Patofisiologu Cardiorenal Syndrome
Patofisiologu Cardiorenal Syndrome
Patofisiologu Cardiorenal Syndrome
European Heart Journal vol. 26 no. 1 & The European Society of Cardiology 2004; all rights reserved.
12 L.G. Bongartz et al.
fibrinolytic therapy.15 The incidence of heart failure as Guytonian rules to explain and treat cardiovascular
cause of death was inversely related to GFR.16,17 disease.24 Nevertheless, pathophysiological mechanisms
Another major concern is the incipient epidemic of underlying this reciprocal relationship between the
CRF.18 Not only the prevalence of ESRD increases, but heart and kidneys are still enigmatic. We propose the
also the number of patients with moderate renal severe cardiorenal syndrome (SCRS), a pathophysiologi-
dysfunction.19 An epidemic of heart failure is also in pro- cal condition in which combined cardiac and renal
gress, due to increasing age and better survival after dysfunction amplifies progression of failure of the individ-
MI.20 The risk for developing CRF in heart failure has ual organ to lead to astounding morbidity and mortality
not been defined clearly, but renal dysfunction is often in this patient group.25 SCRS is a syndrome with acceler-
observed in heart failure patients,21 and is associated ated and extensive cardiovascular disease that has dis-
with adverse prognosis.22 The frequency of the combi- tinct properties not occurring in conditions that affect
nation of heart failure and CRF will thus increase and either organ alone.
inescapably come with high morbidity and mortality. In the heart, the consequence of the SCRS is in part due
The mechanisms that cause decline of kidney function to the described accelerated atherosclerosis in the form of
and its repercussions are, however, still poorly under- coronary artery stenosis.26–28 Similarly, LVH is an almost
stood. In this review, we would like to explore potential invariable finding, in both clinical and experimental
pathophysiological interactions that lead to strong inter- uraemia, in the absence of significant haemodynamic
actions between cardiovascular and renal disease. stimuli.29,30 Rather, the interplay between renal failure
and cardiovascular disease reflects an inappropriate remo-
delling process. The SCRS also involves myocardial
The severe cardiorenal syndrome micro-angiopathy, manifested in the intramyocardial
arterioles by wall thickening and reduced lumen diameter
The strong connection between renal and cardiovascular as a consequence of hypertrophy of smooth muscle cells.31
disease has revived interest in the complex interactions Clinically, the narrowed lumen diameter may interfere
between heart and kidneys. The late Arthur Guyton with the already reduced coronary perfusion reserve.
extensively described normal physiological interactions The intramyocardial capillaries of uraemic rats exhibit
through the dialysis membrane.63 Oxidative stress is has a more than additive effect on the incidence of MI
further increased by interplay between the uraemic and death.80 In CRF, circulating levels of CRP81 and
state and inflammatory reactions on the dialysis mem- several pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1b, IL-6,
brane. A relative NO-deficiency in renal failure is and TNFa, are predictors of atherosclerosis.82,83
caused by reaction of NO with oxygen radicals, as well It has been suggested that inflammation will aggravate
as by high concentrations of circulating asymmetric heart failure. In patients with heart failure, elevated
di-methyl arginine (ADMA), an endogenous NOS levels of TNF-a and IL-6 have been found in both
inhibitor.64 In heart failure, increased oxidative stress plasma and myocardium, and are related to progression
has also been demonstrated46 and decreased antioxidant of the disease.84,85 Interleukin-18 has also been associ-
status was found in rat myocardium after MI, which was ated with cardiac dysfunction after MI.86 The exact role
associated with progression to heart failure.65 Interest- of the activation of inflammatory cells is as yet far
ingly, haemodynamic improvement by captopril and pra- from clear; however, in both CRF and heart failure a
zosin led to enhanced antioxidant status.66 Kielstein state of chronic inflammation is present.
et al. 67 also showed a relationship between reduced This low-grade inflammation can cause ROS production
renal perfusion, impaired NO-mediated endothelial vaso- by activating leukocytes to release their oxidative
dilation and high concentrations of ADMA in patients with contents.87 In cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells,
normotensive heart failure, markedly resembling the IL-6 induced upregulation of the AT1 receptor and Ang-II
situation in CRF patients. mediated production of ROS, providing evidence for
Additional potential interactions between the NO–ROS a possible link between inflammation and RAS
imbalance and other cardiorenal connectors in the SCRS activation.88 Cytokines may stimulate renin secretion as
are depicted in Figure 2B. Oxidative stress by hydrogen a component of the systemic stress response, and tubu-
peroxide (H2O2) has been shown to increase activity of lointerstitial inflammation may have effects on adaptive
pre-ganglionic sympathetic neurons in vivo and in vitro responses of glomerular haemodynamics to impaired
in rats, raising mean arterial pressure and heart rate.68 renal function.89 After MI, IL-1b is produced,90,91 which
Also, renal sympathetic nervous activity in spontaneously has been shown to stimulate noradrenaline release from
hypertensive rats was found to be regulated by vascular sympathetic neurons.92 Interactions between inflamma-
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