Politeness Strategies and Cooperation

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Politeness Strategies and Cooperation

Principle in 'Wonder' Movie
Nurina Ulfa
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research

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Politeness Strategies and Cooperation Principle in
‘Wonder’ Movie
Nurina Ulfa

This research discusses the politeness strategies and cooperative principle used by the characters in
the movie entitled ‘Wonder’. The data of analysis come from the utterances of the characters which
are described in descriptive method. The writer used politeness theory proposed by Brown and
Levinson (1987) and cooperation principle advised by Grice (1975) to analyze the data. The results
show that the characters in the movie used four kinds of strategies from Brown and Levinson (1987),
those are bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness and off record. The utterances in the
movie proves the violation of four maxims namely maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of
relevance and maxim of manner. As the conclusion, positive politeness is used the most among the
characters because it shows their closeness in social distance.

Keyword: Politeness strategies, positive politeness, negative politeness

Published Date: 7/31/2019 Page.563-573 Vol 7 No 7 2019

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.Vol7.Iss7.1596
International Journal of Innovation Education and Research www.ijier.net Vol:-7 No-7, 2019

Politeness Strategies and Cooperation Principle in ‘Wonder’ Movie

Nurina Ulfa

This research discusses the politeness strategies and cooperative principle used by the characters in the
movie entitled ‘Wonder’. The data of analysis come from the utterances of the characters which are
described in descriptive method. The writer used politeness theory proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987)
and cooperation principle advised by Grice (1975) to analyze the data. The results show that the characters
in the movie used four kinds of strategies from Brown and Levinson (1987), those are bald on record,
positive politeness, negative politeness and off record. The utterances in the movie proves the violation of
four maxims namely maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relevance and maxim of manner. As
the conclusion, positive politeness is used the most among the characters because it shows their closeness
in social distance.

Keywords: Politeness strategies, positive politeness, negative politeness

1. Introduction
Communication in conversation between the speaker and the listener could run well if someone considers
other’s attitude when they are doing or saying something. It can avoid them to misunderstand each other.
However, learners occassionally do not have the capability of understanding what is polite and what is
not. It leads them to many misinterpretation and humiliation towards others. It is obvious for speakers to
adjust their languages to fit the situations. Septiyani (2016) stated that inappropriate language choices may cause
problems since the hearers are being insulted by the speakers. In this case, according to Sadiyah (2015) people
who use appropriate words are considered polite and well-mannered people, so the politeness strategies are
needed.Politeness is one of the constraints on human interaction, whose purpose is to consider others’ feelings,
to establish levels of mutual comfort, and to promote rapport as stated by Hill, Ide, and Ikuta (1986) as
cited in Konrad, Sachiko, and Watts (2005). It means to pay attention to people’s feelings. Fraser (1990)
and Watts et al. (1992) in Brown (2015) stated that politeness is taken to be the expected background to
interaction; it is normally not communicated but consists in following expectations as to appropriate
behavior. By saying “thank you” or “excuse me” is not yet included as politeness. Thus, to be considered
polite, one should choose appropriate language in speaking.

According to Brown and Levinson (1987), politeness strategies are developed in order to save the hearers’
“face”. Politeness strategies are used by people to make smooth communication and harmonious
interpersonal relationship in communication. The strategies come in oral and written communication. As
for oral communication, it can be analyzed from talk show, speech, and movie. Safitri (2015) analyzed

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politeness strategies in a movie called The Big Wedding and found out that the most frequently used
politeness is positive politeness. Dharmayanti (2018) analyzed the Ellen Degeneres’ TV shows with
Barrack Obama as the guest star resulted that she mostly applied positive politeness in the show. There is
also an analysis in a speech of Tony Abbott’s Speech Concerning Australia-Indonesia Tapping Issue
analyzed by Handoko (2014). He used four politeness strategies in his speech yet it is found that he used
positive politeness the most.

