Pendo Ebook 2021 10KPIs

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The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 2

Laying the foundation
for data-driven
product management

If you ask five product managers (PMs) to name the most With effective measurement in place, product leaders can
important product metrics to track, you’re likely (read: base decisions on data, and build products that both meet
definitely) going to end up with five completely different (and exceed) users’ needs and propel the business forward.
answers—and grounds for some healthy debate. This is Product-led companies go so far as to rally the entire
because when it comes to data, today’s product leaders find organization around product data as a central resource and
themselves in a paradox of choice. There are so many product shared language. So, they better make sure they’re measuring
metrics you could be tracking, but it’s not always clear which the right things.
ones you should be tracking.
The right KPIs for any one company to track will ultimately
Gone are the days of a lack of access to meaningful product depend on its product, growth stage, and overall goals, but
data. Instead, product practitioners of all levels are tasked we believe there are ten that every product leader should
with honing in on the metrics that will be most impactful— have on their radar. Whether you’re a PM who’s deeply
those that will help them understand how users navigate their involved in the day-to-day or a product executive who cares
product, how product usage correlates with positive outcomes, more about the big picture, the metrics in this guide will
and how their product impacts the business’ bottom line. provide a foundation for your product analytics strategy.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 3

Before we dig into the individual metrics, it’s

important to zoom out and understand the different
types of KPIs at your disposal. Here are three
categories to keep in mind:

Business outcomes: Your product impacts key

business and financial outcomes both in the
short and long term. Most notably, your product
experience directly affects retention and churn,
which in turn shifts revenue numbers.

Product usage: As the name suggests, these KPIs

reflect how users behave inside your product.
Which features do they use the most? Where are
they getting stuck? How many users continue
accessing the product over time? While product
usage data is beneficial on its own, it’s even more
powerful when combined with other types of
metrics like customer sentiment and feedback.

Product quality: These KPIs measure how well your

product is doing what it is supposed to do. What is
your product response time? How much downtime
did you experience last month? For quality metrics,
it’s often best to set an internal benchmark and
measure yourself against it monthly or quarterly.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 4

Contents 01 Net revenue retention (NRR)

02 Adoption

03 Stickiness

04 Growth

05 Product Engagement Score (PES)

06 Retention

07 Time to value

08 Net Promoter Score (NPS)

09 Top feature requests

10 Product performance
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 5

Net revenue retention (NRR) is the percentage of revenue

retained from your existing customers over a given period of
time. Put simply, it’s the difference between expansion and
churn. NRR is generally expected to be a value above 100
percent, with the assumption that you’re going to lose some
customers, but you’re also going to find ways to expand the
value of the customers that you keep.

Net revenue How to measure NRR

retention (NRR) As the definition suggests, you can measure NRR by
subtracting churn from expansion, which requires four values:
How much revenue are
we retaining from existing Monthly recurring revenue of the last month
Revenue generated through upsells and cross-sells

Revenue lost due to down-sells

Revenue lost due to churn
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 6

From there, the calculation looks like:

Monthly recurring revenue of the last month

+ Upsell/cross-sell revenue
– Revenue lost from down-sells
– Revenue lost from churn

Net revenue retention by month
Monthly recurring revenue of the last month


Companies usually track NRR monthly or yearly, but we advise

looking at your net revenue retention each month so you
always have a sense of any fluctuations.

Why NRR matters
July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
NRR is a particularly valuable metric to track because it is
all-encompassing—it takes revenue, expansion, and churn
all into account. Product teams should always be looking to
increase net revenue retention since it represents key goals
of expanding customer value and minimizing churn. And
there’s no question executives, investors, and the rest of your
company will want to know how much revenue your product
is able to generate and retain.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 7

Adoption is an activation metric that measures how many
users interact with your product (product adoption) or specific
features within it (feature adoption). By understanding how (or
if) customers adopt and use your product, you’ll have a clear
sense of whether the product is delivering on its intended value.

