Driving at Work Activities

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Hazards Control Measures Yes, No, or N/A Any Further Control Measures Needed

The Driver(s):  An assessment of the persons Yes No N/A

driving abilities and driving history
 Inexperience has been carried out. A driver’s
 Unqualified declaration form with a copy of
 Inappropriate driving techniques their driving licence attached has
 Decreased driving ability due to been completed and checked.
distractions – eg talking on the
phone  Ongoing assessment carried out.
 Driving ability impaired due to Any changes in driving tasks are
alcohol/drugs assessed. Re-assessment takes Yes No N/A
 Health/Fitness issues – fitness to place following an accident or near
drive affected by medical miss, investigation carried out to
conditions or ill health determine whether the driver’s
attitudes, skills or behaviour, or the
nature of the driving task or vehicle
contributed to the crash, and what
actions are necessary to prevent a

Hazards Control Measures Yes, No, or N/A Any Further Control Measures

The Driver…. Continued  Anyone who is asked to drive as Yes No N/A

part of their job is given adequate
information on what is expected
of them and what guidelines, rules
1st Option Safety Group, Registered Office: 16-18 Berners Street, London, W1T 3LN
Registered No: 5533445, VAT No: 868 6859 42, www.1stoptionsafety.com, 0845 5004545
etc they need to follow. All
drivers have received a copy of
the Drivers rules and guidance

 Anyone who is asked to drive as

part of their job has received
adequate training. Yes No N/A

 Anyone who is asked to drive as

part of their job has been
informed that they must not drive
while using a mobile phone. Yes No N/A

Hazards Control Measures Yes, No, or N/A Any Further Control Measures Needed

The Driver….  Anyone who is asked to drive as part of Yes No N/A

their job has been informed that they
Continued must not drive while under the
influence of alcohol or drugs.

 Anybody who drives as part of their job

is sufficiently fit and healthy to do so Yes No N/A
safely and not put themselves or
others at risk. Any reportable medical
conditions have been reported to the

DVLA (see The “At A Glance Guide to
the Current Medical Standards of
Fitness to Drive” at:
aagv1.pdf) and have been declared on
the drivers declaration form.

 All drivers comply with the minimum

eyesight standard for driving (Rule 81
of highway code).

Yes No N/A

Hazards Control Measures Yes, No, or N/A Any Further Control Measures Needed

The Driver…. Continued  Anyone who is asked to drive as part of Yes No N/A
their job and is pregnant will be re-
assessed during the pregnancy to see
if the amount of driving may need to
be reduced because of ill health
during the pregnancy or being
uncomfortable in the vehicle.
Pregnant drivers have received
information on how to wear their seat
belt correctly and how to make
themselves most comfortable in the

The Journey:  Where possible, safer alternative travel Yes No N/A
modes are used, eg travel by
 Unrealistic scheduling – train/plane Mini buses/coaches
resulting in long journeys driven by professional drivers are used
& long driving hours where possible. Where possible,
without adequate rest professional drivers are employed on
breaks – leading to driver location shoots to transport cast and
tiredness & falling asleep crew.
at wheel.
 Unsafe routes  Where possible, remote
 Driver unfamiliar with area communications, eg telephone/
 Adverse weather Yes No N/A
email/video conferencing are used to
conditions. avoid road travel to long distance

Hazards Control Measures Yes, No, or N/A Any Further Control Measures

The Journey… Continued  Guidelines are in place for maximum unbroken Yes No N/A
driving hours. They are adhered to whenever

 Journey scheduling allows sufficient time for

Yes No N/A
drivers to take account of reasonably
foreseeable weather and traffic conditions
and to comply with speed limits. Schedules
seek to reduce night driving where possible.

 Where staff have to drive a long distance from

their usual place of work or unit base to a Yes No N/A
work location and the journey is likely to take
more than 2 hours, consideration is given to

asking staff to travel the night before and stay

 Every journey is a managed journey. Those

responsible for journey planning take into
Yes No N/A
account road type, hazards such as road
works, accident “black spots”, traffic densities,
and high risk features, eg schools. Drivers are
given clear route directions.

Hazards Control Measures Yes, No, or N/A Any Further Control Measures

The Journey… Continued  A full risk assessment is carried out when Yes No N/A
anyone is required to drive abroad, and
appropriate actions are put in place, eg use of
local professional drivers or alternative forms
of transport, or additional information and or
training. In some countries, self driving may
be safer than using local drivers.

 Driving in adverse weather conditions, eg fog,

very high winds, ice, snow, flooding etc is
actively discouraged. Schedules and routes Yes No N/A
are rearranged where necessary. Employees
are never pressurised to complete journeys
where weather conditions are exceptionally

 Staff should not be asked to drive immediately

following a long flight where jet lag is an issue.
Alternative arrangements such as pick up

drivers/taxis, rest periods etc should be Yes No N/A

Hazards Control Measures Yes, No, or N/A Any Further Control Measures

The Vehicle:  All vehicles that employees are asked to drive Yes No N/A
as part of their work activities are maintained
 Vehicle in poor condition in a safe and fit condition. They have a valid
 Mechanical failure of MOT (if over 3 years old) and valid insurance.
 Driver unfamiliar with
vehicle  If employees use their own vehicles for work
 Vehicle not suitable for the purposes, the drivers will be insured for
activity business use and the vehicle will have a valid
 Driver/Passenger being MOT certificate if over 3 years old. Employees Yes No N/A
struck by movement of will also confirm that their vehicle is regularly
unsecured loads being serviced and maintained.
carried in the vehicle
 Driver may suffer
muscuosketel injuries from  Drivers have been informed that they need to
incorrect driving position carry out basic vehicle safety checks before
or driving posture. they begin their journey. They have been
provided with a checklist and information to
do this. Yes No N/A

 Drivers are given time to familiarise themselves

with new vehicles. Information and training is
provided where necessary.

Yes No N/A

Hazards Control Measures Yes, No, or N/A Any Further Control Measures

The Vehicle… continued  Any goods and equipment to be carried in the Yes No N/A
vehicle is properly secured so that it doesn’t
cause injury in the event of an accident, and
drivers aren’t distracted by loose objects
moving around the car while driving.

 Vehicles supplied for work purposes are

provided with a first aid kit and a fire
extinguisher. Staff who use their own Yes No N/A
vehicles, are encouraged to do the same.

 Vehicle ergonomics are considered when

procuring or hiring vehicles for staff. Vehicles
have easily adjustable seats and head
restraints etc, they are checked and Yes No N/A
maintained regularly to ensure they remain fit
for purpose. Drivers have received
information on the importance of maintaining
good driving positions so as to avoid postural
problems and back pain etc.

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