Conjugate Heat Transfer Measurements and Predictions of A Blade Endwall With A Thermal Barrier Coating

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Conjugate Heat Transfer

Amy Mensch
Department of Mechanical
Measurements and Predictions
and Nuclear Engineering,
The Pennsylvania State University, of a Blade Endwall With
University Park, PA 16802
e-mail: [email protected] a Thermal Barrier Coating
Karen A. Thole Multiple thermal protection techniques, including thermal barrier coatings (TBCs), inter-
Department of Mechanical
nal cooling and external cooling, are employed for gas turbine components to reduce
and Nuclear Engineering,
The Pennsylvania State University,
metal temperatures and extend component life. Understanding the interaction of these
cooling methods, in particular, provides valuable information for the design stage. The
University Park, PA 16802
current study builds upon a conjugate heat transfer model of a blade endwall to examine
e-mail: [email protected]
the impact of a TBC on the cooling performance. The experimental data with and without
TBC are compared to results from conjugate computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simu-
Brent A. Craven lations. The cases considered include internal impingement jet cooling and film cooling
Department of Mechanical
at different blowing ratios with and without a TBC. Experimental and computational
and Nuclear Engineering,
results indicate the TBC has a profound effect, reducing scaled wall temperatures for all
The Pennsylvania State University,
cases. The TBC effect is shown to be more significant than the effect of increasing blow-
University Park, PA 16802
ing ratio. The computational results, which agree fairly well to the experimental results,
e-mail: [email protected]
are used to explain why the improvement with TBC increases with blowing ratio.
Additionally, the computational results reveal significant temperature gradients within
the endwall, and information on the flow behavior within the impingement channel.
[DOI: 10.1115/1.4028233]

Introduction Relevant Literature

The ongoing aim to increase power output in gas turbines There has been considerable emphasis recently on conjugate
results in increasing gas temperatures at the turbine inlet. Conse- heat transfer and determining the scaled metal temperature, or
quently, turbine parts must withstand thermal conditions that overall effectiveness, of gas turbine surfaces both computationally
exceed the material allowable temperatures. For that reason cool- and experimentally. Albert et al. [3] showed that it is important to
ing technologies are required to maintain part life. Coolant is model the appropriate dimensionless parameters to obtain relevant
extracted from the compressor and directed into turbine compo- measurements in these types of studies. The critical parameters
nents. First, the coolant removes heat from internal surfaces, and are the Biot number, Bi; the ratio of external to internal heat trans-
then the coolant is ejected through film cooling holes providing a fer coefficients, h1/hi; the Reynolds number, Re; and the scaled
coolant layer on the outer surface. In addition, insulating, high geometry. The first studies to provide measurements of conjugate
temperature ceramic coatings, known as TBCs, are often applied heat transfer on a conducting C3X vane were by Hylton et al.
on external surfaces to further protect the parts that are exposed to [4,5] and Turner et al. [6]. The engine relevance of these data is
the highest thermal loads. A critical need for engineers is the abil- limited because matched Bi and h1/hi were not confirmed; how-
ity to accurately predict the overall thermal performance of con- ever, these initial studies improved understanding of conjugate
figurations which include a combination of the available cooling heat transfer in a vane and provided an important data set for com-
technologies. parison to computational work.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the improvement in Endwall heat transfer can behave differently compared to a
thermal performance when a TBC is applied to a typical gas tur- vane surface because of the presence of strong external secondary
bine endwall configuration for different coolant flowrates. It is flows, namely the horseshoe and passage vortices. The passage
established that a TBC can provide a dramatic reduction in metal vortices affect the endwall by skewing the direction of endwall
temperatures and thus has been applied in many designs [1]. Both flow and locally increasing the external heat transfer coefficients
experimental measurements and computational predictions of a as shown by Kang and Thole [7]. The first experimental study for
scaled endwall model are used to quantify the benefit of a TBC a conjugate endwall exposed to passage flows was completed by
for a fully cooled endwall. A second objective is to assess the pre- Mensch and Thole [2]. Although the endwall was cooled with
dictions with experimental results. Once validated, the simulations both impingement and film cooling, the impingement had a
provide additional insight into endwall temperatures and heat greater influence on the scaled wall temperature. Furthermore, sig-
transfer that cannot be easily measured. This study builds upon nificant temperature gradients were observed due to the use of
the experimental work by Mensch and Thole [2] on a conjugate engine matched Bi, which is the same value as the current study.
endwall with impingement and film cooling, to examine the Lynch et al. [8] compared experimental and computational results
thermal effects of a TBC. for an endwall with the same blade geometry for an adiabatic wall
boundary condition, as well as for a constant wall heat flux bound-
ary condition to measure the external heat transfer coefficients.
The thermal effect of TBC on a conjugate surface was consid-
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) Division of ASME
for publication in the JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY. Manuscript received July 7,
ered by Maikell et al. [9] in an experimental leading edge model
2014; final manuscript received July 21, 2014; published online August 26, 2014. with a Bi of 1–2.1, matched to an engine leading edge. The TBC
Editor: Ronald Bunker. case had cooler leading edge wall temperatures but hotter external