Adoption How to measure adoption

Are users adopting the product As mentioned above, there are two types of adoption: product
and key features within it? adoption and feature adoption. Here’s a breakdown of how to
measure each:
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 8


Product adoption can be expressed over time by the number of Measuring feature adoption is similar to that of product
monthly active users (MAU), weekly active users (WAU), or daily adoption, except you instead track a specific feature (or
active users (DAU). You can also measure product adoption features) within the product. One common way to track
as a rate relative to new user signups for a given period of feature adoption is by the percentage of features that
time. The way you choose to measure product adoption will generate 80 percent of click volume.
largely depend on what it means to be an active user of your
product. If your software is one customers should be accessing At Pendo, we recommend measuring feature adoption
every day, a DAU metric might make the most sense. Or, if through the lens of your product’s most important features,
your product is B2C, you might want to look at frequency of also known as its Core Events. By focusing feature adoption
conversions (e.g. purchases) or time spent in the app. around the core parts of your product, you’ll have a direct
view into whether customers are adopting the features
that are associated with positive outcomes. Once you’ve
established your Core Events, you can measure feature
adoption using this formula:

Monthly active users (MAUs) over time

Average # of CEs adopted across all

active [visitors/accounts]

Total number of CEs

Jan April July Oct

The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 9

One key time to measure feature adoption is after you’ve

launched a new feature. Use your product analytics tool to
look at what percentage of users initially adopted the new
Feature adoption over time
feature and, more importantly, how many continued to use
the new feature after your promotional campaign tapered
off. We suggest looking 30 days after a launch to understand
drop-off patterns.

It’s also valuable to examine feature adoption at the user level

and the account level. While measuring at the user level will
allow you to better understand the behavior of your target
persona, measuring feature adoption at the account level
(i.e. by company) will help you separate out those who may Week 2 Week 4 Week 6 Week 8

not have needed the functionality because of their role or

permissions level.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 10

Why adoption matters KPI IN THE WILD

How MineralTree increased

The shift to software as a service (SaaS) puts added feature adoption by 75%
pressure on teams to deliver product experiences that keep
users engaged for the long haul. Otherwise, come renewal After launching a new feature, MineralTree
time there’s not much stopping customers from abandoning realized the feature’s placement in their
your software and finding an alternative. Product and feature application was making it difficult for users to
adoption are important windows into whether users are find. In order to improve adoption, they leveraged
discovering a product’s value, and both metrics correlate an in-app guide to “reposition” the feature on
with retention and expansion. In the most basic sense, their dashboard page—helping users easily locate
adoption is a leading indicator of a healthy software product the new functionality from the page they visit
(and company). most often. Since launching the in-app guide,
MineralTree has seen a 75% to 100% increase in
traffic to the new feature. See how they did it.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 11

As a product leader, you need to build software that not only

attracts new users, but ensures those users stick around and
continuously engage with the product. One way to understand
this is through stickiness, which measures how many users
return to the product on a regular basis.

03 How to measure stickiness

The best way to measure stickiness is through a ratio that can

be calculated three different ways:

​​ Monthly users who return daily (DAU/MAU)

Stickiness Weekly users who return daily (DAU/WAU)

Do users keep coming back to Monthly users who return weekly (WAU/MAU)
the product?

