Water Management Framework - Final

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Water management framework

A risk-based, cyclical process for effective

water management


Advancing environmental
and social performance


Second edition
© IPIECA 2021 All rights reserved.
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to ensure that the information is correct at the date of publication. This publication does not constitute
a mandatory commitment which members of IPIECA are obliged to adopt. The views and conclusions
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and institutions that contributed to this publication.

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Water management framework
A risk-based, cyclical process for effective
water management

The global oil and gas association for advancing environmental and social performance

14th Floor, City Tower, 40 Basinghall Street, London EC2V 5DE, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7633 2388 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ipieca.org

Summary 5 Section 4: The water management framework 15

4.1 Stakeholder and regulatory 17
Section 1: Introduction 6
Section 2: Water use in oil and gas 9 4.2 Planning 18

Section 3: The water landscape 12 4.3 Implementation and operation 20

3.1 Water scarcity and stress 13 4.4 Evaluation 22

3.2 Regulatory response 14 4.5 Management review 23

3.3 Stakeholder response 14 Related IPIECA resource 24

References 26

The IPIECA Water management framework is a risk-based, With the publication of this framework, IPIECA is
cyclical process of planning, implementation, evaluation encouraging a consistent approach to water management
and review that can be implemented by the oil and gas on the basis of an in-depth understanding of the
industry through the lifecycle of an operational asset from hydrological, socio-environmental and regulatory
design and planning, through construction, operation conditions of a new project or operation.
and decommissioning.
Application of the framework can be supported by
Its application can help companies demonstrate their IPIECA guidance documents on risk management,
contribution to SDG 6, clean water and sanitation assessing appropriate sources of water and routes to
for all, and in particular SGD 6 targets regarding efficiency discharge wastewater, water efficiency, water reuse
in water use and reducing pollution from wastewater opportunities and the disclosure of water management
discharge. performance metrics.

5 Water management framework

Section 1

This section introduces the second
edition of the water management
framework and the areas where it has
been updated. It describes how the water
management framework facilitates an
improved and integrated approach to
water resource management, and the
three common approaches to water
management in the oil and gas industry.

6 Water management framework

Section 1


The effective management of water is an important aspect The Water management framework facilitates:
of oil and gas operations. This is particularly important
• an integrated approach to water resource
as the industry contributes to the energy transition, and
management, addressing the multidisciplinary aspects
the critical role that water plays in alternative energy
of water management, both through the lifecycle of an
production. IPIECA has been promoting the use of good
operation and across the value chain (from exploration
practices in water management across the industry,
to customer use);
following the publication of the first edition of the Water
management framework in 2013. • the adoption, of all or elements, of the framework
within an oil and gas company’s operating
This framework was developed to help the oil and gas management system;
sector respond to broader global concerns about water • a continuous improvement approach to meet the
availability and quality and to enhance the industry’s local hydrological, socio-economic, environmental,
efforts to implement sustainable water management. regulatory conditions and future changes in water
Since the publication of the first edition of the framework management practices;
in 2013, IPIECA has developed a number of guidance • the adoption of an approach at a catchment or aquifer
documents and training packages applicable to different basin level scale to identify risks and opportunities
stages of the framework. Similarly, risk identification beyond direct operations;
and management processes and tools have matured
• the adoption of IPIECA good management practices
(IPIECA, 2020; IPIECA, 2014 (a)). Since their publication,
and tools; and
the Water management framework and associated good
practice guidance and tools have formed an important • communication with external stakeholders on how the
part of members’ sustainable water strategies. industry is managing and protecting water resources.

This update to the framework reflects these changes, Implementation of the framework can also contribute to
as well as the lessons learnt from IPIECA members in UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6), to ‘ensure
applying the framework since 2013, and feedback from availability and sustainable management of water and
stakeholders. sanitation for all by 2030’. In particular, the framework
contributes to two key SDG 6 targets:
The revised IPIECA Water management framework • Target 6.3. By 2030, improve water quality by reducing
remains a risk-based and cyclical improvement process pollution, eliminating dumping and minimising
with four key stages (i) planning, ii) implementation, iii) the release of hazardous chemicals and materials,
evaluation, and iv) review, driven by the identification of halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and
risks and potential opportunities. This framework can substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse
be applied across any local hydrological, environmental, globally.
social-economic and regulatory conditions and is not • Target 6.4. By 2030, substantially increase water-use
limited to conditions of water stress and scarcity. efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable
withdrawals and supply of fresh water to address water
scarcity and significantly reduce the number of people
IPIECA’s water goal
suffering from water scarcity.
To be the recognised leader in water management
for the oil and gas industry, delivering proactive and As a risk-based framework, it is flexible both in how it is
collaborative approaches to meet challenges in the adopted by IPIECA member companies (e.g. as a stand-
availability and quality of water at existing and future alone system or integrated into the company’s operating
operations and as IPIECA members contribute to the management system) and how it can be applied in
energy transition. different local settings: hydrological, environmental, socio-
economic and regulatory.