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TBC temperatures due to the insulating effect of the TBC. David-
son et al. [10] investigated the improvement in wall temperature
when TBC was added to a matched Bi vane with Bi of 0.3–1.1.
The cooling performance increased significantly with TBC to the
point that increasing blowing ratio did not provide a further reduc-
tion in the vane wall temperature. A computational study of TBC
applied to a conjugate wall with film cooling was completed by
Na et al. [11]. The flat plate geometry contained a single 30 deg
angled film cooling hole, and accounted for partial blockage of
the film cooling hole by the TBC. Without TBC, the wall tempera-
ture was relatively uniform across the surface, indicating a low Bi,
although the Bi was not stated. With TBC, decreased wall temper-
atures were reported.
Comparisons between experimental and computational conju-
gate heat transfer results are of increased interest since the experi-
mental validation of the simulations provides an important
designer tool. A study by Panda and Prasad [12] involved experi-
mental measurements and computational simulations for a flat
plate with internal impingement and film cooling. The simulations Fig. 1 Configuration of a conjugate endwall with impingement
showed excellent agreement with the experimental results along and film cooling and TBC
the centerline. Plates with different thermal conductivities (plastic
and stainless steel) were considered, but the Bi of these configura-
tions were not reported. Dobrowolski et al. [13] performed conju- conducting wall with TBC are obtained from an expression
gate simulations corresponding to the leading edge experiments derived for the nondimensional outer endwall temperature (at the
without TBC by Maikell et al. [9]. The effect of impingement was interface between the endwall and the TBC) as the overall effec-
applied by setting the internal wall temperature distribution to the tiveness with TBC, /TBC. The overall effectiveness is an impor-
temperatures measured in the experiments. Using the realizable tant parameter to assess thermal performance because the airfoil
k-e turbulence model, the simulations underpredicted the separa- life is dependent upon the outer wall temperature. The equation
tion of the film cooling jets compared to the experiments. Similar for /TBC, given in Eq. (1), is derived from a one-dimensional con-
results were found for the same leading edge model with shaped sideration of the heat transfer through the wall in Fig. 1. In the
film cooling holes and impingement [14,15]. case of no TBC, the equation reduces to Eq. (2) for / without
The conjugate heat transfer through the suction side (SS) of a TBC, previously reported in Refs. [2,19].
vane model (engine matched Bi of 0.4–1.6) was simulated by
Ledezma et al. [16] using the standard k-x turbulence model, and
results were compared to experiments by Dees et al. [17]. Differ- T1  Tw 1  vg
/TBC ¼ ¼ þ vg (1)
ences from the experiments were attributed to poor prediction of T1  Tc;in Bi þ h1 =hi

film cooling jet separation, the assumption of isotropic turbulence, BiðRTBC =Rw Þ þ 1
and unsteady effects. The SS of a vane model with a similar Bi
and impingement cooling was simulated by Dyson et al. [18] and T1  Tw 1  vg
compared to experiments in Williams et al. [19]. Film cooling jet /¼ ¼ þ vg (2)
T1  Tc;in 1 þ Bi þ h1 =hi
diffusion was underpredicted by the SST k-x turbulence model in
the simulations. The insufficient diffusion led to overpredicted
cooling effectiveness for attached jets and underpredicted effec- The dimensionless parameters revealed in Eqs. (1) and (2) include
tiveness for detached jets. Ni et al. [20,21] simulated a fully film the endwall Bi, the h1/hi, and the ratio of TBC to endwall thermal
cooled vane and endwall geometry under flow conditions consist- resistances (RTBC/Rw), defined in the following equation:
ent with a dual spool engine with a pressure ratio of 40. The con- RTBC kw
jugate simulations were performed using the standard k-x RTBC =Rw ¼ (3)
turbulence model. The predicted surface heat flux and temperature tw
data agreed with the measurements within experimental uncertain-
ties. The results showed significant temperature variations along The overall effectiveness is also a function of the product of the
the vane chord at 62% span. coolant warming factor, v, and the adiabatic effectiveness, g. Adi-
Although there have been several studies comparing experi- abatic effectiveness is commonly reported to indicate the effec-
mental and computational conjugate heat transfer results for dif- tiveness of external cooling techniques such as film cooling.
ferent configurations, the current study fills two gaps in the Adiabatic effectiveness is assumed to be a function of geometry,
literature. There are no studies comparing conjugate experiments the mainstream flow parameters, and film cooling flow parameters
and simulations for an endwall, and no studies which consider the such as the film cooling blowing ratio, M. In Eqs. (1) and (2), g
effect of TBC on an endwall. The current study provides an exper- represents the nondimensional driving temperature for external
imental and computational comparison of a conjugate endwall convection in the presence of film cooling. The v, defined in Eq.
with and without a TBC. (4), is a correction factor for g that corrects for the warming of the
coolant during impingement and flow through the film cooling
holes, from Tc,in to Tc,exit. As a result, the product, vg, and / have
Conjugate Endwall Model the same normalizing temperature difference [19].
The endwall model in both the experimental and computational
studies, as depicted in Fig. 1, incorporates the convective and T1  Tc;exit
v¼ (4)
solid conduction heat transfer associated with the following fea- T1  Tc;in
tures: external film cooling, a TBC, a conducting endwall, and in-
ternal impingement jet cooling. Another quantity of interest when considering surfaces with
To obtain scaled temperature data that is engine relevant, the TBC, is the scaled external temperature of the TBC, also known
appropriate geometric, thermal, and flow parameters are taken as the TBC effectiveness, s, which is defined in the following
into account. The relevant nondimensional parameters for a equation:

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Table 1 Conjugate endwall and TBC parameters

Parameter Model Typical engine

Mavg 0.6, 1.0, 2.0 1.0–2.0

kw, W/m K 0.99–1.06 22
tw, cm 1.27 0.20
Bi ¼ h1tw/kw 0.3–0.7 [22] 0.27
h1/hi M ¼ 0.6 1.1–2.3 [22,23] 1.0
M ¼ 1.0 0.7–1.4 [22,23]
M ¼ 2.0 0.5–1.1 [22,23]
RTBC, m2 K/W 0.035 [24] 8  105–9  104
RTBC/Rw 2.5 0.6–9.3

s¼ (5)
T1  Tc;in

Since TTBC is on the same heat transfer circuit used to derive Eq.
(1), it follows that s depends on the same parameters as /TBC.
The nondimensional parameters matched to an engine for the
endwall and TBC layer for both the experiments and simulations
in this study are given in Table 1. The blowing ratio, Mavg, which
affects vg, defines the average ratio of coolant to mainstream
mass flux. The endwall h1 distribution is obtained from measure-
ments made by Lynch et al. [22]. An engine matched Bi is
achieved by making the endwall from CorianV, a DuPont material.
To estimate hi for each blowing ratio, a Nu correlation, derived by
Hollworth and Dagan [23] for an impingement array with stag- Fig. 2 Depiction of (a) the large-scale low-speed wind tunnel
and (b) the test section containing the Pack-B linear blade cas-
gered coolant extraction, is used. The thermal effect of a TBC is cade and conjugate endwall
reproduced with a thin layer of cork. The conductivity and thick-
ness of the cork have been chosen to replicate the RTBC/Rw within
the range of a typical engine. view of the test section including the shaded part of the endwall
constructed of Corian. Outside of the passage, the endwall was
constructed from medium density fiberboard (MDF). The center
Experimental Methods passages, 3 and 4, had film and impingement cooling and were
Overall effectiveness (/) and TBC effectiveness (s) were meas- used for this study. A summary of the blade geometry and main-
ured for the endwall of a linear cascade in the corner test section stream flow conditions is given in Table 2. At 0.5Cax upstream of
of the large-scale, low-speed, closed loop wind tunnel shown in the blade leading edge in the axial direction, the d99/S was 0.089
Fig. 2(a). This facility split the flow upstream of the cascade into and the freestream turbulence was 7%, as predicted by the CFD
mainstream and coolant streams. The mainstream section was solution from this study. The details of the simulations are
heated by a heater bank and passed through flow conditioning ele- described in the Computational Methodology section.
ments including a turbulence grid 11Cax upstream of the test Periodicity of the cascade was determined by taking measure-
section. A more detailed description of the wind tunnel and flow ments of the pressure distribution at the midspan of all seven
conditioning elements can be found in Ref. [22]. The mainstream blades. In Fig. 3, a typical set of data for the pressure coefficient,
temperature was measured 0.52Cax in the axial direction upstream Cp, is plotted versus normalized axial distance. The measured Cp
of the blades at multiple spanwise and pitchwise locations with a agreed well with the CFD results from this study, as well as with
thermocouple rake. The mainstream temperature varied by no an inviscid 2D CFD prediction from Ref. [22].
more than 60.6  C from the average T1. A Pitot probe, also The endwall configuration was designed with a generic internal
inserted 0.5Cax upstream, was used to measure the inlet main- and external cooling geometry to replicate the relevant nondimen-
stream velocity, U1. The standard deviation over the mean U1 sional parameters given in Table 1. Figure 4(a) shows the side
was less than 1%. view of the plenum, cooling features, endwall, and the layer of
The coolant passed through a desiccant drier and two heat TBC. A splash plate was used in the experiments to spread and
exchangers that chilled the coolant, before entering the plenum slow the plenum inlet flow. The coolant passed through an
located below the endwall. A laminar flow element, directly meas- impingement plate with 28 staggered holes. The nondimensional
ured the total coolant flowrate, which was adjusted to achieve the height between the impingement plate and the bottom of the end-
necessary blowing ratios. The blowing ratios reported in this wall, was H/D ¼ 2.9. Following impingement, the coolant flowed
study, Mavg, were an average of the local M at each film cooling into ten angled film cooling holes, which were staggered between
hole. The uncertainty in coolant flowrate was estimated for a 95% the impingement holes. The diameter, D, of the impingement and
confidence interval as 63%, using sequential perturbation [28].
To measure the internal coolant temperature, Tc,in, there were two
thermocouples located approximately 8.7D below the impinge- Table 2 Flow conditions and blade geometry
ment plate, which agreed within 6 3  C. The experimental setup
Scale factor 8.6 Inlet U1 10.5 m/s
achieved a typical mainstream to coolant temperature difference
Cax 0.218 m Inlet, flow angle 35 deg
of 40  C, which provided a coolant to mainstream density ratio of p/Cax 0.826 Exit flow angle 60 deg
about 1.15. S/Cax 2.50 Inlet Ma 0.029
The test section contained a seven blade linear cascade based Inlet Re 1.22  105 Exit Ma 0.047
on the low-pressure turbine Pack-B airfoil, which has been used in Exit Re 1.98  105
many other studies [2,8,22,29–37]. Figure 2(b) shows the top