To determine which ratio to use, start by identifying what ideal

engagement with your product looks like. Some products (e.g.
a project management tool) are meant to be used daily, while
others (e.g. a healthcare patient portal) are geared toward
weekly or even monthly usage. Once you’ve determined
your product’s ideal engagement levels, you can select the
stickiness measure that aligns best with your needs.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 12

Why stickiness matters

Save for the rare type of software application that’s only

meant to be used once (or a few times), every product
manager wants users to continue engaging with and finding Stickiness over time

value in their product. Stickiness not only helps you quantify

how frequently users return, it also provides valuable insight
that you can use to drive higher engagement across your

user base. For example, after examining the behaviors of your
highest-frequency users, you can then encourage similar
workflows (e.g. through in-app guides and walkthroughs) with
the rest of your users.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Pro tip: Similar to adoption, you can measure stickiness

at the product or feature level, though we recommend
measuring it for the product as a whole.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 13

Growth measures the net effect of your user acquisition

and retention efforts. Whether it’s achieved by adding new
accounts or increasing usage within existing accounts (or
ideally, both), growth is a common top-line metric for modern
product teams—and a key indicator of product engagement.

How to measure growth

One of the simplest ways to measure product growth is to

track the percentage growth of users or accounts within a
given time period. At Pendo, however, we use Quick Ratio

to measure growth because we think it best captures user
growth, retention, and churn in one easy number. In short,
Quick Ratio describes how efficiently your product is growing.
You can think of it as a way to measure the “heartbeat” of your
Is the product acquiring product, since it shows how many users are joining, staying,
and retaining new users and leaving in a given period.
faster than existing users
are abandoning it? Mathematically, the growth calculation for a given time period
looks like:

Total number of new users + recovered users

The number of dropped users
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 14

Why growth matters

While it’s easy to get caught up in making the product better,
faster, and easier to use, teams still must ground themselves
in an engagement metric like growth. If you’re not able to
effectively grow your user base—and keep the users you
already have—the work you and your team put into improving How Top Hat automated their
your product becomes a lot less relevant. renewal campaign
Top Hat’s marketing organization was tasked
with helping their peers in customer success
with a large renewal campaign. After seeing
Growth limited success with email-driven outreach, the
team turned to their product itself as a marketing
500 channel, creating in-app guides to automate the
renewal campaign and reduce administrative work
250 for their account reps. Learn more about their

product-led growth strategy.


Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4

New Recovered Dropped

The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 15

05 Just as there are many KPIs to measure product success,

there are multiple ways to measure product engagement
specifically (three of which we covered in the previous
sections). The Product Engagement Score (PES) exists to

provide product leaders with a single metric to measure
how users or customers engage with the product. PES is

a composite metric, taking the average of one’s adoption,
stickiness, and growth rates. The goal? To make it easy to

Score (PES)
quickly understand how your product is performing.

Here is a breakdown of the components of the Product

How are users engaging with Engagement Score:

the product overall?

The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 16

Average # of Core Events adopted across all active [visitors or accounts]

Adoption 100
Total number of Core Events

Average [daily or weekly] active [visitors or accounts]

Stickiness 100
Average [weekly or monthly] active [visitors or accounts]

Total number of new users + recovered users

The number of dropped users
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 17

How to measure PES

Once you’ve calculated values for adoption, stickiness, and Product Engagement Score
growth, you can calculate your PES by simply taking the
average of the three numbers and multiplying by 100: 82.4%

Adoption + Stickiness + Growth

PES 100

You can choose to measure your Product Engagement

Score based on visitors or accounts. If your product is PES
only used by individuals (and not teams), then you’ll likely
only want to measure each PES component at the visitor
level. If your company is focused on new logo acquisition,
measuring growth (and overall PES) at the account level
will best reflect those efforts. When in doubt, try to always 22.4 53.0%
align your PES configuration with your organization’s current Growth Stickiness
overarching priorities.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 18


How IHS Markit used PES to

One of the biggest benefits of leveraging the Product
make data-driven decisions
Engagement Score is that it boils engagement down to one
number—giving PMs a single go-to metric for reporting
product success. Yet PES is equally useful in helping you Prior to leveraging the Product Engagement
understand where you can improve. Since the score takes Score, IHS Markit’s UX team had to patch together
the average of a product’s adoption, stickiness, and growth many different metrics to paint a picture of
values, you can quickly identify which metric (or metrics) is product health. Now, with PES, the team has a
bringing down the average. By digging into each number, single metric they can use to understand product
examining trends over time, and comparing scores for visitors success and friction. PES also provides a common
and accounts, you’ll be able to understand the “why” behind language for teams across the organization to
each metric, identify areas for improvement, and experiment collaborate around things like improving adoption
with different tactics to boost each component of PES. or optimizing onboarding. Here’s a look into their
journey with PES.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 19

Better PES → better business


Using our own business as a case study, Pendo’s

data science team wanted to see if, using only
PES metrics, we could predict whether a customer
would churn, renew flat, or grow its contract.

