Internship-Report-Sharath Palle

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A.Y. 2021-22
Internship Certificate
Internship Place Details
Industry Name: The Sparks Foundation


External Supervisor Name: Pranav Dubey

Designation: Managing Director
Email ID: [email protected]
Contact Number: +65-8402-8590,

A. Company background-organization and activities

The Sparks Foundation (TSF) is a non-profit organization registered in India and Singapore. We envision
a world of enabled and connected little minds, building the futureThey aim to inspire students, help them
innovate, and let them integrate to build the next generation of humankind. The Sparks Foundation help
the students to integrate and help each other, learn from each other, and do well together.

The Graduate Rotational Internship Program (GRIP) is the flagship program of TSF in which students,
recent graduates, and professionals focus on technical skills development as well as professional profile
improvement on LinkedIn. The program gives young aspiring minds a learning platform to connect with
students and professionals from varied diversity, background, skills, and countries. During the Covid-19
pandemic, the format of GRIP is a 1-month, unpaid, and virtual internship

B. Scope and object of the study

Internet of Things (IoT) conceptualizes the idea of remotely connecting and monitoring
real world objects (things) through the Internet. Computer vision is the science that means to give a
comparative, if not better, capacity to a machine or PC. Computer vision is worried about the
programmed extraction, investigation and comprehension of valuable data from a single picture or a
grouping of pictures. Some of the basic image processing capabilities include filtering, edge detection,
corner detection, sampling and interpolation, color conversion, morphological operations, histograms and
many more. Color detection using opencv has many advantages like, it allows the detection of a specific
color in a livestream video content. In this opencv color detection system there are four major modules,
activated webcam, scan object, match frame parts and system results.
C. Personal observation

The internship opportunity that I had with The Sparks Foundation was a great chance
for learning and professional development. I'm grateful for having a chance to meet so
many wonderful people and professionals through this internship period. The credit for
the successful completion of this internship goes beyond my own work, to those people
who have always been with me throughout. I take this opportunity to express my
heartfelt gratitude to each one of them. OpenCV may be a library of programming
functions mainly aimed toward real-time computer vision. In simple language, it's a
library used for Image Processing. It’s mainly want to do all the operations associated
with Images. I put in the library on our computer. I begin writing your code which will
make use of the various features in OpenCV. I build this code and run it to perform the
task you described. OpenCV may be a Computer Vision library with APIs that permit
you found out a pipeline for your Computer Vision project. OpenCV-Python may be a
library of Python bindings designed to unravel computer vision problems
Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 Objectives

3 Motivation & Scope of the Study

4 Methodological Details

5 Results / Analysis / Inferences and Conclusion

6 Suggestions / Recommendations for Improvement to Industry

7 Reference (Library books, magazines and other sources)

8 Appendix
1. Introduction
With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence , Computer vision came into the picture in late
1960s. Its whole purpose was to increase the intellect of the artificial mechanism available by
installing the cameras into them and describe whatever they saw just like humans’ visual system.
Thus, Computer vision should be able to detect actual daily-life 3D objects through 2D pictures.
Every picture tells us a story, something present now or what has been going on at a particular

2. Objectives
In this color detection Python project, the objective of this study is to build an application
through which you can automatically get the name of the color by clicking on them.

3. Motivation & Scope of the Study

A. Motivation :
The motivation for developing computer vision is the human vision system which is richest sense
that we have. To us vision seems easy, but in reality we are processing around 60 images per
second with millions of points (pixels) in each image. In fact, over half the human brain is
involved in processing visual information, and this seems a good indication that this is a very
complex task.

B. Scope of the Study :

Colors are made up of 3 primary colors; red, green, and blue. In computers, we define each color
value within a range of 0 to 255. So in how many ways we can define a color? The answer is
256*256*256 = 16,581,375. There are approximately 16.5 million different ways to represent a
color. In our dataset, we need to map each color’s values with their corresponding names. But
don’t worry, we don’t need to map all the values. We will be using a dataset that contains RGB
values with their corresponding names.
In this work, we design and implement a color recognizer using Python. This process is also
known as “Color Detection”. We will create a basic application that will help us to detect the
colors in an image. The program will also return as the RGB values of the colors, which is really
helpful. Many graphic designers and web designers will understand how RGB values can be
helpful. Building a color recognizer is a great project to get started with Computer Vision.
4. Methodological Details

Step 1 :
Install Python-OpenCV To implement this project.

