Alicante Bid
Alicante Bid
Alicante Bid
We are sure that the full spanish Blood Bowl community will love to host the celebration of the
World Cup in 2023 . With our work and effort, and the support of the public and private entities that
collaborate in the project, we present a bid worthy of the World Cup:
Because the spanish community of active NAF members is one of the biggest in the world, and all of these members would
attend and collaborate in the celebration of the World Cup. We can ensure assistance of at least 500 spanish participants to
the World Cup.
Because the Spanish community is one of the biggest in Europe, and yet no international NAF event has been held in Spain
since Eurobowl 2008. We consider this is the opportunity to allow Spain and its vast community of players host the World
Below we detail the european cities with direct flights to Alicante airport:
Germany | Berlín, Bremen, Colonia, Ireland | Cork, Kerry, Knock, Dublín, Portugal | Lisboa, Oporto.
Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Shannon. United Kingdom | Aberdeen, Belfast,
Hamburgo, Karlsruhe, Memmingen, Iceland | Reikiavik. Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol,
Múnich, Stuttgart. Cardiff, Darlington, Doncaster,
Faroe Islands | Vágar
Austria | Viena. Edimburgo, Exeter, Glasgow, Leeds,
Italy | Bari, Bérgamo, Bolonia, Cagliari,
Belgium | Amberes, Bruselas, Lieja, Liverpool, Londres, Manchester,
Milán, Nápoles, Roma, Venecia.
Ostende. Newcastle, Newquay, Nottingham,
Lithuania | Kaunas. Southampton.
Belarus | Minsk
Luxembourg | Luxembourg. Czech Republic | Pardubice, Praga.
Bulgaria | Sofía.
Norway | Aeslund, Bergen, Bodø, Romania | Bucarest, Cluj-Napoca.
Denmark | Aalborg, Aarhus, Billund, Harstad, Haugesund, Kristiansand,
Copenhague. Russia | Moscú, San Petersburgo.
Oslo, Sandefjord, Stavanger, Tromsø,
Finland | Helsinki. Trondheim. Sweden | Estocolmo, Gotemburgo, Växjö.
France | Burdeos, Lyon, Marsella, Nantes, Netherlands | Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Switzerland | Basilea, Ginebra, Zúrich.
París. Maastrich, Róterdam. Ukraine | Ivano-Frankivsk, Kiev, Leópolis.
Hungary | Budapest. Poland | Breslavia, Cracovia, Gdansk,
Poznan, Varsovia.
Alicante, with an exceptional quality,
are located near the beach, and they
will certainly offer our participants
and their families impeccable and
highly professional service, making
your stay as comfortable as possible
and making the World Cup a vacation
package for the entire family.
We can also mention that the city
of Alicante has more than 120
restaurants and numerous bars, that
HOTEL CAPACITY IN THE CITY OF ALICANTE have a varied offer gastronomy that
will undoubtedly be satisfactory to
CATEGORY Nº HOTELS ROOMS PLACES our participants. The price of eating
in these local is very varied and there
5 STAR HOTEL 1 81 162 is a offer according to the economic
4 STAR HOTEL 14 1946 3863 capacity of each assistant, but the
average price is set around 25 euros
3 STAR HOTEL 15 1159 2416 per guest. If our bid is selected, the
2 STAR HOTEL 3 77 183 Hostelry Assotiation of Alicante
grants they will do their very best to
1 STAR HOTEL 5 169 371 find exclusive offers both in lodging
TOTAL 38 3432 6995 and restaurants for our attendees.
One of the most relevant moments during the World Cup is the inauguration and
opening ceremony of the event, which we have scheduled to be held on Thursday,
September 7th. We have found the best and most adequate environment that reflects the
beauty of the city and its Mediterranean vocation. The inauguration will be celebrated
on the well-known Esplanade of the port of Alicante, nearly within the sea. We consider
it to be one of the most emblematic, beautiful and well-known places of Alicante, and
constitutes the ideal place for such an important moment.
exterior: ZONE C
1.200m² B3 WC
Lunchtime is usually one of the biggest delay reasons, with long queues of hungry
participants who also want to eat quietly, talking about the events of the day with their
peers. Therefore, and in order to avoid these crowds and delays; and also considering a
wide and varied gastronomic offer that can satisfy the preferences of our participants,
we have chosen to present our participants a selection of typical Alicante and Spanish
gastronomy, such as paella, spanish omelette and the like.
