ, radial force coefficient be averaged over a period of time longer than the time scale of
(nondimensional) flow applying the Reynolds decomposition, where flow quantities
g¼ standard gravity acceleration (m/s2) are decomposed in a mean and a fluctuating component. The
H; Hn ¼ head, normal or design head (m) application of this decomposition and subsequent time averaging
  results in RANS equations; where the turbulence effect appears as
k¼ 1 2 2 2
2 u þ v þ w , turbulent kinetic energy a second order tensor representing the interaction between the
(m2/s2) fluctuating velocities. RANS equations for statistically stationary
N¼ rotation speed (r/min) flow can be written in the following way, as the continuity
Ns ¼ NQ0:5 H 0:75 , metric specific speed (r/min, equation:
m3/s, m)
P¼ static pressure (Pa) @Uj
¼0 (A1)
Pin ¼ inlet static pressure (Pa) @xj
Pk ¼ Production rate of the turbulent kinetic
energy (m2/ s3) and momentum equations as
P ¼ ðP  Pin Þ=qu22 , pressure coefficient
(nondimensional) @   1 @P @ @Ui
Q; Qn ¼ flowrate, Normal or design flowrate (m3/s) Uj Ui ¼  þ t  ui uj
@xj q @xi @xj @xj
ro ¼ radius of volute wall midline (mm) 
r4 ¼ volute inlet radius (mm)  2ijp Xp Uj  Xj Xj Xi  Xj Xi Xj (A2)
r ¼ ðr  r4 Þ=ðro  r4 Þ, volute radial distance
(nondimensional) where X denotes the rotation vector of the coordinate system and
Re ¼ ðXd22 Þ=t, Reynolds number X the position vector. The first group of rotation terms represents
(nondimensional) the Coriolis forces and the second group the centrifugal forces.
Tave ¼ average pressure and viscous moment on When a domain with a stationary frame is specified, Coriolis and
impeller walls (N  m) centrifugal momentum terms vanished.
ui ¼ ðu; v; wÞ, fluctuating velocity vector in ten-
sor notation (m/s) A.2 Turbulence Models
Ui ¼ ðU; V; W Þ, mean velocity vector in tensor
notation (m/s)
u2 ¼ blade tip velocity (m/s) A.2.1 The Standard k-e Turbulence Model. In k-e turbu-
uþ ¼ U=ðsw =qÞ0:5 (nondimensional) lence model, the Reynolds stress tensor qui uj is obtained from
Vr ¼ Vr =u2 , radial velocity (nondimensional) the eddy-viscosity approximation
Vh ¼ Vh =u2 , circumferential velocity

(nondimensional) 2 @Ui @Uj
ui uj ¼ dij k  tt þ (A3)
xi ¼ ½X; Y; Z, Cartesian coordinates in tensor 3 @xj @xi
notation (m)
yþ ¼ exp½ðuþ  5:5Þ=2:5 distance from the wall where the kinematic turbulent viscosity, tt , is defined as
Z¼ number of blades k2
tt ¼ Cl (A4)
Greek Symbols To obtain tt , the following transport equations for the turbu-
Cl ; Ce1 ; Ce2 ; rk ; re ¼ k-e turbulence model coefficients lence kinetic energy, k, and its dissipation rate,e, are solved
b0 ; b; rk ; rx ; a ¼ k-x turbulence model coefficients  
@ui @ui @ @ tt @k
e ¼ 2t , dissipation rate (m2/s3) ðUi kÞ ¼ þ Pk -e (A5)
@xj @xj @xj @xj rk @xj
eijk ¼ permutation symbol  
ghyd ¼ qgQH=ðTave XÞ, hydraulic efficiency (%) @   @ tt @e e
Uj e ¼ þ ðCe1 Pk  Ce2 eÞ (A6)
h; ht ¼ angular coordinate, angular position of @xj @xj re @xj k
tongue (deg)
q ¼ fluid density (kg/m3) where Pk is the generation rate of turbulent kinetic energy
t ¼ kinematic viscosity (m2/s) obtained from
tt ¼ kinematic
 viscosity (m2/s)
/; /n ¼ Q= Xd22 b2 , flow coefficient, flow @Ui
coefficient at normal flowrate Qn Pk ¼ ui uj (A7)
w; wn ¼ gH=ðX2 d2 Þ, head coefficient, head
coefficient at normal head rate Hn
Table 2 Empirical constants for the k -e turbulence model
w ¼ normalized head coefficient by the head Cl Ce1 Ce2 rk re
coefficient of experiment (nondimensional)
x ¼ k=tt , specific dissipation rate (1/s) 0.09 1.44 1.92 1.0 1.3
X ¼ rotation speed or rotation vector (rad/s)

Journal of Turbomachinery APRIL 2015, Vol. 137 / 041009-9

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Table 3 Empirical constants for the k -x turbulence model with

b0 a b rk rx

k 500t 4qk
arg1 ¼ min max 0 ; 2 ; (A12)
0.09 5=9 0.075 2 2.0 b xy y x CDkx rx2 y2

where y is the distance to the nearest wall, and

1 @k @x
CDkx ¼ max 2q ; 1:0  1010 (A13)
The value of constants Cl ; Ce1 ; Ce2 ; rk ; and re are given in rx2 x @xj @xj
Table 2.
The SST model accounts for the transport of the turbulent shear
A.2.2 Low-Re k-x Turbulence Model. In the low-Re k-x stress and is expected to give highly accurate predictions of the
turbulence model, developed by Wilcox [13], the unknown onset and the amount of flow separation under adverse pressure
Reynolds stress tensor, qui uj , is calculated from Eq. (A3). The gradients. The formulation of the eddy-viscosity
turbulent viscosity is obtained from the relation
a1 k
k tt ¼ (A14)
tt ¼ (A8) maxða1 x; SF2 Þ
where S is an invariant measure of the strain rate. F2 is a blending
To obtain tt , two transport equations, one for the turbulent function, which restricts the limiter to the wall boundary layer, as
kinetic energy, k, and one for the turbulent frequency, x, are the underlying assumptions are not correct for free shear flows
solved. The transport equations for k and x equations are, respec-
tively, written as  
F2 ¼ tanh arg22 (A15)

@   @ tt @k
Uj k ¼ tþ þ Pk  b0 kx (A9) where
@xj @xj rk @xj
2 k 500t
arg2 ¼ max 0 ; 2 (A16)

 b xy y x
@   @ tt @x x
Uj x ¼ tþ þ a Pk  bx2 (A10) References
@xj @xj rx @xj k

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