Schemes and Teams v0.8

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Schemes & Teams: The Squid Games GM: BUILDING THE CONTEST
Tribute RPG v0.8 by Jules Goldthwait The contest alternates between game
rounds and downtime. For a one-shot,

3-4 rounds should be plenty to prep.
The game format is open for hacking Each round twists a childhood pastime:
and remixing under a CC BY 4.0 license.
1. Team sport 2. Solitary pursuit
YOUR ONLY WAY OUT IS TO PLAY. You’ll need all your wits and luck to survive
Thanks to: Chrysteena Barton, Daniela 3. Board game 4. Playground game
hellish parodies of childhood pastimes in THE CONTEST. Here, everyone knows you
Relaford, Sarah Allsmiller.
by your number (which is also your one game stat). You’ll need to forge alliances to 5. Leisure activity 6. Food activity
survive, or just to have someone to betray... THEN TAKE THE...
1. Arena 2. Artifacts of play
3. Rules 4. Objective
Each player should create ~5 contestants. When you do something risky, roll 1d6 to find out how it goes. Roll +1d if you’re
Some will die each round. For each, prepared and +1d if you have a relevant background. (The GM tells you how many dice 5. Win Condition 6. Team size
roll 3d6 to make the 3-digit number to roll, based on the contestant and situation.) AND MAKE IT TOTALLY ..
that will be their contestant ID. 1. Hazardous 2. Enlarged
If you’re using SCHEMES (planning, rationale, ruse), you want to roll over your stat.
The hundreds digit is their stat. 3. Obscured 4. Reversed
If you’re using TEAMS, (emotion, empathy, impulse) you want to roll under your stat. 5. Unfairly Shared 6. Fatal
A low number means you’re better at
Each passing die counts as a success this round. If all dice fail, that counts as one failure
SCHEMES (rationality, advance planning, Remember, force contestants to form
in this round. For each round, the GM will decide how many successes are needed to
deception, calculated action). A high groups and make other choices before
survive and how many failures trigger a fatal result.
number means you’re better at TEAMS revealing the rules for the round. At this
(intuition; diplomacy; empathy; impulsive Creative players can roll for actions that don’t make direct progress in a round, such as point, any hints should be useful.
actions). protecting against future failures or securing other advantages for later.
The GM should decide how many
The tens digit is their vibe: PLAYING WITH BONDS successes it takes to survive a round and
1- Cocky, 2- Snivelling, 3- Loner, You may also use one of your contestant’s bonds to help survive the round. how many failures prove fatal. Consider
4- Affable, 5- Wild-eyed, 6- Principled. matching survival criteria to the round
If your goal is to work together, you succeed or fail together for this contest.
idea (versus contests, first-past-the-post,
The ones digit is their background: Make an additional TEAMS roll to add to your total. Describe how you work together.
most successes without failing, etc).
1- Mooch, 2- Caregiver, 3- Service Sector, If your goal is to betray them, roll SCHEMES. If it succeeds, add one success to your
Half the contestants dying each round
4- Crime, 5- Blue Collar, 6-White Collar. contestant and one failure to the other. Describe your betrayal and dissolve the bond.
is about right. If a player’s contestants
Also, start with one secret(d4): DURING DOWNTIME all die, they may become a VIP who bets
Between rounds, the GM should describe the resting conditions and give players time which contestant(s) will win.
1.  Share a bond with another contestant.
to describe their contestants’ downtime activities.
2.  You’re smuggling a contraband tool. THE END
3.  A guard owes you one minor favor. Each player can pick one reward from the initial secret list for one/each of their After the last round, the GM describes
4.  You have a hint about the next round. surviving contestants, then narrate what happens to give them that edge. If they bond survivors’ return to regular life and
with another contestant, they should share their real names with each other. players say how they spend their winnings.

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