RA No. 10591 Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act
RA No. 10591 Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act
RA No. 10591 Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act
Title, Declaration of Policy and Definition of Terms
SECTION 1. Short Title. — This Act shall be known as the
"Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act".
SECTION 2. Declaration of State Policy. — It is the policy of the
State to maintain peace and order and protect the people against violence.
The State also recognizes the right of its qualified citizens to self-defense
through, when it is the reasonable means to repel the unlawful aggression
under the circumstances, the use of firearms. Towards this end, the State
shall provide for a comprehensive law regulating the ownership, possession,
carrying, manufacture, dealing in and importation of firearms, ammunition,
or parts thereof, in order to provide legal support to law enforcement
agencies in their campaign against crime, stop the proliferation of illegal
firearms or weapons and the illegal manufacture of firearms or weapons,
ammunition and parts thereof.
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. — As used in this Act:
(a) Accessories refer to parts of a firearm which may enhance or
increase the operational efficiency or accuracy of a firearm but
will not constitute any of the major or minor internal parts thereof
such as, but not limited to, laser scope, telescopic sight and
sound suppressor or silencer.
(b) Ammunition refers to a complete unfired unit consisting of a
bullet, gunpowder, cartridge case and primer or loaded shell for
use in any firearm.
(c) Antique firearm refers to any: (1) firearm which was
manufactured at least seventy-five (75) years prior to the current
date but not including replicas; (2) firearm which is certified by
the National Museum of the Philippines to be curio or relic of
museum interest; and (3) any other firearm which derives a
substantial part of its monetary value from the fact that it is
novel, rare, bizarre or because of its association with some
historical figure, period or event.
(d) Arms smuggling refers to the import, export, acquisition, sale,
delivery, movement or transfer of firearms, their parts and
components and ammunition, from or across the territory of one
country to that of another country which has not been authorized
in accordance with domestic law in either or both
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(e) Authority to import refers to a document issued by the Chief of
the Philippine National Police (PNP) authorizing the importation of
firearms, or their parts, ammunition and other components.
(f) Authorized dealer refers to any person, legal entity, corporation,
partnership or business entity duly licensed by the Firearms and
Explosive Office (FEO) of the PNP to engage in the business of
buying and selling ammunition, firearms or parts thereof, at
wholesale or retail basis. SCHIac
(a)For locally manufactured firearms and major parts thereof, the initial
registration shall be done at the manufacturing facility: Provided,
That firearms intended for export shall no longer be subjected to
ballistic identification procedures; and
(b)For imported firearms and major parts thereof, the registration shall
be done upon arrival at the FEO of the PNP storage facility.
SECTION 16. License and Scope of License to Deal. — The License to
Deal authorizes the purchase, sale and general business in handling firearms
and ammunition, major and minor parts of firearms, accessories, spare parts,
components, and reloading machines, which shall be issued by the Chief of
the PNP.
SECTION 17. License and Scope of License for Gunsmiths. — The
license for gunsmiths shall allow the grantee to repair registered firearms.
The license shall include customization of firearms from finished or
manufactured parts thereof on per order basis and not in commercial
quantities and making the minor parts thereof, i.e., pins, triggers, trigger
bows, sights and the like only for the purpose of repairing the registered
firearm. The license for gunsmiths shall be issued by the Chief of the PNP.
SECTION 18. Firearms for Use in Sports and Competitions. — A
qualified individual shall apply for a permit to transport his/her registered
firearm/s from his/her residence to the firing range/s and competition sites
as may be warranted.
SECTION 19. Renewal of Licenses and Registration. — All [types] of
licenses to possess a firearm shall be renewed every two (2) years. Failure to
renew the license on or before the date of its expiration shall cause the
revocation of the license and of the registration of the firearm/s under said
The registration of the firearm shall be renewed every four (4) years.
Failure to renew the registration of the firearm on or before the date of
expiration shall cause the revocation of the license of the firearm. The said
firearm shall be confiscated or forfeited in favor of the government after due
The failure to renew a license or registration within the periods stated
above on two (2) occasions shall cause the holder of the firearm to be
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perpetually disqualified from applying for any firearm license. The
application for the renewal of the license or registration may be submitted to
the FEO of the PNP within six (6) months before the date of the expiration of
such license or registration.
SECTION 20. Inspection and Inventory. — The Chief of the PNP or
his/her authorized representative shall require the submission of reports,
inspect or examine the inventory and records of a licensed manufacturer,
dealer or importer of firearms and ammunition during reasonable hours.
Acquisition, Deposit of Firearms, Abandoned, Demilitarized and Antique
SECTION 21. Acquisition or Purchase and Sale of Firearms and
Ammunition. — Firearms and ammunition may only be acquired or
purchased from authorized dealers, importers or local manufacturers and
may be transferred or sold only from a licensed citizen or licensed juridical
entity to another licensed citizen or licensed juridical entity: Provided, That,
during election periods, the sale and registration of firearms and ammunition
and the issuance of the corresponding licenses to citizens shall be allowed
on the condition that the transport or delivery thereof shall strictly comply
with the issuances, resolutions, rules and regulations promulgated by the
Commission on Elections. CScTDE