The Indian Express (12 November 2022

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Explain delay in
Supreme Court releases all 6 convicts

appointment of

in Rajiv Gandhi assassination case judges: SC to Govt

‘Keeping names on hold… a device to
Nalini among six serving life terms; court extends benefit Problematic, unacceptable, compel persons to withdraw names’
of order that freed co-accused A G Perarivalan in May
cants are thus directed to be re-
says Cong; ally DMK differs APURVA VISHWANATH
enough checks and balances,”
the Court said.
A bench comprising Justices
ANANTHAKRISHNAN G Nalini and leased unless required in any problematic”, “completely erro- Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Abhay
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 others spent other case,” the bench said. EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE neous” and “totally unaccept- UNDERLINING THAT the gov- Oka issued a “simple notice” to
DECISION over three Thosewhohavebeenallowed NEW DELHI, CHENNAI, able”, DMK leader and Chief ernment is bound to accept the the Justice Secretary and the

THESUPREMECOURTFridayset decades in premature release are Nalini NOVEMBER 11 Minister M K Stalin termed the Collegium’s reiteration of its de- Additional Secretary (Admini-
freeallthesixconvictsservinglife jail: Court Sriharan, T Suthendraraja alias ruling as “a historic foreword to cisiononappointmentof judges, stration and Appointment) in
terms for the assassination in Santhan, V Sriharan alias Muru- THE CONGRESS and its Tamil democratic principles”. theSupremeCourtissuednotice the Ministry of Law and Justice
1991 of former Prime Minister gan,RobertPayas,Jayakumarand Nadu ally DMK came up with The AIADMK, which had rec- Friday and sought a response to respond before November 28.
Rajiv Gandhi at Sriperumbudur Gavai and B V Nagarathna noted Ravichandran alias Ravi. sharplydifferingreactionstothe ommendedthereleaseofthecon- from the Ministry of Law and As the second-most senior
VOTING TODAY inTamilNadu,extendingtothem that the death sentence of the On May 18, the apex court Supreme Court order for the re- victs to the Tamil Nadu Governor Justice over delays in appointing judge of the SC, Justice Kaul is
412 55,92,828 the benefit of its order releasing
applicants had been commuted
tolifetermsearlier onaccount of
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 lease of all six convicts serving
life terms in the Rajiv Gandhi as-
in 2018 when the party was in
power, welcomed the verdict.
“Needless to say that unless
also part of the Collegium
headed by CJI D Y Chandrachud.
Candidates Total voters six months ago. delays.“Wedirectthatalltheap- sassination case. AICC general secretary in the Bench is adorned by compe- The Supreme Court noted
68 TOTAL 35 MAJORITY Hearing pleas by the six con- pellants are deemed to have FULL COVERAGE While the Congress de- chargeofcommunicationsJairam tent lawyers, the very concept of that currently there are 10 rec-
SEATS MARK victs, a bench of Justices B R servedtheirsentence.Theappli- PAGES 12, 13 scribed the judgment as “highly CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Rule of Law and Justice suffers. ommendations pending with
In the elaborate procedure from the government where the
RESULT: DECEMBER 8 taking inputs from the Collegiumhasreiterateditsdeci-
Governmentpostrecommenda- sion on appointment of a candi-

In DU, switch from

tion from the Collegium of the date as a judge of the HC.
High Court, the Supreme Court Separately, it noted that 11
Collegium bestowing consider- names recommended by the
ation on the names, there are CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

cut-off to CUET
Jharkhand Assembly
helps Bihar state raises quota to 77%,
board, hurts Kerala 1932 land records to
amine admission related issues,
had flagged unequal admission
opportunities to students of dif-
ferent boards.
fix domicile status
A SWITCH in the admission pro- Admissiondatafrom thefirst
cedure in Delhi University (DU) two rounds of seat allocations —
this year from cut-offs to the in which 62,825 admissions
Common University Entrance have taken place for roughly
test (CUET) appears to have 70,000 seats in DU — shows that
helpedstudentsfromsomestate the bulk of admissions (85.67%)
boards more than others. For in- are still students under the two
stance, the percentage of stu- major national boards — CBSE
dents admitted to DU from the (51,797 admissions) and CISCE
Bihar state board has shown an (2,026 admissions). This is al-
uptick, while for the Kerala state most the same as last year’s fig-
board,thefigureshowsadecline, ure, in which these two boards Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Union Minister Pralhad Joshi and Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai at the
data accessed by The Indian constituted 85.95% of the final newly inaugurated Terminal 2 of the Kempegowda International Airport in Bengaluru on Friday. PTI
Express show. 71,748 admissions.
With the adoption of CUET The share in admissions of

Unlike previous govts, we see speed as

and a centralised allocation ad- both these boards is also largely
mission system, DU this year proportionate to the number Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren at the special
moved away from a decades- of candidates who had regis- session of the Assembly, in Ranchi on Friday. PTI

ambition, scale as strength, says Modi

longsystemof admissionsbased tered — CBSE candidates consti-
on Class 12 marks. The push tuted 81.34% of the applicants
came after last year when a uni- while CISCE candidates
versity panel, constituted to ex- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ABHISHEK ANGAD
of projects in Bengaluru. speedistheambitionofIndiaand RANCHI, NOVEMBER 11 Moves
JOHNSON T A Referringtothesurgeindigital
AIRPORT ASSETS scale is the strength of India.”
amid crisis
payments over the past eight
years and the rollout of 5G serv- ■ Kempegowda statue
During his visit to Karnataka,
which will go to polls next year,
THEJHARKHAND Assembly, at a
special session Friday, unani-

ices, Modi said: “In the India that by Ram V Sutar, of the the Prime Minister inaugurated mously cleared two Bills, one in- THE HIKE in state quota
TOP 5 BOARDS (2022) TOP 5 BOARDS (2021) THE GOVERNMENTS that were existedbeforetheyear2014,these Statue of Unity fame, Terminal2anda108-fttallstatue creasing reservation in vacant and definition of who is a
in place before 2014 considered thingscouldnothavebeenimag- includes 98 tonnes of of Kempegowda, the 16th-cen- government posts and services local on the basis of 1932
1. CBSE 51,797 1. CBSE 59,199 bronze and 120 tonnes
speedasaluxuryandscalearisk, ined. The reason is that the gov- turyfounderof Bengaluru,atthe in the state to 77%, and the sec- land records are being
2. CISCE 2,026 2. Haryana 2,470 leading to slow development, ernmentsthatexistedearlierhad of steel Kempegowda International ond, using land records with considered moves to
3. Bihar 1,450 3. CISCE 2,389 but the BJP-led Centre sees anoldwayofthinking.Theprevi- ■ Rs 5,000-crore Airport in the city. 1932 as the cut-off yearto deter- shore up the JMM-led
speed as ambition and scale as ous governments considered Terminal 2 is spread He also unveiled a semi-high mine domicile status and who coalition’s support base
4. Uttar Pradesh 1,133 4. Kerala 1,672
the country’s strength, Prime speedasaluxuryandconsidered across 2,55,661 sq. m speed Vande Bharat train be- among the people fit the defini- at a time when the ED is
5. Rajasthan 840 5. Rajasthan 1,511 Minister Narendra Modi said scale to be a risk... We have with 90 counters tween Bengaluru and Chennai, tion of local residents. turning the heat on the
Friday after inaugurating a slew changed this thinking. We think CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Chief MinisterHemantSoren CM and there’s political
saidthe Billswillcomeintoforce uncertainty in Jharkhand.
only after the Centre carries out

BJP hands ticket to daughter of T20 WC: BCCI to meet Dravid, amendments to include these in
the Ninth Schedule, putting it
beyond judicial scrutiny.
ruled that laws cannot escape
the “basic structure” test if in-

Naroda Patiya massacre convict Sharma, Kohli on team’s future (Ina2007landmarkrulingin

IRCoelhovsStateof TamilNadu,
a 9-judge Constitution Bench of
serted into the Ninth Schedule
after1973.Itwasin1973that the
basic structure test was evolved
February 28, 2002, and adjoin- their return from Australia be- exit from the tournament, argu- theSupremeCourtunanimously CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
PARIMAL DABHI ing Naroda Gam, form the fore deciding the future course ments in favour of rebooting the
& SOHINI GHOSH Assembly constituency. of actionregardingtheT20team team’s T20 ideology along with
AHMEDABAD, NOVEMBER 11 The incident was later de- following the 10-wicket defeat an overhaul of the squad have THE WORLD
scribedas“thelargestsinglecase toEnglandinthesemifinalof the gathered momentum.
PAYAL KUKRANI, daughter of of mass murder” during the ri- World Cup on Thursday. The average age of the Indian RETREAT COMPLETE,
Manoj Kukrani who was sen-
tenced to life imprisonment for
ots that followed the burning of
the S-6 coach of the Sabarmati EXPRESSINAUSTRALIA “We will call a meeting and
discuss the roadmap for our T20
team in the T20 World Cup was
his role in the Naroda Patiya Payal Kukrani with father Express in Godhra a day earlier, team. We don’t want to take any est squads in the tournament. At UKRAINE’S KHERSON
massacre case of the 2002 Manoj (far right), who is out killing 59 people, mostly kar se- DEVENDRA PANDEY decisions in haste. Let the team 37,wicketkeeper-batsmanDinesh ERUPTS IN JOY
Gujarat riots and later granted on bail, in Ahmedabad on vaks returning from Ayodhya. ADELAIDE, NOVEMBER 11 management and players pres- Karthik was the oldest player in
bail on health grounds, has been Friday. Nirmal Harindran ManojKukraniwasoneof 32 ent their point of view first. The theteamwhileRohitSharma(35),
fielded by the BJP from the people convicted in the Naroda THE INDIAN cricket board will board will decide on how to go Virat Kohli (33), R Ashwin (36), RETURN TO PAK, PM
Naroda constituency for the Patiya case by a special court in holdameetingwithcoachRahul about it later,” a BCCI official told Suryakumar Yadav (32) and SHEHBAZ TAKES DIG
Assembly elections next month. bourhood, where 97 people Ahmedabad in 2012. Dravid, captain Rohit Sharma The Indian Express. Bhuvaneshwar Kumar (32) were AT IMRAN PAGE 14
The Naroda Patiya neigh- were killed by a rioting mob on CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 and ex-skipper Virat Kohli after After India’s embarrassing CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Emotional reunion for Class of ’74: ‘What do you call a President?’


Chuni)?’.Chuniismytwinsister. On Friday, the President vis- Jharkhand, when the school cel- now has colourful walls, tiled- Development Department.
SUJIT BISOYI I told her Chuni could not come ited her alma mater, the ebrated its diamond jubilee. flooring and lawns, Dangi re- Interacting with the students,
BHUBANESWAR, NOVEMBER 11 as she is not in the city,” says a Government Capital Girls’ High Dangi Murmu, another members it as a concrete struc- she recalled her earlier visits to
beaming Bisoi, 64. School in Bhubaneswar, and the batchmate of the President, says ture with thatched roofs. “That the school. “I have visited your
IN THE minutes before she was Now a grandmother to four, tribal hostel where she stayed though she has stayed in regular was our school... See how differ- school several times during my
to meet her classmate of four Bisoi lives in Bhubaneswar with during the four years that she touch with “Droupadi” even af- ent it is now,” says Dangi. college days and even later, dur-
decades ago, Tanmayee Bisoi herfamily.Butallthoseyearsago, spent in the school — from Class ter she became President ChinmayeeMohanty,another ing my service days, to enroll my
was seized with a gnawing she lived at a tribal hostel, where 8 to 11 (matric then). Murmu, the reunion at the batchmate who met Murmu on relativeshere.Thesituationthen
worry: “Whatdo I call her? After her mother was the superinten- At the Kuntalakumari Sabat school was special. Friday,was,however,ataddisap- was very different,” said
all, you don’t call a President by dent. “My mother had an official Adivasi Girls Hostel, Murmu “Droupadi was very happy to pointed.“Iwantedtospendmore President Murmu.
her name, do you?” quarter, which was adjacent to turned nostalgic as she entered seeallof us.Thoughwecouldnot time with Droupadi. She was Talking about the primary
Bisoi’sconcernsmeltedaway the hostel where Droupadi and her room in the Tulasi Munda talk much because of her busy barely here for 20 minutes,” says school she attended in her vil-
the minute she met her class- the others stayed. After school block and sat on the single bed schedule, she asked about each Mohanty, who retired in 2018 as lage, Uparbeda, in Mayurbhanj
mate, Droupadi Murmu, during hours,wewouldallplaytogether and later, by the study table. She oneofus.Goingbacktoschoolaf- a reader in Zoology from PN district of Odisha, Murmu said,
an interaction that the President on the campus. Then, too, also took time out to go through tersomanyyearsisveryspecial,” College in Khurda, 20 km away. “Eventheconditionof myvillage
had with 12 of her friends from Droupadiwasdisciplined,sincere black and white photographs @rashtrapatibhvn saysDangi,whoretiredfromgov- Earlier, the President visited school may have improved now.
the Batch of 1974 on Friday. “She and diligent. She hasn’t changed from all those years ago.Murmu President Droupadi Murmu at her alma mater, Government ernment service a few years ago. Tapoban High School in But back then, it was a mud-
received me warmly and asked much though she now occupies last visited her school and the Capital Girls’ High School, in Bhubaneswar on Friday. While the school, decked up Bhubaneswar, which is man- structure with a tiled roof. We
in Odia, ‘Chuni kain (Where is the highest office,” says Bisoi. hostel in 2018, as Governor of for its most famous alumnus, aged by the state SC/ST CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

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● Problematic: Cong; DMK differs
Rameshsaid,“Thedecisionof the Supreme Court justified its deci-

to buy 26% in NDTV SC releases all 6 convicts in Rajiv case SupremeCourt….istotallyunac-

ceptable and completely erro-
neous. The Congress Party criti-
that the release was recom-
mended by the state govern-

to open on Nov 22 had ordered the release of

Perarivalan, exercising its powers
Rajiv and then AIADMK chief, the
late J Jayalalithaa, at the Marina
Ravi arrived in India with
Sivarasan in December 1990. He
vision under the Constitution has
that the Supreme Court has not
ment of Tamil Nadu.”
Singhvi also sought to know
why the court, “despite being
it to convert them into a 99.9% under Article 142 of the beach in Chennai and conducted then went to Jaffna, underwent beenpointedouttousnoranysat- acted in consonance with the aware of the nature of the crime,
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE stake in RRPR. Constitution.OnFriday,thebench adryrunbysecuringaccesstogar- armstraininginanLTTEcamp,and isfactory response tendered as to spirit of India on this issue." theevidencethatledtotheircon-
MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 11 RRPR holds a 29.18% stake in said the same order will apply to land the then Prime Minister V P enlisted more people in Tamil the source of the Governor’s Welcoming the judgment, victionandthepreviousobjection
NDTV. Notably, VCPL had raised thesixotheraccusedaswell. Singhatanotherevent. Nadufortheoutfit,thedocuments powertoreferarecommendation however, Stalin said it has reaf- of the Governor, sought to grant
THE ADANI group Friday an- funds from Reliance Strategic The bench noted that the six They show that Nalini and show. Santhan rendered assis- made by the State Cabinet to the firmed that Governors, who are preferentialtreatmenttoindivid-
nouncedthatitsopenoffertoac- Ventures, a wholly owned sub- hadspentoverthreedecadesinjail Sivarasan, who later committed tancetotheaccusedSivarasan,ac- Presidentof India”.Italsosaidthe appointees of the Union ualsconvictedofsuchareprehen-
quire an additional 26% public sidiary of Mukesh Ambani-led inthecaseandsaidthattheircon- suicide, took Dhanu and co-ac- cordingtothedocuments. Governor's “action is contrary to Government, cannot “sit on” de- sible,horrificandheinouscrime”.
shareholding in NDTV will open RelianceIndustriesLtd,toextend ductwassatisfactoryinthisperiod cused Subha and Haribabu to the In2018,thethenAIADMKgov- theConstitutionalscheme”. cisions made by democratically He added, “How can the
forsubscription from November the loan to RRPR. during which they had pursued meetingvenueinSriperumbudur ernment in Tamil Nadu recom- The court had also refused to electedgovernments.Hewasre- SupremeCourtnowrefuseother
22 to December 5. After the transaction, the ac- studiesaswell.OnNalini,thecourt for the suicide attack. Nalini, the mendedthenamesofalltheseven accepttheCentre’sargumentthat ferring to the Governor putting similar claims, regardless of
Vishvapradhan Commercial quirer (Adanis) will not directly took into account that she was a records show, provided cover to convicts,includingPerarivalan,for aslaiddownbytheSupremeCourt on hold and subsequently refer- however heinous a crime has
Pvt. Ltd (VCPL) with AMG Media acquire any equity shares of the woman. Dhanu and Subha when Rajiv ar- premature release. But the deci- in a 2014 decision (Union of India ring to the President the then been committed... In our hum-
Networks andAdaniEnterprises targetcompany(NDTV)butshall Accordingtotheprosecution's rivedatthescene. sionremainedpendingbeforethe vsSriharan),the“appropriategov- state government's recommen- ble opinion, the Supreme Court
Ltd have proposed to acquire an hold at least 99.50% and up to case, as recorded in court docu- After the blast killed Dhanu state's Governor following which ernment” to decide on remission dation to release the convicts. cannot be selective when apply-
additional 26%, or 1.67 crore eq- 100% of the paid up share capi- ments,Nalinihadtakenthesuicide and Haribabu, Nalini, Sivarasan Perarivalan approached the of sentence in matters to which The Congress, meanwhile, ing such standards.”
uity shares, at an offer price of Rs tal of the promoter company bomberDhanutoashopforstitch- and Subha fled the scene. Nalini SupremeCourt. the executive power of the Union said it will pursue “appropriate The Congress leader said that
294 per share. The previous (RRPR Holdings), which holds ing the salwar kameez that was and Murugan then accompanied In February 2021, the Centre extendsistheUnionGovernment. legal remedies” to seek the re- “a fatal attack on any PM, former
timeline for the open offer by 18,813,928 equity shares in the usedforconcealingtheIEDforthe Sivarasan and Subha to Tirupathi told the Supreme Court that the This is “incorrect”, the bench had versal of the decision. In 1999, or sitting, is an attack on the very
Adani was October 17 to target company constituting assassination. Fifteen others, in- in Andhra Pradesh. Nalini also Governor had “considered all the said. SoniaGandhihadwrittenaletter sovereigntyandintegrityofIndia”.
November 1. 29.18%of thevotingsharecapital cludingninepolicemen,werealso caused the disappearance of evi- facts on record and that after pe- It had underlined that while to the then President K R Referringtothecourtinvokingits
The Adani group acquired a of the target company, it said in killed in the attack and 43 others dence,therecordsshow. rusal of the relevant documents, both the state and Centre had the Narayanan, urging him to com- powers under Article 142 of the
29.18% stake in NDTV in August the offer document. injured. The documents show that recorded that the Hon’ble power to make laws, the Union mute the capital punishment Constitution,hesaidthat“thisisa
this year, enabling the group to Meanwhile, NDTV and its Following the assassination RobertPayasandJayakumar,who Presidentof Indiaistheappropri- Government’s power will take awardedtotheconvicts.In2008, wholly inapposite invocation of
launch an open offer. subsidiary, NDTV Networks Ltd, during a poll rally on the night of are Sri Lankan nationals, came to ate competent authority to deal precedence only if “executive Priyanka Gandhi Vadra had met the drastic, ad-hoc and unique
According to BSE data, pub- areputtingonholdtheproposed May 21, 1991, the investigation in India as refugees in September withthe...requestforremittance”. power had been expressly con- key accused Nalini at Vellore power of the apex court in a case
lic shareholders hold 38.55% sale of their stake constituting thecaseledtotheSriLankanTamil 1990 as part of the conspiracy. But while deciding on ferred on the Union under the Central Jail. “Sonia Gandhi is en- involvingconvictedassassinsof a
stake in the company as of 20% of the total share capital of separatistoutfitLTTE. TheytookhousesonrentinPorur Perarivalan’s plea, the Supreme Constitution or the law made by titled to her personal views but former head of government”.
September 2022. Astro Awani Network Sdn Bhd, a The court records show that and Kodungaiyur in Chennai to CourtdisapprovedoftheGovernor the Parliament, failing which the with greatest respect, the party Last year, the DMK govern-
In August, Adani entities had media company in Malaysia. Nalini, Murugan and the others providesafehousesfortheco-con- sending the state government's executive power of the State re- does not agree with that view, ment had urged the Centre to re-
acquired VCPL which had lent The Central Bureau of had attended public meetings of spiratorsincludingSivarasan. recommendationtothePresident. mainedintact”. has never agreed with that view leasetheconvicts,writingtothen
over Rs 403 crore to NDTV Investigation has withheld for and made our view consistently President Ram Nath Kovind and
founders led by Prannoy Roy. now its approval of the transac- clear for the last decade or so,” PrimeMinisterNarendraModi.At
VPCL had lent the amount
in 2009-10 in exchange for
tion vide its letter dated
November 9, 2022.
● Jharkhand raises quota to 77%; 1932 land records to fix domicile status Congress spokesperson
Abhishek Singhvi said.
the time, Stalin had pointed out
that the Governor (Banwarilal
warrants that allowed it to ac- The companyiscurrentlyex- in the Kesavananda Bharati case universities or colleges. rate code in Census 2021 was agricultural indebtedness or Singhvi said the verdict is PurohitandlaterRNRavi)hadput
quire a stake of 29.18% in NDTV amining the legal options avail- astheultimatetesttoexaminethe Soren said, “Whatever we passedonthesamedatelastyear. availing agricultural loans; in problematic. “First, it sends a the Tamil Nadu government's
at any time. Against this inter- able to it and will take the nec- constitutional validity of laws.) promised tothe people, we have “Apart from the Moolvasis maintenance and protection of messagetotheworld,thatweex- Cabinet decision to release the
est-free loan, RRPR Holding is- essary action accordingly, NDTV The first Bill, ‘Jharkhand delivered. And now it is the and Adivasis, people who have land records; for their social se- tend to these killers such bene- convicts on hold. “The Supreme
sued warrants to VCPL entitling said in a stock exchange filing. Reservationof VacanciesinPosts Centre’s responsibility to find a beenlivinginJharkhandwillalso curity;inemploymentinprivate fits forgetting the nature of their Court'sdecisiondemonstratesthat
and Services (Amendment) Bill, way to include this in the Ninth be given their rights,” he said. and public sector; and, for trade crime. They murdered, in cold Governors who are appointed to
2022’, raised reservation from Schedule of the Constitution so The second Bill, ‘Jharkhand and commerce in the state. bloodandbydeliberatedesign,a thepositioncannotinterferewith
60% to 77%. Within the reserved that people of Jharkhand get Definition of Local Persons and TheBillstates that the defini- former Prime Minister,” he said. decisionsmadebydemocratically
category, the Scheduled Castes their rights and respect. If the forExtendingtheConsequential, tionof localpersons,onthebasis “Second, even the Supreme elected governments,” Stalin said

will get a quota of 12%, up from need arises, we will go to Delhi Social, Cultural and Other of the ‘1932 khatiyan’, is based Court has said there is no blan- inastatementFriday.
10%; 27% for OBCs, up from 14%; in full strength.” Benefits to Such Local Persons on “living conditions, customs ket guarantee to be released ThemainoppositionAIADMK
28% for Scheduled Tribes, a 2% HesaidNovember11isa“key Bill,2022’,isaimedatgrantinglo- and the traditions and social de- upon a certain amount of time welcomed the order but did not
increase; and 10% for date” because the Chhota calresidents“certainrights,ben- velopment” of the “Moolvasis having been served... Third, the issue a formal statement.
Economically Weaker Sections. Nagpur Tenancy Act – to safe- efits,andpreferentialtreatment” and people from tribal commu-
OBCsandSTsconstitutemore guard the land of tribal commu- over their land; in their stake in nity” which have been nega-
than65%of thestatepopulation.
Official sources said the
11, 1908, and a resolution seek-
local development of rivers,
lakes, fisheries; in local tradi-
tively impacted due to pre and
post 1932 migration of people
● BCCI to meet Dravid, Rohit, Kohli
reservation will not apply to ad- ing recognition of the Sarna reli- tionalandculturalandcommer- from other states to Jharkhand all above 30 as well. “These guys have been ter-
missions in government-run gion and its inclusion as a sepa- cial enterprises; in rights over (erstwhile Bihar). By the time the next T20 rific performers for us. We have
World Cup takes place in the a couple of years to reflect on it.
WestIndiesandtheUSAin2024, Therearesomereallygoodqual-
● Appointment of judges ● We see speed as ambition: Modi it is unlikely that some of these
players will continue being a
the right time to talk about this
Collegium are also pending with 2016 by then CJI T S Thakur. and a train for pilgrims to fast,” he said. In the next eight to part of the side. And so, the chal- stuff or think about this stuff
thegovernmentwithoutreason. Apart from the delays in ap- Ayodhya, Kashi and Prayagraj. 10 years, the Government plans lenge for the team management right now. We'll have enough
“This implies that the pointment of HC judges, the SC Addressing a public gather- to introduce over 400 Vande as well as the selectors will be to games, enough matches as we
Government neither appoints also noted that the Collegium’s ing, Modi said, “Today, whether Bharat trains as well as ensure a smooth transition. go on ahead, and India will try
the persons and nor communi- recommendation to appoint itisdiscussionsongovernanceor Vistadome trains while creating Hardik Pandya, who will lead and build and prepare for the
catesitsreservation,if any,onthe BombayHighCourtChief Justice the creation of physical and dig- freight corridors, he said. the team in the three-match T20 next World Cup,” he said.
names,” it said. Dipankar Datta as a judge of the ital infrastructure, India is work- “As many as 400 companies seriesinNewZealandnextweek, However, it is learnt that the
“We find the method of Supreme Court is also pending ing at another level. Today the from the Fortune 500 list are in islikelytobegroomedasthenext selection committee might in-
keeping the names on hold with the government. whole world is surprised by dig- Karnataka and the list is con- captainintheformat.Pandyawas cludeafewnewfacesintheline-
whether duly recommended or TheIndianExpresshaslearnt italpaymentsystemsinIndialike stantlyincreasing.Thisishappen- theonlyplayerwhoputupafight up soon. The committee is cur-
reiteratedisbecomingsomesort that although the government is the BHIM UPI. Could this have ingbecauseKarnatakaisworking againstEnglandinthesemifinals. rently headed by former India
of a device to compel these per- yet to clear Justice Datta’s ap- beenimaginedeightyearsago?” with the strength of the double Dravid was asked about his international Chetan Sharma
sons to withdraw theirnames as pointment, it has not raised any He said, “Made in India, 5G engine government,” Modi said. ageingplayersandif theywillre- and has Sunil Joshi, Harvinder
has happened,” the Court said. issue with the Collegium on his technology could not even have SinglingoutBengaluru,Modi main a part of the plan for the Singh and Debashish Mohanty
The case is a contempt peti- recommendation. been imagined. In all these said the city has played a huge next T20 World Cup cycle. “It's as its members. The BCCI is yet
tion against the government for On September 26, the things, the youth of Bengaluru role in India being known for its too early to talk about it right to appoint a West Zone selector,
breach of the SC’s directives in CollegiumheadedbythenCJIUU and the professionals in the city start-ups. “Start-up is not just a nowjustafterasemifinalgame,” despite the post being vacant for
April 2021, setting a fixed four- Lalit had recommended Justice have played a big part.” company, it is an emotion to do he said. the last 10 months.
month timeline for the govern- Datta. After that, the then CJI had The Prime Minister also out- something new, to think differ-
ment to act on the Collegium’s proposed recommending four lined the infrastructure and de- ently.Start-upisabelieftoresolve
Although it was filed in
ior advocate for appointment as
velopment initiatives unveiled
by his Government, including
country. Bengaluru represents
● DU switch to CUET
October last year, the case had judgesoftheSC,buttheCollegium the PM Gati Shakti national plan start-up spirit, which puts India made up3.87%of the applicants. board. Last year, they made up
not come up for hearing for over wassplitoverdecidingontherec- for multi-modal connectivity in a separate league,” he said. However,differencesfromlast 0.77% of the admissions, while
a year. Normally, the CJI who ommendationsthroughawritten and the creation of rail, air and Paying tribute to year begin to emerge when one this year that figure is 2.3%.
heads the Collegium communi- note instead of a meeting. road infrastructure. Kempegowda, Modi said, looks at students from state Since the total number of ap-
cates with the government on The Court’s order also comes “Vande Bharat is not just a “Centuries ago, (he) thought of boards.Lastyear,candidatesfrom plications this year (1.75 lakh) is
the administrative side on ap- days after Law Minister Kiren new train but an example of the commerce, culture, and con- theKeralaboardmadeup2.33per considerablylowerthanlastyear
pointment of judges. The last Rijiju criticised the Collegium future of India. Vande Bharat venience, and the benefits of his cent of the total admissions that (2.74 lakh), the acceptance rate
time the government was asked process as “opaque” and said he trains show that India’s days of farsightedness are now avail- took place in DU. This year, their — or the number of students
to address delays in appoint- was “not satisfied” with the sys- halting progress are gone and able to the people of share in admissions has come who applied from a particular
ment on the judicial side was in tem of appointing judges. that India wants to progress Karnataka,” he said. down to 0.62 per cent. Similarly, board and got admission — is
last year candidates from the generally higher, with one no-
Haryana board made up 3.44% of table exception. Last year, the
● BJP hands ticket to daughter of Naroda Patiya massacre convict admissions. This figure has dras-
tically come down to 0.77%.
Kerala board had the highest ac-
ceptance rate among all major
ThenBJPMLAMayaKodnani, and his wife Reshma, a BJP cor- think all of them are going to Gujarat High Court had granted It’s a different story for can- boards at 41.98%. This year, the
among those convicted, was ac- porator from Ahmedabad’s help me with their experience. regular bail to Kukrani after his didates from the Bihar state figure has dropped to 21.17%.
quitted along with 13 others by Saijpur Bogha ward, have been Yesterday, after the ticket was lawyers submitted that he was
the Gujarat High Court in 2018 – attending to them. announced, I met all of them “totally bedridden and not in a
the conviction of 16 was upheld,
while two had died in jail.
Incidentally, Payal will con-
and they were genuinely giving
me guidance on how we have to
position to carry out his day-to-
day activities, and that his condi-
● Murmu reunion
Kukrani’s daughter Payal, a once represented by Kodnani. In proceed.” tionwasdeterioratingdaybyday would sweep thefloor everyday Adivasi Girls Hostel in
30-year-old who works as an 2017,theseatwaswonbyBalram Onthecaseagainstherfather and that lastly, he was suspected and, once a week, apply a slurry Bhubaneswar. The visit brought
anaesthetist at a hospital in the Thawani, a former corporator, and his conviction, she said, tobesufferingfrombraincancer”. of cow dung to the floor.” back many fond memories from
Gurukul area of western who was dropped this time. “Obviously it was tough on me Kukrani’s appeal against his At the end of the President's my student life. I was delighted
Ahmedabad, figures in the BJP’s The AAP has nominated and my family, but we got conviction remains pending be- visit, a tweet shared by the to interact with the students,
first list of 160 candidates. Omprakash Tiwari, a local resi- through it. The case was there in fore the Supreme Court. RashtrapatiBhavanhandleread: teachers, alumni and inmates of
Ever since the announce- dent, as its candidate. the High Court, then we went to Payal said she has been asso- “It was a nostalgic moment to- the hostel. It was truly a journey
Contact for Advt. Booking: M/s Friends Publicity Service ment of Payal’s candidature, On her candidature, and the Supreme Court… He is out ciated with the BJP for the last 5- day when I visited my alma downthememorylane.Maythe
(M): 9212665841, 9212008155 their house in Naroda has been whether her predecessors will on bail right now.” 6 years and had campaigned for mater Government Girls High school and its students achieve
receiving visitors and Kukrani join her campaign, Payal said, “I In September 2016, the Thawani in 2017. SchoolandKuntalakumariSabat new heights of glory.”

New Delhi
10 guarantees for city, Old hands find mention in AAP’s first list for civic body elections
NewDelhi:TheAamAadmiParty be announced on Saturday, said day. Theparty hasalso launched The party conducted surveys the MCD elections, as well as the

attack on BJP: CM in
announced a list of 134 candi- party members. a list of 30 star campaigners. and took feedback from locals political atmosphere of Delhi,
dates for the upcoming The list of candidates was fi- As per the statement issued before selecting and giving tick- was discussed at length during
Municipal Corporation of Delhi nalised in a meeting of the polit- by AAP, the party has given tick- ets to candidates, the statement the meeting. There was also a
elections, scheduled on ical affairs committee (PAC) ets to 90% old party workers, read. “More than 20,000 party discussion over the party’s sur-
December4.Atotalof 250wards chaired by AAP national con- “who have been working for workers had applied to contest veys and election data in regard

MCD election mode

arebeing contested,andthe sec- venor and CM Arvind Kejriwal public interest at the grassroot MCDelectionsonAAP’sticket,”it to finalisation of the lists of can-
ond list of candidates is likely to followingameetingearlierinthe level for years”. said. Theparty’spreparationsfor didates for the elections. ENS

He listed what he said were

EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE BJP’s unfulfilled promises in the
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 MCD.“TheysaidKejriwaldoesn’t
MAKING THE city clean and wewon’taskKejriwalformoney,
clearing the three landfills in the we’llbringfundsfromtheCentre.
city were right at the top of the The central government has not
Aam Aadmi Party’s list of ten given a single paisa to the MCD.
‘guarantees’ that party convenor We have given a lot of money to
and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind them,” he said.
Kejriwalannouncedaheadofthe “They said the roads will be
MCD polls. improved. They have not im-
“Theseare10guarantees.Last Kejriwal at the event, on proved a single road. They said
time,theguaranteesthatwegave, Friday. Anil Sharma Delhi will be free of garbage. The
we are working on them, and city is full of garbage. They said
some were fulfilled. We will ful- they will clear the three moun-
fil these ten before the next elec- is to make temporary workers tains of garbage. Now their lead-
tions,” he said. permanent and ensure salaries ers are saying there are moun-
“Thefirstguaranteeistobeau- are given regularly. The ninth tains of garbage in other cities
tify Delhi… make it clean and guaranteeistoprovidelicensesto also.Wherearethesemountains
beautiful. The three landfills will tradersonlineandend“conver- inLondon,Paris,Tokyo,orNew
beremoved.Iwouldliketoprom- sion fees” and York? They
ise the people of Delhi that no parking fees, said they’ll
newlandfillsitewillbemade.We besidesputting clean the mar-
will bring global experts and in an end to “in- kets, but they
thewaythattheyaredisposingof spector raj”, in have not done
waste, we will do too. The roads additiontocre- that. They said
will be cleaned,” he said.
The second guarantee is for a
mosphere to
do business.
they will end
they have ad-
ing department is particularly Thetenthguar- mitted that
corrupt.Theprocesstogetbuild- antee is to make vending zones their councillors are corrupt, but
ing plans approved will be made for street vendors. took no action,” Kejriwal said.
easier. A scheme will be made to KejriwalwasflankedbyDelhi “Instead, they (the BJP) have
regularise small building viola- Deputy Chief Minister Manish doneeverythingtostopthework
tionsafterpayingfeesorpenalty, Sisodia and Environment of the Delhi government. They
sopeopledon’thaveto dealwith Minister Gopal Rai when he stopped yoga classes,” he added.
blackmailing,” he said. made the announcements. “I would like to appeal to the
The third guarantee is a per- “Peoplehavebeencheatedfor people of Delhi to vote for those
manent solution to the problem the past 15 years. What we say, who work, not stop it. Vote for
of parking,andthefourthisdeal- wedo.Wedon’tbreaktheseguar- those who make schools, not
ingwiththeissueofstrayanimals antees. Other parties bring out a those who give gaalis and fight,”
— dogs, cows and monkeys. The vachan patra and don’t work on Kejriwal said.
fifth guarantee is to improve it for five years. Then they come “Is baar BJP ki 20 se kam seat
roads, the sixth to improve MCD out with a sankalp patra… the aayenge (This time BJP will win
schoolsandhospitals,theseventh day the election results are an- less than 20 seats). The BJP is
istoimproveparksandturnDelhi nounced these parties tear up scared of AAP. To stop AAP, both
intoacityofparks,andtheeighth their manifesto,” Kejriwal said. elections are together...,” he said.

Harbhajan, Mann and Gautam

among AAP’s star campaigners
10,000 people had embraced spectbutverysoonthepeopleof
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE Buddhism. His appointment by this country and society will
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 the AAP as its star campaigner show you the result of abusing

sparked a controversy, with BJP
MP Manoj Tiwari calling CM
Hindu gods and goddesses,” said
CIANHARBHAJANSingh,Punjab Arvind Kejriwal “anti-Hindu”. AAP did not respond to the
Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann “Arvind Kejriwal, ji you are controversy. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT (GOVT OF NCT OF DELHI)
and former Delhi minister caught now. You are anti-Hindu Other names mentioned in 5 FLOOR, ISBT BUILDING, KASHMERE GATE, DELHI 110006
Rajendra Pal Gautam are among and are against Hindu gods and AAP’s star campaigners list are
the 30 star campaigners an- goddesses because today you Kejriwal himself, Deputy CM
nouncedbytheAamAadmiParty madeRajendraPalGautam,who Manish Sisodia, Rajya Sabha MP
for the upcoming MCD polls. abused Hindu gods Brahma, fromPunjabRaghavChadhaand
Gautamhadresignedassocial Vishnu, Ram, in your list of star otherpartyleadersandMLAs,in- PUBLIC NOTICE
welfare minister last month fol- campaigners.Itclearlyshowsthat cluding the newly appointed so-
lowingacontroversyovera‘con- thosewordsofGautamwerealso cial welfare minister Raj Kumar Quality of air can be improved if we all work together!
version event’ where around Kejriwal’swords.Yougivehimre- Anand.
*Actions which we can do as per Air Quality Index ( AQI)
Keep engines of your vehicles viz. cars/ bikes/ scooters etc. Avoid outdoor
properly tuned. physical activity
Maintain proper air pressure in tyres of your vehicles

POOR Keep PUC certificates of your vehicles up to date.