7 Water management framework

Section 1

Based on IPIECA member feedback, there are three Water stewardship

common approaches to water management depending
In some settings, a stewardship approach may be more
upon the risks and unique local conditions: compliance
effective, by engaging with other water users, local
management, operational efficiency; and water
regulators and policymakers to develop shared solutions
stewardship1, as described below.
to water resource constraints, whether quantitative and/
or qualitative. Such a stakeholder inclusive process can
Compliance management
be best driven through public-private partnerships. The
In some settings, effective regulations exist to allocate shared solutions arising from stewardship can be the
water resources between different users, including the most effective and long-term approach to managing
environment. These regulations protect water resources catchment-scale risks. IPIECA’s Water management
from over-exploitation and pollution to the benefit of all framework can be used to guide the oil and gas
water users within the local areas, watershed or aquifer company’s contribution to the approach.
basin. In these locations risk reduction is likely to be
related to maintaining compliance and working with the
regulatory bodies to influence public policy position, an
approach that can be effective through applying IPIECA’s
Water management framework.

Operational efficiency
In some areas, the risk assessment may identify
constraints in water resource availability, either existing
and/or in the future as demand increases or supply
lowers. In these cases, risk management could involve
seeking to lower demands on the freshwater resource,
by avoiding freshwater use, reducing use and/or
recycling water. This could be combined with motivating
other operators to improve their operational efficiency,
including recycling water between users to lower the
overall demand on the freshwater resource. This could
be achieved directly or through engaging with local
stakeholders and policies which promote environmental
performance. IPIECA’s Water management framework
can be used to improve operational efficiency by
providing guidance throughout the operation lifecycle.

Water stewardship - the use of water that is socially and culturally equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial, achieved through a
stakeholder-inclusive process that includes both site and catchment-based actions (A4WS, 2020, www.a4ws.org/about).

8 Water management framework

Section 2

Water use in oil and

This section provides an overview of how
water is used and managed throughout
the value chain of oil and gas operations.

9 Water management framework

Section 2

Water use in oil and gas

The oil and gas industry withdraws fresh, brackish and low user of water. The International Energy Agency (IEA)
saline water, including sea water, for numerous activities estimated that oil and gas production accounted for
throughout upstream exploration and production <3% of energy sector withdrawals and the energy sector
and downstream refining, chemicals production and accounts for around 10% of total global freshwater
marketing. The industry also manages large volumes withdrawals (Figure 1). However, at a local level the
of produced and wastewaters. Water and wastewater proportion of withdrawals can be much higher, particularly
management uses in the oil and gas industry are where there is a high concentration of oil and gas
summarised in Figure 2. In terms of global freshwater activities.
volumes withdrawn, the oil and gas industry is a relatively

Figure 1: Freshwater withdrawal and consumption in power generation and primary energy production (IEA, 2016)

Power: renewables

Power: nuclear
28% Coal 3%

Natural gas 2%

Primary energy Oil 2%

Power: fossil fuels

Total withdrawals: 398 bcm

10 Water management framework

Figure 2: Water use across the oil and gas value chain

Section 2

Boiler feed, cooling waters, washdown,

hydrostatic testing, firewater, pressuring Primary water use
Drilling oil reservoirs and enhanced oil recovery
Hydraulic fracturing Water types used
Limited freshwater
All qualities of water Sea water and other non-freshwater sources
Water use in oil and gas

Recycled produced water Primary wastewaters

Drilling fluids
Flowback water1 Waste process and cooling waters Wastewater management
Produced waters2 Storm water runoff

Water management framework

Produced water2
Variable degrees
of treatment for Treatment before discharge back to
recycling, third party environment, injection to pressurize oil
use and disposal reservoirs or injections in deep formation

Hydrostatic testing Cooling water, boiler feed, Washdown, hydrostatic

of pipelines and washdown, hydrostatic testing, firewater
storage vessels testing, firewater
Fresh and saline waters
Freshwater Reclaimed water (e.g. (sea water)
treated sewage effluent)
Wastewaters Desalter effluent and other Storm water runoff
process effluents
Storm water On site wastewater
Treated for discharge treatment and/or
or re-use Wastewater treated for third-party treatment
recycling (internally and
externally) and discharge
back to the environment


Section 3

The water landscape

This section describes how a number of
factors have changed the water landscape
over time. These factors have resulted in
increasing water stress and scarcity, which
in turn lead to a change in regulatory and
stakeholder response.

12 Water management framework

Section 3

The water landscape

Industrial water management practices have evolved in recent years. This has primarily been in response to changes in
water availability in many locations, caused by factors such as population growth, urbanisation, industrial development,
climate change, food security and water degradation. All these factors combine to increase the extent of water scarcity
and stress across a number of regions of the world.


Global demands on fresh water are increasing, and water • Water scarcity is defined as a lack of availability
is an unevenly distributed resource. For the ninth year in water due to either a physical shortage, a lack of
in a row, the World Economic Forum’s Global risks report access due to the failure of institutions to ensure
highlighted the water crisis as a top-five risk in terms of a regular supply and/or due to a lack of adequate
impact, while companies have reported water scarcity, infrastructure (UN Water, 2020).
flooding, drought and water stress as the top water- • Water stress is defined as the ratio of total water
related risks (CDP, 2017). Non-renewable or fossil water withdrawals to available renewable surface and
resources are also often exploited and, in many cases at groundwater supplies (WRI, Aqueduct, 2019).
an increasing pace (Scheierling and Treguer, 2016).

