Petroleum Refinery Hydrogen Production Unit Exergy

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Petroleum Refinery Hydrogen Production Unit: Exergy and Production Cost


Article  in  International Journal of Thermodynamics · December 2008

DOI: 10.5541/ijot.227 · Source: DOAJ


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2 authors:

Flavio Eduardo Da Cruz Silvio De Oliveira Junior

University of California, Los Angeles University of São Paulo


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Int. J. of Thermodynamics ISSN 1301-9724
Vol. 11 (No. 4), pp. 187-193, December 2008

Petroleum Refinery Hydrogen Production Unit:

Exergy and Production Cost Evaluation
Flávio E. Cruz1 and Silvio de Oliveira Junior2*
Promon Engenharia Ltda., São Paulo, Brazil, [email protected]
Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, [email protected]
Some specific processes are required to obtain pure hydrogen and the most usual one is
natural gas reforming, where natural gas reacts with superheated steam producing H2, CO,
CO2 and H2O. This paper presents the exergy and production costs evaluation of a
complete hydrogen production unit of a petroleum refinery. The hydrogen production unit
analysed in this paper has to supply 550,000 Nm3 of hydrogen per day to purify diesel oil.
Based on a synthesis plant of the hydrogen production unit, the exergy efficiency of each
component and of the overall plant are calculated. The hydrogen production cost is
determined by means of a thermoeconomic analysis in which the equality cost partition
method is employed, including capital and operational costs, in order to determine the
production cost of hydrogen and other products of the plant.

