New Brave Heart Way Library
New Brave Heart Way Library
New Brave Heart Way Library
Daily Cleansing Tea & Caps | Premium Supplements | Humic & Fulvic Acid
Essential Oils | Structured Water Units | Energy Medicine Equipment
With Dr. Darrell Wolfe
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Brave Heart Nation Q&A
DocTalk Q&A
PetStar with Dr. Marlene Siegle
Hope4Cancer with Dr. Tony Jimenez
Take back your health -
better still, stop giving it away.
Awaken the authentic you with our personalized
Nutritional Emotional
Consultation Consultation
How would it feel to empower The most powerful bodywork Health & beauty is more than skin
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information packages. To add to this, we have just introduced
our Doc of Detox Loyalty Program. When you share the gift of
health to your friends and family, we will credit 10% of every-
thing that others buy from their first purchase onward. You will
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the Doc of Detox Loyalty Program, welcome to vibrant health.
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tional modern website, designed to target the natural health
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New World Practitioner Oath
“ I am Love, I am a Healer.
Today and every day I promise to create the Perfect Day for my
patients on an emotional and physical level from the moment they
rise until they gently close their eyes.
I promise to teach my patients to totally trust, honor, respect,
protect, forgive and love themselves first and foremost before
anyone else or anything else so help me God. Because I am, I can,
I will awaken their power to self heal.
Brave Heart Oath
“ I am Love, I am Healed, I am Brave Heart. Today and every
day from the moment I rise until I gently close my eyes, I will trust,
honor, respect, protect, forgive and totally love myself first and
foremost before anyone else or anything else so help me God.
Because I am, I can, I am Healed, I am Brave Heart.
This training is intended to help you evolve consciously and teach you
how to master your mind. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, miti-
gate or heal or prevent any health problem or condition, nor is it intended
to replace the advice of a physician. No action should be taken solely on
the contents of this document. Always consult your physician or qualified
health care professional on any matters regarding your health and before
adopting any suggestions in this training or drawing inferences from it. The
author and publisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability,
loss or risk; personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence,
directly or indirectly, from the use of, or application of, any content of
this training.
International Training Institute of Health | K
Brave Heart: The Heart of the Lion 4
Energy Blocks 7
Be the Answer 15
Map of Reality 17
As you read through The Brave Heart Way, there will be repetition.
This is not a mistake, because repetition is the key and we are going
to repeat the master keys to unlock your unlimited potential and the
unseen genius within.
When you finally embrace this sacred truth, you will uncover and
discover the True you, the Authentic you, and you shall be healed. Until
then you will be everywhere else being everyone else.
Do you truly understand your mind is not yours until you have hand-
picked, created and dipped every prominent thought in love that lives
in that beautiful mind of yours. Never forget that your mind makes a
terrible master but an amazing servant so wake up, show up and
grow up Brave Heart.
Even though nobody is talking about this, 95-98% of all your physical
symptoms are created by your beliefs and these beliefs were passed
down to you between the ages of 0-12 years old. With your Brave Heart
Online Training, you will soon come to understand that if you want
to change your reality, you must change parts of your personality. To
change your personality you must change your mind. To change your
mind you must erase old beliefs that were unconsciously downloaded or
were force fed to you.
These dysfunctional beliefs do not align with your life’s purpose and
need to be replaced with beliefs that are based on the authentic you.
The most important journey, you will ever take is within yourself and the
most important relationship you will ever have is with the self. So, let us
help you find your true self. Do not believe a thought have until you have
completed 33 Days of your Brave Heart Online Training.
Write a list of your physical and emotional symptoms and put them on
the fridge and watch them melt away as soon as you start to embrace
this adventure. Write down all your questions and concerns before your
online training begins so that I can provide you with the answers you
Oh, and by the way, all your questions matter! Never question your
questions, demand answers! You can call us at the clinic with your ques-
tions or join us every Tuesday for Brave Heart Nation Live Q&A at 10:00
AM and 3:00 PM PST on Facebook, The Doc of Detox Show and YouTube.
You cannot call us too often; my professional staff awaits your call.
Teamwork makes the dream work.
