Applied Marine Technology

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(A Central University, Government of India)
End Semester Examinations- June-July 2019
Semester – VII
B.Tech (Marine Engineering)
Advanced Marine Technology (UG11T2704/T1804)
Date: 17-07-2019 Maximum Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hrs Pass Marks: 50_________
Part – A
(10 X 3 = 30 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
1. (a) Define – i) DMA (Dead Man Alarm) for Engine Room
ii) Engineers Call
(b) Why Glycol is used in LPG re-liquefaction system?
(c) What are the safety devices used in LNG vessel boiler Boil-off
gas pipe line system?
(d) What are the safety devices fitted in LPG carrier electric
motor room on deck?
(e) Classify types of Chemical carriers.
(f) What are the safety arrangements provided for cargo
operation of Chemical carrier?
(g) Differentiate between PV breaker and PV valve.
(h) What is COW?
(i) How NOX is produced? and How NOX can be controlled?
(j) What is IAPP Certificate?

Part– B
(5X14 =70 Marks)
Answer any FIVE questions from the following
2. a) What are the requirements for UMS operation of a Modern
Merchant Vessel? (7)
b) Explain clearly on LPG tank gas freeing operation with a neat
sketch. (7)
3. Draw and explain how LNG boil-off gas is used for a boiler for LNG
Vessel main propulsion? (14)
4. a) Discuss fixed cargo piping arrangements in pressurized cargo
tank type LPG tankers. (7)
b) Draw a midship section of Car carrier and label the parts. (7)
5. a) Describe briefly on Inert Gas system of Crude Oil carrier with
neat diagram. (10)
b) What is the purpose of “Scrubber” and “Deck Water Seal” in IG
System? (4)
6. a) Differentiate between Oil tanker and Chemical tanker. (4)
b) Explain with neat sketches on various types of pumps used in
Chemical Carrier. (10)
7. a) Discuss Safety and Stability considerations of Bulk Carrier. (7)
b) What are the latest means of Emission Control of modern ships?
8. Write short notes on following (14)
a) Common Rail System
b) Condition Monitoring
c) Intelligent Engines
d) EGR
Indian Maritime University
(A Central University, Govt. Of India)
End Semester Examination Dec-2019/Jan-2020
B. Tech(Marine Engineering)
Semester –VII/VIII
Advanced Marine Technology
Date:16-12-2019 Max Marks:70
Time:3 Hrs Pass Marks: 35

Part – A (compulsory)
Answer the following (10x2=20 Marks)

1. Expand following abbreviations:


2. Bridge indicator panel for engine room machineries have minimum possible
alarms and instrumentations sufficient enough to warn the watch keeper. List
these alarms and instrumentations.

3. What should be the qualities of inert gas used for atmosphere control on board
LPG carriers?

4. With reference to a reciprocating oil free compressor used for LPG reliquefaction,
explain how ‘capacity control’, ‘crankcase heating’ and ‘cooling’ is done.

5. Discuss briefly the problem of stability on car carriers.

6. Discuss cargo tank stripping arrangement on chemical tankers with a simple


7. What are the disadvantages of larger oil tankers like VLCC and ULCC?

8. What is condition assessment of Bulk Carriers?

9. Enumerate key features of the common rail system with reference to modern
large two stroke engines.

10. What is NOx Technical File?

Part – B

Answer any 5 out of 7 questions (5 x 10= 50 marks)

11. (a) Sketch and describe a two-stage direct reliquefaction cycle with inter-stage
cooling. (7 marks)
(b)List the alarms and safety devices on reliquefaction plant of fully refrigerated
LPG carriers. (3 marks)

12. (a) Sketch and describe the ‘absorption drier” used for inert gas generators on
board liquefied gas carriers. (5 marks)
(b) Discuss the ventilation arrangements in the car decks of a car carrier.
(5 marks)

13.(a) Discuss general types of chemical tankers. (3 marks)

(b) Sketch and describe materials for tank coatings and construction.
(7 marks)

14.(a)State accelerated phase-out schedule for single-hull tankers as per

MARPOL73/78. Define various categories of oil tankers related to the same.
(4 marks)
(b) Sketch and describe workings of ‘Deck Water Seal’ and ‘PV Breaker’ with
reference to inert gas system of an oil tanker. (6 marks)

15.(a)Explain stress considerations with regard to loading and discharging of a bulk

carrier. (6 marks)
(b)Explain charge air humidification with examples? (4 marks)

16. (a)Discuss “condition monitoring system” as used in intelligent engines to

evaluate general condition of the engine. (6 marks)

(b)Draw a schematic (block) diagram showing the concept of an intelligent

engine (4 marks)

17. (a) Discuss main engine starting and reversing process from local and remote
position with the help of a simple block diagram. (7 marks)

(b) What is “cargo containment system” of a liquefied gas carrier? (3 marks)



(A Central University, Government of India)
End Semester Examinations December 2018
B. Tech (Marine Engineering)
Semester: VII
Advanced Marine Technology(UG11T2704)

Date: 03.01.2019 Maximum Marks: 100

Time: 3 Hours Pass Marks: 50
(All Questions are compulsory) Marks: 10 x 3 =30

1. (a)What are the safeties associated with Cargo pump room or

compressor room in a Gas Carrier?
(b)What is the difference between Product Tanker and Crude Oil
(c)Why bulkhead seal is required between Pump room and Engine
(d)What is Ullage, in case of Tanker Operation?
(e)With respect to Chemical tankers, write the important functions
of Coatings in the cargo tanks.
(f)Briefly explain the phenomenon of BLEVE.
(g)Define Condition Assessment Scheme.
(h)As per UMS requirements, what indications are provided on
bridge related to M/E operation from bridge?