The reliability of water supply in terms of availability,

quality (affected by pollution) and accessibility (allocation, availability in other areas (WRI Aqueduct, 2021). In some
competition and conflict) are key to the continued and locations, water-related hazards may also become more
successful functioning of the industry. The implications frequent and severe. In addition, the quality of freshwater
of a water crisis are of concern to water-consumptive bodies is likely to vary more (e.g. temperature, dissolved
industries, creating pressures to innovate and find oxygen and chemical concentrations) impacting water
technological solutions. treatment requirements for public water supply and
industrial use.
In areas of water scarcity and stress, the human right to
fresh water and sanitation is often unmet. By 2050, 40% While it is essential for water management to adapt to
of the world’s population is projected to live under severe climate variability, from countering the effects of floods
water stress (UNESCO, 2020). Water scarcity and stress to addressing increasing water stress for agriculture
can also be a potential source of conflict for communities and industrial use, water management can also play an
and countries. important role in mitigating climate variability. Water
efficiency measures have a direct effect on energy
Water availability and quality may become more savings, which can lead to the reduction of greenhouse
unreliable as the climate changes. Food security, human gas emissions (GHGs) (UNESCO, 2020). Without proper
health, urban and rural settlements, energy production, water governance, there is likely to be increased
industrial development, economic growth and thriving competition for water between sectors and an escalation
ecosystems are all water-dependent and thus vulnerable of water crises of various kinds, affecting a range of water-
to the impacts of a changing climate. In some areas this dependent sectors. Water is also at the heart of adaptation
unreliability may aggravate water stress and scarcity, to climate variability, serving as the crucial link between
causing water stress and scarcity in additional regions in the climate system, human society and the environment
the future, while there could be an increase in water (UN Water, 2019).

13 Water management framework

Section 3
The water landscape

3.2 REGULATORY RESPONSE The shared nature of water challenges means that
no single company, industry, government or sector of
In many countries, water regulations are changing in
society can ensure a water-secure future on their own.
response to acute issues such as droughts, increased
Coordinated and collective action at the watershed level
long-term demand and declining water quality. These
is needed to find new, sustainable ways to ensure access
regulations are generally developed at a local level, with
to water in a changing world. Over the coming decades,
limited consistency between regions and countries. In
companies will need to build the case for increased
response to this tendency, different regions of the world
investment in innovative technological and business
are increasingly working together and influencing each
solutions (e.g. seeking to gain competitive advantage,
other’s approaches. One recognised example of this
using water valuation, or engaging in water stewardship).
collective effort is in offshore discharges regulations.
If successful, the outcome can deliver significant financial,
The increasing concern over the marine environment,
social and environmental benefits. Where appropriate,
can potentially strengthen discharge regulations as
water stewardship can offer a unique collaboration
revealed in the 2019 IPCC special report on the ocean and
opportunity for local users. This includes companies
cryosphere in a changing climate. (IPCC, 2019).
reducing risks, mitigating impacts and ensuring business
continuity, while at the same time contributing to water
It is anticipated that changes in water stress and
security through collective action with governments, the
scarcity, regulations and societal expectations could
industry and civil society.
add constraints to oil and gas operations. The risks of
demand outweighing supply will vary in severity by region
depending on current and future water pressures, as well
as the capacity of the region to adapt. On a global scale,
the SDGs and other international initiatives2 are focused
on improving access to reliable water supplies, protection
of the marine environment and management of water
resources at government, industrial and consumer levels.


Stakeholders including governments, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), industry, academia and civil society
are increasingly demanding that the human right to
clean water and sanitation be met, first across company
operations, then across supply chains. Stakeholders have
also increased expectations on businesses to engage
in water stewardship, develop collective actions and
disclosure regarding how they manage water risks and
contribute to improving water availability in areas of water
scarcity and stress. Investors are now including water and
wastewater management metrics to their environment,
society and governance (ESG) rating indices (MSCI, 2020;
Sustainalytics, 2020). Some governments, NGOs and
industries are also conducting natural capital assessments
to understand the value of impacts on the environment,
including water withdrawals and discharges (Natural
Capital Coalition, 2016).

e.g. The UN High Level Panel on Water. Convened by the UN Secretary-General and President of the World Bank Group and consisting of 11 sitting heads
of state and government and one special adviser, to provide the leadership required to champion a comprehensive, inclusive and collaborative way of
developing and managing water resources and improving water and sanitation related services.

14 Water management framework

Section 4

The water
This section outlines the key principles of
the water management framework, and
discusses each step of the framework
in detail; stakeholder and regulatory
engagement, planning, implementation
and operation, evaluation and
management review.