Until you have a proven strategy, you will have insanity. Going from
therapist to therapist, treatment to treatment, and always coming up a
day late and a dollar short for the illusive cure. When you finally have
a proven plan to follow from the minute you wake up until your head
meets the pillow at night, then and only then will you be creating the
adventure of a lifetime because everything else is just a Band-Aid.
Reliability: Energy:
Follow through on a continual basis Your greatest asset, use it wisely
Action: Attitude:
Not reaction Immersed in gratitude
Victorious: Repetition
There is always a reason to celebrate The master of the mind
Enthusiastic: Trust
Intention fueled by Divine energy and emotion The Brave Heart Warrior
Many are not aware of this, the bacteria in your large intestine send nine
messages to the brain for every one message the brain sends back to
your intestines.
Your good bacteria are responsible for your lower digestion. They are
the core of your immune system and are the main facilitator of what
we call energy. We are not above them, we are not below them, we are
equal participants in this biological vessel called your human body.
This is your body using its internal GPS known as pain to get your atten-
tion. It is trying to alert you of a situation that your mind needs to recog-
nize so it can take the needed action to bring life and limb back into
Realizing where the pain takes place is the first major clue as to where
your attention and action is needed, and in this case, it’s your work place,
not your back or neck.
This is just one example of thousands, showing how the body sends a
physical message to the mind, alerting you that you are out of alignment.
But where the rubber hits the pavement, is the way the majority of the
population operates their lives when it comes to the relationship they
have with pain.
This is due to the unconscious downloads that the medical system and
Big Pharma have programmed into us, along with the continual brain-
washing by the media... These corporations help to paint pain as your
enemy when in actuality it is a life-saving friend!
Your brain and your gut are in constant conversation, using the same
neurotransmitters, neurotransmitters is the language that nerve cells
speak. For every 9 times the gut talks to the brain, the brain talks to the
gut once.
Even when you have mastered your mind, this is not enough to eliminate
the scar tissue that has formed over the years. You can renew the mind
through repetition but to renew your tissue, muscles, tendons, ligaments
and organs, that have trapped emotional traumas and conflicts, we must
use Wolfe Deep Tissue to gently pull these beef jerky-like fibers apart
so that we may restore blood flow, lymph flow and energy which will
instantly renew the tissue back to its youthful state.
The amount of joy you experience is a true indication on how well you
are able to process the information and emotions within your everyday
life. The percentage of joy that you experience throughout your day is a
direct indication of how much your energy is being processed through
the heart/brain/gut connection, which has unlimited potential.
Body talk is a rough ride when you lose your heart/brain/gut connec-
tion. The amount of pain, otherwise, congested energy flow within your
body on a physical or emotional level indicates the health of your belief
systems, which are buried deep and hidden within the subconscious.
With this training, I give you the keys to unlock and unleash the Brave
Heart within. Brave Heart is not about rules, Brave Heart is about
creating the Emotional Perfect Day for the Perfect Life.
Over the next 33 days, Brave Heart will transform you and your life
forever. We’re going to change your world, and we’re going to show you
how to let go of everything that no longer serves your greater good.
We’re going to show you how to lose what needs to be lost and find
what needs to be found. Prepare for the greatest adventure of your life.
Remember to pack light! Oh, wait a minute, you are the light!
Are you ready to question Do you realize that the Do you know that self–
why you think and do the only true form of health care cannot occur unless it
things you do? care is self–care? is rooted in self–love?
When you were born, you had no belief systems, you were total love
because that which created you is total love. So now, you must dump,
cleanse, erase and replace all belief systems and create a new map of
reality based on the real you, the authentic you if you wish to unleash
the true you, which is total love, total freedom and total joy.
If love is the answer, self-love is the way. Brave Heart is about building
total trust in one’s self, finding honor, self-respect and protecting your-
self from yourself so that you can finally discover the true you. Let us
show you how to redefine your confidence and take apart anything
and everything that may be holding you back in any way, shape or form
because your beliefs make and shape you.
You are not just a child of earth, you are not just a child of your parents,
you are a child of the universe and you are infinite!
Stop looking for world peace. When you have inner peace,
you will finally realize you can’t have one without the other.
Stop fighting for independence, the only thing that matters
is inner-dependence.