The team found that PES is in fact correlated

with customer retention. In the months leading
up to a renewal, accounts with the highest PES
were most likely to renew and expand, companies
with slightly lower PES were likely to renew flat,
and those with the lowest PES correlated with
churn. The separation in scores became apparent
around six months before renewal time, which
means companies can use PES as a leading
indicator for renewals.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 20

Retention measures the percentage of users (or customer

accounts) still using your product after they initially install
or start using it. The two main types of retention are user
retention and customer retention: user retention looks at
the individual who logs in to use the product, and customer
PRODUCT USAGE retention looks at the account that pays for access to the
product. Another way to think about retention is as the

Retention inverse of churn.

Are users building enduring How to measure retention

habits inside the product?
As with measuring adoption, you can measure retention for
the product overall, or for specific features. Here’s how to go
about each method:
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 21


Since product usage data is most valuable when measured

over time, app retention measures how many users or
customers continue using an application during a given time
period, for example the first month of usage, three months of
usage, or six months of usage.
Retention by month


Measuring feature retention gives you an understanding of

which features keep your users returning and helps you identify 12,846 visitors
100% 97% 93% 95% 86% 84%
any users who are at-risk. The fewer features a user interacts Dec 100% 95% 93% 96% 93% 89%
with (and the less often they interact with them), the less likely 13,197 visitors

they are to continue seeing value in your product. If you’ve

established Core Events, it might make sense to focus your
retention measurement around these key areas of the product.

To take measurement a step further, we also recommend

segmenting your data (e.g. by role, company size, or free
users vs. paying customers) to compare feature retention
across different subsets of users and determine how their
behaviors differ.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 22


Why retention matters How Talegent used product

data to get ahead of churn
If you’re not able to retain customers, it directly impacts your
company’s revenue numbers. Since the cost to acquire a For Talegent’s sales and customer success
customer can often be greater than the initial contract value, teams, product data in Pendo offers an important
low retention can cause an organization to actually lose lens into customer health and engagement.
money when they sign a new customer. It makes the stakes Account managers can flag customers with low
that much higher for delivering a digital experience that keeps engagement, start exploring potential causes, and
users engaged and active in the product over time. work to solve any issues before the possibility
of churn comes into the picture. See how else
they’re boosting retention.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 23

Time to value measures the amount of time from when

a customer starts using your product to when they start

deriving value from it. Many refer to the latter point as the
“aha” moment—when a user has a clear grasp of why they
need a specific piece of software.


How to measure time to value

Time to value
At Pendo, we like to anchor time to value measurement

How long does it take for users around Core Events, which are the ten (or fewer) key features
in a product. In this case, time to value represents how long
to find value in the product? it takes new users to engage with a Core Event. Ideally, your
product analytics tool can tell you the average, minimum,
and maximum time it takes new visitors to first interact with a
Core Event. Bonus points if you’re able to compare this to the
previous time period to see trending changes.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 24

Why time to value matters

No matter how many new features or shiny updates you

have on the roadmap, if users don’t feel the benefits of your
product right away, they likely won’t stick around long enough
to experience those improvements. This puts an added
emphasis on a new user’s first impression of your product—
they need to understand both how your product works and
the value it will bring them.
Core Events: Time to first use

