Remote Terminal Unit - Batch 1

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Friday Club Technical Solutions Corporation Expesene & Gality, Cur Dest Quarantes” ‘G41-B DM Big. Sabayle St. ligan City Tel No: (063) 221-1338 Ema rech corporation yahoo com vi STEAG STATE POWER, INC. Remote Terminal Unit Inspection Balacanas, Villanueva, Misamis Oriental SERVICE REPORT July 26, 2021 Friday Club Technical Solutions Corporation “€xporance Guality, Cus Best Quaranta ‘Sabaye St ligan CY Tel No- (63) 221-1838 Gatos Gems mal fitch corpocatontyahoo com vw ACTIVITY REPORT 1. Conduct Inventory and Maintenance Test on RTU Nece- July 17- system. TAGOLOAN peor al Signal test for Circuit breakers. 3. Backup existing RTU configuration. 1. Safety orientation 2. Submission of requirements for contractor's ID issuance. activity purine _Switchyard Backup existing RTU configuration and check connectivity. sHUTDOWN = Control 4. Inventory and Maintenance Test on RTU System. Room and July 17-5. Verification on RTU Database. Plant 18,2021. Relay Device Connectivity Test to the RTU System niainyard) 7. Meter Accuracy Testing Relay room 8, Simulate Digital input signal Test 9. Control Output test (Test mode only). 110. Validate signals from RTU to IFIX SCADA HMI 11. Update Equipment History Card at RTU cabinet. Page 2 Friday Club Technical Solutions Corporation “Exposiance Guality, Cur Best Guarantse” ‘047-8 DM Big. Sabaye St. ligan Chy Tel No: (063) 221-1398 A atel ons Ena fitch corporatenf®yanoo com vw ftechcorp com RTU INSPECTION REPORT A. OBJECTIVE ce To determine the functionality of the RTU System, connectivity to the master station, DCS Monitoring system, IFIX SCADA HMI and other devices related to it. Verification on RTU database of all protocols in the configuration. TYPE OF TEST CONDUCTED 1. Analog input test 2. Digital input test 3. Control output test 4, Analog signal test for meters 5. Relay device/IED communication test TEST EQUIPMENTS/SOFTWARES 1. Analog test, voltage and current injector. 2. Connecting wire w/ probe tip for digital input, protocol testing. 3. Protocol Analyzer Communication Test Kit. 4. Configuration Management program. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS The maintenance focuses only according to the scope provided by the end user. (See overall scope of work at Appendix A) REMARKS AND OBSERVATION 1. No RTU as-built drawing provided in order to validate and update to the latest configuration from Signal Interface Cabinet (Mimic panel) to RTU Page 3 Friday Club Technical Solutions Corporation “Expesionce & Cauality, Cur ‘est Guarantee” OATS DMB. Sabayle St. igan Cy TelNo: (058) 221-1338 Aaah ons mal itech corporaton@yahoo com ve rteencerp com System Panel. 2. _RTUs are installed in a controlled room temperature at 23-degree Celsius. 3, RTU get synchronization time from NGCP-MRCC. 4, Intermittent control execution from DCS and SCADA IFIX HMI via ‘Switchyard RTU as observed by end user. 5. Tagoloan L2 IED meter voltage accuracy test found unsatisfactory. (See overall scope of work, remarks and accomplishment at Appendix A) F, RESULTS AND CONCLUSION 1. RTU System is operational and in good condition, 2. Intelligent Electronic devices passed the accuracy test except for Tagoloan L2 meter (voltage accuracy). 