Journal of Turbomachinery DECEMBER 2014, Vol. 136 / 121003-3

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In experiments with TBC, the cork layer extends 1/2Cax
upstream of the blade leading edge and 1/3Cax downstream of the
trailing edge as illustrated in Fig. 4(b). The thickness of the cork,
tTBC, is 0.45D. The cork is adhered to the endwall using several
layers of contact cement to replicate the adhesive methods for
which the thermal resistance for the combined cork and adhesive
layer was given in Table 1.
The steady-state external surface temperature was measured
using infrared (IR) thermography with a FLIR P20 IR camera.
This technique was capable of achieving a high spatial resolution
of 5.7 pixels/D. Additional details regarding the IR measurement
technique and calibration are available in Mensch and Thole [2].
The external surface temperatures were scaled to / for the cases
without TBC, and scaled to s for the cases with TBC. The uncer-
tainty in the external effectiveness was estimated to be 60.02 for
a 95% confidence interval [2].
To determine the outer endwall temperature for /TBC, 16 ther-
mocouples were installed to measure the temperature at the inter-
Fig. 3 Pack-B cascade static pressure distribution at the blade face between the endwall and the cork layer. A high conductivity
midspan compared to CFD predictions epoxy, k ¼ 4.3 W/m K, was used to attach the thermocouples to
the endwall at the locations shown as blue squares in Fig. 4(b).
These points followed two inviscid streamlines referred to here-
film cooling holes was 4.4 mm. The film cooling holes were
after as suction side (SS) and pressure side (PS) streamlines.
angled at 30 deg to the surface, resulting in a hole length to diame-
Using a 95% confidence interval, the uncertainty in /TBC was esti-
ter ratio, L/D, of 5.8. The locations of the film holes and impinge-
mated to be 60.01, since temperature measurements were made
ment jets are given in Fig. 4(b). The spacing of the impingement
directly with thermocouples.
holes in the pitch (y) direction was 4.65D, and the spacing of the
impingement rows in the axial (x) direction was 4.65D. The film
cooling holes were oriented in the x–y plane to align with endwall Computational Methodology
streaklines reported in Ref. [22].
Conjugate simulations for the endwall with and without TBC
were performed using the commercial CFD software FLUENT [38].
The segregated pressure-based SIMPLE algorithm was used to
solve the steady-state Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS)
and energy equations using the SST k-x turbulence model [39] for
closure with second-order spatial discretization schemes. The SST
k-x model was chosen because it has shown reasonable agreement
with experimental results in turbomachinery applications
The computational grid began 3.5Cax upstream of the blade lead-
ing edge in the inlet flow direction to capture the flow development
upstream of the cascade, as shown in Fig. 5(a). At this location, a
velocity inlet was applied with a freestream velocity of 10.5 m/s
and a boundary layer profile benchmarked to the measurements by
Lynch et al. [22]. The inlet velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, and
specific dissipation profiles were generated using the boundary
layer code TEXSTAN [42] to match the measured momentum
thickness Reynolds number, Reh ¼ 1330, at the measurement loca-
tion 2.85Cax upstream of the blade leading edge [22]. The tempera-
ture at the inlet reflected the typical T1 in the experiments. An
outflow boundary condition was applied 1.5Cax downstream of the
blade trailing edge in the axial direction. Symmetry was imposed at
the top of the domain, which is located at the midspan of the blade
in the experiments. A single blade passage was simulated using per-
iodic boundaries that extended vertically through the entire domain,
cutting through the mainstream section, the TBC and endwall, four
film cooling holes, the impingement channel, and the plenum.
A mass flow inlet boundary condition was applied at the bottom
of the computational plenum, which was located 65D below the
impingement plate to reflect the dimensions of the plenum in the
experiments. The mass flow rate and temperature applied at the
boundary matched the conditions in the experiment for that blow-
ing ratio. Blowing ratios of 1 and 2 were simulated. Air properties
used for the flow were incompressible-ideal gas for density, poly-
nomial fits to temperature for thermal conductivity and specific
heat, and Sutherland’s law for viscosity. The properties used for
the solids are listed in Table 1.
Fig. 4 Schematic of internal and external cooling scheme from A thermally coupled wall interface was used at all conjugate
(a) the side view and (b) the top view showing the outline of the solid/fluid boundaries. For the simulation with TBC, a cork layer
TBC and discrete thermocouple measurements taken on the extended along the entire endwall surface of the computational
endwall in the experiments domain except for the film cooling holes. A thermally coupled

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total of 18.5  106 cells. The difference in the solution for the
area-averaged / over the endwall from the refined grid relative to
the initial grid was 1  104 for Mavg ¼ 1.0. Also, the total heat
flux at the internal endwall surface varied by less than 0.25% for
the refined grid relative to the initial, nominal grid. Thus, it was
concluded that the nominal grid was of sufficient resolution for
the present conjugate heat transfer predictions, and the CFD
solutions were grid insensitive.