Feature A 4.9 days

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 4

How UserTesting delivered Feature B 14.7 days

value to new users 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 4

The UserTesting team used product usage data Feature C 14.8 days
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 4
to understand where users were dropping out of
their onboarding flow, and identified a key step
that 99% of users were failing to reach (drafting a Feature D 24.1 days
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 4
test). Since they knew engaging with this feature
correlated with long-term usage, the team created
an in-app onboarding experience that walked
users through how to create a test. This led to a
29% increase in users who make it to the “Draft
Test” stage and successfully activate the product.
Here’s how they did it.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 25

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is one of the most common

ways companies gauge customer loyalty. It is delivered
via a one-question survey that asks, “How likely is it that

you’d recommend this brand to a friend or colleague?” and
customers answer on a 0-10 scale. Although some claim
NPS to be too simplified, it has remained one of the most
pervasive KPIs for customer satisfaction.

Net Promoter How to measure NPS

Score (NPS) After conducting an NPS survey, mark scores of 9 or 10

as “Promoters,” 7 or 8 as “Passives,” and 0 through 6 as
“Detractors.” Then, subtract the percentage of Detractors from
Are users and customers happy the percentage of Promoters to produce your Net Promoter

with the product? Score. Here is the formula expressed mathematically:

# Promoters # Detractors
NPS 100
# respondents # respondents
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 26

NPS scores vary greatly by industry, so it’s important to

benchmark yourself against those companies that are
most similar to yours (if you’re able to find the data). More
important is to benchmark yourself against yourself—track
NPS over time and look for any changes, especially as they
coincide with business events like product updates and Net Promoter Score
marketing campaigns.

Remember to measure NPS at the account and visitor level.

NPS +/- margin of error

Account-level scores will help you understand your average 40
sentiment, whereas user NPS helps uncover if there are any 37
key personas driving your score up or down. Be sure to also 30 30
28 28 28
include a section in your survey where users can provide
written comments, as this information adds valuable context 20

to numerical scores.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Wee

Pro tip: Use your product analytics tool to plot

account-level NPS against product usage and account
size to determine which customers may be at the
highest risk of churn.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 27

Why NPS matters

Net Promoter Score has implications beyond current

customer sentiment. Customers’ propensity to advocate for
your brand serves as a proxy for customer happiness and,
eventually, business growth. As you measure NPS you’ll likely
be focused on improving your score in the short term, but it’s
equally important to remember the long-term implications of How Patientco boosted NPS
a strong NPS. by 16 points
After identifying a common theme about their
auto-logout security feature, Patientco’s marketing
Net Promoter Score by average usage manager took this feedback from an NPS survey
and got to work. First, she deployed an in-app
guide to users who reported displeasure with the
Average usage (active minutes per day)

feature to let them know their feedback was heard.

Then, she took the feedback to the product and
100 90th
development teams and came up with a technical
solution: adding a notification that warned users
they were about to be logged out. The result? A
50th 16-point increase in NPS over a six month period.
10 Learn more about their NPS strategy.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 28

The idea of knowing which features your users are requesting
is pretty straightforward, but the tricky part is figuring out
which requests are the most important. In this case, “top”
can mean features that are requested most often, or requests
that are tied to customer accounts with the highest ARR, and
therefore have the highest business impact potential.

Top feature
How to measure top feature requests
As a product leader, you’re probably familiar with feature
requests coming at you from all angles—one-off conversations
What do users want from the
with customers, your own sales team, user interviews, in-app
product? surveys, social media, support tickets. The list goes on.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 29

The biggest challenge is making sense of all these requests

so you can identify common themes and determine your
users’ most pressing needs. This first requires you to establish
Feature requests (654)
a centralized place where all feedback lives, ideally in a
system that is easy to update and organize and that everyone Vote Request Value
at your company can access. From there, you can view feature
requests as a whole to understand which requests (or types
of requests) appear most often, and better prioritize your Rearrange dashboards

team’s work.