Do not idle your vehicle, also turn off the engine at red lights.
Do not dispose waste /garbage in the open spaces.
AQI between 201-300
Report air pollution activities through Green Delhi App, 311 App,
People to use public transport and minimize use of personal Avoid outdoor
vehicles. physical activities,
VERY especially during

Regularly replace air filters at recommended intervals in your

automobiles. morning and late
POOR Avoid dust generating construction activities during months of
October to January.
evening hours.
Remain indoor and
AQI between 301-400 keep activity levels

Choose a cleaner commute - share a ride to work or use public
transport or walk or cycle
People, whose position allow working from home, may work

SEVERE from home.

Do not use coal and wood for heating purpose.
lndividual house owners may provide electric heaters (during HEALTH ADVISORY
AQI between 401-450 winters) to security staff to avoid open burning. Avoid outdoor
Combine errands and reduce trips. Walk to errands wherever physical activities.
possible. Remain indoor and
CITIZEN CHARTER keep activity levels
Children, elderly and those with respiratory, cardiovascular,
cerebrovascular or otherchronic diseases to avoid outdoor

activities and stay indoors, as much as possible.

AQI >450


* As per citizen charter of Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas.
# For vulnerable population – Children under 5 year age, old age groups, pregnant women, predisposed

health conditions ie illness of respiratory, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, outdoor working people
Health advisory of Ministry of Health & Family welfare, GOI is available at
Member Secretary

New Delhi

Very Poor Very Poor Very Poor Poor FORECAST: November 12
354 245 Mist/shallowfoginthe
351 365 morning
PM 2.5 PM 10 PM 10 PM 2.5 500
0 500 0 500 0 500 0
MAX: 29 MIN: 14
0-50 Good 51-100 Satisfactory 101-200 Moderate 201-300 Poor 301-400 Very Poor 401-500 Severe 0.3°C belownormal Normal

Coming 2024: Mega transit hub at Anand Vihar CURBS TO STAY IN PLACE

the concourse level is being car-

Punjab farm
fires double
GAYATHRI MANI ried out. The track laying at the
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 Modipuram platform level will commence
Depot soon."
BY 2024, Anand Vihar is set to Modipuram NCRTCofficialssaidthemain
become Delhi’s first mega tran- aim of the RRTS project is to re-

overnight as
sithubwithseamlessconnectiv- 25 82km duce traffic congestion and the
itybetweentheupcomingRapid Stations Length involvement of motorised vehi-
Rail Transit System (RRTS) and cles, and push people towards
different modes of transport, in- ■ Elevated maximumusageof publictrans-
cluding Metro, railways and in- (70.5km) portation. The NCRTC also has

capital chokes
ter-state bus terminals of Delhi ■ Underground planstodevelopinfluencezones
andUttarPradesh,apartfromlo- (3.8kminDelhi under the trans-oriented devel-
cal modes of commute. 7.7kminUP) opment (TOD).
The different modes of trans- Initially, the station was
port that the RRTS station will Duhaidepot planned to be constructed at
integrate under the multi- (atgrade) about 8 metres below the con-
modal integration are the course level and 16 metres be-
Swami Vivekananda (Anand low the rail level. But, the depth EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE
Vihar) inter-state bus stand lo- wouldhaveledtotheadditionof NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 Tough
RRTS Anand days ahead
cated at a distance of 150 me- more lifts, staircases and escala-
tres, the city bus stand at 150
Tunnel Vihar tors, making travelling difficult RESTRICTIONS UNDER phase-3
metres, the UPSRTC bus stand at for the public, especially for per- of the Graded Response Action THEAIRqualityislikelyto
Kaushambi at 100 metres, Pink SaraiKaleKhan sons with disability. The station Plan (GRAP) will continue in remainintheupperendof
and Blue Metro lines at 50 me- Construction work underway at the station, on Friday. Praveen Khanna plan was redesigned, and the Delhi-NCR,withtheCommission the ‘very poor’ category
tres and the Anand Vihar depth was reduced to 8 metres, for Air Quality Management over the weekend, due to
Railway Station located at a dis-
tance of 200 metres. ANAND VIHAR RRTS STATION TRANSIT HUB and the concourse level was
shifted to ground level.
withdrawn at this stage consid-
strong winds from the
At present, a foot overbridge Officials said that two paral- eringthattheAQIhasbeenshow- lutants.The“rateofinflow
(FOB) connects the Metro com- lel tunnels for the movement of ing an “increasing trend”. ofpollutants”islikelytobe
plex to Chaudhary Charan Singh Bus Railway Dateof trains in the underground sec- GoingbytheCentralPollution more than dispersion, re-
Marg. Facilities like lifts, stairs Terminal Station completion tions of RRTS will also be pro- ControlBoard’s(CPCB)4pmbul- sulting in accumulation
and escalators will be provided
to connect the RRTS station to
Station 2024 vided. A cross-passage at ap-
proximately every 250 metres
letin on Friday, Delhi’s 24-hour
average AQI was 346 in the ‘very
and deterioration of air
it. for the safety of passengers in poor’ category, having deterio- the SAFAR forecast said.
Accordingtoofficials,itisalso case of any emergency will also rated from 295 the previous day.
the city’s first station that is only be added. The RRTS tunnel will With wind speed picking up,
one level below the ground. have ventilation ducts to ensure Delhi’s air quality had improved fromstubbleburningtoDelhi,the
Photo by Gayathri Mani RRTS
“Thisstationisbeingconstructed Station air movement and a 60 cm to 90 to be in the ‘poor’ category on contribution of crop residue
by top-down method, that is, MULTI-MODAL cm wide side walkway to assist November 9 and 10. burningtoPM2.5levelsinthecity
construction is first done at the INTEGRATION (MMI) in maintenance activities and Restrictions under stage-3 of increasedfrom8%onThursdayto
ground level and then pro- WITH DIFFERENT TYPES emergencies. GRAPthatwillremaininplacein- 19%onFriday,accordingtoanup-
gressestotheundergroundlevel. OF TRANSPORTATION: This is one of the key arterial clude a ban on construction and date issued by the SAFAR fore-
Four sudarshan (tunnel boring ■ Swami Vivekananda stations, as it will provide major demolition activities except for casting system. The forecast is-
machines) are engaged in the (Anand Vihar) CharanSinghMarg interchanging facilities to all certain projects including work sued by SAFAR on Friday
construction of tunnels for the Inter-State Bus Stand three upcoming RRTS corridors on hospitals, metro and railway indicated that a drop in the min-
corridor near the station. Two of ■ DTC Bus Stand — Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut, services,linearpublicprojectslike imumtemperatureoverthenext
these tunnels are being con- PART OF THE DELHI-MEERUT RRTS CORRIDOR Delhi-SNB-Panipat and Delhi- highways,roadsandflyovers,and two days could aid the accumu-
structed from Anand Vihar to- ■ UPSRTC Alwar. sanitationandwatersupplyproj- lation of pollutants.
wards New Ashok Nagar for 3 Bus Queue at Kaushambi Currently, the construction ects. It is under this stage that Data from the Indian
km, and from Anand Vihar to- ■ Metro Lines workisgoinginfullswingonthe Delhigovernmenthasimposeda Agricultural Research Institute
wards Sahibabad for 2 km," said (Pink and Blue) first Delhi-Meerut corridor, and ban on BS-III petrol and BS-IV (IARI) on Friday showed that
NCRTC managing director Vinay ■ Anand Vihar Railway the construction on the priority diesel four wheelers in the city. Punjab recorded an increase in
Kumar Singh.
He added, "The base slab and
corridor, from Sahibabad to
Duhai, will be completed by
A communication from the
CAQM attributed the deteriora-
Friday. The fire count, which IARI
concourse level of this station THE STATION One entrance towards March 2023,andthe section will tion in Delhi’s air quality to wind obtains from NASA satellites, on
For the convenience of Three to access the
have been completed, and con-
struction of the platform level is
297 metres long Chaudhary Charan Singh
Marg and the other towards
commuters (One to access
the platform and two to
platform and two to be operational for public use by
conditions not being favourable
and dispersion of pollutants not
Friday in Punjab was 3,916, up
connect to the Metro
nearing completion. Currently, 35 metres wide Anand Vihar Railway Station connect to the Metro) station long priority section will start by beingeffective.Withwindsfrom is also the highest single-day fire
the construction of the roof of the end of this month. the northwest carrying smoke count recorded so far this year.

BRIEFLY Centre versus Delhi govt on Residents of Chintels Paradiso society say
scuffleinJNU, services: Top court puts freeze their flats are not being valued correctly
New Delhi: A day after
on filing more pleadings EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE
Earlier this week, Gurgaon
deputy commissioner Nishant
ministration committee.
Rakesh Hooda, president of
ment based only on the registry,
while stamp duty, IDC and EDC,
JNU students were in- on recommendations of a report said, “We want the builder to re- ture on electricity supply should
jured in a scuffle on the Additional Solicitor General Iammentioningsothattheycan DAYSAFTERtheGurgaondistrict byIITDelhiandanenquirybythe constructthetowerswhichhave also be included in the calcula-
campus over a personal EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Sanjay Jail opposed the filing of have advance notice so that if magistrate passed an order di- district administration commit- beenaffectedandpayrenttillthe tion.Thesettlementcostneedsto
issue, two FIRS have been NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 the affidavit and it being men- they want to file, they may file”, recting the developer of Chintels tee, the tower with 17 floors and processiscomplete.Anothercon- reflect the current market value
registeredinthematterat tioned before the court. said Singhvi. Paradiso society in sector 109 to 64flatshadbeendeemedunsafe cern is regarding the settlement of plots in the area.” He said the
the Vasant Kunj North THE SUPREME Court Friday Calling it “an abuse of the The bench pointed to Jain’s permanently close the society’s forhabitation,andthatitwasnot of claims of flat owners. The evaluation should be re-exam-
police station. Both cases quizzed the Delhi government process”, Jain said: "Political statement that it was given to towerDsotheprocessofitsdem- technicallyandeconomicallyfea- methodologyofestimatesofflats ined from a reputable agency.
were filed under IPC sec- over a recent affidavit filed by slugfest has been converted into the press even before filing. olition can begin, residents met sible to repair it. He added that by independent evaluators is in- The deputy commissioner,
tions 323 (voluntary Deputy Chief Minister Manish an affidavit and shared with the Singhvihoweverdeniedthisand the deputy commissioner on two more towers – E and F – correctandbasedondepreciated Yadav, said a meeting was held
hurt) 324 (wrongful re- Sisodia before it in the case con- press before the filing when the said, "Today, anything filed is Fridaytodiscusstheprocessofre- where one of the balconies had replacementcost,whileproperty with residents and representa-
straint) and 34 (common cerning its dispute with the matter is already fixed for hear- known to the press… I have not settlement and compensation. saggedanddistressinfloorofflats rates have appreciated. Since we tives of the developer to discuss
intention). Centre over control of services ing on November 24. This affi- given a single copy. Your In february this year, two was reported, would be vacated. purchased the flats a decade ago, process of resettlement of resi-
in the national capital. The court davit says we should be asked Lordships know the press gets people had died when a portion Residents on Friday flagged the property rates have almost dents of tower D and issues re-
Murdercase refused to ask the Centre to file
its response as prayed for in the
to file our response within one
week… This cannot be dictated
copies everywhere.”
The CJI then said, "What we
of a sixth floor apartment in
tower D collapsed all the way to
errors in the value of flats esti-
mated by independent evalua-
doubled. For determining the
compensation for the flats, the
ers E and F and their subsequent
accusedjumps affidavit.
A bench presided by Chief
like this…”
The bench then told Singhvi
will do is this. We will not ask
them to file a reply. We will deal
the first floor. tors appointed by the district ad- evaluators have made an assess- resettlement.

todeathon Justice of India D Y that the issue before the with the Constitutional issue.

Chandrachud also put a freeze
on filing further pleadings,
law in regard to control over
Obviously underlying a consti-
tutional issue is a political is-
ED trying to prejudice the judge: AAP’s Jain to court
meaning that the parties to the services. sue… We are a democracy. At after both ED and Jain’s lawyers filed to “cause prejudice in the offence.“Youcanpunishtheper-
Gurgaon: A man, who case cannot file any further doc- “Nowwhateverishappening the same time we would like to EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE completed their rebuttals to the minds of my lords”. son for violation of tax provi-
was arrested for allegedly uments and affidavits till fur- ontheground,foryoutosaythat deal with the constitutional is- NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 bail plea. “Even if we take everything sions. You can’t punish under
murdering a 19-year-old ther orders. I am putting an affidavit, now sue…Wecanstepbackfromthe Senior advocate Rahul they say as gospel truth, where PMLA,” Hariharan submitted.
woman, jumped to death “What we will do is we will you ask them to respond…,” it actual arena of conflict and re- AAM AADMI Party leader Mehra, who appeared for Jain, is the violation?” Mehra told the HariharanarguedthattheED
from the sixth floor of now freeze all pleadings… We said. solve the issue…” Satyendar Jain’s lawyers told a addressed the allegations that court. was taking a notional basis for
district court in are not calling for the reply. Singhvi said: "The reason it Singhvi further said the con- Delhi court Friday that the the ED made pertaining to the “Every single convict must theircasewhichwasalientolaw
Faridabad Friday. “During Because otherwise people will was filed simply was when your text of a legal issue does not be- Enforcement Directorate’s (ED) abuse of power in jail. have nutritional value. He must and reiterated that “control was
court proceedings, he ran start filing affidavits until one Lordships say services, today come clear if the court does not allegations that he received a Mehra told the court, “There be givenabed.Itshouldbegiven never with me (Jain) as a minor-
out of court room and day before the hearing…”, the every bureaucrat is not sending see the effect of the issue. foot massage and fresh cut fruits is a jail manual which provides to each one of them. How is it ity shareholder”.
jumped... He was rushed CJI told senior advocate A M the file, answering my calls and But Justice Chandrachud in jail were made to prejudice for what can be done (and) can’t (ED affidavit) an argument of He told the court that it was
to a hospital, where he Singhvi, who appeared for the responding to me, that is the ef- pointed out, "You could have the judge’s mind during his bail bedone.NoprovisionwhichIvi- bail?” Mehra submitted. baffling that the 12 companies
was declared dead on ar- Delhi government as he sought fect of the interpretation said that actually without filing plea in an alleged money laun- olated. Let’s assume I violated SenioradvocateNHariharan, which provided accommoda-
rival,” said Faridabad po- to bring the fact of the filing of adopted by them.” an affidavit." dering case. something. There are ways to who also appeared on behalf of tion entries were not made ac-
lice spokesperson Sube the affidavit to the notice of the “That you can make your A five-judge constitution Special Judge Vikas Dhull deal with these things through Jain, told the court that the ED at cused. “Provision of accommo-
Singh. ENS court. point. No problem,” said the CJI. bench is scheduled to hear the said he will pronounce the order the jail manual.” He told the best has an income tax violation dation entries is not a scheduled
Appearing for the Centre, “I’m not asking to file a reply. matter on November 24. on the bail plea on November 16 court that the ED affidavit was case which was not a scheduled offence,” Hariharan submitted.


Springdales school founder, who oversaw leaps in education, dies at 99

Nancie Joyce Margaret Jones. him and arrived in Bombay. She shewasgoingtobeatallfigurein privateschoolsweremushroom- Theschoolshefoundedgrew well as Hindi and Sanskrit, along
SUKRITABARUAH During her time as a student at recalled the “precious posses- education.Shewasbusytending ing and government had a clam- andexpandedintofourschools– withperformingarts,indigenous
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 theLondonSchoolof Economics, sions” she carried with her in her tomyfather,whowasillwithtu- our for good schools. A lot of her in Pusa Road, Dhaula Kuan, culture, etc,” said Ameeta Wattal,
she met Yudister Kumar, a stu- journey in her memoir. “It con- berculosisatthattime,”saidJyoti ideasareonesputintopracticeby Jaipur and Dubai. former principal of Springdales
RAJNI KUMAR, who arrived in dentfromPunjab,andfellinlove. tained my collection of Western Bose, Kumar’s daughter and CBSEmanyyearslater.Forexam- “Shewasfarbeyondhertime. School, Pusa Road.
India at the age of 23 with a “big In her memoir, Against the classicalmusicrecords,mybooks, Director Springdales Schools. ple,theEWSschemewasmadea Shecameintotheeducationfield “In 1978, she started the
tin suitcase” and went on to pio- Wind: A Life’s Journey, she wrote, photographs and clothes, and a Her first foray into the field of partof theRighttoEducationAct just after Partition when we had model of bringing in poor chil-
neerseveralprogressivefeatures “No doubt the greatest event in pileofYudister’sletterswrittento educationwaswhen,attheageof in2008,whileshewasadmitting somestandardisedschoolscaught dren and giving them uniform
in Indian school education, my life was leaving England, the me after his return to India ex- 25,shewasinvitedtorunaschool students from economically upinthecolonialstructure—they and clothes. When the RTE Act
passed away at the age of 99 on country of my birth, to follow the plaining every possible detail of forchildrenof theIndianArmyin weakersectionsinthe1970s.She wereeithermissionaryschoolsor cameintobeingin2008,wewere
Thursday. stirringsof myheartandtomake Punjabi life and culture. Little did Kasauli. After this, she was the wasapioneerinestablishingties ‘indigenous’schools.Shebrought constantly used as a model for
She was best known as the my home in this wondrous and I know that a year later I would principalof Salwangirlsschoolin with other nations, in founding in a completely new wave of other schools on how to imple-
founder of Springdales schools fascinating country — India — losethemallwiththecommunal Delhi for a few years until she the National Progressive Schools learning.Thewholeideawashav- ment it. Because of the robust
and was awarded the Padma with the man I loved.” riots arising from the partition of started Springdales school in her Conference,inthequestionof in- ingholisticeducationwithnoex- progressiveprogrammeinplace,
Shri in 2011, among other hon- YudisterhadreturnedtoIndia India and the looting that took Rajni Kumar was awarded flat in East Patel Nagar in 1955 troducing community service in ams, international connections, childrenwhoseparentswereac-
ours and awards. and joined the left-wing move- place alongside,” she wrote. the Padma Shri in 2011. with 24 children and 3 teachers. school education — things that community development and so tivists, researchers and scientists
Rajni Kumar was born in mentoftheIndianfreedomstrug- “Little did she know that she Credit: Springdales Dubai “Shewasapioneerinpost-in- are today commonplace in pub- on.Foreignlanguagesweretaught wererubbingshoulderswithfirst
London in 1923 and was named gle.In1946,shedecidedtofollow was going to be a teacher or that dependence education, when lic education,” said Bose. —German, Russian,Spanish—as generation learners,” she added.

New Delhi

Andaman ex-chief secy remanded in police custody

polls, 14 countries PRESS TRUST OF INDIA
hended in the case.
probe allegations that the 21-
year-old woman in Andaman
ernment suspended him on

cite reasons to skip

PORT BLAIR, NOVEMBER 11 The police on Thursday had and Nicobar Islands was lured to The woman claimed in the LOHIA NAGAR BRANCH: PC Colony, Opp. Shalimar Sweet,
arrestedhimafterhispleaforan- the chief secretary’s home by FIR that she needed a job and Kankarbagh, Lohia Nagar, Patna. Web:
FORMER ANDAMAN & Nicobar ticipatory bail was rejected by a promisingagovernmentjoband was introduced by some people Email: [email protected]

anti-terror meet
Islands chief secretary Jitendra local court. After the arrest, then raped by top officials in- to the labour commissioner as POSSESSION NOTICE (for Movable & Immovable Property)
Narain was on Friday remanded Narain claimed that he was the cluding Narain there. he was close to the then chief [As per Appendix IV read with rule 8(1) of the Security Interest
(Enforcement) Rules, 2002]
in police custody till November victim of a conspiracy. The FIR was registered on secretary. She alleged that she Whereas,
14, in an alleged gang-rape case A special investigation team October 1 when Narain was was lured tothe chief secretary's The undersigned being the Authorised Officer of the Bank of Baroda under
the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement
filed by a 21-year-old woman (SIT) questioned Narain thricein postedasthechairmanandman- home withthe promiseof agov-
of Security Interest Act, 2002 and in exercise of powers conferred under
MAHENDER SINGH against him and others. connection with the case. aging director of the Delhi ernment job, and then raped section 13(12) read with Rule 3 of the Security Interest (Enforcement)
MANRAL The judgment was pro- The SIT was constituted to Financial Corporation. The gov- there on April 14 and May 1. Rules, 2002 issued a Demand Notice dated 23.05.2022, calling upon the
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 nounced by the chief judicial Borrower M/s Om Sai Jewellers, Proprietor: Mr. Gopal Prasad Verma
magistrate of Port Blair after he & Guarantor: Mrs. Sarswati Devi to repay the amount mentioned in the
notice being `10,71,830.91 (Rupees Ten lakh seventy one thousand
FOR GENERAL elections to the was produced in court. The po- eight hundred thirty and paise ninety one only) as on 18.05.2022 plus
FIFA-2022 World Cup to “other lice sought the senior IAS officer further interest & other charges w.e.f 19.05.2022 till date of payment within
commitments” – these are in remand to continue their 60 days from the date of receipt of the said notice.
amongreasonscitedby14coun- probe against him and other co- The Borrower having failed to repay the amount, notice is hereby given
to the Borrower and the Public in general that the undersigned has taken
tries,whichhaveexpressedtheir Home Minister Amit Shah possession of the property described herein below in exercise of powers
inability to participate in the No will be the chief guest at the conferred on him under sub-section (4) of section 13 of the Act read with
Money For Terror (NMFT) No Money For Terror Rule 8 of the Security Interest Enforcement Rules, 2002 on this the 9th day
Ministerial Conference, aninter- Ministerial Conference, of November of the year 2022.
The Borrower/Guarantors/Mortgagors in particular and the public
national meet on how to deal which begins on Nov18 in general is hereby cautioned not to deal with the property and any
with terror financing, scheduled dealings with the property/ies will be subject to the charge of Bank of
to be held in Delhi next week, it Baroda for an amount of being `10,71,830.91 (Rupees Ten lakh seventy
is learnt. ticipate after giving their legiti- one thousand eight hundred thirty and paise ninety one only) as
The third NMFT conference mate reason,” a source said. on 18.05.2022 plus further interest charges w.e.f 19.05.2022 till date of
on November 18-19 will be Sharing details, sources said The Borrower’s attention is invited to provision of sub-section (8) of section
hosted by the Ministry of Home Qatar expressed its inability to 13 of the Act, in respect of time available, to redeem the secured assets.
Affairs and attended by Union participate, citing the FIFA-2022 Description of the Immovable Property/ies charged to Bank of Baroda
Home Minister Amit Shah World Cup, which starts from All that part and parcel of the property consisting of EM of Land located at
Thana No.103, Tauzi No.12950, Khata No.77, S.Plot No.12(part), Mauza-
among others. November 20, while Malaysia Pabheri, P.S. Dhanarua, District-Patna, belongs to Mrs. Sarswati Devi,
“The first NMFT conference cited the general elections after W/o Sri Bakil Prasad Varma vide sale deed no.3099 dated 29.04.2014.
was held in Paris in 2018 and the its parliament was dissolved in Bounded: North-Binay Singh, South-Shobha Devi, East-Shatughan Singh,
second was held in Melbourne OctoberandIraqinformedthatit West-Abhay Singh.
in 2019. As per schedule, it was won't be able to participate as Date : 09.11.2022 Authorised Officer
Place : Patna Bank of Baroda
decided that India will host the new appointments were under
meet in 2020. But due to the process there.
Covid pandemic, the plan was Sources said the conference
changed. Now it will be held in will discuss several topics, in-
Delhi,” a senior official said. cluding global trends in terror-
Sources told The Indian ism and terrorist financing, use
Express that India invited 87 of formal and informal channels
countriesand26multilateralor- of funds for terrorism, emerging
ganisations for the event. While technologies and terrorist fi-
some countries are still sending nancing and international coop-
theirconfirmationto participate eration to address challenges in
inthemeet,somehaveinformed combating terrorist financing.
about their inability to attend it. Last month, the threat posed
“So far, around 50 countries by terror funding through cryp-
have confirmed their presence, tocurrency and the use of
and some of them have made Internet by terrorist outfits were
theirconfirmationbyassuringto among the key concerns raised
send a delegation with the min- at the UN Security Council’s
ister. Around 14 countries have Counter-Terrorism Committee
expressed their inability to par- meeting.


(Formerly University of Pune)
THE Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune is established and
incorporated at Pune (Maharashtra State) under the Poona University Act,
1948. The Jurisdiction of the University is extended over three districts i.e.
Pune, Nashik and Ahmednagar. The University was recognized under section
2(f) and 12(b) of UGC Act, 1956. There are 776 affiliated colleges out of
which 27 affiliated Colleges are for girls, 527 P.G. Centres, 30 Autonomous
Colleges, 176 Recognised Institutions, 79 Research Institutes and 20 Other
Institutes under the jurisdiction of this University and 45 University
Departments, 16 University Institutions are on the University Campus
imparting higher education, having more than 7 lakh students every year.
His Excellency Governor of Maharashtra alias Hon'ble Chancellor of this
University, has constituted a Search Committee to recommend names of
suitable persons for the consideration of the Chancellor for being appointed as
the Vice-Chancellor of the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. Said Search
Committee is inviting nominations/ applications from eminent academicians
who fulfill the qualifications and experience required for the post of Vice-
Chancellor as prescribed by the order dt. 27th May 2009 and willing to take on
this prestigious assignment. All the necessary details regarding essential
qualifications and experience, desirable experience, skills and competencies
and application format are available on the Website of
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
The prospective candidates/ applicants must provide detail chronological
resume, description of fulfilling the essential requirement and justifying there
competencies for the position of "Vice-Chancellor" in the context of the
specific skill and competencies to facilitate the Search Committee to judge
competency/ suitability of the Candidate in the format available on the
University Website in doc as well as pdf format along with two page
justification for your candidatures, two page vision statement for the
University and the names/ contact details of three distinguished individuals
well acquainted with his/ her work to the Nodal Officer along with supporting
documents on the belowmentioned e-mail id and through an online portal in
the prescribed format through proper channel and said application should not
be more than 10 (Ten) pages. The applicant must also enclose "No-Objection
Certificate" with the application form issued by the parent Department/
Organisation/ Institution and a certificate from the parent Department/
Organization/ Institution to the effect that "No Departmental Enquiry" is
proposed or pending against the candidate/ applicant in four hard copies as
well as soft copy (in case of large file(s), candidates may share it via google
drive link) to the Nodal Officer at the under noted address on or before dt. 14th
December, 2022 by 12.00 P.M. through post/ courier. Applications received
thereafter shall not be entertained.
Institutions may also nominate suitable candidate.
Any attempt by an applicant to influence or contact the Chairman or the
Member of the Committee shall be treated as a disqualification for the
To perform the task of the search committee, following person is
nominated as the Nodal Officer.
Name : Dr. Ashutosh Mishra, Nodal Officer, VC Search Committee
Address : Room No. 106, First Floor, Umang Bhawan, Chhatra Marg,
University of Delhi, (North Campus), New Delhi-110 007
E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]
Tel. No. : 9873558866
"Application for the post of Vice Chancellor, Savitribai Phule Pune
University, Pune" is to be super-cribed on the envelop in bold letters.
Search committee is not responsible for the postal delay. Advance copy
of the application/ nomination before the last date of application may be
submitted by e-mail and by an online portal. However, application will be
considered only after receipt of hard copy within 7 days of the application
If needed, short-listed candidates will be invited for personal interaction
with the search committee. However, mere fulfilling the requirements does not
give the right to the candidate to call for interaction.
Date : 12.11.2022 Chairman
Search Committee

New Delhi




‘What is 300 units free power?


today, all eyes ● ANALYSIS

on rebels and I tell voters, don’t fall for revdis’


voter turnout
“Be it any party, it is not the party, but the money that is running it. Only
someone who has crores of money, only they can run a party, otherwise no” TOYS, ACCESSORIES WORTH RS 64 CR

Many pluses
THE FATE of 412 candidates will
be decided when Himachal MLA: JAI RAM THAKUR Shankersinh Vaghela, 82, was
Pradesh votes on Saturday. A (CHIEF MINISTER, BJP) the last political leader to exper-

for Hardik, but

high-intensitycampaignbyboth iment with a third force in
the ruling BJP and the Congress CHET RAM THAKUR Gujarat, launching the Rashtriya
endedonThursday.Atotalof28.5 (CONGRESS) Janata Party (RJP) from a break-
lakhmalevoters,27lakhwomen awaygroupof BJPrebelsin1996.
HAROLI It went on to form the govern-

fissures in BJP
the third gender will decide MLA: MUKESH AGNIHOTRI ment under his chief minister-
whichpartywillformthegovern- (CONGRESS) ship, but could win only four
ment for the next five years. MAIN RIVAL: seats in the one election it con-
TheElectionCommissionhas RAM KUMAR (BJP) tested. Vaghela later merged his

a drawback
set up 7,881 polling stations party with the Congress, only to
across the 68 constituencies. In THEOG quit the party as Leader of
the2019GeneralElections,there MLA: RAKESH SINGHA Opposition in 2017. Vaghela is
wasa72.42percentvoterturnout CPI(M) nowbacktocampaigningforthe
across7,229pollingbooths,while MAIN RIVAL: Congress. Excerpts:
therewasa74.61percentturnout KULDEEP SINGH RATHORE Cong won Viramgam last two times
in the previous Vidhan Sabha (CONGRESS) You were the last political
elections,across7,521booths.The leader to launch a third front and community equations favour it
voting percentage in the 2017 NADAUN in Gujarat, but that did not
electionwasarecord,thehighest MLA: SUKHVINDER SINGH succeed, why?
since 2003. SUKHU (CONGRESS) Whoever has money and PARIMAL DABHI
With the maximum MAIN RIVAL: launches a party, those parties Vaghela says even by mistake BJP’s “shadow should not fall on the country”. Express GANDHINAGAR, NOVEMBER 11
Assemblyseatsat15,Kangradis- VIJAY AGNIHOTRI (BJP) work. Only (a combination of)
trict is crucial in deciding the money and manpower work. VIRAMGAM CONSTITUENCY in
outcomeof theelections.In2017, SHIMLA RURAL Sometimes it depends onthe in- spirit was national interest, not Congress votes because we (the parties, and if they don’t fulfill Ahmedabad district is now the
theBJPwon11of theseats,while MLA: VIKRAMADITYA dividual... There was the personal interest. But later, there Congress had backed the RJP their promises within five most-watched seat in Gujarat,
three went to the Congress and SINGH (CONGRESS) Mahagujarat Janata party, wasnothingtobefoughtfor,there government) were together in years, they should be out, so after the BJP nominated Patidar
another to anIndependent. MAIN RIVAL: Swatantra Party, theyran,buton was a contest between leaders, thegovernment.So,in thelarger that they don’t make such quota stir leader Hardik Patel as
There are 20 reserved seats, RAVI MEHTA (BJP) money power. even Gandhians. interest,Idecidedtomerge(with promises again. its candidate from here. At 28,
including Kinnaur and Lahaul- BeitAAPoranyparty,itisnot All this ideology, promises, the Congress). There is nothing free. What is Hardikistheyoungestcandidate Hardik Patel will be in his
Spiti. Lahaul was won by a BJP the party, but the money that is principles and policies are only this300unitsfreeelectricity(AAP so far named in the current elec- first electoral contest. Twitter
candidate, while Kinnaur had rebelsinover20seats,compared running it. Only someone who talk. Post-Independence there is What are the differences you promise)? Kisiki baap ki Diwali tions, and will be contesting his
gone the Congress's way. to the Congress, whose candi- has crores of money, only they nobody with any principles. see in electoral politics earlier hai? I tell Gujarat and the coun- first election.
Chief MinisterJaiRamThakur dates face rebels in seven. In an can run a party, otherwise no. Power politics is the only policy and now? try’s voters, don’t fall for revdis. The BJP has picked Hardik GUJARAT 2017
is contesting from Mandi's Seraj, election expected to go to the and principle. Then,aVidhanSabhaelection over several party veterans as
against the Congress’s Chet Ram wires with low margins,rebels So you’re saying they (AAP) was fought with Rs 5,000 and a What is your role in the polls? well as his aides who were also
Thakur.Inthe2017elections,the may hold the key. have that kind of money? What was your experience Lok Sabha poll with Rs 15,000. In The party I know, that is the in contention for the seat. While
BJP's CM face, Prem Kumar The EC focused on its “No Paisa only runs, nothing else with the party you launched? 1977,IgotRs5lakh(aspartyfund) BJP, I know the Congress too ... Hardik has several things going
Dhumal, had lost from Voter to be LeftBehind”policy to does. The difference between The RJP faced the same issue. and we fought three seats -- frommyownexperience,aparty for him, being a native of
Hamirpur's Sujanpur, which led ensure a high voter turnout. Indianpoliticsbetween1947and The workers would ask for Kutch, Rajkot and Kapadvanj. I has a constitution. No party tells Viramgam and having led the Viramgam
to Thakur's elevation as CM. In 2017, the BJP won 44 seats 1952 (when the first elections money,fuel...YoushouldhaveRs spent Rs 1.10 lakh from the party peopleinitsmanifestothatIwill Patidar agitation, the in-house
Close fights were witnessed while the Congress managed to were held) and after, is that after 500-1,000 crore, only then can fund.Ihadgonestraightfromthe finishyou...Everybodysaysletus disgruntled leaders may pull
inKinnaur,wheretheCongress’s secure21.RakeshSinghawasthe Independence, those who en- you run (a party)... You need a jail (where he was imprisoned come to power and we will lay him down. Several had opposed Congress BJP
Jagat Singh Negi won by a mar- lone CPI(M) winner, bagging teredpolitics,theywereoneswho minimumof Rs100croreayear... duringtheEmergency)tofilemy your roofs with tiles of gold. But giving a ticket to Hardik, who 76,176 69,630
ginof 120votes,whiletheparty's Theog, which will again witness had got beaten up, left their That kind of money was not nomination. look at who is steering the party, crossed over from the Congress (41.25%) (37.71%)
Inder Dutt Lakhanpal defeated a triangular contest between homes, parents, for a national there, and that was one reason Today, parties are cheating thatisimportant.AsfortheBJP... only in May.
the BJP’s Baldev Sharma by 439 Congress rebel Indu Verma, for- cause. Maybe they heeded a call fordisbanding.Second,if the RJP by way of election manifestos. even by mistake its shadow Besides, the Congress has
votes in Hamirpur’s Barsar. merHPCCchief KuldeepRathore from Gandhiji, Sardarsaheb had remained, it would have The Election Commission should not fall on the country, won the seat the past two times.
AchallengefortheBJPwillbe and Singha. (Patel), Nehruji or Ambedkar, the benefited the BJP by splitting should seek an account from and certainly not on Gujarat. In 2012, its Tejashreeben Patel VOTES
had defeated local BJP veteran POLLED

‘Sanskari workers’: Dropped BJP MLAs honoured

Pragjibhai Patel by 16,983 votes.
Later,Tejashreebenhadchanged WINNER:
her loyalty to the BJP and was Bharwad Lakhabhai
fieldedbythepartyfromtheseat Bhikhabhai (CONGRESS)
in 2017. That time too, the
Mansukh Mandaviya hails the MLAs people... Systems have been cre-
Congress–helpedbythe Patidar
anger against the BJP – had won, Dilipkumar Patel (BJP)
for not reflecting resentment “in any ersintobelievingthattheorgan- its candidate Bharwad
isation is larger than the LakhabhaiBhikhabhaidefeating
gesture”; Vijay Rupani says party has individual, and the country is Tejashreeben Dilipkumar Patel , However, Hardik has a point
moreimportantthanthatorgan- though by 6,548 votes. Before toproveinhisfirstelection.Since
progressed with change isation... The manner in which 2012 though, the BJP had won his successful role in the Patidar
we four (sitting MLAs) are talk- Viramgam in 1995 (when the quota,theyoungleaderhasbeen
tences, words, language and ing is evidence of there being no party started its unbroken reign struggling to find his feet, first
GOPAL KATESHIYA toneshowtheirsanskar (virtue). groupism," he said. in the state), 2002 and 2007. drifting to the Congress, then
RAJKOT, NOVEMBER 11 Theysay,‘If notI,thenmyworker Saying that Gujarat was Of the 3 lakh-odd voters in complaining about being side-
is a candidate and we will make “proud” of the BJP because of Viramgam, Thakors at 1 lakh are lined in the party, later crossing
WITH ALL the four sitting MLAs that worker victorious,” workers such as the four MLAs, the biggest group, followed by to the BJP and not making much
from Rajkot who won't be con- Mandaviya said. Mandaviya added that the ap- around 38,000 Patidars, 28,000 of a mark in the party either.
testingelectionsthistimeseated While sitting MLA from proaching Assembly elections Dalits, and over 22,000 Muslim Lately,withelectionscoming
with him on the dais, Union Rajkot (West) Vijay Rupani, who come at a time when Prime voters.The Congress is yet to an- near, Hardik had been preparing
Health Minister and senior wasremovedaschief ministerin All four MLAs of the ruling party who are not contesting present on BJP stage Friday. Express MinisterNarendraModiiscreat- nounce its candidate, though it thegroundinViramgam,spend-
Gujarat BJP leader Mansukh an overnight decision last year, ing a “Naya Bharat (New India)”. is likely to repeat sitting MLA ing most of his time in the seat
Mandaviya Friday said this bowedoutof thecontest,theBJP Meanwhile, former MLAs Lakhabhai Bharwad, who is well and carrying out various activi-
showedthattheBJPwasa“party has denied tickets to its sitting ilarly eased out and was, till last (South); and former MLA Bhanu skar, spirit have always been ev- Dinesh Patel and Harshad liked. The equations in the seat, ties through a voluntary organi-
with a difference”. Rajkot (East) MLA and Minister year, the Governor of Karnataka. Babariya from Rajkot (Rural) — ident among workers of the Vasava, and incumbent at least on paper, are favourable sation run by his wife Kinjal.
“Numerous workers from of State for Transport Arvind After the meeting, the re- filed their nomination papers. Bharatiya Janata Party.” Waghodia legislator Madhu towards the Congress . After getting the BJP ticket,
this city would have sought a Raiyani, Rajkot (South) MLA placements for the sitting MLAs Mandaviya said that despite Rupani, who also addressed Shrivastava have filed nomina- The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Hardikannouncedthat,ifelected,
ticket, and many have not got it. Govind Patel, and Rajkot (Rural) — Darshita Shah, Rajkot deputy being denied a ticket, BJP work- the meeting, said the BJP has tion papers as Independents af- has declared Kunvarji Thakor as he would donate his MLA salary
Only four workers have got tick- MLA Lakhabhai Sagathiya. mayor, from Rajkot (West); for- ers like the four Rajkot MLAs progressed by giving leadership ter they were denied tickets. its candidate, and will be count- to cattle pounds and women's
ets.EvensomesittingMLAshave Also seated on the dais was mer mayor Uday Kangad from “share the stage and declare that roles to new people. “It has been Patel will contest from Padra ing on taking away some of the welfare organisations, and work
not got tickets. But I observe that VajubhaiVala,aformerlegislator Rajkot (East); industrialist this is my worker and we will a tradition of the BJP in Rajkot to while Vasava will be in the fray Muslim vote apart from that of towards Viramgam being de-
their facial lines, speech, sen- fromRajkot(West)whowassim- Ramesh Tilara from Rajkot make him victorious”. “This san- assign responsibilities to new from Nandod. the Thakors. clared a district.