First import all the required modules.

Then we read the Image File.

We have colors.csv which has all the encodings of the color as shown below.

Then we initialize the variables,

This part of the code converts them to R,G,B Values.

This R,G,B values are then converted to the color using the data frame that was loaded
previously with the minimum deviation.

This part prints color on the screen.

5. Results / Analysis / Inferences and Conclusion
A. Results
B. Analysis :

Now a days , importance and the study over the computer vision in field of industrial,
academics are on a hike. Specifically when dealing with the industrial environment, This
design can be used for various application based upon vision through computer for the
purpose of identifying, differentiating and collection of various object are done based
upon color , shape and size which are the primary factors. This can be done with help of
an OpenCV.

C. Inferences :

As part of Inferences, I want to mention about OpenCV is Open Computer Vision

Library. It was initially launched in 1999 by Intel. With more updates, it has been
modified since then to aim for the real-time computer vision. This library has been
written under programming languages like C and C+. It can be easily run on operating
systems Windows and Linux. This library can be easily interface with programing
languages like Python, MATLAB, Ruby and others as well. Along with Numpy [and
Python image processing (shape & color detection) can be performed at ease.
D. Conclusion :

In a nutshell, this internship has been an excellent and rewarding experience. I can
conclude that there has been a lot I've learnt from my work at The Sparks Foundation,
despite having completed multiple courses in the field of IoT & Computer Vision this
was my first time using it to this extent. This allowed me to see the real world
application of these tools.

6. Suggestions / Recommendations for Improvement to Industry

A. Suggestions:
Computer vision has still not attained a level wherein it can be directly put into use to
solve life problems, as it is still in its developmental phase. The main purpose is to detect
various shapes and colors in a given sample image. The most challenging part in this task
was to determine shape and color when two figures overlapped. Small figures inside the
big figures was quite challenging. First, we detected small contours, its shapes and then
the bigger contour and its shape. We then moved to detect its colors. Computer Vision is
a sub-part on Machine Learning.

B. Recommendations for Improvement to Industry :

Computer vision can be used to solve the most intriguing problems with utmost
sophistication. All the basics regarding the detection technique along with different ways to
achieve it have been profoundly discussed,

7. Reference

[1] Reetu Awasthiand Khushboo Khurana, “Techniques for Object Recognition in Images and Multi-
Object Detection”,(IJARCET), ISSN:2278-1323,4th , April 2013.
[2] Artificial Intelligence. (December 2017). Retrieved from
[3] Computer Vision. (December 2017). Retrievedfrom
[4] Computer Vision’s Open Source. (December 2017). Retrieved from
[5] (2017, December 17). Object Detection [Online]. Available:
[6], 2017. [Online].
Available: [7]
8. Appendix

A. Checklist for the internship file submission

304199: Internship (TE E&Tc 2019 Course)

Sr. Checklist Name Available Remarks

No. & Attached
1 Student Request/Permission Letter for Internship (If
available include it in the Appendix of the Internship
2 Internship confirmation Letter/ Email (Mandatory to
include it in the Appendix of the Internship Report)
3 Joining Report/ Letter / Email. (Mandatory to include it
in the Appendix of the Internship Report)
4 Weekly Update Report Submitted to the Mentor by an
Email or Printed copy
5 Internship Workbook with timely entries
6 Internship Training Report After Completion of
Internship (Mandatory to Prepare and Bring it on the day
of Presentation/Oral Exam)
7 Internship Certificate (Mandatory to include it in the
internship training report)
8 Feedback on your availability & performance during
your internship, an email/letter from the external mentor
(Mandatory to include it in the Appendix of the
Internship Report)

Student Name:


B. Student Request/Permission Letter for Internship (if available) scan copy

C. Internship confirmation letter/ email scan copy

D. Joining Report/ Letter / Email scan copy

E. Feedback from internship supervisor (External and Internal) with following recommended
parameters through a email or letter:
a. Technical knowledge
b. Discipline
c. Punctuality
d. Commitment
e. Willingness to do the work
f. Communication skill
g. Individual work
h. Team work
i. Leadership

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