Man has been at war with himself and everyone else since the beginning
of time, things don’t change - only you can change! This is why Brave
Heart is sweeping the globe, because love is the answer and self-love is
your only cure to finding the joy that you always knew was possible.
You will uncover your truth and find the courage to roar within a
room filled with silence, echoing onto others the full potential of the
heart with the heart/brain/gut connection.
And I can assure you, it’s not. This is about coming of age because total
love for one’s self is the only true answer.
We have purposely been conditioned to keep the heart and the brain
apart from each other, because this is how the few control the many,
through herd mentality. Until we master the heart/brain/gut connection
we will not just discount our heart, we will continue to starve it.
You will be able to awaken on demand when you are in union with your
heart/brain/gut connection and how long it takes you to get there will
depend on your map of reality.
Let me ask you another question, why is it that heart disease and heart
attacks are the main cause of death? The answer: when you starve the
spirit, you choke off the heart.
Brave Heart is about showing up, growing up, and waking up. It’s time to
live the full potential of who you were created to be.
I’m the type of person who loves answers and I’m not afraid to ask the
question “Why?”
I like to understand the way things work, what makes them work and
why we have come to the belief that life is hard and that love hurts. I am
result driven, this allows me to understand the mechanics of success.
What’s the one thing that What’s the one thing that Is it love, money, health,
would make everyone’s gives people power, peace, freedom, relationships,
life better? and happiness? family, security?
I feel the answer is beliefs, with a focus of those beliefs being to love
one’s self first and foremost.
Until you are willing to trust, honor, respect, protect, forgive and love
yourself first and foremost before anything else or anyone else on this
planet, the love you share, the relationships you have and the success
you have created will never meet your expectations of a happy and
fulfilled life.
Why do we see some people, who have all the great qualities of a life
partner, yet they live alone and never find true love in their lifetime?
And on the contrary... Why do we see people who are not equipped to
be anyone’s partner in life finding themselves in countless relationships,
leaving a trail of broken hearts everywhere they go?
Why do most people live by the belief that they must work hard all their
life just to pay the bills, while others make financial abundance look
easy? Only one group in society thinks about money more than rich
people: poor people.
Do you see problems or do you see opportunities? The only true evil lies
in false beliefs; they are the root of all evil.
Why is it that even when we follow the rules we sometimes don’t get the
results we desire? While others who don’t play by the rules, end up with
what they desire.
You must learn to ask questions until there are no more questions
to ask.
Every result in life involves human interaction but... What if you had
dysfunctional beliefs without even realizing it? This would ensure that
most, or all, of your interactions and relationships would end up being
dysfunctional on some level without you ever being aware of it.
Relationships nurture the soul, but let’s be more specific about this; only
healthy relationships built on healthy belief systems rooted in the heart
truly nurture the soul. Unless we have, or more importantly, once we
understand what a healthy relationship with others and ourselves truly
feels like and looks like, then we will never live life to its full potential.
If your beliefs are healthy, you’ll be healthy and if you’re healthy, you’ll
have better relationships; healthy people have healthier relationships.
If you’re healthy you will be more in alignment for financial abundance
and if you’re happy you will experience health much easier. People think
that once I’m healthy, I’ll be happy, once I have money, I’ll be happy,
once I have a good relationship, I’ll be happy but it’s not that way at all,
which I’m sure you must realize by now. Take a look at your life and
the people you are close to and you will come to realize, as I have, that
unhealthy people have unhealthy beliefs which causes them to expe-
rience a lack of energy and increased pain in their life on an emotional
and physical level.
Just as your clothing may get worn out or you just simply outgrow
them, the same happens to your belief systems that run your whole life
without you even being conscious of this undeniable fact.
Your subconscious knows all the things you do and why you do them, it
also knows all the things you don’t want to do. Your subconscious knows
everything about you and even knows where your car keys are when you
misplace them.
The only way that the conscious mind can talk to the subconscious mind
is through repetition and the heart/brain/gut connection - it’s as simple
as that. The hardest thing to access in life is your subconscious, but the
greatest thing that you will ever conquer is your subconscious. The mind
is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.