Keywords: hydrogen production, exergy analysis, thermoeconomic analysis

1. Introduction synthesis plant of a petroleum refinery hydrogen

Hydrogen is normally found combined with production unit, the exergy efficiency of each
other elements, such as oxygen in water and component and of the overall plant are
carbon in hydrocarbons and the majority of calculated. The hydrogen production cost is
organic composites. Due to its great chemical determined by means of a thermoeconomic
activity and consequent easiness of reaction, pure analysis in which the equality cost partition
hydrogen is often used in industrial processes method is employed, including capital and
and oil refineries to purify several products and operational costs, in order to determine the
fuels. production cost of hydrogen and other products
Annual world hydrogen production is of the plant.
currently around 5x1011Nm3 corresponding to
about 2% of primary energy demand. Figure 1 2. Methane reforming process
shows the main production routes, indicating that Hydrogen can be obtained using the methane
96% is produced from fossil fuels (Ewan and reforming process. In this process (Docekal,
Allen, 2005). 1986), steam (H2O) reacts with natural gas
composed of a mixture of CH4 (89%), C2H6,
(9%), C3H8, C4H10, N2 and CO2. The product of
this reaction is a mixture of hydrogen (H2),
carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2)
and steam (H2O), according to Equation 1 (for
each hydrocarbon):
αCmH2n + βH2O → [(m+n)α+γ]H2
+ (mα−γ)CO + γCO2 + (β−mα−γ)H2O (1)
Figure 1 - Present distribution of primary energy
sources for hydrogen production (Ewan and where
Allen, 2005) 0 ≤ γ ≤ mα (2)
The hydrogen production unit analysed in The stoichiometric coefficient γ of Equation 1
this paper has to supply 550,000 Nm3 of depends on the chemical equilibrium of the
hydrogen per day to purify diesel oil. Based on a reaction.
Corresponding Author Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol. 11 (No. 4) 187
An initial version of this paper was published in June 2007
in the proceedings of the ECOS07 Conference, Padova, Italy.
The design of a hydrogen production plant is where (β−2mα) is the steam excess from
extremely complex. A great number of Equation (1) and (mα−γ) is the number of mols
equipment, valves, pipes and connections are of both molecular hydrogen and carbon dioxide
necessary to build the plant and guarantee its formed in the Shift Reactor.
production. Due to this great number of This reaction reduces CO and simultaneously
information and variables, it is necessary to increases the production of H2. The shift reaction
develop a synthesis plant to describe the main is exothermic and the effluent temperature
functions of the real process, as presented in depends on the CO concentration, the reactor
Figure 2. inlet temperature and the reactor feed flow.
Before entering the Reformer, the feed (node The boiler feed water to the steam generating
100) is compressed in the Feed Compressor system (node 480) is preheated in the Boiler
(node 110). From the Feed Compressor, natural Feed Water Heater (node 490), recovering heat
gas is heated in the Feed Preheater (from node from the Shift Reactor effluent, and goes into the
110 to node 141), mixed with recycled hydrogen Steam Drum.
(node 145) and sent to the Reformer Feed From the Steam Drum the water is distributed
Preheat Coil (node 150). The gas leaving the by natural circulation to the Steam Generator
Feed Preheat Coil (node 160) goes to the Coils (node 540) and also to the Waste Heat
Desulphurizer. Exchanger (node 510).
The outlet flow from the Desulphurizer (node The generated steam is collected in the Steam
170) is mixed with process steam (node 590) and Drum and flows to the Steam Superheater Coil
sent to the Reformer Mix Feed Preheater Coil, (node 560). The superheated steam is divided in
located in the reformer convection section. Then three streams: the first stream is the process
it goes to the catalyst tubes (node 220) located in steam and it is mixed with the feed (node 580),
the Reformer at 2.8 MPa and 460°C. the second stream is used to exchange heat with
Hydrogen is produced in the reforming the feed at the Feed Preheater (node 350) and the
section by the reaction of hydrocarbons with third stream is the exported steam (node 600).
steam in the presence of a catalyst. As the The exported steam follows to the refinery
reforming reaction is strongly endothermic and medium pressure steam header.
the heat required is at very high temperature, the The Shift Reactor effluent is cooled in the
reforming catalyst is placed in vertical tubes following exchangers: Boiler Feed Water Heater
installed inside the Reformer radiant section. (node 260), First PSA (Pressure Swing
The Reformer consists of a single top-fired Adsorption) Feed Cooler (node 270) and Second
radiant cell (the burners are located in the roof of PSA Feed Cooler (node 280).
radiant cell) and a vertical convection box. Flue The gas leaving the Second PSA Feed Cooler
gases leave the radiant bottom. is sent to the Condensate Stripping Column,
The combustion air is injected in the burners where the process condensate is removed (node
by the Forced Draft Fan (node 330) and is 400), and then flows to the PSA System (node
preheated in the Combustion Air Preheater 290). The final hydrogen purification (99.90 %
located in the convection section of the vol.) is done in the PSA system. The PSA
Reformer. The fuel used by these burners comes System generates two streams: the purge gas,
from a second stream from the feed (node 310). which is used as a fuel in the Reformer (node
In the convection section the flue gas, in 900), and the hydrogen product (node 300).
addition to preheating the air, exchanges heat in The design, installation, maintenance and
the following coils: Steam Generator Coil, Mix operation of every component of the plant and
Feed Preheat Coil, Feed Preheat Coil and Steam each chemical element that composes the process
Superheater Coil. have a direct impact on the hydrogen production
The reformed gas leaves the catalyst tubes cost. Each is difficult to evaluate but proper
(node 230) at 840°C and 2.58 MPa and goes to evaluation during the design and construction of
the Waste Heat Exchanger. The reformer effluent a new plant can mean the difference between
temperature is controlled by the burners’ control profits and losses.
The reformer effluent is cooled in the Waste 3. Exergy Analysis of the Plant
Heat Boiler and goes into the Shift Reactor (node The exergy analysis of the natural gas
240). In the Shift Reactor CO reacts with steam reforming plant was developed using the
to form hydrogen and CO2, as shown in the synthesis plant shown in Figure 2 considering
equation below: the composition, mass flow rate, pressure and
temperature indicated in each one of the sections
(mα−γ) CO + (β−mα−γ) H2O → (mα−γ) H2
of that figure assuming steady state operating
+ (mα−γ) CO2 + (β−2mα) H2O (3)

188 Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol. 11 (No. 4)

Figure 2 - Synthesis plant

Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol. 11 (No. 4) 189


Mass Physical Chemical

Temperature Pressure Total
Section Product Flow Rate
(°C) (kPa)
Exergy Exergy
(kg/h) (MW) (MW)