In order the conversation to become successful, the listener and the speaker should also consider to
cooperate each other. For instance, in order to accept a speaker's presuppositions, the listeners need to
assume that a speaker who says "my wife", is really married. Thus, people having a conversation are
generally assumed to being honest and conveying relevant information. Cooperative principle suggested by
Grice (1975) could be the aid to be effective in conversation. Grice (1975) as cited in Yule (1996) stated that
the cooperative principle makes your conversational contribution such as is required. In other words, people
should give enough information as required, not more or less than it is needed.

Cooperative principle has four maxims as proposed by Grice (1975) in Yule (1996). There are maxims of
quality, maxims of quantity, maxims of relation and maxims of manner. The conversationof two people
would be most successful if they obey these maxims and its principles. However, people often violate these
principles or these maxims, which make the conversation partially successful or simply a failure, or produce
conversational implication. Some studies have analyzed the flout or violation in maxims in oral
communication. Ibrahim (2018) found that there are four flouting of maxims in the Se7en movie script. Then,
there are three motivations that influenced the characters flouted the maxims; they are competitive,
collaborative, and conflictive. The research conducted by Zebua (2017) found that The result reveals that the
male participants mostly did the flouting than violating. From the overall of violation and flouting they done, quantity
maxim is dominantly flouted by male participants. Also Toda (2017) in her analysis of Maleficent Movie shows
that there are two patterns of maxims violations namely violation one maxim and more than one maxims.
In addition, there are seven reasons used by the characters to violate the maxims. The most frequent reason
is hiding the truth, followed by saving face, avoiding discussion, expressing feelings, pleasing the hearer,
avoiding punishment, and the last is building someone’s belief.

In relation between politeness strategies and cooperative principles according to Cutting (2002), the
cooperative principle sometimes conflict with the politeness strategies. If the speakers want to express
positive politeness, they may violate cooperative maxims. Since so many studies have been conducted in
politeness strategies and cooperative principles the researcher wants to analyze both politeness strategies
and the violaton of maxim in the movie called ‘Wonder’. Unlike many previous studies which were focus
more on romance and fairytale, this movie is a family drama. It portrays the life of Auggie who has face
deformity in living his live the first time as a student in a public school. Therefore, the objectives of
conducting this study is to find out what kind of politeness strategy mostly occur and what types of maxim
violations applied by the characters in Wonder movie in expressing the politeness strategies.

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2. Literature Review
Pragmatics is the study of meaning of words, phrases and full sentences. According to Yule (1996)
pragmatics is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and the users of those forms. One can
understand people’s intended meaning also thei goals as they speak. In pragmatics there is a strategy called
politeness strategy. According to Brown and Levinson (1987), politeness strategies are developed in order
to save the hearers' "face." Face refers to the respect that an individual has for him or herself, and
maintaining that "self-esteem" in public or in private situations. They state there are four types of politeness
strategies, positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on record and off record.

Negative politeness is derived from negative face. Negative politeness strategy (formal politeness/respect
politeness) is the attempt of the speaker to minimize the imposition on H or acknowledge H’s negative
face. Positive politeness on the other hand is intended to avoid giving offense by highlighting friendliness.
These strategies include juxtaposing criticism with compliments, establishing common ground, and using
jokes, nicknames, honorifics, tag questions, special discourse markers (please), and in-
group jargon and slang. In bald on record, the speaker does nothing to reduce the threat to the hearer's face
and is therefore used in close relationships or when information needs to be shared quickly. While off
record is used to completely remove the speaker from any potential to impose on the hearer and only alludes
to the speaker's idea or specific request. If a person goes off record, there is more than one possible intention
attributable to the speaker, i.e. he/she cannot be ‘blamed’ to have committed to a certain intention. For
example is “I’m so tired. A cup of coffee would help.”

According to Grice (1975) says that when we communicate we assume, without realising it, that we, and
the people we are talking to, will be conversationally cooperative or we will cooperate to achieve successful
conversation. . It means that they have to understand mutually what they are talking the conversation. The
maxims of cooperative principle based on Grice (1975):
a. Quantity.
1. Make your contributions as informative as is required
(for the current purpose of the exchange)
2. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.
b. Quality. Try to make your contribution one that is true.
1. Do not say what you believe to be false.
2. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.
c. Relation. Be relevant.
d. Manner. Be perspicuous.
1. Avoid obscurity of expression.
2. Avoid ambiguity.
3. be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity).
4. Be orderly.