Let us remember, we are sacred, spiritual beings, here for a much larger
reason and serving a much higher purpose. You are infinite love that has
lost its way. Until you start asking the question WHY, you will never find
the answer; you are the answer.”
This training is the result of years of research, testing and real world
applications of various bodies of knowledge including: psychology, NLP,
body language, mind reading, human desire, personality types and
decision making processes - all blended together. What I am about to
share with you is not only revolutionary; it’s simple, it’s easy, it works and
it’s fun!
Believe me, when I tell you that this information will change your life
forever it will. If deep meaningful relationships are important to you
along with peace of mind, abundance on all levels, finding your purpose
and living your passion everyday, then my friend, let’s get started!
Today, we are living in what is called the “Information Age”, but what you
may not realize... Which I awoke to almost a quarter century ago, is that
knowledge is useless unless it is specialized and heart based. Unless you
can do something with knowledge it has no use and no power. Brave
Heart is specialized knowledge that will forever empower your life.
You can read countless self help books but unless they motivate you
to take action on a continual basis to become the change, then it’s just
another book. There are countless programs that you can do, on the
market today, but nothing will compare to the simple take-action results
that the Brave Heart Way will deliver.
In reality, you are the only one that can change your life. We may
become inspired or triggered by an external source but what happens
after that is the result of a conscious decision that we can only make.
The most important question you will ever ask yourself is “Why?” so let
me answer the “Brave Heart Why?” Love, relationships, financial success
and a long and healthy life do not come in an App.
Until you start questioning “Why?” everything in your life will stay like
it is. You will continually find yourself asking “Why me?”. You can only
become exceptional at something when you have belief systems that
create the Perfect Day everyday.
So, let me congratulate you for taking the most important life-changing
step to true emotional freedom by making Brave Heart a priority. You
could be doing so many other things but you have decided to be the one
in ten thousand that breaks free from the herd.
You can have everything you’ve ever desired; you just haven’t been
shown how to let yourself allow it. Allow me to be your guide. Everything
you’ve ever wanted is already on its way.
Just know this, we have not really thought about anything, until we think
about, what we have thought. Please do not believe what you think
about until you have truly embraced your Brave Heart Training. Peak
performance only occurs when muscle memory is initiated by your
repeated take action successes.
Let’s take massive personal action and awaken to the abundance that
awaits within us, and understand that repetition is the key to setting
yourself free.
If you can totally dedicate yourself to loving yourself, then you can have
it all! Allow me to be your honored guide, because everything you’ve ever
wanted is already on its way.
The Brave Heart Way is the most powerful daily exercise for your body,
mind, and spirit. We will explore what the heart really is, where it is, how
to get there and the language the heart speaks. You have a choice to
either brainwash your own mind on a daily basis, which puts you in the
driver’s seat of authenticity or you can allow yourself to continually be
brainwashed by others which puts you into the backseat.
Every day you are gifted a brand new opportunity to transform and
expand your mind to its unlimited potential. Let’s become like little chil-
dren and start over every morning, connecting to our Lion Heart Breath
and leave a trail of smiles wherever we go. Transformation is a moment
by moment experience that begins with each new day.
We will never change until our belief systems change – end of story.
So, let’s unleash the power within, so we can rediscover the language of
the heart and its right-brain connection. When we learn what the heart
is, where it is and how to get there, we can be freed from the past, learn
how to be real and how to experience peak performance in the present
moment in an instant.
They are brain-like cells and are known as the little brain within the
heart. These cells are responsible for harmonizing the heart and the
brain. This is why your heart remembers all and knows all. These special-
ized brain cells in the heart learn, remember and think independently
from your brain, but as I stated they also harmonize and attune to the
brain, otherwise, talk to the brain.
When you harmonize the heart and the brain using the Brave Heart 12
Self-Loving Steps you will discover superior abilities, you will think clearly
and solve life’s problems at lightning speed. Brave Heart will open the
door to your subconscious and will unleash the power of self-healing as
you embrace the art of self-love through the heart/brain connection.
In-depth studies have been performed to test the frequency coming off
the organs of the body. When it came to the heart, there has not been a
device created that is able to test the distance of the frequency coming
off the heart. It is believed that we are all connected by and through this
heart frequency. If love is the answer then self-love is the driving force to
plug-in and turn on the heart to unlimited potential. Through the heart/
brain/gut connection,spontaneous clarity can be called on in an instant.
