Comprehensive Understanding of Grinding Aids - Sika
Comprehensive Understanding of Grinding Aids - Sika
Comprehensive Understanding of Grinding Aids - Sika
// Grinding
Sika Technology
Center Zürich
Comprehensive understanding
of grinding aids
1 Introduction pounds as well as various mixes and also at differ-
Grinding aids have been used successfully for dec- ent dosage levels. The influence of the type, num-
ades in cement production and many other areas, ber and combination of functional groups as well
such as ceramics, pigments etc. The main effect is as molecular weights of compounds over a wide
to reduce energy consumption and increase the range was investigated systematically. A detailed
grinding efficiency. Additional features can be description of all the experimental and computa-
improved – e.g. powder flowability and strength tional test results would go beyond the constraints
development of binders. There is surprisingly lit- of a single paper. This article will concentrate on
tle verified knowledge about the way in which the the underlying phenomena and the new findings
substances contained in grinding aids act effec- relating to the mode of action of grinding aids.
tively. There are correspondingly many hypotheses
in the scientific literature as well as in industrial 2 Basic physical and chemical principles
practice. Starting from basic physical and chemical The first and second laws of thermodynamics sug-
background, the laboratory screening process cov- gest that everything tends towards a state with the
ering several hundred compounds and mixtures as lowest possible energy and the greatest possible
well as extensive computer simulations (molecular disorder. A free-standing powder heap tends to
modelling) [1, 2] provide a better understanding of become stable and spread out, i.e. to achieve the
grinding aids. This makes it possible to design new, lowest possible energy and degree of order attain-
more efficient, customized additives. able under the given conditions. Energy reduction
Experimental studies on the action of grind- or higher randomness by itself can be the driving
ing aids during clinker grinding have been done to force for physical and chemical process, but com-
cover all types of organic, and some inorganic com- binations of both terms are more common: the free
enthalpy or Gibbs energy tends towards the lowest at above 50 °C temperature. This can occur if silos
possible value. Entropic contribution (the attempt are filled with hot cement.
to achieve disorder) is often substantially small- Mostly adsorption of grinding aids is revers-
er with respect to the total energy contribution; ible. As the binding forces are small at the usual
therefore it will not be emphasized separately in mill operating temperatures (80-120 °C), adsorbed
this paper. molecules can desorb from the clinker surface. The
The milling media (balls) in Figure 1, which boiling points of liquids correlate with the inter-
are coated by ground particles, represent a state molecular interactions (“strength of the adsorption
of minimum energy of a system without grinding of molecules on one another”). If the liquids are
aids. Likewise the clean milling media in Figure 2 chemically similar, the strengths of adsorption on
represent a state of minimum energy of a system clinker surfaces correlate with the boiling points.
with grinding aids. Presence of grinding aid leads
to a different minimum energy state [3]. 2.2 Dispersion mechanisms during grinding
Dispersion of organic molecules during grinding
2.1 Irreversible and reversible processes can occur via two basic mechanisms: gas phase
As a rule of thermodynamics, chemical reactions transfer and surface contact transfer. This can eas-
only take place by themselves if this involves ily be proved in simple grinding experiments in
the release of energy (usually heat). They cannot a closed batch mill. For instance various alcohols
therefore be reversed without external energy. This with boiling points below grinding temperature
is also the case in the reaction of cement with wa- improve grinding efficiency significantly (Table 2).
ter. Water from moist raw materials and from the They are adsorbed so weakly due to the high vola-
injection of cooling water is usually present during tility that they can still be smelt even on cold ce-
the industrial grinding of cement, even without the ment. It must therefore be assumed that they are
use of grinding aids. Therefore it can be assumed dispersed, either partially or completely, via the
that the surfaces of the majority of commercial gas phase.
