Year 13 MT

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Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.

1 Combustion data can be used to calculate the empirical formula, molecular formula and relative
molecular mass of many organic compounds.

(a) Define the term relative molecular mass.




............................................................................................................................................... [2]

T is an alcohol, CxHyO. A gaseous sample of T occupied a volume of 20 cm3 at 120 °C and

100 kPa.

The sample was completely burned in 200 cm3 of oxygen (an excess). The final volume,
measured under the same conditions as the gaseous sample, was 250 cm3.

Under these conditions, all water present is vaporised. Removal of the water vapour from the
gaseous mixture decreased the volume to 170 cm3.

Treating the remaining gaseous mixture with concentrated alkali, to absorb carbon dioxide,
decreased the volume to 110 cm3.

The equation for the complete combustion of T can be represented as shown.

CxHyO + zO2 xCO2 + HO
2 2
(i) Use the data given to calculate the value of x.

x = .............................. [1]

(ii) Use the data given to calculate the value of y.

y = .............................. [1]

If you were unable to calculate values for x and y then use x = 4 and y = 10 for the remaining
parts of this question. These are not the correct values.

(iii) Complete the equation for the complete combustion of the alcohol, T.

............................ + .................O2 .................CO2 + .................H2O


(iv) Give the skeletal formulae for two possible structures of T.

Name each alcohol.

................................................. .................................................

(v) Use the general gas equation to calculate the mass of T present in the original 20 cm3
gaseous sample, which was measured at 120 °C and 100 kPa.

Give your answer to three significant figures. Show your working.

mass = .............................. g [3]

[Total: 10]

2 Structure and bonding can be used to explain many of the properties of substances.

(a) Copper, ice, silicon(IV) oxide, iodine and sodium chloride are all crystalline solids.

Complete the table with:

● the name of a type of bonding found in each crystalline solid,
● the type of lattice structure for each crystalline solid.

crystalline solid type of bonding type of lattice structure



silicon(IV) oxide


sodium chloride

(b) (i) Name the strongest type of intermolecular force in ice.

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Draw a fully labelled diagram of two water molecules in ice, showing the force in (i) and
how it forms.


(c) The graph represents how the temperature of a sample of copper (melting point 1085 °C)
changes as it is gradually cooled from 1200 °C.


temperature, T
/ °C


time / t

(i) Identify the state(s) of matter present during each stage of the process shown in the

X ..........................................................................................................................................

Y ..........................................................................................................................................

Z ..........................................................................................................................................

(ii) S
 tate what is happening to the energy and movement of the particles in the copper during
stage X.



........................................................................................................................................ [2]

(iii) Explain why the temperature stays constant at T1 during stage Y.




........................................................................................................................................ [2]

[Total: 15]

3 The properties of elements and their compounds show similarities, differences and trends depending
on the positions of the elements in the Periodic Table.

(a) The positions of some elements are indicated. The letters used are not the symbols of the



From the elements labelled, give the letter for;

(i) the element that forms an amphoteric oxide, ..................... [1]

(ii) the element with the highest first ionisation energy, ..................... [1]

(iii) the element that forms a soluble hydroxide and an insoluble sulfate, ..................... [1]

(iv) the most volatile element in a group that contains elements in all three states of matter at
room temperature and pressure,
..................... [1]

(v) the element that forms the largest cation. ..................... [1]

(b) The elements in Group 2 all react with oxygen and with water.

(i) State and explain the conditions needed for magnesium to react with oxygen.


........................................................................................................................................ [2]

(ii) State what would be seen during the reaction in (b)(i).


........................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) Write an equation for the reaction of magnesium with cold water.
Include state symbols.

........................................................................................................................................ [2]

(c) The carbonates and nitrates of the elements in Group 2 can all be decomposed by heating.

(i) Write an equation for the thermal decomposition of magnesium nitrate.

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) The thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate forms a solid product that is industrially
important. This solid product reacts with water to form a compound commonly known as
slaked lime.

Write equations for the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate and the reaction of
the solid product to form slaked lime.

thermal decomposition ........................................................................................................

formation of slaked lime .......................................................................................................


(d) Calcium carbonate and calcium hydroxide both have an important use in agriculture.

(i) Describe this use and explain what makes these two compounds suitable for it.



........................................................................................................................................ [2]

(ii) Write an ionic equation to illustrate this use of calcium carbonate.

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

[Total: 16]

P, Q and R all have the molecular formula C3H6O. They are all structural isomers of each other.

P and Q each contain an oxygen atom bonded directly to a carbon atom that is sp2 hybridised.

R contains an oxygen atom bonded directly to a carbon atom that is sp3 hybridised.

(a) (i) Explain the meaning of the term structural isomers.




........................................................................................................................................ [2]

(ii) Explain how sp2 and sp3 hybridisation can occur in carbon atoms.

sp2 hybridisation ..................................................................................................................


sp3 hybridisation ..................................................................................................................


(iii) State the bond angles normally associated with each type of hybridisation in carbon atoms.

sp2 ........................................................................................................................................

sp3 ........................................................................................................................................

R contains two different functional groups, one of which is an alkene group.
 R reacts with cold, dilute, acidified manganate(VII) ions to form propane-1,2,3-triol.





(i) Give the displayed formula of R.


(ii) State the type of reaction and what you would observe when R reacts with bromine water.


