SYS600 - Installation and Administration

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MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.

Installation and Administration Manual
1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Issued: 31.3.2010
Version: B/31.10.2010 Installation and Administration Manual


1. Copyrights ............................................................................................... 9
2. Introduction ........................................................................................... 10

2.1. This manual ................................................................................. 10

2.2. Use of symbols ............................................................................ 10
2.3. Intended audience ....................................................................... 11
2.4. Product documentation ................................................................ 11
2.5. Document conventions ................................................................ 11
2.6. Document revisions ..................................................................... 13
3. Installation ............................................................................................. 14

3.1. Installing system servers .............................................................. 14

3.1.1. Hardware requirements ................................................ 14
3.1.2. Software requirements .................................................. 15
3.1.3. Installation procedure .................................................... 15
3.1.4. Installing SYS 600 ......................................................... 16
3.1.5. Verifying SYS 600 installation ....................................... 26
3.2. Local Area Network (LAN) ........................................................... 32
3.2.1. Network interface card .................................................. 32
3.2.2. IP addresses ................................................................. 32
3.2.3. Host names .................................................................. 33
3.2.4. Verifying the LAN communication ................................ 34
3.3. Installing workplaces .................................................................... 34
3.3.1. Installing Terminal Services .......................................... 34
3.3.2. Terminal Server system requirements .......................... 36
3.3.3. Licensing service installation ........................................ 37
3.3.4. Installing Windows 2003 or 2008 Terminal Services ..... 40
3.3.5. Installing Terminal Server Client ................................... 45
3.3.6. Remote Display Protocol (RDP) Client ......................... 46
3.4. Citrix MetaFrame Application Server ........................................... 47
3.4.1. Introduction ................................................................... 48
3.4.2. System requirements .................................................... 48
3.4.3. Installing Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 4.0
system ........................................................................... 48 Windows components installation .............. 48 Get Citrix license file from internet ............. 50 Installation and configuration of MetaFrame
Access Suite licensing ................................ 50 Install MetaFrame Presentation Server 4.0
and its components .................................... 55
3.4.4. Publishing applications ................................................. 62
3.5. ICA Workstation Installation ......................................................... 70
3.5.1. Installation of "Program Neighborhood"-Client ............. 70
3.5.2. Adding a new Application Set ....................................... 71
3.6. Installing process communication units ....................................... 79

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

3.6.1. PC-NET process communication unit ........................... 79 Installing multiport serial card ..................... 79 Installing LON cards ................................... 79 Installing network cards .............................. 80 Verifying PC-NET process communication
unit .............................................................. 80
3.6.2. IEC 61850 ..................................................................... 82
3.7. Installing peripheral equipment .................................................... 82
3.7.1. Installing printers ........................................................... 82 Connecting printers to the base system ..... 83 Connecting printers to LAN ........................ 83 Connecting printers to PC-NET units ......... 84
3.7.2. Installing adapter cards ................................................. 88
3.7.3. Installing SNMP components ....................................... 89
4. System administration ......................................................................... 91

4.1. Exporting/importing objects .......................................................... 91

4.1.1. Opening and exiting Export/Import tool ......................... 92
4.1.2. Exporting objects .......................................................... 93 Exporting formats ....................................... 95 Defining CSV attributes .............................. 95 Defining common options for exported data
.................................................................. 100
4.1.3. Importing objects ......................................................... 102 Defining common options for imported
data ........................................................... 104
4.2. Searching strings ....................................................................... 105
4.2.1. Opening and exiting Search tool ................................. 106
4.2.2. Making searches ......................................................... 107
4.2.3. Defining searches ....................................................... 109
4.2.4. Saving searches ......................................................... 112
4.2.5. Analyzing search results ............................................. 113
4.3. Text Translation Tool .................................................................. 114
4.3.1. File formats ................................................................. 115
4.3.2. Text Translation Tool layout ......................................... 115
4.3.3. Opening and exiting Text Translation Tool .................. 117
4.3.4. Selecting and opening a file ........................................ 117
4.3.5. Selecting the languages .............................................. 118
4.3.6. Adding languages ....................................................... 119
4.3.7. Deleting edited languages .......................................... 119
4.3.8. Finding/replacing texts ................................................ 119
4.3.9. Editing texts ................................................................ 120
4.3.10. Initializing edited languages ........................................ 120
4.3.11. Setting fonts ................................................................ 121
4.3.12. Saving file ................................................................... 121
4.3.13. Compressing file ......................................................... 121
4.3.14. Opening locked files .................................................... 121

