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Department of Education

Region VIII
Division of Southern Leyte



TOPIC: Existing National Laws Related to Health Trends, Issues, and Concerns
CONTENT STANDARD: Demonstrates understanding of current health trends, issues and concerns in the local, regional
National levels.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: Consistently demonstrates critical thinking skills in exploring local, regional and national
trends issues, and concerns.


1. Discuss the existing health related law (H10HC-IIa-1) week 1
2. Explains the significance of the existing health related laws in safeguarding people’s health (H10HC-IIb-2)
week 2
3. Critically analyzes the impact of current health trends, issues and concerns (H10HC-IIc-4) week 3
4. recommends ways of managing health issues, trends and concerns (H10HC-IIe-g-5) week 4 to week 5


1. use this module with care. do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module
2. do not forget to answer the following exercises and use separate sheet of paper for your answer.
3. read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next
5. return this module to your teacher adviser once you through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks found in this module, do not hesitate to consult with me through


There are national laws related to health that are essential to ensure the safety, health, and
welfare of all Filipinos. One of the national law related to health trends, issues and concerns is
the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health act 2012.


National Laws related to Health trends, issues and concerns:

1. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act 2012
2. Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003
3. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
4. Consumer Act of the Philippines
5. National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008
6. Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997
7. Philippine Aids Prevention and Control Act of 1998
8. National Blood Services Act of 1994
9. Seat Belts Use act of 1999
10. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
11. Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009

1. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act 2012

 This is also known as Republic Act (R.A) No. 10354, includes provisions on maternal and child health that
guarantee universal access to maternal care, sexual education and fertility control. However, there still an existing
debate on its mandate with regard to the finding of distribution of artificial means of birth control.
 this law is related also to the state policies under section 12, Article II of the 1987 constitution, regarding the
protection and strengthening of family as a basic autonomous social institution and the provision of equal
protection over the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception. Furthermore, since this law is
concerned with maternal health, it is directed towards the protection of the women’s right to health, especially of
the mothers in particular, by instilling health consciousness among them.
 The law also aims for the protection and advancement of the families’ right to a balanced and healthful
environment in accord with the rhythm an harmony of nature, considering the family as the natural and
fundamental unit of society. At the same time, it promotes and protects the welfare and rights of the children, the
Youth and the unborn.

 The promotion of gender quality, gender equality, women empowerment, and dignity both as a health and human
rights concern and as social responsibility is also recognized and guaranteed by the law.

2. Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 (R.A 9211)

 Involves the regulation of the way tobacco products are packed, used, sold, distributed, and
advertised for commercial and proper purposes.
 It promotes general welfare as well as the right to a healthful environment by protecting the
citizens from hazardous products, such as tobacco, without comprising the interest of the
people behind the tobacco industry which include tobacco farmers, growers, workers and
stakeholders. By instilling health consciousness among all of them and fulfilling each other’s
roles and responsibilities, the use, sale, and the advertisements of tobacco products shall be
easier to regulate.

The following are the purpose of R.A 9211.

 To promote a healthful environment
 To inform the public of the health risk associated with cigarette smoking and tobacco use
 To regulate all tobacco advertisements and sponsorship and subsequently ban those which do not conform with
the provision of this act.
 To regulate the labelling of tobacco products
 To protect the youth from being initiated to cigarette smoking and tobacco use by prohibiting the sale of tobacco
products to minors
 To assist and encourage Filipino tobacco farmers to cultivate alternative agricultural crops to prevent economic
 To create an inter-agency committee on tobacco to oversee the implementation of the provision of this act.

3. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (R.A 9165)

 The law repealing and amending Republic Act no. 6425, which refers to the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972. As the
name itself implies, this law covers the government’s intensive and unrelenting campaign against the trafficking
and use of dangerous drugs and other similar substances in order to protect the integrity of its territory and the
well-being of its citizenry particularly the youth.
 It aims to plan, implement, and enforce anti-drug abuse policies, programs, and projects through an integrated
system that will further enhance the efficacy of the law against dangerous drugs which are harmful on the users’
physical and mental well-being, development and preservation.
 At the same time, this law is also considers the use of dangerous drugs for medical treatment, thereby allowing
the people with legitimate medical needs to be treated with such medications in adequate amounts.
 Through this law, sustainable programs of treatment and rehabilitation are also offered to those people who
became drug-dependent or victims of drug abuse in order to help them start a new and become more productive
members of the society.

4. Consumer Act of the Philippines R.A 7394

 Aims to protect the consumers against hazards to their own health and safety as well as prohibit deceptive, unfair,
and unreasonable sale, acts, and practices.
 Help also the consumers in making effective choices regarding products and service and in exercising their rights
as consumers by providing them reliable and necessary information. Furthermore, the law also ensure that they
are provided with adequate rights and means of redress.
 With this law, the consumers’ general welfare and best interest are also considered in the formulation,
interpretation, and implementation of social and economic policies and measures. Standards of conduct for
business and industry are established through the implementation of the provisions of this act as well its rules and

5. National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008 (R.A 9512)

 Promotes the importance of environmental conservation and ecological balance in sustaining national
development through national awareness of the role of natural resources in economic growth. This is in
accordance with the protection and advancement of the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology at
one with the rhythm and harmony of nature.
 As the law recognizes the Youth’s significant role in building the nation as well as the role of education in fostering
patriotism and nationalism, accelerating social progress. And promoting total human liberation and development,
environmental education is integrated in the school curricula at all levels, both public and private. Includes
Barangay Day care centers, preschools, non-formal, technical vocational, professional level, indigenous learning,
and out-of-school youth causes or programs. Through the collaboration of the Department of Education (DepEd),
the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA),
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD, Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), and other relevant agencies.

6. Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of 1997 (R.A 8423)

 R.A 8423 led to the creation of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC) which
aims to advance traditional and alternative healthcare in the Philippines and provide funds for its development.
 This law aims to improve the quality and delivery of healthcare services to the Filipino people by developing
traditional and alternative healthcare and its integration into the national healthcare delivery system.
 Furthermore this law seeks to help indigenous societies in setting a legally workable basis regarding their
ownership of their knowledge of traditional medicine. It aims to grant indigenous societies with official authority
especially when outsiders use such knowledge for commercial purpose. In this way, proper acknowledgement
and financial compensation shall be given to the indigenous societies for the use of their knowledge of traditional


 To encourage scientific research on and develop traditional and alternative healthcare system that direct impact
on public healthcare.
 To promote and advocate the use of traditional, alternative, preventive, and curative healthcare modalities that
have been proven safe, effective, cost effective and consistent with government standards on medical practices.
 To develop and coordinate skills training course for various forms of traditional and alternative healthcare
 To formulate standards, guidelines, and codes of ethical practice appropriate for the practice of traditional and
alternative healthcare as well as in the manufacture, quality control, and marketing of different traditional and
alternative healthcare materials, natural and organic products for approval and adaptation by the appropriate
government agencies.
 To formulate policies to strengthen the role of traditional and alternative healthcare delivery system.
 To promote traditional and alternative healthcare in international and national conventions seminars, and
meetings in coordination with the department of Tourism, Duty Free Philippines Incorporated Philippine
Convention and Visitors’ Corporation, and other tourism-related agencies as well as non-government
organizations and local government units.

7. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998 (R.A 8504)

 As the name suggest, Republic Act no. 8504 promotes the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines
through the promulgation of policies and implantation of measures against the spread of HIV/AIDS.
 It aims to create a nationwide HIV/AIDS information and educational program, from a comprehensive HIV/AIDS
monitoring system, and make the Philippine AIDS monitoring system, and make the Philippine AIDS council more
effective in its role as the lead agency in advisory, planning, and policy-making for making for HIV/AIDS
prevention and control.

This law cover the following policies implemented by the state in order to prevent and control the spread of acquired
immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which has become one of the most life-threatening diseases that has no known
cure yet.
 Promote public awareness about the causes, modes of transmission, consequences, means of prevention
and control of HIV/AIDS through a comprehensive nationwide educational and information campaigns shall
promote value formation and employ scientifically proven approaches, focus on the family as a basic social
unit and be carried out in all school training centers, workplace, and communities. This program shall involve
affected individuals and groups including people living with HIV/AIDS.

8. National Blood Service Act of 1994 (R.A 7719)

 Revolves around the promotion of voluntary blood donation, the provision of penalties for any violation of this law.

It covers the following policies implemented by the state regarding blood services:
 Promote and encourage voluntary blood donation by the citizenry
and to instill public consciousness of the principle that blood
donation is a humanitarian act.
 Lay down the legal principle that the provision of blood for
transfusion is a professional medical service and not a safe of a
 Provide for adequate, safe affordable, and equitable distribution of
supply of blood and blood product
 Inform the public of the need for voluntary blood donation to curb the
hazards caused by commercial sale of blood.
 Teach the benefits and rationale of voluntary blood donation in the
existing health subjects of the formal education system in all public
and in private schools, in the elementary, high school and college level as well as in the non-formal
educational system.
 Mobilize all sectors of the community to participate in mechanisms for voluntary and non-profit collection of
 Require upgrading of blood collection unit and blood banks or centers to operate on a non-profit basis.
 Establish scientific and professional standards for the operation of blood collection units and blood banks or
centers in the Philippines.

9. Seat Belts Use Act of 1999 (R.A 8750)

 Aims to prevent vehicular accidents and secure the safety of all the motorist of
both private and public motor vehicles through mandatory enforcement of the
use of seatbelt device
 In particular, it requires the drivers and front seat passengers to wear seat belt
at all times in order to avoid the ruinous and extremely injuries effect of
vehicular accidents.
 Furthermore, the law also requires the vehicle manufacturers to install seat belt
device in all their manufactured vehicles.

10. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (R.A. 10175)

 Prohibits all forms of cybercrime such as the misuse,
abuse and illegal access of formation and data
stored in the computer, computer communications
systems, networks and databases.

 The offenses are considered punishable, the law aims

to prevent and combat them by facilitating an
investigation and imposing penalties accordingly.

 Through this law the integrity of computer, computer

communication systems, networks and databases, and
the confidentially, integrity, and availability of
information and data stored therein shall be protected. This in turn would lead to a free, easy, and intelligible
access to exchange and/or delivery of information, and would create an environment conductive to the
development, advancement, rational application, and effective use of information and communications
technology (ICT) both domestically and internationally for fast and reliable international cooperation.

11. Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009 (R.A. 9775)

 Condemns the crime of child pornography and imposes penalties to such

 This law aims for the promotion of the Youth’s significant role in the nation’s overall development as well as for the
protection and promotion of their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, emotional, psychological, and social well-

The following policies implemented by the state to ensure the youth’s general welfare:
 Guarantee the fundamental rights of every child from all forms of neglect, cruelty and other conditions prejudicial
to his/her development.
 Protect every child from all forms of exploitation and abuse including but not limited to the following:
- the use of a child in pornographic performance and materials
- the inducement or coercion of a child to engage or be involved in pornography through whatever means
 Comply with international treaties to which the Philippines is signatory or a state party concerning the rights of
children which include but not limited to the following:
- the convention on the right of the child
- the optional protocol to the convention on the pornography
- The International Labor Organization (ILO) convention No. 182 on the Elimination of the Worst Form of Child
Labor and
the Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime.

NOTE: EYES HERE!!!!! 


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