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Sir David Attenborough

David Attenborough is a wildlife film-maker and naturalist. He

has been making television programmes for over 60 years and
many people believe him to be a national treasure.

Early Life
David Frederick Attenborough was Television
born in London on 8th May 1926. His
David joined the BBC in 1952 as a
father was the head of a university in
producer. In 1954, he began working
Leicester so David grew up living on
on a programme called ‘Zoo Quest’.
the grounds of the university with his
This programme showed animals in
family. David lived with his parents
their natural environment, which was
and his two brothers called Richard
unusual at the time.
and John.
David left the BBC in 1972 so he could
Did You Know...? create his own shows. He started a
David was born 17 days after series called ‘Life on Earth’ in 1976
Queen Elizabeth II. which became very popular.

David’s ‘Planet Earth’ has become the

David loved science and nature as a biggest wildlife documentary ever
child and collected fossils, rocks and made and was the first show to air in
birds’ eggs. He went to Cambridge high definition on the BBC.
University to learn more about nature
after finishing school. David was then Did You Know...?
called to do two years of service in the When David started working for the
Royal Navy in North Wales. BBC, he did not own a television.

His Achievements
David has earned many awards throughout his career. He
received his first knighthood from The Queen in 1985, which
means he is now called ‘Sir David Attenborough’. He has also
had several species of plants, insects and birds named after him.

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Sir David Attenborough
Many of David’s recent programmes talk
about the damage that humans are doing
to our planet. He works hard to show people
the effects of plastic pollution and other
environmental issues that are damaging our
planet. He works hard to encourage people
to look after our Earth and the plants and
animals that depend on it. Did You Know...?
David was an important
speaker at the COP26 climate
change conference in 2021.

high definition: A very detailed and high-quality image on a screen.

naturalist: A person who studies animals, plants, birds and other living things.

university: A place where adults go to study and continue their education.

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Sir David Attenborough

1. For how long has David Attenborough been making television programmes? Tick one.
50 years
60 years
60 months
50 months

2. What is the name of the programme David worked on in 1954? Tick one.
Life on Earth
Life in Cold Blood
Zoo Quest
Animal Quest
3. Draw four lines and complete each sentence.

David loved science and in their natural

nature as a child and… environment.

David works hard to

the plants and animals
encourage people to look
that depend on it.
after our Earth and…

‘Zoo Quest’ showed collected fossils, rocks and

animals… birds’ eggs.

at the COP26 climate

David was an important
change conference in

4. Where was David born? Tick one.

North Wales

5. What did David learn about at university?

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Sir David Attenborough

6. Look at the section called His Achievements.

Find and copy one word that means ‘not long ago’.

7. Many of David’s recent programmes talk about the damage that humans are making to
our planet.
Why do you think that David chose to talk about these things in his programmes?

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Sir David Attenborough

1. For how long has David Attenborough been making television programmes? Tick one.
50 years
60 years
60 months
50 months

2. What is the name of the programme David worked on in 1954? Tick one.
Life on Earth
Life in Cold Blood
Zoo Quest
Animal Quest
3. Draw four lines and complete each sentence.

David loved science and in their natural

nature as a child and… environment.

David works hard to

the plants and animals
encourage people to look
that depend on it.
after our Earth and…

‘Zoo Quest’ showed collected fossils, rocks and

animals… birds’ eggs.

at the COP26 climate

David was an important
change conference in

4. Where was David born? Tick one.

North Wales

5. What did David learn about at university?

He went to Cambridge University to learn more about nature.

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Sir David Attenborough

6. Look at the section called His Achievements.

Find and copy one word that means ‘not long ago’.

7. Many of David’s recent programmes talk about the damage that humans are making to
our planet.
Why do you think that David chose to talk about these things in his programmes?
Pupils’ own responses, such as: I think David chose to talk about these things so that
the people watching will pay attention and try to make changes and do things that help
our planet, such as recycling.

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Sir David Attenborough
David Attenborough is a wildlife film-maker, presenter and naturalist.
He has introduced millions of people to a variety of animals from
around the world. David talks a lot about climate change and played
an important role in the COP26 climate conference.

His Younger Years and Family Life

His Career
David Frederick Attenborough was
born on 8th May 1926 in London. He David returned to London after
and his two brothers grew up living the Second World War and started
at the University College in Leicester working as a producer for the BBC.
where their father was the head of This was the beginning of his amazing
the university. career in television.