100 Natural Gas 7,910.00 40 2465.3 0.91 103.63 104.54

145 Hydrogen 37.00 40 3085.9 0.03 0.96 0.99

310 Natural Gas 662.00 40 2465.3 0.07 8.42 8.49

330 Dry Air 78,564.0 25 101.3 0.00 0.09 0.09
Compressed Water
480 41,739.00 145 8473.8 1.08 0.61 1.69
(8.4 MPa)
Compressed Water to
720 Second PSA Feed 52,400.00 25 465.8 0.01 0.74 0.75
300 Hydrogen 2,004.00 44 2091.1 2.17 68.05 70.22
Saturated Water
360 1,223.00 192 1322.7 0.04 0.01 0.05

(1.3 Mpa)
Liquid Water from
400 13,177.00 40 2189.5 0.01 0.19 0.20
Stripping Column
Superheated Steam
600 17,011.00 436 3056.3 6.11 0.25 6.36
(3.1 MPa)
Compressed Water
730 from Second PSA 52,400.00 25 465.8 0.01 0.74 0.75
Feed Cooler
920 97,657.00 359 99.3 3.66 1.31 4.97

conditions. Thermodynamic and transport rate in each component. These values are shown
properties of every flow were determined by in TABLE II.
means of the software EES (Klein, 2006). TABLE The exergy efficiencies for the main
I presents the main inlet and outlet fluid components and for the overall plant were
characteristics of the synthesis plant. All the gases calculated using the following equations:
and gas mixtures were treated as ideal gases • Feed Compressor:
because their compressibility factors are close to
one (in node 100 the compressibility factor is B110 − B100
ε= (4)
0.958; in node 145 it is 1.018 and in node 150 it is W
0.995 (Cruz, 2004)).
Based on the synthesis plant and with the • Feed Preheater:
thermodynamic and transport properties of the B141 − B110
fluids in each section, it is possible to develop ε= (5)
B350 − B360
calculations of mass, energy and exergy balances
for each component of the synthesis plant, as well • Waste Heat Exchanger:
as its respective exergy efficiency. In these
balances, it is assumed that there are no heat B520 − B510
ε= (6)
losses to the environment in any analysed B230 − B240
component, and P0 = 101.3 kPa and T0 = 25°C
were used as the reference environment pressure • Boiler Feed Water Heater:
and temperature. The atmosphere composition
was considered the same as proposed by Szargut B490 − B480
ε= (7)
et al. (1988). These conditions represent the real B250 − B260
average values of pressure, temperature and
atmosphere composition of the environment in • Reformer:
which the studied hydrogen production unit will ⎡(B160 − B150 ) + (B220 − B210 ) + (B570 − B560 ) + ⎤
be installed. Based on these definitions and on the ⎢+ (B − B ) + (B − B ) + (B − B )⎥
process data, the exergy flow rate in each point of ε=⎣ 550 540 340 330 230 220 ⎦

the system was calculated and, consequently, it (B900 + B340 + B320 )

was possible to evaluate the exergy destruction (8)

190 Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol. 11 (No. 4)