The heart has a lot to say to the brain, our heart knows and tells the
truth; do not expect the same thing from the brain. The heart can
retrieve information at light speed, whereas, information from the brain
comes slow.
It’s never the heart speaking when there’s a story; it’s the brain justifying
the lie. Remember you are not your story. You are guaranteed clarity
and super learning when you use the Brave Heart 12 Self Loving Steps
and the heart/brain/gut connection technique.
The brain processes through loops of fear, doubt and worry along with
what it believes to be logic. Your brain loves dealing with issues from the
past such as conflict, trauma and anxiety whether real or unreal. This in
turn creates self-doubt and low self-esteem in order to keep you from
your future, your destiny, the real authentic you.
The heart never judges or looks for right or wrong, good or bad, but it
will decide what’s true without judgment. Judgment jail and the poison
pill is the making of the brain game. The brain judges the past and fears
your future whereas the heart has infinite thinking and unlimited poten-
tial. When you are working through and with your heart, it creates a
natural state of calm and alignment, causing all your senses to tune in
and turn on, which guides the brain to create the body and life we all
knew was possible.
Let us never forget that the mind never sleeps, so we must watch what
we feed it because our thoughts become things. Let me teach you how
to become the filter, otherwise, a conscious creator that monitors,
observes, but never judges what comes into and flows through that
beautiful mind of yours. Your beliefs make up the lens that you see
yourself and the world through. Focus your lens on what you really want.
Self-talk is the most powerful, life-altering conversation you will ever
experience in your lifetime. They say that if you talk to yourself, then
you must be insane. Well, everybody talks to themselves, so then I guess
everybody must be insane!
One of the most beautiful gifts that you will ever give to yourself, your
family, your friends and most importantly to your children is to finally
put an end to the Family Curse. As you break free from dysfunctional
beliefs, you will transform the Family Curse into the Family Blessing. You
become the blessing.
Those you love and associate with will unconsciously feel threatened by
this. One by one or all together they will come up against you and your
new belief systems, because they will feel you are turning your back on
their belief systems... But what they are actually experiencing is their
subconscious fearing that you are breaking away from the family unit,
otherwise, from herd mentality.
The need for approval, fitting in, and taking things personal is force fed
to us before we can even walk or talk. This is called the Ox Mentality.
So let me ask you honestly, how much have you practiced self-love in
your life? Many would say, if being totally honest... Never. I’ve worked
with tens of thousands of people and almost all say, “what does that
even look like... What does that even feel like... How do I even start?”
People will not only justify the lie, they will actually die for the lie. But
in actuality it’s not the person that is lying, it’s their subconscious belief
system fearing a new reality. When you become a Brave Heart Peaceful
Warrior you will have the ability to recognize when your subconscious
is blocking your growth. Being able to state the phrase, “That was the
old me.” is not only liberating but will release the Lion from its cage and
weaken the hold of Ox mentality.
As I stated before, it’s time to show up, it’s time to grow up; it’s time to
wake up and set your Brave Heart Lion free.
When I decided it was time to make a change in my life and put an end
to the Family Curse, friends and family members called me names like –
Buddha, Jesus or would ask, “Darrell, did you join a cult yet?” Our beliefs
with love and money are similar, they’ve both been poisoned. Both of
these will become abundant when we no longer have belief systems
built on lack. When you want to make a change, your family will support
you at first and say things like, “That’s great!” or “Good for you!” and then
when you do start to actually make changes, they will feel threatened on
a subconscious level and try to derail you.
So together, let’s take the first loving baby step towards becoming a
Heart Peaceful Warrior Brave and learn the art of self-love, where you
now process your emotions in the heart and up through the right side
of your brain, this being the creative side of your brain, or what is also
known as the Lion.
Align yourself and embrace the fact that the soul purpose why you were
created, was to be a masterful creator, you are the creator of everything.
How you look, feel and act at any given moment whether you are
conscious of this fact or not is known as, emotional anatomy. Your phys-
ical health is an extension of your mental well-being, otherwise, how well
you master your emotions will be how healthy you will be at any given
moment. You are what you focus on.
