Spark 2 Int Test 3
Spark 2 Int Test 3
Spark 2 Int Test 3
NAME ............................................................................................... DATE .....................................
CLASS ................................................................................................ MARK ––––––
(Time 50 minutes)
A Fill in: live, prepared, believe, C Circle the correct preposition.
alive, took.
11 The children had a great time throwing snowballs
1 Anna ……………...…….. a special at/to each other at the amusement park.
dish for the party. 12 We all sang in/to the music at the concert.
2 The town really came 13 They stayed at/from the carnival all day long.
……………... 14 We enjoyed listening for/to the band’s new CD.
during the music festival. 15 She won a prize to/for the best traditional costume.
Marks ____
3 Alice …………...…….. a snapshot
____ 5
of us at the party.
51 5
4 Everyone danced to the …………
5 Many people ……………...…….. Grammar
the Loch Ness Monster is real. D Complete the email using the past
Marks ____
51 5 continuous form of the verb in brackets.
Last summer,
Marks ____
53 15