clinkers are predominantly or even completely hy- On the other hand, polymers like polycarboxy-
droxylated. This is also important because it as- late ethers (PCEs) also improve grinding efficiency
sists the grinding, in other words water is a weak significantly. PCEs can only evaporate with irre-
grinding aid. The chemical reaction of oxide ions versible decomposition. During grinding, however,
(O2–) with water (H2O) to form hydroxide ions (OH–) the molecules remain substantially intact [4, 5] 3 Reaction on the
takes place irreversibly (Fig. 3). – they retain their action as concrete plasticizers clinker surface (tri-
Decomposition of organic compounds also – so the evaporation mechanism can be excluded. calcium silicate, C3S):
takes place irreversibly. Compounds with boiling Dispersion must be considered via surface contact water molecules (H2O)
react with top surface
points of 50–400 °C, i.e. significantly below and transfer. layer oxide ions (O2-)
above the grinding temperature, were tested (Ta- At this point, it should be pointed out that a to form hydroxide ions
ble 1). Few organic compounds are stable above plasticizing effect only occurred in trials with (OH-) [2]
200 °C temperature. They decompose, usually
forming volatile secondary compounds. However,
in the presence of air, in thin molecular layers and
on inorganic materials, they can decompose at sub-
stantially lower temperature (e.g. 100 °C) within
hours or days. Various internal investigations have
shown that the usual grinding aids and also con-
crete additives are well able to withstand normal
grinding conditions. Appreciable decomposition is,
however, possible if the cement is stored for weeks
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particularly high dosages of grinding aids. With cohesion (air-liquid interface shown in Figure 4,
commercial grinding aids containing PCEs, such as [6]). The energy of the top layer of surface atoms is
SikaGrind®-820, -840 and -870, the dosages typi- above zero due to less binding sites. Solid materi-
cally used in cement production are not sufficiently als possess surface energy and liquids also have
high for a measurable effect. surface tension. Nominally these two are identical
The majority of commercial grinding aids have due to same value and dimension. Surface tension
boiling points and decomposition temperatures is a common phenomenon. Therefore, small drop-
that are significantly above the grinding tempera- lets are round and water striders as well as other
ture (e.g. PG, DEG, TEA, see Table 1). Their vapour small water-shedding objects do not become wet
pressures are low but sufficiently high that they are but “float” on the top of water (Fig. 5, [7]).
presumably dispersed via both mechanisms, gas Work must be performed against the surface
phase transfer as well as surface contact transfer. tension for the creation of additional surface area.
Adsorbed liquids on the clinker surface are The more finely a liquid is sprayed, the more pres-
in equilibrium with their gas phases. The vapour sure is needed at the nozzle. In the same way that
pressure depends on the boiling point, temperature a large number of fine liquid droplets have greater
and also on the solid, which is covered. In rela- energy than a few large ones, dust also has greater
tive terms, propylene glycol (b.p. 188 °C) is distrib- energy than coarse powder. The major part of the
uted most readily, diethylene glycol (b.p. 245 °C) energy consumed during the grinding process of
moderately and triethanolamine (b.p. 335 °C) least cement is converted into heat, but a small frac-
via the gas phase. The effective ratio of gas phase tion (≤ 0.5 %) is retained in the cement as surface
transfer to surface contact transfer is difficult to energy (Table 3).
measure and not known. It depends not only on The behaviour of liquids on solid surfaces can
the grinding aid but also on the mill and the grind- differ widely. The droplet shape (Fig. 6) always cor-
ing parameters. Probably surface contact transfer responds to the lowest energy level of the system
is usually more important than gas phase transfer. that can be reached. This depends on three factors:
the surface energy (surface tension) of the liquid,
2.3 Surface energy and surface tension the surface energy of the solid and the interfacial
Tab. 2 Results of grind- Atoms, molecules and ions always interact with energy (the interactions) between the two com-
ing experiments with one another. Within homogeneous solids and liq- pounds.
clinker and solvents uids, the internal forces of opposite direction with Liquids with high surface tension do not wet
in a laboratory mill
(sieve residue at 32 µm,
equal magnitude cancel each other out. The for- substance with low surface energy. Mercury forms
fineness according to mal energy is zero in the bulk. But at the interface, beads on non-metallic materials. On the other hand,
Blaine) there is a resultant force directed inwards due to liquids with low surface tension spread out on sub-
stances with high surface energy. Penetrating oil
Water + … Boiling point [°C] Res. 32 μm [%] Blaine [cm2/g] penetrates into the finest cracks and eventually cov-
Reference (pure clinker) 35.3 2325 ers the entire work piece. In the same way, grinding
Water 100 31.3 2710 aids distribute themselves over the entire surface of
Hexane 69 31.8 2645 the clinker. However, on materials with low surface
Paraffin oil 170 30.7 2740 energy, such as plastics, they form shallow droplets,
Mixture of aromatics 180 29.9 2740 i.e. the surface is only partially wetted.
Rape seed oil 360* 29.5 2785
Dioxan 101 29.8 2810 2.4 Reduction in the surface energy of clinker
Acetone 56 29.5 2790 The high surface energy of dry clinker is reduced to
Ethyl acetate 77 28.3 2870 a certain level by hydroxylation. Further decrease
Isopropanol 82 27.0 2983 is only possible through organic grinding aids (e.g.