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

4.3.15. Exporting texts ............................................................ 122 Exporting a single VSO file ....................... 122 Exporting several VSO files ...................... 123
4.3.16. Importing texts ............................................................ 123
4.3.17. Exporting to a database .............................................. 124
4.3.18. Importing from a database .......................................... 125
4.3.19. Header information in text files ................................... 127
4.3.20. Reports ........................................................................ 128
4.3.21. Comparing language files ........................................... 129
4.3.22. Local language directories .......................................... 131
4.3.23. Dictionary .................................................................... 132 Dictionary Editor ....................................... 133 Using dictionary ........................................ 133 Editing dictionary settings ......................... 134 Finding and replacing text ........................ 134 Editing a dictionary ................................... 135 Exporting a dictionary ............................... 135 Importing a dictionary ............................... 135 Importing from a database ....................... 135 Text of VS objects ..................................... 136
4.4. SCIL Database Tool ................................................................... 136
4.4.1. Opening the SCIL Database File ................................ 137
4.4.2. Creating a New SCIL Database File ........................... 139
4.4.3. Creating New Section with Value ................................ 140
4.4.4. Editing Section Value .................................................. 141
4.4.5. Saving SCIL Database File ......................................... 141
4.4.6. Renaming Sections ..................................................... 142
4.4.7. Deleting Selected Content .......................................... 143
4.4.8. Transferring information between two SCIL Database
Tools ............................................................................ 143
4.5. Hard disk management .............................................................. 143
4.5.1. Using Disk Management tool ...................................... 144 Activating automatic disk space settings ... 146 Creating new file sets ............................... 147 Deleting file sets ....................................... 148 Defining file set properties ........................ 148 Viewing execution messages ................... 150 Viewing log ............................................... 151
4.6. Starting SYS 600 ....................................................................... 153
4.6.1. Starting base systems ................................................. 153
4.6.2. Base System startup procedures ................................ 153
4.6.3. Application startup procedures ................................... 153
4.6.4. Manual startup of SYS 600 Monitor ............................ 154
4.6.5. Defining automatic startup for SYS 600 ...................... 155
4.6.6. Opening SYS 600 Monitor manually ........................... 156
4.6.7. Automatic logon of SYS 600 ....................................... 158
4.6.8. Predefined MicroSCADA monitors .............................. 158
4.6.9. Defining customized icon for SYS 600 monitors ......... 161
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Installation and Administration Manual

4.6.10.Automatic opening at application startup .................... 162

4.6.11.Automatically opened MicroSCADA monitor at user
logon ........................................................................... 163
4.6.12. Starting base systems from command line ................. 164
4.6.13. Starting PC-NET ......................................................... 165
4.6.14. Shutting down SYS 600 .............................................. 167
4.7. Verifying SYS 600 startup .......................................................... 168
4.8. SYS 600 Monitor Pro Remote Connection ................................ 172
4.9. System info logging for technical support .................................. 176
4.10. Backup files ................................................................................ 178
4.10.1. Creating online backup ............................................... 179
4.10.2. Configuring Backup Tool ............................................. 181
4.10.3. Testing new configuration ........................................... 184
4.11. Uninstalling MicroSCADA .......................................................... 184
5. Upgrading from earlier revisions ...................................................... 188

5.1. Base system .............................................................................. 189

5.1.1. Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 ...................... 189
5.1.2. Configuration and revision compatibility ..................... 189
5.1.3. Mirroring considerations .............................................. 190
5.1.4. Upgrading from revision 8.4.5 SP1 or 9.0 ................... 191
5.1.5. Upgrading from revision 8.4.3 ..................................... 191
5.1.6. Upgrading from revision 8.4.2 ..................................... 192
5.1.7. Upgrading from revision 8.4.1 ..................................... 193
5.1.8. Upgrading from revision 8.4.0 ..................................... 193
5.1.9. Upgrading from revision 8.2 ........................................ 194
5.1.10. Upgrading from revision 8.1 ........................................ 194
5.2. LIB 5xx ....................................................................................... 195
5.3. Monitor Pro ................................................................................ 195
5.3.1. Common applications with LIB 5xx ............................. 195
5.4. Communication units ................................................................. 198
5.4.1. PC-NET ....................................................................... 199 PC-NET from SYS 600 9.1 (COM 500
4.2) ........................................................... 200 PC-NET or DCP-MUX from SYS 500
8.4.x .......................................................... 200 DCP-MUX from SYS 500 8.x ................... 201
5.4.2. IEC 61850 ................................................................... 202
5.4.3. Modbus slave .............................................................. 203
5.4.4. CDC-II slave ................................................................ 203
5.4.5. External OPC Data Access Client ............................... 203
5.5. Communication gateway ............................................................ 204
5.5.1. Upgrading COM 500 revision 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.1 and
4.2 ............................................................................... 204
5.5.2. Upgrading COM 500i revision 1.0 ............................... 205
5.6. Updating device drivers ............................................................. 205
6. Abbreviations ...................................................................................... 206
1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

6.1. Abbreviations ............................................................................. 206

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

1. Copyrights
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by ABB Oy. ABB Oy assumes no responsibility for any
errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall ABB Oy be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB Oy
be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or
hardware described in this document.

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written per-
mission from ABB Oy, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party
nor used for any unauthorized purpose.

The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.

© Copyright 2010 ABB. All rights reserved.


ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Group. All other brand or product names men-
tioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective


Please inquire about the terms of guarantee from your nearest ABB representative.

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

2. Introduction

2.1. This manual

This manual provides thorough information on the SYS 600 software and hardware
installation: base systems, LAN connections, process communication systems, workplaces
and peripherals.

