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16th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition Antalya, Turkey 21-24 Sept 2014

Influence of Atmospheric Conditions on the

Corona Effect in HV Power Systems
DIB Djalel DAAS Abdelhakim
Department of electrical engineering, Laboratory of electrical Department of electromechanical engineering,
engineering LABGET University of Tebessa, 12002, Algeria, University of Skikda, Skikda, 21000, Algeria
email: [email protected], email: [email protected]

Abstract— Electrical networks of power transmission

practically deals in the bulk transfer of electrical energy, from
generating stations situated many kilometers away from the main
consumption centers or the cities. For this reason the long
distance transmission cables are of utmost necessity for effective
power transfer, which in-evidently results in huge losses across
the system. The Reliable electrical network is one that transports
the energy with minimal power losses, losses corona effect
represent one of causes that hinder reaching this performance in
HV lines are either permanent mode or in the transient mode.
In this paper we present the phenomenon of corona and its
behavior in different climatic and atmospheric conditions such as
rain, humidity, the dust, the sand, dry weather of the one part and
over-voltages induced by strokes lightning.
We deal in this paper, the influence of the corona under these Fig.1 Corona Effect in Transmission Line
different conditions on the power losses in the power lines and
the proposal of a new model of three-phase line with transient When an alternating current is made to flow across two
corona. conductors of the transmission line whose spacing is large
compared to their diameters, then air surrounding the
Keywords— Electrical networks, power losses, corona effect, conductors (composed of ions) is subjected to di-electric
atmospheric conditions, high voltage, electric field, line model. stress. At low values of supply end voltage, nothing really
occurs as the stress is too less to ionize the air outside. But
I. IINTRODUCTION when the potential difference is made to increase beyond
some threshold value of around 30 kV known as the

T HE corona effect is a special phenomenon in power critical disruptive voltage, then the field strength increases
system engineering which can be observed in cables of and then the air surrounding it experiences stress high
power stations, substations and in transmission lines. For enough to be dissociated into ions making the atmosphere
high voltage lines corona effect is much more predominant conducting. This phenomenon of electrical discharge
than for low voltage system. In ac transmission lines if there occurring in transmission line for high values of voltage is
are two conductors whose spacing is much larger than their known as the corona effect in power system. If the
diameter then air surrounding the conductor is subjected to voltage across the lines is still increased the glow becomes
electrostatic stresses. This takes place only for high voltage more and more intense along with hissing noise, inducing
transmission lines. When the applied potential difference very high power loss into the system which must be
across two conductors reaches a critical value called critical accounted for.
disruptive voltage then a faint luminous glow of violet color
appears surrounding the conductors. This phenomenon is A. Effects due to Corona
known as visual corona which is also provided with a
hissing sound. For corona effect to occur effectively, two Corona is a phenomenon which is accompanied by
factors here are of prime importance as mentioned below: loss of energy. We have already discussed that corona
occurs when the potential difference (p.d) between two
conductors in a transmission line exceeds a critical voltage
x Alternating potential difference must be supplied across value. The loss of energy also increases when the p.d is
the line. increased beyond critical voltage. Power loss due to corona
x The spacing of the conductors, must be large enough depends upon weather conditions. During humid and moist
compared to the line diameter. climatic condition corona loss is much increased while it is
reduced for dry climatic condition. The corona loss or
corona power loss is dissipated in the form of light, heat,
sound and chemical action. In case of ac system the current
due to corona is non-sinusoidal in nature. The power loss


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due to corona is compelled to have some effect on the In overhead power lines, it causes power loss, audible
efficiency of the transmission line but it does not have any noise, electromagnetic interference, purple glow, ozone
appreciable effect on the voltage regulation. Different production, etc. Hence to minimize this negative effects, the
formulas are used to find out corona power loss for fair conductor surface condition, size, distance to ground and
weather and for stormy weather condition. Let us see the other conductors has to be considered when planning and
corona effects at a glance. construction of overhead power lines [3-4]. In transmission
of electricity ac voltages are used to transmit electric power
x Violet color glow is observed around the conductor of because of their efficiency against dc voltage. The basic
transmission lines, which is maximum for rough or dirty difference between ac and dc coronas is the periodic change
conductor surface. in direction of the applied field under ac, and its effect on
x Hissing sound is always produced owing to corona the residual space charge left over from the discharge
phenomenon. during preceding half-cycles. In an ac corona trichel pulses,
x Ozone gas is produced along with hissing noise and negative glow and positive glow and streamer coronas can
violet glow and the gas can be detected by characteristic. be observed.
x Power loss or corona loss can be measured by a
wattmeter connected in the electric circuit.
x Corona induces harmonic current so the charging The corona process begins then the voltage, applied to
current due to corona also increases. electrode system, reaches the corona inception voltage u0 .
The corona inception electric field strength value could be
B. Factors Affecting Corona Effect in Power System calculated using equation:
As mentioned earlier, the line voltage of the conductor is
the main determining factor for corona in transmission ª 0.298 º
lines, at low values of voltage (lesser than critical disruptive E0 30.3M .G «1  » (1)
«¬ ro .G »¼
voltage) the stress on the air is too less to dissociate them,
and hence no electrical discharge occurs. Since with
increasing voltage corona effect in a transmission line P 293
And G .
occurs due to the ionization of atmospheric air surrounding 760 T
the cables, it is mainly affected by the conditions of the
cable as well as the physical state of the atmosphere. Let us Where:
look into these criterion now with greater details : į : coefficient, which evaluate environmental conditions;
r0 - radius of conductor;
C. Atmospheric Conditions for Corona in power Lines M - evaluate the convolution of conductor.