These meals will be prepared live and direct in front of our participants by a company
specialized in events of this type, with the capacity to serve more than 2000 food rations
at once.
We will also create a food court, an area in which several food trucks or mobile vehicles
that offer food and drinks will be installed. Thus, participants who may prefer to eat at
different time can choose between a wide array of possibilities when choosing their food,
and at the same time it will prevent a single catering being overloaded.
Our attendees will have the chance to get their food in an agile and fast way, avoiding long
queues and waiting times, and giving our participants the possibility to enjoy the lunch
time together with their mates. We’ve designated two different areas as food courts, so
everyone can access the food trucks quickly and enjoy more than enough time to eat.
There will be an area with tables and chairs at the disposal of our participants so they can
eat with their mates.
If our bid is chosen, we will open a selection of the different companies that will provide
food truck services so they can join the event, and we will try to make the gastronomic
offer as varied as possible, specially attending the needs of participants with special food
6:30 p.m.
Inauguration and opening of the World Cup on the
Esplanade from the Port of Alicante. There will be an
open space by the sea, as detailed above, in which we can
accommodate all the participants to the World Cup. There
will be loudspeakers, sound, lighting and the like; and the
Institutional Representation of the city of Alicante will
attend the opening ceremony of the World Cup.
9:00 a.m.
Check in by the captains of each squad.
9:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
First match of the day.
12:15 p.m.
14:15 p.m. to 16:30 p.m.
Second match of the day.
17:30 p.m. to 19:45 p.m.
Third match of the day.
9:00 a.m.
Check in by the captains of each squad.
9:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
First match of the day.
12:15 p.m.
14:15 p.m. to 16:30 p.m.
Second match of the day.
17:30 p.m. to 19:45 p.m.
Third match of the day.
9:00 a.m. • Individual Champion.
Check in by the captains of each squad.
• Individual runner-up.
9:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
First match of the day. • Third classified individual.
• Best individual stunty player.
12:15 p.m.
Lunch. • Top individual scorer.
13:45 p.m. to 16:00 p.m. • Top individual killer.
Second match of the day. • Top individual defense.
17:00 p.m. to 197:15 p.m. • Champion team.
Third match of the day. • Runner-up team.
20:00 p.m. • Third classified team.
Closing ceremony, award ceremony, proclamation of the • Prizes for the best painted teams
World Champion and other prizes and raffles. There will be according to different categories.
loudspeakers, sound, lighting and the like; and Institutional
Representation of the city of Alicante will attend the closing
of the World Cup.
THE VENUE An exclusive commemorative miniature of the World Cup.
One of most annoying situations participants A commemorative patch of the World Cup 2023.
have to go through in this kind of events is the
dead time between games.Therefore, a wide
array of assotiations and groups dedicated to An official neoprene blood bowl pitch updated to 2020 ruleset.
science-fiction, cosplay and medieval fantasy
will be invited to be part of the event and
exhibit and demonstrate their activities and
skills, so there will be several alternatives for
our attendees to enjoy the dead time.
Multitude of lotteries and raffles through the event, as our
private sponsors will supply us with material for them.
Our attendees will also enjoy the free transports service and free meals,
as described previously in our dossier.
As the different Public Administrations were contacted, we also contacted the different spanish companies that are dedicated to the
production of miniatures and accessories for fantasy football.
Spain hosts the largest number of companies dedicated to producing elements of our hobby, most of them being world reference for the
quality of their work and their careful customer service. All of them have shown their support to our bid, offering full collaboration with
our candidacy.
Specifically, we can cite as companies that endorse and support our candidacy:
Managers for the different tasks during the process of holding the World
Media Officer. Head of social networks Head of the Graphic Design Department. Head referee and coordinator of the
and communication. Support of Graphic Support of the Media Officer. Desert referee team. Has served as referee in past
Design Department. Organizer of the Trophy Organizer (6 editions). Dornbirn World Cup.
