Done - NSTP 2 Syllabus

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National Service Training Program 2 Syllabus

Course Code : NSTP129

Course Title : National Service Training Program 2
Course Credit : 3 units or 54 hours
Pre-requisite : NSTP 1
Modality : Hybrid Learning
Course Description :
The National Service Training Program 2 (NSTP 102), complements knowledge learned from NSTP101. It is the application and implementation of NSTP Law,
which focuses on participation to community development. While NSTP101 provides the backdraft and theoretical framework of the Program, NSTP102 is
the continuation and validation phase. It is designed to equip and empower students with the fundamentals of project identification, planning and
implementation in pursuit of contributing to the upliftment of the general welfare and the quality of life of the people in the community through
enhancement, in particular, of the school and community facilities. Its advocacy is related to the protection and preservation of environment, as well as,
improvement of lives, health and safety of the populace through promotion of risk reduction, peace-making process, safety, recreation and morals of the

Course Expected Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

 Develop physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being while undergoing training in any of the two (2) program components (CWTS and LTS) of NSTP;
 Demonstrate appreciation and support for NSTP activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of community;
 Acquire knowledge, skills and values that enable teaching of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youths and other segments of society in need of their
services; and
 Develop and enhance civic consciousness, ethics of service, patriotism and nationalism that contribute to the youth’s general welfare.

Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by

April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development Department
Course Topics
Week Topics
1 1. Course Orientation
2. Description of Community Health Development (CHD)
3. Description of Community Engagement
a. The WHY of community engagement
b. The WHAT of community engagement
c. The HOW of community engagement
4. Challenges and possible solutions of organizing and implementing community engagement
2-3 5. Community Project Proposal
a. Definition
b. Significance
c. Uses
d. Possible Community Projects/Services
6. Parts of a Community Project Proposal
a. Title
b. Introduction/Overview
c. Objectives
d. Session Plan
e. Budget
f. Gantt Chart
7. Strategies in health teaching
a. Significance
b. Indications
c. Types
8. Instructional materials

Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by

April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development Department
a. Definition
b. Significance
c. Indications
d. Types
4 9. Formulated revised community project proposal
5-6 10. Training Modules / Instructional Materials Preparation
11. Delegation of tasks
Preliminary Examination
7 Comprehensive community health project presentation
8 12. Revision of materials and polishing of the program in preparation for the community project implementation
9-10 13. Basic Emergency Medical Technician
14. Training Basic Life Support
15. Training Basic First Aid
11 16. FIELD WORK 1
12 17. FIELD WORK 2
Midterm Examination
13 18. FIELD WORK 3
14 19. FIELD WORK 4
15 20. Culminating Activity
16 21. Program Evaluation/Consolidation of Reports
17 22. Presentation of implementation of group’s community project and community engagement
18 Final Examination

Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by

April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development Department

Week Intended Learning Course Content/ Subject Matter Teaching and Learning Assessment Resource Materials
Outcomes Activities
Orientation Unit 1: Understanding Community Community Needs Report on Community needs Soft and hard copies of
Demonstrate content Dynamics Analysis analysis reports
knowledge and  Community Defined
 Concepts and Principles Networking and Linkaging Progress report on networking
1-3 understanding of
 Community Needs Analysis and linkages
community dynamics
 Social and Resource Community
 Define community Service/Mobilization Progress report on community
 Discuss concepts and  Networking and Linkaging mobilization
principles  Overview on Community Service
underpinning  Mobilizing Students for Community
community/ Action
 community
participation and
nity organization
 Conduct community
needs analysis
 Identify community
 Conduct social and
resource mobilization
 Seek collaboration

Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by

April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development Department
with the identified
community through
networking and
 Organize, delegate,
and activate for
community action
 Demonstrate content Unit 10: The Fundamentals of Pre-Community Narrative Report Submission of the Copy of
knowledge, Community Immersion Immersion Project Proposal
4-5 understanding and  Mobilizing Students for
Community Immersion Project Planning Midterm Examination CWTS 2: Copy of Narrative Report
skills in the
 Community Immersion Project Proposal
fundamentals of Requirements Both will be scaled against a
community immersion  Essential Protocols in rubric.
 Orient, discuss Community The Process of
familiarize on the Community Immersion
process of community o Pre-Immersion
immersion o Entering Community
o Community
 Discuss protocols in
community immersion o Community
o Project Planning and
o Termination of

Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by

April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development Department
6 Prelim Examination

 Demonstrate content Unit 10: Project Development and Management, Project Method Copy of Reports
knowledge, understanding Monitoring and Evaluation, Documentation of
and skills in project Projects Community Immersion Instructional Materials and
 Overview on Project Development devices
development and
 The Project Cycle Project Rubrics
management, monitoring
 Process Flow of Formulation of NSTP-
and evaluation, and project Based Community Project/Activities
documentation.  Project Proposal Making
 Identify and  Purpose of Project Proposal
familiarize on  Prescribed Format of Project Proposal
7 -11 the process  Project Management
flow of  Process of Monitoring
 Tools in Monitoring
formulation of
 Plan and propose
community project
for implementation
and management

Midterm Examination

Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by

April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development Department
 Implement project for Field Work Project Rubrics
Community Immersion
community immersion Gantt Chart
 Monitor and evaluate
13-15 projects/activities
 Document
 Report

NSTP Projects and Activities

Evaluate NSTP Projects Evaluation Process Feedback form
16 and Activities Documentation and Reporting
Track the evaluation Types of Documentation
Document and report
project updates

17 Create an insightful Presentation of implementation of group’s Progress Report

presentation sharing the community project and community Presentation Tools Narrative Report
project implementation’s engagement Terminal Report
hits and misses and areas
of opportunities
18 Final Examination

References Main Reference/Core Textbook :

 Understanding the National Service Training Program by Labuguen
 Environmental education – CWTS by Lee

Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by

April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development Department
 NSTP by Gasilla-Dela Cruz
 Ang, Mary Jean C., et. al. NSTP-CWTS 1. Mutya Publishing House, Inc. Malabon City, Philippines. 2013.
 Esguerra, Vincent B., et. al. Environmental Education Manual for Teachers. Palawan State University, Puerto Princesa City. 2017
 Vidal, Carmelo John E., et. al. Towards Effective and Relevant NSTP Implementation. A Research-Based Practical Guide for Implementers of the Non-Military
Program Components of the National Service Training Program. Technological University of the Philippines, Ayala Boulevard, Ermita, Manila. ISBN 978-971-
821-164-9. 2018.
 The 12th National Congress of NSTP Educators and Implementers Manual. 2014
 The 5th International Conference on Integrative Disaster Risk Reduction Management [ICIDRRM] Manual. 2018.
 The National Service Training Program [NSTP]. A Review
Course Requirements Reports
Training facilitation
Grading System Suggested:
Prelim: 20% Midterm: 20% Finals: 20% Class Participation: 10% Project: 30%
Classroom Policies Sample Ground Rules for Discussions
Listen actively and attentively.
Ask for clarification if you are confused.
Do not interrupt one another.
Challenge one another, but do so respectfully.
Critique ideas, not people.
Do not offer opinions without supporting evidence.
Avoid put-downs (even humorous ones).
Take responsibility for the quality of the discussion.
Build on one another’s comments; work toward shared understanding.
Always have your book/readings in front of you.
Do not monopolize discussion.
Speak from your own experience, without generalizing.
If you are offended by anything said during discussion, acknowledge it immediately.
Consider anything that is said in class strictly confidential.

Sample Ground Rules for Lectures

Arrive on time.

Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by

April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development Department
Turn your cell phone off.
Use laptops only for legitimate class activities (note-taking, assigned tasks).
Do not leave class early without okaying it with the instructor in advance.
Ask questions if you are confused.
Try not to distract or annoy your classmates.

Date Developed Developed for Developed by Approved by

April 2022 Informatics Philippines Program and Development Department Head of the Program and Development Department

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