It has been physically proven that the voltage gradient A. AnalysisoftheTransientCycleofCharge

for di-electric breakdown of air is directly proportional to
From the famous experimental tests of Mr. Claude Gary
the density of air. Hence in a stormy day, due to continuous
[2] in EDF laboratories translated by several charge cycles
air flow the number of ions present surrounding the
q=f(U), we describe the influence of the corona effect on
conductor is far more than normal, and hence its more likely
the conductor's state through its contour and its lineic
to have electrical discharge in transmission lines on such a
parameters, especially its capacity that will take other
day, compared to a day with fairly clear weather.
transient values.
D. Condition of Cables for Corona in Transmission Line
Q [c ]

This phenomena depends highly on the conductors and 8

its physical condition. It has an inverse proportionality 7

relationship with the diameter of the conductors. i.e. with

the increase in diameter, the effect of corona in power 6

system reduces considerably. Also the presence of dirt or 5

roughness of the conductor reduces the critical breakdown 4

voltage, making the conductors more prone to corona 3

losses. Hence in most cities and industrial areas having high

pollution, this factor is of reasonable importance to counter

the ill effects it has on the system. 1

U1 U2 U[kV]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Fig.2 Model of Charge cycle Q=f(U)

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16th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition Antalya, Turkey 21-24 Sept 2014

A shared linearization of one of these graphics (figure-2) 'q 'q1  'q2 qesp
and by the numeric regression simple methods, we can
interpret the charge quantity variation around the conductor 'C 'C1  'C2 Ccor
according to the applied voltage by the following
expressions: The analytic development of these equations leads us to
express the charge amount evolution according to the
for U< U1 : q = Cg.U applied voltage surrounding the conductor of the lightning
for U • U1 : q = qg + qesp = Cg.U+qesp (2) impact by:

q UCg  (U - U1 )(C1 - Cg )  (U -U 2 )(C2 - C1 ) (6)

Before the corona effect apparition, the charge quantity
around the conductor is only capacitive and linear according
to the transient voltage: In the same way for the static capacity between the
conductor and soil according to the applied voltage by:
Q(t) = C.U(t) (3)
U1 U
C C g  (1 - )(C 1 - C g )  (1 - 2 )(C 2 - C 1 ) (7)
U1: is the equivalent voltage threshold to Ec. U U
Cg: is the geometric capacity of the line
qesp is the supplementary charge quantity in the space caused with C1=Ccor1 and C2=Ccor2 which represent the additional
by the corona effect and it is a non- linear function of the capacities corresponding to voltages U1,U2
applied voltage and its derivation (dq/du).

B. Computation of Superficial Electric Field of Conductor

In generally, the superficial field is calculated by the Gauss
E s q / 2SH 0 .r (8)

Es : superficial field (V/Cm) ;

q : superficial charge (C/Cm);
r Equivalent radius of the sleek conductor (Cm) ;
İ0 = 1/36ʌ.109 : vacuum permittivity (F/m).
Fig. 3 charge cycle linearization q=f(U)

From the linearized curve (Fig 4) we determine 03 steps of IV. PARAMETERS AFFECTING LOSS CORONA
the cycle evolution :
The corona losses are varied from one place to another by
Step OA1: corresponds to the voltage zone lower than the influence of the following various parameters:
critical voltage U1 with a slope. • The climate (weather)
• Rain, humidity and dry weather
q • The altitude;
q CgU œ Cg • The frequency of the network;
U • Sand
x Step A1A2: corresponds to the first ionization phase and of
corona activity which will provide a dynamic capacity A. The Influence of Rain
superior to Cg: The influence of rain is most notable when losses vary
with the intensity of the rain and the surface of the
q C cor 1 U  'q1 conductors are the most important parameters in the
(4) creation of power losses corona. During light rain where the
C cor 1 C g  'C 1 conductors are clean, it forms a large quantity of droplets
x Step A2AM: corresponds to the second and the extreme represent all possible sources of egrets, In the case of an old
ionization phase and its slope reinforces the dynamic conductor is formed of a dust deposit more or less
capacity superior to Cg: carbonized absorbing rainwater of which is determined and
forms a thin wire to which the effect of improving the
q C cor 2 U  ' q 2 surface condition of the driver.
C cor C  'C2 These losses under low rain are expressed by: [02]
2 g