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It is important to recognize these maxims as ustated assumptions we have in conversations. We assume

that people are normally going to provide an appropriate amount of information; we assume that they are
telling the truth, being relevant and trying to be as clear as they can. Because these principles are assumed
in normal interaction, speakers rarely mention them. However, there are certain kinds of expressions
speakers use to mark that they may be in danger of not fully adhering to the principles. These kinds of
expressions are called hedges.

3. Method
As this research was conducted in analyzing the politeness strategies and violation of maxim in cooperative
principles in the movie entitled Wonder,the type of this research was descriptive research. Ary (1990) in
Sadiyah (2015) states descriptive research studies are designed to obtain information concerning the current
status of phenomenon. It explained that a descriptive research is used to give more information or
explanation of the utterance which is used by the characters in the movie. The data source was taken from
utterances from a movie entitled Wonder. The instrument used was the researcher herself because this study
was descriptive research and investigating the data (movie script). So, the researcher worked as the
instrument and a data collector at the same time. The researcher was the main instrument, because it was
impossible to investigate without any interpretation from the researcher.

The researcher uses documentation technique in collecting the data. In collecting the data, the researcher
followed some steps; choose a movie, watch the movie, read the movie script, then notice the utterances.
To analyze the data, the researcher uses content analysis. The data analysis is done by some steps;
identifying the utterances, classifying the data according to the politeness strategies based on Brown and
Levinson theory and cooperative principles by Grice theory, and drawing a conclusion.

4. Findings and Discussion

This section attempts to answer the research problem, i.e. the politeness strategies used by the characters
in a movie entitled Wonder .

From the data of Wonder utterances, the writer has found 146 cases of politeness that are uttered by the
characters. The 146 cases are included in 4 politeness strategies from Brown and Levinson (1987). There
are 38 utterances belong to bald on record politeness strategy, 80 utterancesfor positive politeness strategy,
21 utterances for negative politeness strategy, and 7 utterances for off record politeness strategy. Those
data are listed in a figure as follows.

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21 38




Figure 1. The Result of Politeness Strategies Used in ‘Wonder’ movie.

It has been stated previously that there are four politeness strategies according to Brown and Levinson
(1987). There are bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. Below are the
explanation of the analysis based on four politeness strategies.

a. Bald on record
Bald on record strategy does not attempt to minimize the threat to the hearer's face. The use of bald on
record often will shock or embarrass the addressee. In this case, this strategy can be used where the
speaker and the hearer has a close relationship as family or close friends. However, generally speaking,
bald on record expressions are associated with speech events where the speaker assumes that he or she
has power over the other (for example, in military contexts) and can control the other’s behavior with
words as stated by Yule (1996). Brown and Levinson (1987) outline various situations where one can
use bald on record.

• Situations with no threat minimization

1. Urgency or desperation
Watch out!
2. When efficiency is necessary
Hear me out:...
3. Task-oriented
Pass me the hammer.
4. Little or no desire to maintain someone's face
Don't forget to clean the blinds!
5. Doing the face-threatening act is in the interest of the hearer
Your headlights are on!

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• Situations where the threat is minimized implicitly

6. Welcomes
Come in.
7. Offers
Leave it, I'll clean up later.

In this study, there are 38 cases of bald on record strategy, yet the writer only gives two as examples of
discussion. First is for the example of the situation which is no threat minimization and the second is for
the example of the situation where the threat is minimized implicitly. The first bald on record strategy is
described in the following utterance.

Data 1
Setting : At the hospital
Situation : Mrs. Pullman is giving birth to a baby boy who is Auggie.

Mrs. Pullman: Where's the baby going? Go with the baby!

The italic sentence is Mrs. Pullman utterance which is categorized as bald on record. She uttered the
utterance above because she showed urgency to her husband. It is stated above that there are some
characteristics of bald on record. One of them is urgency or desperation. Thus, she expressed instruction
based on urgency.