Results and Discussion

The effects of blowing ratio, M, and the TBC are examined
through measurements and steady-state RANS predictions of
overall effectiveness without TBC (/) and with TBC (/TBC), in
addition to the TBC effectiveness, s. The predictions reveal heat
flux and temperature trends that can be used to understand the
physical mechanisms involved in the conjugate endwall heat

Measured and Predicted Temperatures Without TBC. The

contours of overall effectiveness, / (nondimensional endwall tem-
peratures) for two blowing ratios of Mavg, ¼ 1.0 and 2.0 are shown
in Figs. 6 and 7. The contours show the nondimensional endwall
temperatures measured without TBC (Figs. 6(a) and 7(a)) and pre-
dicted without TBC (Figs. 6(b) and 7(b)). Also, Figs. 6(c) and 7(c)
show the predicted endwall temperatures under the TBC, /TBC,
which will be discussed in the following section, Measured and
Predicted Temperatures With TBC. The film cooling holes and
plenum boundaries are shown for reference in Figs. 6 and 7. The
horizontal lines just below each blade indicate a wall in the
impingement channel that prevents coolant from crossing into
another passage after passing through the impingement plate.
Note that the experimental results are shown for two passages,
indicating good periodicity. For comparison to the measurements,
repeated images are shown for the predictions.
For Mavg ¼ 1.0 the area-averaged Nu across entire internal end-
Fig. 5 Depiction of (a) the computational domain and bound- wall surface is predicted to be 3.2 without TBC. With TBC, the
ary conditions, (b) the surface grid for the endwall and TBC, (c)
the prism layer volume grid in the holes and impingement chan-
difference is only 0.1%, showing that the CFD is consistent with
nel, and (d) the volume grid in the mainstream, channel, and the internal flow predictions. Likewise the predicted internal Nu
plenum for Mavg ¼ 2.0 is nearly the same with and without TBC, with a
value of 5.2 for both cases and a difference of 0.4%. It is expected
that the external heat transfer coefficients do not change between
the cases with and without TBC since the flowfield did not
wall interface was also used at the boundary between the TBC change.
and the endwall. All other wall surfaces in the domain were mod- The comparison of the measured and predicted endwall temper-
eled as adiabatic. ature (/) contours without TBC (Figs. 6(a) and 6(b) and Figs.
Separate unstructured grids were generated for the conducting 7(a) and 7(b)) at both blowing ratios are very good. The simula-
endwall solid, the conducting TBC solid, and the flow domain. tions correctly predict the extent of lateral conduction into the
The commercial grid generation program, Pointwise [43], was uncooled areas. As seen in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b) at Mavg ¼ 1.0, there
used to generate the unstructured grids for the endwall and TBC are some discrepancies between the measured and predicted / in
geometries, shown in Fig. 5(b). The endwall grid contained the areas with film cooling. As many other studies have found,
1.5  106 cells, and the cork grid contained 0.3  106 cells. For RANS CFD often has difficulty predicting mixing in the film cool-
the flow domain, the Advancing-Front/Local-Reconnection ing jet shear layer and predicting film attachment. For Mavg ¼ 2.0
unstructured grid generation software, AFLR3 [44], was used to in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b), a small difference can be seen in the influ-
create a high-fidelity tetrahedral grid with wall-normal prism ence of the film cooling jets closest to the SS. Although the CFD
layers to resolve the boundary layer on key surfaces (the blade, correctly predicts the jet detachment, the predicted / here is less
the entire external endwall surface, the internal endwall surface, than the measured /. The simulations are underpredicting the
the film cooling holes, and the impingement holes) with a wall cooling influence that the detached jets have on the wall, a trend
spacing such that yþ < 1. The unstructured grid for the flow is also observed by Dyson et al. [18]. However, the strong effect of
depicted in Fig. 5(c), showing a slice in the y-plane through a in-hole convection at Mavg ¼ 2.0 is well predicted in the high / at
film cooling hole inlet and an impingement hole, and in Fig. 5(d), the exits of the film cooling holes.
showing a slice in the x-plane through the mainstream, film A small difference in / is also seen downstream in the passage
cooling holes, impingement channel, impingement holes, and for both blowing ratios. In the downstream region of Figs. 6(b)
plenum. The initial grid size for the flow domain was 9.8  106 and 7(b), the simulations show a slightly lower / (by about 0.05)
cells. and a warmer endwall than the experiment. These differences are
Convergence of a simulation was achieved when the normal- attributed to small heat losses present in the experiment that are
ized residuals were >1  104 and the area-averaged endwall / not captured in the simulation. An example of a surface modeled
changed by less than 0.0015 over 500 iterations. To ensure grid as adiabatic that loses heat to the surrounding environment is the
independence, the initial grid without TBC that contained a total downstream side of the Corian endwall. The endwall is
of 11.3  106 cells was uniformly refined to a grid containing a surrounded on the side and bottom by MDF shown in Fig. 4(a).