Carthago Bowl (5 editions) and the
Multiverse Bowl (1 edition).
Currently our bid has more than 25
volunteers willing to help in the World
Championship. All of them are framed in
the Logistics Department, being prepared
to collaborate in one activity or another
indistinctly. Although we are not going to
list all of them, we do want to highlight the
most experienced members of this team:
SHINJO (NAF 13636): Desert Trophy
Organizer(6 editions).
NAF 21462 PILAR Organizer (5 editions).
NICKNABORRO (NAF 26263): Mazabowl
Head of Logistics Department and Head of Languages and Translation Organizer (1 edition).
Coordination of Work Teams. Lucentum Department. Support of Recreational ARCAICH1 (NAF 27881): Mazabowl
Twin Bowl Organizer (3 editions). Activities and Accesory Services Organizer (1 edition).
TORRE: Megalikante Organizer (6
Our volunteers will be divided in work
teams and different tasks will be assigned
to them, and depending on these tasks they
will be coordinated by the staff members.
Likewise, the Alicante City Council
Volunteer Department will be contacted in
order to offer other Volunteer Associations
their collaboration in the event; and
the support of the Official School of
Languages and the High Language Center
of University of Alicante will be asked to
HACHABLANCA collaborate in the necessary translation
NAF 10236 LORENA services for our participants.
The expenses we detail here are calculated for 2000 attendees. In case we have
less participants, we would be able to reduce costs if needed, and we would have
a stock of gadgets to sell at the World Cup.
However, and as we have already explained, all possible public and private
support will be sought to finance the event, so that the registration fee can be
reduced as much as possible.
That fee grants our attendees all services, gifts and details described in our bid,
• Access to the venue and the accesory zones (food court, toilets, resting zone
and so on).
• Transfers and buses to get to the venue every morning, and back to Alicante
every evening.
• Free meals at the venue every day, as detailed later on.
• Free use of the World Cup software during the event.
• Access to the World Cup Opening Ceremony in the Port of Alicante.
• A neoprene blood bowl pitch adapted to Blood Bowl 2020 ruleset.
• An exclusive set of official World Cup dices, including 3 block dices, 2 d6
dices, a d8 dice and a d16 dice.
• An exclusive official World Cup miniature.
• An exclusive commemorative coin and badge.
• All paperwork needed during the World Cup, id cards, Alicante and Costa
Blanca maps, and information about the most relevant activities you can
enjoy there.
• Exclusive offers in meals and activities in the city and the Costa Blanca Area
for them and their families.
• Exclusive offers and discounts in hotels, granted by the Hostelry Assotiation
of Alicante.
• Exclusive offers from vendors in the venue.
• Free sanitary and COVID prevention material during the World Cup.
Finally, we can guarantee that, with the registration fee we reflect and the
financial support of the Public Administrations and our sponsors, our proposal
is financially self-sufficient. In other words, we will not need any type of financial
support from the NAF, nor will losses occur that, once the event is over, are so
difficult to explain to the participants of an event of these characteristics.
Includes the rental cost of the facilities in which the event will be held, including
the following services:
• Venue rental in which the event will be held during the three days in which
the World Championship will take place, and also a previous day for technical
assembly, and an extraday after for technical disassembly.
• On the hall, installation of various commercial stands that will be leased to
entities interested in participating in the event, either public (such as the
Tourist Board, Red Cross and the like) or private (vendors, commercial stands
and the like)
• On the hall, a closed stand at the disposal of the NAF representatives who
participate in the World Cup, so that they can process registrations and
renewals and attend to the members of the NAF who participate in the event.
• On the hall, a closed stand available to the computer technicians who will
provide back-up and support to the computer applications used during the
World Cup.
• On the hall, a closed stand that will provide the functions of left luggage and
lost property office.
• Outside the hall, a meeting room available to the members of the organization,
in order to rest, discuss any issues that may arise, and attend privately to the
participants who may need it, without altering the development of the World
• Outside the hall, a meeting room available to the referee team so they can
have a rest and enjoy their spare time.
• Common areas avalaible to our participants, such as the cafeteria, bar,
toilets and the like. The cafeteria and bar are independent of the World
Cup Committee, but they will be open exclusively for our participants. We
have agreed special meals with them for our attendees with special food
requirements, and also special prices on drinks for our attendees.