The following data is the second example of bald on record strategy.

Data 2
Setting : At the canteen.
Situation : Julian the spoiled kid who dislikes Auggie offers Jack a seat among his gank.

Julian :Oh, hey, Jack, come sit with us.

Amos : Yeah, come on, man.

The italic utterance above shows that Julian and Amos asked Jack to join them. The situation also shows
that the threat is minimized implicitly. Therefore, what Julian and Amos said was an offer to Jack.

b. Positive politeness
According to Brown and Levinson (1987) positive politeness is oriented toward the positive face
of the hearer, the positive self-image that he claims for himself and his perennial desire that his
wants (or action/acquisition/values/resulting from them) should be thought of as desirable.
Positive politeness strategies seek to minimize the threat to the hearer's positive face. Positive

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politeness utterances are not only used by the participants who have known each other fairly well,
but also used as a kind of metaphorical extension of intimacy to imply common ground or to sharing
of wants to limited extent between strangers. For the same reason, positive politeness techniques
are usable not only for FTA redress, but in general as a kind of social accelerator for the speaker in
using them indicates that he wants to ‘come closer’ to the hearer. The following lists are examples
from Brown and Levinson:
1. Attend to H's interests, needs, wants
You look sad. Can I do anything?
2. Use solidarity in-group identity markers
Heh, mate, can you lend me a dollar?
3. Be optimistic
I'll just come along, if you don't mind.
4. Include both speaker (S) and hearer (H) in activity
If we help each other, I guess, we'll both sink or swim in this course.
5. Offer or promise
If you wash the dishes, I'll vacuum the floor.
6. Exaggerate interest in H and his interests
That's a nice haircut you got; where did you get it?
7. Avoid Disagreement
Yes, it's rather long; not short certainly
8. Joke
Wow, that's a whopper!

In this study, there are 80 cases of positive politeness strategy, yet the writer only gives one as an example
of discussion. The positive politeness strategy is described in the following utterance.

Data 3
Setting : At the school gate
Situation : Auggie’s first day of school and his entire family sent him off. Then, his father wanted
to talk to him in private.

Mr. Pullman : Now, I gotta stop here, because past this point is a No Dad Zone and you don't wanna
walk up with your parents because it's not cool.
Auggie : But you're cool.
Mr. Pullman : I know I am, but technically most dads aren't, so... And neither are these helmets.

The writer finds the positive politeness strategy in the underlined and italicized sentence. One of the parts
of positive politeness strategy is exaggerate interest in hearer and his interests. In this case, compliment is
included. Mr. Pullman was trying to encourage Auggie by talking about being not cool if students walk

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with their parents and Auggie said that his father was cool. It was his compliment for his father. Thus,
Auggie’s statement is an example of exaggerate interest in hearer. In this conversation there is also a
violation of maxim of relevance. Since Mr. Pullman’ answer about helmet is not relevant with their
previous topic, hence it is taken as violating maxim of relevance.

c. Negative Politeness
Negative politeness strategies are oriented towards the hearer's negative face and emphasize
avoidance of imposition on the hearer. By attempting to avoid imposition from the speaker, the risk
of face-threat to the hearer is reduced. According to Yule (1996), using this strategy also results in
forms which contain expressions of apology for the imposition. It is also worth noting that negative
politeness is typically expressed via questions, even questions that seem to ask for permission to
ask a question (for example, ‘Might I ask…?). The characteristics of negative politeness are self-
effacement; formality and restraint, with attention to very limited aspects of H’s self- image,
focusing on H’s want to be unimpeded. Examples from Brown and Levinson (1987) include:

• Be indirect
Would you know where Oxford Street is?
• Use hedges or questions
Perhaps, he might have taken it, maybe.
Could you please pass the rice?
• Be pessimistic
You couldn't find your way to lending me a thousand dollars, could you?
So I suppose some help is out of the question, then?
• Minimize the imposition
It's not too much out of your way, just a couple of blocks.
• Use obviating structures, like nominalizations, passives, or statements of general rules
I hope offense will not be taken.
Visitors sign the ledger.
Spitting will not be tolerated.
• Apologetic
I'm sorry; it's a lot to ask, but can you lend me a thousand dollars?
• Use plural pronouns
We regret to inform you

There are 21 cases of negative politeness strategy, yet the writer only gives one as an example of discussion.
The negative politeness strategy is described in the following utterance.
Data 5
Setting : At the laboratory

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Situation : Auggie was introduced around the school for the first time by some kids. Julian was
so snobby and he behaved badly.

