Mce03 Midterm Examination

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Mechanical Engineering Department


OBJECTIVE: Upon completion of this lesson the  student will be able to weld an open root flat 
single V groove joint (1G) with E6011 electrodes using stringer and weave  techniques.
Materials : Welding machine
Personal Protective Equipment
Square bar size 1cm by 1cm 2pcs (5inches)

1.Make sure base metal pieces are clean,  beveled with a 37°degree angle,

 a 1/16   in. root face and  assembled with a 3/32   in. root opening as shown below. 

2.Tack weld the two pieces together by  placing tack welds on each end of the
  joint or placing a run-on tab/splice bar  at the end of the joint.  

In either case, be sure the root opening  along the entire joint is even.  

The tacks must be sufficient to keep the plates from closing together during welding.
3.Adjust  the  welding  current  as  previously  discussed  in  Lesson  #1.  If  tack  welds  were  placed in 
the groove, feather (blend) the leading edge of the tack with a grinder so the  root pass melts into the 
tack welds
4.Use a 90° work angle and a travel angle of 10° to 15°. Weld over the tack at the left side  of the joint. When
you reach the end of the tack, pause until a keyhole appears. 
5.When  the  keyhole  appears,  use  a  whipping  technique.  As  the  filler  metal  solidifies,  return 
the electrode  to  the  forward edge of  the keyhole. Hold it  there until it  fills  the 
keyhole, and another keyhole opens.  Continue whipping the arc across the entire joint, 
adding filler metal each time.  

6.The second pass should be a stringer bead with the toes uniform with smooth transition 
to the groove walls. The remainder of the passes should be weave bead with pausing at 
the toes to keep the bead flat with  smooth transition to the base metal. 

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Engr. J. D. Campita Engr. Ronnel Nombrefia Engr. Renato R.Maaliw III

Instructor Chairman ME Cen
  Unacceptable Needs Improvement Acceptable Very Good
1 pts1 2 pts2 3 pts 4 pts TOTAL

All of the following

Two or more of the One of the following safety practices were
No welding helmet
following safety safety practices violated: followed:
Safety Practices practices violated: No welding gloves Proper welding
No safety glasses
No welding gloves worn. worn. gloves worn.
Incorrect shoes worn. Incorrect shoes worn. Proper shoes worn.
Student will not be
Incorrect clothing worn. Incorrect clothing worn. Proper clothing
allowed to continue
Hot metal carried in Hot metal carried in worn.
the assignment.
gloved hand(s). gloved hand(s). Pliers, etc. used to
carry hot metal.
Bead Width Bead Bead narrower or wider The majority of the bead Bead width equals
unsuccessfully than width of two is equal to the width of the width of two
made. electrodes used. two electrodes used. electrodes used.

Bead does not form the

acceptable shape - has
Bead Shape one of following
Bead Proper bead shape is not Bead has an
unsuccessfully consistent for the entire acceptable shape for
Too flat
made. length of the bead. the entire weld.
Too high and does not
blend into the base metal
at the weld toes.
Bead has neither of
Bead has both of the Bead has one of the
the following
Weld Start & following problems: following problems:
Finish Bead Bead is rough, narrow Bead is rough, narrow
Bead is rough,
unsuccessfully and high. and high.
narrow and high.
made. Weld crater is not filled Weld crater is not filled
Weld crater is not
in. in.
filled in.
Weld/filler metal is
on top of the base
metal, or to one
Burn through of Weld bead has
base metal. Some evidence of no sufficient buildup
Hole(s) in root or penetration in some of and no burn through
blow out. the Root weld. Evidence of good with consistent weld
Penetration Large icicles Suck-back present penetration in the root penetration to or
present in root Holes present weld. under the the
No penetration, or some excess root standard of 1/8th
excessive reinforcement inch reinforcement.
penetration. Very Clean
No prep. on stop
and start.
Holes filled with
out prep.
Ripples uneven and Weld is smooth and
rough. An Most of the weld is ripples are evenly
Some of the weld is
abundance of: rough and has uneven spaced.
rough and has uneven
Porosity, Undercut ripples.
Under fill, Cold roll None of the
Appearance But is consistent and has
Slag inclusion, not Most of the weld has one following are
little to none of the
clean, or all of these items present:
Welds overrun present:
Valleys, porosity,
parameters. Valleys, porosity, Valleys
undercut, under fill, cold
Can't distinguish undercut, under fill, cold porosity, undercut,
roll, slag present.
between welds. Not roll, slag present. under fill, cold roll,
to standard. slag
More than two of the
1 of the following
following defects are
defects are present:
Weld Defects present:
Bead Excess spatter is present.
Excess spatter is present. No weld defects are
unsuccessfully Bead is not uniform.
Bead is not uniform. present.
made. Weld ripples are long
Weld ripples are long
and pointed.
and pointed.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Engr. J. D. Campita Engr. Ronnel Nombrefia Engr. Renato R.Maaliw III

Instructor Chairman ME Cen

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