• Cleaning and health care services for our participants during the celebration
of the event, as well as 24-hour security and surveillance service during the
days in which the World Cup takes place.
We have contacted a company specialized in catering for large events, being able
to provide this service for more than 2,000 guests.
After the first round of each day, European time, lunch will be served to our
participants and collaborators. This lunch will be prepared in the parking lot
of the event, so our participants can see how it’s done. We wanted to offer
our attendees a sample of the wide and varied Spanish gastronomic offer, and
therefore the following menu has been considered:
• Friday.- Giant Spanish Paella for 2000 people
• Saturday.- Giant Spanish Ommelette for 2000 people
• Sunday.- Giant Iberian Ham sandwich for 2000 people
As our technical dossier states, there will be a cafeteria and a food court with
several food trucks, offering different choices for people that may have special
food requirements.
Blood Bowl 2016 edition introduced a new size of squares to the Blood Bowl
pitch, which means pitches are larger than those used previously.
In order to avoid room problems at the tables, a specialized company has been
contacted that will provide the necessary tables and chairs with the right size, so
that our participants can play their matches as comfortably as possible.
This batch includes the cost of renting the Esplanade of the Port of Alicante for
the inauguration of the World Championship, as detailed in the Technical Dossier
of our bid.
As we detail in our Technical Dossier, we expect we will need about 12 – 14 NAF
referees serving at the World Cup. This batch reflects the cost of their equipment
(official referee shirt and similar), the gifts they will receive and the free meals
and drinks they will get during the World Cup.
We include the cost of the necessary health measures in the current global
pandemic situation, which specifically consist of:
• Hidroalcoholic gel ready for our participants every moment
• Medical masks for the participants that need one and do not have their own
• Daily disinfection of the Hall and the extra places where the World Cup is
We’ve contacted different associations and groups that can offer shows and
activities that fill the time between games and may be interesting for our
attendees and their families. Although some of these activities may be free,
others may entail an economic cost, so we’ve considered costs generated by
these additional leisure activities available to our participants.
Any activity with a lot of attendees may generate additional costs that have not
been previously assessed, or that appear during the World Cup itself. Therefore,
we have agreed to budget an extra batch to cover these possible extraordinary
Our work team has studied the different lines of public subsidies that could help
lowering the cost of our event.
First, the Costa Blanca Tourist Board has informed us about a program of financial
aid for activities that involve the tourism projection of the province of Alicante,
and will collaborate with the promotion, management and development of the
World Cup by defraying part of the costs of the activity.
Likewise, the Valencian Autonomous Government offers a line of financial
help to cultural activities that promote the national and international tourism
development of the Valencian Autonomous Community, a financial help that
could also benefit the World Cup if it’s held in Alicante.
In order to qualify for these aids, a non-profit association has been created that
will proceed to request and handle these financial aids, so it will mean a lower
registration fee for our attendees.
Bearing in mind that these are annual grants, and considering that the World Cup
is scheduled for September 2023, we estimate that the amount of financial aid
that we will be able to obtain is the one reflected in our budget table.
One of the great advantages of our bid is the immense size of the Hall in which
the World Cup takes place. This advantage allows us to install at least 40 large
commercial stands that will be rented to the different vendors, commercial
brands and entities interested in being part of the event. Therefore, we estimate
that we will obtain income for this concept, as reflected in our budgets.
As stated in our Technical Dossier, granting the World Cup to the Spanish Bid
would involve the entire Spanish Blood Bowl community attending it.
Also, Spain is a country in which the costs of accommodation, meals and transport
are much lower than other European countries. We consider our bid would be
very attractive for foreign participants, since the offer of sun, climate, beach and
multitude of family activities allows them to enjoy the city of Alicante and the
Costa Blanca with their families, also including an amazing leisure offer both at
day and night for our younger attendees.
Given the participation in previous editions of the World Cup, and considering the
aforementioned factors, we consider that we can have a minimum participation
similar to the previous edition of the 2019 World Cup, that is approximately
1.500 attendees; which would imply the fees reflected in our budget.