Report sharing
It’s also useful to analyze feature requests at the user and
account level, and segment by things like company size, ARR,
industry, NPS response, or subscription type (if you have a Public access reports

free and paid version of your product). The way you choose to
segment and analyze requests will depend on your business’ Clone items
goals. For example if you’re trying to go after a new persona,
you’ll want to look at requests from those users specifically
Export CSVs
to see if there are any patterns. To help prevent churn from
your biggest customers, it’s useful to analyze top requests by
account to see if there are improvements worth investing in.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 30

Why feature requests matter KPI IN THE WILD

How Okta streamlined its

Although this guide has mainly focused on using quantitative
data to make better product decisions, qualitative data is
request process
equally valuable. Customer feedback and feature requests
provide important context—product usage data tells you what Okta’s customer first programs team wanted
users are doing, but feature requests help explain why they’re to ensure there was a single channel for input
doing it. And the best product decisions are informed by both. and output of customer feedback, and a clear
way to prioritize requests. They leveraged
Still, you can’t just listen to the loudest customer. Teams need Pendo Feedback as their tool of choice, allowing
a way to prioritize all their incoming requests and view them users to submit requests directly and the Okta
holistically to understand themes and potential gaps in the team to easily prioritize based on popularity,
product. Bringing the voice of the customer into your planning revenue impact, and other key parameters. Since
process will only make your product better, especially when implementation, customers have submitted 440
combined with the product usage data you’re already collecting. new ideas—a 57% quarter over quarter increase.
See their story.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 31

Whether at work or in their personal life, software users

expect products to work, and do so at optimal speeds. For
the purposes of this guide, product performance refers to the
speed at which it can return requests, downtime vs. uptime,

and the number of bugs. Taken together, these measures will
help your team stay focused on not only building a product
that delights users, but one that doesn’t let them down.


How to measure product performance

performance One of the key ways to measure product performance is
through product response time (which measures the time
taken by the product’s system to respond to any request). In
Is the product performing order to instill this as a priority for your team, we recommend
efficiently and without bugs? setting an internal performance benchmark and measuring
yourself against it monthly or quarterly. For example, you
might set the standard as requests delivered in five seconds
or less, and hold yourself accountable to maintaining that
standard for a sizable portion of your customer base or a
sizable percentage of all requests.
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 32

You should also monitor your downtime and uptime metrics

on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis (or a combination of
Bugs by feature
the three).

When it comes to product bugs, there are a few measurement Notifications

tactics to keep in mind:
Report sharing
Track the breakdown of product bugs by feature 15
Create report

Map bugs to product usage and prioritize fixing those
that are in the most heavily used areas of your product

Activity tracking
Measure the number of bugs reported vs. the number 32
of bugs you’ve fixed, and track it over time to evaluate
how well you’re maintaining your product’s quality and
The 10 KPIs every product leader needs to know 33

Why product performance matters

There’s no denying that users perceive those products that Put the right data into action
operate quickly and with as few glitches as possible to be
the best. While it might be more interesting to track data As a product leader, the last time you heard (or
points like stickiness or retention, you can’t ignore product said) something along the lines of, “What does
performance, or assume everything is fine (cue the meme). the data say?” was probably in the last day—or
Product leaders need to stay on top of these metrics, and hour. While operating with a data-first mindset is
ensure their entire team understands the importance, too. valuable, it’s even more valuable when you know
you’re measuring the right things. We hope this
After all, a working product is table stakes and an outage or guide helped shed light on the essential metrics
consistent, pesky bug can severely impact your customers’ that every product team needs to keep top of
experience and their perception of your business as a whole. mind. These ten KPIs will help you unlock the fun
Not to mention it’s never been easier to switch software part: using data to make better decisions and
providers. Especially in SaaS, users are always just one build a better product for your users.
renewal cycle away from going with a competitor who can
deliver a similar experience, but faster.

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