(i) What is NOx Technical file?

(j) With regard to common rail system employing electronic fuel
injection, mention the role of crank angle sensor.

Part – B Marks: 5 x 14 =70

(Answer any 5 of the following 7 Questions)

2. a)Briefly explain requirements of UMS operation. (8)

b)Explain the Cargo containment system of a liquefied gas carrier. (6)

3. a)With a simple sketch, explain a fixed gas detection systems in gas

tankers. (7)
b)With the help of a simple sketch illustrate the mountings on LNG
tank dome. (7)

4. Draw and Explain a Cargo Pump used in Chemical Tankers. (14)

5. a)Explain the IG system from boiler flue gas on a Tanker with a neat
sketch. (10)
b)Enumerate the safeties incorporated in the system. (4)

6. With the help of a neat sketch explain the Common Rail Fuel Injection
System of a Slow Speed Marine Diesel Engine. (14)

7. a)Discuss ventilation arrangement on a RORO Cargo space. (7)

b)Explain briefly the constructional features of a bulk carrier with the
help of a tansverse cross-sectional sketch. (7)

8. a)Describe with sketch Prismatic self supporting independent Tank “A”

suitable for a fully refrigerated LPG carrier. (8)
b)Enumerate the differences between MAN B&W engine and ME
engine. (6)



(A Central University, Government of India)

May/June 2017 End Semester Examinations

B. Tech (Marine Engineering - Seventh Semester)

Advanced Marine Technology

UGllT 2704 /UGllT1804 .

Date: 19.06.2017 Maximum Marks : 100

Time: 3 Hrs Pass Marks : 50

PART - A 10X3=30 Marks

(All questions are compulsory)

1. (a) With respect to gas carrier reliquefaction system, what is indirect


(b) Expand the following abbreviations:


(c) Define LFL and UFL.

(d) With reference to chemical tankers, what is polymerisation?

(e) Explain hydrate formation on gas carriers.

(f) List various types of inert gas systems that are commonly used on
chemical carrier ships.

(g) Describe briefly 'Fully Pressurised Gas Carrier.'

(h) What is Threshold limit value?

(i) What is an IAPP certificate?

(j) What is NOx Technical file?

PART - B 5X14=70 Marks

(Answer any 5 of the following)

2. With reference to a gas carrier,

(a) Draw a labelled flow diagram of an inert gas generator. (7 Marks)

(b) Explain how inert gas of acceptable standard is produced by it. (7 Marks)

3. With reference to a gas carrier,

(a) Sketch a labelled diagram of compressor and electric motor room for
reliquefaction plant. (6 Marks)

(b) Why deepwell or submersible pumps are used for cargo discharge on
gas carriers? (2 Marks)

(c) Explain the safety features of compressor and electric motor room for
reliquefaction plant. (6 Marks)

4. With reference to an oil tanker,

(a) Sketch a labelled diagram of a pressure-vacuum valve. (4 Marks)

(b) What is purpose of fitting pressure-vacuum valve? (2 Marks)

(c) What are the set pressures and their limitations for the pressure-vacuum
valve? (3 Marks)
(d) Explain the working of a pressure-vacuum valve. (3 Marks)

(e) Write a brief description of important checks and maintenance to be

done on of a pressure - vacuum valve. (2 Marks)

5. (a) Construct a block diagram, in flow chart form, to show the sequence of
operations necessary for the starting of a main propulsion diesel engine
on bridge control. (6 Marks)

(b) List and explain the requirements to be fulfilled to operate machinery

space of a vessel in unmanned condition? (8 Marks)

6. (a) Draw a schematic (block) diagram showing the concept of an intelligent

engine. (5 Marks)
(b) Explain in detail the condition monitoring system incorporated in an
intelligent engine. (9 Marks)

7. (a) Explain additional safety measures for bulk carriers. (8 Marks)

(b) Draw a labelled sketch of typical transverse cross-section in way of a

cargo hold of a bulk carrier. (6 Marks)

8. (a) Explain about various problem areas of a Ro-Ro ship from safety and
Stability point of view. (7 Marks)

(b) Chemicaltanker cargoes may be divided into four main groups. List
them and explain briefly about each. (4 Marks)

(c) Enumerate the general types of chemical carriers and explain briefly
about each. (3 Marks)


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