● Gopal Italia’s roadshow
Aboard Vande Bharat, doors constituency. Earphones
fore conveying his support for

open for PM Modi’s message

the BJP too. “Our BJP candidate
Satpal Singh Satti lost last time,
but he was the one who did de-
velopment work in our locality.
The train is a hit and so is Narendra Modi; the BJP and CM Congress candidate Satpal Singh
Raizada made an appearance
Jai Ram Thakur, though, come in for some criticism only recently,” says Bhardwaj.
Satpal Saini, 70, and Pawan
RAJESH CHANDER di train aa gayi, Modi di train aa trialist from Dharamshala, is on discussion. Saini is from Ajnouli
SHARMA gayi (Modi's train has come, his way to New Delhi from Amb village in Kutlehar constituency.
UNA, NOVEMBER 11 Modi'strainhascome).”Thenhe Andaura with his wife Nisha, 54. He is a village pradhan and a BJP
adds an afternoon afterthought: Kashyap believes the BJP will supporter. But he is not happy
ITCHUGGEDindaysaheadofthe “I have to go to Anandpur Sahib, win three-four seats in his part The crew of the Vande Bharat train that runs between Amb with BJP candidate Virender
HimachalPradeshAssemblyelec- but this is an expensive train.” of Kangra district. Andaura in Himachal and New Delhi. Rajesh Chander Sharma Kanwar, who is a minister in the
tions, inaugurated by Prime Anandpur Sahib is one of the He also completely agrees Jai Ram Thakur government.
Twitter Minister Narendra Modi himself. four halts of the train, the others with the BJP's poll slogan of Sharma,abusinessmanfrom
Ahead of filing his nomination from Surat’s Katargam Almost a month later, the Amb being Una, Chandigarh and “double-engine government”, wants to convey his plight to steps from such a low surface. Baganal village in Chintpurni
constituency, Aam Aadmi Party's Gujarat unit president Andaura-NewDelhiVandeBharat Ambala. addingthatdevelopmentwillbe Railway Minister Ashwini The platform is open, it should constituency,saysheisconfused
Gopal Italia tweeted, “It is a very new and exciting Express is not short of either pas- Inside, the train has been stalled if some other party Vaishnaw.“Althoughanewplat- be covered as well,” he says. about which party will win.
experience for me. I pray that all of my friends, well- sengers or political debates. given a local touch with all the comes to power in Himachal. “I formhasbeenconstructedatthe Baba is all praise for the train As Saini and Sharma target
wishers and elders bless me on this historic day of my Asthetrainpullsinat1.18pm staff,fromthetravellingticketex- willvotefortheBJPonlybecause Una railway station, the height itself. “It’s a time-saving train.” Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, a
life." Later, Italia held a roadshow along with party leader on November 8, a Tuesday, four aminertootherRailwayemploy- of Modi,” Kashyap adds. of the existing platform should Saksham Bhardwaj, 23, em- defencepersonnel,fromNagrota
and Rajya Sabha MP Raghav Chadha. daystogoforvoting,onepassen- ees, sporting the Himachali cap. Subhash Chander Baba, a be increased. For people like me, ployed at an IT firm, belongs to Bagwan, jumps in, calling him
ger shouts out to another: “Modi AshokKashyap,62,anindus- seniorcitizenfromDelhi,sayshe it is difficult to climb the train Basdehra village in Una Sadar "useless and ineffective”.

New Delhi




Raut: Political rift
‘Conflictstoclimate,Mahatma’s to blame for losing
ideasanswertoallchallenges’ projects to Gujarat
calls on PM in EVEN AS Maha Vikas Aghadi Shiv Sena
on Friday said the ideas of Visakhapatnam (MVA) leaders have blamed the
current government led by Chief
Mahatma Gandhi have answers Minister Eknath Shinde and Sanjay Raut
for modern day challenges, in- DeputyCMDevendraFadnavisfor
cluding climate crisis, and as- ENS & PTI thestatelosingoutonmegaproj-
serted his government was in- HYDERABAD, ectsoverthelastfewmonths,Shiv
GOING TO PEOPLE spiredbyGandhitoworktowards VISAKHAPATNAM, NOV 11 Sena (UBT) spokesperson Sanjay RESPOND TO ED PLEA
BSP MP Malook Nagar, who represents Bijnor seat, has found a
its self-reliance goal of
“Atmanirbhar Bharat”. ACTOR AND Jana Sena Party
unique way to connect with the electorate in his constituency. Inhisaddressatthe36thcon- president K Pawan Kalyan met wasresponsiblefortheloss. Mumbai: The Bombay High
Nagar has written an open letter to the people of his con- vocationoftheGandhigramRural Prime Minister Narendra Modi The announcement of CourtonFridayadjournedthe
stituency, seeking their suggestions to raise issues in Lok Sabha Institutehere,thePrimeMinister here on Friday with the actor- Vedanta-Foxconn'ssemi-conduc- hearing of a plea against bail
during the ensuing winter session of Parliament. “The 10th ses- said“Gandhianvaluesarebecom- cum-politician predicting "good tor plant in September and Tata- toSanjayRautandhisalleged
sion of the 17th Lok Sabha is expected to commence from the ing very relevant”. days for Andhra Pradesh in fu- Airbus aircraft manufacturing fa- associate,businessmanPravin
last week of this next month and, as per the parliamentary sys- “Whether it is about ending Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Tamil Nadu Chief ture" after the interaction. cilityinOctoberinGujarathadleft Raut, in a money laundering
tem, notices to ask questions have been uploaded online 15 conflicts or the climate crisis, Minister M K Stalin during the 36th convocation of The meeting between Modi the state government red-faced case, and scheduled the next
days in advance. Therefore, I need your help to raise the issues, MahatmaGandhi'sideashavethe Gandhigram Rural Institute, in Dindigul district, Friday. PTI and Kalyan during the Prime andgiventheOpposition parties, hearingforNovember25.The
which are in public interest, country’s interest and your inter- answers to many of today's chal- Minister'svisittoAndhraPradesh including the Shiv Sena, the courthasaskedRauttofilean
est,” Nagar wrote in the letter. Along with the letter, which he lenges. As students of the assumes significance amid the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) affidavitinreplytotheEDap-
has shared on WhatsApp, a 243-page document has been at- Gandhian way of life, you have a HenotedthatTamilNaduwas sics”. "Today, even the benefits of current political scenario in the andtheCongress,ammototarget plication,seekingcancellation
tached. It contains details of the 496 issues – including ques- great opportunity to make a big a key centre of the Swadeshi scienceandtechnologyarereach- state.JanaSenaisanallyoftheBJP the ruling alliance. of bail granted to him in the
tions – raised by him in the House till date. impact,"hesaid,adding:“Thebest movement and that it will once ing the villages. Six lakh kilome- in state. "I met him after a gap of “Theprojectshavegoneoutof fraudcaselinkedtoaredevel-
tribute to Mahatma Gandhi is to againplayanimportantroleinthe tresofopticfibrecableshavebeen over eight years. He enquired the state because of the political opment project in the north-
work on ideas close to his heart.” “Atmanirbharta” movement. laid to connect nearly two lakh about Andhra and I told him riftbetweenvariouspoliticalpar- ern suburbs of Mumbai. ENS
BEHIND SCHEDULE The Mahatma saw khadi as a
"tool of self-governance" in vil-
whatever I knew," Kalyan said.
Modi, who arrived in
THEELECTIONseason,itappears,isdelayingtheWinterSession lages and inspired by him, the time preferred the values of rural net data,” he pointed out. Visakhapatnam on Friday advantage of thesame, which led projects are slipping out of the
of Parliament. The session, which usually begins in the third or Centre was working towards the life to be conserved, Modi said. Holdingthatsustainableagri- evening to inaugurate several tolossforMaharashtra,”saidRaut, state), for the benefit of
fourthweekof November,isnowlikelytobegininthefirstweek country's 'Atmarnibharta', the “Our vision is Atma gaaon ki, culture is crucial for the future of development projects on a member of Parliament, while Maharashtra, all parties should
of December, sources said. The reason: leaders of both the rul- Prime Minister pointed out. suvidha shaher ki (soul of the vil- ruralareas,Modisaidthereisgreat Saturday, held a rousing road- speaking to The Indian Express. come together and raise the
ing BJP and Opposition Congress would be busy with Assembly “Khadihadbeenneglectedfor lage,facilitiesofthecity),”hesaid. enthusiasm for natural farming, show from Maruti Junction to Raut was released on bail on voice as a state by keeping their
elections in Gujarat. As the Winter Session is expected to con- alongtime.Butthroughthecallof “It is fine for urban and rural and for chemical-free faming. It Naval Dockyard. Wednesday after spending three differences aside. Instead of say-
clude just before Christmas, it is likely to be a short one as well. 'fromkhadifornationtokhadifor areastobedifferent.Differenceis reduces the country's depend- On Saturday, Modi will virtu- monthsinthejail. ing that it happened because of
Also, the session will be conducted in the old building, and not fashion',ithasbecomeverypopu- fine, disparity is not. For a long enceonfertiliserimports.Itisalso ally inaugurate a slew of Central He said all parties should previousgovernmentorthecur-
in the new Parliament House building, as it was previously lar, and has shown a 300 per cent time, inequality between urban good for soil health and human projectsjointlywiththestategov- come together for the benefit of rent one, we should all come to-
claimed. Work is not yet complete in the new building to hold increaseinsalesoverthelasteight andruralareasremained.Butto- health. On renewable energy, he ernment,beforeaddressingapub- thestate.“Atthistime(whenthe gether and face it.”
the session, the sources said. years,” he said. The Khadi and day,thenationiscorrectingthis," saidsolarenergy'sinstalledcapac- lic meeting at Andhra University

NCP MLA held for

Village Industries Commission Modi said and listed out his gov- ity has increased almost 20-fold EngineeringCollegegrounds.
MINISTER’S SEAT (KVIC) has had a record turnover
of Rs1lakhcrorelastyear.
ernment's efforts towards rural
development. This included tap
in the last eight years. If solar en-
ergy becomes widespread in vil-
Earlier today, Governor
TOPOFFICIALSof theAgricultureMinistry,includingAgriculture “Now, even global fashion watercoveragetosixcrorehomes lages, India can become sell-re- CM Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy re-
Secretary Manoj Ahuja, were in Madhya Pradesh on Friday. The
occasion was the inauguration of a three-day “mega agricul-
tural fair and exhibition” at Morena, which is the parliamen-
taryconstituencyof AgricultureMinisterNarendraSinghTomar.
of mass production. This is a rev-
has been revolutionised through
liant in energy too, he added.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M
K Stalin focused on the need for
education and highlighted the
ceived the Prime Minister at the
Visakhapatnam airport. On
Saturday, the PM will arrive
around 10 am to address a pub-
halting movie show
The event, which is being organised by Tomar’s ministry in col- olution of production by the Swachch Bharat “but we are not variousinitiativesinthesector,in- lic meeting and return to New EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
laboration with the MP government, was inaugurated by Chief masses," the Prime Minister said. stoppingatjustdeliveringtheba- cluding reservation benefits. Delhi at noon. MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 11
Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan.

Aaditya joins Rahul in Nanded,

THE THANE police on Friday ar-
Relief for Hardik, restedNationalistCongressParty
MLAandformerCabinetMinister Jitendra

In Cong’s new list, HC allows him to Jitendra Awhad in connection Awhad

enter Mehsana says ‘walking for democracy’ withanFIRregisteredagainsthim

on Tuesday for forcibly shutting

turncoat Rajyaguru EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE

condemned "extremism on ei-
down the screening of Marathi
tionorappearmyself astheyhad
to serve me with a notice... DCP

in fray from Rajkot THE GUJARAT High Court Friday

granted temporary relaxation of

FORMER STATE Cabinet minis-

lawyers and former judges dur-
ing the day. "We could have de-
feated the BJP if it was a battle of
mall. A police officer confirmed
that eight people, excluding
Awhad, were arrested.
anything and based on orders
Assembly between 2012 and a bail condition to Viramgam BJP ter Aaditya Thackeray joined the the parties, but with all the insti- Awhadinapostonsocialme- ready to fight... I will not admit to
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE 2017, having declared assets candidateHardikPatelthatbarred Bharat Jodo Yatra’s Maharashtra tutions being hijacked by the diasaid,“Todayafternoonaround a crime I have not committed.”
AHMEDABAD, RAJKOT, worthmorethanRs120crore.He him from entering the limits of leg Friday, walking along with government, it has become a 1 pm I received a call from the At night, he was taken to
NOVEMBER 11 had changed his constituency to Mehsana. The court of Justice SH Congress leader Rahul Gandhi battleof ideologies.Wecan’trely Vartak Nagar police station sen- Thane Civil Hospital for medical
challengethethenchief minister Vora granted the relaxation for a from Nanded to Hingoli. This on the judiciary to protect the ior inspector, who asked me to check-upandhewillbeproduced
THE CONGRESS Friday an- Vijay Rupani from Rajkot (west) year until November 2023. comes a day after Nationalist Constitution and its values be- send someone to the police sta- before the court on Saturday.
nounced names of 53 of its can- in the 2017 Assembly elections Hardik had submitted that Congress Party (NCP) leaders cause it has been captured,” said

EC: Record seizures

didates, including former MLA but had lost to the BJP leader. when the bail condition was im- joinedtheyatraandisbeingseen Rahul while addressing them.
Indranil Rajyaguru, who re- Months later, he had quit posedthetrialwaspendingbefore as an attempt to highlight the Rahul and other senior lead-
turned from the Aam Aadmi Congressin2018onlytoreturnto thecourtforriotingandarsonina unity of the Maha Vikas Aghadi ers also paid floral tributes to P
Party earlier this month and will thepartyearlythisyear.Congress 2015FIRrelatedtothePatidarag- (MVA) coalition ahead of the Ganesan, a yatri from Tamil
now contest from Rajkot East.
So far, the Congress has
appointed him as general secre-
unit in March this year.
coming local body polls in the
Nadu who lost his life in a road
accident on Thursday.
Earlier Friday, Congress
since polls declared
fortheAssemblyelections But two weeks later, courtinthecase. tra on Twitter, Thackeray said, leaderKanhaiyaKumarsaidthat 71.88crorewithindaysof thean-
which include 21 sitting Rajyaguru joined AAP However, the HC, in August "Walkingforourdemocracyand the party was taking along the EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE nouncementof polls.In2017,the
MLAsalthoughitdropped whichmadehimitsna- 2018, suspended the sentence. constitution”. yatra“allthosewhostandunited NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 total seizures were worth Rs
one MLA from the tribal tional joint secretary. Currently, his appeal against the The MVA government was to save the constitution and 27.21 crore, the EC said.
reserved seat of Nandod, However, he quit conviction remains pending be- formed in November 2019. The democracy in the country”. THE ELECTION Commission on “Though these are early days
theconstituencyinwhich DECISION AAP and returned to fore the HC. In April, the Supreme alliancefacedaseriesof setbacks He added: "The country is Friday said seizures of cash, after polls were announced in
the Statue of Unity in 2022 Congressforthesecond Court suspended the conviction sincetherebellionledbyincum- facing problems of inflation, un- liquor, drugs, precious metals Gujarat,activitybypolicehasled
Kevadia is located. GUJARAT time on November 4. order. Hardik also submitted bent CM Eknath Shinde in July. Congress leader Rahul employment and communal and other freebies ahead of the to seizure of around 1.10 lakh
Premsinh Vasava, This time, the through his advocate Rafik Shinde’s rebellion split the Shiv Gandhi with Aaditya disharmony. Instead of address- Gujarat Assembly elections had litres of liquor valued at Rs 3.86
MLAfromNandod willbethesec- CongresswillnotonlyfighttheBJP, Lokhandwala that he is a BJP Sena into two factions, one of Thackeray in Nanded on ing these problems, the govern- already reached record levels, crore. DRI also reported massive
ondtriballegislatortobedropped butalsothe BharatiyaTribalParty memberandhasbeengivencan- which is led by former CM Friday. Alok Deshpande ment is busy capturing power with the Directorate of Revenue seizureamountingtoRs64crore
after Bhavesh Katara from Jhalod and the AAP, on its ST reserved didature by the BJP to contest the Uddhav Thackeray. The yatra is by spreading hatred amongst Intelligencedetectingsmuggling of toys and accessories which
seat.KatarahadjoinedtheBJPon seats. The second list announced Assemblyelections,andwillbere- now emerging as a platform for citizens. We stand against this of toys and accessories worth Rs were being smuggled by way of
Thursday, after he was replaced. postmidnightThursdaycontained quired to travel frequently across theMVAtoputupaunited front. while he would not be taking and all those who support our 64 crore at Mundra port. mis-declaration and by resort-
The Congress announced alistof46candidates,whileathird Gujarat, including Mehsana, for On Thursday, NCP state presi- part, his son, Aaditya, would stance are coming out to walk The commission also said ing to concealment in import
ticketforRajyagurutocontestpolls listofadditionalsevencandidates "campaigningandfulfillingthepo- dent Jayant Patil, Lok Sabha MP walk along with Rahul. with us.” thatseizuresof freebiesaheadof cargo at Mundra Port. Two per-
from Rajkot East, the seat from wasannouncedonFridayevening. liticalobligationcastuponhim." Supriya Sule and MLA Jitendra On the 65th day of the yatra, At one point in his speech, Saturday’sAssemblyelections in sons have been arrested and in-
wherehehadfoughtandwonhis TheCongresshasalso fielded Itwasalsosubmittedthatthe Awhad also joined the march. which coincided with Maulana Kanhaiya quipped that “while HimachalPradeshhadincreased vestigation is underway,” an EC
maidenAssemblyelectionin2012. four Muslim candidates, includ- temple of Umiya Mataji is in Initially, the Uddhav Azad Jayanti, Gandhi met a dele- the youth in the country was five-fold compared to 2017. statement said.
TheCongressnominationfor ing MLA Mohammed Javed Mehsana's Unjha and due to the Thackeray-led Sena faction was gationof minoritycommunities. searching for jobs, only the son In Gujarat, where elections Authorities in Himachal
the mercurial politician comes Pirzada from Wankaner. "harsh condition" of the bail, silent on whether it would join In a statement released later, of the Union Home Minister are scheduled on December 1 made seizures worth Rs 50.28
just a week after he returned to FULL REPORT ON Hardikhasbeen"unabletoattend theyatra.However,onThursday, Gandhi described “mob lynch- (Amit Shah) was getting jobs at and December 5, the EC said the crore in total, of which Rs 17.18
party. He was the richest MLA in social and religious functions." the former CM announced that ing as organised murder" and the BCCI”. seizures had already reached Rs crore was in cash.


Where Ashok Gehlot, Vasundhara Raje stand shoulder to shoulder

Shekhawat stands in a black month.Theideabehindthemu- know about parliamentary aweekday.Themuseumisaproj-

HAMZA KHAN Nehrujacket,hisarmsbehindhim seum is to notonly serve as a po-

For ‘unsung democracy, as well as the ect by Jaipur Smart City Limited
JAIPUR, NOVEMBER 11 and lips indicating a subtle smile, litical archive, but also connect changes and progress in it. and has been developed over an
while former Assembly Speaker peoplewiththepolity,legislation political “Iftheydon’thaveinformation areaof26,000squarefeetatacost
DRESSEDINablackJodhpuricoat, Parasram Maderna stands with and major events of Rajasthan, ● narratives’ about it, I believe that they won’t of Rs15.62crorebyAhmedabad-
his chest pushing out, left arm his hands clasped before him. whilebringingthemface-to-face beabletoeffectivelyplaytheirrole based Vama Communications
halfway in the air and his head And if not for this museum, with the tallest leaders of the THE INTERACTIVE mu- as citizens within the parliamen- Private Limited, which will also
gentlytilted,thesiliconestatueof soon to be thrown open to the state through their statues. seum seeks to highlight tarydemocracy.Hencewegotthis operate and maintain it for a pe-
Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, al- public, many may never know Incorporating technical me- “unsung political narra- museum constructed,” he said. riod of five years.
most accurately, presents him in that former CM Hari Dev Joshi dia and sculptures, it also seeks tives of Rajasthan through “And since we want the new The highlights of the mu-
the middle of his unique gait. attained political heights with a to “immortalise the contribu- 30 immersive galleries”. It generation to know about it, the seum are the silicone structures
Afewmetersaway,formerCM single arm, or about Bhagat tionsof Rajasthan’sgreatleaders employs 3D projection entry to the museum will be free of state's 13 chief ministers,
Vasundhara Raje stands with her Movementandtheeventsof far- and political heroes.” mapping, animated dio- for children for a month, begin- along with their politicaland life
hands folded and draped in a away Mangarh Dham through a On Friday, Assembly Speaker rama, interactive kiosks, ning November 14,” Joshi said. story, apart from the statues of
brightyellowLeheriyasaree,sim- fibre installation. CPJoshiunderscoredtheimpor- hologram, virtual reality, Subsequently, the museum will all Assembly Speakers till date.
ilar to the ones often worn by the Inaugurated by then CJI N V tance of the museum, housed talk-back studio, on- be thrown open to the public for Apart from Raje, former
real Raje. And not very far away, Ramana this July, the ‘Museum within the Assembly premises A silicone statue of Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot screen films, mechanised which the entry fee and rules are Assembly Speaker Sumitra
former Rajasthan CM and Vice on Political Narratives’ will be and spread over two floors. Joshi inside the museum. Rohit Jain Paras art to convey messages. stillbeingfinalised.Itwillbeopen Singh is the only other woman
President Bhairon Singh thrown open to the public next said the new generation should onweekendsandwillbeshuton among the statues.

New Delhi

Dalit girl found

dead at home, Gyanvapi: SC extends order
securing site of Shivling claim
police file FIR
for rape-murder
LUCKNOW, NOVEMBER 11 Narasimha ordered. Act”anddeclinedtostayproceed- themaintainabilityof thesuitby
ANANTHAKRISHNAN G Hearing a petition by five ings before the Varanasi court. the Hindu petitioners.
AN 18-YEAR-OLD Dalit girl was NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 Hindu women seeking the right It asked the District TheMay17orderwastocon-
founddeadinherhomeinUnnao to worship at Maa Shringar Magistrate to secure the area tinue for eight weeks from the
on Thursday afternoon with in- THE SUPREME Court Friday ex- Gauri Sthal, on the outer wall of wherethe‘Shivling’wasclaimed date on which the District Court
juriesinherprivatepartsandsome tended its interim direction se- the mosque complex, a Varanasi to have been found, without im- decides the question of main-
ofherclothesremoved,policesaid. curing the area in the Gyanvapi court had on April 8 appointed peding or restricting the rights tainability of the suit filed by the
According to police, the body complex in Varanasi where a an Advocate Commissioner to of Muslims to access and offer Hindu women devotees.
was found by her younger sister ‘Shivling’ was claimed to have carry out an inspection of the namaz at the mosque. On September 12, the District
and brother when they returned been found during a video- site, “preparevideographyof the Taking into account the Courtsaidthatthesuitseekingthe
home from school. The girls' par- graphic survey of the mosque action”, and submit a report. “complexity of the issues in- right to worship inside the
ents – the father works in a gov- area without impeding or re- The mosque committee had volved in the civil suit...and their Gyanvapimosqueismaintainable.
ernmentschoolandthemotherat strictingthe rights of Muslims to challenged this before the sensitivity”, the top court trans- With that period set to run
acommunitycentre–werenotat access and offer namaz at the Allahabad High Court, which ferred the proceedings pending out on November 12, the Hindu
home at the time of the incident.
Based on the family's complaint,
two neighbours, a Dalit man and
mosque till further orders.
“We direct that pending fur-
ther orders, the interim order
the Supreme Court.
before the Civil Judge (Senior
Judge, Varanasi, for “trial and all
side approached the SC, seeking
side told the bench that no reply
awoman,havebeenbooked dated May 17 as extended on HearingitinMaythisyear,the interlocutory and ancillary pro- had yet been filed on its appeal. A waterlogged road in Chennai following heavy rainfall in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry on
The FIR has been filed under May 20 shall continue to remain Supreme Court, however, said ceedings”. The bench also asked Senior Advocate Ranjit Friday. The IMD said rainfall is expected to continue till November 13 in some areas of the
IPC sections 376-A (person com- in operation," a bench of Chief that “ascertainment of the reli- the District Court to first decide Kumar, appearing for the Hindu state. Schools and colleges were closed in 23 districts because of the heavy shower. but flight
mitting rape and inflicting injury, Justiceof IndiaDYChandrachud gious character of a place is not the application filed by the side, assured that he would file operations were not affected. PTI
which causes death) and 302 and Justices Surya Kant and P S barredby...the(PlacesofWorship) mosquecommittee,challenging a response in three weeks.
(murder). No one has been ar-

2 minors among 3 arrested for

her private parts... The post-
mortem report stated that death
Suspected Jaish militant killed in
rhage,” Additional SP Shashi
“We are sure that the two
encounter in J&K’s Shopian: Cops Dera man’s murder in Punjab
namedintheFIRwereinvolvedin civiliancasualtyorinjury,thejoint According to police, Kamran was an old associate of Bishnoi, Brar
thecrime.Theywerejealousofour EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE teamevacuatedteachersandstu- activeinKulgam-Shopianareaand EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE andKalaJathedi.Thetwojuveniles Siddhaanth Vir Surryavanshi
family,”saidheryoungerbrother. SRINAGAR, NOVEMBER 11 dents from nearby madrasa to “wastryingtoreviveterrorfoldsof NEW DELHI, LUDHIANA, were connected to Brar via Ankit
saferplaces,”Policesaid. JeMterroroutfitbyrecruitingand NOVEMBER 11 Sirsa, also an accused in
ONE FOREIGN militant was In the ensuing encounter, motivating youth to join terror Moosewala's murder who was Actor Siddhaanth
killedinanencounterinJammu which took place in Kapren, one foldsbesides,planningtoexecute THE DELHI Police special cell earlierarrestedbythespecialcell."
and Kashmir’s Shopian on foreign terrorist identified as terrorattacks”. Fridayapprehendedthreeindivid- TheDCPsaidthatJitenderhad Surryavanshi
Friday,thepolicesaid. Kamran Bhai alias Hanees linked ADGP Kashmir Vijay Kumar uals, including two minors, who Accused in the 2015 Bargari been on the run from police for a
“Actingonspecificinforma- with the proscribed terror outfit termedtheoperationasabigsuc- were allegedly among those who sacrilege case, Pardeep longtime,ashewasabscondingin passes away at 46
tiongeneratedbypoliceregard- Jaish-e-Mohammad was killed cess “as a possible threat of other shot dead Dera Sachha Sauda Kataria was killed Thursday acaseof doublemurdercommit-
ingthepresenceofterroristsin and his body was retrieved from terroristattackswerethwarted.” member Pardeep Kataria in ted in January in Ambala. He had
Kapren, a joint cordon and theencountersite,policesaid. Meanwhile, four militants Faridkot's Kotkapura Thursday been identified from the CCTV ADITYA VADDEPALLI
searchoperationwaslaunched Incriminatingmaterials,arms linked with LeT were arrested morning,officerssaid,identifying Haryana module, of which the footageofKataria'smurder,while NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11
by the police and Army (34RR) and ammunition including one from Tral and police claimed to one of them as Rohtak resident fourth, known as Hooda, is ab- leadsfrompreviousinvestigations
in the said area. To avoid any AK-74, and four Magazines were haverecoveredexplosive/incrim- Jitender,26,andthejuvenilesfrom sconding, while two others are into gangster-terrorist networks TELEVISION ACTOR Siddhaanth
recoveredfromthesite. inatingmaterialsfromthem. RohtakandBhiwaniinHaryana. fromaPunjabmodule. hadhelpedtolocatetheaccused. Vir Surryavanshi died on Friday
Kataria, 38, an accused in the In Faridkot, SSP Rajpal Singh Three pistols along with am- after suffering a suspected heart
CX0 ´fi0 ´ffUSX MÑfÔÀfd¸fVf³f 2015 Bargari sacrilege case, was theyhaveidentifiedtheduo.Both munitionhavebeenrecoveredso attack at a gym in Mumbai. He
IYfSX´fûSXZVf³f d»fd¸fMXZOX
A»´fIYf»fe³f BÊ-d³fdUQf EUÔ BÊ- 2 Maoists killed by security out on bail at the time of his mur-
der. He was opening up his dairy
are Faridkot residents and have
been named in the FIR registered
cremated Friday in Faridkot after
was 46.
The actor was taken to
d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff d³f¸³fd»fdJ°f
I f¹fÊ/ Af´fcd°fÊ WZ°fb BÊ-d³fdUQf¹fZÔ Qû ·ff¦fûÔ ¸fZÔ
forces in Odisha’s Koraput storeat7.15amwhensixassailants
in the case. The SSP said raids are
ily and Dera state committee
Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani
þe0EÀf0Me0 ¸fZÔ ´fÔþeIÈ °f, ´fid°fdâ°f EUÔ A³fb·fUe Koraput:AtleasttwoMaoists materials,”DIGRajeshPundit sailantsfiredathim55times,and Policeaddedthatthemodules membersandassuredthemofex- he was declared dead. “They
NZIZ QfSûÔ/R ¸fûÊÔ ÀfZ Afg³f »ffB³f BÊ-d³fdUQf ´fûMÊ»f werekilledinanexchangeof said .The shootout occurred also injuring a bystander and one were being independently han- pediting the investigation. IG, tried to revive him. In all proba-
½fZ¶fÀffBÊM' ´fS fire between the red rebels when security forces com- ofthesecuritypersonnelprovided dledbyGoldyBrar,whoisakeyac- Ferozepur range, Jaskaran Singh bility he suffered a heart attack
and security personnel in prisingpersonneloftheelite to him. Canada-based gangster cused in Punjabi singer Sidhu said,"The family only wants a fair while he was at the gym. The
Af¸fgdÂf°f I e þf°fe W`Ü d³fdUQf ¸fc»¹f þeEÀfMe
Odisha's Koraput district, a SpecialOperationGroupand GoldyBrarclaimedresponsibility Moosewala'smurderandisanas- investigationandarrest”. family told this to the hospital,”
ÀfdW°f °f±ff ²fSûWS SfdVf policeofficersaidFriday. district police were carrying forthemurderas"revenge"forthe sociate of gangsters Harvinder Meanwhile, Pardeep's father new agency PTI quoted a source
AfS0Me0þe0EÀf0/E³f0ER 0AfBÊ0Me0/ ¶f`ÔI Thegunbattletookplace out a combing operation in sacrilegematter. Singh‘Rinda’andtheincarcerated Jaspal Singh said it has not been in the hospital as saying.
¦ffS³Me IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff, dUôb°f on the intervening night of forest areas of Malipadar, Delhi Police said a raid was Lawrence Bishnoi. The hideout proven that his son was involved Soon after the news of the ac-
´ffSZ¿f¯f ¸f¯O»f-´fi±f¸f ¸fbS fQf¶ffQ IZ BÔdO¹f³f ¶f`ÔI , November 10 and 11 at a Atalguda and Badilpahad. launchedataround3amFridayat from which the accused were ar- in the sacrilege incident. His wife tor’s death broke out, several of
VffJf dQ»»fe SûO, ¶fbdð dUWfS, AfUfÀf dUI fÀf, placeunderBaiparigudapo- “On seeing the security per- Bakshiwala village in Punjab's restedhadbeenarrangedbyhim. Simran Kaur said, "Some anti-so- Surryavanshi’sco-stars,colleagues
¸fÓfû»ff, ¸fbS fQf¶ffQ ¸fZÔ ÀfÔ¨ffd»f°f ¨ff»fc Jf°ff ÀfÔ0- lice station limit of Koraput sonnel, they (Maoists) Patialadistrict.Theysaidthatthere DCP (Counterintelligence) cial forces want to spoil the envi- andfriendstooktosocialmediato
7107816836, IFSC district.“Wehavefoundbod- startedfiring.Ourforceshad had been four assailants from a ManishiChandrasaid,"Jitenderis ronmentof Punjab." expresstheirgrief.
CodeIDIB000D566 ¸fZÔ MZ¯OS Jb»f³fZ I e ies of two unidentified male toreturnfireinself-defence,” HisZiddiDilMaaneNaco-star
dQ³ffÔI °fI þ¸ff I SZÔÜ A³¹f d³f¹f¸f EUÔ Vf°fZÊ I f Maoists along with certain Punditsaid. PTI Kaveri Priyam, in an Instagram
dUÀ°fÈ°f dUUS¯f BÊ-d³fdUQf ´fûMÊ»f ½fZ¶fÀffBÊM ´fS tor's death. “This is unbelievable...
C´f»f¶²f SWZ¦ffÜ BÊ-d³fdUQf ¸fZÔ dI Àfe ·fe ÀfÔVfû²f³f We'd met and spoken so much
¹ff d°fd±f dUÀ°ffS BÊ-d³fdUQf ´fûMÊ»f ´fS AUV¹f QZJ about the craft and life in general.
d»f¹ff þfEÜ A»´fI f»fe³f BÊ-d³fdUQf ÀfÔ£¹ff- I consider myself lucky to have
49/BÊ0Me0Àfe0E¸f0/2022-2023, Jb»f³fZ I f knownandworkedwithaperson
dQ³ffÔI : 28-11-2022 dUôb°f ´ffSZ¿f¯f J¯O- like you... so passionate, forever
Sf¸f´fbS IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f 132 IZ 0Ue0 C´fIZ ³Qi Mf¯Of smilingandcheeringpeopleup.”
´fS 20 E¸fqUeqEq ´fdSU°fÊI I e dVfdµM¦f EUÔ Former cricketer Salil Ankola
WMf³fZ EUÔ 40 E¸fqUeqEq ´fdSU°fÊI I f BSZ¢Vf³f shared a picture of Surryavanshi
on Instagram, with the caption,
EUÔ I ¸feVfd³fÔ¦f ÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f I f¹fÊ Ü ²fSûWS SfdVf
ø 0 5000/-, d³fdUQf ´fi´fÂf I f þeEÀfMe ÀfdW°f friend. No words to express my
¸fc»¹f ø 0 590/ BÊ-d³fdUQf ÀfÔ£¹ff- grief.” Actor Jay Banushali, who
50/BÊ0Me0Àfe0E¸f0/2022-2023, Jb»f³fZ I f broke the news of the actor’s
dQ³ffÔI : 12-12-2022 dUôb°f ´ffSZ¿f¯f J¯O- death, also shared Surryavanshi’s
Sf¸f´fbS IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f ³f¹fZ 132 IZ 0Ue0 Oe0Àfe0 pictureonanInstagramstory,and
MfUS (Àfe-0) IZ BSZ¢Vf³f EUÔ A³¹f Àf¸¶fd³²f°f wrote,“Gonetoosoon”.
I f¹fÊÜ ²fSûWS SfdVf ø 0 6500/-, d³fdUQf ´fi´fÂf He worked in several popular
I f þeEÀfMe ÀfdW°f ¸fc»¹f ø 0 1180/ "Sf¿MÑ dW°f TV shows, including Kasautii
¸fZ d¶fþ»fe ¶f¨ff¹fZÔ" WXÀ°ff/-A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff, Zindagii Kay, Kkusum, Krishna
Arjun, Bhagyavidhaata, Sufiyana
dUôb°f ´ffSXZ¿f¯f ¸f¯OX»f-´fi±f¸f, ¸fbSXfQf¶ffQ PyaarMera,WaarisandGrihasti.
´fÂffaIY : 4007/d½f0´ff0¸fa0¸fb0/d³fd½fQf/2022-
2023 dQ³ffaIY : 11.11.2022

CX0 ´fi0 ´ffUSX MÑfÔÀfd¸fVf³f SR.