Auggie : No, I wasn't in a fire. And the word's "supposedly."

Julian : What?
Auggie : You said that science is supposably really hard. Twice. The word's "supposedly.“ With
a "D.“ Maybe my mom can home school you, too.

The last utterance said by Auggie is a part of negative politeness strategy. It has been mentioned above that
negative politeness strategy has several situations in which the negative politeness strategy could be uttered.
One of the examples is using hedges or question. Auggie gave reaction towards Julian snobbish act by
saying ‘maybe’. This utterance also included as violation of maxim of quality because Auggie used sarcasm
to reply Julian’s word. In conclusion, Auggie’s word is a part of negative politeness strategy and violation
of maxim of quality.

d. Off record
This strategy uses indirect language and removes the speaker from the potential to be imposed.
Even if the speaker decides to say something, the speaker does not actually have to ask for anything.
Yule (1996) stated that the types of statements are not directly addresses to the other. According to
Brown and Levinson (1987) a communicative act is done off-record if it is done in such a way that
it is not possible to attribute only one clear communicative intention to the act. Therefore if a speaker
wants to do an FTA, and chooses to do it indirectly, he must give the hearer some hints and hope
that the hearer picks up on them and thereby interprets what the speaker really means (intends) to

Data 5
Setting : At the The Pullman’s
Situation : Justin came by and was curious of Auggie’s science project in the middle of the

Justin : It's a camera obscura.

Olivia : Yeah. He's ten.

The off record strategy was uttered by Justin. In off record strategy, speaker must do implication first then
it is up to the hearer whether or not he wants to do something because of the speaker’s saying. The off
record strategy relies heavily on pragmatics to convey the intended meaning while still utilizing
the semantic meaning as a way to avoid losing face.In this case after Justin talked to himself, Olivia replied
it. The way Olivia replied was taken as violation maxim of quantity because she added information that
was not needed.

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In this study there are 146 utterances that are included as politeness strategies in the movie. Most of the
characters used Positive politebess when uttered their utterance. According to Brown and Levinson (1987)
there are two factors that influence of choosing strategies. They are payoff and circumstances (social distance,
relative power and size of imposition). According to Maisaroh (2015) in her study Positive Politeness Strategy
used by characters in Memoirs of Geisha novel, the most factors that influence chosen polite strategies used by
characters in Memoirs of Geisha novel based on the Brown and Levinson theory is social distance. The analysis
of politeness strategies in Bride Wars movie conducted by Septiyani (2016) showed that positive politeness
had dominant result. The reason was because the characters tended to show their feelings and care towards
the other who were also close with them. The social distance of the characters might influence the
utterance. Due to its genre as family drama, there are parents, children, friends and best friends in Wonder
who may use the positive politeness towards someone they are close to. It is also to show their friendship
or closeness, solidarity and compliments. It is also found that in some of the politeness strategies utterances
there are four violation of maxims namely maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relevance and
maxim of manner.

5. Conclusion
Based on the findings, it can be conluded that there are 146 utterances of politeness strategies used in the
movie. Out of four strategies from Brown and Levinson (1987), the characters used four strategies; bald on
record, positive politeness, negative politeness and off record. Positive politeness is mostly used by the
characters as they uttered something. This may happen because of the social distance every character has
as family and friends. There are also violated maxims from cooperative principles in several utterances of
politeness strategies. For further research, the researcher might want to do research of politeness strategies,
cooperative principle and also illocutionary act from the novel. It can identify each elements in politeness
strategies, maxims and also the kindof illuctionary act of novel.

6. References
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