AppointedPerson CalculationTemplate

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Crane Calculation Template

Example 1 Ground Pressure Known (Find Area of Pad Size)

Outrigger Pont Loading (Based on 25tGround Bearing Pressure)

Weight of crane + weight of load

Ground Bearing Pressure

Weight of Crane 72t

Weight of Counterweight 60t

Weight of Load 11.4t

Hook Block / Tackle 0.7t
Fly Jib (If Fitted) 0.5t

132 x 0.75 (Point load) + 11.4 + 0.7 + 0.5 = 111.6

111.6 / 25 (GBP) =4.464m²

√4.464 = 2.1128

Pad Size 2.1

Round Pad Size Up to 2.3

2.3 x 2.3 = 5.29m² (111.6 / 5.29 = 21.0t)

Outrigger Point Load = 21t

Example 2 Calculate from Pad Size

Weight of crane + weight of load

Area of Pad

Weight of crane: 50 Tonne

Weight of load: 22 Tonne
(Including Block / Tackle
1.2 X 1.2 = 1.44m²
Area of Outrigger Pad 1.44 m²

72 tonnes ÷ 1.44 X 75% X 10 (Converts into KiloNewtons)

= 37,500kN
Example 3 Ground Bearing Pressures Tables
1. Crane Weight
The maximum weight of the crane to be used 50,000kgs (worst case scenario)

2. Load
The maximum load to be lifted 22,000kgs + Load 1,500kgs

3. Outrigger Load
Point load = (1+2) x 100% = (50,000 + 23,500) x1 = 73,500kgs or 73.5t

4. Ground Type
Ground comes in granular and cohesive types.

Bearing Values BS: 8004

5. Mat size

Mat size deducted from point load in 3 (in kNs) / (Soil type value 2)
73500 x 9.81 = 721,035 kNs
721.0kNs / 300KN/m2 = 2.40 m2
= 1.6m X 1.6m minimum

A. Soil is compact ground (gravel 100mm in depth) covered in tar. Two outriggers will be placed
here. The other two will be placed on medium dense gravel [Dense gravel has a bearing value
of >600kNm2 medium dense gravel <200 – 600kNm2] Area has transport trailers carrying
ISO containers so a pessimistic ground bearing value of 300kNm has been selected.
Example 4 Outrigger Loading Template

Mat Area Calculation Template

Stage 1: Gross Load Calculation Net Load t

Lifting at height: Load x 1.2 (SF) t t
+ Accessories t
Hook Block t
+ Stored Fly Jib t
Gross Load = t
Stage 2: Crane Selection
Template Crane Selected and Capacity:
Counterweight / Ballast Used t
Boom Length Required m
Length & Angle if Fly Jib Used m deg
Maximum Radius From Load Chart m SWL

Minimum Radius Required m

SWL at Radius Used t
Outrigger Spread mm mm

Stage 3: Crane Utilization

Gross Load X 100 Divided by SWL @ the Radius Worked:
Workings Crane Utilization %

12t Per Axle

Stage 4: Crane Matt Calculation Weight of Crane t
Counterweight / Ballast t
X0.75% (Point Loading) t
+ Gross Load t
Total t
÷ by Ground Bearing Allowance 25 kNs
Area of Mat Equals = m²
√ x m
Total all up Weight Dived by the Area of Mat Used
Point Load t
Stage 5: Bearing Pressure

Actual Bearing Pressure Under Mat (Maximum Point Load)

New Mat Size Area (Length x Breadth)
Total all up Weight Dived by the Area of Mat Used m²
Or m Diameter if Circular
Resulting Loading kNs
Converting Square to Round Pads

1.6 X 1.6 = 2.56m

2.56 ÷3.14 = 0.815

√ 0.815 = .903 (Radius)
X 2 = 1.8m (Dia)

1.8m (Dia)

Crane Utilisation: Load X 100 ÷ Radius

Crane Configuration – Radius: 12m – Boom length: 32.4m (Crane can lift 4.5 tons)

Crane Utilisation

Load 4t x 100 ÷ 4.5 = 88.8% Crane Utilization too high for hazardous area (Chemical Plant)

You would need to Reduce Boom Length or Reduce Crane Radius

Load 4t (@10m) x 100 ÷ 5t = 80.0% Crane Utilization Good

Wind Resistance Coefficient (See BS7121 Page 78)

Wind Pressure on Load

= Resistance Coefficiency

Check Wind Speed on Load Charts

(Most Cranes have a Maximum Wind Speed of 9.8 M/P/S)
Example Only

Mobile cranes are designed with a standard drag factor of 1.2 and a wind
area/weight of 1.2 m²/tonne.

This means that certain types of loads will produce

higher side loads on the crane than it is designed to

Sail Area of Load

2.5 X 8 = 20m² (Sail Area)

2.5m 15.5t

Wind Resistance Coefficient

= Maximum Permitted Wind Speed (For New Load)

= Maximum Wind Speed of Crane (Boom Configuration)

1.2 = Manufacture Test Standards (EN 13000 – 2010 / ISO 4306-2:2012)

M = Maximum Gross Weight

= Sail Area of Load

= Resistance Coefficient (1.4) (Example)

1.2 x 15.5 = 18.6

(Manufacture Test Standards) X (Load Weight)

20 x 1.4 = 28 (wind load Area)

18.6 ÷ 28 = 0.6643

0.81504 x 12.8 = 10.43 2.5 X 8 = 20m²

10.43 m/s (Maximum wind speed)

Slinging: 4 Leg 2 L eg
60° Angle

60° Angle
11.1m 11.1m

5m 5m

11.1m 5m 12m Dia
12 x 75% = 9
5x5= 25 9 x 3.14 = 28.26m
10 x 10 = 100 28.26 + 10 = 38.26m
125 √125 = 11.1m slings to be used. Multiply 1.4 to load weight
Multiply 2.1 to Load weight to get SWL of sling for SWL of sling

Magic Sevens
2 x 7 = 1.4
3 x 7 = 2.1
(4 Legs same
16 ton as 3 legs)
X Mode Factor to Load

To calculate what SWL is needed for slings

Multiply 1.4 to load weight 16t
1.4 x 16 = 22.4 tonne slings for lift

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