1 BOARD OF PRINTING AND 10.11.2022 1.80 CRORE 9812972603
Àfc¨f³ff d³f¸³fd»fdJ°f I f¹fÊ/Af´fcd°fÊ SCHOOL EDU-
SUPPLY OF 30.11.2022 [email protected]
WZ°fb BÊ-d³fdUQf¹fZÔ Qû ·ff¦fûÔ ¸fZÔ HARYANA,
þe0EÀf0Me0 ¸fZÔ ´fÔþeIÈ °f, ´fid°fdâ°f EXAMINATION
EUÔ A³fb·fUe NZIZ QfSûÔ/R ¸fûÊÔ ÀfZ Afg³f »ffBʳf BÊ- MARCH-2023

d³fdUQf ´fûMÊ»f ½fZ¶fÀffBÊM 13683/HRY

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þf°fe W`ÔÜ d³fdUQf ¸fc»¹f þe0EÀf0Me0 ÀfdW°f °f±ff PRESS NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER NO: 25/EE/KD/2022-23
²fSûWS SfdVf AfS0Me0þe0EÀf0/ E³f0 Dated. 10.11.2022
ER 0AfBÊ0Me0/ ¶f`ÔI ¦ffS¯Me IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ NAME OF THE WORK



Ad²fVffÀfe Ad·f¹f³°ff, dUôb°f ´ffSZ¿f¯f J¯O,




A¸fSûWf IZ ·ffS°fe¹f ÀMZM ¶f`ÔI , VffJf-þû¹ff



(dþ»ff-A¸fSûWf) ¸fZÔ ÀfÔ¨ffd»f°f ¨ff»fc Jf°ff ÀfÔ0

(Current Account)-30723557626, IFSC
Code- SBIN 0007413, MICR No.
244002026 ¸fZÔ MZ¯OS Jb»f³fZ I e dQ³ffÔI °fI
þ¸ff I SZÔÜ A³¹f d³f¹f¸f U Vf°fûÊ I f dUÀ°fÈ°f dUUS¯f
BÊ-d³fdUQf ´fûMÊ»f ½fZ¶fÀffBÊM ´fS C´f»f¶²f SWZ¦ffÜ 1 Up-Gradation of brick soled to all weather
d³fdUQf ¸fZÔ dI Àfe ·fe ÀfÔVfû²f³f ¹ff d°fd±f dUÀ°ffS road from Kanchancherra (82 miles) to

BÊ-d³fdUQf ´fûMÊ»f ´fS AUV¹f QZJ d»f¹ff þfEÜ Darchwai ADC village via Betcherra
Rs. 10,000.00

Up to 3.00 P.M. on 24.11.2022

(Darlong para), Chadrkaha Reang para,
420 days

BÊ-d³fdUQf Jb»f³fZ I e dQ³ffÔI -13.12.2022

At 4.00 P.M. on 24.11.2022

Sadhu Chandra para & Chark para under

1. BÊ-d³fdUQf ÀfÔ£¹ff-60/BÊ0 Kumarghat Assembly Constituency (12.00
Me0Àfe0dõ0/E¸f0/2022 dUôb°f ´ffSZ¿f¯f J¯O- Km). (2nd Call)
A¸fSûWf IZ A³°fʦf°f 132 IZ 0Ue0 C´fIZ ³Qi DNIT NO:- 44/CE/PWD(R&B)/SE
¦fþSü»ff ´fS 40 MVA IZ À±ff³f ´fS 63 MVA (P&DU)/2022-23
´fdSU°fÊI I û À±ffd´f°f I S³fZ I f I f¹fÊÜ ²fSûWS SfdVf
ø 0 5000/-d³fdUQf ´fi´fÂf I f þe0EÀf0Me0 ÀfdW°f 2 Widening & Imrpvement of road from

Fatikory to Kailasahar via Jagannathpur

Rs. 10,000.00

¸fc»¹f ø 0 590/- BÊ-d³fdUQf ÀfÔ£¹ff- under Fatikroy Assembly Constituency

420 days

61/BÊqMeqÀfeqdõq/E¸f0/2022 dUôb°f ´ffSZ¿f¯f (9.80 Km). (2nd Call)

J¯O-d¶fþ³füS IZ A³°fʦf°f 132 IZ 0Ue0 C´fIZ ³Qi
d¶fþ³füS ´fS 20 MVA IZ À±ff³f ´fS 63 MVA (P&DU)/2022-23
´fdSU°fÊI I û À±ffd´f°f I S³fZ I f I f¹fÊÜ ²fSûWS SfdVf
ø 0 5000/-d³fdUQf ´fii´fÂf I f þe0EÀf0Me0 ÀfdW°f Details can be seen in the office of the Executive Engineer, Kumarghat Division,
¸fc»¹f ø 0 590/ "Sf¿MÑ dW°f ¸fZÔ d¶fþ»fe ¶f¨ff¹fZÔ" PWD(R&B), Kumarghat, Unakoti Tripura or through website
WXÀ°ff/-A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff dUôb°f ´ffSXZ¿f¯f Sd/-
¸fÔOX»f dõ°fe¹f CXq´fiq ´ffUSX MÑf³Àfq IYf´fûÊ d»f. Executive Engineer
¸fbSXfQf¶ffQ ´faÂffIY 1463 d½f0´ff0¸fa0dõX0¸fb0/BÊX- PWD(R&B), Kumarghat Division
d³fd½fQf/2022 dQ³ffaIY 11.11.22 ICA-C-3006-22 Kumarghat, Unakoti Tripura.

New Delhi
New Delhi



Elections belong to the people. It's their
decision. — Abraham Lincoln

A court of the future

It needs a law to enforce accountability within. SC must
be given direct responsibility for high courts


Jharkhand’s task force to assess impact of India’s climate “LIKE OLD CLOCKS, our judicial institutions hearing new cases for a year. McBryde chal- the detailed blueprint – most of them have
needtobeoiled,woundupandsettotruetime” lengedthedecision.Hearguedthatthe1980 not;theycouldnotdirectthehighcourtstodo
commitments is a step in the right direction (LordHarryWoolf:LordChiefJusticeofEngland lawviolatedthejudicialindependencewhich so because under our constitutional scheme

and Wales, June 2000-October 2005) the US Constitution had guaranteed to life- thelatterareautonomousconstitutionalbod-
HARKHAND HAS CONSTITUTED a task force to assess how India's transition to a ThereachofIndia’shighestcourtisall-per- tenuredfederaljudges;hesaidthatitalsoin- iesnotsubjecttoadministrativedirectionsof
green economy will affect the mineral-rich state. The panel, reportedly the first of vasive. The Supreme Court sits in final judg- terfered with the mechanism of theSupremeCourt.Itisinthehighcourtsthat
its kind in the country, will gauge the “magnitude and nature of effects of the ac- mentoverdecisionsnotonlyofthehighcourts Congressional impeachment that the US therearenowleftthelargestnumberof road-
celerated phase-out of coal mines and coal-based industries” on Jharkhand's econ- in the states (there are 18 high courts for 28 Constitution had established for removing blocks and delays; in their administrative
omy as well as “the people who are dependent on these industries”. At the COP26 in states and eight Union Territories), but also judges. A one-year suspension from hearing functioning the high courts are answerable
over a hundred tribunals, central and state, new cases, he argued, was nothing but a to no one but themselves.
Glasgow last year, India had pledged to meet 50 per cent of its energy needs through re-
functioningthroughoutIndia.Andthelawde- “temporaryimpeachment”.ButaUSCourtof This often enables the Supreme Court to
newables by 2030, and offset its GHG emissions with climate-friendly technologies by clared by the Supreme Court, its pronounce- Appeals rejected all these pleas, and a peti- plead helplessness, hardly a good augury for
2070. This decarbonisation is bound to affect the livelihoods of people in the state thathas mentsontheconstitutionalvalidityofenacted tionforcertiorariagainstitsdecisionwasde- integratedcourt-management.Itistimethat
more than 25 per cent of the country's coal reserves. The Jharkhand government's initia- law,includingconstitutionalamendments,is nied by the US Supreme Court: It accepted the Supreme Court be entrusted with direct
tive is, therefore, a step in the right direction. binding on all other courts and authorities in theargumentof theUSSolicitor-Generalthat responsibility for the functioning of the high
A number of reports and studies have underlined that both climate change and the ef- thecountry(Article141).Thereisvirtuallyno judicial independence, protected by Article courts:Onlythen can the highestcourtbean
fortstomitigateitwill havefar-reachingsocialandeconomic consequences.However,the area of legislative or executive activity which IIIof theUSConstitution,wasmeant“toinsu- effective apex court, only then can the
is beyond the highest court’s scrutiny. late judges from interference from other Supreme Court be made answerable, as it
understandingof howthischurnwillaffectthelivesof localcommunitiesremainssketchy.
Empowering itself with the trappings of branchesofgovernment—notfromoversight should be, for judicial governance for the en-
Surveysonpollutionanditshealtheffects,forestcoverreportsanddata onwatercontam- modern technology, India’s Supreme Court Judicial governance means byotherjudges”.AnAmericanjudgeoncefa- tire country.
ination and groundwater extraction do provide valuable insights into the environmen- has been striving to perform its arduoustask. that all judges who are mously said about the judiciary that “some And judicial governance means that all
tal challenge faced by states. Developmental projects have to undergo audits to account But what of the future? First, and foremost, constitutionally entrusted thingswillsometimesgowrong”.In India,in judges who are constitutionally entrusted
for their footprint on the local environment. And, state governments have climate action the judiciary as an institution needs to pre- with the responsibility of thepastandinrecenttimes,somethingshave with the responsibility of protecting the
plans. But, these documents do not adequately connect the dots between the economy serveitsindependence,andtodothisitmust gone wrong. And citizens need the reassur- rights of citizens must also be seen tobeper-
strive to maintain the confidence of the pub- protecting the rights of ance of a system of judicial accountability — sons of rectitude. They must make annual fi-
and global warming. Initiatives such as the one undertaken by Jharkhand, if executed
lic in the established courts. The independ- citizens must also be seen to aremedialmechanismwhichwillprotectthe nancial disclosure statements, not privately
well, could lay the ground for meaningful conversations between the Centre and states ence of judges is best safeguarded by the higher judiciary from some of its own mem- totheir respectivechief justices, butpublicly.
be persons of rectitude. They
on an imperative that is yet to receive adequate attention: Making the country's “net- judgesthemselves—throughinstitutionsand berswhohavegoneastray.Suchreassurance It is done by justices of the Supreme Court in
zero” drive as painless as possible, especially for those at the margins of the fossil-fuel
must make annual financial
organisationsthatthelawempowersthemto canonlybeprovidedbyenactingalawonthe the world’s oldest democracy, the US, and it
driven economy. Studies estimate that more than 1 million jobs are directly dependent set up, to preserve the image of an incorrupt- disclosure statements, not lines of the American model. is appropriate that all such disclosure state-
on the coal and allied power sectors — several more more draw sustenance from related iblehigherjudiciarythatwouldcommandthe privately to their respective Other aspects of judicial reform are not ments of its judges be made and then also
respect of all right-thinking people. chief justices, but publicly. It lackingforwantof ideas.Wehavebeenover- published in the world’s most populous
industries. Most such workers will need retraining to be gainfully employed in other sec-
In the United States, under the Judicial whelmed with innumerable reports of Law democracy, India.
tors. That's why other coal-rich states such as Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Councils Act, 1980, this task has been gladly
is done by justices of the Commissions, more than 200 of them, on all Judgesmustsetanexampleforministers,
West Bengal would do well to take a leaf out of Jharkhand's book. undertakenbythejudges.Butregrettably,so Supreme Court in the aspects of judicial governance. And a bench central and state, for members of Parliament
India's climate commitments are not just about limiting the use of hydrocarbons. The far,thereisnolawinIndiatoguideourjudges world’s oldest democracy, the of three justices of the Supreme Court, in a and of state legislatures, and for all high offi-
country, for instance, will need to find a balance between conserving forests — another — only “guidelines”. There is a felt need for a US, and it is appropriate judgment delivered in August 2005, had cials of government, to follow. As stated in
COP26 pledge — and improving the well-being of people whose livelihoods depend on law.The1980USActconferspowersonbod- drawn up a fine blueprint on case-manage- the Annie Besant translation of the Third
ies comprised of judges to take such action
that all such disclosure ment,onhowtomakerecentamendmentsin Discourse in the Bhagavad Gita:
developmental projects such as the construction of roads and dams. Inputs from states
against a federal judge “as is appropriate, statements of its judges be ourprocedurallawsworkontheground,and “Whatsoever a great man doeth, that other
will be crucial for this endeavour. The Jharkhand government's task force is expected to
short of removal.” Under this law, some time made and then also how to get more cases moving along: For in- men also do; the standard he setteth up, by
submit an interim report in about a year. But the imperatives of climate-compatible ago, a committee of fellow judges had inves- stance, on three different tracks — fast track, that the people go”.
growth demand that this exercise does not remain a one-time affair. State governments
published in the world’s
tigated complaints against a federal district normal track and slow track. In the Salem
should make climate-related assessments part of their regular plans and budget-making judge,JohnMcBryde;theJudicialCouncilrep- most populous democracy, Advocate Bar Association case, the justices The writer is a constitutional jurist and
exercises. rimanded him and suspended him from India. had requested the high courts to implement senior advocate to the Supreme Court

Handwringing over freebies does not resonate in Himachal and
Gujarat campaigns, as parties make effusive promises
N JULY, PRIME Minister Narendra Modi spoke against political parties promoting Despite challenges, Green Climate Fund is right agency to support shift to renewables
a culture of freebies — he called them “revdi” — to win votes. His remarks trig-
gered a public debate with parties of the Opposition, especially the AAP and DMK,
accusing the PM of targeting welfare schemes and state subsidies promised by Archi Rastogi
non-BJP parties. The Election Commission joined the debate and said political parties
should lay out the cost of the freebies they promise and how they plan to finance them THE WORLD is shifting to clean energy. ments in the US. Several countries in Europe nance is a crucial part of justice. What, then,
Currentgeopoliticsaside,renewablesarebe- have set ambitious targets for emissions re- is the best way to advance a just transition?
if voted to power. The Supreme Court was petitioned, which, in August, referred the mat-
coming competitively cheaper, the threat of ductions. Even China has claimed that by Enter the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The
ter to a three-judge bench: The plea challenged a Madras High Court judgment in S climate change is ever-urgent, and the busi- 2025, a third of its energy needs will come GCF was established to address some of the
Subramaniam Balaji (2013) that held that the promise of freebies cannot be termed as a ness case is just too good to discount. from renewables. prevalent challenges of climate finance.
corrupt practice. None of this, however, seems to have influenced the election conversa- But this transition is easier said than Thisleavesthepublicsectorandcountries Developingcountrieswerepushingforaseat
tion in Himachal Pradesh — which votes Saturday — or the campaign for Gujarat, where done.Asidefromthetechnicalandeconomic withweakerresources.Muchlikeotherchal- at the decision-making table. Unusually, the
polls are scheduled for early December. The main contenders for power in both states challengesof alternativeproductionanddis- lengesinemergingeconomies,heretheneed Board of the GCF has an equal number of de-
tribution, there is a human dimension. is great, access to capital is a challenge, and velopingcountrymembers,withequalvoice
have made effusive promises of what some would call welfare, and others freebies.
Think of the mines, infrastructure and socialsafeguardsarerelativelyweak.Finance forall.Besides,theGCFwasestablishedsothat
The AAP got off to an early start in Gujarat, announcing 300 units of free electricity millions of workers currently working in for climate action and finance for just transi- thisnewclimatefinancecouldpromotecoun-
for every household, a monthly allowance of Rs 1,000 for women, unemployment al- non-renewable energy. Let’s take the indi- tions is a key topic at the ongoing COP27 in tryownership,circumventinglargemultilat-
lowance of Rs 3,000, debt waiver upto Rs 2 lakh for farmers. In response, the BJP and vidual level. If you have been a worker at a Egypt.Asthedelegatesdiscussthesourceand erals,andinsteadgodirectlythroughnational
Congress have offered teasers of their own lists — their manifestos are not ready yet. coal mine your entire life, which suddenly scaleof finance,thechannelof thisfinanceis or local entities. At COP27 in Egypt, develop-
Congress has promised free medical treatment up to Rs 10 lakh, free electricity for farm- stops production for some external factors, also incredibly important to consider. ingcountriesareexpectedtopushtomeetthe
ers, a Rs 5 subsidy on every litre for milk producers, while the BJP offered two free LPG youcanbefacedwithasituationwhereyour Take the case of South Africa where the commitmentfor$100billionannually.Asthey
skillsarenolongerrelevant,yourgeographic mechanics of finance have some interesting makethispush,itwouldbeimportanttocon-
cylinders annually to households and subsidised edible oil beginning Janmashtami. In
area has no alternative livelihood, and you International finance lessons. At COP26 in Glasgow, South Africa tinue to identify the channel for this finance.
Himachal, the BJP promised three free LPG cylinders for poor women, bicycles and scoot- don'thavethe resourcestomoveelsewhere. famously convened investment worth $ 8.5 Alargepartofthepublicclimatefinanceisstill
institutions such as the
ers for girl students, financial aid of Rs 25,000 to all pregnant women and so on, while the Now take the corporate level. There can be billion into its plans for just transitions; five channelledthroughMDBsandbilateralagen-
Congress list included free electricity up to 300 units monthly to all households, and fi- political opposition to the shutting down of
MDBs continue to have developed countries agreed to channel $8.5 cies.EmphasisingachannelliketheGCFcould
nancial assistance of Rs 1,500 monthly to women between 18 to 60 years of age. themine.Largecorporateinterestsaside,the inflexible governance billion. Very little of this materialised. And as reduce dependence on the policies and con-
With voters becoming more demanding, and economic opportunities increasingly opposition could also come from trade structures (voice and vote, time went on, it became clear that almost all cessionalityimposedbyMDBs,andavoidfrag-
unions and other local bodies. This can be leadership selection, etc) and of this finance is loans. Worries remain that mentation of finance.
limited, political parties are arguably forced to promise an expansion of the welfare net.
counter-productive because the transition suchplanswilladdtothecountry'sdebtbur- TheGCFhasitsownchallenges,nodoubt,
The BJP has tried to draw a distinction between “allurement” and “empowerment”. But and the whole climate movement itself can this undermines the den and leave workers behind. including the narrative that it is painfully
such distinctions are subjective. Welfare and subsidies hold different meanings for differ- appear tone-deaf at best and insensitive at legitimacy of these In fact, several multilateral development slow and hard to access. Yet the GCF is the
ent classes of people, and only one thing is clear — it is futile for institutions like the EC or worst. In fact, one could argue that un- institutions in the eyes of the banks(MDBs) havemadeclearthattheywill onlyinstitutionwhich combines averylarge
the judiciary to wade into a debate that is best left to parties and voters. planned transitions would only shift the emerging market countries. support projects for just transitions. But the scale with legitimacy and ownership. It ap-
problem to a new place. In climate circles, limitations of these MDBs remain. To para- pears less able to engage directly with coun-
there is no denying the logic and need of Such dimensions of phrasethewordsof aleadingclimatefinance tries; in fact some of us are arguing that the
“just transitions”. The negative impacts on legitimacy, culture, and expert: International finance institutions GCFshouldhavemorestrategicclarityrather

NOT CRICKET-AS-USUAL tradition are even more

workers and communities should be re- such as the MDBs continue to have inflexi- thantrytodoitall.Yet,forfinancechannelled
duced, and the benefits should be fairly dis- ble governance structures (voice and vote, in a “just” way, it would be essential for
important in the case of just
tributed. So, if it makes so much sense, why leadership selection, etc) and this under- COP27 and the ongoing GCF replenishment
not just do it? transitions. There is a reason mines the legitimacy of these institutions in to endorse the narrative that the GCF is the
India’s game needs a T20 reboot. Answer: Money. Shifting to renewables why a just transition is called the eyes of the emerging market countries. right channel for climate finance.
That’s the message from Adelaide requires planning and resources, which that — it is after all intended Such dimensions of legitimacy, culture, and

countries with the financial muscle are in- traditionareevenmoreimportantinthecase The writer is adjunct senior fellow at the
T ADELAIDE, IT was a fortuitous road for India to the semi-final: Australian vesting in. The Inflation Reduction Act of the
to be ‘just’. And the channel of just transitions. There is a reason why a National University of Singapore. He is
conditions, cricket in an untimely season, seemed to load the dice in favour Bidenadministrationwouldpump $370 bil- of finance is a crucial part of just transition is called that — it is after all in- evaluation adviser for the Green Climate
of Indians. Batsmen didn’t have to extend themselves, they could just play lion into climate and clean energy invest- justice. tended to be “just”. And the channel of fi- Fund
the situation. The conditions helped the bowlers, who needed some assis-
tance to do well. But once the clouds cleared up, India began to be found out: Against
South Africa, and against Bangladesh, who choked else that would have been a lost cause
too. Even against the Netherlands, the first ten overs were drab — they would play out 35 NOVEMBER 12, 1982, FORTY YEARS AGO
dot balls in that game. A Pakistan team can aim for a 150-160 run total and let their won-
drous pack of bowlers defend; India cannot afford to do the same. LEONID BREZHNEV DIES eral secretary. The Union government of
India announced a three-day mourning as a
Akali threat to agitate in Delhi at the time of
Asian Games. Security forces are being
of changingthebrandof cricket—butitwasjustsomebatsmenextendingthemselvesabit, SOVIET PRESIDENTLEONIDBrezhnev, an ar- mark of respect to Brezhnev. strengthened in Delhi, Punjab, Haryana,
chitect of international detente and Indo- Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. In Punjab in
Sovietfriendship,diedof aheartattackatthe
Kremlin. He was 75. Brezhnev, who consol-
WALESA RELEASED particular, some battalions of Central forces
will be sent, in addition to the 20 battalions
around in the semi-final on what was actually a subcontinental track. Would there be any idatedthe SovietUnion’sposition asasuper- POLAND’S MARTIAL LAW authorities have already present.
other team that would bunch together KL Rahul, Rohit Sharma, and Virat Kohli at the top? power during the 18 years he was at the ordered the release from internment of
A team led by Rahul Dravid and Rohit showed a lack of vision and daring. With all helm, will be laid to rest at the Kremlin ram-
parts. The coffin with the body of Brezhnev
Solidarity leader Lech Walesa who has been
held since martial law began last December
good teams possessing an attacking quickish leg-spinner, India first chose not to pick Ravi
will be placed in the Hall of Columns of the 13,governmentspokesmanJerzyUrbansaid. ONE OF THE smallest villages in Amreli dis-
Bishnoi and then didn’t trust the slower version, Chahal, benching him throughout. You
House of the Soviet to enable the people to trict, Mul Dwarika, is reported to have van-
cannot leave Mohammad Shami in the cold for a year, and then hang your hopes on him.
SpinnersAxar Patel andR Ashwinwere both restrictive (Ashwin in theT20 formatis a dif-
pay their last respects. Yuri V Andropov, for-
mer head of the Soviet security organisation
AKALI AGITATION ished completely in the cyclone. There were
around 25 houses belonging to fishermen in
ferent version from the Test player) and that says much about their lack of courage. KGB, is most likely to succeed Brezhnev as THE UNION GOVERNMENT has decided to this village on the sea coast. Mul Dwarika is
Without dash and risk-taking, world cups can’t be won. Soviet President and Communist Party gen- take stiff security measures to deal with the about 8 km from Kodinar in Gujarat.

New Delhi


“Perhaps now that the air is escaping the bubble, there can be a real conversation
about what big tech owes the rest of us and how its businesses can strengthen the
societies they work in.” — THE GUARDIAN

The grey in the air Plugging the

For solutions to Delhi's bad air problem, we need to look at governments, and voters, not courts defence gap
Push to achieve self-reliance in defence is
commendable. India must step up R&D to
achieve competence in design, manufacture
“made in India” initiatives is revealing.
OPENING ARGUMENT Regrettably,Indiadoesnotyethavethedo-
mestic competence to fully design and
By Menaka Guruswamy manufacture any significant combat
weapon/platform and is dependent on the
ON THURSDAY, THE Supreme Court heard foreignsupplierforthecriticalcomponents
public interest litigation that sought to ask that lie at the core of the combat index of
the court to intervene urgently to ban stub- the equipment in question. Thus, while it
ble burning in Punjab as it was contribut- C Uday Bhaskar is commendable that India is now going to
ing to the horrific levels of pollution that we manufacture the C295 transport aircraft in
are experiencing in Delhi at present. The DEFEXPO 2022 HELD in Gandhinagar, a collaboration with AirBus, France, the re-
Court will hear the case in due course. But Gujarat in October drew attention to a ality is that the engine, avionics, landing
it posed a key question: Is this a matter for major policy initiative of Prime Minister gear,etc, willcome fromabroadandthein-
a court of law? Narendra Modi — the need for India to ac- tegration will be done by the Indian entity.
Pollutionisagovernanceissue—onethat quire the appropriate degree of “aat- Thisistrueforalmosteverymajorplatform
haslongbeenneglectedbythepoliticalclass, manirbharata” (self-reliance) in the de- in the three services. While there are some
despite contributing to our truncated life fence sector and the arduous path ahead. promising green shoots — for instance, the
spans. Our children are growing up un- This objective is unexceptionable and the 155-mm artillery guns being designed and
healthy, while being kept home from school Modi government is to be commended manufactured in the country — meaning-
due to bad air, and our public health system for keeping this critical issue on the na- fulindigenisationandcredible“aatmanirb-
isoverburdenedwithtoxicair-relatedhealth tional radar. harta” calls for sustained funding support,
conditions. What is surprising is the apathy Even as India aspires to become a $5- fortitude and an ecosystem that will nur-
towardthecarcinogenicairqualityof theNCR trillion economy, it is evident that it faces ture this effort.
region by our ruling class. This, coupled with many national security inadequacies. The At the heart of this challenge is the grim
the fact that pollution, despite its health and high dependency index on foreign suppli- reality that historically, India has not in-
economicconsequences,isnotapriorityissue ers (traditionally the former USSR now vested enough in the national research and
formostvoters,makesitadeadlycompactof Russia) for major military inventory items development (R&D) effort. As per data col-
mutual apathy. is stark. This dependency induces a macro lated by the World Bank, India has been
C R Sasikumar
How bad is our air quality? A study pub- national vulnerability and dilutes India’s able to allocate only 0.66 per cent of GDP
lished in 2012 in the Indian Journal of Cancer quest for meaningful and credible strate- (2018) towards R&D, while the world aver-
notes that 40 per cent of all lung cancer cases scopic matter suspended in the air — PM10 capacity of more than 10 persons must not gic autonomy. Furthermore, the current age is 2.63 per cent. The comparable indi-
in India are found in non-smokers. This is and PM2.5. PM10 are comparatively coarser be allowed to use coal and must shift to elec- gaps in combat capacity expose the chinks vidual R&D allocation (per cent of GDP) for
the highest proportion for any country, and particles that irritate our eyes, nose, and tric or gas-based appliances. Delhi also has in the Indian ability to safeguard core na- some other nations is as follows: Israel
these numbers were rising. The reason why throat. PM2.5 are more dangerous since they two large power plants, which are also im- tional security interests. The Galwan set- 5.44; USA 3.45; Japan 3.26; Germany 3.14;
non-smokers are presenting lung cancer in get into and stay embedded deep in our portant sources of fly ash. There are ways to back apropos China is illustrative. China 2.4; and Turkey 1.09.
such high numbers is deeply intertwined lungs and blood. (Hello lung cancer!) All reducethiscauseof flyashproductionaswell. DefExpo had an India focus — only do- While the Modi government has iden-
with pollution. through the year, in the summer and win- Our policymakers only need to read this re- mesticentitieswereallowedtoparticipate. tified national security as a major priority,
Let’s look around us. Sure, it’s that time ter months, the PM10 and PM2.5 levels are port.Ready-mixconcretethatisusedforcon- PM Modi asserted there that Make in India the emphasis has been on earnest nation-
of the year again, when Delhi is particularly almost four-seven times higher than the na- struction activities has about 35 per cent fly is becoming a success story in the defence alist flourish, often with an eye on the
like a sepia-tone film. Everywhere you look, tional air quality standards. ash in it. Control measures include wind- sector and added: “Our defence exports voter. Composite combat and manufactur-
it’sbrownishgreytoadark yellowishbrown, What are the causes of bad air in Delhi? breakers, bag filters at silos, curtains, tele- have grown eight times in the last five ing capabilities have not been reviewed
deteriorating to dark grey. If we think that Thereportmakesclearthatonanannualba- scopicchutesandcoveringof transferpoints. years. We are exporting defence materials and honed appropriately. Thus, while India
these gruesome colours are a phenomenon sis, the top four contributors to PM10 emis- Whataboutvehicles?Vehicularpollution and equipment to more than 75 countries now claims that it will soon become a ma-
only during these three weeks spanning sions are road dust (56 per cent), concrete is the second-largest and most consistently of the world. In 2021-22, defence exports jor arms exporter, the composition of such
Diwali and a fortnight after, we’re very batching (10 per cent), industrial point contributing source to PM10 and PM2.5 in from India reached $1.59 billion (about Rs inventory leans towards the “soft” cate-
wrong. This is a year-round phenomenon sources(10percent)andvehicles(9percent). winter. The scientists who prepared the re- 13,000crore).Thegovernmenthasnowset gory (clothing, helmets, surveillance
and is not likely to be cured by addressing The top four contributors to PM2.5 emission port suggest various options, including the atargetof $5billion(Rs40,000crore).”This equipment) and yes, the Brahmos missile.
stubble burning alone. load are road dust (38 per cent), vehicles (20 implementationof BSVIemissionnorms,the is an ambitious target and will demand While there is an aspiration to add hel-
One of the most definitive reports on the percent)domesticfuelburning(12percent) introduction of electric and hybrid vehicles, mission-mode resolve to be realised. icopters to this list — the ALH and the LCH
causes of and solutions to pollution is the andindustrialpointsources(11percent).All traffic planning, retro-fitment of diesel ex- Unexpected exigencies such as the — the reality check is that the engines for
Comprehensive Study on Air Pollution and of thisvariesseasonally,especiallyinthecon- haust, and improvement in public transport. Russian invasion of Ukraine and other fac- both these platforms are imported.
Green House Gases in Delhi, authored by text of emissions in general. Weareadustycityandhenceoursoiland tors including the Covid that disrupted the Providing a sustained fillip to the national
Mukesh Sharma and Onkar Dikshit, profes- Intermsof airqualityalone,inwinterthe There are approximately road dust comprise a substantial portion of global economy and related supply chains, R&D effort across the board (state, corpo-
sors at the Indian Institute of Technology, major culprits for both PM10 and PM2.5 are pollutants. The report makes clear that in further exacerbated by a weakening rupee rate and academia) remains critical if India
Kanpur and published in January 2016. secondaryparticles(25-30percent),vehicles
9,000 hotels or restaurants summer this source can contribute about 26 add to the challenges faced by the Indian is to emerge as a credible military power
Importantly,thereportwassponsoredbythe (20-25percent),biomassburning(17-26per in Delhi, which use coal per cent to PM10 and PM2.5. The silt load on defence manufacturing ecosystem. The and one would identify this as a high-pri-
Department of Environment, Government cent) and municipal solid waste burning (mostly in tandoors). Their someof Delhi’sroadsisveryhighandsiltcan management of this extended turbulence ority issue for the national security apex
of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (MSW,8-9percent).Insummer,thischanges PM emission in the form of become airborne with the movement of ve- across different axes will be the biggest — the CCS (cabinet committee on security).
(NCT) and the Delhi Pollution Control somewhat to include coal and fly ash (26-37 hicles,particularlyinthedrysummerseason. challenge for governance. Cumulatively, India missed the industrial design and
Committee. You might expect these entities percent),soilandroaddust(26-27percent), fly ash is large. The report As per the IIT report, the estimated PM10 these multi-layered challenges and the op- manufacturing bus, a national compe-
of our government to implement the find- secondaryparticles(10-15percent),biomass proposes that all restaurants emissionfromroaddustisover65tonsaday. portunities embedded in moving towards tence demonstrated by nations like South
ings. No such luck. burning (7-12 per cent), vehicles (6-9 per with a seating capacity of However, there are easy solutions, including “aatmanirbharata” ought to provide the Korea and China, over the last five
The report is educational, provides a di- cent) and MSW burning (7-8 per cent). The more than 10 persons must vacuum sweeping of the major roads four framework for an informed and objective decades. Technological advances have
agnosis and recommends solutions to our contribution of biomass burning in winter is times a month, carpeting of shoulders and debate about the way ahead though this made the design and manufacture of the
toxic air. Hence it must be read by all of us. It quitehigh—17percentforPM10and26per not be allowed to use coal mechanical sweeping with water wash. So, kind of discourse has remained elusive. semiconductor chip the new currency of
has five major components, (i) air quality cent for PM2.5. The report makes clear that and must shift to electric or many solutions are possible. A quick recap of the more recent de- national prosperity and military power.
measurements(ii)emissioninventory(iii)air the enhanced concentration of PM in gas-based appliances. Delhi Finally, the eternal question: Where will fence-related events includes, inter alia, The US and China are now locked in in-
quality modelling (iv) control options (v) ac- October-Novemberislikelyduetopost-mon- themoneycomefromtoimplementtherec- the commissioning of the indigenously- tense competition in this domain and
also has two large power
tion plan. It sets up the numbers that define soon crop residue burning (CRB). ommendations? For a start, from the enor- designed and built aircraft carrier INS India is yet to acquire a profile that would
our recommended air quality as envisaged What does the report suggest by way of plants, which are also mous advertising budgets spent by our gov- Vikrant; the firing of an SLBM (submarine- be deemed relevant.
by the Air Act, 1981 and resultant rules and solutions? Here are some of the many rec- important sources of fly ash. ernments detailing their achievements in a launched ballistic missile) from the INS Paradoxically, Indian brain power is
norms. Against these standards, there is the ommendations. There are approximately There are ways to reduce this state where the people cannot breathe and Arihant; the radical decision to award the very visible in the global
reality of the emission numbers as they 9,000 hotels or restaurants in Delhi, which willdieof cancerinoverwhelmingnumbers. manufacture of a military transport air- semiconductor/chip fabrication effort but
exist. usecoal(mostlyintandoors).TheirPMemis-
cause of fly ash production craft (C 295) to a major private sector en- more at the lower end of the food chain,
First, some important background: sion in the form of fly ash is large. The report as well. Our policymakers The writer is a Senior Advocate at tity; the induction of the made in India often as employees of the global venture
There are two kinds of particulate or micro- proposes that all restaurants with a seating only need to read this report. the Supreme Court Prachand LCH (light combat helicopter); capitalists. Progressively changing this
and the conclusion of a deal with Russia to techno-strategic landscape in India’s
manufacture a Kalashnikov-type light favour should be accorded the highest pri-
weapon/small arms in India. These ority in the national policy debate.
achievements have been applauded as the

What Kantara gets right

success of the indigenous effort. The writer is director, Society for Policy
However, an objective review of the Studies, New Delhi

