Unit 5 - Software
Unit 5 - Software
Unit 5 - Software
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Course Contents:
Unit 5. Software Architecture documentation: principles of sound documentation, refinement, context
diagrams, variability, software interfaces. Documenting the behavior of software elements and
softwaresystems, documentation package using a seven-part template.
Software Architecture Documentation
The software architecture document provides a comprehensive overview of the architecture of the
software system or may be consider a map of the software. We can use it to see, how the software is
structured. It mainly helps to understand the software’s modules and components without digging into the
code. It serves as a tool to communicate with others like developers and non-developers—about the
Below are the three primary goals for architectural documentation:
• Knowledge sharing- It is suitable to transfer knowledge between people working in different
functional areas of the project, as well as for knowledge transfer to new participants.
• Communication- Documentation is the starting point for interaction between different
stakeholders. It helps to share the ideas of the architect to the developers.
• Analyses- Documentation is also a starting point for future architectural reviews of the project.
Two approaches to create software architecture
There are two well-known approaches- top-down and bottom-up to create software and its architecture.
When we start from general idea and iteratively decompose system into smaller components, this is called
the top-down approach.
Alternatively, we can start with defining project goals and iteratively add more and more small pieces of
functionality to the system. All those small elements and their relations will compose system with its
architecture, this is called the bottom-up approach.
Principles of Sound Documentation
Principle 1: Write from the point of view of the reader
The Web-based design includes a component to support role-based user login and access control. Within
the context of a particular document, once a stakeholder logs in, the system generates a view tailored to
that stakeholder’s needs and access rights. The view might provide a part of the document as a Web form
to the architect and that same part as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file for a developer; a junior
architect is likely to benefit from guidance at a level that would cause a senior architect frustration.
Clickable pop-up windows show tips relevant to the role of the currently logged-in stakeholder. For
instance, if a junior architect is creating a primary presentation, the tip might provide guidance on
organizational standards or notations, while the tip for a developer would provide the semantics of the
notation used by the architect.
Principle 2: Avoid unnecessary repetition
The database back end of the system allows each piece of information to be created and maintained as
individual files and accessed by multiple users in a variety of contexts. Hyperlinking allows the illusion of
redundancy while completely removing its need. A glossary captures definitions in a single place and
provides a readily accessible and consistent reference for all stakeholders. Similarly, an acronym list is
created and is readily accessible at any time. Diagrams and other files can be created once and referenced
from multiple locations throughout the document.
Principle 3: Avoid ambiguity
While the use of natural language always allows for varied interpretation, the design reinforces the need
for precision and clarity. In addition, the use of Unified Modelling Language (UML) and other more formal
languages is supported by way of file upload.
Principle 4: Use a standard organization
A template, by nature, enforces the use of a standard organization. With this system’s design, we use Web
forms as templates that provide rigid structure to the document’s various elements.
Principle 5: Record rationale
The design provides entries specific to recording rationale in appropriate places and encourages their use
by querying the author if this section of the form is not used.
Principle 6: Keep documentation current but not too current
Keeping the documentation current is simple in Web-based documentation; however, issues associated
with “too current” are more pressing in this type of environment. The Web-based documentation system is
best backed with a configuration management system that makes available various levels of currency
based on the user’s role.
Principle 7: Review documentation for fitness of purpose
The Web-based design supports easy and immediate feedback on both the documentation’s form and
content as email links on every Web page.
Refinement is the idea that software is developed by moving through the levels of abstraction, beginning
at higher levels and, incrementally refining the software through each level of abstraction, providing more
detail at each increment. At higher levels, the software is merely its design models; at lower levels there
will be some code; at the lowest level the software has been completely developed.
At the early steps of the refinement process the software engineer does not necessarily know how the
software will perform what it needs to do. This is determined at each successive refinement step, as the
design and the software is elaborated upon.
Refinement can be seen as the compliment of abstraction. Abstraction is concerned with hiding lower
levels of detail; it moves from lower to higher levels. Refinement is the movement from higher levels of
detail to lower levels. Both concepts are necessary in developing software.
Context Diagram
The system context diagram (also known as a level 0 DFD) is the highest level in a data flow diagram and
contains only one process, representing the entire system, which establishes the context and boundaries
of the system to be modelled. It identifies the flows of information between the system and external
entities (i.e. actors). A context diagram is typically included in a requirements document. It must be read by
all project stakeholders and thus should be written in plain language, so the stakeholders can understand
Purpose of a System Context Diagram
The objective of the system context diagram is to focus attention on external factors and events that
should be considered in developing a complete set of systems requirements and constraints. A system
context diagram is often used early in a project to determine the scope under investigation. Thus, within
the document. A system context diagram represents all external entities that may interact with a system.
The entire software system is shown as a single process. Such a diagram pictures the system at the centre,
with no details of its interior structure, surrounded by all its External entities, interacting systems, and
Variability is the ability of a software artifact to be changed (e.g., configured, customized, extended,
adapted) for a specific context, in a pre-planned manner. This means, variability can be understood as
“anticipated change”.
• It helps manage commonalities and differences between systems.
• It supports the development of different versions of software by allowing the implementation of
variants within systems.
• It facilitates planned reuse of software artifacts in multiple products,
• It allows the delay of design decisions to the latest point that is economically feasible.
• It supports runtime adaptations of deployed systems.
Reasons for variability include the deferral of design decisions, multiple deployment / maintenance
Software Interfaces
Software interfaces (programming interfaces) are the languages, codes, and messages that programs use
to communicate with each other and to the hardware. An interface is a boundary across which two
independent entities meet and interact or communicate with each other. The characteristics of an
interface depend on the view type of its element. If the element is a component, the interface represents a
specific point of its potential interaction with its environment. If the element is a module, the interface is a
definition of services. There is a relation between these two kinds of interfaces, just as there is a relation
between components and modules.