15 Water management framework

Section 4

The water management framework

IPIECA’s water management framework is based on the The framework focuses on three main operational
following five principles: aspects; water sourcing, water use and efficiency; and the
management of produced water, wastewater and other
1. Risk - The framework follows a risk-based approach.
effluents. However, the framework is not limited to the
Water risk is defined as the potential for current and
operational aspect but is designed to cover other aspects
future water-related challenges to impact people, the
of water management, based on the five principles set
environment, and/or business viability, arising from
out above.
a company’s activities and environmental and social
externalities (IPIECA, 2020). These risks can be physical,
regulatory, geopolitical, financial or reputational and Sources of water
are a function of the likelihood of a specific water- The appraisal, selection and use of water resources
related challenge occurring and the severity of its by the oil and gas industry needs to consider
impact. The severity of the impact depends on the sustainability factors (quality impacts and quantity
intensity of the water-related challenge, and the constraints), and adopt measures that consider and
environmental, social and business vulnerabilities. respect the rights and needs of other local water
2. Flexible - The framework is flexible to meet the most users, as well as considering the net environmental
appropriate tailor-made water management approach effect (e.g. energy use, waste generation and air
to mitigate the local water risks and opportunities emissions) of different options.
identified. Furthermore, it provides the flexibility to Operational use and efficiency
adapt as water risks emerge and are identified, and it
can be customised to suit different sizes of projects. Efficiency can include replacing freshwater use
with non-freshwater sources, reducing water
3. Collaborative - A collaborative approach to address consumption, and the reuse and recycling of water
water-related risks and opportunities leads to more need to consider their net environmental effect.
efficient mitigation strategies for current, future and Water efficiency within oil and gas operations can be
emerging water risk at a watershed level. The intent optimised using technology and other management
is to build on the responsible approach already practices that are appropriate to the local social,
taken by the industry and extend it further through environmental and economic conditions. Processes
identification and understanding of the potential and reuse/recycle initiatives to optimise water use
impacts on ecosystem services and the needs of are also opportunities for freshwater conservation
other users. Similarly, the promotion of collaboration and efficient water use across industries and
within the industry can lead to progressive industry operations.
partnerships and greater efficiency of water use.
Produced water, wastewater and other
4. Holistic - A holistic view across the value chain, effluents management
from exploration, through production and refining to
product development and retail, can be taken. This Identification of treatment options for untreated
includes identifying and understanding potential discharges should consider similar sustainability
synergies and trade-offs with social and environmental factors, and the net environmental effect as
aspects. These aspects include, but are not limited to, outlined for water sourcing. The reuse and recycling
GHGs, climate change, energy demand, air emissions, opportunities, either internally within the operation
waste management and regulatory aspects. or externally with third parties, should be recognised
and assessed, and where possible prioritised, by
5. Continuous improvement - The framework follows balancing technical, social and economic factors
a standard management system approach (similar with the net environmental effects. This will ensure
to ISO MS 9001 and ISO MS 14001), considering a that the desired reuse and recycling of water does
continuous improvement cycle in which lessons learnt not come at other environmental costs (e.g. high
are used to improve the water management approach. levels of emissions, increased energy expenditure or
Furthermore, by following the standard management other detrimental effects from treatment, increased
systems it is easily translatable into a company’s land footprint, increased risk of spills etc.).
management system.

16 Water management framework

Section 4
The water management framework

Figure 3: The Water management framework


• Risk

GE assessment

• Review • Water sources

performance and routes for

• Set direction discharge or
for next cycle disposal
• Governance • Watershed
level approach
• Monitoring systems

• Water data • Operational water

reporting efficiency
• Risk opportunities

management • Water synergies

review and trade-offs

• Monitoring

• Supply chain




4.1 STAKEHOLDER AND REGULATORY • The stewardship approach is undertaken jointly

ENGAGEMENT with external parties (such as other industries, local
government and communities within the watershed)
Stakeholders are any individuals, groups of individuals or with the aim to advance collective action and
organizations that can affect, or are potentially affected sustainable water management for the watershed.
by, an organization or its activities (e.g. local communities,
other water users in the watershed, regulators, local
and international NGOs). Stakeholder engagement is Important factors that should be taken into account
central to the Water management framework. It takes when planning stakeholder engagement include the
place throughout the process, with different aspects regulatory environment within which activities are taking
of engagement being undertaken at each stage. place, water governance in the local jurisdiction, and
Engagement is about communicating with stakeholders the project’s geographic and social sphere of influence.
to develop a common understanding and seek Stakeholder engagement also overlaps with other
agreement on solutions to issues of concern. The level IPIECA focus areas, for example, social responsibility and
of engagement depends upon the local environmental, human rights3 (IPIECA, 2021, 2013, 2015). The early
social and economic conditions as identified through the involvement of interested parties is crucial for successful
risk assessment: water management, and the company should adopt
an appropriate strategy for stakeholder management,
• The compliance approach requires engagement including engagement level definition, mapping, action
mainly with regulators. plan development and review.
• The operational risk management approach
seeks to develop a consultation strategy with
financial stakeholders belonging to the water
management sector.

Further information on community engagement and Indigenous Peoples can be found on the IPIECA website: www.ipieca.org/our-work/people/


17 Water management framework

Section 4
The water management framework

4.2 PLANNING The scale of the water source assessment should be

appropriate for the environmental setting of the particular
Although this section focuses on risks, the sources
operation and the assessment should identify any adverse
of water, watershed understanding, and valuation
impacts so that they may be mitigated to ensure the
and monitoring, the planning of all aspects of water
sustainability of the water source.
management is essential. In all planning activities, it is
important to consider the full system and the synergies
Water source assessment can cover the following
and trade-offs as outlined in Section 4.3.
processes, as shown in Figure 4:

Risk assessment 1. Water demands and wastewater volumes:

In the oil and gas industry, water risks are a function of the - Building a water demand profile and quality needs
likelihood of a specific water-related challenge occurring of the water.
and the severity of its impact, which in turn depends on - Wastewater volumes and quality.
the intensity of the challenge and the vulnerability of the - Early assessment of water efficiency and withdrawal
exposed elements. reduction strategy.