The film is rooted in its milieu, even if it falls short artistically

NS Gundur
THE WRONG STEP “loss and damage”. These compensa-
THERE IS FRICTION between an oppressor Tululifeeventoday.But,asanotedcriticfrom First of all, Kantara is not a source of from his scintillating acting, Shetty is at his tory funds would help developing na-
and the oppressed, and the latter takes re- this region Purushottama Bilimale observes knowledgeaboutbhootharadhane,noraso- best in creating subtexts and engaging dia- THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Setback for tions accelerate their efforts in meeting
venge against the former after several twists elsewhere,sofar,noseriousattemptismade cially and politically committed cinematic logues. The bawdy and sly innuendos in the social justice’ (IE, November 12). The a net-zero carbon target. They would
and turns. This kind of plot, one of the domi- to document this aspect of Tulu culture nor narrative. As someone biased towards high- movie are nuanced, and the cryptic conver- EWS reservation is a deliberate move also prove useful to mitigate and man-
nant thematic structures of our films, is en- are there any biographies of performers, brow classics and as an Aristotelian in evalu- sationsofthecharactersleavemuchroomfor to reshape the popular comprehension age climatedisastersthatarebecoming
actedagainstdifferentsettings—urbanorru- agentsandactorsassociatedwiththeseprac- ating artistic objects, I call it a flawed cine- political criticism and imagination. of the role reservations play in our so- all too frequent — more so, in
ral, mythical or historical, among others. tices. Therefore, Kantara, which showcases matic plot. Given the ambition of the film to The strength of the movie lies in its be- ciety. It is a move that aligns well with economies that are not responsible or
RishabShetty’sKantara,theLegendpackages thecultof Panjurlibhoothakola,assumesim- be an instant box office hit by intently dis- ing rooted in the regional milieu. Rishab the age-old argument that caste is no preparedtomanagethesecatastrophes.
this age-old structure in the folk practice, portance for reintroducing the locale of kar- playingmachismo,itmightappeartoomuch Shetty, as revealed in an interview, believes longer a determining factor in deter- H Upadhyay, via email
bhootharadhane or bhoothakola, deeply avalilifevividly,longafterShivaramKaranth’s on my part to demand an artistic achieve- that the more regional the story, the more mining the access, politics and culture
rooted in karavali (coastal) Karnataka —
Tulunadu of Dakshina Kannada and the
(1902-1997) works.
Against the backdrop of this milieu, the
ment from it. But even the climax, which is
said to have grabbed the attention of the au-
universal it is. The visual extravaganza of the
regional life, which renders the supernatu-
today. By framing the issue of reserva-
tion in education and employment
Udupi regions. plotof thefilmrevolvesaroundtherightover dience, fails to achieve the cathartic effect. ral exotic to cine-goers, has conquered the through this blinkered lens, the THISREFERSTOtheeditorial,‘Intheirin-
IntheTulucosmos,bhoothakolaisnotjust land — the rights of the people, the landlord Thatis,therun-of-the-millplotpreparesthe popular imagination. Supreme Court has displayed a failure terest’ (IE, November 12). Amid the
a folk ritual practice but the crux of people’s and the state — across three timelines: In spectator for the denouement — the killing These all are internal aspects of movie in understanding the nation where it geopolitical tussle triggered by the
belief system.Bhoothaintheirimaginationis 1847, a king in search of peace exchanges his of thelandlord—butservesthemmorewith making. In the public sphere, the movie has holds apex judicial authority. Economic Ukraine war, India and Russia have
not a negative force but a daiva worthy of land with forest dwellers for the Panjurli de- the platter of the bhootha dance than show- become an object of ideological criticism standing cannot be segregated from recorded significant growth in bilateral
worship and offerings. They believe that it is ity,andin1970,adescendentof thekingasks ingthepainfulfallof thelandlord.Toofferan and appropriation. The cinema that treats caste and by disassociating the two, this trade, underlining the strength of their
a divine spirit that protects them from before the bhoothakola that people should alternative to the killing of the landlord, a the problem of land does not make any ref- judgment has aggravated the triggers time-tested ties. While setting its sights
calamitiesandevilforces,andtheannualrit- givebackhisancestralland,butdiesvomiting woman or a voiceless character unexpect- erence, at least in the subtext, to the land re- responsible for poverty in the country. onanannualtradevolumeof$30billion
ual performance associated with worship- blood as prophesied by daivanartaka. edly killing the zamindar would have made form acts in Karnataka, introduced by the Shreya Thomas, via email withRussia,Indiahasindicatedthatitis
pingthesedivinespiritsiscalledbhoothakola. It is during 1990 that the right over the agreaterimpactonthemoralsuspenseof the then Chief Minister, D Devaraj Urs (1915- not oblivious to the global headwinds.
For example, as picturised in the movie, the
ritual of Panjurli (the divine wild boar) is
land becomes a triangular conflict; a later
successor of the king’s descendants, now
movie. I have in mind the denouement of
plots like Nagraj Manjule’s Sairat (2016).
1982). Even though we can ignore for the
moment the politics of representation and
GREENER EARTH New Delhi has stated that it would be
supportive of any initiative that “de-
among several types of bhoothakola. dhani (the landlord)triestomanipulatepeo- However, my pedantic criticism should appropriation, we should not avoid asking: THISREFERSTOtheeditorial,‘Showme risks”theglobaleconomyandstabilises
Possessing the spirit of daiva, daivanartaka, ple to get his land back, and the state's forest not prevent me from paying attention to its What will be the movie’s place in our future the money’ (IE, November 11). Rich na- theworldorder.Beinganoldally,Indiais
the dance performer during kola converses department sees the rights of the people as boxofficecollection,especiallytheHindidub- memory? How often might we revisit this tionsarethelargestcontributorstoma- justified in nudging Russia to make ef-
with the people addressing their problems an encroachment. As soon as we are pre- bingandanunbelievablemassappreciationof visual text after a year or a decade? Such jor global emissions. Their demand to fortsforendingtheUkraineconflict.The
and matters of justice. pared for the spectacle of the state vs people the movie across the country. In this respect, questions will address not only the art and limitfossilfuelusebydeveloping coun- challenge now is to make Russia more
Bhoothakolaisasmuchanaestheticprac- overthelandasanissueof thepoliticalecon- the credit goes to the actor-director Rishab politics of movie-making but also the cul- tries is unbecoming. Since the Warsaw receptive to exports from India so as to
ticeasadivinebelief system.Folksongs,artis- omy of modernity, the conflict between Shetty’s cinematic imagination and coming ture of film appreciation in India. COP in 2013, advancedeconomies have reduce the burgeoning trade deficit.
tic costumes and dances are part of the di- dhani and vakkalu (landlord and tenants) together of the love, labour and artistic sense delayed the funding negotiations over Khokan Das, Kolkata
vine spectacle, and this supernatural world overtakes it, and finally, the divine spirit tri- of all departments of the movie-making, as The writer is professor, Department of Studies
organises the material life of a large part of umphs over the landlord. usually happens in successful movies. Apart and Research in English, Tumkur University

New Delhi


2010 Jnaneswari Express tragedy: 6 get bail
against 3 LTTE
supporters who How Perarivalan’s release Court: Whatever the nature of offence, prolonged trial violative of Article 21

helped the last 6 convicts

the minimum punishment pre-
were ‘planning ESHAROY scribed,andwhenthedelaywhich
terrorist acts’ hasoccurredissubstantiallyattrib-
utable to the prosecution...
Officials: 4 Lanka citizens may be sent to country of their choice THE CALCUTTA High Court on
Reasonable procedure implicit in
Article 21 creates a right in favour
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE cused in the 2010 derailment of oftheaccusedtobetriedspeedily
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 ARUN JANARDHANAN RAJIV ASSASSINATION CASE the Jnaneswari Express in West and long delay may be taken as
CHENNAI, NOVEMBER 11 Bengal’sWestMidnaporedistrict. presumptiveproof of prejudice”.
THE NATIONAL Investigation
Agency (NIA) on Friday filed a THE SUPREME Court’s order on
A TIMELINE TheMumbai-boundtrainhad
derailed near Jhargram and was
Criminal lawyer Kaushik
Gupta, who represented the ac-
charge sheet against three LTTE Friday to release the last six con- then hit by an oncoming goods cused,toldTheIndianExpress:“The
supporters who were allegedly victs marks a closure in the Rajiv train, leading to the death of 148 questionisthatinvestigativeagen-
planningterroristactstorevivethe Gandhiassassinationcase. passengers. Authorities said the Jnaneswari Express derailed and then was hit by a goods train cieshaveconsistentlytakenaway
proscribedgroupin TamilNadu. The order also unravels a key derailment, which took place at in West Bengal’s West Midnapore district on May 28, 2010. the liberty of individuals through
“The charge sheet was filed aspect — the role played by the around1amonMay28,2010,was The incident claimed the lives of 148 passengers. File executiveactionwithoutthejudi-
against the arrested accused consistent legal fight of A G the result of alleged sabotage by cialdeterminationofguilt.Inmany
from Tamil Nadu — Naveen Perarivalan,anotherconvictwho Maoists. The incident took place cases,suchasthisone,intheevent
alias Chakaravarthy M, Sanjay was released in May this year, in soonafterafour-daybandhcalled beeninjailforaroundadecade. Mahato,BabluRanaandDayamoy that the accused is finally acquit-
Prakash J and A Kabilar alias the release of the remaining six bytheCPI(Maoist)hadbegun. Theinvestigationintotheinci- Mahato — all from West Bengal’s ted, they have already lost 10-12
Kabilan,” a spokesperson for convicts. Nalini, Murugan and Santan are among those released Granting bail to the six ac- dent was handed over to the CBI Jhargramdistrict,whichwasonce years of their life. Article 21 is vio-
the NIA said. Of those released Friday, two cused, Justices Partha Sarathi inJune2010afterdemandsmade considered the fulcrum of Maoist latedbytheexecutivethroughin-
The NIA said the case was re- areIndians—NalinifromChennai Chatterjee and Tapabrata by then Railways minister activity. vestigating agencies under strin-
lated to the recovery of two and Ravichandran from Madurai. MAY 21, 1991: Rajiv Gandhi on grounds of 11-year Chakraborty said that “whatever Mamata Banerjee. West Bengal Responding to arguments by gent acts, and then not pursuing
country-made pistols, ammuni- Santhan (T Suthenthiraraja), assassinated at a poll rally delay in deciding their maybethenatureoftheoffence”, hadaLeftgovernmentatthetime. theprosecution,theCalcuttaHigh thecase.Inthismatter,theCBIfiled
tionandgunpowderduringave- Robert Payas, Jayakumar and in Tamil Nadu’s mercy pleas by the Centre. even in cases filed under the In a chargesheet filed on Court said that even in cases in- itschargesheetsin2010.Inthetrial,
hiclechecknearPuliyampattidi- Nalini’s husband Murugan are Sri Sriperumbudur by a Unlawful Activities (Prevention) November 29, 2010, the CBI volving offences under the UAPA whichisongoing,therehavebeen
vision in the Omalur police Lankannationals. SEPTEMBER 9, 2018: Tamil Act (UAPA), “prolonged trial named23accusedinthecase. and the Narcotic Drugs and fewwitnesses,withnoendtode-
suicide bomber identified Nadu Cabinet passes
station area of Salem district in When arrested in 1991, all of as Dhanu againstanaccusedwouldbeviola- The six accused granted bail PsychotropicSubstancesAct,“bail terminingguiltinsight.”
Tamil Nadu on May 19. The them were teenagers. Nalini and resolution recommending tive of Article 21” of the are Mantu Mahato, Laxman can be granted to an undertrial FULLREPORTON
spokesperson said the accused Muruganweremarriedbeforebe- MAY 24, 1991: Probe Perarivalan’s release, sends Constitution. The accused have Mahato, Sanjay Mahato, Tapan prisoner who has suffered half of
“were inspired by LTTE, a pro- ingarrested.Murugan’smotherin handed over to a CBI SIT it to governor.
scribed terrorist organisation, a European country is currently JUNE 11, 1991: CBI arrests A JANUARY 25, 2021:
and wanted to create an organi- takingcareoftheirdaughter,who G Perarivalan, then 19, Governor forwards
No nod for new colleges MAHARASHTRA

offering only Commerce, All encroachment around

sation similar to the LTTE with was born in a prison. Nalini’s books him under TADA petition filed by
the aim to wage an armed strug- mother Padma and brother JANUARY 28, 1998: TADA Perarivalan under Article
gle against the government”. Bagyanathanwerealsoaccusedin court sentences 26 161, along with

Arts, Science: Maharashtra Afzal Khan tomb has been

The case was first registered the case and stayed in jail for accused to death recommendation made by
at Omalur police station on May aroundeightyears. Tamil Nadu Cabinet, to
APRIL 2000: Tamil Nadu

demolished, state tells SC

19andwaslaterre-registeredby Sources in the government President
governor commutes death
the NIA. said Sri Lankan citizens will be MARCH 9, 2022: Supreme studentsasindividuals,”Patilsaid.
sentence of Nalini Sriharan
“Investigations have estab- sent back to the country of their Court releases Perarivalan PALLAVI SMART He shared an example of
on state government’s
lishedthatthethreeaccusedhad choice, “like what happened on bail MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 11 howacourseinKolhapurtotrain implementing the order of the
recommendation and an
conspired and associated them- with other convicts after being people as bed assistants saw in- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Bombay High Court, which was
appeal from Sonia Gandhi MAY 18, 2022: SC orders
selves with the LTTE..., and cre- released in 1999”. THE MAHARASHTRA govern- creased demand from students NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 not stayed by any higher court.
AUGUST 12, 2011: Perarivalan’s release
ated an organisation called WhileNalini’sdeathsentence ment on Friday announced that due to the need for such jobs in Afzal Khan, a general who
'World Tamil Justice Court'. They was commuted to life imprison- Perarivalan files mercy AUGUST 12, 2022: Nalini it will not give permission for hospitals in the adjoining areas. THE MAHARASHTRA govern- served the Adil Shahi dynasty of
had made plans to attack people ment in 2001, that of Perarivalan, petition, which is rejected and Ravichandran move new colleges offering only tradi- “Therearemanysuchprofes- ment on Friday told Supreme Bijapur Sultanate, was killed by
who work in quarries, crushers Murugan and Santhan was com- FEBRUARY 18, 2014: SC seeking premature tional Arts, Commerce and sions or jobs, old as well as new, Court that it had completed Chatrapati Shivaji near
and TASMAC liquor shops by us- mutedinearly2014. Supreme Court commutes release Science courses. having no trained manpower. demolition of all alleged en- Pratapgarh Fort in Satar district.
ing illegal firearms, lethal If Perarivalan's release paved Perarivalan’s death NOV 11, 2022: SC directs The announcement was Educational institutions need to croachments around the tomb Appearing for the Hazrat
weapons and explosive sub- the way for the release of the re- sentence to life premature release of the made by state Higher and tap such gaps and offer courses,” of Afzal Khan in Satara district in Mohd. Afzal Khan Memorial
stances and also causing de- mainingsixconvicts,groundscon- imprisonment, along with six remaining convicts in Technical Education Minister said Patil, adding that colleges keeping with directions of Society, Advocate Mohd Nizam
struction to property,” the sidered in his case have largely that of two other prisoners the case ChandrakantPatil,whosaidem- willbeencouragedtooffernovel Bombay High Court. Pashasaidthatinthenameof the
spokesperson said. played in others' too — their con- — Santhan and Murugan — Source: PTI phasisneededtobegivenonen- courses where 70 per cent train- SeniorAdvocateNeerajKishan demolition, even the main struc-
The NIA said investigations duct and the aspects of reforms couraging more employment- ing is job-oriented while 30 per Kaul, appearing for the state, told turewhichwasanationalheritage
also revealed that they had cho- that occurred to them besides oriented courses. cent training should help an in- a bench presided by Chief Justice hadbeendestroyed.Thecourtsaid
sen to strike on May 18, which healthissues. “There are two schools of ist.Atthismoment,Icanonlysay “We are taking this decision dividual to lead a better life. ofIndiaDYChandrachudthatthe it will first see the status report to
marks the Mullivaikkal TalkingtoTheIndianExpresson thoughts… Retentionists want that I am happy for the fact that tonotpermitanynewcollegesof- “In line with NEP 2020, it is district collector will file a report befiledbythedistrictcollectorand
Remembrance Day, observed by Friday, Justice K T Thomas said he to keep convicts in prison indef- they have been released at least feringtraditionalArts,Commerce definitely time that we change on the status of anti-encroach- gave the state two weeks time to
Sri Lankan Tamil people and believesinreformatoryjusticeand initely, while abolitionists op- now,” he said. andSciencecoursesthisyear.We this fixed approach in higher ed- ment action carried on the land, submitthesamebeforeit.Though
supporters of LTTE to pay hom- that he was of the view that all of pose capital punishment and JusticeThomaswasatthefore- want colleges to offer courses ucation...,” former Vice whichbelongedtoforestandrev- theSocietysoughtstayonanyfur-
age to those who died in the Sri them should have been released favour reformatory justice. I front to demand the release of all whicharemoreusefulforsociety Chancellor of Mumbai enuedepartments,intwoweeks. therdemolition,thebenchdidnot
Lankan civil war. after14years. wouldsaythatIamanabolition- Rajivcaseconvicts. and will help enhance the life of University Suhas Pednekar said. He said the state was only passanysuchdirection.

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RESULT WdS¹ff¯ff Sfª¹f ¶ff»f ÀfSa Ãf¯f ÀfûÀff¹fMe, WdS¹ff¯ff ´fa¨fIc »ff IZ Aa°f¦fÊ°f dªf»ff ¶ff»f ÀfSa Ãf¯f BI fBÊ I f¹ffÊ»f¹f ´f»f½f»f IZ d»fE ½f¿fÊ 2022-
2023 WZ°fb ¸ffdÀfI A³fb¶fa²f Af²ffS ´fS dI SfE ´fS ½ffW³f »f¦ff³fZ IZ d»fE Àf·fe B¨Lb I ½ffW³f ²ffSI ûÔ ÀfZ d³f¸³f ´fiûR fg¸ffÊ IZ °fW°f Ib MZ Vf³f
The Haryana Public Service Commission Had Af¸fadÂf°f I e ªff°fe W` Ü ½ffW³f dI SfE ´fS d»fE ªff³fZ IZ d»fE ¸ffdÀfI dI Sf¹ff Ad²fI °f¸f 20,800 ÷ ´fE d³f²ffÊdS°f W` Ü dI SfE ´fS d»f¹ff ¦f¹ff
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didate for the post of Lecturer (Group-B) in QÀ°ff½fZªf ÀfdW°f d³f¸³f ´fiûR fg¸ffÊ ¸fZÔ ´fc¯fÊ d½f½fS¯f ·fSI S Àfe»f¶faQ d»fR fRZ ¸fZÔ dQ³ffaI 21.11.2022 I û Àffa¹f 04.00 ¶fªfZ °fI dªf»ff ¶ff»f
Technical Education Department- Automobile ÀfSa Ãf¯f BI fBÊ I f¹ffÊ»f¹f I ¸fSf ³fa. 111, E I`Ô Me³f IZ Àff±f ´fi±f¸f °f»f, »f§fb Àfd¨f½ff»f¹f Ib V»fe´fbS ´f»f½f»f ¸fZÔ ªf¸ff I SfEÜ ¹fW Ib MZ Vf³f
Engineering, as published vide Advertisement No. dQ³ffaI 22.11.2022 Àfb¶fW 11 ¶fªfZ ¸ff³f³fe¹f Ad°fdS¢°f C´ff¹fbö I f¹ffÊ»f¹f, ´f»f½f»f ¸fZÔ £fû»fe ªffEa¦feÜ
11(iii)/2021, published on 10.12.2021 in various Ii . I f¹ffÊ»f¹f I f ³ff¸f ½ffW³f ¸ffd»fI I f ½ffW³f ¨ff»fI I f ½ffW³f ¸ffgO »f I f ½ffW³f ¸ffd»fI õfSf
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1. While preparing the result due care has been 4. ½ffW³f ¸ffgO »f ÀfZO f³f MfB´f I f Wû, ¦ffOÞ e I f ¸ffgO »f ½f¿fÊ 2017 ÀfZ ¶ffQ I f WûÜ
taken. However, any inadvertent error cannot be 5. A³fb¶fa²f d¶f³ff I fZBÊ I fS¯f ¶f°ffE Sï dI ¹ff ªff ÀfI °ff W` Ü
ruled out. The Commission reserved its right to ³fûM: d³fd½fQf ´fifZR fg¸ffÊ dªf»ff I f¹fÊIi ¸f Ad²fI fSe, ´f»f½f»f ¹ff dªf»ff ¶ff»f ÀfSa Ãf¯f Ad²fI fSe, ´f»f½f»f I f¹ffÊ»f¹f ÀfZ ´fif~ I SIZ Af½fZQ³f I SmÔ
rectify any error at alater stage. °f±ff A³¹f dI Àfe ·fe ´fiI fS I e A³¹f ªff³fI fSe IZ d»fE BÀf I f¹ffÊ»f¹f IZ QcS ·ff¿f ³fa. 9050320929, 8930322698 ´fS ¹ff ½¹fd¢°f¦f°f ø ´f
ÀfZ dI Àfe ·fe I f¹fÊ dQ½fÀf I û Àfa´fIÊ I S ÀfI °fZ W` Ü
Sd/- I f¹ffÊ»f¹f dªf»ff ¶ff»f ÀfSa Ãf¯f Ad²fI fSe,
Dated: 11.11.2022 Deputy Secretary, I ¸fSf ³fa. 111, E., »f§fb Àfd¨f½ff»f¹f,
Haryana Public Service Commission ´fi±f¸f °f»f, Ib V»fe´fbS ´f»f½f»fÜ
13687/HRY Panchkula 13670/HRY BÊ ¸fZ»f:- [email protected]

New Delhi

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
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THEBJP’SWOOINGOFVOKKALIGAS Rajiv case convicts, freed by SC
PRIME MINISTER Narendra Modi on Who are the five men and one woman who were freed by the Supreme Court 31 years after Rajiv
Friday unveiled a 108-foot statue of
Nadaprabhu Kempegowda and inaugu- Gandhi was assassinated by an LTTE bomber? What was each accused of by the prosecution?
rated Terminal 2 of Bengaluru airport,
which is named after the 16th-century
figure credited with founding the city. sues or petitions related to the case,” he said.
InJune,Chief MinisterBasavarajBom- ARUN JANARDHANAN
maihadannouncedthatastatueof Kem- CHENNAI, NOVEMBER 11 ACCUSED NO. 9: ROBERT PAYAS
pegowda would come up on the legisla- ASriLankancitizen,PayasarrivedinIndia
tive Assembly premises within a year. OF THE seven individuals whose convictions on September 20, 1990 with his pregnant
intheRajivGandhiassassinationcasewereup- wife. Their first child had been killed al-
Nadaprabhu Kempegowda heldbytheSupremeCourtin1999,onlyNalini legedlyinactionbytheIndianPeaceKeeping
The 16th century chieftain under the Sriharan had witnessed the bombing of May Force (IPKF) when she was just a 45-day-old
Vijayanagara Empire is widely acknowl- 21,1991.Morethanthreedecadeson,allseven baby. He was arrested on June 18, 1991, and
edged as the founder of Bengaluru. It is are free — after ordering the release of A G gavestatementsinTADAcustodyagainstthe
said that he conceived the idea of a new Perarivalan in May this year, the Supreme IPKF, and on his close links with the LTTE.
city while hunting with his minister, and Court on Friday freed Nalini, T Suthendraraja Perarivalan said he was the closest to
latermarkeditsterritorybyerectingtow- aliasSanthan,VSriharanaliasMurugan,Robert Payas among the convicts. “He came to
ers in four corners of the proposed city. Payas,Jayakumar,andRavichandranaliasRavi. Madras for the second delivery of his wife as
Heisalsocreditedwithhavingdeveloped In 1998, a TADA court had sentenced 26 northern Lanka was already battered then.
around 1,000 lakes in the city to cater to of the 41 accused to death, including 12 who (Above from left) Perarivalan, who was released Payas’s wife, sister, and the newborn child
its drinking and agricultural needs. The 108-foot statue of Kempegowda had died in the blast or during the investiga- in May, Robert Payas, Ravichandran, Jayakumar, were in Saidapet jail for a few months before
Kempegowda’s name is everywhere was unveiled by PM Narendra Modi tion. In May 1999, the SC freed 19 of them, Santhan, and Murugan during their theywereletoff.Thechild,borninIndia,now
in Bengaluru today — the city’s interna- in Bengaluru on Friday. PTI while upholding the death sentences of incarceration in Vellore Central Prison; (left) lives in the Netherlands, and his wife lives in
tional airport, bus stand, main Metro sta- Murugan, Santhan, Perarivalan, and Nalini, Nalini. Express Archive SriLanka.Whatmadeusbestfriendswasthat
tion, and a major arterial road in the old and commuting the death sentences of likeme,hetooisanon-believer,andweboth
city are all named after him. in Bengaluru over the alleged targeting Payas, Ravichandran, and Jayakumar to life. love books. He was also a celebrated cook in
of membersof thecommunitybycentral All seven were arrested in the weeks and Citing evidence, he observed that Nalini was him as a man “who lives in his own world”. prisonduringfestivaldays,”Perarivalansaid.
BJP’s Vokkaliga outreach agencies. The BJP was at the time aiming monthsafterRajivwas assassinated bya sui- “anobedientparticipant”who“realisedonly “He never spoke to anyone. He was an exces-
Kempegowda belonged to the domi- to rope in Vokkaliga leaders from south- cidebomberof theLiberationTigers of Tamil at Sriperumbudur that Dhanu was going to sively religious man who regularly per- ACCUSED NO. 10: JAYAKUMAR
nant agricultural Vokkaliga community. ern Karnataka as part of its political push Eelam(LTTE)inSriperumbudur,TamilNadu. kill Rajiv Gandhi”. But she could not have re- formed puja and rituals, and would sit in the Abrother-in-lawof Payas,Jayakumarwas
He is an iconic figure among Vokkaligas, into the old Mysuru region. Based on the state government’s recom- treatedbecause“shewastuckedintotheten- prison temple for almost the entire day,” sent to India by the LTTE in 1990, according
Karnataka’ssecondmostdominantcom- Assembly elections are due in mendation and an appeal by Sonia Gandhi, taclesof theconspiracy”,andknew“Sivarasan Perarivalansaid. “I think he never responded tothechargesheet.Heissaidtohavearranged
munity after Lingayats. Karnataka in about six months. The BJP theTamilNaduGovernorcommutedNalini’s and Santhan had liquidated those who did to letters from his relatives in Sri Lanka, he a house for some of the accused as they
The statue was first announced in hasneverwonaclearmajorityof over113 deathsentencein2000.The other threesen- not stand by them,” Justice Thomas wrote. mighthaveseveredallhistieswithrelatives,” plannedtheassassination.Hiswife,anIndian,
September 2019 by then Chief Minister seats in the 224-member Assembly, as it tences were commuted in 2014. After a long Perarivalan told The Indian Express: “I Perarivalan said. wasamongtheconvictsreleasedin1999,and
B S Yediyurappa, and the project was has struggled to attract the Vokkaliga legal battle involving the state government, knew her brother (Bhagyanathan, who was now lives in Chennai with their son.
takenforwardbyChief MinisterBommai. community, which has traditionally sup- Governor, the Union government, and the released by the SC in 1999) for two months ACCUSED NO. 3: MURUGAN Perarivalan said Jayakumar is nine years
The plan for the statue was announced a ported former Prime Minister H D Deve President of India, Perarivalan was released. beforethearrest,soIusedtovisittheirhouse. A Sri Lankan national and “hard-core older than him. “We used to play in the
day after a massive protest by Vokkaligas Gowda’s JD(S) and the Congress. ENS These are the stories of the six convicts Seven years elder to me, she (Nalini) used to LTTEactivist”,Muruganwasamemberof the prison and talk like friends, even though un-
released on Friday, based on the CBI’s case show the empathy of a sister. A day after I suicide squad from January 1991, as per the like me, he was an ardentdevotee. When my
diary, the1999SCorder,andinterviewswith was taken into custody, she shouted at CBI prosecution. He was sent to India by LTTE mother came to visit me, he would send
THIS WORD MEANS Perarivalan, who knows all of them. officers, telling them that I knew nothing... I
will never forget that.”
leader Pottu Amman with the job of draw-
ing sketches and taking photographs and
someone to find out the colour of her sari —
ACCUSED NO. 1: NALINI (57) videos of key locations, and was received by thecolour,claimingthatAmman(localdeity)
MANGROVE ALLIANCE FOR CLIMATE Nalini and her husband Murugan were ACCUSED NO. 2: SANTHAN (54) Sivarasan in India. He befriended Nalini’s had told him the colour of Amma’s
arrested about a month after the assassina- According to the CBI, Santhan came to brother Bhagyanathan, and subsequently (Mother’s) sari!”
India is part of a multi-country collaborative effort to tion. Her confession statement, taken under Tamil Nadu with Sivarasan in April 1991. The Nalini and her mother Padma. Murugan
TADA custody, said she hosted two Sri chargesheet described him as a member of knew about the arrival of Subha and Dhanu ACCUSED NO. 16: RAVICHANDRAN
preserve and protect mangroves, launched at COP27 Lankan women, Subha and Dhanu, who car- theLTTE’sintelligencewingwhowascloseto through Sivarasan, according to the case. He was accused of receiving training in
ried out the attack. She was also accused of Sivarasan. In February 1988, Sivarasan sug- Nalini’sautobiographysaysshefellinlove an LTTE camp in India, and then in Sri Lanka.
taking them to buy the clothes they wore on gested that Santhan continue his studies in with Murugan amid her problems with her He allegedly met LTTE leaders like Kittu and
NAVMI KRISHNA the day of the killing, of knowing their plan Madras (Chennai), and in February 1990, he parents, and that they were shaken after the Baby Subramaniam, and was told by Pottu
BENGALURU, NOVEMBER 11 in advance, and of accompanying them to secured admission at Madras Institute of assassinationandtravelledtodifferentplaces Amman to help Sivarasan in Madras. He was
Rajiv’s election rally. The chargesheet said EngineeringTechnology,wherehisexpenses to evade arrest. also tasked with sheltering and helping
THE MANGROVE Alliance for Climate Nalini, Subha, and the LTTE mastermind, were met by the LTTE. Santhan was charged PerarivalansaidheknewMuruganbriefly Sivarasan and others to escape after the as-
(MAC) was inaugurated on November 8 Sivarasan, fled after Dhanu blew herself up. forhiscloseassociationwithSivarasaninthe beforetheirarrests.“Eveninsidejail,wewere sassination.
at the ongoing COP27 climate meeting in While the majority in the three judge SC conspiracy to assassinate Rajiv. not great friends. Maybe he was an introvert Perarivalan recalled Ravichandran as a
Egypt. India, which is a partner in the al- Benchin1999confirmedthecapitalpunish- Perarivalan, who spent nearly three like me. We were in separate cells, and we “lonely man”. They rarely had personal ex-
liance,willcollaboratewithcountrieslike mentforNalini,JusticeKTThomasdissented. decades in prison with Santhan, described did not talk except about administrative is- changes while in prison, he said.
Sri Lanka and Indonesia to preserve and
restore mangroves with the aim of in- Environment Minister Bhupender
creasing its carbon sink.
Union Minister for Environment,
Yadav with ministers of other
Mangrove Alliance countries. PTI

An expert, ringside view of India’s economy

Forest and Climate Change Bhupender
Yadav said in Sharm El-Sheikh that India
is home to the Sundarban, one of the human activities like industrial expan-
largestremainingareasundermangroves sion and the building of roads and rail-
in the world, and has years of expertise ways, as well as natural processes like
in the restoration of mangrove cover. shifting coastlines, coastal erosion, and Indianeconomyinthewakeof theeconomic He underlines that reforms can no longer
THE ALLIANCE is an initiative led by storms. Between 2010 and 2020, around UDIT MISRA reforms of 1991. In part 3, Rangarajan talks be pushed “under the shadow of a crisis”
the UAE and Indonesia, and has brought 600 sq km of mangroves were lost, of NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 FORKSIN THE about his time in Raj Bhavan and the Finance (like during 1991), and that “we need more
India,SriLanka,Australia,Japan,andSpain which more than 62% was due to direct ROAD: MY DAYS Commission. discussion and consensus building” in all
onboardtospreadawarenessworldwide human impacts, the Global Mangrove CRANGARAJANwasGovernorof theReserve AT RBI AND While this is an especially valuable book sectors. Pointing to the experience of the
ontheroleof mangrovesincurbingglobal Alliance said in its 2022 report. Bank of India between 1992 and 1997, ar- BEYOND for students of India’s economic history, first decades after Independence, he cau-
warming and fighting climate change. LONGER VERSION guably one of the most challenging periods BY C common readers are likely to find the last tions that “Atmanirbhar should not result in
MANGROVES are under threat from WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM in the history of India’s central bank. coupleof chapters—“Advicetogovernment” pure import substitution…an open econ-
Rangarajan, a professional economist with a (his stint heading Manmohan Singh’s omy with some limitations is still the best
PhDfromtheUniversityof Pennsylvania,has PMEAC) and “Some ruminations” — of great route to follow.”
also served as chairman of the Twelfth 304 pages; interest. In these chapters, Rangarajan Rangarajan repeatedly makes the point
Drishti IAS Finance Commission, chairman of the Prime
`699 touches upon recent economic develop-
ments such as the post-2011 slowdown, and
that while India must grow at 9 per cent per
annum for at least five years in order to have
Admissions Open (English Medium) ber of the erstwhile Planning Commission, the RBI) and 2014 (when he resigned as reflects on the important challenges and op- any chance of becoming a $5 trillion econ-
Governor of Andhra Pradesh, and member chairman of the PMEAC). portunities before India. omy, it is equally important that the fruits of
GENERAL STUDIES (P+M) FOUNDATION BATCH of Rajya Sabha, and headed several influen- The first of the book’s three parts, which With reference to the economic slow- fast growth are equitably distributed. “We
OPTIONAL SUBJECTS tialcommittees.Hisentireadultlifehasbeen covers Rangarajan’s time at the RBI from down since 2016-17, he says: “The shocking cannot sequence it, growth first and equity
Political Science & IR Sociology Public Administration Philosophy
spent contributing to and witnessing inde- 1982-91, describes in meticulous detail the managementfailurewithrespecttodemon- later. They need to go together. Growth and
Law History Geography Hindi Literature pendent India’s economic growth at close originsof thebalanceof paymentscrisis. The etisation…andthecontinuingteethingprob- equity…must be woven together to give an
quarters. This book tells the story of his second part, about his time as RBI Governor, lems of GST had their adverse impact on the acceptable pattern of development…
Karol Bagh, Delhi | Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi | Prayagraj | Jaipur
thoughts and actions on a range of issuesbe- details the ways in which RBI adjusted to the economy. Certainly it appears from the data Therein lies economic wisdom and eco-
tween 1982 (when he left academics to join fundamentally altered paradigm of the that the investment deteriorated.” nomic statesmanship,” he says.

Legal battle over demolitions near Afzal Khan tomb in Maharashtra tures around the spot. The demolition inci- Conservation Act, 1980, without obtaining
dentally occurred on the 363rd anniversary
of the killing of Afzal Khan by Shivaji, cele-
brated as ‘Shiv Pratap Day’.
permission from the competent authority.”
It asked the Conservator of Forests to file
an affidavit in the matter after verifying all
Shivaji’s killing of Afzal Khan
THE SUPREME Court on Friday sought re- HindugroupsincludingtheVishwaHindu the necessary records on whether any per- AFTER AURANGZEB left the Deccan
ports from officials of Maharasthra’s Satara Parishad (VHP), have alleged the Afzal Khan mission was taken from the Forest in 1657, Shivaji seized the space and be-
district on the demolition drive conducted MemorialSocietyhadexpandedthetombby Department. In 2008, another Bench of the came master of many towns in the
around the tomb of Afzal Khan, the 17th- carrying out unauthorised constructions. In court directed the authorities to comply northern Konkan. Afzal Khan was told
century commander of the Adil Shahi dy- 2004,oneVarshaLaxmanraoDeshpandehad with the 2007 order. to subdue Shivaji, and the Bijapur noble
nasty of Bijapur. filed a PIL demanding their demolition. The court heard the matter after VHP mobilised 10,000 cavalry and plun-
Thesereportsshouldindicatethenature A picture of Afzal Khan’s tomb, pub- member Milind Ekbote pointed out that a dered Shivaji’s territory. Shivaji called a
of the structures, and whether due process lished in D B Parasnis’s 1916 book, The PIL and Bombay HC order proposal to regularise the “unauthorised council of war at Pratapgarh fort and
wasfollowedinremovingtheallegedunau- Mahabaleshwar. Express Deshpande contended that in the name construction” was being sent to the state announced he would fight. Legend has
thorised structures, the court said. A Bench of the original tomb of Afzal Khan, certain government. The Bench observed that they it that he made his decision after he re-
of Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud personswereencroachinguponthelandfor were quite sure that the state would refrain ceived the blessings of Goddess
and Justice Hima Kohli was apprised by the The demolitions in Satara their personal benefit. from regularising any construction as it had Bhawani in a dream.
Maharashtra government that the demoli- Early on Thursday, Satara district offi- Hearing the PIL, the Bombay HC Bench directed authorities to remove encroach-
tiondrivewasover, and illegalstructures on cials went to the mid-17th century fort built comprising Justices A A Sayed and J N Patel ments,andthatthelandinquestionwasun- AFZAL KHAN and Shivaji were to
government and forest land were razed. by Chhatrapati Shivaji in Pratapgarh with observed in 2007, “It will be in larger public der the Forest Conservation Act and could meet in a tent close to where the
The Hazrat Mohammad Afzal Khan earthmovers and bulldozers to demolish interest if the respondent state through its not be used for non-forest purposes. Bijapur army had camped. Shivaji Wikimedia Commons
Memorial Society, which has looked after the “unauthorised structures” constructed instrumentalities removes all unauthorised In a 2017 order, the HighCourtaskedthe went with two trusted aides, Jeev side, but was repelled by Shivaji’s ar-
the tomb since the 1950s, had moved the around the medieval tomb of Afzal Khan, constructions from this disputed site by fol- authorities to comply with the earlier order Mahala and Shambhuji Kavji. His gen- mour. Shivaji then tore open Afzal’s ab-
courtseekingprotectionforthemonument. whom Shivaji had killed on November 10, lowing due process of law. ” of the court, and to submit affidavits on de- erals were already in the area. domen with his steel claws, and drove
Satara Collector Ruchesh Jaiwanshi said 1659. According to Maratha sources, Afzal Referring to the forests in the area, the tails of the illegal structures and their future With armour hidden under his tu- the bichhwa into Afzal’s side. As Afzal
that the administration had only removed Khan’s remains were buried at the fort and court said, “There is no dispute over the fact demolition. Otherwise, the court said, the nic, Shivaji came secretly armed with a staggered out, Shambhuji Kavji cut off
“the unauthorised structures that had come a tomb was constructed on Shivaji’s orders. that the site is situated within the protected Conservator of Forests would be held per- waagh nakh (steel claws) and a bicchwa his head, while Shivaji’s generals at-
up around the grave of Afzal Khan”. On Several orders passed by the Bombay forestandifthatisso,thestateshouldnotper- sonally liable. (dagger). As Shivaji entered the tent, tacked the Bijapur army. In three hours,
Thursday,theBenchhadagreedtohearanin- High Court were cited for the action, which mittheuseofthesitefornon-forestpurposes LONGER VERSION Afzal embraced him and stabbed his the Marathas killed 3,000 soldiers.
terim plea seeking a stay on the demolition. in 2017 had called for the removal of struc- as the same is prohibited under the Forests WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM

New Delhi

Norwegian police said two climate activists tried in vain to glue themselves to Edvard
Munch’s 1893 masterpiece at an Oslo museum. A video of the incident showed mu-
seum guards holding two activists, with one shouting “I scream for people dying.”


Ukraine’s Kherson erupts in joy


36 seats not up for election, Gained 1 seat 29 seats not up for election, Lost 1 seat

as Russia says retreat complete

Flipped 4 seats Flipped 16 seats
Kyiv says city under control; Moscow says no change in status of annexed area Last updated: 2300 IST, Friday

Ice on the launch pad

of Challenger on JONATHAN LANDAY
with Moscow
Votes still being tallied, could
January 28, 1986. Nasa BLAHODATNE(UKRAINE),NOV11

UKRAINIAN TROOPS were on grains deal
determine US Senate control
greeted by joyous residents in
Challenger the centre of Kherson on Friday
after Russia abandoned the only
Geneva: Talks between a Russian
spaceshuttle regional capital it had captured to address Moscow’s grievances

wreckagefound since its invasion in February.

