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Chiara Battistoni
10 /05 Phd in Management, Production and Design
Politecnico di Torino

DIGEP PhD Systemic design for sustainable territorial

development: From Systemic Incubator to
Ecosystem definition to support local
eco-entrepreneurship and obtain autopoietic

SEMINAR local economies

Department of
Management and
Production Engineering

Nowadays, the linear production models should be reconsidered to meet future challenges and the
current need for sustainability at the economic, social and environmental level. Holistic thinking is needed
to tackle complexity and producing a shift in production and economic models reaching a Blue and
Circular economy.
Systemic Design (SD) demonstrated to be an approach able to connect the territory, design and
environmental issues creating a local sustainable development and designing out waste. Despite their
high value, the implementation of SD complex projects is difficult due to several reasons.
Currently, the implementation of innovation projects is mainly delegated to Business Incubators which are
not considering the environmental impact of these new ventures. To design a new kind of Incubator which
can support the implementation of SD complex projects, the research cross SD, entrepreneurship and
environmental sustainability, understanding how best support this implementation to obtain sustainable
local development.
The gap in literature approaching environmental sustainability in innovation implementation is overpassed
through case studies find through field research and a multiple case study analysis was conducted among
them. A focus was on the Scottish Ecosystem, a forerunner country. Through this study, the first draft of

a new systemic Incubator was designed. This concept evolved finally in the design of an ecosystem able
to stimulate and foster the born and the implementation of eco-innovative systemic projects with the goal

to create and support autopoietic local economies.

h. 12.00
Sala DIGEP B Chiara Battistoni is an Italian Eco and Systemic Designer born in Torino in 1988. Currently, she is pursuing
Politecnico di Torino a PhD in Management, Production and Design in Politecnico di Torino (IT), working with the Systemic
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 Design Research Group in the Department of Architecture and Design. Thanks to the bachelor degree in
Torino Industrial Design and the master in Ecodesign (now “Systemic Design, Aurelio Peccei”), she is actively
interested in sustainable environmental design for territorial development. Since 2015 she is the teacher
assistant of the course ‘Systemic Design’ in Politecnico di Torino (IT) and in 2019 she was a PhD visitor
for 3 months in the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (UK).

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A light lunch will be offered to all participants at the end of the seminar

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