To identify, evaluate, understand and respond to water- - Regulatory standards for withdrawals and
related risks, IPIECA developed the Water risk in the oil
and gas industry: an overview (2020). The document 2. Identification of water sources and discharge routes
defines water risk, identifies key requirements of a for treated wastewater in the project area:
water risk tool, and reviews publicly available water
risk tools from the perspective of oil and gas industry
- Conceptualizing the drainage basin and/or aquifers,
contributing drainage basins, demands from other
requirements, considering the need for both climate users, the current level of water stress and climatic
variability adaptation and mitigation. A three-step process variability (precipitation/evaporation).
is recommended to estimate and respond to local water
and financial risks: - Identifying potential sources of fresh, brackish
and saline water (e.g. surface water, groundwater,
• Step 1— water risk screening: screen for rainwater and municipal water supply), together
environmental and social externalities and prioritise with potential alternative sources of low-quality
assets within a company’s portfolio that have a high water (e.g. municipal wastewater, produced water).
dependency and impacts on water.
- Identifying potential uses of wastewaters, within
• Step 2— local water risk assessment: for priority the operation or potentially with third parties, and
locations, evaluate the physical, regulatory and discharge or disposal routes.
reputational risk pathways and probabilities of events
leading to potential financial losses at the local level.
- Assessing the area of influence for both the
potential water withdrawals and discharges or
• Step 3— develop action plans: to prevent, mitigate or disposals.
adapt to the different water risk pathways.
3. Identification of current and future water status:

Water sources and routes for discharge - Screening for water availability and stress, using the
water risk tools outlined in Water risk in the oil and
For an oil and gas development, it is important to identify gas industry: an overview (IPIECA, 2020).
the potential sources of water and the approach to be
- Assessing baseline conditions.
taken for the management of effluents required for the
operation. IPIECA developed the Identifying and assessing - Understanding future variations, including how the
demands may change throughout the lifecycle of
water sources guidance (2014). Although this guidance
the operation, as well as changes in both the oil and
was written to identify and assess water sources for new
gas development and other factors like population
oil and gas developments, the same principles can be
growth, industrial growth and agriculture. This
applied to existing operations potentially looking to adjust
can also include the projected impacts of climate
current water sources and for projects to identify and
assess the most suitable means of managing effluents
(wastewater and produced water).

18 Water management framework

Section 4
The water management framework

4. Assessment of impacts, risks, opportunities and Watershed level approach

uncertainty of exploitation on the available sources,
A watershed level approach is broadly understood as
taking into account other factors that may affect
water management ‘beyond the fence line’ i.e. outside
the sustainability of the water source, including:
a company’s operational area. It takes into account the
- Potential cumulative effects. range of stakeholders, domestic and industrial activities,
- Effects of changes in population and economic processes and factors that play a role in determining the
demands in the area of influence. availability, quality, distribution, management and use of
- Uncertainties associated with climate water within a watershed. This includes hydrology and
considerations of ecosystem services, which may land use, as well as broader political, economic, social
be impacted by both withdrawal and discharge. and ecological factors. In some cases, it also extends to
understanding the importance that different stakeholder
5. Water source selection: groups, individually and cumulatively, place on water
- An options appraisal, which aims to identify the in each of its competing uses (e.g. irrigated agriculture,
technical aspects of how each alternative source hydropower, fisheries, industry, municipal use, transport
could be developed, evaluates the financial costs and shipping and habitat for wildlife).
associated with developing each alternative source,
and identifies the environmental trade-offs related In order to minimise their impacts on the water
to developing each alternative source (including environment and other water users, one of the first steps
other drivers such as energy consumption, air that companies can take is to characterise the watershed
emissions, land footprint and waste management). in terms of water availability (i.e. identifying the alternative
sources and their respective yields) and water demands
(i.e. identifying key water users and their respective needs,
Figure 4: Water source and discharge route assessment
including the needs of wildlife and the environment). This
Define water demands and is not prescriptive but appropriate to the nature of the
wastewater volumes operation and operational environment.
• Water uses and quality
• Wastewater volumes, effluent quality Moreover, in a given watershed, companies need to
and standards for discharge or disposal consider not only the competing demands on supplies,


but also the impacts of activities and how these may affect
Identify potential water sources and
routes for discharge or disposal
their societal licence to operate, their reputation among
• Conceptual model shareholders and customers, and their ability to retain or
• Area of influence and stakeholder map attract investor confidence.