(B300 + B360 + B400 + B600 + B730 ) (9) Exergy
(B100 + B145 + B310 + B330 + B480 + B720 ) Component
Efficiency (%)
The exergy efficiencies calculated for the Feed Compressor 84.95
main components are presented in TABLE III. Feed Preheater 51.85
The results shown in TABLE III indicate the Waste Heat Exchanger 63.05
influence of the reformer efficiency in the overall
efficiency of the plant, due to reaction and heat Boiler Feed Water Heater 73.48
transfer irreversibilities. Reformer 46.40
Using the same approach utilised in the exergy Overall Plant 66.60
analysis, the energy efficiency of the plant was
evaluated, giving an overall value of 81.7%. This To initiate the analysis, beyond the data of the
value was calculated differently as proposed by exergy flow rate at each point of the plant, it is
Lutz et al (2003). It was calculated considering also necessary to make an analysis of the
not only the hydrogen flow rate, but also every economic data of the system and its equipment.
secondary flow like high-pressure steam and Data concerning equipment costs, engineering
water, since these secondary products are used in costs, construction and erection costs have been
another refinery production process. obtained through some commercial proposals and
4. Thermoeconomic Analysis interviews with the professionals involved in the
Thermoeconomic analysis combines exergy construction of the real hydrogen production plant
analysis and principles of economic analysis to (Cruz, 2004) and are presented in TABLE IV.
provide information about the effective cost of the To continue the economic analysis it was
products of a plant or system (Bejan et. al., 1996). necessary to distribute the equipment costs
throughout time and, for this reason, several
TABLE II. EXERGY DESTRUCTION RATE IN economic variables have been defined as follows:
Exergy • Annual operational and maintenance
Component Destruction (%) fixed cost factor (fomf): 6% of the total
Rate (kW) investment;
• Annual operational and maintenance
Feed Compressor 20.55 0.06
variable cost factor (fomv): 2% of the total
Feed Preheater 110.10 0.30 investment;
• Load factor (fl): 100%
Mixer-01 47.07 0.13 • Annual operation time: 8,400 hour/year
• Annual interest rate (i): 15%
Mixer-02 1,024.07 2.77
• Capital recovery period (n): 20 years
Waste Heat Exchanger 2,885.86 7.82 • Capital recovery factor (fa): 16%
• Natural gas cost: c100= 2.20 US$/GJ
Shift Reactor 197.68 0.54 • Compressed water @85bar: c480=1.10
Boiler Feed Water Heater 759.27 2.06
The levelized annual cost (Caeq) for each
First PSA Feed Cooler 4,890.60 13.25 component of the plant (TABLE V) were
Second PSA Feed Cooler 410.08 1.11 determined using Equation 10:

PSA System 867.01 2.35 Caeq = Ieq (fa + fomf + fl fomv ) (10)

Valve-01 45.17 0.12 The combination of the costs balances of the

main components of the synthesis plant gives
Valve-02 35.20 0.10 Equation 11
Valve-03 27.11 0.07 c100B100+ c145B145+ c310B310+ c330B330+ c480B480

Valve-04 35.27 0.10 + c720B720+ ΣCeq= c300B300+ c360B360+ c400B400

+ c600B600+ c730B730 +c920B920 (11)
Steam Drum 3.62 0.01
In order to determine the production costs for
Reformer 25,559.05 69.23 every one of the outlet flows the following
assumptions were taken:
Overall 36,917.70 100.00

Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol. 11 (No. 4) 191

TABLE IV. DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS factor that considers transportation, storage and
c145 = 1.5c300 (14)
Ieq (US$) Caeq
(2003) (US$/year) Although this estimation can be criticized, its
Feed influence on the products’ cost determination is
11,200,000.00 2,688,000.00
Compressor small because the flow rate in node 145 is about
1% of the produced hydrogen flowrate.
Feed Preheater 142,000.00 34,080.00
d) Compressed liquid water cost in section 720 is
Mixer-01 5,000.00 1,200.00 considered equal to compressed liquid water @
85 bar:
Desulphurizer 3,570,000.00 856,800.00
c480 = c720 = 1.10 US$/t (15)
Mixer-02 5,000.00 1,200.00 As the flows in sections 300, 360, 400, 600 and
Waste Heat 730 are utilized in other refinery processes, the
715,000.00 171,600.00 equality cost partition criterion (Kotas, 1995) is
taken as an auxiliary relation to determine the
Shift Reactor 1,785,000.00 428,400.00 production costs of these five mass flows:
Boiler Feed c300 = c360= c400 = c600= c730 = cprod (16)
2,143,000.00 514,320.00
Water Heater
First PSA Feed With the aforementioned assumptions it is
1,650,000.00 396,000.00 possible to determine the value of cprod.
Second PSA TABLE V shows the calculated costs of the
640,000.00 153,600.00 products of the studied plant on an exergy basis
Feed Cooler
Condensate (cbb), mass basis (cmb) and time basis (ctb).
Stripping 22,800.00 5,472.00 If the flue gases were used to preheat any
Column refinery flow, the hydrogen production cost would
be improved. In the conventional process, they are
PSA System 6,411,000.00 1,538,640.00 sent to the atmosphere at 359 °C with a
significant amount of exergy. For example, if an
Valve-01 13,000.00 3,120.00 additional heater was considered in the system
with a similar cost to the first PSA cooler that
Valve-02 13,000.00 3,120.00 uses the combustion gas flow with an exergy
efficiency of 70% and 10% pressure loss between
Valve-03 13,000.00 3,120.00 inlet and outlet, the new exergetic cost of
hydrogen would be 9.67 US$/GJ, or 2,443.39
Valve-04 13,000.00 3,120.00 US$/h. This simplified calculus shows that it is
possible to obtain a reduction of 0.82% in the
Demixer 5,000.00 1,200.00 hydrogen production cost, or an economy of
169,800.00 US$/year. In this evaluation, it was
Steam Drum 85,000.00 20,400.00 considered that the gases leave the heater at
Reformer 32,140,000.00 7,713,600.00 Other improved hydrogen production
processes as proposed by Aitani (1996) could
Total 60,570,800.00 14,536,992.00 reduce the production costs even more.