Russia said it had withdrawn
about the Black Sea grains export
initiative began in Geneva on TIM REID & JOSEPH AX
30,000 troops across the Dnipro Friday, a UN spokesperson said. PHOENIX, NOVEMBER 11
DIVERS FROM a docu- River withoutlosinga singlesol- The negotiations come just
mentarycrewlookingfor dier, but Ukrainians painted a eight days before the deal bro- ARIZONA AND Nevada election
the wreckage of a World picture of a chaotic retreat, with kered by the United Nations and workers were toiling on Friday
War Two aircraft off the Russiantroopsditchingtheiruni- Turkey in July is due to be re- to tally hundreds of thousands
coast of Florida found a forms,abandoningweaponsand newed. The accord has helped of uncounted ballots that could
20-foot section of the drowning while trying to flee. staveoff aglobalfoodcrisisbyal- determine control of the US
space shuttle Challenger, Video footage verified by lowing the export of food and Senate, a process officials in the
which exploded and Reuters showed dozens of fertilisers from several of two battleground states warn
broke apart shortly after Ukrainians cheering and chant- Ukraine’s Black Sea ports. could drag on for days.
its launch in 1986, NASA ing victory slogans in Kherson's Moscow has indicated that it Either Democrats or
said on Thursday. The centralsquare,wheretheappar- ispreparedtoquitthedeal,which Republicans can capture a
diverscontactedNASAaf- ent first Ukrainian troops to ar- As Ukrainian soldiers arrive in Kherson. Reuters couldexpireonNov19,ifprogress Senate majority by sweeping A protester near a tabulation and election centre as counting
terspottingalarge,clearly rivesnappedselfiesinthecrowd. is not made on its concerns. contests in both states after of vote continues in Phoenix, Arizona. Reuters
modern object mostly Two men lifted a female sol- Russiasuspendeditsparticipa- Tuesday's midterm vote.
coveredinsandatthebot- dier on their shoulders and citylies,justtwodaysafterMoscow tioninlateOctoberbutrejoinedaf- A split would transform a
tom of the ocean and tossed her into the air. Some res- announcedtheretreat. Endof Black terfourdays.Itsaiditwasrespond- December 6 runoff Senate elec- they need for a majority, Edison
bearing the shuttle's dis- idents wrapped themselves in The loss of Kherson would Sea dreams ingtoadroneattackonMoscow's tion in Georgia into a proxy bat- Prolonged Research projected late on
tinctive tiles, the space Ukrainian flags. One man was appearto enddreamsexpressed fleet in Crimea that it blamed on tle for the chamber, which holds delay Thursday, while Democrats had
agency said in a written weeping with joy. by some Russians of seizing THE WITHDRAWAL from Ukraine. Kyiv has not claimed re- sway over President Joe Biden's won 197. That left 27 races yet to
statement."Thisdiscovery Ukraine'sdefenceintelligence Ukraine's entire Black Sea coast, Kherson is the third ma- sponsibility and denies using the judicial appointments. WHILE THE Reps are bedetermined,includingseveral
givesusanopportunityto agencysaidKhersonwasreturn- although Kremlin spokesman jor Russian retreat of the grainprogramme'ssecuritycorri- In the fight for the House of favourites to win the close contests.
pauseonceagain,touplift ing to Ukrainian control and or- Dmitry Peskov said the region's war, and the first to in- dorformilitarypurposes. Representatives, Republicans House of Represent- TheRepublicanHouseleader,
the legacies of the seven dered any remaining Russian annexed status is unchanged. volve abandoning such a UN aid chief Martin Griffiths were inching closer to wrest- atives, the fight for the Kevin McCarthy, has already an-
pioneers we lost, and to troops to surrender to Ukrainian Putin's spokesman Dmitry large occupied city. The and senior UN trade official ing control of the chamber Senate is on a knife- nounced his intention to run for
reflect on how this forces entering the city. Peskov said the decision to re- loss ends the dreams ex- Rebeca Grynspan are meeting from Biden's Democrats. edge. But with no cer- speakerif Republicanstakeover,
tragedy changed us," Earlier, the Russian defence treat was taken by the defence pressed by some Russia- with Russia's Deputy Foreign House control would give tainty on when the an outcome he has described as
NASA administrator Bill ministry said it had finished its ministry. Asked by reporters if it ns of seizing Ukraine’s Minister Sergei Vershinin at the Republicans veto power over counting will end, the inevitable. Biden told reporters
Nelson said. REUTERS withdrawalfromthewesternbank was humiliating for Putin, entire Black Sea coast. UN office in Geneva, a UN state- Biden's legislative agenda and verdict on which party on Thursday he and McCarthy
oftheDniproriver,whereKherson Peskov said: “No.” ment said. REUTERS allow them to launch poten- holds power in the up- had spoken but said he had not
tially damaging investigations per chamber of Congress abandonedhopethatDemocrats
into his administration. may not be known for could prevail in the House.
Iranians mark Republicans had secured at days, or even weeks. “It'sstillalive,”hesaidof their
Beijingshuts least 211 of the 218 House seats chances. REUTERS

parksamidnew ‘Bloody Friday’

Covidwave Dubai: Iranians protested in the
restive southeast on Friday to
mark a September 30 crack-
Judge scraps Biden’s student loan plan
BEIJING HAS closed city down by security forces known states challenging it. He added: “The Court is not
parks and imposed other as "Bloody Friday", as the coun- ASSOCIATED PRESS District Court Judge Mark blindtothecurrentpoliticaldivi-
restrictionsasthecountry try's clerical rulers battled na- FORT WORTH, NOVEMBER 11 Pittman, an appointee of former sion in our country. But it is fun-
faces a new wave of Covid tionwide unrest. PresidentDonaldTrumpbasedin damental to the survival of our
cases. Elsewhere, more Amnesty International said A US judge in Texas on Thursday Fort Worth, said the program Republic that the separation of
than5millionpeoplewere security forces unlawfully killed blocked President Joe Biden's usurpedCongress'powertomake powers as outlined in our
underlockdownonFriday atleast66people,includingchil- plan to provide millions of bor- laws. “In this country, we are not Constitution be preserved.”
in the southern manufac- dren, in the incident after firing rowers with up to USD 20,000 ruledbyanall-powerfulexecutive The debt forgiveness plan
turing hub Guangzhou live ammunition, metal pellets apiece in federal student-loan with a pen and a phone. Instead, would cancel USD 10,000 in stu-
andthewesternmegacity and teargas at protesters in forgiveness — a program that weareruledbyaConstitutionthat dent loan debt for those making
Chongqing. The country Zahedan, capital of flashpoint was already on hold as a federal providesforthreedistinctandin- less than USD 125,000 or house-
reported10,729newcases Sistan-Baluchistan province. appeals court in St. Louis consid- dependent branches of govern- holds with less than USD
on Friday, almost all of
them testing positive
while showing no symp-
Popular anger ahead of the
September 30 shooting was fu-
elledbyallegationsof therapeof
ARMISTICE DAY ers a separate lawsuit by six ment,” Pittman wrote. 250,000 in income.

toms. With the bulk of

a local teenaged girl by a police
At an Armistice Day ceremony at the Menin Gate Memorial to the Missing in Ypres, Belgium,
on Friday. Across the world, nations paid respect with moments of silence and solemn
ceremonies for their fallen soldiers in World War I. AP
Japan minister quits
were recorded in the
sprawling city. AP
is being investigated. REUTERS
after death row quip
BULGARIA Hinting at Nawaz’s return to Pakistan, PM REUTERS
ber of Kishida's faction within
Protestsover TOKYO, NOVEMBER 11 the ruling Liberal Democratic Twitter owner Elon Musk

highersalary Shehbaz takes dig at Imran: Failure destined JAPAN'S JUSTICE minister
Party (LDP), was reported to
have suggested there was little
politicaladvantagetohiscabinet Twitter restores
THOUSANDS OF years after getting the clearance Lahore High Court granted him ing the second minister to leave post and that he only made the
Bulgarians took to the PRESS TRUST OF INDIA from the Ministry of Foreign a four-week bail and allowed Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's news for "approving an execu- ‘official’ label; $8
streets on Friday to de- ISLAMABAD/LONDON, NOV 11 Affairs on Thursday, the Express him to leave the country for cabinet over a scandal in less tion in the morning".
mand higher salaries to Tribune newspaper reported. medical treatment. than a month and forcing a last- Japancarriesoutcapitalpun- blue check mark
compensateforsurgingin- PAKISTANGOVERNMENThasis- In a brief conversation with In November 2019, he went minute delay for the embattled ishmentbyhanginganddoesnot
flationthathashittheEU’s sued a diplomatic passport to the media in London, Shehbaz to London to receive treatment, premier's Asia tour. informprisonersuntilthemorn- option vanishes
poorest member. The former PM Nawaz Sharif, who Sharif said, “Mian Sahib (Nawaz and has been living there since. Thejusticeminister,Yasuhiro ing of the day of their execution,
demonstrationwasorgan- has been living in self-imposed Sharif) is coming, failure is des- He has served thrice as the Hanashi, had come under wide- a policy that rights groups have
ised by the country's two exile in the UK since 2019, me- tined for Imran Khan,” indicat- prime minister of Pakistan and spread criticism over comments criticised for decades. REUTERS
largest trade unions. dia reports said on Friday. ingthathiselderbrothermayre- appointed at least four Army reported in the media in which Hanashi apologised on NOVEMBER 11
Protestersgatheredinfront Former PM Imran Khan's turn to Pakistan. chiefs. hemadelightofhisduties,specif- Thursday for the comments and
of theparliamentbuilding Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf gov- Imran supporters during the According to rules and regu- Interestingly, PM Shehbaz ically signing off on executions, told parliament that he "took ELON MUSK’S Twitter Inc on
holding banners. The ernment had cancelled Sharif's march to Islamabad. @insafPK lations, former presidents and Sharif met Nawaz Sharif in whichhereferredtoas“tedious”. them back". Fridaybroughtbackthe"official"
unions handed to parlia- diplomaticpassportafterhewas premiers are entitled to keep London this week, apparently to “Imadecitizensandministry "Ifeelgreatresponsibility"for badge to some accounts, just
ment a joint declaration declared a proclaimed offender diplomaticpassports.Sharif was discuss the appointment of the staff uncomfortable,” Hanashi havingappointedHanashitothe days after doing away with it,
calling for a speedy adop- by a Pakistani court on corrup- MuslimLeague-Nawaz(PML-N) serving a seven-year prison sen- newArmychief laterthismonth, toldreportersaftertenderinghis post, Kishida later told reporters while several users reported the
tionof nextbudget. AP tion charges, the report said. supremo was issued the diplo- tence in Kot Lakhpat Jail on cor- according to a report in the resignation to Kishida, referring after accepting Hanashi's new subscription option for the
The 72-year-old Pakistan maticpassportforaperiodof five ruption charges when the Dawn newspaper on Thursday. tohiscommentsaboutthedeath resignation. REUTERS blueverificationcheckmarkhad
The move follows a surge in
ter new boss Elon Musk allowed
blue check mark that was previ-

No breakthrough on loss and damage, talks pushed to ministerial meets

ously reserved for verified ac-
counts of politicians, actors and
other major personalities.
Fake accounts of several big
the ministers to decide at the havecomealotcloserintermsof was not ruled out at this stage. about US$ 11.4 billion in climate brands have popped up with the
end of the meeting next week. understandingeachothers’posi- In the meanwhile, US finance, as part of its contribu- bluecheck,includingMusk’sTesla
Lossanddamagefinancewas tions, but they are kind of stop- PresidentJoeBidendroppedinat tion to the US$ 100 billion that and SpaceX as well as Roblox,
included on the main agenda for ping at that point to wait for the the conference for a short visit developed countries are under Nestle and Lockheed Martin.
the climate meeting for the first politicians to come and see what lasting a few hours, and said his obligationtomobiliseeveryyear DrugmakerEliLillyandCois-
time this year, raising hopes of kind of bridging proposals could countrywasreadytoreclaimthe from 2023, but only a small part sued an apology after an im-
the developing countries who be made that can bring us closer leadershipof climatechange.He of that money has been realized. poster account tweeted that in-
EXPRESSATCOP27 havebeenpushingforaseparate
fund for this purpose. To a large
to resolution,” Jacob Werksman,
EU’s top negotiator said.
apologised for the previous ad-
“The US once again arrived
without a clear plan on how it
sulin would be free.
“To combat impersonation,
extent, the success of this cli- Werksman,however,stressed of theParisAgreementandlisted plans to do its fair share on cli- we've added an ‘Official’ label to
AMITABH SINHA mate meeting is likely to be that irrespective of whether the the decisions that he had taken matefinanceandphasingoutfos- some accounts,” Twitter's sup-
SHARM EL-SHEIKH, NOV 11 measured by the outcome negotiations lead to the creation on the climate change front. sil fuels. Its radio silence on loss portaccount-whichhasthe“of-
achieved on this issue. of a fund, or any other mecha- On the day of his visit, the US and damage finance, offering in- ficial” tag - tweeted on Friday.
WITHTHEdevelopedanddevel- The European Union, which nism to provide finance for loss States announced fresh plans to surance instead of real money, MuskonWednesdaytweetedhe
oping countries deeply divided is in favour of addressing loss US President Joe Biden with Egyptian counterpart Abdel and damages, it would not be in reducemethaneemissionsfrom while vulnerable countries have had “killed” the new label, just
over the need to create a new and damage through existing fi- Fattah el-Sisi in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, on Friday. Reuters theformof aliabilityregime,and fossil fuel industry, and a dou- rampeduptheirdemandforafi- hours after rolling it out.
fund to help nations affected nancial architectures, said any would not include demands for bling of the adaptation finance nance facility proves once again Musk had said Twitter users
with climate disasters, progress breakthrough on this issue was compensation. from US$ 50 million to US$ 100 how out of touch Biden is with engaging in impersonation
on the loss and damage front at expected only during the minis- lossanddamagebutfeelsitisbest focused on establishing a new “We have those understand- million. But that hardly stopped the reality of the climate crisis,” without clearly specifying it as a
the climate conference here has terial meetings next week. addressed by strengthening the fundorfacility,andwantstodoit ingsthatthiswouldnotcoverlia- the criticism of the US for failing Harjeet Singh, head of global po- "parody"accountwillbeperma-
beenhaltedattheendof thefirst “There is one group of parties existingarchitecture,andanother at this very COP. IN the course of bilityandcompensation,”hesaid, to put enough money on the litical strategy at Climate Action nently suspended without a
weekof negotiations,andleftfor that is committed to addressing set of parties that is very keenly negotiaitons, these two groups sayingcreationofaseparatefund table.TheUShassofarpromised Network International, said. warning.

New Delhi



`52,663 `80.78/$ $88.95 ` `62,858
Note: Gold, silver rates at Delhi spot market, gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Crude oil (Indian basket) as of November 10

SENSEX: 61,795.04 ▲ 1181.34 (+1.95%) NIFTY: 18,349 ▲ 321.50 (+1.78%) NIKKEI: 28,263.57 ▲ 547.14 HANG SENG: 17,325.66 ▲ 1,244.62 FTSE: 7,355.43 ▼ 19.91 DAX: 14,235.38 ▲ 89.29
International market data till 1900 IST


High inflation a challenge; volatility Negative impact on digital

ecosystem: Tech companies
in EMs likely to affect India: Yellen high interest rates. The cost of for investments to come in,” she The joint statement released
based communication services”
and “interpersonal communi-
cation services” that are part of
telecom services under the pro-
mand by telecom operators
which have on several occa-
sions called for a level playing
field. At present, while telecom
ENSECONOMICBUREAU moving higher energy and food said. When asked about cryp- afterthesessionstatedthatdiscus- THE GOVERNMENT should posed Bill have not been de- companies need a licence to of-
NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER11 costsarethethingsthathavemade tocurrencies in a session with the sions were held between the two keep internet communication fined clearly, which “can lead to fer services, OTT platforms do
debt unsustainable for some of industry leaders and economists, countries on the macroeconomic services such as WhatsApp, regulatory overlap and ambigu- not.
LISTINGINFLATION,headwindsof them.SoIthinkthatissomething Yellen said that international col- outlook, supply chain resilience, Google Meet and Signal, and ity”. The Indian Express has re- However, BSA said that the
increased commodity prices and wewillhavetodealwithgoingfor- laboration is important to deal climate finance, multilateral en- other internet-based services viewed both BSA and ITI’s com- government’s approach is an
supply-sidedisruptionsduetothe ward and figuring out a way to with illicit finance and cross-bor- gagement,globaldebtvulnerabil- outside the purview of the draft ments to the draft Bill. “outlier” compared to other ju-
Russia-Ukraine conflict as a chal- ease these debt burdens,” Yellen der payments. “This has been a ities, anti-money laundering and telecom Bill, industry groupings In September, the DoT had risdictions where licensing re-
lengefortheglobaleconomicout- added. Finance Minister Nirmala tremendous focus for the Biden combatingthefinancingofterror- representing top tech released the draft quirements for internet-based
look, India and US said they will Sitharamansaidthoughtheinfla- administrationandwehavemade ism. India and the US agreed to firms including Apple, Indian services is “uncommon”.
collaborate to meet the most tion number is in a “manageable a good deal of progress at least work together for arriving at a Amazon, Google, Telecommunication “Governments of other coun-
pressing global challenges at the range”,thechallengesare“largely dealing with the issues of illicit fi- “new collective quantified goal Meta, and Microsoft Bill, 2022, in which it tries are typically unwilling to
9th meeting of the India-US due to the import of crude”. “The nance in connection with cryp- from a floor of $100 billion annu- have said, arguing that proposed regulating extend the scope of what con-
Economic and Financial volatilityintheemergingmarkets tocurrencies in the US…this is an ally for the post 2025 period, tak- such a prescription communication serv- stitutes a telecom service to
Partnership. is going to affect India and that is FMNirmalaSitharamanwith areawhereinternationalcollabo- ingintoaccounttheneedsandpri- would be against ices including voice, cover IT and digital services and
Talkingaboutglobaleconomic one thing that we are keenly USTreasurySecy Janet Yellen. ration is really important among oritiesof developingcountries”. global standards. video, and data of- products,” it said, adding that in
situation, US Treasury Secretary watching. The external factors public authorities, private sector Meanwhile,Yellenalsopitched The “overbroad” definition fered by over-the-top (OTT) geographies like the European
JanetYellensaidhighinflationisa causing a stress on inflation is andotherstakeholders,”shesaid. 'friendshoring' strategy to India, of telecommunication services platforms such as Whatsapp as Union, Australia, South Korea
challenge that many advanced something that we have to be get cost-effective labour. The “We need a high regulatory seeking to align trade and invest- in the proposed telecom Bill telecom services, requiring and the United Kingdom, regu-
and developing countries face in mindfulof,”sheadded. labour costs are still competitive standardgloballyandtakestepsto ment within a group of countries could “have a negative impact them to obtain a licence from lators have not imposed strin-
common and that the central Given the competitive cost of when compared to many other reduce the cost of cross-border withsharedvalues,inanapparent on India’s digital ecosystem,” the government just like other gent telecom and licensing re-
banksarefirstandforemosttrying labourinthecountry,Sitharaman countries.Sothisisatimeforcon- payments. We are actively work- attempt to cut the role of China. BSA -The Software Alliance, said telecom operators. quirements on digital services.
todealwiththeseproblems. said it is time for concrete plans creteplans,tohaveguidancegiven ing in the context of financial sta- Earlier in the day, speaking at an in its submission to the In the draft Bill, the govern- ITI said that the
“In part, this inflation reflects and businesses to come together, tobusinessestocometogether,to bility with Financial Action Task eventatMicrosoftInc'sfacility,she Department of ment has included internet- International Telecommun-
thespilloverofRussia’sbrutalwar to have transfer of certain tech- have transfer of certain technolo- Force and multilateral banks like saidUSandIndiaarenaturalallies Telecommunications (DoT). The based and OTT communication ication Union has not pre-
in Ukraine, which is boosting en- nologies without hesitation. “It is gies without hesitation to joint IMFtoreallyaddressonglobalba- who can show the rest of the Information Technology services such as WhatsApp scribed any regulatory mecha-
ergyandfoodpricesandformany notthattheUSwillbecompletely venture partners so that you can sis the risks and some of the ben- world that democracies can de- Industry Council (ITI), another calls, Facetime, Google Meet etc. nism for OTT communication
emergingmarketsthathavefound outsourced to India, but by locat- do business without any insecu- efits from cryptocurrencies,” liver for citizens despite volatility industry group, has told the DoT under telecom services, ad- services. FULL REPORT ON
themselves with high debts and ingsomeoftheminIndia,youwill rity. So,thiswouldbethebesttime Yellenadded. andwar,asperaPTIreport. that terms such as “internet- dressing a long-standing de- WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM

Rupee soars Moody’s slashes India’s Action

LIC sees
`15,952 crore
62p to 80.78 currentyear.8personshavebeen

growth forecast to 7%
against Ponzi
Mumbai: The Indian rupee SERIOUSFRAUD Q2 profit
surged by 62 paise to close at
80.78 against the greenback on cutIndia’sGDPprojectionforthe ments and central banks man-
(SFIO): Mumbai: Life Insurance
FridayonexpectationtheFederal ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU year to 7.7 per cent from 8.8 per age to navigate their economies The government and hasbeenassignedinvestigationby Corporationof India(LIC) has re-
Reserve may moderate the pace MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 11 cent pegged in May. through the current challenges, investigative agencies have theMinistryofCorporateAffairs portedanunaudited,standalone
of its rate hikes after the US CPI “The weakening of the rupee it said. Annual headline CPI in- ramped up enforcement (MCA)intotheaffairsof9cases net profit of Rs 15,952 crore for
inflation for October eased. US RATING agency Moody’s and high oil prices continue to flation increased to 7.5 per cent involving85companiesduringthe the quarter ended September
action against those
On Thursday, the local cur- Investors Services has slashed exert upwardpressures oninfla- in September after dipping be- last3years,whichwereallegedly 2022asagainstRs 1,433.71crore
rencyhadclosedat81.40 against India’s real GDP growth projec- tion, which has remained above low 7.0 per cent in July. running unauthorised engagedinfraudulentChitFund/ in the same period a year ago.
the dollar. tions again to 7.0 per cent for the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) Wholesale price inflation, how- schemes. These include: Multi-LevelMarketing(MLM)/ According to a statement
TheUSConsumerPriceIndex 2022 from 7.7 per cent. 4 per cent plus or minus 2 per ever, has declined for four Ponziactivities filedwiththestockexchangesby
slowed to7.7 per centin October “Higher inflation, high inter- cent target inflation range for straight months, from a peak of CENTRALBUREAUOF the corporation, change in ac-
compared to 8.2 per cent in est rates and slowing global much of this year,” it said in a re- 16.6 per cent in May to 10.7 per INVESTIGATION(CBI): SECURITIES AND counting policy resulted in
September. growth will dampen economic port. The agency added that cent in September. CBIhasregistered100cases DIRECTORATEOF EXCHANGE BOARD OF “transfer of the accretion in the
“Investors now believe that momentum by more than pre- global economy is on the verge From May to September, the relatingtoPonziSchemesduring ENFORCEMENT(ED): INDIA (SEBI): SEBI has available solvency margin from
the Fed might moderate the viously expected,” the agency of a downturn amid extraordi- RBI raised the repo rate a cumu- theyears2019to2022(upto EDhasinvestigated87cases passed final Orders against non-participating (non-par) to
pace of rate hikes in the coming said. narily high levels of uncertainty lative 190 bps to 5.9 per cent in June30,2022),involving132 relatedtoPonziSchemesunder 29 unregistered Collective shareholders funds amounting
months as inflation seems to According to Moody’s, due to persistent inflation, mon- an effort to contain inflation companies/firms.21personshave theprovisionsofthePreventionof Investment Schemes entities to Rs 14,271.80 crore (net of tax)
have peaked. As a result, US and growthis expected todecelerate etary policy tightening, fiscal risks. “We expect the RBI to raise beenarrestedbyCBIinthisregard MoneyLaunderingAct,2002 during the last 4 years pertaining to the accretion on
European stock markets rose, to 4.8 per cent in 2023 and will challenges, geopolitical shifts the repo rate by another 50 bps the available solvency margin
dollar index fell, oil and gold rise to 6.4 per cent in 2024. and financial market volatility. orsoaspartof itsobjectivetoan- Note: Data updated till June 30, 2022, Source: Finance Ministry from non-par to shareholder’s
prices gained,” a research report India’s7percentgrowthin2022 Global growth will slow in 2023 chor inflation expectations and account”. ENS
by Bank of Baroda said. is still higher than China’s ex- and remain sluggish in 2024. support the exchange rate,”
FULLREPORTON pected growth of three per cent. Still, a period of relative stability Moody’s said. FULLREPORTON
WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM In September, Moody’s had could emerge by 2024 if govern- WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM
IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹fÔ°ff, Àff.d³f.dU., UÈØf-¦fif¸fe¯f, þ¹f´fbSX
´fe.OX¶»¹fc.OXe. I`Y¸´fÀf, þ`IY¶f SXûOX, þ¹f´fbSX ¢»f¶f IZY Àff¸f³fZ, þ¹f´fbSX
BRIEFLY IIP regains momentum, I ¸ffÔI : 7872-76
RYû³f :- 0141-2223527

A»´fIYf»fe³f d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff ÀfÔ£¹ff : 10/2022-23

dQ³ffÔI : 2/11-22

New Delhi: Passenger ve-
hicle wholesales in India
grows 3.1% in September ¶fþM §fû¿f¯ff 2020-21 I e ´ff»f³ff ¸fZÔ ø . 396.61 »ffJ IZ RECONSTRUCTION
rose29percentto2,91,113 Capital goods output, which TÕDALARI (JOB NO. 6/5054/SRF-MDR/2020-21) (Km 2/458 to 6/772
units in October aided by PRESS TRUST OF INDIA Factory output had is a barometer of investments, Forest Portion) I f¹fÊ WZ°fb B¨LbI d³fdUQfQf°ffAûÔ õfSf dQ³ffÔI 14.11.2022 °fI d³fdUQfEÔ
robustdemandinthefes- NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 11 contracted by 0.7 per rose 10.3 per cent in September Af¸fd³Âf°f I e þf°fe W`ÔÜ d³fdUQf ÀfZ ÀfÔ¶fd³²f°f A³¹f dUUS¯f Sfª¹f I e, C´ff´f³f ´fûMÊ»f
tive season, the Society of 2022 compared to 3.3 per cent (, EUÔ dU·ff¦fe¹f UZ¶fÀffBÊM
Indian Automobile INDIA WILL India’s industrial cent in the preceding growth in the corresponding http://pwd. ´fS QZJZ þf ÀfI °fZ W`ÔÜ C´ff´f³f I e A³fb¸ffd³f°f Ib »f »ff¦f°f
Manufacturers (SIAM) production expanded by 3.1 per month (August 2022). It month of the previous year. ÷ ´fE ÷ . 396.61 »ffJ W`Ü
said. PTI cent in September, boosted by
grew by 2.2 per cent in The consumer durables Office of Superintending Engineer UBN No PWD 2223WSOB10208
manufacturing, mining and segment declined 4.5 per cent WÀ°ff./-
PHED, Project Circle City, Jaipur
RBI licence power sectors, according to of-
ficial data released on Friday.
July this year from 1.6 per cent growth ear-
lier. Gandhi Nagar, Jaipur
A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff
Àff0d³f0dU0 ¦fif¸fe¯f UÈØf-þ¹f´fbSX
Mumbaii: The Reserve Factory output had con- The primary goods seg- Emai: [email protected] DIPR/c/14112/2022 RYû³f ³fÔ. 0141-2223527
Bank of India (RBI) has tracted by 0.7 per cent in the Statistics and Programme ment, which accounts for No.: SE/Project Circle/Jaipur City/2021-22/1697-1702 Date: 3.11.2022
Office of the Suprintending Engineer Water Resources
cancelled the licence of preceding month (August Implementation. nearly 34 per cent of the index, :- NOTICE INVITING BID 03/2022-23 :- Construction Circle, Dungarpur
Babaji Date Mahila 2022). It grew by 2.2 per cent in The power sector showed a expanded 9.3 per cent in Bids for “Work of upgradation of existing SCADA by upgrading E-gmail- [email protected]
Sahakari Bank Ltd, July this year. growth of 11.6 per cent against September compared to 4.6 per the software with higher numbers of Input/Output and history No. Acc/ 2022/22/22 Date: - 28.10.2022
Yavatmal,Maharashtra,as Factory output, measured in a 0.9 per cent rise a year ago. cent growth in the year-ago pe- tags for monitoring & control of BJWSP for water transfer and E-NIT No. 05/2022-23
it did not have adequate terms of the Index of Industrial The mining sector also wit- riod. Distribution by dovetailing the ongoing schemes/projects of Bids for the works mentioned below are invited from interested bidders upto
capital and earning Production (IIP), had expanded nessed a growth of 4.6 per cent The ministry said the Jaipur City”, are invited from interested bidders upto 6:00 PM. dated 23.11.2022 till 6.00 PM.
prospects. The bank will by 4.4 per cent in September in September 2022 compared growth rates over the corre- 22.11.2022. Other particulars of bid may be visited on the S.No Name of Work
procurement portal and
cease to carry on banking 2021.The manufacturing sector to 8.6 per cent in the year-ago sponding period of the previ- 1 2 of the state. The estimated cost of 1 Renovation of Bhadar Dam & Canal (RMC, LMC) and Lining of
business from the close of grew by 1.8 per cent in month. ous year are to be interpreted the procurement is Rs. 185.95 Lacs. Varanda Canal (LMC, RMC) Tehsil Simalwara District Dungarpur
businessonNovember11, September 2022, compared to During April-September considering the unusual cir- Rs. 447.17 Lacs.
UBN No.: PHE2223WSOB08867
RBI said in a release on 4.3 per cent growth recorded in this year, IIP rose 7 per cent cumstances on account of the
Friday. the year-ago period, as per the against 23.8 per cent expansion COVID-19 pandemic since (Shubhanshu Dixit) SYSTEM OF UPPER GHODI MIP DISTRICT DUNGARPUR Rs.
March 2020. PTI
data released by the Ministry of in the same period of 2021-22. Superintending Engineer 667.02 Lacs.
DIPR/C/14222/2022 PHED, Project Circle, Jaipur City Other particulars of bid may be visited on the Procurement portal
Mumbai: Bank of Baroda

Direct tax collection up,,
(BoB) has announced to &
reduce its home loan in- NIB No- WRD2223A0448
UBN:- WRD2223WLOB01765 Sd/-
terest rates by 25 basis

31% to `10.54 lakh crore

UBN:- WRD2223WLOB01766 Suprintending Engineer
points (bps) to 8.25% per
Water Resources Construction Circle
annum, effective DIPR/C/14115/2022 Dungarpur
November 14, 2022.
The revised rate will be
available till December PRESSTRUSTOFINDIA
31, 2022.
ForexReserve THE GROSS direct tax collections have
risen 31 per cent to Rs 10.54 lakh crore ■Thenetcollectionof direct
New Delhi: India’s foreign so far this fiscal, driven by personal in- taxes,whichincludepersonal
exchange reserves come tax mop-up, the finance ministry andcorporatetaxes,after
dropped by $1.087 billion said on Friday. adjustingforrefundsstoodatRs
tostandat$529.994billion The net collection of direct taxes, 8.71lakhcrore.Thisis61.31%of
for the week ended which include personal and corporate theBudgettargetforfullfiscal
November4onasharpde- taxes,afteradjustingforrefundsstoodat
cline in the gold reserves, Rs8.71lakhcrore.Thisis61.31percentof ■ Direct Tax collections up
the Reserve Bank said on the Budget target for the full fiscal. to 10thNovember, 2022 show
Friday. Refunds worth Rs 1.83 lakh crore that gross collections are at Rs
10.54 lakh crore which is 30.69
have been issued between April 1-
November 10. per cent higher than the gross
New Delhi: Apple sup- “Direct Tax collections up to collections for the correspon-
plier Foxconn plans 10thNovember, 2022 show that gross ding period of last year
to quadruple the collections are at Rs. 10.54 lakh crore
workforce at its iPhone which is 30.69 per cent higher than the
factory in India over two gross collections for the corresponding Gross corporate tax and Personal
years. REUTERS period of last year,” the ministry said in IncomeTax(PIT)collectionsgrew22.03
a statement. percentand40.64percent,respectively.