We are sacred spiritual beings here for a much greater reason and
serving a much higher purpose than many believe. You are infinite love
that has lost its way. Until you start asking the question why, you will
never find the answer. Be the answer, become the way, become a Brave
Heart Peaceful Warrior.
Cultures from all around the world partake in rituals because rituals.
As we all know, habits are easily made, easily broken or even forgotten,
whereas with repetition, rituals become woven into the very fabric of our
Focus and connect to your heart first, then engage your Lion Heart
Breath. Begin by taking a slow and deep breath, eyes closed, open if your
driving. Start your Lion Heart Breathing with 6 seconds in and 7 seconds
out. You have just made the first step to the most important journey of
your life, the heart/brain/gut connection.
Just 3 Lion Heart Breaths will begin the process of bringing you back into
alignment. Your Lion Heart Breath is essential to do when you wake up
to start your day, before you go to sleep every night and as many times
throughout the day to realign and center yourself.
If you are looking for a super booster, see page 32 for the Brave Heart
Breathing Technique. This technique is for energy and can instantly
change your physiological state.
When doing the Lion Heart Breathing, we are reinforcing that we are
safe because most people still believe the boogeyman exists (flight or
fight). The only time that we slow our breathing in this way is when we
feel safe. We now need to create the belief system that we will always
be safe, so introduce the Lion Heart Breathing Technique into your daily
routine so that you stay heart smart and the master of your mind.
When you embrace the Lion Heart Breathing Technique, you are telling
your body that it is safe.
The more we practice this technique the more we master love for others
and love for ourselves. The best way to continue the 0.1 hertz gamma
state throughout our day is to embrace and repeat the Lion Heart
Breathing Technique on a continual basis, the four pillars of harmonizing
the heart/brain/gut connection.
Four Pillars
1. Focus on the condition you are in rather than the condition you have.
3. When you master the mind, you master your whole life.
If you experience any of these feelings while performing the Lion Heart
Breathing Technique, you are triggering the neurons from the brain and
the heart to reach out to each other and find connection and full body
As I stated before, we are talking about hard science here, not just some
new age philosophy or fairy tale story. Within 72 hours of initiating the
Lion Heart Breathing Technique, your heart/brain/gut connection will
establish new neuron networks with each other.
These neurons will stretch out to find other neurons to build other new
networks. It takes 3 days (72 hours) to establish these new networks. The
more you repeat the Lion Heart Breathing Technique throughout your
day, the longer and stronger the connection.
3. As you breathe, feel your breath originating from your heart and
begin to feel the feelings of appreciation, gratitude, care and
compassion to the best of your ability.
Our research has found that typically when you perform 3 minutes of
the Lion Heart Breathing Technique, it sets in motion a cascade of high
vibrational healing events in your body that will last 6 hours. Make the
Lion Heart Breathing Technique your natural breathing state if you wish
to become the master of your life and the 12 Self Loving Steps.
the victim can no longer exist.
3. Sit down with your back straight and activate the Lion Heart
Breathing Technique as mentioned above. When you make the
heart/brain/gut connection, stay sitting for another 3 minutes, take
the time, so that you become The Perfect Day.
When we master the art of cycling energy into our body we will restore,
recharge and heal, our hearts will be filled up with Self Love instead
of sending our energy outward in defense to the world. Awakening on
demand happens when you unite the heart, brain, gut connection and
the 12 Self Loving Steps.
You now have the ability to trigger this immune response anytime,
anywhere. These technique’s, though simple, will awaken your life’s
greatest potential, the real you - the authentic you. You are your
personal point of power.
You will no longer be caring for yourself because you are scared of
becoming sick, you will now care for yourself because you now , honor,
respect, protect trust yourself. Intention with e-motion Is Everything.
lack comes from mankind, the spirit knows no boundaries.
Things get a little tricky when you believe you have an amazing idea but
because your subconscious hates anything and everything new. Not
knowing what the subconscious truly is, you believe that you lack moti-
vation and will power, so you never take action.