Diethylene glycol 245 27.3 2943 SikaGrind®). Organic additives do also work in pure
* Rape seed oil decomposes above 200 °C. form, but for technical and economical optimiza-
tions they are usually mixed with water. In both cas- 4 Diagram of differ-
es they act primarily by reducing the surface energy. ent directional forces
on molecules. Surface
This process consists of three parts (shown in
tension is the effect of
equation 1). In the presence of water and grind- one-sided forces on the
ing aids, clinker attempts to lower its surface en- surface [6]
ergy (ES C: surface energy of clinker). The surface
of the grinding aid must be increased on the basis
of energy gained through the reduction of the sur-
face energy of clinker, i.e. the surface energy of
the grinding aid (ES G) must be overcome. And the
clinker/grinding aid interfacial energy (EI C/G) must
be negative or, at most, weakly positive.
5 Water striders are
–ES C + ES G + EI C/G = ES CG (1) carried by the surface
tension [7]
* Typical surface of cement (BET value): 0.6 m2/g. This corresponds to about 0.3 m2/g (3000 cm2/g) according to Blaine.
** The better the used grinding aid, the lower the energy consumption. The indicated rough value primarily visualizes the huge
difference to the small surface and agglomeration energies.
*** Hydroxylated C3S surface is denoted by hyd. C3S.
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MATERIALS // Grinding
Contact Interfacial Example tion themselves in accordance with minimum en-
shape angle energy
ergy and optimized charge equilibration [2]. In the
usual presence of water (or hydroxide ions) this
Non-wetting 180 ° >>>> 0 Mercury on takes place particularly rapidly as the hydrogen ion
transfer (movement of protons), with half-lives in
Partial non-wetting < 180 ° >>> 0 Water on Teflon
the pico-second range, is one of the fastest known
90 ° >> 0 chemical processes.
The propagation velocity of fractures in clinker
Partial wetting >0° >0 Grinding aid
on plastics
is extremely high. Simulation results show that it
Complete wetting 0° =0 Grinding aid reaches 11,500 km/h along the cleavage faces of
on clinker alite mineral, which is almost ten times the speed
Spreading 0° <0 Grinding aid
on clinker
of sound in air [8]. The spreading velocities (prop-
agation) of liquids are substantially lower [8, 9].
Wetting velocities of 1 µm/s to 10 m/s (36 km/h),
6 The drop shape particles, fall with decreasing surface polarity. This depending on the conditions (Fig. 6), are men-
depends on the inter- minimizes the tendency to form agglomerates and tioned in [10]. Because spreading velocities are
action between liquid
maximizes the grinding output. much slower than crack propagation velocities and
and solid surface
Comprehensive laboratory trials have not only surface relaxation and charge balancing happens
confirmed suitability of well-known glycols and quickly, it must be assumed that grinding aids are
alkanolamines additives, but also provided consist- always, or to a very great extent, adsorbed on neu-
ent correlations between molecular structure and tral surfaces (Fig. 9 and 10). This statement has not
performance. The focus was on organic compounds been directly proved for clinker but it is supported
with a well-balanced ratio of polar to nonpolar for all investigated ionic compounds. Organic acids
parts. Inorganic compounds assist the grinding and salts and quaternary ammonium compounds,
only to a limited extent, but they can modify vari- that can counterbalance charges, perform worse
ous other cement properties such as setting, initial than the corresponding alcohols. This contradicts
and final strength in desirable way. the often postulated action of grinding aids by
charge balancing.
3 Surfaces without and with grinding aids Water, glycerine, diethylene glycol (DEG) and
Figures 8-13 show various possible ways how new diisopropanolamine (DIPA) assist grinding in as-
surfaces are formed and subsequent chemical and cending order (Figs. 10-13). Water dissociates into
physical processes during grinding. Calcium oxide positive hydrogen ions and negative hydroxide
(CaO) is used in the diagrams for simplification in- ions (H2O ➝ H ∙∙∙∙ OH ➝ H+ + OH–, hydroxylation),
stead of a clinker phase. Exposed surface ions are which position themselves so that the surface po-
denoted with full charge (Ca2+, O2–) but the overall larity of the clinker is reduced. The alcohol groups
crystal is neutral, so no charges are marked in the (R-OH) of the grinding aids reduce the surface po-
intact crystal lattice. The lighter the colour of the larity further. The hydrocarbon parts (R, consist-
squares in the diagrams the lower is the polarity. ing of CH, CH2 and CH3) shield the polarity. The
Tab. 4 Boiling point, The thinner the green arrows, the weaker are the hydrocarbon parts of glycerine are small (shown in
surface energy (surface interactions between cleaved surfaces. A cleav- Fig. 11), of diethylene glycol moderate (Fig. 12) and
tension) and polarity of age with significant charge separation (Fig. 8) is of diisopropanolamine large (Fig. 13). The larger
grinding aids (glycerine,
only possible in the complete absence of water and the hydrocarbon parts the smaller is the surface
DEG, PG) to show the
deviation from other even then is very unlikely. Freshly cleaved polar energy of covered cement particles and the better
liquids surfaces relax immediately. Surface atoms reposi- is the grinding effect.