3, Relay devices are successfully communicated to RTU (switchyard & relay room) 4, SCADA IFIX SOE time tagging is the same in RTU SOE log. (See test results at Appendix) G, RECOMMENDATION 1. Generate IO-list for DCS system, NGCP-MRCC, NGCP-BMRCC, and IFIX SCADA monitoring and conduct joined point to point testing of the monitored points. 2. Construction of RTU wiring diagram for easy maintenance. 3. Switchyard RTU SBO card 14 is subject for further observation re: intermittent control execution from DCS and SCADA IFIX HMI. If it ident reoccur, SBO card 14 is recommended for replacement on the next maintenance schedule. Poges Friday Club Technical Solutions Corporation 4 “Expense & Guat, Cur Best Guarants” ~ BaT-B OW Bg Sabai SE. ligan iy Tel No; (3) 21-1088 hath Gone mal fitch corocaongyanoo con ‘ww 4, Tagoloan L2 IED meter reading for voltage is subject for further observation for discrepancy. Meter is recommended for replacement upon availability of spare if discrepancy occurs. Prepared}: - Virgilio’ R, Rodrigue Frifeth Representati\e Project Engineer Pages WOOY TOMLNOD GYVA HOLIMS DVIS ‘Aejay/wooy yos1u09 we Sva1s SS NYOIODVL AON ; oo on fs er »0 I sas <—L]si0 Vv wo (29un2) 0a nano <—{7] rH Vv of i tna) vovos J aw auwvoroovs LJ wD | aves <—]vo ws = ' toow) wor €—[Joro 7 na 1 Ale eee — | os \ oa | we 1 ynon VHS. 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Romal Remake _| Tea iow Teter Tavsssde1 | Tossseste | Twtassaes | Toasssst@ | SATISFACTONT 2 | £02682 Diff inoperative ~o2a5i296 | 107246655 | 107245236 | 10:2246655 | SATISFACTORY 3 | SVLaME a7 Neutral OC Pickup | sn2660305 | o3eats9 | ozszns«s | 102550345 | — SATISFACTORY 4 SIN TAP SO 6S as4.t6a9e | vase tease | vesutsaee | 128015206 | SATISFACTORY TS Clock SM Source: a ATS Clock Time Source: (CHA (eyntvonize rom NGCP time) True Time Deviation Option: Enable Source: Clock Sourse Clocy Source wi PROTOCOL: 1O_LAN PORT CHANNEL: CHT. DEVICE ‘Communication Statue Date: Tranemisison Connected | Disconnected Tx_[_®x sly 17,2021 Remarks ‘Analog input Analog input — 1 digital input Digital Input _Biattal Input Digital Input Dightal input PROTOCOL: DNPS Master PORT CHANNEL: CHS DEVICE ‘Communication Status Date: Trenemisison Connected | Disconnected Tx_[_RX Remarks EIG_SHARK OT E1G_SHARK 02 EIG_SHARK 03 Seistocor, EIG_SHARKO# 6 PROTOCOL: DNP3 Master PORT CHANNEL: CH2 Date: ___duly 17,2021 ‘Communication Status [| Transmisison Ne waies ‘Add Connected | Disconnected Remarks TASOLOAN CS Virgin Friéch Engineer] Cerites by/\ Hare Fritecr| Presicent Noted by: ‘Salstacioy PROTOCOL: 1EC103 PORT CHANNEL: CH6 Date: uly 17, 2024 DEVICE Add ‘Communication Status Connected | Disconnected SV 75A522- EOIRT ‘SY 750522 - EOIRI ‘SY 751622 E01R1 'SY7S0522 - EOIR ;_|sv781622 E01R2 ‘SY 7VK611_1 EOOR2 Als 7_ SY 7VK611_2 EOOR2 MY 7UM62_1 KOIR2 19 MY 7UMé2_2 KOLR2 SY 7VK611_3 EOOR2 10 9 /SY75A522 - EO2R1 i 10_/SY 780522 -EO2R1 2 11 _ SY 71622 E02R1 3B 12_ SY 780522 - E02R2 mu) 13 8¥ 781622 E02R2 6 14 SY 7UT613_1-E00R1 16 15 sY7UT613_2- E00RL 7 MY 7UT613 - KOIRI 2 MY 75163 - KOIR1 22 20 [MY 750522- E01RI Fey 24_ (MY 751622 -EOIR1 26 22_ MY 7UT613- KORE 27 23 MY 75161 - KO2R1 28 ‘24 [MY 7UM62_1 KO2R ‘25 (MY 7UM62_2 KO2R2 My 750522 - E02R1 ‘MY 751622 - EO2R1 Aisisisisistsistsiststsisisis}s]s/sisis]sisfs Port Communication Test Form PROTOCOL: TELEGYR PORT CHANNEL: CHO Date: July 17, 2024 Communication Status | Transmisison a Online | Offine | 1X | RX Togical ATU 7 ca 7 Sasfacloy PROTOCOL: DNP3 PORT CHANNEL: CH3 Date: uly 17, 2024 cl En CECE ne TFenemisson - [-onine [omine [7x [RX Romar Teaco v7 acy PROTOCOL: DNPS PORT CHANNEL: CHA Date: __ uy 17,2021 Communicaton Sets] Transistor ne pee ed ‘Online ‘Offline ™ RX Remarks 7 Toga 0 7 ee PROTOCOL: IEC101 PORT CHANNEL: CH3 Date: July 17, 2021 - Communteaton Sas] Tanenisieor a Gales a ‘Online Offline ™ RX Remarks To tose 7 ae Sato PROTOCOL: 10_LAN TU Location ‘Switchyard RTU Controier No, Date: sly 17,2024 L RELAY BOARD. Point Description [Cada] rss | CLOse [OPEN Remarks "TripClose CB 7IMPa Tet eed Tip ‘Satstanory TripClose C8 73MPS TripClose C8 72MPA 2 2 Tet |Giee-10.47) TaS | Cee-45 Tip? Tipe2 =o reo “ripClose_DS 7IMPS TripClose_0S 7AMPS: 23 [Cras [oseas Ta3_|Giee-10.11 Tipe Tips =o TripClose_ES 7iMP2 [ter | Gea Tipe "ripCiose_ £5 TIMPE Tat_|Ciee-10.17 Tips “ripClose_DS 72MP3 Te5_|cise-10,17 Tigers ot “rinClose_DS 72MP5; [ist | ose. 45 Tip “TripClose_ES 72MP2 [rer Tesseto.17 TipTs “ripCose £5 72PS Tipe Reset Relay SY =£00+Ri Reset Relay SY =E00+R2 Tat Reset Relay SY =E01+R 781 | Ose-10,17 Reset Relay SY =E0i+R2 Reset Relay SY =E02+R2 Tea | cles-45 Reset Relay SV =E02+R2 Tet | Clee-45 Reset Relay Meter Vard =€03 Ri 781 Cse-10.17 Tits Reset Relay Meter Yard =€02 +1 Tes | Cles-45 Tip 20 | “tipClose_D5 73MP7 783. |[Ose-10,17 Tio § 2] “TripClose_DS 73MPS Tei | cise 45 Teipe2 22 “ripClose_ES 73MP6 781 | ose-10,7 Tis TripClose_€S73MP10_ Tes | Clee 45 Tap sisi} sas vale verifed ‘Remarks “S20 comer card 14s subiet for further observation re: interment contra sigal PROTOCOL: 1O_LAN, Date: 17,2021 RTU Location: Cantater Type Tabet oon Switehyard Control Room Contr No. 56 Data type: INDICATION cas | ATU [Waster Slave no| Point Description [Tew [Garé | TS#| cur | CHO] Crs | cm | SWE, Remarks Tore Sat 7aMPs pore) SNE) aries a FT Z_|_Open Stat C8 7AMPa epee a0 3 Ghse stat ca 72a | ial aa | a 20 [Open stat ¢5 72MPa s] rom | env exam 00" | sare — | mi 6 | spare | ra 7 [spare | Te] 7 S| spare Te [7 3) sare [ore Te2i2| 7) 70] sare ~ | tas Th spare —_ i 4 72 | sare | raw 13 | spare (ae laiasal 14 | spare | ra 5 | ere 1 re| 16 | spare | Te [7 [| 17 | Gose Stats FINES Doge) T6327 a 18 | Open Stat 0S 71MeS aioe a 60 19 | Close Stat Ss 7aMPS i epee a 20"| Open Stat ES AMPS =a Tepe pe | ase 21 | Close stat 05 71M°3_ mp peepee 602 Z| Open stat 05 71MPs_ es ae |e fe) Saas 23_| Close stat és 72 ie [ee - 24 | Open stat €5 71MP2 1 Zep taa2 25. 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[BoI(s6]| TSI [ra TT Vere ox" @ OLN =o Verifed up 210 LAN ‘Signal Contact Sw C8 72MP& re so ‘CB Fault of CB 72MP4 =o ‘Spring Chrg CB 72MP4 ‘Cis Sprng Unchrg CB 72MPa 713 716 sees ‘ls Sprng Unchrg CB 72MP4 ‘is Sprng Unchrg CB 72MP4 [oor 78272 (MCB Motor Fail CB T2MP4 ‘MCB Motor Fall CB 72MPS [a (MCB Motor Fall CB 72MPS “MCB Heater Fal CB 72MPa re [oa ‘Signal Contact Sw C8 73MPS ‘Signal Contact Sw CB 73MPS: 71 C8 Fault of CB 73MPS 78 Spring