Journal of Turbomachinery DECEMBER 2014, Vol. 136 / 121003-5

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Fig. 6 Overall effectiveness contours for Mavg 5 1.0 (a) measured without TBC, (b) predicted
without TBC, and (c) predicted under the TBC

The conduction heat loss from the downstream sides of the end- adiabatic boundary conditions in the simulations, the steady-state
wall into the fiberboard (k ¼ 0.3 W/m2) is estimated to be on the endwall temperature is higher than measured in the experiments.
same order as the convective heat transfer into the endwall from The data in Figs. 8(a)–8(f) give the local / along the length of
the mainstream. The lateral conduction in this part of the endwall the PS and SS streamlines shown in Fig. 4(b). The experimental /
is estimated to be an order of magnitude less because the tempera- without TBC and the predicted / (in red) have been extracted from
ture gradients in this region of the endwall are small. By using the measured and predicted contours in Figs. 6 and 7. The measured

Fig. 7 Overall effectiveness contours for Mavg 5 2.0 (a) measured without TBC, (b) predicted
without TBC, and (c) predicted under the TBC

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and predicted /TBC will be discussed in the next section, Measured The data obtained in the simulations can be used to provide more
and Predicted Temperatures With TBC. For Mavg ¼ 0.6, the experi- insight into the conjugate heat transfer in locations where it is diffi-
mental data are shown in Fig. 8(a) for the PS and Fig. 8(d) for the cult to obtain experimental measurements. The predicted distribu-
SS. (No CFD simulations were done at the lowest blowing ratio.) tions of dimensionless temperature within the endwall and the
Similar graphs are shown for Mavg ¼ 1.0 in Figs. 8(b) and 8(e) and impingement channel are revealed in Fig. 9 through two slices of the
for Mavg ¼ 2.0 in Figs. 8(c) and 8(f). A repeated data set is shown domain. Figure 9(a) shows the slices at the leading edge of the blade,
for Mavg ¼ 1.0 in Figs. 8(b) and 8(e) for the experiments with and x/Cax ¼ 0, which also line up with the first row of impingement
without TBC. The excellent agreement between repeated experi- holes. The slices shown in Fig. 9(b) are located at x/Cax ¼ 0.09,
ments indicates the experiments are reproducible. which passes through the second row of impingement holes and also
As expected from the contours, the predicted / shows good partway through five film cooling holes. Both sets of slices display
agreement with the measurements, especially on the PS (Figs. the impingement plate and the separating wall in the impingement
8(b) and 8(c)). The PS streamline crosses a few film cooling holes channel in white, since these features are nonconducting.
at or just upstream of the hole exits, which show up as sharp peaks From Fig. 9, it is observed that impingement and in-hole con-
in the graphs. Other than at these peaks, the endwall along the PS vection become more effective with the increase in blowing ratio.
streamline is influenced by internal cooling only. Both effects of Figure 9(a) shows that the first row of impingement holes is very
internal impingement and in-hole convection increase with blow- effective at cooling the endwall. Just above the bottom of the end-
ing ratio, which is well captured by the predictions. wall, the temperature contours show the effect of individual
The agreement on the SS is not as close as on the PS because impingement jets, but at the top of the endwall, the cooling has
the SS streamline crosses the downstream path of several film spread and the wall temperature is more uniform than at the bot-
cooling jets. The SS / data, shown in Figs. 8(d)–8(f), have a sharp tom. In Fig. 9(b), the effect of the in-hole convective cooling on
drop around s/Cax ¼ 0.2 following a film cooling hole. At the wall is shown. The temperature contours bend as they encoun-
Mavg ¼ 0.6 (Fig. 8(d)), the SS line continues to slowly decrease ter a film cooling hole because there is significant heat transfer at
consistent with the behavior of an attached film cooling jet. As the hole surface. The temperature contours also give an indication
blowing ratio increases (Figs. 8(e) and 8(f)), the / behavior of the flow patterns of the impingement jets in the channel. The
reflects that of a detached and reattached jet because / slightly coolant impinges on the internal side of the endwall, and then
increases again following the sharp drop. For Mavg ¼ 1.0 between flows outward, and down towards the impingement plate as it
s/Cax of 0.1–0.5 (Fig. 8(e)), the simulations overpredict the encounters the flow from the adjacent jets. The flow moving
increase in / associated with reattachment of the film cooling jets. towards the impingement plate has picked up heat from the end-
For Mavg ¼ 2.0, there is a slight underprediction of / on the SS wall and is warmed slightly.
(Fig. 8(f)) around s/Cax of 0.1–0.3, which is related to the defi-
ciency of RANS in correctly predicting the diffusion of detached Measured and Predicted Temperatures With TBC. The
film cooling jets to provide some cooling to the wall. layer of TBC prevents optical access to the endwall surface so the

Fig. 8 Comparison of overall effectiveness with and without TBC, showing measured and predicted values, along inviscid
streamlines, PS (a)–(c) and SS (d)–(f)

Journal of Turbomachinery DECEMBER 2014, Vol. 136 / 121003-7

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Fig. 9 Conjugate CFD prediction of nondimensional temperature in the fluid and the solid at different two slices (a) at the first
row of impingement holes and (b) at the second row of impingement holes