Identify current and future water status As a result, implementing a watershed level approach is
• Baseline conditions beneficial to oil and gas companies as it helps: to better
• Water availability, including future
understand impacts and dependencies on water supplies;
the risks and opportunities of competing demands from
Assess impacts, risks, opportunities
other water users; regulatory compliance (and anticipating
and uncertainties future changes in regulation); and as well as maintain
• Quantification or promote reputation among both shareholders and
• Appropriate mitigation measures customers. The adoption of such an approach is useful to
the implementation of the water stewardship approach,
Options appraisal and business which is intended as shared resource governance at
case development catchment scale.
• Benefits, costs and non-monetary
benefits assessment
• Reporting

19 Water management framework

Section 4
The water management framework

Monitoring systems use efficiency. To achieve this, a comprehensive and

detailed balance of water use at the site level should
In order for continuous improvement of water
be assessed, and water efficiency opportunities should
management and to meet the expectations of investors,
be identified and appraised. This includes following an
reporting standards and other stakeholders, it is important
appropriate mitigation hierarchy (Figure 4), potentially
that adequate monitoring of water is included in any
including collaborative action within a water stewardship
water management planning. The fifth edition of the
programme. It may also involve replacing fresh water
IPIECA-API-IOGP Sustainability reporting guidance
from a particular process, for example, the use of low-
(2020) provides guidance on the types of water use and
quality water for hydraulic fracturing and enhanced oil
discharge monitoring necessary for new projects and
recovery, or the use of treated effluent as cooling tower
existing operations in order to allow effective application
make up water in manufacturing sites. Water reuse or
of the Water management framework.
recycling should be evaluated in the same context as
other sources, with similar consideration of the associated
4.3 IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION technical, economic, social and environmental factors.
The appropriateness of different treatment systems, the
The implementation and operation stages are key aspects volume and quality limitations and cost constraints all
of any water management plan. During these stages, it need to be considered when assessing the technical and
is important to apply and review the risk management, financial viability of reuse/recycling. The effects of water
water efficiency, watershed and supply chain efficiency initiatives should be accountable and monitored
management assessments and measures identified in the through dedicated performance metrics.
planning phase. Routinely monitoring these measures is
important to understand water and wastewater demands, Research and development plays a fundamental role in
within and outside operational boundaries, and how the identification of new water efficiency opportunities.
they are likely to change over the lifecycle of an oil or gas Information on existing and emerging technologies for
operation. improving water efficiency can readily be shared among
industry users via IPIECA. Water efficiency processes
Operational water efficiency opportunities
will vary based on the geographical and environmental
With increasing local demands on both the availability settings and the type of oil and gas activity. These
of water resources and the ability of the environment processes should take into account a lifecycle evaluation
to assimilate wastewater discharges, the need to of the overall environmental and energy consumption
optimise the efficiency of water use in oil and gas aspects that may be influenced by water efficiency
operations is essential. Improving efficiency is also a key implementation.
contributor to SDG 6 and target 6.3 to improve water

20 Water management framework

Section 4
The water management framework

Figure 5: The water mitigation hierarchy • Cogeneration solutions for energy production utilising
bioenergy within wastewater treatment systems to
AVOID generate fuel and energy.
Take steps to avoid use of water in a process • Use of energy recovery from heated cooling waters.
• Reduction of water transportation through planning
and co-location of facilities.
REPLACE • Use of reed beds to treat wastewater, that creates
Change to a non-freshwater source or alternative biodiversity and GHG co-benefits.
wastewater/produced water discharge/disposal
Oil and gas water treatment systems produce by-products
that include large volumes of brine, salt, hydrocarbon,
REDUCE wastewater sludges and/or other concentrated
Lower freshwater demands contaminants in waste streams, both in liquid and solid
Adopt water conservation measures across asset waste forms. Waste minimisation and beneficial reuse
of waste is a developing area in the management of
the impacts of waste disposal. A key point in waste
REUSE AND/OR RECYCLE management is that increased reuse and recycling results
Reuse and recycle water within operation in an increased solid waste volume and concentration of
Transfer used water for third party use contaminants to manage. Managing and handling waste
also needs to be viewed in the wider context of responsible
water management and protection so that the social,
environmental and economic implications may be fully
REPLENISH understood.
Return water to the catchment through collaboration
activities within the catchment Monitoring
In order to aid in reporting and performance management,
companies can monitor and collect data associated with
Water synergies and trade-offs
water withdrawals, discharges and consumption, in line
The design, location, configuration and distribution of with the IPIECA-API-IOGP Sustainability reporting guidance.
energy and water assets and facilities is an important
aspect of water management. Appropriate management Supply chain
measures should not be delivered in isolation but could
Companies can have a direct impact on water
incorporate a lifecycle approach, including an assessment
management in their own business, as well as an
of the energy use, GHG and air emissions, and waste
indirect impact on their supply chain by encouraging
management from water and wastewater management
and facilitating suppliers’ actions to improve their water
systems, in addition to the economic valuation required4.
management performance. Supply chain risk can include
exposure to water stress or scarcity, contamination of
By taking a systems-based approach, it is possible to
local water resources, freshwater-intensive manufacturing
develop water efficiency opportunities with co-benefits
processes and their water risk management procedures.
such as GHG emission reduction and reduced impacts to
The UN Global Compact CEO Water Mandate recommends
encouraging suppliers to improve their water conservation,
Examples include:
quality monitoring, wastewater treatment and recycling
• Use of renewable energy sources or recoverable ‘free’ practices through:
energy from waste heat and geothermal sources
• building capacities to analyse and respond to
to power water treatment and water recycling
water risk;

IPIECA (2014) Identifying and assessing water sources, includes a monetary and non-monetary appraisal methodology for evaluating water opportunities.