Chrg C8 73MPB ~ [poiisel) Tes 72 ‘ls Sprng Unchrg CB 73MP MCB Motor Fail C8 73MPE MCB Heater Fal CB 73MPS Bus 1 Diff In Test Pos Bus 1 Diff Inoper i} Bus 1 Diff AC Supp Fail ‘Bus 1 DF DC Supp Fal 71 EO1*Ri 87/21/0C inoperative Isa) T8472, EOL+R1 87/21/0C InTest Pos EOE+RI 871 DC Sup Fall [a EOI+Ri 871 AC Sup Fal £O1+R2 Diffn Test Pos Te Tit £O1+R2 Diff Inoper EOL+R2 Diff AC Sup Fall 718 716) EOI+R2 Diff OC Sup Fall hd Fritech President 76, Remarks =DI Card 58 i recommended or continuous operation. PROTOCOL: |O_LAN Date: _July 17, 2021 Tocaton Tonroter Type Cabinet cat Suntchyard Control Room Controter No 59 Data type INDICATION cas | RTO [Wane Tiare ne] Point Description [Tee] Caw] THA] cH [CML ORS [CR[PLANT] Remarks TOORD EF In Tat Pos. Boise] Tet/2) 7 7 Vetted "oF up fo SCADA] 2 £0O%R2 BF oper Lew ZIT ae ‘3 | E00+R2 BF AC Fail ¥ — T =do- | e00eRa BF OC Fail z z aaa 3 | eo2+Ra Din Tat Pos a z Voted "a up t SCADA | ea2+na Oi inoperstve z z ao 7 | E0R=R2 OHFAC Fal 7 7 Faas 8 | ea2sa2 Dif DC Fail a | spore 7 10] spare’ 7 I 77 spare z 12] spare 7 73 [spare Z 14 | spore z ai a 15) spare = 7 16 | spare 7 zn js — 17 | e2sRi TOCTESITES?operve ois Tes Zoe we SADA TD 18 | EozeRi 87/21/0C nT Postion a eo aml cae 79] E02sRi DC FAL caw al aes ado 20] E02+RT AC FAL Lew Zzaliaal aos 2 sare av) t 22) spare ra 23 spare 16 ¥ T a 24 | spare Te ial 25 sare Sore] Tee/2 25) spare Lae 27 sare cA 28 | spare Le 23) spare Lact 1 30] spare [as v [ ‘31 spare ne v 32) spore Lie I Tomar ioe oe |: D1 Cnt 9 i remem fr one cert tate aie ested by SL lwinesses by: Note Virgho R, Rodrigu HoWfard Moyo iv AN toon Engines Pr Si rtiied by: Harata’Q. Yili Friloch President PROTOCOL: 1O_LAN Date: July 17, 2021 Cabinet locaton: Data type: INDICATION Point Description Tndleation Indication 2 Indleation 2 Indication 3 Inleation 4 indication 5 Indleation 6 Indication 7 Indleation 8 oreo) Tei/2 Spare DI insu 1, 19 Tat 78 716: 18 [BOI TB 2 indication 9 Indleation 10 indication 11 Tndleation 12 indication 13 indleation 14 indlestion 15 “Indication 16 77 Te 8 716: 78. 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CAB Te [revioaiz) [Lreatas T2486 | [Tearoara Tena | [Tesas | Tea7a8 | [Tesroaia] [rewras | [esas | Tea7as | ‘rewoasa Tessa | (Cresas | Tes780 rrasroara) [Lesa [Tessas | [rasa [Teeroara Remarks cpare Al et ss =o © 2 % a sans ale verified SE Remar “AL Cart 54s recommended or ominous operation for analog inputs Witnessed by: He (fe PROTOCOL: IO_LAN Conraler Type: Controir No, Date: Tabet Tocaton: Data type: sly 17,2024 ANALOG Point ana Value 0 Description CAS: BTU Slave: Be Remarks Card] EF Alea] Teves | ‘Ana Value 1 e186 ‘na Value 2 TeiT88 ‘na Value 3 Te110872 ‘Ana Value 4 Te2res ‘na Value 5 ‘Ana Value 6 ‘na Value 7 Te248e e268 7Tear0813 ‘na Value 8 ‘na Value 9 e363 Tee TesTes "Tea/10812 Teai165 ‘na Value 13 ‘ana Value 14 Teaidae TeaTeo ‘Ana Value 15 ‘na Value ‘Ana Value 17 Teses | "Tastes ‘Ana Value 18 esas ‘na Value 19 "Te5r10872 ‘Ana Value 20 ‘na Value 21 Te6!183 [Tesas ‘Ana Value 22 24 Ana Value 23 Noted by: {al ser VY fu br PROTOCOL: IO_LAN Dste:_Juy 17,2021 RT Locaton’ ontater Type Dor Cabinet ecaton Mainyard Relay Room Conta No 20 Dat INDICATION. 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