In 1954, David created a show called

Did You Know...?
‘Zoo Quest’. This was filmed in many
David’s brother Richard Attenborough interesting places and showed animals
was a famous actor and director. in their natural environment. This
was quite unusual at the time and the
show was very popular with viewers.
David became interested in the natural
world and animals from a young age David left the BBC in 1972 so he could
and enjoyed collecting birds’ eggs and write and produce his own shows. His
fossils. Once he had finished school, most successful programme was ‘Life
David studied natural sciences at the on Earth’, which was first shown on
University of Cambridge. However, TV in 1976. As well as making many
David was called to serve for two years other shows throughout his career,
in the Royal Navy once he completed he continued to make other ‘Life’
university. David later married Jane programmes. Each one focused on a
Oriel in 1950 and they had two different plant or animal group.
children together.

More recently, David’s ‘Planet Earth’

has become the biggest wildlife
documentary ever made and
was the first show to air in high
definition on the BBC.

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Sir David Attenborough
His Achievements
David has gained many awards David has helped people to better
throughout his career. In 1985, He understand the world around them
received his first knighthood from The and the need to care for it. He is a
Queen and was given the title of Sir leading figure in the fight against
David Attenborough. plastic pollution, the protection of
rainforests and other issues that
Did You Know...? are damaging our planet.
David has many species of plants,
insects and birds named after him, such
as the Nepenthes attenboroughii. This is
a giant plant that eats small animals.

Did You Know...?

In 2021, David spoke at the COP26
climate change conference where he
urged world leaders to take action
against climate change.

high definition: A very detailed and high-quality image on a screen.

naturalist: A person who studies animals, plants, birds and other living things.

university: A place where adults go to study and continue their education.

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Sir David Attenborough

1. When was David born? Tick one.
6th May 1928
8th May 1925
5th May 1926
8th May 1926

2. Why did David grow up living at the University College in Leicester? Tick one.
His father studied there.
They didn’t have a house.
His father was the head of the university.
David wanted to learn so they lived there.

3. Number the events from 1-5 to show the order that they appear in the text. The first one
has been done for you.

1 David was born in London.

‘Life on Earth’ was first shown on TV.
David left the BBC.
David received a knighthood from The Queen.
David created a show called ‘Zoo Quest’.

4. What was unusual at the time about the show ‘Zoo Quest’?
It was filmed in a zoo.
It showed animals in their natural environment.
It was filmed in colour and not black and white.
It was presented by David Attenborough.

5. What did David collect as a child?

6. Fill in the missing words.

He is a leading figure in the fight against plastic , the
protection of and other issues that are damaging our planet.

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Sir David Attenborough
7. Why do you think David is fighting against plastic pollution?

8. Why do you think that the author of the text has written that David has had an amazing
career in television?

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Sir David Attenborough

1. When was David born? Tick one.
6th May 1928
8th May 1925
5th May 1926
8th May 1926

2. Why did David grow up living at the University College in Leicester? Tick one.
His father studied there.
They didn’t have a house.
His father was the head of the university.
David wanted to learn so they lived there.

3. Number the events from 1-5 to show the order that they appear in the text. The first one
has been done for you.

1 David was born in London.

4 ‘Life on Earth’ was first shown on TV.
3 David left the BBC.
5 David received a knighthood from The Queen.
2 David created a show called ‘Zoo Quest’.

4. What was unusual at the time about the show ‘Zoo Quest’?
It was filmed in a zoo.
It showed animals in their natural environment.
It was filmed in colour and not black and white.
It was presented by David Attenborough.

5. What did David collect as a child?

David enjoyed collecting birds’ eggs and fossils.

6. Fill in the missing words.

He is a leading figure in the fight against plastic pollution, the protection of rainforests
and other issues that are damaging our planet.

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Sir David Attenborough
7. Why do you think David is fighting against plastic pollution?
Pupils’ own responses, such as: I think David is fighting against plastic pollution
because he cares about the planet and wants humans to look after it.

8. Why do you think that the author of the text has written that David has had an amazing
career in television?
Pupils’ own responses, such as: I think the author said this because David has produced
lots of popular programmes over many years. He has helped to make a difference by
teaching people about important issues affecting the planet.