21 Water management framework

Section 4
The water management framework

• encouraging and facilitating suppliers in conducting • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) - a well-established
assessments of water usage and impacts; non-profit organization that has developed
• sharing water sustainability practices – established sustainability reporting guidelines, now published
and emerging – with suppliers; and as a set of global standards. They feature a modular,
interrelated structure covering a range of economic,
• encouraging major suppliers to report regularly on
environmental and social topics.
progress achieved on water goals.
• Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
(TCFD) - established in 2015 by the Financial Stability
4.4 EVALUATION Board, the TCFD was tasked with developing voluntary,
consistent climate-related financial disclosure
Water data and reporting recommendations that would be useful to investors,
lenders, and insurance underwriters in understanding
An understanding of the volumes and quality of water
material risks.
withdrawn and the volumes and quality of waste, process
or produced water managed during the project or asset • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
lifetime, from the design stage to decommissioning, an independent non-profit whose mission is to
is necessary to make water management decisions. establish industry-specific disclosure standards across
Water performance data are required as an input for environmental, social and governance topics that
risk assessment, assessment of goals or targets and for facilitate communication between companies and
sustainability reporting. investors about financially material, decision-useful
Aggregated, company-level, non-financial performance
data can be informative for comparing relative Improved transparency through the disclosure of water
performance among different companies, such as metrics enables the oil and gas industry to track water
benchmarking exposure to water stress or scarcity. A management performance and to enable communication
company can use such comparisons to evaluate its of these efforts to address stakeholder concerns. For
performance relative to peers and identify areas for example, investors are seeking greater transparency on
potential improvement. Lack of water performance data exposure to water-related risks such as water stress or
reporting and poor-quality information can negatively scarcity, performance data to enable peer comparison,
affect how stakeholders perceive the industry. and commitments, goals or targets related to the
The process of determining the quality of data or reduction of freshwater consumption or intensity.
information is referred to as assurance. Assurance is an
assessment of the quality of reported information and can In addition to water data reporting, the distribution of
confirm application of general reporting principles. Many good practice guidance documents presenting case
companies have their own internal assurance processes. studies as examples of good practice in action can be an
External assurance can improve the quality and credibility effective way of communicating and demonstrating water
of data and information. This type of assurance tends management performance. This can also help to drive
to either be audit-based verification or a third-party improvement in water management across the industry
commentary providing an external assurance statement. through knowledge sharing.

IPIECA, in conjunction with API and IOGP, have published Risk management review
the Sustainability reporting guidance for the oil and gas
industry, a guidance document on voluntary sustainability A key aspect of the evaluation stage is to review
reporting, which is periodically reviewed and updated to potential water management risks. This will require data
ensure it remains current and relevant (IPIECA-API-IOGP, collected from operations along with data from other
2020). Sustainability reporting reflects the governance users within the watershed or aquifer basin. An updated
and management of a company’s climate, environmental risk assessment provides evidence on whether the risk
and social impacts arising from oil and gas exploration management mitigation and adaptation measures have
and production. Other well-established frameworks that achieved the level of risk reduction required and how
are frequently used by investors and investment rating water use, availability and quality have changed within the
agencies include: wider environment.

22 Water management framework

Section 4
The water management framework


Governance provides the structure and processes through
Review performance
which the water management objectives for a company
Management review helps to evaluate if the water are set, progress against performance is monitored and
management actions taken address water-related results are evaluated. Governance describes the decision-
business risks, and if mitigation and adaptation making and accountability hierarchy from subject matter
measures are appropriate to reduce the consequence, experts, senior leadership, executive leadership to a
severity or likelihood of occurrence for identified water company’s board. Senior and executive management
risks to acceptable levels. This is based on the risk and responsibilities in assessing and managing water-related
data evaluation described in Section 4.4 Risk risks and opportunities and broad oversight of material
management review. risks is part of a company’s governance process. The role
of senior management can include accountability for
Set direction for next cycle the corporate water strategy and approval of corporate
processes including risk management standards, long-
The use of standard reporting and consistent data
term planning and public water performance reporting.
collection supports management review and
assessment of performance and allows benchmarking
against other operations both internally and across the
industry. A management review process that integrates
feedback from corporate function managers as well
as site, project or asset managers enables improved
alignment and continuous improvement of the water
management strategy.

23 Water management framework

Related IPIECA

24 Water management framework

Related IPIECA resources

Efficiency in water use Sustainability reporting guidance for the

oil and gas industry
The guidance presents a systematic process for the
onshore oil and gas industry to identify and assess The Sustainability reporting guidance for the oil and
potential measures to improve water efficiency via gas industry is a key tool to help companies shape the
incorporating the principles of water stewardship, structure and content of their sustainability reporting.
integrating water resource management and risk Published in partnership with the American Petroleum
assessment throughout the life of an operation. Institute (API) and the International Association of Oil
& Gas Producers (IOGP), it brings together the collective
Identifying and assessing water sources wealth of technical expertise from the membership of
the three associations.
A systematic process for the onshore industry to select
water sources that best meet project needs within the
Water risk assessment in the oil and gas sector
broader context of local or regional water management.
The guide is applicable to both new projects and existing A high-level overview of how companies in the oil and
operations and uses case studies to provide practical gas sector can define, assess and respond to water risks,
examples of the process stages outlined. presenting an approach to assessing and responding to
water risks that builds on current industrial practices and is
Reuse of produced water from the onshore applicable at portfolio and site levels.
oil and gas industry
A fact sheet evaluating the opportunities and challenges Visit the IPIECA website for further information and
of reusing produced water for the onshore oil and gas resources: www.ipieca.org