Figures 9-13 show models that do not only cor-
Surface energy/ relate well with the practical experiments but also
Boiling points Polarity
Liquid Surface tension
[°C] (Interaction) correspond to the molecular configurations that
[mJ/m2 or mN/m]
Mercury 357 476 (Metallic) were found with molecular simulations (section 4).
Water 100 71 High The forces of attraction between the ground cement
Water with surfactants 100 30 (Polar) particles as well as between cement particles and
Glycerine 290 63 milling media (steel balls etc.) that, without the use
Ethylene glycol 196 48 of grinding aids (Figs. 9-10) lead to agglomeration
Diethylene glycol (DEG) 245 45 Medium
and adhesion to the grinding media (Fig. 1) depend
Propylene glycol (PG) 188 36
Ethanol 78 22 on the surface energy.
Rape seed oil 360 (>200 dec.) 32
Diesel fuel* 200 – 300 28
4 Molecular modelling (computer simulation)
Hexane 69 18 Macroscopic properties, like temperature or parti-
Liquid nitrogen -196 9 Very low cle fineness, are usually the consequence of various
* Diesel fuel consists of paraffin oil and aromatics (see Tab. 2). mechanical, physical and chemical processes and
ZKG 6 2014 33
MATERIALS // Grinding
8 Energetically unfavorable, improbable frac- 9 Fracture without water and grinding aid. The 10 Fracture only with water. The formed
ture with partly separated charges formed surfaces attract each other very strongly surfaces attract each other strongly
11 Fracture with water and glycerine. The 12 Fracture with water and diethylene glycol 13 Fracture with water and diisopropanola-
formed surfaces attract each other moderately (DEG). The formed surfaces attract each other mine (DIPA). The formed surfaces attract each
weakly other very weakly
C3A surfaces covered with TIPA have higher ag- hydroxylated C3A are almost double those of the
glomeration energy than C3S surfaces covered with corresponding values for C3S. The beneficial effect
TIPA, while the opposite behaviour is obtained of grinding aids is therefore substantially more
with all other organic molecules. And, even more marked with C3A than with C3S. This means that
important, the agglomeration energies of dry and grinding aids can equalize to some extent the dif-
ferent grindabilities of the clinker phases and thus H O C Si Ca H-bond length in Å 14 Two triisopropanola-
also of clinkers with different compositions. 1.71 mine (TIPA) molecules
on hydroxylated (OH−)
The fundamentally different grindabilities of 1.55 tricalcium silicate (C3S)
the different clinker phases are pointed out in [13] 1.44 surface. For simplifica-
and [14]. According to [13] C3S is the easiest to Ca complexation tion, only top layer of
grind, C3A is intermediate and C2S and C4AF are TIPA C3S surface is shown
the hardest. The chemical composition and micro-
structure (e.g. porosity) also have an effect [14].
The computer simulations show that the effective-
ness of grinding aids depends on the mineralogy, OH -
i.e. the percentages of the different phases. This is
one of the reasons why, depending on the cement,
grinding aids do not always have the same effect.