a) As the flue gases are discharged into the 5. Concluding Remarks

atmosphere they do not have any value: An exergy analysis and the production cost
evaluation of the products of a petroleum refinery
c920= 0 US$/kJ (12) hydrogen production unit were used to determine
b) As the combustion air is taken from the the overall exergy efficiency of the plant as well
atmosphere, its cost is zero: as the hydrogen production cost. The hydrogen
production cost was determined using the equality
c330 = 0 US$/kJ (13) partition method because, in the analyzed process,
c) Hydrogen that is added to process (node 145) hydrogen is produced to purify diesel oil, and the
comes from an external reservoir that is not secondary products of the reforming process are
connected to the steam reforming plant. Its cost used in other areas and processes in the petroleum
was evaluated taking into account a correction refinery.

192 Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol. 11 (No. 4)

TABLE V. COSTS OF THE PRODUCTS OF PSA: Pressure swing adsorption
THE PLANT p0: Environment pressure (kPa)
cbb cmb ctb T0: Environment temperature (°C)
(US$/GJ) (US$/t) (US$/h) W: Power (kW)
Hydrogen 9.75 1,185.86 2,463.61 Greek letters
Superheated Steam ε Exergy efficiency
9.75 12.39 223.19
(3,1 MPa)
α, β, γ, δ, σ: Stoichiometric coefficients
Saturated Water
9.75 1.95 1.67 Subscripts
(1,3 MPa)
aeq annual equipment cost
Liquid Water from
bb exergy based
Condensate 9.75 0.52 7.27
Stripping Column eq equipment
m number of carbon atoms
Compressed Water
mb mass based
from Second PSA 9.75 0.52 27.53 n number of hydrogen molecules
Feed Cooler prod product
bt time based

Taking this analysis of the hydrogen References

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Nomenclature EES, V7.707-3D, F-Chart Software,
Bi: Exergy rate / flow rate of a substance /
product (kW) Kotas, T. J., 1995, The Exergy Method of Thermal
ci: Exergy specific cost of a substance or Plant Analysis. 2nd Ed., Krieger Pub. Co.,
product (US$/GJ) Florida.
Ci: Cost rate of a substance, product or
equipment (US$/year, US$/s) Lutz, A.E., Bradshaw, R.W., Keller, J. O.,
f a: Capital recovery factor Witmer, D.E., 2003, “Thermodynamic analysis
fl: Load factor of hydrogen production by steam reforming”, Int.
fomf: Operational and maintenance fixed cost J. of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 28, pp. 159-167.
factor Szargurt, J. et al., 1988, Exergy Analysis of
fomv: Operational and maintenance variable Thermal, Chemical and Metallurgical Processes,
cost factor Hemisphere Pub. Corp., N. Y.
I: Cost (US$)

Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol. 11 (No. 4) 193

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