........................................................................................................................................ [2]

(iii) Draw the structure of the product formed when R reacts with bromine water.


Identify the gaseous product formed when R reacts with hot, concentrated,
acidified manganate(VII) ions.

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

P and Q (C3H6O) both form an orange precipitate when reacted with 2,4-DNPH. Only Q
produces a yellow precipitate when reacted with alkaline aqueous iodine.

(i) Name P and Q.

P ..........................................................................................................................................

Q ..........................................................................................................................................

(ii) Identify the yellow precipitate formed by the reaction of Q with alkaline aqueous iodine.

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

P and Q each react with hydrogen cyanide to form a single product.
The product formed from P exists as a pair of optical isomers.
The product formed from Q does not exhibit optical isomerism.

(i) Explain the meaning of the term optical isomers.




........................................................................................................................................ [2]

(ii) Ethanal, CH3CHO, also reacts with hydrogen cyanide. The product of this reaction is

Draw the mechanism of this reaction.

Include all necessary charges, dipoles, lone pairs and curly arrows.


[Total: 19]

5 (a) Describe and explain the variation in the solubilities of the hydroxides of the Group 2 elements.






.............................................................................................................................................. [4]

The table lists the standard enthalpy changes of formation, , for some compounds and aqueous

species / kJ mol–1
Ba2+(aq) –538
OH–(aq) –230
CO2(g) –394
BaCO3(s) –1216
H2O(l) –286

(b) (i) Reaction 1 occurs when CO2(g) is bubbled through an aqueous solution of Ba(OH)2.

Use the data in the table to calculate the standard enthalpy change for reaction 1, 1 .

Ba(OH)2(aq) + CO2(g) BaCO3(s) + H2O(l) reaction 1

1 = ............................. kJ mol–1 [2]


If CO2(g) is bubbled through an aqueous solution of Ba(OH)2 for a long time, the precipitated
BaCO3(s) dissolves, as shown in reaction 2.

BaCO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(l) Ba(HCO3)2(aq) reaction 2

The standard enthalpy change for reaction 2, 2 , = –26 kJ mol–1.

(ii) Use this information and the data in the table to calculate the standard enthalpy change of
formation of the HCO3–(aq) ion.

HCO3–(aq) = .............................. kJ mol–1 [2]

(iii) The overall process is shown by reaction 3.

Use your answer to (ii), and the data given in the table, to calculate the standard enthalpy
change for reaction 3, 3.

Ba(OH)2(aq) + 2CO2(g) Ba(HCO3)2(aq) reaction 3

3 = .............................. kJ mol–1 [1]

(iv) How would the value of 3 compare with the value of 4 for the similar reaction with
Ca(OH)2(aq) as shown in reaction 4?
Explain your answer.

Ca(OH)2(aq) + 2CO2(g) Ca(HCO3)2(aq) reaction 4



....................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) The standard entropy change for reaction 1 is 1 .

Suggest, with a reason, how the standard entropy change for reaction 3 might compare with



.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 13]

6 (a) T
 he diagram shows the apparatus used to measure the standard electrode potential, E o, of
Fe3+(aq) / Fe2+(aq).



(i) Identify what the letters A to F represent.

A ................................................................. D ...............................................................

B ................................................................. E ................................................................

C ................................................................. F ................................................................

(ii) Label the diagram to show

●  hich is the positive electrode,

● the direction of electron flow in the external circuit.

Use the Data Booklet to help you.


(b) In another experiment, an Fe3+(aq) / Fe2+(aq) half-cell was connected to a Cu2+(aq) / Cu(s)


 etermine the standard cell potential,

D , when these two half-cells are connected by a wire
and the circuit is completed.
Use the Data Booklet to help you.

= .............................. V [1]

(c) (i) The E o of Ni2+(aq) / Ni(s) is –0.25 V.

State and explain how the electrode potential changes if the concentration of Ni2+(aq) is



........................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) The E o of Cr3+(aq) / Cr2+(aq) is –0.41 V.

Calculate the electrode potential when [Cr3+(aq)] is 0.60 mol dm–3 and [Cr2+(aq)] is
0.15 mol dm–3. Use the Nernst equation.

0.059 [oxidised species]

E = E o + log
z [reduced species]

E = .............................. V [2]

[Total: 8]

7 (a) The table lists the equations for five processes.

For each process, predict the sign of ∆S.

process sign of ∆S
NaBr(s) + (aq) → NaBr(aq)

H2O(l) → H2O(g)

2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O (g)

CoCl2(s) + 6H2O(l) → CoCl2.6H2O(s)


(b) Ethanol can be combusted as shown in the equation.

CH3CH2OH(l) + 3O2(g) → 2CO2(g) + 3H2O(l)

Standard entropies are shown in the table.

substance CH3CH2OH(l) O2(g) CO2(g) H2O(l)

So, J K-1 mol-1 161 205 214 70

Calculate the standard entropy change, ∆So, for this reaction.

∆So = ....................................... J K–1 mol–1 [2]

(c) The combustion of ethanol is an exothermic reaction.

This reaction occurs spontaneously at low temperatures but does not occur at very high
temperatures. Explain why.




.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(d) The decomposition of calcium carbonate is an endothermic reaction.

CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g)

∆H = +178 kJ mol–1 and ∆S = +159 J K–1 mol–1

Calculate the minimum temperature at which this reaction becomes feasible.

Show all your working.


[Total: 9]

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