IR camera cannot measure /TBC on the endwall. Therefore, the added, there is less warming of the coolant because the TBC
measured /TBC is compared to the case without TBC in Figs. reduces the internal wall temperature.
8(a)–8(f) for the discrete thermocouple measurements made The average increases in / due to changes in the blowing ratio
below the TBC along the inviscid streamlines. Along the inviscid and due to the addition of TBC are compared in Table 3. The
streamlines, higher cooling performance is observed with TBC change due to M, D/M , is an area-average across the impingement
compared to no TBC for all three blowing ratios. TBC increases area from Mensch and Thole [2]. The change due to TBC, D/TBC ,
the effectiveness on the PS line at all measurement locations by is the average difference between /TBC and / (without TBC) at
nearly a constant amount. The increase from / to /TBC varies on the measurement locations along the streamlines. The values in
the SS along the length of the streamline, especially between the table show that the improvement due to the addition of TBC is
0.2 < s/Cax < 0.7. The local peaks from film cooling seen on the about three times greater than the improvement from increasing
endwall without TBC have been smeared out in /TBC because the blowing ratio. Changing blowing ratio is less effective than TBC
TBC is insulating the endwall from the external flow, which at reducing endwall temperatures, which is consistent with the
includes film cooling. findings on the vane surface [10].
The predictions of /TBC in Figs. 6(c), 7(c), 8(b), 8(c), 8(e), 8(f), The improvement in / due to the TBC for the measurements
9(a), and 9(b) also show that the TBC provides a significant cool- and simulations has been plotted in Fig. 10. The values for the
ing effect on the endwall. The predicted contours of /TBC for experiment are those given in Table 3. The predicted data are an
Mavg ¼ 1.0, in Fig. 6(c) and for Mavg ¼ 2.0 in Fig. 7(c), are signifi- average across the entire conducting endwall surface. Figure 10
cantly higher at all locations on the endwall relative to / without demonstrates that D/TBC slightly increases with blowing ratio.
TBC. When the blowing ratio is increased from Mavg ¼ 1.0 The measured and predicted values for improvement with TBC
(Fig. 6(c)) to Mavg ¼ 2.0 (Fig. 7(c)), the area of high effectiveness agree very well, indicating that the discrete thermocouple loca-
under the TBC increases. The predicted /TBC along the inviscid tions used to measure the endwall temperatures under the TBC
streamlines in Figs. 8(b), 8(c), 8(e), and 8(f) (dashed red lines) provide a good indication of the effect throughout the passage.
compare fairly well with the discrete /TBC measurements. The
predictions show some influence of the film cooling on /TBC,
which is not observed in the measurements. Both /TBC and / are
underpredicted downstream in the passage for s/Cax > 0.7. These Table 3 Measured improvement in overall effectiveness due to
discrepancies are attributed to the conduction losses at the endwall increase in M or due to addition of TBC
sides previously discussed in reference to the / contours. When
DM D/M [2] Mavg D/TBC ¼ /TBC  /
TBC is included in the slices of nondimensional temperature in
Fig. 9, the endwall temperatures are greatly reduced, even in the 0.6–1.0 0.05 0.6 0.13
areas not around the impingement and film cooling holes. In addi- 1.0 0.14
tion, the fluid in the channel and the film cooling holes remains 1.0–2.0 0.04 2.0 0.17
cooler with TBC than the cases without TBC. When TBC is

121003-8 / Vol. 136, DECEMBER 2014 Transactions of the ASME

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The predicted Dqr is plotted on Fig. 10 for the y-axis on the right
side of the figure. The simulations predict that Dqr also increases
with blowing ratio. Similar trends are found for Dqr when applied
to the other endwall surfaces (the internal endwall surface and the
surfaces of the film cooling holes). Therefore, adding TBC gives a
greater reduction in qw, and a greater improvement in / at higher
blowing ratios. With TBC, the endwall is insulated from the hot
mainstream, but still influenced by the internal cooling. As blow-
ing ratio increases, the internal impingement and in-hole convec-
tion cooling become more effective, generating higher heat
transfer coefficients, and bringing the endwall temperatures closer
to the coolant temperature, as can be seen in the temperature slices
in Fig. 9. Therefore, the insulating effect of the TBC provides a
greater benefit for cases that have higher heat transfer without
TBC, which are the cases with higher M and hi.
The measured and predicted dimensionless temperatures on the
outer TBC surface, s, are shown in Fig. 11. Experimental meas-
urements are shown for three blowing ratios, including Fig. 11(a)
at Mavg ¼ 0.6, Fig. 11(b) at Mavg ¼ 1.0, and Fig. 11(c) at
Mavg ¼ 2.0. Similarly, computational predictions are given in Fig.
11(d) for Mavg ¼ 1.0 and Fig. 11(e) for Mavg ¼ 2.0. Because the
Fig. 10 Measured and predicted improvement with TBC, TBC has a higher thermal resistance than the endwall, s is gener-
D/TBC , and the predicted Dqr for the external endwall surface
plotted as a function of Mavg
ally lower than / and is closer in appearance to the effectiveness
for an adiabatic wall, g. However, as blowing ratio increases,
The net heat flux reduction with TBC, Dqr, can be calculated at impingement and in-hole convection begin to have a greater effect
the endwall outer surface using the following equation: on s. The insulating effect of TBC is also observed in the lower
temperatures measured at the exit of the holes compared to the
qw  qw;TBC cases without TBC (shown in Figs. 6 and 7). The reduction in
Dqr ¼ (6) coolant warming with TBC is also observed in the temperature
qw slices in Fig. 9.