Grinding aids reduce the agglomeration energy
in all cases. This leads to the central proposition
of this article. The simulations establish the cor-
rectness of the hypotheses voiced decades ago that pending on the chemicals, at 0.01 to 0.1 % by weight
the grinding performance in the fineness range of organic compound [9]. This corresponds approxi-
relevant for cement is directly dependant on the mately to monomolecular coverage of the solid sur-
agglomeration formation [15, 16], i.e. the strength face [9, 13, 17]. “The deterioration in the comminu-
of the attractive forces between the particles or the tion result at excessive dosage level is attributed to
agglomeration energy. the multimolecular layer on the solid surfaces. This
can lead to the formation of capillary forces that
4.3 Molecular layer thickness favour agglomeration. The influence of the abra-
The effect of grinding aids (e.g. SikaGrind®) de- sive comminution component can be reduced by the
pends on the dosage level. An upper effectiveness lubricating effect and the powder flowability is so
limit was established with molecular modelling. strongly increased that coarse particles are also dis-
This limit is reached when a monolayer of organic charged with the fine material” [9].
molecules lies between the clinker surfaces [2, 11]. Plant trials by Sika show that dosage levels
More layers do not produce any substantial im- above the optimum amount can reduce the resi-
provement but also no deterioration [2, 11]. For dence time of the cement in the mill in such a way
glycerine, for example, the distance between the that the material is inadequately ground. Optimum
highly polar C3S planes caused by the mono-layer dosage levels and excessive dosages depend on the
is 4 Å (Fig. 16). The agglomeration energy falls to chemical structure of the added compounds and the
half the value when compared with the hydroxy- local cementitious materials (clinker and supple-
lated C3S surfaces. With more efficient grinding mentary cementitious materials) as well as on the
aids, such as MDIPA, it can be reduced still further fineness and the mill system (type and condition).
down to a fifth of the value (Table 3, Fig. 19). There are various reasons for the fact that the
For an effective surface area of 0.6 m2/g maximum effect calculated with molecular mod-
(6000 cm2/g BET ~ 3000 cm2/g Blaine) a monolay- elling is already achieved at the very low dosage
er between the particles corresponds to a dosage level of 0.015 % organic compound (Table 5). The
of about 0.015 % by weight of glycerine. The free simulations were carried out on smooth C3S planes,
particle surface area is only 50 % covered (Table 5). but crushed clinker has unevenness, indentations
Double the quantity (0.03 %) is needed for com- and fine cracks in which organic molecules can ac-
plete coverage of the free surface area, which leads cumulate. These are then absent elsewhere, espe-
to a double layer for touching particles. Required
dosage of organic compound is proportional to the 15 Adsorption energies
cement fineness (Table 5). The theoretical results of triethanolamine,
are compared with the experimental ones and dis-
cussed in the following section. amine and glycerine on
dry and hydroxylated
5 Effects of grinding aid’s dosage level C3S (tricalcium silicate)
at 25 °C and 110 °C [2]
Without exception, the laboratory trials show that
the grinding performance in the lower dosage range
of grinding aids increases with further addition of
grinding aid. In the upper range it flattens out [15]
and at very high levels it even falls below the level
without additives [9]. According to the literature the
most favourable addition level generally lies, de-
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8 Conclusions
23 PEO (polyethylene oxide) molecule on hydroxylated clinker (C3S) [12] A whole series of underlying effects and molecular
as well as material properties play various roles
interactions (repulsions and attractions) must during grinding with grinding aids. Reliable per-
be as small as possible. formance predictions are possible when the rela-
» Strength of adsorption tive importance of the effects and interactions are
The strength of adsorption of compounds does known and understood. Usually, the best com-
not correlate with the grinding performance [2]. pounds are those that represent a balanced com-
promise concerning the different requirements.
7.2 Confirmed effects Through a skilful combination of compounds,
» Reduction of surface polarity as it is the case in commercial products, it is possi-
Grinding aid molecules, with their polar and ble not only to optimize the grinding performance
nonpolar parts, compensate and reduce the po- but also to adjust many other properties, such as
larity of the clinker surfaces to a considerable powder flowability, early and final strength devel-
extent. opment and the workability of mortar and con-
» Reduction of surface energy crete. New dimensions with respect to produc-
In parallel with the polarity there is also a re- tion efficiency are being achieved, especially with
duction in surface energy. grinding aids like SikaGrind®-820, -840 and -870
» Reduction of agglomeration energy that contain PCEs.
The agglomeration energy correlates inversely
with the grinding performance. The lower the Acknowledgements
forces of attraction between two surfaces the We acknowledge the Swiss Commission for Tech-
fewer and smaller agglomerates form and the nological Innovation (KTI 13703.1 PFFLR-IW).
We are grateful for discussions with Robert J. Thomas Müller (Sika Deutschland GmbH) and
Flatt (ETH Zürich) and Hendrik Heinz (Univer- Jorg Schrabback (Sika Services AG) for compre-
sity of Akron). Special thanks are owed to Dr. hensive previous work, practical help and fruitful
Emmanuel Gallucci (Sika Technology AG), Dr. discussions.
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