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Sir David Attenborough
Sir David Attenborough is a natural historian and broadcaster who
has introduced millions of people to a variety of animals from around
the world. David is an important climate change campaigner and
played a key role in the COP26 climate conference.

His Career
His Younger Years and Family Life After the war ended,
David returned to London and by
David Frederick Attenborough was
1952, he was working as a producer
born on 8th May 1926 in London. He
for the BBC. This was the beginning of
and his two brothers were raised on
his amazing career in television.
the campus of the University College
in Leicester where their father was a In 1954, David began making a
university principal and writer. successful television series called ‘Zoo
Quest’. The series filmed animals
Brothers in Broadcasting
in the wild, allowing viewers to see
David’s brother was Richard them in their natural environment in
Attenborough: an award-winning sometimes far-off and exotic locations.
actor and director.
BBC Two was created in 1965
and David started working as
David became interested in the natural
both controller and director of
world and animals from a young
programming. He continued to bring
age. By the age of seven, he had an
viewers educational programmes
impressive collection of birds’ eggs and
about nature and history. However,
fossils. Once he had finished school,
David resigned from the BBC in 1972
David studied natural sciences at the
to follow his own interests and work
University of Cambridge. However,
independently. David began to write
David was called to serve for two years
and produce many TV series on his
in the Royal Navy once he graduated.
own. His most successful programme
In 1950, David married Jane Oriel and
was ‘Life on Earth’, which first aired in
they had two children together.
1976. ‘Life on Earth’ was a series that
explored wildlife in its natural habitat
around the world. The show was very
popular and up to 500 million people
tuned in to watch it.

More recently, David’s ‘Planet Earth’ has become the

biggest wildlife documentary ever made and was the
first show to air in high definition on the BBC.

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Sir David Attenborough
David has gained many awards David has made significant
throughout his career. In 1985, he contributions to our
received his first knighthood from the understanding of nature
Queen and was given the title of Sir and the need to care for it.
David Attenborough. David is a leading figure
in the fight against plastic
David has several species of plants,
pollution, deforestation and
insects and birds named after him, such
other issues that are having
as the Nepenthes attenboroughii. This is a
a damaging impact on our
giant plant that eats small animals.
planet. In 2021, David
spoke at the COP26 climate
change conference where he urged
world leaders to take action against
climate change.

broadcaster: Someone who appears in radio or television programmes.

campaigner: A person who works to bring about change.

campus: The grounds of a university or college.

deforestation: Clearing large areas of trees, such as those in rainforests.

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Sir David Attenborough

1. Which jobs did David’s father have? Tick two.
university principal
2. How many children did David and his wife have? Tick one.


3. When did David marry his wife, Jane Oriel?

4. Fill in the missing words.

‘Zoo Quest’ filmed animals in the wild, allowing to see animals in
their natural in sometimes far-off and exotic locations.

5. What job did David start when BBC Two was created?

6. ‘Zoo Quest’ filmed animals in the wild, allowing viewers to see animals in their natural
environment in sometimes far-off and exotic locations.
What does the word ‘exotic’ mean?

7. Why do you think that David was asked to speak at the COP26 climate change conference?

8. Summarise what you have learnt about David in 25 words or fewer.

Sir David Attenborough

1. Which jobs did David’s father have? Tick two.
university principal
2. How many children did David and his wife have? Tick one.

3. When did David marry his wife, Jane Oriel?

David married Jane Oriel in 1950.

4. Fill in the missing words.

‘Zoo Quest’ filmed animals in the wild, allowing viewers to see animals in their natural
environment in sometimes far-off and exotic locations.

5. What job did David start when BBC Two was created?
David started working as both controller and director of programming.

6. ‘Zoo Quest’ filmed animals in the wild, allowing viewers to see animals in their natural
environment in sometimes far-off and exotic locations.
What does the word ‘exotic’ mean?
Pupils’ own responses, such as: The word ‘exotic’ means when something comes from a
far and distant part of the world.

7. Why do you think that David was asked to speak at the COP26 climate change conference?
Pupils’ own responses, such as: I think David was asked because he is a well-known
person and is respected by many. He has also produced lots of programmes where he
talks about climate change so people may view him as an expert in that area.

8. Summarise what you have learnt about David in 25 words or fewer.

Pupils’ own responses, such as: Sir David Attenborough has been making popular
wildlife programmes for over 60 years. He has been knighted by The Queen and has
spoken at COP26.


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