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For Es* ” 0,69 : Ppl. fai 0,05.106,66( Es 0, 475) (9) For E*s” 0,775: Pt .hum 0,1.10 6,35( ES 0, 60) (13)

For E*s > 0,775: Pt .hum 1,5.10 3( E S  0 ,80 ) (14)
Ppl . fai 2.10 2, 74( Es 0,765) (10)

Es* = Emax / Ec ; Relative Superficial field

Power losses [kW]



During heavy rain, large drops form a mask on the 0.3


Power losses [kW]

0.3 0.1

0.25 superficial electric Field Es [kV/m]

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Fig. 6 Influence Humidity in corona effect and power
losses For Es*  0,775
superficial electric Field Es [kV/m]
power losses [kW]
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Fig. 4 Influence Rain in corona effect and power losses 4000

For Es* > 0,69



Power losses [kW]


superficial electric Field Es [kV/m]

0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Fig. 7 Influence Humidity in corona effect and power
500 losses For Es* !0,775
superficial electric Field Es [kV/m]
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 C. The Influence of the Dry Weather

Fig. 5 Influence Rain in corona effect and power losses

Losses depend on the surface condition of the conductor
which depends on the details of construction and local
For Es* > 0,69 ambient conditions (grease, pollution, insects) as well as the
Losses in heavy rain are expressed by: aging factor of the conductor.

Losses in dry weather are expressed by:
For E*s ” 0,82 : Ppl . for 0,2.10 4,83( ES 0,74) (11)
( ES  0 , 70 )
Pt . sec P0 .r 1,8 .(n  6) 2 .10 7 (15)
2 , 65 ( E S  0 , 70 )
For E*s > 0,82 : Ppl . for 0,2.10 (12)

D. The Influence of sand

B. The influence of Humidity
With the presence of sand , corona losses are relatively
The variation of the humidity of the air provokes a
large due to deformation of the electric field due to the
variation in the domain of the existence of the corona, it
increase in its intensity next to each sand particle .
will be intense and inhomogeneous dot enlarged the region
of the crown. Losses in wet weather are expressed by:
E. The Influence of Altitude
When a line crosses a mountainous region of high

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altitude, the air pressure decreases with the weakening of The general solution of the telegraphic equations for a line
the air density. without losses [ 4 ] with a theory of mobile waves applied
to the single observer of Bergeron [ 9]:
F. The Influence of frequency Network
According to the following formula note that the power U k (t  W )  Z c ikm (t  W ) U m (t )  Z c imk (t ) (21)
dissipated by corona [02] is proportional to the frequency of U m (t )
the network: imk (t )  I mk (t  W ) (22)
P f .W (16 ) That makes it possible Bergeron to resort to the following
P: The energy dissipated per second ;
f : The frequency of the network;
W : The energy dissipated per period.

G. Superficial Electric Field Resources

Knowing the loads per unit length q drivers , we easily
deduce the surface gradients means [ 01] voltage by
applying the theorem of Gauss : Fig. 8 Bergeron mode l for a line with distributed
constants and without loss.
• In the case of a conductor of radius rc , the average surface
electric field is : A. Model of J R. Marti
In the J R. Marti model, the impedance characteristic Zc of
E s.moy q / 2OH 0 .rc (17) the line is represented by a chain of circuits R-C, Zeq, [8].
Replacing Zc by impedance Zeq, J R. Marti [4] lead to the
x In the case of a bundle of n conductors: the surface following model:
electric field is:

E s .moy (1 / n ).( q / 2OH 0 .réq ) (18)

F. Maximum Superficial Electric Field

The interaction of the effects of different conductors
resulting in non-uniformity of the field (it is greater outside Fig.09 Model of J R. Marti of a line with parameters
than inside of the bundle). depending on the frequency.
The field is then given by:
The power source of the equivalent shape will be the sum of
the two following source.
Es .max Es .moy .>1  ( n  1).(rc / réq )@;V / cm (19)
I k (t )  ³ ih (t  v)a1a (v)dv (23)
ih : is the sum of imk(t) and the current which crosses the
In the literature, we find models of power line with and characteristic impedance to the node m
without transient corona effect, these which does not take a1a : is the opposite Fourier transform of the weighting
account of the corona discharge is based primarily on the function.
telegraphic equations. For the models with corona effect are based on :
- The variation of the charge cycle around the conductor
wu ( x, t ) wi ( x, t ) with the voltage applied as the Gary Cycle.
 Ri ( x, t )  L
wx wt - The no linearity of the telegraphic equations.
wi ( x, t ) wu ( x, t ) (20) - The instability of the linear capacity value.
Gu ( x, t )  C
wx wt
C. Boehme Model
This model without corona effect meaning with linear In the presence of corona effect, the telegraphic
parameters which do not change values in particular its equations are not linear, Boehme [4] proposes an original
capacity, among the existing models we can extract: approach of the atmospheric over voltages deformation.
However, its model treats only the single-phase line; the
For line without losses, of propagation constant W, real surge wave applied to the one on the line ends is divided
characteristic impedance Zc and ends K, m. into a number n of samples.
When the conductor potential is higher than the threshold
of effect corona, it develops around the conductor a charges