New Delhi


Cinema & Music

Thrills and STREAMING


Cast:Rajkummar Rao, Huma Qureshi,
Radhika Apte, AkanshaRanjan,Bagavathi
Perumal,ZaynMarieKhan, Sukant Goel,
Sikandar Khan
SHUBHRA GUPTA to back off. Some things can’t be bettered.
Andthat’sthethingwithMonica...Ifyour THECROWNS5
MURDER, INTRIGUE, suspense: Monica, O USPisbeingwhacked-out,thenyouhaveto NETFLIX
My Darling aims at giving you thrills and makesurethatnothingslackens.Thisiseven The much-talked about series,
spills, and pretty much hits its mark. underlined in the film, when one character which follows the life and reign of
Robotics expert Jayant Arkhedkar says to another, ‘dheel nahin dene ka, tight Queen Elizabeth II, in this season
(Rajkummar Rao) is an ambitious man, de- rakhne ka’, or words to that effect. But that follows the troubled marriage of
termined to put his mundane life behind dheel does occur in bits, especially when a Prince Charles and Princess Diana
him. When the film opens, it shows him pudgyaccountantwithagladeye(Bagavathi even as the Queen reassesses her
headingstraighttothestratosphere,hoicked Perumal) overstays his welcome on screen, 40 years on the throne. Prince
to a top job in his company, the founder of and your attention starts to wander. Charles navigates scandals and
saidcompanygagaoverhim,anddaughterof It’snotlikethisinterestingensemblecast scrutiny while the lonely princess
said founder enamoured of him. ‘Naukri, isn’tworkinghardtokeepaholdonyou:Rao is hounded by the press. The season
ladki,sabkuchh’.You’dthink,aswouldJayant, is reliably solid, Sikandar Kher livens things packs much drama around the fa-
thatallwillhenceforthbeabedof roses.But up,SukantGoelasaresentfulcolleaguefeel- mous divorce and how the royal
as we know, the best laid plans of mice and ing done in by his co-workers is appropri- family deals with it.
men,andinthisinstanceafewreptiliancrea- ately shifty. Akansha Ranjan as the rich girl
tures,cananddogoawry.Murdersarecom- who feels she owns her man leaves a mark,
mitted, things go south, and hit rockbottom asdoesZaynMarieKhan,evenifhercharac-
with an almighty clang. ter is a trifle vague around the edges.
Director Vasan Bala’s penchant for HumaQureshiplaysthetitularcharacter
whackiness(MardKoDardNahinHota)isev- Monica Macchado, the oomphy secretary
ident right from the beginning. A gruesome who serves the robotics company with a
killing is served as an aperitif, even before great deal of zeal, and spreads her favours
we’ve properly settled down. And for the amongsomanyseniormaleemployeesthat
maincourse,wegetmisbegottenlust,femme you lose track. And then there is ACP Naidu
fatales who sway to one of the most famous (Radhika Apte) who is assigned to the case,
cabaretnumbersinHindicinema(PiyaTuAb who strides about flinging orders at a male
TohAaja),andakillerwhosebiggestAchilles’ subordinate. Apte has such a blast with the
heel is his vanity. female version of the standard quirky cop
The proceedings remind you a bit of that you wish she had more to do.

twisty James Hadley Chase novels. All char- Everytimethingssloweddown,Iwould
acters are immoral or plain crooked. And so stifle impatience, but then they would leap the possibility of peace between peoples
of course there’s a flash of Johnny Gaddar, upagain,anditwouldbefine.Onthewhole, SHALINI LANGER pushed to the edges of existence. THEENGLISH
SriramRaghavan’sthrilleraboutaheistgone and despite those slow spots, and a few Wakanda is led by Queen Ramonda PRIMEVIDEO
wrong. You can see traces of other well- twistswhichwefigurelongbeforethechar- IT’S SAD. It’s glorious. It’s about the heart. It’s (Bassett), the late Black Panther T’Challa’s Written and directed by Hugo
knownfilms:thedirectorandwriterYogesh acters do, with a cracker of a beginning and about the mind. It’s about love. It’s about mother, as his sister Shuri (Wright) figures Blick, the mini-series revolves

to Let
Chandekar are clearly Bollywood fanboys, anendwhichslithersinmostunexpectedly, vengeance. It’s about differences. And it is, out her own powers and limitations. around an aristocratic
butwhentheyputtheirpawsonanimmor- Monica ends up being a fun watch. above all, about similarities. Talokan’s leader Namor (Huerta) is a demi- Englishwoman, Lady Cornelia
A fitting tribute to the first Black Panther god with wings on his ankes, pointed ears Locke (Emily Blunt), and a Pawnee
film and the man who played it, Chadwick and a bleeding heart for his people. ex-cavalry scout, Eli Whipp
Boseman, written and directed by Ryan On Wakanda’s side, all the levers of dom- (Chaske Spencer), as they come to-

UUNCHAI Coogler again, Wakanda Forever manages to inance lie in the hands of women. If Coogler gether in 1890 in America to cross a
★★★ capture the nobility of a true Marvel hero doesnotmake anyconcessionforbox office- violent landscape built on dreams
without the adornments of one. friendlier White faces, he makes none either and blood. Both of them have a
Director:SoorajBarjatyaCast:AmitabhBachchan,AnupamKher,BomanIrani, Itisalsoaspoliticalasthelastfilm,if more regardingwomenasheroesof hisstory,with clear sense of their destiny, but nei-
NeenaGupta,Sarika,Parineeti Chopra ham-handed,abouthowthechipsfallinthis no men around to soften the blows. In fact, ther is aware that it is rooted in a

A Ride to Remember
world. And in reimagining the same should Ramonda’s reaction at realising that Shuri shared past.
the southern part of the globe have evolved mightbe under threat is differentfrom what
as the more developed one. a King’s might be — she does not pretend
Could two nations who have kept the ra-
BLACKPANTHER: that the loss of family is tempered by duty.
paciousness of imperial colonial powers at WAKANDAFOREVER And while human emotions are at the
bay, while knowing the dangers of it, behave ★★★★ heart of it — anchored by some great acting,
differentlywhenthereinsareintheirhands? especially by Wright, Bassett and Gurira, as
If Wakanda is one of those two countries, Director:Ryan Coogler Wakanda’sGeneralOkoye—theactiontoois
theotherisTalokan,formedbyapeoplewho Cast:Letitia Wright, Angela Bassett, impressive. On the ground or in water, on a
have been forced undersea in the Danai Gurira,Lupita Nyong'o,Tenoch ship or in the air, the film flies.
Mesoamerican area by Spanish conquista- Huerta,Martin Freeman If anything, Wakanda Forever is perhaps
dors. Also in possession of the much-cov- toointentonkeepingitsadandsolemn,with
eted-of-all minerals Vibranium, like mise, to leave it alone, Talokan wants to go repeatedreferencestoT’Challa’s—orinother
Wakanda, Talokan threatens to be as big a forth and destroy any chance of the world words, Boseman’s — sudden passing. TANAAV
power as its counterpart. posing a danger. Do Wakanda and Talokan Wakanda Forever is a farewell Wakanda SONYLIV
While Wakanda wants the world, which have to fight it out, or can they be allies? the kingdom can be proud of. But, as the film BasedonthesuccessfulIsraeliTV
has been eyeing it since Black Panther’s de- The film spends genuine time exploring itself says, there is a time to let go. seriesFauda,this12-episodeshowis
backdropof Kashmirin2017.The

A Predictable Plod
THIS IS as far as it gets from a Sooraj ing this time, with the script thrusting him thiskillingspreedoesn’tcorrespondinglyraise fictionaldramafollowsthestory of a
Barjatya film. It also avoids the melodrama repeatedly forward when his own charac- anyfeelingofdread.That’sthebiggestproble- specialunitandtheirbravery.
that movies of this kind tend to lapse into, ter is actually content being one among the mwiththiseight-partseries,andthisisexactly DirectedbySudhirMishraand
though it can’t resist the temptation to many.AsthelovingcoupleJavedandSabina, what had beset the first season. This, and the SachinKrishn,theshowfeaturesan
stretch the length to at least an hour more
than it should be.
BREATHEINTOTHESHADOWS whether he is free of J. Which is wise because
our evil pal is just biding his time, and sure
This is not to say it should be all two plus
ensemblecastof ManavVij,Arbaaz
Still, how often do you get to see a road themostlaughs.Whiletheyareontheroad, SEASON2 enough, the killings begin again. The media is twomakesfour.Butwiththislevelof implau- ShashankArora,ZarinaWahab,Ekta
film about three truly aged men and two the film is actually at its smoothest. Director:MayankSharma all agog. Has the Ravan killer, thus named be- sibility,itishardtotakethissecondseason,cre- Kaul,WaluschaDeSousa,Danish
ageing women, whose one lesson is about The Everest trek, however, is not dis- Cast:AbhishekBachchan,NithyaMenen, causeeachmurderistackedagainstahead,es- atedanddirectedbyMayankSharma,asseri- HussainandSatyadeepMishra.
changebeingtheonlyconstant?Lifeisnota missed as a by-the-way, with some effort AmitSadh, Saiyami Kher, Shrikant Verma, caped? If so, holler agitated TV anchors, why ouslyastheseriestakesitself.Bachchancomes
one-waystreet,isthesurprisingandrefresh- havinggoneintomakingitgenuine—down Hrishikesh Joshi andNaveenKasturia arethecopskeepingquiet?Thenumberofvic- off much the same as he did before, stuck be-
ing message that the three friends Amit tothepeelingskinandchappedlips,andthe Streamingon:Amazon Prime tims,donetodeathindifferentways,rises.But tweenferocityandfrowns.SodoesAmitSadh, THEBOX
(Bachchan), Om (Kher) and Javed (Irani) day-to-day itinerary involved. There is a theconflictedcopwhoassumestheresponsi- MUBI
learn on their bid to climb till the Everest scene of real terror on a bridge across a SEASON 2 of Breathe Into The Shadows starts bility of a young woman’s accident. He’s got Lorenzo Vigas’ latest feature The
base camp. You can learn every step of the streamthatwemightrememberfromother fromwherethefirstseasonendedin2020.Dr controloverhisquick-to-angerside,buthere- Box (La Caja) had its world
way, very often looking backward but also Everest films, though it lasts a bit too long. AvinashSabharwal(AbhishekBachchan)isin mains determinedly shut in. premiere at the 2021 Venice Film
sometimes looking forward. Given the boost Everest tourism might an institution, trying to get past the strangle- While most actors reprise their roles Festival. It’s about Hatzin (Hatzin
Parents aren’t always in the right, chil- get should this film be a hit, a lot of empha- hold of J, the dominant aspect of his split per- (Saiyami Kher, Shrikant Verma, Hrishikesh Navarrete), a teenager from Mexico
dren are not often in the wrong, marriages sisisputonsafety,beingintherightmedical sonality.Amild-manneredfamilymanwitha Joshi), the one new addition that piques our City who travels to collect the
canrequiredistance,andlovecanoftensuc- health,andonwarningsaboutallthatcould loving wife and daughter,focussed on getting interestisNaveenKasturia,ayoungmangrap- remains of his father, found in a
cumb to worldly comforts. go wrong. But there are also surprising, his patients’ mental health better, Avinash is pling with the impact of a terrible childhood, communal grave in northern
That’s some of the many life lessons warm and small touches regarding how it revealed as a schizophrenic: the series uses a whofindsakindredspiritinAvinash.Helooks Mexico. But a casual encounter
packed into this road trip, from Delhi to can be done, by people who are repeatedly veryspecificphrase—dissociativeidentitydis- like your regular fellow, but has a hidden side with a Mario (Hernán Mendoza)
Kathmandu, via Kanpur, Lucknow and told that life is basically over for them. order. When J takes over, Avinash is oblivious to him, just like the older man. Kasturia does who shares a physical resemblance
Gorakhpur. Neena Gupta as Javed’s wife A bit fewer of several stretches towards to any of the former’s murderous doings, makethingsalittlemoreinteresting,butnotas with his father puts in doubt the
Sabina and Sarika as Mala Trivedi, who the second half where the film meanders which halt only when he is incarcerated. muchashischaracterhadthepotentialfor.And certainty of his father’s death.
takes a ride with them, complete this trav- into more than one manmade crises, and So here we are, in Season 2, with youthatcanseelastrevealamileoff.Despite
elling company. this Uunchai would have been a mission Avinash’sdoctorscautiouslypleasedwith the occasional mild jump scare, Season 2
WhileBachchanisthestar,it’snothisdo- truly accomplished. SL his progress, but unable to say for sure remains a predictable plod. SG

Untouched by Hate
not caring for the complexities around.
well as Eid festivities. Much to their wonder,
DOSTOJEE andSitasmokingtogether,backstage.Theboys
★★★ are told by the actors that they are all friends MEI HOOM MOOSA
Director:Prasun Chatterjee Cast:ArifShaikh,AsikShaikh but pretend to be enemies on stage to make a ZEE5
living.Thereisasocio-politicalmessagethere. This Malayalam film, a satire writ-
in one of the greatest pleasures of childhood Butthemoviedoesnottryhardtounderlineit. ten by Rubesh Rain and directed
ALAKA SAHANI — trying to outdo each other in throwing AttheheartofDostojee(that’showtheboys by Jibu Jacob, revolves around
stones in the Padma. The lives of Safikul (Arif calleachotherfondly)istheirinnocence,pro- Lance naik Muhammad Moosa
SET AGAINST the backdrop of a fractured pe- Shaikh), son of a Muslim weaver, and Palash vidingafoiltotheundercurrentofcommunal (Suresh Gopi), an army soldier
riod in Indian history, Dostojee is an intimate (Asik Shaikh),sonof aHindupriest,are inter- tensionthatthreatenstoupendthetranquility who returns to his hometown in
portrayal of a friendship that’s warm and twinedastheyplayandgotoschooltogether. of rural life. Chatterjee, also the film’s writer, Kerala after spending 19 years in a
soothing. Two eight-year-old boys, who are Yet, their families rarely interact with each never shifts his attention from Safikul and Pakistani jail. On his homecom-
neighboursandshareadeepfriendship,revel other though their homes are separated by a Palash — not even when they have a fall-out ing, he finds that everyone had
inlittlejoysoflifeoblivioustotherisingtideof boundary wall made of cane. and Sita consecrated in the local temple. metal toy that makes sound); bunk classes to anddon’ttalktoeachotherforabriefperiod— presumed him to be dead during
communalism.Providingabefittinglandscape In the aftermath of Babri mosque demo- Thesedevelopmentsareperplexingforsome visit a fair; and perfect Amitabh Bachchan’s though he makes us aware about how the the Kargil War. Now, Moosa has to
totheirstoryisanidyllicIndia-Bangladeshbor- litionandtheBombayblastsof theearly’90s, others in the village. iconicposefromDeewar.Whiletheyloseakite world around them is changing. prove his identity as well as come
dervillageinWestBengal,withacresofexpan- religious tension reaches this remote village Though vaguely aware of these develop- fight,insteadofbeingsadtheywonderiftheir Chatterjee'schoiceofactors,mostofthem to terms with everything that has
sive, lush farming land and the river Padma too.TheMuslimcommunitywantstobuilda ments and simmering uneasiness at home, kite has floated across to Bangladesh. non-professionals,worksverywellforthenar- happened during his time away.
flowing nearby. ‘chhota Babri mosque’ and raises money for Safikul and Palash have other concerns. They Thisiswhatmakeschildhoodspecial.One rative. Their earthiness adds an interesting
As the film opens, they are seen engaging it. The Hindus plan to have the idols of Ram havetoorganisemoneytobuytoktoki(asmall canbuildaworldof one’sown,asafeplace,by touch to the story.

New Delhi
I,RITA W/O MANOHAR LAL I, Yuvraj S/o Ashok Kumar R/o I, Ankur Misra, S/o Rakesh PUBLIC NOTICE
PUBLIC NOTICE It is informed to the public that my client

GUPTA R/O J-129,RESERVE D41, Gali-2, East Vinod Nagar, Mishra, R/o 3 A/5, Mauni Ghat
Be it known to the General Public that M/s Saran Equipments and Engineers (P)
BANK ENCLAVE,PASCHIM Patparganj, Delhi have Azad Nagar, Nawabganj, my clients namely Sh. Virender Kumar Ltd. Registered Office G-19,Tiwari Complex,
VIHAR,DELHI-110063.HAVE changed my name to Yuvraj Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh- Jain and Smt. Suman Jain wife of Sh. Ist Floor, Vijay Chowk,Laxmi Nagar,New
Virender Kumar Jain both R/o. 123-124,
CHANGED MY NAME TO RITA Choudhary for all purposes. 208002, declare that Name of 2nd Floor, Pocket 7, Near Prince Public
Delhi have entered into an Agreement to
GUPTA. 0040640192-1 My Father and My Mother has Sell with M/s Rawsmen Polymers (P) Ltd.
PERSONAL 0070812248-1
been wrongly written as
School, Sector-24, Rohini, New Delhi,
have severed all their relations and Registered Office Near Nambardar Petrol
I,Promila Batra W/o Munish connections with their elder son Sh. Pump, Hapur Road Meerut and present ad-
I Bharat Bhushan alias Bharat I, Yousuf Anwar Hussain, S/o Rakesh Kumar Misra and Aakash Jain and his wife Smt. Shikha dress, Hawal Madapur Link Road, Opposite
Kumar Batra R/o.1690,Urban Anwer Mahboob, R/o B-45, IdgahVillage MadapurMustafabad, Pilkhuwa,
Garg S/o Late Sh. Mohan Lal Anupama Misra in my Jain who have turned out to be
Estate, Sector-4, Mujeeb Bagh, Jamia Millia disobedient and insincere. My clients District Hapur through its Directors for purc-
Aggarwal R/o H.No.10/19-FF-1, Educational Document and hereby expressly disown and disinherit
Gurgaon(Haryana)- Islamia, Jamia Nagar, Delhi-
hase of land situated at Khata No.272,Khasra
Rajendra Nagar, Sec-3, Block Passport, that the name of my them from their estate due to the
No.159 area 0.1850 Hectares i.e.1850 Sq.Mts.
122001,have changed my name 110025, have changed my name uncalled for conduct of the said persons.
8,9,10,11, Ghaziabad, U.P.- Father has been wrongly and Khata No.271 Khasra No.160 area 0.1610
to Pramila Batra,for all and shall hereafter be known
Anybody dealing with the said persons
Hectares i.e.1610 Sq.Mts. village Madapur Mu-
201006 have changed my name written as Rakesh Kumar Misra shall be doing so at his/her own risks.
Purposes. 0040640192-4 as Yousuf Anwer Hussain. Sd/- stafabad, Pargana Dasna Tehsil Dhaulana,Di-
to Bharat Garg for all purposes. in my Pan Card. The actual strict Hapur.The said plot of land bounded as
I,PUJA SINGH,W/O CHANDAN 0070812178-1 name of My Father and My Advocate East: ChakroadKhasra No.158,West:Nali Kh-
SINGH,R/o FLAT.NO A- Mother are Rakesh Mishra and (Enrolment No. D/3033/2012) asra No.157,North:Kali Road 28’wide Khasra
I Abhishek S/o Sh.Budhi Diwaker 1,PLOT.NO.265, GYAN-KHAND-1, I, Yashpal S/o Jagdish Lal R/o Anupama Mishra, which may PUBLIC NOTICE 495, LAWYERS CHAMBERS, No.158 and South:land of others.M/s Rawsmen
BLOCK-II DELHI HIGH COURT, Polymers(P) Ltd.has been taken over by Sh.
R/o H.No.23, Ridgeview INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD, A62, European Estate, Kanker be amended accordingly. That my Client Om Prakash Garg, S/o: NEW DELHI-110003 Rajesh Kumar Singhania and Smt.Pinki Singh-
Apartments, Gymkhana Club, U.P.201014,changed my name Khera, Meerut-250001 have Rameshwar Dass, and his wife Smt. Sulochana
ania in the year 2012 and 2013 respectively. As
changed my name to Yashpal 0070812188-1 Garg, W/o: Om Prakash Garg, both R/o: A-74,

Sector-21-C, Part-3, Faridabad, to PUJA RAWAT. 0040640209-1 Prashant Vihar, Sector-14, Rohini, Delhi-110085, on date directors in the company are Sh.Rajesh
Nagpal. 0070812263-1 I Vipin Behari S/o Late Sh. Kunj
have severed all their relations with their son Sh.
PUBLIC NOTICE Kumar Singhania,Smt.Pinki Singhania and Ms.
Haryana-121001 have changed Rahul Garg, and his Wife (I.e Daughter in Law)
I,Nidhi Gautam,D/o Sh.Mohan Behari Lal residing at 522, Om
Smt. Radhika Garg alias Smt. Radhika Tayal and Notice is given to Public at large that my Harshi Singhania all R/o Flat No.307, IIIrd floor,
my name to Suveer Verma for I, Vikram, S/o Subash Chandra Grand Son Master: Aarv Garg, due to their bad clientess Mrs. Mithlesh Gupta has entered
A Block, Newyork City,Indore,M.P.M/sRawsmen
Dass Gautam,R/o.H.No.C- Kunj, Saray Nasrulla Khan,
habits and misconduct. Both of my clients have into an agreement of sale in respect of
all purposes. 0040640077-12 Singh, R/o Flat No-2001, Tower also disowned and debarred his said son along property described as “One Hall at Second Polymers(P)Ltd.has lost/misplaced the Original
149/1,Street.No.6, New Gandhi Road, Khurja-203131 with his wife and grandson from all their movable Floor (rear side) of built up property without Sale Deed in chain of title i.e.Sale Deed execu-
I,Vikrant kumar S/o-HarbeerMy Usmanpur, Seelampur,North- No. B-3, Cleo County Sector- and immovable properties. Anybody dealing with roof rights admeasuring approx. 2000 sq. ft
ted by Sh.Rambharose and Sh.Rinku both son
121, Noida, Gautam Buddha Distt-Bulandshahr (U.P.) have Sh. Rahul Garg and his Wife (I.e Daughter in Law) with water and electric connections installed
minor child Address.A- East, Delhi-110053,hereby Smt. Radhika Garg alias Smt. Radhika Tayal and with fixtures and fittings, built on plot situated of Late Sh.Amar Singh & Smt.Somwati W/o Late
Nagar, UP-201301, have changed my name to Vipin Grand Son Master: Aarv Garg will do so at on Block-1, Plot 5(B), bears Municipal no. Sh.Amar Singh all R/o Village Bajhera Khurd P-
370, Om-nagar declare that name of mine has Behari Bansal for all purposes
his/her/their own risk and responsibilities and my 3423, Ward VIII at Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi-
argana Dasna Tehsil Hapur District Ghaziabad
Extension badarpur,Delhi been wrongly-written as Nidhi changed my name to Vikram clients will not be responsible for any act, deeds in 110002” with Mohd. Kashif S/o. Mohd.
in future. 0040640082-2 present and future. Mursalin who claims to be owner of the said in favour of Smt.Karuna rani W/o Sh.Vijay Pal
110044,Changed My-Minor in my Caste-certificate.No. singh. 0070812265-1 CHIRAG SINGAL (ADVOCATE)
Sd/- property vide Registered Sale Deed.
Singh R/o House No.1324, Shakti Nagar New
The said owner claims to be the lawful owner
Son-Name Viaan to Viaan SC/04/42/48421/24/6/2014/905 I Vibhor Behari S/o Sh. Vipin E-15/127, 2ND FLOOR, SECTOR-8, in possession of the said property and has Panna Puri, Pargana &Tehsil Hapur,District
I, Sumedha Kapoor, W/o Vikram ROHINI, DELHI-110085 assured that he is having clear and Ghaziabad vide entry in Add Book No.1 Zild
Rathore. 0040640200-3 19429467244/3776.The actual- Singh, R/o Flat No-2001, Tower Behari Bansal residing at Om marketable title and the said property is free
from all encumbrances and is having full
5555 pages 1/27 Serial No.11713 dated 29.08.
name of mine is Nidhi Kunj, Gandhi Road, Khurja- 2008.Sale Deed executed by Smt.Karuna Rani
I,Vikrant kumar S/o-HarbeerMy No. B-3, Cleo County, Sector-
203131 Distt-Bulandshahr (U.P.)
PUBLIC NOTICE rights to sell the said property.
W/o Sh.Vijay Pal Singh R/o House No.1324,Sh-
Gautam,which may be 121, Noida, Gautam Buddha MY CLIENT SH. RAM CHANDER S/O LATE
Any person having any right, title, interest,
claim or demand whatsoever in respect of the
minor child Address.A- have changed my name to akti Nagar New Panna Puri,Pargana & Tehsil
amended-accordingly. Nagar, UP-201301, have
SH. DAYA NAND R/O T-321/5 NEAR THANA said property by way of sale, inheritance,
370, Om-nagar PATEL NAGAR, BALJEET NAGAR, CENTRAL bequest, exchange, gifts, possession, trust, Hapur,District Ghaziabad in favour of M/s Ra-
Vibhor Bansal for all purposes
Extension badarpur,Delhi 0040640200-8 changed my name to Sumedha
in future. 0040640082-1
mortgage, lease, license, lien, charge,
tenancy, lis-pendency, development rights,
wsmen Polymers (P) Ltd.Registered Office Ne- COURT NOTICE
Singh. 0070812266-1 WIFE SMT. POOJA W/O SH. ABHISHEK, AND
maintenance, easement or under any ar Nambardar Petrol Pump, Hapur Road Mee-
110044,Changed My-Minor I,Moinul Haque S/o Manzoor
agreement of sale or power of attorney, rut through Directors Mohd.Minhaz Alam S/o
Son-Name Viaan to Viaan I, Sonam Kataria, D/o Naresh I Sulekha Rani W/o Sh. Vipin BHAVYA FROM HIS ALL MOVABLE AND option, right of first refusal or pre-emption Mohd.Ishaq R/o 61-G,Topsiya road, Kolkatta
Alam,R/o Khesrahi Urf whatsoever or otherwise howsoever, is In the Court of Sh. Mridul Gupta:
Rathore. 0040640200-2 Kataria, R/o House No. 253-E, Behari Bansal residing at 522, IMMOVABLE PROPERTIES AND SEVERED
hereby required to make the same known in and Abdul Wahid S/o Late Abdul Aziz R/o 73 Administrative Civil
Raghunathpur,Vaishali Bihar- ALL HIS RELATIONS WITH HIM AS HIS
writing with documentary proof thereof, to the Umar Nagar Hapur Road Meerut, vide entry in Judge-cum-ARC Central)
Sector-8 Part 1, Karnal, Om Kunj, Saray Nasrulla Khan, BEHAVIOUR IS NOT WELL TOWARDS MY
I,SURESH GARG,S/O OM 843114,Have Changed My CLIENT. MY CLIENT WILL NOT BE undersigned at the address mentioned herein
Add Book No.1 Zild 5985 pages 58/85 Serial No. Delhi-110054
Haryana- 132001, have Gandhi Road, Khurja-203131 RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CIVIL OR CRIMINAL below within 10 DAYS from the date of
5008 dated 08.04.2009.Sh.Rajesh Kumar Singh- SC. No.-191/2022
PARKASH R/O A-490,Sector- Name To Mohammad Moinul ACT OF ANY OF THESE, IF ANY ONE DEALS publication of this notice, failing which the
N.D.O.H. 27.02.2023
changed my name and shall Distt-Bulandshahr (U.P.) have WITH THEM HENCEFORTH, SHALL BE sale transaction shall be completed without ania Director of M/s Rawsmen Polymers (P) Ltd.
19,Noida Uttar-Pradesh - Haque,For All Purposes. DOING SO AT ONCE OWN RISK AND any reference to such right, title, interest,
has lodged an FIR dated 27.09.2022 with P.S.
Rajesh Kumar Vs. The State
hereafter be known as changed my name to Vineeta RESPONSIBILITY AND MY CLIENTS SHALL claim or demand and the same shall be Rajesh Kumar S/o Late Sh. Ramesh
201301.Have Changed My 0040640200-5 Bansal for all purposes in NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACT/ deemed to have been waived and abandoned Rajender Nagar Indore. Anybody (Banking/ Fina- Chandra
Name To SURESH KUMAR Sonamm Katarieya. DEED/ THING ETC. to all intents & purposes and shall not be ncial Institutions/ Individuals)having any kind R/o K-28/1, Laxmi Nagar,
I,Mannu Khan S/o Guddu Khan future. 0040640082-3 Sd/- Gulshan Kumar (Advocate) binding upon my client. Claims without
documentary proof and/or objections directly of interest/claim/title/objection on the basis of New Delhi-110092
GARG,For All Future Purposes. 0070812175-1 OFFICE:- H.No. 6, Gurudwara Wali Gali,
Sawan Park, Ashok Vihar Ph-3, Delhi-110052 published in Newspaper shall not be said Original Sale Deed dated 29.08.2008 and .......Petitioner
R/o-714/5, Gopal-Nagar, Hari- I Sanjeev Kumar Shukla S/o Late considered as valid. Any other person(s) FOR SUCCESSION CERTIFICATE
0040640194-7 08.04.2009 as detailed here in above may sub-
Nagar, Tilak Nagar,New Delhi- I, Shivesh, S/o Jaishankar Sh. Ravi Shankar Shukla R/o 31- dealing with above said property shall be
mit the same to the undersigned within 07 days UNDER INDIAN SUCCESSION
110018,have changed my name Chaturvedi, R/o Ward No-23, A, Gali No.3, East Azad Nagar,
PUBLIC NOTICE doing so entirely at his/ her own risk and cost.
of the publication.Please note carefully that if
ACT, 1925
I,Jalpesh Brahmbhatt,S/o Public Notice is hereby issued on behalf
to Hamid Khan. 0040640193-9 Arhatiya Mohalla, Robertsganj, Sanjay Kumar Pandey any objection is not received within the notice
AshokKumar Brahmbhatt,R/o- Krishna Nagar, East Delhi, of my clients Sh. Harpinder Singh and Advocate All Concerned
Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh- Smt. Sheela Kaur both R/O WZ-250, period, the said property will be treated as un- Whereas in the above noted petition the
Near-Old Power-House, I,MOHAMMAD REHAN,S/O Delhi-110051 have changed my S.F, T.F, Gali no. 4, Gurunanaknagar,
Enrl. No.D/95-A/1998(R)
374A, Western Wing, encumbered, marketable and no claim will be applicant/ petitioner has applied for
Village-Manesar 231216, have changed my name name to Anil Kumar for all New Delhi, I the under signed do Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi accepted on the basis of the Original lost sale Succession Certificate to the Hon’ble
MOHAMMAD IMRAN,R/O H- and shall hereafter be known hereby inform general public that my M- 9355698917 Deeds dated 29.08.2008 and 08.04.2009. Court Under Section 372 of the Indian
(154)Gurgaon(Haryana) - 32,Shaheed-Nagar, Sahibabad, purposes. 0040640077-10 said clients disinherit their son namely, VIVEK SEHGAL, (ADVOCATE) Succession Act, 1925 in respect of the
122051,have changed my name as Shivesh Chaturvedi. Gyan Singh and Daughter-in law CHAMBER NO.703, CIVIL COURT, debt and securities amount of Rs. xxx.
Chikamberpur, I Sanjeev Kumar S/o Sh. Suresh Gurmeet Kaur and Grandson Gurbaaz RAJ NAGAR, GHAZIABAD 9811144654
to Jalpesh A Brahmbhatt,for all 0070812177-1 Singh W.e.f. 11-11-2022, due to PUBLIC NOTICE As per record to be standing in the
Ghaziabad(UP)have changed Chand R/o H.No.A-170A, Hari their disrespectful behavior and This is for the information of general public name of Late Ramesh Chandra
Purposes. 0040640194-2 my name to MOHD RIHAN. that my client SMT. SURINDER KAUR
I, Sarabjeet Chawla, W/o Enclave Part-I, Kirari Suleman unfaithfulness and all of them have no
Whilst care is taken prior to
acceptance of advertising Whereas the 27.03.2023 at 10’ o clock
right to claim any share in movable or
I,Vikas 0040640200-11 Davinder Pal Singh Chawla, R/o Nagar, North West Delhi, Delhi- immovable properties of my clients H.NO. 3. G B BLOCK, USHA PARK,
copy, it is not possible to verify
its contents. The Indian in the forenoon has been fixed for
HARI NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110064 has Express (P) Limited cannot be
hearing or the application notice is
(Belt.No.15486520M),S/o-Shri N-19, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, 110086 have changed the name during their life time or after their
disowned and debarred her son
held responsible for
contents, nor for any loss or

demise. Anybody dealing with them hereby given to this concerned.

Madan Lal,R/o Village- I,MANOHAR LAL/MANOHAR Delhi-110009, have changed my of my minor daughter from shall do so at their own risk and
CHARANJEET SINGH, his wife and his damage incurred as a result of
transactions with companies,
family members / legal heirs from all my associations or individuals Given under my hand and the seal of
Chhapra,Bamanwas GUPTA S/O SHOBHA RAM name to Sarabjeet Kaur for all Manvi to Manvi Sharma for all responsibility. My said clients are not immovable and movable properties /
advertising in its newspapers
or Publications. We therefore the court on this 09.11.2022
having any responsibility of any illegal
Nau(275),Mahendragarh, GUPTA R/O J-129,RESERVE purposes. 0040640185-1 purposes. 0040640077-11 acts/misdeeds done by them.
assets and also break all relations from recommend
them with immediate effect because of before sending any monies or (Mridul Gupta)
BANK-ENCLAVE,PASCHIM Sd/- their negative and rude nature and loss of
entering into any agreements Seal
Haryana-123001,inform that in with advertisers or otherwise ACJ/ARC (Central): Delhi
VIHAR,DELHI-110063.HAVE I, Rajender Singh Bisht S/o Sh. I Pawan Rekha W/O, Late Sh. S. Satyanarayana (Advocate) my client mental peace, harassment, acting on an advertisement in

my,service record my,wife Enrl. No. D-396/98 torture, cruelty, atrocities committed by
any manner whatsoever.

CHANGED MY NAME TO Nandan Singh R/o 139/4, Binoo Madayya R/o B 88/ S 3, S-1/29, G.F. Old Mahavir Nagar, them against my client. Anybody dealing
name Kumari Sharmila
MANOHAR LAL GUPTA. Uttranchal Enclave Kamal Pur, Shalimar Garden Ext 2, New Delhi-18 with them shall do so at his / her own risk,
wrongly-written.Her correct cost and responsibilities thereto. My client
Burari, North Delhi-110084. I Sahibabad, Ghaziabad 201005 shall not be responsible in any manner for
name Sharmila Devi for 0040640192-2 the same.
all,future purpose.
hereby declare that Rajender have changed my name to PUBLIC NOTICE Sd/- B.B.N.Deo, Advocate
I,Hitherto Known As Vandana Singh & Rajender Singh Bisht Pawan Rekha Binoo for all General public is hereby informed that SR-IInd, B Coumpus, Janak Puri, ND-58
my client i.e. Mrs. Sudes Sant, R/o
0040640193-3 Sehgal Alies Vandana Rao,D/o- both are the name of same purposes. 0040640090-1 GH-06, 8B, Orchit garden, Suncity,

I,Varuna Thakur W/O Manoj Surender Sehgal,W/o Pankaj person. 0040640074-1 Sec-54 , Gurugram-122002 who is the
freehold owner and in the possession of
Gahlot R/O 2893,Street Pipal Rao,R/O-2/22,Geeta- I, Parvez Shaikh S/o Late Fahim the Property bearing No. Unit
I, Rahul Narula S/o Ashok No.1103 11th Floor Tower-3/A,
wali,Subzi-Mandi, Malka Colony,Delhi-110031,Have Shaikh R/o F-9/A, First Floor,
Narula, R/o D-128, Ashok Vihar Village- Badha Sector-85, District
Ganj,Delhi-110007,Changed my Changed My Name And Shall Shaheen Bagh, Abul Fazal Gurugram, Haryana.
Phase-1, Delhi-110052, have Enclave-II, South Delhi -110025 On 15th September 2022 during the
name to Varuna Gahlot. Hereafter Be Known As scrutiny of her Original Property
changed my name to Reyaansh have changed my name from
Vandana Rao. 0040640200-7 documents regarding the above said
0040640194-8 Narula, for all purpose. Parvez Shaikh to Parvez Fahim property, she found that (1) Original
Allotment Letter dated 15.07.2011 &
I,Harjeet Kaur W/O.Anil Kumar 0040640092-1 Shaikh for all future purposes. (2) Original Apartment Buyer
I,Taranjeet kaur W/O.Jag mohan Bhatti R/O,WZ-9A, 1st-Floor Agreement dated 21.10.2011 both
Singh R/O.A-98,Asha park,Jail 0040639811-1 documents issued/ executed by M/s
Sant-Nagar Extension Tilak- I, Pyare Lal Sharma, S/o Brikh Orris Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. in
road, New Delhi-110018,have Nagar Delhi-110018,have Bhan Sharma, R/o BS-41/C, favour of Mrs. Jayshree Bindal W/o
changed my name to Taranjeet I, Lallungawi S/o HRILKHUP Mr. Pramod Kumar Bindal in respect
changed my name to Harjeet Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-110088, of abovementioned property were
kaur Anand,for all purposes. BUHRIL R/o Ho.No-22 IIIrd Floor
Kaur Bhatti,for All,Futura have changed my name to lost/misplaced from her residence at
Satya Niketan South Moti Bagh- GH-06, 8B, Orchit Garden, Suncity,
0040640200-1 Purpose. 0040640193-1 Satish Sharma for all future Sec-54, Gurugram-122002.
2 ND-110021 changed my name
purposes. 0070812251-1 My Client has tried her level best to find
I,TINA VIKRAM PORWAL,W/o I,Shana Begum W/o. Sh. Gulfam to Lallungawi BUHRIL. at possible places the aforesaid original
Documents, but yet not trace/allocate
VIKRAM KAPALI PORWAL,R/o R/o H-No-62, Village Badarpur, I, Pooja Bisne, W/o Jagdish 0040639143-8 and has lodged online lost complaint
Flat.No.4, Type-V, Police- Ghaziabad-201102.Have Prasad Bisne, R/o Vivekanand through her advocate vide Complaint
No./LR No:132271042200374 dated
Colony,Police Station-Greater changed my name to Sahana, Ward Kalichattan Betul, Betul, ¸f`Ô, ¸f³fûªf Ib ¸ffS A¦fi½ff»f S/O ¸ff°ffªfe 10.11.2022 at Haryana Police Online
Kailash-I,New Delhi- for all future Purposes. Madhya Pradesh-460001, have
110048,have changed my name changed my name to Pushpa ¦fe°ff A¦fi½ff»f ½f d´f°ffªfe ªf¦fQeVf ´fiÀffQ My client is declaring that neither she
has mortgaged/lien the above said
to TINA PORWAL. 0040640194-4 Bisne. 0070812249-1 A¦fi½ff»f CRÊ ªf¦fQeVf ´fiÀffQ CRÊ documents with any Govt./Financial
Institute nor she has taken any loan
I,Suyog Raj Bela S/o Sh.Subhash W/O MANMEET SINGH,H.NO-
I, NITESH S/O RAJESH KUMAR, ªf¦fQeVf ´fiÀffQ dÀfa§f»f d³f½ffÀfe SG- from any financial institute against the
above said lost Original document, if in
Bela R/o jhuggi no 324 A Block, 57,SURYA NIKETAN,ANAND
R/O H.NO.3747, GALI MAMAN 4/12A02, Àff¹ff ¦fû»O E½fZ³¹fc, 10/1 future, the above said/ original
documents find by her, the same shall
Wazirpur Industrial Area, ZAMADAR, PAHARI DHIRAJ,
Ashok Vihar, North Delhi-
VIHAR,DELHI-110092 have
SADAR BAZAR, DELHI-110006, ½f`·f½f JaO , dVf´fif Àf³fdÀfMe, ¦ffdªf¹ff¶ffQ not be misused, and will be handed
over to We intending purchaser of the
changed my name to said property.
110052 declares that my HARPREET KAUR. 0040640193-4
HAVE CHANGED MY NAME TO ¹fc.´fe.-201014, §fû¿f¯ff I S°ff Wch dI ¸fZSm If anybody found/trace the above said
NITESH KUMAR, FOR ALL original documents, please intimate me
father’s name is wrongly
I,Dalchand Jain S/o Ratan Lal PURPOSE. 0040640092-2
Ib L QÀ°ff½fZªfûÔ ¸fZÔ ¸fZS f ³ff¸f ¸f³fûªf dÀfa§f»f physically/ telephonically.
mentioned as Subhash Bela NA If anybody has any legal objection