25 Water management framework


26 Water management framework


CDP, 2017, A turning tide: tracking corporate action on IPIECA, 2014 (a), Water e-learning course.
water security. CDP Global water report 2017. wra.ipieca.org
report-2017 IPIECA, 2014 (b), Identifying and assessing water sources,
IEA, 2016, Water energy nexus: Excerpts from the world and-assessing-water-sources
energy outlook 2016.
www.iogp.org/bookstore/product/recovered-water- IPIECA, 2014 (c), Efficiency in water use. Guidance
management-study-in-shale-wells document for the upstream onshore oil and gas industry.
IOGP, 2014, Recovered water management study in shale in-water-use-guidance-document-for-the-upstream-
wells. onshore-oil-and-gas-industry
management-study-in-shale-wells/ IPIECA, 2015, Community grievance mechanisms in the
oil and gas industry.
IOGP, 2020, Risk based analysis for produced water, www.ipieca.org/resources/good-practice/community-
Report 633. grievance-mechanisms-in-the-oil-and-gas-industry
report-633-risk-based-assessment-of-offshore-produced- IPIECA, 2017, Water management in shale oil and gas,
water awareness briefing,
IPCC, 2019, Special report on the ocean and cryosphere in management-in-shale-oil-and-gas-ipieca-awareness-
a changing climate [H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, briefing
V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, M. Tignor, E. Poloczanska, K.
Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Nicolai, A. Okem, J. Petzold, IPIECA, 2020 (b), Reuse of produced water from the
B. Rama, N.M. Weyer (eds.)]. onshore oil and gas industry,
www.ipcc.ch/srocc www.ipieca.org/resources/fact-sheet/reuse-of-produced-
IPIECA, 2010, Petroleum refining water/wastewater use
and management, IPIECA, 2020, Water risk assessment in the oil and gas
www.ipieca.org/resources/good-practice/petroleum- sector.
refining-water-wastewater-use-and-management www.ipieca.org/resources/fact-sheet/water-risk-
IPIECA, 2021, Human rights due diligence guidance: a
practical guidance for the oil and gas, and alternative IPIECA-API-IOGP, 2020, Sustainability reporting guidance
energy industry . for the oil and gas industry, 4th edition,
www.ipieca.org/resources/good-practice/human-rights- www.ipieca.org/our-work/sustainability/performance-
due-diligence-guidance/ reporting/sustainability-reporting-guidance/

IPIECA, 2013, Integrating human rights into Natural Capital Coalition. 2016. Natural Capital Protocol.
environmental, social and health impact assessments. (Online) Available at:
A practical guide for the oil and gas industry. www.naturalcapitalcoalition.org/protocol
human-rights-into-environmental-social-and-health- MSCI, 2020, ESG Ratings.
impact-assessments-a-practical-guide-for-the-oil-and- www.msci.com/our-solutions/esg-investing/esg-ratings

27 Water management framework


Scheierling, S.M. and D.O. Treguer. 2016. Enhancing water UNESCO, UN-Water, 2020: United Nations world water
productivity in irrigated agriculture in the face of water development report 2020: water and climate change,
scarcity. Choices. Quarter 3, Paris, UNESCO.
www.choicesmagazine.org/UserFiles/file/cmsarticle_519. www.unwater.org/publications/world-water-
pdf development-report-2020

Sustainalytics, 2020, Company ESG risk ratings. World Economic Forum, 2020, The global risks report
www.sustainalytics.com/esg-ratings 2020.
UN Global Compact, CEO water mandate, 6 commitment
areas World Resources Institute, 2015, Aqueduct water stress
ceowatermandate.org/about/six-commitment- projections data.
areas/#1529600036540-6d406ddc-da2d, Accessed on www.wri.org/resources/data-sets/aqueduct-water-stress-
07/01/2021 projections-data

UN Water,
www.unwater.org/water-facts/#, searched on 20/06/19

28 Water management framework

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IPIECA is the global oil and gas industry association for advancing environmental and
social performance. It convenes a significant portion of the oil and gas value chain and
brings together the expertise of members and stakeholders to provide leadership for the
industry on advancing climate action, environmental responsibility, social performance and
mainstreaming sustainability.
Founded at the request of the UN Environment Programme in 1974, IPIECA remains the
industry’s principal channel of engagement with the UN. Its unique position enables its
members to support the energy transition and contribute to sustainable development.

AIP Equinor Ovintiv Suncor
AMEXHI ExxonMobil PAJ Total
APPEA FuelsEurope Petrobras UKPIA
Arpel Hess PTTEP Wintershall Dea
AXPC IBP Qatar Petroleum Woodside
Baker Hughes Idemitsu Kosan Repsol World LPG
BHP IGU SAPIA Association
BP INPEX Saudi Aramco World Petroleum
BVEG IOGP Schlumberger
Canadian Fuels IOOA Shell
Association JPEC
CAPP Kosmos Energy
Cenovus Marathon Oil
Cepsa McDermott
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ConocoPhillips Occidental United Kingdom
Ecopetrol Oil & Gas UK
T: +44 (0)20 7633 2388
ENEOS Holdings Oil Search
Energy Resources Olie Gas Danmark E: [email protected]



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