By the element’s environment, we mean the set of other entities with which it interacts. We call those
other entities actors: An element’s actors are the other elements, users, or systems with which it interacts.
In general, an actor is an abstraction for external entities that interact with the system. Interaction is part
of the element’s interface. Interactions can take a variety of forms. Most involve the transfer of control
and/or data. Some are supported by standard programming-language constructs, such as local or remote
procedure calls (RPCs), data streams, shared memory, and message passing.
Some principles about interfaces:
• All elements have interfaces. All elements interact with their environment.
• An element’s interface contains view-specific information.
• Interfaces are two ways.
• An element can have multiple interfaces.
• An element can interact with more than one actor through the same interface.
An interface is documented with an interface specification: An interface specification is a statement of
what an architect chooses to make known about an element in order for other entities to interact or
communicate with it.
Documenting the behaviour of software elements and software systems
A software component simply cannot be differentiated from other software elements by the programming
language used to implement the component. The difference must be in how software components are
used. Software comprises many abstract, quality features, that is, the degree to which a component or
process meets specified requirement for example, an efficient component will receive more use than a
similar, inefficient component. It would be inappropriate, however, to define a software component as "an
efficient unit of functionality." Elements that comprise the following definition of the term software
component are described in the "Terms" sidebar. A software component is a software element that
conforms to a component model and can be independently deployed and composed without modification
according to a composition standard. A component model defines specific interaction and composition
standards. A component model implementation is the dedicated set of executable software elements
required to support the execution of components that conform to the model. A software component
infrastructure is a set of interacting software components designed to ensure that a software system or
subsystem constructed using those components and interfaces will satisfy clearly defined performance
The main goal of effective documentation is to ensure that developers and stakeholders are headed in the
same direction to accomplish the objectives of the project. To achieve them, plenty of documentation
types exist.
Product documentation describes the product that is being developed and provides instructions on how to
perform various tasks with it. Product documentation can be broken down into:
• System documentation and
• User documentation
System documentation represents documents that describe the system itself and its parts. It includes
requirements documents, design decisions, architecture descriptions, program source code, and help
User documentation covers manuals that are mainly prepared for end-users of the product and system
administrators. User documentation includes tutorials, user guides, troubleshooting manuals, installation,
and reference manuals.
Process documentation represents all documents produced during development and maintenance that
describe well, process. The common examples of process documentation are project plans, test schedules,
reports, standards, meeting notes, or even business correspondence.
The main difference between process and product documentation is that the first one record the process
of development and the second one describes the product that is being developed.
Documentation Package using a seven-part template
Each ECS view is presented as a number of related view packets. A view packet is a small, relatively self-
contained bundle of information about the system or a particular part of the system, rendered in the
languageelement and relation typesof the view to which it belongs. Two view packets are related to each
other as either parent/childbecause one shows a refinement of the information in the otheror as
siblingsbecause both are children of another view packet.
1. A primary presentation that shows the elements and their relationships that populate the view
packet. The primary presentation contains the information important to convey about the system,
in the vocabulary of that view, first.
The primary presentation is usually graphical. If so, the presentation will include a key that explains
the meaning of every symbol used. The first part of the key identifies the notation, If a defined
notation is being used, the key will name it and cite the document that defines it or defines the
version of it being used. If the notation is informal, the key will say so and proceed to define the
symbols and the meaning, if any, of colours, position, or other information-carrying aspects of the
2. Element catalog detailing at least those elements depicted in the primary presentation and others
that were omitted from the primary presentation. Specific parts of the catalog include-
• Elements and their properties- This section names each element in the view packet and lists
the properties of that element. For example, elements in a module decomposition view
have the property of "responsibility," an explanation of each module's role in the system,
and elements in a communicating-process view have timing parameters, among other
things, as properties.
• Relations and their properties -Each view has a specific type of relation that it depicts
among the elements in that view. However, if the primary presentation does not show all
the relations or if there are exceptions to what is depicted in the primary presentation, this
section will record that information.
• Element interface - An interface is a boundary across which elements interact or
communicate with each other. This section is where element interfaces are documented.
• Element behaviour- Some elements have complex interactions with their environment and
for purposes of understanding or analysis, the element's behaviour is documented.
3. Context diagram showing how the system depicted in the view packet relates to its environment.
4. Variability guide showing how to exercise any variation points that are a part of the architecture
shown in this view packet.
5. Architecture background explaining why the design reflected in the view packet came to be.
Itexplains why the design is as it is and to provide a convincing argument that it is sound.
Architecture background includes-
• Rationale- It explains why the design decisions reflected in the view packet were made and
gives a list of rejected alternatives and why they were rejected. This will prevent future
architects from pursuing dead ends in the face of required changes.
• Analysis results -This document the results of analyses that have been conducted, such as
the results of performance or security analyses, or a list of what would have to change in the
face of a particular kind of system modification.
• Assumptions - This document any assumptions the architect made when crafting the design.
Assumptions are generally about either environment or need.
• Environmental assumptions document what the architect assumes is available in the
environment that can be used by the system being designed. They also include assumptions
about invariants in the environment.
6. Other information – It includesno architectural and organization-specific information. "Other
information" will usually include management or configuration control information, change
histories, bibliographic references or lists of useful companion documents, mapping to
requirements, and the like.
7. Related view packets - It will name other view packets that are related to the one being described
in a parent/child or sibling capacity.