If this new idea or thought creates the slightest hesitation, it will instantly
get the attention of your subconscious which will then jump into the 911
protection mode and put a stop to the new idea or thought. The hesita-
tion sends a signal to the brain causing a sympathetic state that causes
you to go into not fight, not flight but go straight into the freeze mode.
This is your subconscious blocking this new idea and locking you down.
3... 2...1...
International Training Institute of Health | 28
Beat the Brain
And here’s where it gets interesting. We have to do things that are
difficult because without struggle, without difficulty, there is no growth
and without growth, there is no success. So if you wish to have success
then you have to learn how to beat the brain, otherwise, outsmart the
subconscious and eliminate hesitation from your belief systems.
We must become 100% aware of the fact that anything new will cause
the subconscious to ‘rear up’ and push back. Remember you only have
3 seconds to beat the brain at the hesitation game. Never forget the 3
second rule – snap back to the real you.
Just as you must lovingly break in a horse that is rearing up, you must
lovingly distract and disrupt the subconscious. You have 3 seconds to
snap back to reality, connect to your Lion Breath and enjoy the ride
because this puts you back in the driver’s seat of your conscious mind.
The present moment your true point of power. There is no success
when things remain fearful, anxious or scary because your mind is
conditioned to stop you from doing anything that has any fear or hesi-
tation attached to it. The first job of the subconscious is to keep you
safe. Understand, unless you’re willing to take risks, you will not grow,
you will not evolve.
So, my question to you is. Do you live by design or default? You must
design your mind differently; your mind will stop you at all costs from
doing anything that it perceives will hurt you, which is everything new to
you. Your mind makes a terrible master but a great servant. Teach it to
be obedient to you with the Brave Heart 12 Self Loving Steps.
So how does this all start, this not living the life that we want, that
we deserve? This all starts with something subtle that we don’t catch,
because we are programed to see what we’re only taught to see. This
changes today, let’s do it the Brave Heart Way.
We all have this habit that no one’s catching because no one’s discussing
it. Hesitation is that habit. Let me give you an example. We’re laying in
bed and we come up with this beautiful idea and by the time we get out
of bed – we hesitate – and what we don’t realize, at that very moment,
is that when we hesitate we do not move on that beautiful idea, and the
sad part is, this idea can be lost forever but if we learn to lovingly snap
back to reality with the 3 second rule these ideas can change your life
Just remember this, you’re only one decision away from creating a
totally different life, a totally outstanding life. This is why your Love-
band Life-band will not just change your life but it can save your life.
Just snap back to reality within 3 seconds with your Love-band Life-band
and your Lion Heart Breath and then take action, so that you remain
the master of your emotions. You have a micro-moment in time to
get it right, so be present and create with focused clarity through the
heart-brain connection.
This simple yet powerful technique will short circuit the subconscious
and move the focus to your prefrontal cortex of the brain, bringing you
back to the present moment, thus side-tracking the FUD program, this
being fear, uncertainty, and doubt triggered by hesitation.
When you countdown, 3… 2… 1… and you reach ‘1’, a new program kicks
in and triggers an awakening of the brain. The 3 second rule becomes a
starting ritual that triggers hope, faith and courage, which allows you to
instantly shift gears… towards that successful life. Counting backwards
takes more focus than counting forwards and this helps to create your
new true to you reality map.
Understand this, your life is based on your decisions. When you change
the way you make your decisions you will change your whole life. It’s as
simple as that. There is so much more to you and for you, but we say to
ourselves all the time, “How can I ever close this gap?!”
How will you solve your problems? How will you discover your great-
ness? You need a simple strategy that dissolves all hesitation and puts
you in the driver’s seat of creation. 3… 2… 1…You got this!
4. Chest out Then breathe out through your mouth, closing your
hands as you bring your arms back down to weight-
5. Sternum reaching the sky as if there’s lifter pose (90 degree angles).
a cord attached to it.
Do the Brave Heart Breathing Technique for 30 reps
6. Confidently smile 1 to 3x a day.
2. Remove jewelry and face East. If you are elderly, face North.
3. Get into your Brave Heart Stance. Standing straight, eyes wide
open, chin up, shoulders back, chest out, sternum reaching the sky
as if there’s a cord attached to it and confidently smile.
4. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just behind your
teeth. Same place it is when you say, ‘La’. Keep your tongue there
for the whole Brain Balance Breathing Technique.
5. Cross your left arm over your upper body and touch your right
earlobe with your left hand. Hold your right earlobe with your
thumb and forefinger, keeping your thumb in the front.
6. Now cross your right arm over your upper body and touch your
left earlobe with your right hand. Hold your left earlobe with your
thumb and forefinger, keeping your thumb in the front.
7. Inhale through your nose and squat down to the ground, bending
your knees and keeping your back straight.
10. You can also do the Brain Balance Breathing Technique for 3-5
minutes to tighten and tone your body and mind.
To get the most out of the Brain Balance Breathing Technique, make it a
part of your daily routine and get the whole family involved. If you have
children, make it a fun experience for them and perform the technique
together to create the Perfect Day. Become a Brave Heart Warrior.
“I am beautiful!” “I am abundant!”
Journaling is a great way to become clear with your thoughts and feel-
ings. It is perfectly fine to write down all your thoughts and emotions,
whether they are uplifting or not. Understand that your mind is like a
river and not all thoughts are originally yours; so let the thoughts that
do not serve your greater good or your life’s purpose float on by. Write
a list of all the things you no longer want in your life and then burn it as
a symbol of letting go. Never forget you are not your thoughts or your
story until you master your super power that would be your e-motions.
Writing is left brain work and this helps to get rid of dirty laundry
and to clear your thoughts. Where the answers really come in is
when you use the right side of the brain and initiate the Lion Heart
Breathing Technique. Keeping a journal lovingly allows us to track
ourselves, our families, our pain body programs, our patterns, and
our growth.
Journaling includes logging your dreams and goals, writing your goals
signals to your brain, “this is important.” Your brain will actually alert you
of opportunities and tools needed to achieve your goals. What is your
end game? Where do you see yourself in twelve months? Remember
how you act and what you think is your blueprint. Consider what it would
be like to build a house without a blueprint. It is important never to over-
think or over-manage your dreams. The universe is always on your side,
ready and willing to help you create your greatest dreams, remember
that teamwork makes your dreams work. Believe in yourself and keep
the faith.
If ‘A’ is you creating your wish list with passion and purpose and ‘Z’ is
you already having, doing or being that which you desire – everything
in between from ‘B’ to ‘Y’ is in the hands of the universe or that which is
your Faith, because the mind is limited. Your creator will always give you
what you desire and will know the best way and best time to give it. Just
have faith and stay connected to your heart and watch for the signs.
You can pray, wish and worry but without a positive personal take action
attitude, your dreams could turn out to be nightmares because they will
never materialize. We must always take personal action to reconfirm our
belief within ourselves. Snap to it.
Make sure that you are continually practicing your Lion Heart Breathing
Technique while journaling so that you are aligned with the heart/brain/
gut connection, which will always keep you connected with the real you.
Keep journaling, be specific and keep asking, “What do I really want?” Not
what the world wants, not what my husband or wife wants, not what my
kids want... “What do I really want?”
Set yourself up for success by ensuring your goals are specific, mean-
ingful, clear, attainable, relevant and trackable. Start off by writing down
3 personal goals and 3 business goals that you want to accomplish each
day. When we have too many things on our list we make bad decisions
and waste our mental power and we get burnt out.
These goals can be as simple as, “Today, I will drink 1 gallon of Structured
Water.” or “ will complete this project by 3pm.”
• Set goals that are personal, that you can control and that you are
responsible for.
• Set your goals for the next day before bed so that you’re prepared to
conquer your day when you awaken in the morning.
• Gentle baby steps and the 12 self loving Steps will carry you
to success.
Take your health & wellness to the highest degree. Master your life on an
emotional and physical level today!
Daily Cleansing Tea & Caps | Premium Supplements | Humic & Fulvic Acid
Essential Oils | Structured Water Units | Energy Medicine Equipment
With Dr. Darrell Wolfe
Watch anytime/anywhere:
Brave Heart Nation Q&A
DocTalk Q&A
PetStar with Dr. Marlene Siegle
Hope4Cancer with Dr. Tony Jimenez
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