in my Election Card Choradia R/o,D-145, Second- ½f ¸f³fûªf A¦fi½ff»f QªfÊ W` ªfû dI Àf·fe regarding such lost document and
I, Mehnaz Chaudhary W/o Mr. property then please make objection to
No.NCR1908051 instead of Floor, Ramprastha
Mohd.Waqar Choudhary R/o R- ³ff¸f ¸fZSm We W`Ô °f±ff EI We ½¹fd¢°f W` Ü me physically/telephonically within 15
Subhash Bela, which may be Colony,Chander
187, Gali No. 9, Block- R, Sd/-
amended accordingly. Nagar,Ghaziabad, U.P.- BIPLAB KUMAR MUKHERJEE
Ramesh Park, Laxmi Nagar,
201011,have changed my-name Advocate
to Dal Chand Choradia.
Delhi- 110092 have changed my LOST & FOUND Enrl. No. D/1678/07
name to Mehnaz Choudhary, Office: 3657/6, Narang Colony,
I,Som Nath Khurana,S/O Nand 0040640193-7 I , Rahul Negi have lost my Tri Nagar, Delhi-110035
Mehnaz Choudhary and
Lal Khurana Resident graduation marksheet of first
I,Chavi Sangal,W/o Anurag Mehnaz Chaudhary are one, First-Floor, Block- three semesters in munirka ,New
Sangal R/o 327/42 Lane- and same person. PUBLIC NOTICE
Q,Tagore Park,Model Town, Delhi in a blue Color adidas bag ,
My client Dharam Pal Rajput S/o
1,Bhartiya Colony, Kambal 0040640191-1
Delhi-110009,have changed my
Wala Bagh Muzaffarnagar- in those Late Shri Mela Ram R/o H.No.
C-178/10A, Gali No. 7, C Block
name to Som Khurana. three marksheet . -
251001,Have Changed My
I, Mayank, S/o Late Ashok
9818927969 0050207501-1 Bhajanpura Delhi 110053 has deb- ATTENTION ALL: CANDIDATES (BDS & MDS)
0040640194-5 Kumar Singh, R/o Sanathua, bared His son namely Rajeev
Name To Chhavi Sangal.
Aurangabad, Bihar-824102, Rajput, his Daughter -in-Law Sarita DESIROUS OF GRANT OF SHORT SERVICE
I,Smridhi Mehta Sharma,w/o
Sh.Pushkar Sharma,D/o
0040640200-4 have changed my name to ¸f`Ô ¹fû¦fZVf Àff¦fS ´fbÂf ´fcS ³f ¸f»f Àff¦fS Rajput and his Grand daughter
Janvi Rajput from his moveble and
Mayank Singh. Director General Armed Forces Medical Services will
Shri.Sanjay Mehta,R/o D- I,Bhawani Sharma S/o Gulab d³f½ffÀfe Àfe-7/22, ¹f¸fb³ff d½fWfS, dQ»»fe- immoveable proprty due to their mis-
behaviour and quarrelsome activities
4/2,Model town-D,Model town- Singh,R/o Village-Harsaru, 0070812246-1
110053 Àfcd¨f°f I S°ff Wca dI ¸fZSm ´fifg´fMeÊ towards my client & severed all their invite applications from Civilian Dental Surgeons (BDS
II,Delhi- 110009,have changed Gurgaon (Haryana)- relations from them. My Client shall
122505,have changed my name
I, Lokesh Thukral R/o J-7/140 3rd
I f¦fªff°f Àfe.Oe. ´fZ´fS, »feªf ´fZ´fS AüS not be responsible for their any acts in & MDS) for Grant of Short Service Commission, for
my name Smridhi Mehta to Floor Rajouri Garden, New
Smridhi Mehta Sharma both to Bhawani Shankar,for all ¶f`ÔI ´ffÀf ¶fbI (³fa.-
the commissioning cycle of 2023 on the basis of NEET
Delhi-110027 have changed my
are same and one person,for purposes. 0040640194-9
minor daughter’s name from 85562010067442) Jû ¦fE W`Ô Ü A¦fS Ch. E-421, Karkardooma courts, MDS-2023 to be conducted by National Board of
all,future purpose. Delhi 110032
I,Bharpai mother of Shreya to Shreya Thukral for all Examinations (NBE), New Delhi, under the aegis of
0040640200-9 No.14851664N Rank-Hav purposes. 0040640089-1 B³f I f¦fªff°f I f I ûBÊ Qb÷ ´f¹fû¦f I S°ff W`
PUBLIC NOTICE Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, GoI.
Clk(SD)Dinesh R/o.VPO °fû ½fW A¸ff³¹f Wû¦ffÜ
I,Shri Krishan S/o Ram Charan
Bhagwi,Teh& Distt.Charkhi
I, Komal Bhatt, D/o Nand Kishor General public is hereby informed
that my clients Sh. Santosh Kumar
(a) Candidates (BDS & MDS) desirous for Grant of
R/o B-523, Budh-Nagar, J.J. Bhatt, R/o 359, Naraingarh
Colony, Inderpuri, New Delhi-
Dadri(HR-127307) have
Road, Shiv Mandir, Housing
Singh S/o Sh. Ramender Singh and Short Service Commission will have to mandatorily
110012,have changed my name
changed myName from Sushila
Board Colony, Ambala City,
PUBLIC NOTICE his wife Smt. Seema Singh, R/o
D-127, Pratap Vihar, Part-3, Kirari, appear for NEET MDS-2023. Candidates are
to Bharpai for allfuture Suleman Nagar, Delhi-110086 have
to Amar Singh Gautam.
purposes. 0040640078-1
Haryana-134003, declare that severed all their ties and relations advised to keep a lookout for the notification of
Name of My Father and My with their Son Aadarsh and his wife
I,Ashok, Kumar,S/o-Jay Mother has been wrongly
Priya Chauhan due their ill NEET MDS-2023. Candidates should tick ‘YES’ for
behaviour. Both of my said clients
I,Sharang Rastogi S/o-Vikas Narayan,R/o-Kh.No.38/28, written as N K Bhatt and Hema have also disowned and debarred SSC in AD Corps while filling of NEET (MDS) - 2023
his said son from all their movable
Rastogi R/o-C-595 Gali J.K.Farm House,Safiabad Bhatt in my Educational and immovable properties. Anybody application form.
No.12,Majlis Park,Adarsh Road,Narela, Delhi-110040,that Documents. The actual name
Nagar Delhi-110033,Have Ashok Kumar & Ashok of My Father and My Mother
dealing with Sh. Aadarsh and his
wife will do so at his/her/their own (b) Based on the Score in NEET MDS-2023, candidates
Changed My Name To Khatri,are one and,same are Nand Kishor Bhatt and
risk and responsibilities and my said
clients will not be responsible for any
will be screened/ shortlisted for the Interview.
Shaarang Rastogi,For All person. I,will be known,as Hansa Bhatt, which may be act/ deed/ dealing/ case/ litigation by
and against Sh. Aadarsh.
(c) Further details will be available on the website of
Purposes. 0040640200-6 Ashok Kumar,for future. amended accordingly. Sd/- KSHITIJ KUMAR INDIAN ARMY ( in
0040640192-3 0070812176-1 Enrl. No. D/539/2012 Advocate
I,Santosh Jain W/o,Dal Chand Lawyer’s Ch. No. 480, Patiala due course of time. The candidates are therefore
Choradia R/o,D-145, Second- House Courts, New Delhi-01
Floor, Ramprastha Colony,
I,Asha W/O Vikas Garg,R/O A- I, Jyoti Bhakhar W/o Shashank advised to visit the site & to read the Information
490, Sector-19,Noida Uttar- Gupta R/o 43-B, MIG Flats,
lChander Nagar, Ghaziabad,
Pradesh-201301. Have Changed Sheikh Sarai Phase-I, New
Bulletin carefully as & when it is uploaded.
U.P.-201011,have changed my-
name to Santosh Choradia.
My Name To Asha Garg,For All Delhi-110017 have changed my davp 10601/11/0030/2223
Future Purposes. 0040640194-6 name after marriage to Jyoti
0040640193-6 Gupta for all future purposes.
I,Sangeeta Gupta W/o Tilak Raj PRAKASH JAIN R/o.Flat.No.D- 0040640079-1
Taneja R/o,B-39, S-1, Shiv- 632,Tower-7,Ashiana
I, Jitendra Chouhan, S/o Mohari
Apartment, Ramprastha- Upvan,Ahinsa-Khand- DENTAL (MDS) COURSES IN ARMED FORCES
Lal Chouhan, R/o 40-A,
Colony, Ghaziabad, U.P.- II,Indirapuram, Ghaziabad(UP) Paramhansh Colony, Bandhu MEDICAL SERVICES TRAINING INSTITUTES FOR
201011,have changed have changed my minor Nagar, Murlipura, Jaipur, PRIORITY III, IV & V CANDIDATES THROUGH
my-minor son’s name Aagaaz daughter’s name from NAIRITI Rajasthan-302023, Declare that NEET MDS-2023
to Atharv Taneja. 0040640193-5 to NAIRITI JAIN. 0040640200-10 Name of My Father has been
Director General Armed Forces Medical Services will admit
SANJEEV NAYYAR,R/O- Chouhan in my 10th Class
desirous candidates for Post Graduate–Dental (MDS) Courses
260,GUJRANWALA-TOWN, PART- JAMWAL, H-NO-680 SECTOR- Certificate and 12th Class at AFMS Training Institutes, for balance of seats, if any after
3,MODEL-TOWN-II,NEW DELHI- 14,FARIDABAD, HARYANA- Certificate. The actual name of fulfilling the service requirements, for the session starting in
110009,is declare that I SORABH 121007,changed my name to My Father is Mohari Lal May 2023 on the basis of NEET MDS-2023 to be conducted by
NAYYAR and SAURABH NAYYAR AAKANKSHA SINGH Chouhan, which may be National Board of Examinations (NBE), New Delhi, under the
both are one and same-person. JAMWAL,for all,future amended accordingly. aegis of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,GoI.
0040640209-2 Purposes. 0070812189-1 (a) The seats will be available to Priority III candidates (Para
I,Rupali Lalit Arun,D/o Saran I, Chandrashekhar alias Military/other Govt. of India sponsored candidates), Priority
Tripurari W/o.Lalit Arun,R/o I hitherto known as Santosh Chandra Shekhar S/o Virendra IV (Ex-SSC AD Corps Officers) & Priority V (Civilian Dental
Kumari Jain W/o-Late Sh.Jai Singh R/o Flat No.-9145, Tower- Surgeons) in that order. It is also likely that no seat may
Kunj,Pocket-11,South-West Bhagwan Jain residing at-GD- 11, Aspen, Mahagun Mywoods, Informed to General Public, that my clients be available for some of the prioritized categories, if
113, Pitampura, Delhi-110034 Gaur City-2, Sector-16C,
PARVEEN aged 38 years S/O SHRI Be it known my client (1) MUNNI W/O SH.
Delhi-110070,have changed my ISHWAR SINGH & PREETI aged 36 years RAM AWATAR (2) RAM AWATAR S/O SH. the same have been allotted to candidates higher in
name to Rupali Arun,for all have changed my name and Greater Noida West, Gautam W/O SHRI PARVEEN BOTH R/O H.NO. 171, BABULAL BOTH RESIDENT OF A-243, GP
shall hereafter be known as
purposes. 0040640194-3 Buddha Nagar, U.P.-201318 DELHI-110082, have severed all relations
Santosh Jain. from their daughter NIDHI D/O SHRI
(b) Candidates desirous of pursuing Post Graduate–Dental
have changed my name to PARVEEN & SMT. PREETI, as she is
I, Asmita D/o Sh. Kailash
0040640081-1 CHANDRA SHEKHAR SINGH disobedient, rude and not under the control of 210208 has disowned and severed all their
relations with their son namely SANNI and
(MDS) Courses in these training institutions will have to
my clients aforesaid. From hereon my clients
Satyarthi R/o H.No- 73, Aravali mandatorily appear for NEET MDS-2023. Candidates are,
SOLANKI for all future have debarred their daughter NIDHI D/O daughter in law ARTI and debarred them from
Apartments, Alaknanda, I Yashoda D/o Jitender Saini R/o SHRI PARVEEN & SMT. PREETI, from all their all movable and immovable properties/
therefore, advised to keep a lookout for the notification of
purposes. 0070812253-1 their all movable and immovable properties assets due to their misbehavior, unfamiliar
Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019, have RZF -760/58A, Gali No-3, Raj
I, Anita Nagpat, W/o Yashpal
with all Bank Accounts. If any person,
organization, institution does any transaction
activities, intolerable act, misconduct and
NEET MDS-2023.
changed my name to Asmita Nagar Part2 Palam Colony, going against my client. Anybody dealing with

Satyarthi for all future South West Delhi-110077, have Nagpal, R/o 183, Subhash Puri,
with them does so at their own risk, for that
my clients shall not be responsible in any
SANNI and ARTI in civil and criminal matter
shall be doing at his/her/their own risk, cost
(c) Further details will be available on the website of INDIAN
purposes, Asmita and Asmita changed my name to Ashita Kanker Khera, Meerut-250001,
manner whatsoever.
and responsibility and my client and their ARMY ( in due course of
Sd/- family shall not be liable for their any act.
Satyarthi both are one and have changed my name to R. GOPAL (Advocate) NAVEEN KHURANA (Advocate) time. The candidates are therefore advised to visit the
0070812220-1 Enrl. No. D/2986/2016
same person. 0070812255-1 Anita Nagpal. 0070812257-1 Enrl. No. D/3290/2022
site & read the Information Bulletin carefully.
davp 10601/11/0028/2223

New Delhi

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Department of Nazool
Prayagraj Municipal Corporation
Prayagraj 2022 - 2023
Selection of agency for Parking Facility Management in Prayagraj
Tenders are invited from experienced agencies for Selection of agency
for Parking Facility Management in Prayagraj.
Tender Detail of Works Tender EMD Bid Bid
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Time Date
Selection of agency for INR INR
Parking Facility 10,000 5,00,000
Management in Multi- Level
Car Parking, Prayagraj
Authority wishes to have standard quality parking facility services
providers on board to provide the services in Prayagraj city.
The Request for Proposal (RFP) document for Selection of agency for
Parking Facility Management in Multi-Level Car Parking Prayagraj
can be downloaded from e-procurement website
Key dates for this RFP are as below:
• Last date of submission of proposals: 29.11.2022, 12:00 hrs
• Date of opening of technical bid: 29.11.2022, 16:00 hrs
• Date of opening of financial bid: To be communicated later
The Authority reserves full right to change the terms and conditions in
the RFP and scope herein and/or terminate the RFP process at any
stage without assigning any reasons and without any prior notice and no
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(Arvind Kumar Rai)
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P.R.O. No. 2307/22 Date 11.11.2022 Email id:

Vistaar Financial Services Pvt Ltd

Registered Office: Plot No 59 & 60- 23,22nd Cross, 29th Main
BTM, 2nd Stage, Bengaluru 560076.
APPENDIX IV [See rule 8 (1)]
POSSESSION NOTICE (For Immovable Property)
Whereas, The undersigned being the Authorized Officer of Vistaar Financial Services
Private Limited under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and
Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 and in exercise of powers conferred under
Section 13 (12) read with Rule 3 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 issued
Demand Notice dated 11-08-2022 calling upon the Borrower(s) Mr. Rakesh Kumar,
Mrs. Asha Rani & Mrs. Jyoti Rakesh Notice being Rs. 21,83,179.97/- (Rupees Twenty
one Lakhs Eighty Three Thousand one Hundred Seventy nine Rupees & Ninety
Seven paise Only) against Loan Account No.0255SBML00035 as on 04-08-2022 along
with future interest and other charges etc till actual payment within 60 days from the date of
receipt of the said Notice.
The Borrower(s) having failed to repay the amount, Notice is hereby given to the
Borrower(s) and the public in general that the undersigned has taken Symbolic
Possession of the property described herein below in exercise of powers conferred on him
under Sub-Section (4) of Section 13 of the Act read with Rule 8 of the Security Interest
(Enforcement) Rules, 2002 on this the 9th day of November of the year 2022.
The Borrower(s) in particular and the public in general is hereby cautioned not to deal with
the property and any dealings with the property will be subject to the charge of Vistaar
Financial Services Private Limited for an amount Rs. 21,83,179.97/- (Rupees Twenty
one Lakhs Eighty Three Thousand one Hundred Seventy nine Rupees & Ninety
Seven paise Only) as on 04-08-2022 along with future interest and other charges etc till
actual payment.
The Borrowers' attention is invited to provisions of Sub-Section (8) of Section 13 of the Act
in respect of time available, to redeem the SecuredAssets.
Description of the Secured Asset: All that piece and parcel of Built Up Third Floor
Portion Along with Roof/Terrace Right of Property Bearing No.195,Out of Khasra
No.11/27-B, Situated in the Layout Plan of Gopal Park,In the area of Village Khureji Khas,
illaqa Shahdara, Delhi, Measuring Area 50.16 Sq. Mtr. Boundaries: East: Road, West:
Property of Other North: Remaining Portion, South: Portion of Property no.194.
Registration Details- Book No-1, Zild No-8453, pages from 106 to 110 Doc No-3443 in the
year 2016 with Sub Registrar-VIII New Delhi/Delhi in the name of Smt.Asha Rani.
Date: 09/11/2022 Authorized Officer
Place: Delhi Vistaar Financial Services Private Limited
New Delhi


chokedhisvictim Emotional Sharma had to final could be a washout
be pacified by teammates
Gunathilaka's victim was choked re-
peatedlyandwas"fearingfor herlife" EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
during his alleged sexual assault, ac- NOVEMBER 11
cording to media reports that quoted
policedocuments.Thewomanalleged STORMY WEATHER expected to hit eastern
that she was sexually assaulted four
times in her home at Sydney's Rose
Dravid gave a brief speech Australia this weekend has caused doubts
over whether even a reserve day on Monday
BayonNovember2aftergoingoutfor in dressing room and will be enough for the T20 World Cup final
adatewiththecricketer,whowashere betweenEnglandandPakistaninMelbourne
as part of the Sri Lankan team for the Rohit also addressed team on Sunday. There is an 80 per cent chance of
T20 World Cup. Gunathilaka, 31, was rain on Sunday in Melbourne, followed by a
later arrested from his team hotel by 70 per cent chance on Monday. In a bid to in-
Sydneypolice,evenasothermembers crease the chances of getting in a game, the
of the Sri Lankan squad returned International Cricket Council (ICC) has in- Three T20 world cup matches have
home following the side's exit in the creased the scheduled playing time for the already been washed out in Melbourne
Super 12 stage. PTI reserve day, and extra covers will be used at
the Melbourne Cricket Ground to quicken
Woodstruggling the prospect of play should the rain relent.
According to the playing conditions, de-
togetfitforfinal EXPRESSINADELAIDE spite the provision of a reserve day, the ICC
will try and complete a shortened match on
Melbourne: England pace spearhead Sunday itself, weather permitting. A mini- 25°C
Mark Wood said he is unsure if he will DEVENDRA PANDEY mum of 10 overs per side is required to con- ■ Probability of precipitation 84%
recoverfromahipinjuryintimetoplay ADELAIDE, NOVEMBER 11 stitute a completed match at the knockout ■ Probability of thunderstorms
inSunday'sTwenty20WorldCupfinal stage,asagainstthe regularfive-overthresh- 50 %
against Pakistan but could throw his NOT ONLY was captain Rohit Sharma seen old for other matches. The match will go into ■ Hours of rain 2.5
name into the hat if skipper Jos Buttler in tears in the team dugout after India’s the reserve day only if a minimum of ten
■ Cloud cover 94 %
desperately needs him. Wood, who is shattering ten-wicket defeat to England in overs per side is not possible on Sunday, and
nursing a right hip problem, missed the T20 World Cup semi-final, he could not will resume from where it was halted.
England's brilliant 10-wicket victory control his emotions later in the dressing For its part, the ICC on Friday announced
over India on Thursday along with in- room as well, The Indian Express has learnt. Rohit Sharma made 27 off 28 in the final as India had a poor Powerplay. anincreaseinthescheduleddurationof play 20°C
jured batsman Dawid Malan. "I tried Some of his team-mates had to pacify him. for Monday to four hours from the original ■ Probability of precipitation 84%
my best to make the last game but I India head coach Rahul Dravid then gave a two. “The Event Technical Committee (ETC) ■ Probability of thunderstorms
couldn't bowl at the intensity and brief speech, after which Rohit also ad- theknockouts of a multi-nationtournament swer. Rohit knows that this might be his last has increased the provision of additional 17 %
speeds required to play for England," dressed the team. despite having all the resources has hurt T20 World Cup for India. playingtime onthe reservedayto fourhours ■ Hours of rain 2.5
Wood told the BBC. REUTERS The team had played some good cricket them a lot. And after topping their group He was part of the India team that had from the original provision of two hours, in
■ Cloud cover 69 %
andeveryone was proudwiththeamount of with four wins in five games, India are back clinched the inaugural World T20 title in case more time is required to complete the AccuWeather

’92winonPakistan’s hard work put in, Dravid is believed to have

said.Rohitwas at a lossforwordsinitially. He
to square one. 2007 and 15 years later, he was hoping that
he would again lift the trophy. But it wasn’t
match and get a result. Play on the reserve
day will begin at 15h00 [3pm],” the ICC
mind:coachHayden thanked everyone and he too felt the team
had played some good cricket in the last
A dry spell
TheirICCtrophyshelf hasbeenemptyfor
to be. Meanwhile, the BCCI has decided to
send VVS Laxman as the coach of the India
stated in a release.
Groundstaff will also use additional cov-
There have been calls that the Docklands
(Marvel) Stadium, a ground with a re-
Pakistan have soaked up stories from three weeks. Some team members said they almost a decade now, since the 2013 team for the New Zealand tour. The support ers onthe vast outfield at theMCG. “MCG cu- tractable roof in Melbourne, should have
the landmark 1992 Cricket World Cup had never seen Rohit so down even after Champions Trophy win. It was felt that Rohit staff will consist of Hrishikesh Kanitkar and ratorswilluseextracoversovertheweekend been kept on standby, at least for the final,
finalwinoverEnglandintheleadupto many defeats earlier. would be the man to end the title drought Sairaj Bahutule. to give the field the maximum chance of with so much rain around. Docklands has
Sunday's Twenty20 decider and hope The players were busy sorting their lug- after MS Dhoni. After all, he had delivered Along with Dravid, the current support weatheringthedownfallpredictedduringthe abouthalf thecapacityof theMCGandispri-
to share their own tales of triumph in gage when another message came late at five titles for Mumbai Indians in the Indian staff of bowling coach Paras Mhambrey, day on Sunday and still be capable of a quick marily used for Australian rules football. It
years to come, team mentor Matthew nightintheteamWhatsappgroup.Everyone Premier League (IPL), so he could probably fielding coach T Dilip and batting coach start if the clouds clear,” Fox Sports reported. has hosted 12 ODIs since it opened in 2000
Hayden said on Friday. Imran Khan's was asked to assemble for a small meeting do it with the India team too. But neither Vikram Rathour have all been given a rest. The Bureau of Meteorology has forecast but none since 2006, although it regularly
side beat England by 22 runs at the before departing back home to India or pro- could he improve the team’s dismal recent The team couldn't manage to get tickets “showersandseverestorms”onSunday,and hosts Big Bash League games.
MCG in that 50-overs tournament to ceeding onwards for the New Zealand tour. record in ICC knockout games, his personal onthesameflight.Theywillflyoutinbatches even warned of possible “life-threatening However, according to Fox Sports,
claim their first World Cup trophy in a The team management thanked every- performance too was below par in this T20 from Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne. Rohit flash flooding” in inland New South Wales. Docklands hasn’t yet laid its drop-in pitch. It
landmarkmomentforPakistancricket. one including the two reserve bowlers World Cup, as he could score only one half- and KL Rahul will be the last ones to depart Melbourne has already had three of its hosted a motor cross event recently and will
Hayden said PCB Ramiz Raja, who Mohammed Siraj and Shardul Thakur, who century, against Netherlands. from Down Under. In New Zealand, Hardik six T20 World Cup group matches getting host a university graduation before getting
opened the batting and took the final had bowled their hearts out in the nets. It was a challenging tournament for the Pandya will lead in the T20Is while Shikhar washed out without a single ball being ready for the BBL.
catchthatsealedvictoryinthe1992fi- Everyone hugged each other. team with conditions at the Australian Dhawan will be captain for the ODI leg with bowled – New Zealand v Afghanistan, Mark Waugh, the former Australia bats-
nal, had addressed Babar’steam on It has been an emotional end to the grounds throwing varying challenges at Rohit, Virat Kohli and KL Rahul, along with a Afghanistan v Ireland and the widely-antic- man, said that it was “common sense” to
Friday morning. REUTERS team’s journey in the T20 World Cup. The them. They were outplayed by England in few others, rested for the tour. Pandya had ipated England v Australia clash. Even the have kept Docklands on standby. “Common
fact that they missed the bus once again in the semi-finals and their bowlers had no an- led India for the Ireland T20Is in June as well. Ireland-England game was hit by rain. sensesaysinMelbourne,you’vegotaground

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
Something Averaged out over
someone says or the years, it seems
does should boost that this is normally
your ego, not that it a fairly profitable
needs boosting, of course! time of year. However, with
However, it will be nice to every opportunity comes a risk
receive a little praise for a and your timing must be spot
change, after all the criticism on. Even if your resources are
you normally get. Aside from limited, you may duck and dive
that, it's a busy and make a little extra cash.
day, and one for solidly
worthwhile activities. SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
You have heard
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) enough empty
Close partners may promises to be
have been in a especially

CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson difficult mood, but it

does take two to
impressed by smooth-talking
partners. So, if you hear people
start an argument, doesn’t it? A spouting nonsense today,
certain person seems to be that’s all the more reason for
terribly volatile and you may you to lay down the law. The
do best to put your own trouble is, they might not
qualms and complaints to realise they’re not
one side and lend a making sense.
ACROSS DOWN sympathetic ear.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
1 Catalogue banned at the last 1 The job an idle person should
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) There are a great
minute (8) be taken to
You have been many useful ways to
5 Bar banter (4) (4)
contemplating apply your gifts.
9 Movement of indifference 2 Scholar raised voice saying
drastic answers to Even if someone
(5) ‘Sir!’ (7)
relatively minor close to you is still bad-
10 Used to have animals outside - 3 Its members showed bravery
questions, buoyed up by Mars’ tempered or irritable, you can
dogs? (7) when put in charge
energising influence. Yet dodge the issues by getting on
11 Helpful for the orchestra (5,7)
according to all the current with a favourite activity or
(12) 4 An even chance the matador
indications you’ll still have hobby. The basic principle is
13 Records broken by Ernest will try to avoid (4-2)
problems putting your plans that a little of what you fancy
(6) 6 A boxing match in quite rough
into practice. Just a little more does you good.
14 Holy water in which an egg’s terms (5)
thought - and effort - could
cooked (6) 7 Not inclined to be languid
17 Pushing slowly forward a kind (8) MARVIN by Tom Armstrong do it. CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
Passions are
of grunting slog 8 An early form of home- CANCER (June 22 - July 23) running high, and
(10,2) decorating? (4,8) It so happens that for some of you the
20 Some point in harness item for 12 Reasonably practical? (8) your relations with storm clouds are
a type of horse (7) 15 The last word in conversation friends are ruled by gathering. However, with a
21 Initially it may be uphill; even perhaps (7) Taurus, and this conscious act of will, you may
steep (5) 16 The man on watch? (6) explains why loyalty comes at be able to direct such powerful
22 It’s flat and square (4) 18 Bring up a matter of higher the top of your list of priorities. energies towards cultural and
23 Vertigo surprises wages (5) If you can extol the virtues of pleasurable pursuits, not to
(8) 19 Grounds or pastures say (4) punctuality and fidelity to mention the various dramatic
others, please do so. You and theatrical outbursts.
never know - you might
learn something in AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
SolutionsCrossword4896:Across:1Sentiment,8Hosea,9Wingnut,10Smooth, You may feel
11Resent,12Inasense,15Malinger,18Orates,20Optics,21Steamer,22Evoke,23 the process.
obliged to go on the
terms,11Roomtolet,13Adroitly,14Glutton,16Nickel,17Napalm,19Erect. LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) defensive, but if you
Watch out for take a placatory
emotional, possibly approach then the pressure
hysterical, people at should start to ease. One
work. Somebody problem may be that you fail to
seems to think that they have give other people due
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel3s
the right to tell everybody else recognition for their

what to do. For this reason, achievements, and that they

Instructions your home may act as a end up feeling resentful. Praise
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, sort of bolt-hole. You may partners when they deserve it.
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 even need to lick your

theanswerforthegivenquip. emotional wounds. PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)

mustappearineachofthe You often tend to
Lifeistheflowerforwhich__isthe___.-VictorHugo(4,.,5)) nineverticalcolumns,in VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) worry about
eachoftheninehorizontal You are no doubt up tackling new
KPEEO EEHSNY rowsandineachofthe against big situations, but the
nineboxes. communication stars are so favourably
difficulties, but why disposed that most of your
others should misunderstand concerns should be completely
FNWLO HEAVES DifficultyLevel you is another matter. Are they reassured. Lunar alignments
determined to pick up the are ideal for that favourite
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; wrong end of the stick? Or are pastime - country jaunts;
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; you failing to make yourself there’s nothing that inspires
5s=VeryHard;6s= clear? Perhaps it’s a mixture of your soul as much as the
Answer: Life is the flower for which love is the honey. - Victor Hugo Genius the two. beauties of nature.

Vol XCI- 2 Regd.No. DL-21046/03-05 R.N.I. No.506/57. Printed and Published by R.C.Malhotra on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Limited and Printed at The Indian Express (P) Limited Press, A-8, Sector-7, Noida -201301 and Hindustan Media Ventures Ltd., Mauza-Daryapur, Police Station-Shahpur,
Danapur District-Patna, Bihar-801503 and Published at The Indian Express (P) Limited, Mezzanine Floor, Express Building, 9 &10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002. Editorial office: The Indian Express (P) Limited, Mezzanine Floor, Express Building, 9&10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New
Delhi-110002. Phone: 0120-6651500. Advertising office: The Indian Express (P) Limited, B1/B, Sector-10, Noida-201301. Phone:01206651291. Chairman of the Board: Viveck Goenka, Chief Editor: Raj Kamal Jha, Editor: Unni Rajen Shanker, Editor (Delhi): Rakesh Sinha ** ** Responsible for selection of
News under the PRB Act. Copyright: The Indian Express (P) Limited. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited. The Indian Express®

New Delhi

All things big & small that build up towards the kick-off of ISL: East Bengal hand Bengaluru third straight defeat
the greatest sporting spectacle on earth - the FIFA World Cup third successive 1-0 defeat in the Indian Gokulam host Mohammedan
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA SuperLeaguehereonFriday.TheBlues failed In a repeat of last season's title decider,

Messi set for another record,

BENGALURU, NOVEMBER 11 to score in their third consecutive game as Gokulam Kerala FC hosts Mohammedan SC
the Red-and-Gold secured their first clean in the I-League 2022-23 opener at the
CLEITON SILVA left his former fanbase in si- sheetof theseason.EastBengalFCmoveinto Payyanad Stadium in Manjeri on Saturday.
lence, scoring the only goal of the game as eighth place. The Blues are now ninth in the The I-League winners this season will get
East Bengal FC handed Bengaluru FC their table, level on four points with Jamshedpur. promoted to the ISL in 2023.

Senegal gamble on Mane

WORLD CUP Addendum to the Invitation for the Third Round of expression of
interest for availing White labelling of the Electric and automation
Injured Dybala included, Messi products of Larsen & Toubro - Electrical and Automation, as
set for a record fifth appearance published by Schneider Electric India Pvt. Ltd. (“SEIPL”) on 14
Injured forward Paulo Dybala made the
cut as Argentina coach Lionel Scaloni named October 2022 (“Invitation for Expression of Interest”).
on Friday his 26-man squad for the Nov. 20-
Dec. 18 World Cup in Qatar, where Lionel
Messi will lead the side. Dybala has not
played for his club AS Roma since early It is hereby informed that as provided under paragraph 4 of the
October but has been named in the squad
as Argentina hope he regains his fitness be- Invitation for Expression of Interest and in accordance with the
fore their World Cup campaign begins on
Nov. 22 against Group C opponents Saudi terms and conditions of the CCI Order as set out below, at the end of
Arabia. Messi, 35, will be playing in his fifth
World Cup and will be accompanied by fel-
low veterans Angel Di Maria and Nicolas
the White Labelling period an option to enter into a non-exclusive,
Otamendi along with fresh faces who
helped Argentina win the Copa America ti- ArgentinafanswithaLionelMessiposterinDohaonFriday. AP
non-transferable and non-sub licensable technology license shall be
tle last year. "They are proud to be called up
and wear this jersey, let's hope that you as
available to a single third party LV switchgear manufacturer who:
fans are too. All together," coach Scaloni said Cissé gambled on one of the world's best for-
in an Instagram video. wards being fit and ready in time after in- Team USA players start
Argentina will be without services of
juring his lower right leg this week playing
for Bayern Munich. Cissé said Senegal's
arriving in Qatar “111.1 Has white label offtake for at least 3 continuous years of the
playing for Villarreal, with Scaloni saying he
medical team hoped that Mané would need
about a week to recover from the injury he
product for which it seeks the technology license; and
was 'irreplaceable'. Leandro Paredes and sustained on Tuesday in a league game in 26 players and staff were met by a pi-
Rodrigo De Paul will be crucial in midfield Germany and therefore be ready for ano playing "The Star-Spangled
while the defence will be led by centre back
Otamendi, who is usually partnered with
Senegal's opening game at the World Cup
against the Netherlands on Nov. 21 — on pa-
Banner" and people waving American
111.2. Has an average annual offtake of at least 10% of the installed
Manchester United's Lisandro Martinez or
Tottenham Hotspur's Cristian Romero.
per the strongest team Senegal will face in
Group A in Qatar. But Cissé also raised the
tel following a flight from New York.
CoachGreggBerhalterandplayersfrom capacity of such individual product for white labelling for the period
Netherlands to meet with
possibility that Mané may not be fit in time
for the tournament, which would dash the
sonshaveended,madethetrip.Theini- of the white labelling remedy.”
migrant workers hopes of a nation that has come to rely on tial group of players included goal-
The Netherlands soccer team will take Mané delivering at big moments. “Sadio keeperSeanJohnson;defendersAaron
time during their stay in Qatar to talk to mi-
grants who helped build the stadiums for
Mané is a key player in our group. We will do
all we can to have Sadio Mané (available),”
Walker Zimmerman; midfielders As such, the quantities i.e. range wise installed capacity, 10% of the
the World Cup, coach Louis van Gaal said
on Friday. The team will meet a group of
Cissé said at the Senegal squad announce-
ment in Dakar that was dominated by
forwards Jesús Ferreira and Jordan installed capacity and quantities available for off-take under white
about 20 migrants on Nov. 17 to talk about whether Mané would be in or out. Morris.Europe-based players were to
their working conditions and to give them
Forward Ansu Fati back in
report after their clubs finished play labelling will be disclosed, under the supervision of the Monitoring
the opportunity to join the players in train- before the World Cup break: the
ing. The Dutch KNVB is one of the few foot- Spain squad after two years teams of midfielders Luca de la Torre Agency appointed by the Hon’ble CCI, once the confidentiality
ball associations to criticise human rights Twenty-year-oldBarcelonaforwardAnsu (Celta Vigo) and Yunus Musah
and working conditions in Qatar, where Fati was included Friday in Spain's squad for (Valencia) finished on Thursday, undertakings i.e. clean team agreements are signed between SEIPL
migrant workers and foreigners make up theWorldCup.AnsuhasnotplayedforSpain though de la Torre has not played
the majority of the 2.8 million population. since making his fourth appearance as a since October 24 due to a torn muscle and the interested party (being an eligible applicant for white
The country has come under severe teenagerinOctober2020shortlyafterbreak- in his left leg. Defender Joe Scally
scrutiny from human rights groups over ingtherecordforSpain'syoungestscorer.His (BorussiaMönchengladbach)andfor- labelling).
the migrant issue in the run-up to the tour- spectacularstartforSpainandBarcelonawas wardGioReyna(BorussiaDortmund)
nament, which runs from Nov. 20 to Dec. cut short by leg injuries. Besides Fati, there were to face each other in the
18. Last year, Qatar's government denied were no other surprises when Spain coach BundesligaonFridaynight.Saturday's
claims in a report by human rights organ-
isation Amnesty International that thou-
Luis Enrique announced his 26-man squad.
The former midfielder, who played in three
schedule included matches for for-
SEIPL will also conduct a pre-bid meeting within one week of the
sands of migrant workers were being
trapped and exploited.
World Cups, will rely on a young team in
Qatar, including Barcelona midfielders Pedri
keeper Matt Turner (Arsenal), mid-
fielders Brenden Aaronson and Tyler
publication of this addendum, i.e. on 21 November 2022, to provide
Senegal gamble on Mané’s
González (19) and Gavi Paéz (18).
“We are going to war in Qatar,” Luis
Adams (Leeds), goalkeeper Ethan
clarifications in relation to this EOI. Interested parties to contact
fitness, Bayern concerned
Sadio Mané was included in Senegal's
Enrique said. Luis Enrique guided a similar
Spain squad to the semifinals of last year's
(Norwich) and defender Cameron
Carter-Vickers (Glasgow Celtic).
us [email protected], for further details on the pre-bid
World Cup squad on Friday as coach Aliou European Championship. meeting
Asian boxing c’ship: Lovlina,
Parveen clinch gold medals

LOVLINA BORGOHAIN looked at ease as she struck gold in her maiden

appearance in the middleweight division while three other Indian box-
ers were also crowned Asian champions in Amman, Jordan on Friday.
World championship bronze medallist Parveen Hooda (63kg),
the yellow metal in their respective categories.
Minakshi, on the other hand, concluded her maiden Asian
Championships campaign by clinching a silver medal in the flyweight
division (52kg) as Indian women boxers signed off with a haul of seven
medals. Parveen continued to impress as she notched up a facile 5-0
victory over Japan's Kito Mai to grab the first gold for India in the ongo-
ing event, while Olympic bronze medallist Lovlina, competing in her
maiden tournament in the 75kg category, also cruised to a unanimous
decision win over Ruzmetova Sokhiba of Uzbekistan.
Saweety and Alifiya then added to the gold rush, defeating Gulsaya
Yerzhan of Kazakhstan and Islam Husaili of Jordan respectively.
While Saweety pummelled Yerzhan into submission, Alifiya's op-
ponent was disqualified bringing an end to the bout in the first round
itself. The title will be a big morale booster for the 25-year-old Lovlina
who has struggled to find form since her bronze-medal winning ex-
ploits at the Tokyo Olympics. She made early exits in the World
Championships and Commonwealth Games earlier this year.
mer weight class doesn't feature in the Paris Olympics. The two boxers
started the proceedings on a tentative note, inviting the other to attack
first, but Lovlina was able to use her long reach and land a few clean
jabs. The two danced around the ring trying to avoid each other's at-
tack,however,Lovlinasucceededinlandingherjabs.Onejabof her'swas
so powerful that the referee was forced to give Sokhiba the count.
Despite it only being a five-boxer field, Lovlina has shown immense
improvement during the course of the three bouts she played in the
tournament. It is Lovlina's third Asian Championship medal, she had
won the bronze in 2017 and 2021 in the welterweight division.
out on the Commonwealth Games, put up a dominant show to beat
fourth seeded Mai via unanimous decision. Both the boxers started on
theoffensive but thetop-seeded Parveen was able to dominate the pro-
ceedings as she jabbed her opponent at will.
Having lost the opening round, Mai tried to up the ante but Parveen
swiftly dodged all her attacks. The Indian was especially impressive
with her upper cuts in the third round. In the first Indian final of the day,
Minakshi toiled hard but lost the gold medal bout to Kinoshita Rinka of
Japan via 1-4 spilt verdict. Minakshi was slow to start, with the second
seed Japanese taking full advantage of the Indian's sluggishness as four
out of the five judges voted in her favour. In the second round as well,
Minakshi looked lost. She was unable to land clear punches and re-
sorted to clinching while the Japanese pugilist played more accurately
and defended well. It was effectively the second round that cost
Minakshithetieasshe madea stunningrecovery in thefinalthreemin-
utes by using a combinationof punches to take the round 4-1, but it was
too late as the judges ruled in Rinka's favour.

New Delhi

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