Fig. 11 Contours of TBC effectiveness at three blowing ratios, (a) measured Mavg 5 0.6, (b)
measured Mavg 5 1.0, (c) measured Mavg 5 2.0, (d) predicted Mavg 5 1.0, and (e) predicted
Mavg 5 2.0

Journal of Turbomachinery DECEMBER 2014, Vol. 136 / 121003-9

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Fig. 12 Comparison of TBC effectiveness with film and impingement cooling, showing measured and predicted values, along
inviscid streamlines, for (a) Mavg 5 0.6, (b) Mavg 5 1.0, and (c) Mavg 5 2.0

The corresponding predictions for s show reasonable agreement effectiveness were reasonably close to the measurements, and the
to the experiments. Like the measurements, the simulations pre- correct trends were captured by the simulations. In conclusion, the
dict temperatures on the outside of the TBC to be hotter than the predictive model in conjunction with a suitable grid gave reasona-
bare endwall. However, the predicted s is slightly lower than ble predictions of conjugate heat transfer on an endwall.
measured, especially for Mavg ¼ 2.0. Also, the simulation for The simulations were used to reveal the temperature behavior
Mavg ¼ 1.0 in Fig. 11(d) shows more jet attachment than the within the impingement channel and the endwall. The temperature
experiments, which is consistent with the / comparison at the contours showed that the heat transfer was highly three-
same blowing ratio. The fully detached jets for Mavg ¼ 2.0 in Fig. dimensional, and steep temperature gradients existed in the wall.
11(e) have less influence on s compared to the experiments, a The effects of individual impingement jets and film cooling holes
trend that was also observed for /. were observed inside the wall through the thermal gradients. The
The external TBC temperatures, s, along the inviscid SS and PS predicted temperature distributions inside the wall and impinge-
streamlines are given in Fig. 12(a) for Mavg ¼ 0.6, Fig. 12(b) for ment channel demonstrated the importance of matching the
Mavg ¼ 1.0, and Fig. 12(c) for Mavg ¼ 2.0. The data within the film relevant nondimensional parameters in a conjugate model.
cooling hole outlets have been removed. As blowing ratio
increases, the SS data (dashed lines) do not increase because the
film cooling jets become detached from the TBC surface. The Acknowledgment
decreased cooling by the film jets is balanced by the increased The authors would like to acknowledge support from the U.S.
cooling by internal impingement. In contrast, the PS data increase Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Labo-
with each increase in blowing ratio because the PS streamline ratory (NETL) through the University Turbine Systems Research
does not cross the path of the film cooling jets, and is influenced (UTSR) program. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recom-
by internal cooling. As discussed in reference to the contours, the mendations expressed herein are solely those of the authors and
simulations predict lower s than measured and less influence on s do not necessarily reflect the views of the DOE. The writers would
by the internal cooling than the experiments indicate. This like to thank Mark Zelesky of Pratt & Whitney, Dr. David Bogard
is more apparent on the PS after s/Cax > 0.25, and on the SS after of the University of Texas, and Robin Ames of DOE-NETL for
s/Cax > 0.7, downstream of the film cooling jets. Despite the their continued communication and support regarding this
underprediction, the trends of the data in the passage are well research.
captured by the simulations.
Conclusions Bi ¼ Biot number (h1t/kw)
Overall and TBC effectiveness measurements were compared Cax ¼ axial chord length
to conjugate CFD predictions for the cases with and without TBC Cp ¼ pressure coefficient
at different blowing ratios. The improvement in overall effective- D¼ hole diameter
ness due to TBC was evaluated and found to be significant. h¼ convective heat transfer coefficient
Adding TBC produced a greater improvement in overall effective- H¼ impingement gap height
ness than the improvements achieved by increasing blowing ratio k¼ turbulent kinetic energy or thermal conductivity
alone. The TBC protected the endwall from the hot mainstream, L¼ length
reduced heat transfer, and allowed the internal cooling to be more M¼ blowing ratio (qcUc/q1U1)
effective. As blowing ratio increased, a greater improvement in Ma ¼ Mach number
overall effectiveness was observed because the TBC was more Nu ¼ Nusselt number (hD/kfluid)
effective at reducing heat transfer when the heat transfer was p¼ pitch length
higher without TBC. The reduction in heat transfer with TBC also P¼ pressure
caused the outer TBC temperature to be higher in comparison to PS ¼ pressure side streamline
the endwall temperature without TBC. q¼ heat flux
The predicted overall effectiveness with no TBC showed good R¼ thermal resistance (t/k)
agreement with the measurements. The main differences were Re ¼ Reynolds number (q1U1Cax/l1)
observed in the prediction of film cooling jet attachment for s¼ distance along a streamline starting at x ¼ 0
Mavg ¼ 1.0 and diffusion for Mavg ¼ 2.0, which were consistent S¼ blade span
with previous literature findings. The predictions of TBC SS ¼ suction side streamline

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