L2 - W3 - TPS211 - Questionnaire Design

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1. What Is Questionnaires?
2. When Can A Questionnaires Be Used?
3. What Can It Measure?
4. Types Of Information
5. Questionnaires Design
6. Types Of Survey Questions
• Is a collection tool designed to gather raw data with
maximum efficiency in time and effort for both the
interviewer and interviewee. (Nowlan 1999)

• Is survey instrument used to gather information from the


• A questionnaires must uplift, motivate and encourage the

respondents to become involved in the interviewing process,
to cooperate and to complete the interview.

• It should be designed to minimize response error.

• Relevance and accuracy are the two basic criteria to be met

if the questionnaire is to achieve the researcher’s purposes.
(Zamalia Mahmud 2008)
• A questionnaires can be used under the following
circumstance (Gatech 1997):

• When resources and money are


• When it is necessary to protect

the privacy the participant .

• When corroborating other

Objective Subjective Quantitative Qualitative
• Information • User • Measurable • Requires
directly satisfaction and exact lengthier,
related to more
the complex
objectives questions
and are less
• Four (4) main categories of information: (Gilbert, 2001)

Attributes Attitudes
Behavior Beliefs
(Demographic) (Opinions)

1. Race What the

How people feel
2. Age individual has Asking whether
about the issues
3. Marital status done, is doing, something is seen
(level of
4. Gender and may possibly as true or false
5. Religion do in future
• It must translate the information needed into a set of specific
questions to the respondents, and the questions will yield the
desired information.
• A questionnaire must uplift, motivate and encourage the
respondents to become involved in the study and become
willing to complete it.
• A good questionnaire should have no biased questions
which would discourage respondents from giving the true
• Seven (7) main discipline in questionnaire design:




(Sequence) Response Format
• To question on the subject matter of the survey

• To control the conduct of the survey

• To name the survey and to identity a particular interview

• To identify the respondents

Research aims and key questions:

• The aim of the research was :

To indentify and where possible measure the value added by

good urban design, and to demonstrate the benefits that flow from
well-designed urban space.

• The key research questions were :

1. Does better urban design add value and if so how?

2. Who benefits?
3. How can greater value be released?
• Concerned with the aims and objectives of the survey

• Well defined objectives is very important

• Without clear goal and purpose – overlook important issues as

well as waste participants time (asking useless question)

• Problem poorly defined questionnaires continue on to the analysis


• 3 Categories : Must Know, Useful To Know, Nice To Know

• Ask yourself what you will do with the information from each
question. If can’t satisfactory answer, leave it out.
• Keep questions short, simple and concrete.

1) 4)

Clarity questions : (Kejelasan Soalan) Bias : (Berat Sebelah)

2) 5)

Leading questions : (Soalan Utama) Embarrassing questions : (Soalan

Mengaibkan/ Memalukan)

3) 6)
Phrasing of questions (proper grammar) :
(Tatabahasa Betul) Demanding questions : (Menuntut Soalan)
Open Format
2 Types of
Close Format

• Should allow for the respondents to accurate data without


• Allow a ‘Don’t Know’ or ‘Not Applicable’ response

• Include also ‘Other’ or ‘None’

• Sequencing is important.

• Numbering of questions.

• Make easy – reading questions, following

instructions and recording answer.

• When more is asked – respondents tend to be

tired and bored
• Numbering : facilitate analysis

• Filter questions : indications important

• Visual aids: arrows, symbols

• Instructions different type of font / blocked


• Codes – clarity – to avoid confusion

07 08

05 06

03 04

01 02
• Without choice of answer.
• Respondents are requires to give their own answer or
• A questions that poses some problems and asks the
respondents to answer his or her own words

• Eg : What thing do you like most about your job?

• What comes to your mind when you look at this

• To avoid respondents influence by • Respondents always leave the blanks
the answer that been given without answering the questions
• When you require respondents to use • Respondents answer with too long
their own words sentences
• You prefer to ask only the open • We don’t understand respondent’s
question because the choice are hand writing
• We don’t understand what
respondent’s trying to tell us
• You don’t have a skills to analyze
respondent’s comments if answers
may very considerable
• A questions in which respondents is given specific limited alternative
responses and asked to choose the one closer to his or her own answer.
• The respondent only need to tick one answer most related to him.
• The respondent have the option to choose “others” if none of the
choices are related to him.
*Types of close-ended questions : multiple choice questions that require
respondents to answer “yes” or “no” or choose from list of several answer
eg : Your income per year
a) Less than RM20 000
b) RM20 000 – RM34 999
c) RM35 000 – RM59 999
d) RM60 000 – RM79 999
(sample question for socio economic survey)
How often do you shopping in this area?
1. Daily ( )
2. 2-4 time/ week ( )
3. Weekly ( )
4. Monthly ( )
5. Others ( )

Purpose : shoppers survey to obtain information in order to gauge the

attractiveness of the town centre or to improve the existing commercial
(sample question for socio economic survey)
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with this new town centre?
1. Extremely Satisfied ( )
2. Very Satisfied ( )
3. Satisfied ( )
4. Neither satisfied or dissatisfied ( )
5. Dissatisfied ( )
6. Very Dissatisfied ( )
7. Extremely Dissatisfied ( )

Purpose : Attitude survey of shoppers to estimate the potential of a newly built

commercial area
(sample question for socio economic survey)
A fixed alternatives question that requires a respondents to
choose one of two dichotomous alternatives

eg : Did you make any long distance call last week?

Yes No

Have you take your lunch today?

A. Yes B. No
• A type of fixed alternative questions that requires a
respondents to choose one (and only one) response from
among several possible alternatives

• eg : Please give us some information about your flight?

In which section of the aircraft did you sit
1. First Class
2. Business Class
3. Economy Class
• A measurement task that requires the respondents to rank order a small
number or activities, events or object in overall preference or on the
basis of some characteristics of the stimulus
• We can rank order our preference of hair shampoo such as Rank 1
for Rejoice as the most preferred hair shampoo and Rank 5 for
Sunsilk as the least preferred hair shampoo.
• eg :
1. Rejoice
2. Giant
3. Tesco
4. Baby Johnson & Johnson
5. Sunsilk
• The measure of attitudes ranging from very positive to very negative
designed to allow respondents indicate how strongly they agree or disagree
with carefully constructed statements relating to an attitudinal object
• Eg : The concept of adopting ‘Safe City’ is practical in Malaysia
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
• An attitude measure consisting of a series of seven point bipolar rating
scales allowing response to a concept.
• A weight is assigned to each position on the rating scale such as

eg : How would you describe the personality of your lecturer?

Pleasant __ : __ : __ : __ : __ : __ : __ : Unpleasant
7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Friendly __ : __ : __ : __ : __ : __ : __ : Unfriendly
7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Efficient __ : __ : __ : __ : __ : __ : __ : Not Efficient

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
A measurement task that requires the respondent to estimate the magnitude of
characteristics or quality that an object possesses.

Eg : Rate the service quality of a KL Monorail

1. Poor
2. Fair
3. Good
4. Excellent

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