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space having for consequence an increase in the capacity of These equations (25) and (26) will be an important
the line. For each sample of the surge wave corresponds a advantage to construct a corresponding model, fig (9):
new capacity and thus a propagation velocity. q UCg  (U - U 1 )(Ccor1 - C g )  (U - U 2 )(Ccor2 - Ccor1 ) (25)
Boehme formulates the telegraphic equations adapted to
the corona effect as follows: U1 U (26)
Cstat C g  (1- )(Ccor1 - C g )  (1- 2 )(Ccor2 - Ccor1 )
w>V ( x, t ) @ w>I ( x, t ) @
>R @>I ( x, t ) @  >L @ (23)
wx wt

[Q (x, t)]=[C] [V (x, t)] ;

w >V ( x , t ) @
>C @-1 w>Q ( x, t )@ (24)
wx wt
with [C]-1=[D]

D. E
MTP Model by J.F.Guilliet
The model which we go presented in this paragraph
and realized with E.M.T.P software. The charge cycle q =
f (V) for conductor i, with over-voltages are obtained from
tests in laboratory [2] or from physical models of
discharge. The charge cycle q= f (V) in its ascending part
is linearized in various segments with the required
precision: two capacities C1 and C2, starting from the basic
Fig. 11 Model of a three phase line with corona effect
elements of library E.M.T.P. (diodes D1, D2, C1 capacities,
C2, sources of V1 tension, V2) the Analog model for a line UjA,B,C are the sources of voltages
single-phase current will be designed by EMTP Model.
DjA,B,C are the Diodes switching
C corj are Corona capacities

When the applied voltage on the phase conductor A is

lower to the critical level apparition of corona effect, the
diodes 1 and 2 are blocked and is only the geometric
capacity CgA that presents the line, if the applied voltage
exceeds the generator one U1A, the diode D1A is transitory
and the capacity CAcor1 is added to the geometric to form
the conductor's new capacity according to soil and it
becomes again more important if the applied voltage exeeds
Fig. 10 EMTP model by JF Guillet the one of the generator U2A and with a value of Cstat:
U 1A U
E. New Three Phase Line Model with Transient Corona C C g A  (1 - A
)(Ccor1 - C g )  (1 - 2A )(Ccor2
- C cor 1 )
U U (27)
The models of line with effect corona that we quoted It is the own behaviour of the conductor seat of the
above, represent for us like a screen to evaluate our case of corona effect whereas the mutual behaviour or by
modeling. The common points between these models, imply induction between this conductor A and others of the line,
the variation of the quantity of load q around driver, the present a situation that depends on the applied voltage on
variation of the linear capacity and the treatment of the case the second phase B by induction and when this last does
single-phase current, on the other hand, they are differed in not exceed the critical level, the conductors capacity value
the approach with which, were conceived and their validity according to the ground is only the geometric CgB. This
on the case real of a line three-phase current and the aspect capacity changes the value if diodes D1B and D2B are
of the coupling between conductors and ground. transitory , such a case will occur only when this new
This analysis of comparison on the models existing us A applied voltage is successively superior to those of the
makes it possible to propose it our with the idea that it generators U1B and U2B, the new capacity of this phase
carries the difference and the improvement. will be:

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U 1B U
C C g B  (1 - B
)(Ccor1 - C g )  (1 - 2B )(Ccor2
- C cor 1 )
U U (28)

The same process is repeated for the other cases of

induction of the phase with regard to soil and of the phase A
the corona effect seat according to the other line conductors.
This progress of the proposed model gives a convenient
satisfaction that suits the mathematical model represented
by the experimental curves of the load cycles described in
the previous paragraphs.


The corona effect is directly involved in the efficacy

and efficiency of the HV power line and the network in
general. The results of this work show the influence of the
phenomenon in question on power loss in the lines. The
presence of adverse climate and atmospheric conditions
favor the appearance of the corona effect accompanied by a
high electric field in permanent and transient regime, which
directly affect the transfer of energy by its power losses.
The development of a model of three-phase line HV in the
presence of corona transient effect allows a finding of its
influence on the behavior of the line.

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