This manual provides thorough information on the various configuration settings that
you have to make in order to use your SYS 600 system. The manual also describes how
to use the configuration tools.

The rows in some of the SCIL examples in this manual have

been split to two rows. Take this into consideration when
copying the SCIL examples.

2.2. Use of symbols

This publication includes the following icons that point out safety-related conditions or
other important information:

The warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which

could result in personal injury.

The caution icon indicates important information or warning

related to the concept discussed in the text. It might indicate
the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of
software or damage to equipment or property.

The information icon alerts the reader to relevant facts and


It should be understood that operation of damaged equipment could, under certain

operational conditions, result in degraded process performance leading to information
or property loss. Therefore, comply fully with all notices.

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

2.3. Intended audience

This manual is intended for installation personnel, administrators and skilled operators
to support installation of the software.

2.4. Product documentation

Name of the document Document ID

SYS 600 9.3 Communication Gateway, COM 1MRS756633

SYS 600 9.3 System Configuration 1MRS756646
SYS 600 9.3 External OPC Data Access Client 1MRS756647
SYS 600 9.3 Status Codes 1MRS756663
SYS 600 9.3 Application Objects 1MRS756660
SYS 600 9.3 Connecting LONWORKS Devices 1MRS756638
SYS 600 9.3 IEC 61850 System Design 1MRS756664
SYS 600 9.3 Programming Language SCIL 1MRS756661
SYS 600 9.3 System Objects 1MRS756662
SYS 600 9.3 CDC-II Slave Protocol 1MRS756649

Other related documents:

• Citrix documentation
• LONWORKS PCLTA-20 PCI LonTalk Adapter, User's Guide
• Microsoft Windows documentation
• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server licensing manual
• MMC500_TS.CMD in the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server
installation Manual
• Product documentation of the used multiport serial card
• Product documentation of the used network adapter card
• Product documentation of the used PCLTA-10 card
• RTU documentation

2.5. Document conventions

The following conventions are used for the presentation of material:

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

• The words in names of screen elements (for example, the title in the title bar of a
dialog, the label for a field of a dialog box) are initially capitalized.
• Capital letters are used for the name of a keyboard key if it is labeled on the keyboard.
For example, press the CTRL key. Although the Enter and Shift keys are not labeled
they are written in capital letters, e.g. press ENTER.
• Lowercase letters are used for the name of a keyboard key that is not labeled on the
keyboard. For example, the space bar, comma key and so on.
• Press CTRL+C indicates that you must hold down the CTRL key while pressing
the C key (to copy a selected object in this case).
• Press ALT E C indicates that you press and release each key in sequence (to copy
a selected object in this case).
• The names of push and toggle buttons are boldfaced. For example, click OK.
• The names of menus and menu items are boldfaced. For example, the File menu.
• The following convention is used for menu operations: Menu Name > Menu Item
> Cascaded Menu Item. For example: select File > Open > New Project.
• The Start menu name always refers to the Start menu on the Windows Task Bar.
• System prompts/messages and user responses/input are shown in the Courier font.
For example, if you enter a value out of range, the following message is displayed:
Entered value is not valid.
You may be told to enter the string MIF349 in a field. The string is shown as follows
in the procedure: MIF349
• Variables are shown using lowercase letters: sequence name

The following conventions are used for the presentation of material:

• Push button navigation in the human-machine interface (HMI) menu structure is

presented by using the push button icons, for example:
To navigate between the options, use and .
• HMI menu paths are presented as follows:
Use the arrow buttons to select CONFIGURATION\COMMUNICATION\SPA
• Parameter names, menu names, relay indicationtarget messages and relay's HMI
views are shown in a Courier font, for example:
Use the arrow buttons to monitor other measured values in the menus DEMAND
• HMI messages are shown inside quotation marks when it is good to point out them
for the user, for example:
When you store a new password, the relay confirms the storage by flashing “- - -”
once on the display.

Online Help instructions

The online help includes three different tabbed pages: Contents, Index and Search.

You can see the structure of the online help on the Contents tab. By expanding and
collapsing the subentries, you can find the certain topic.

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

The Index tab shows index words that help you to find information easily. Double-click
an index word to display the topic related to the word. If there are more than one topic
related to the index word, the online help displays the Topics Found dialog where you
can select the right topic.

You can also find information with the single word search on the Search tab. Type the
word or words in the search box and press ENTER or click List Topics. The online help
lists the topics related to the search. Double-click the right topic to see the content.

The cross-references used in the text include links to other topics where you can find
related information.

2.6. Document revisions

Version Software revision Date History


A 9.3 31.3.2010 New document

B 9.3 FP1 31.10.2010 Document updated

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

3. Installation

3.1. Installing system servers

3.1.1. Hardware requirements

The MicroSCADA Pro base system sets the following minimum configuration require-
ments. Follow Microsoft’s recommendations for supported operating systems, Windows
XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 as shown in the Table
Table 3.1.1-1 Hardware requirements
Operating System Hardware Available Disk minimum Memory

Windows XP 2 GHz 20 GB 2 GB
Windows Server 2003 2 GHz 20 GB 2 GB
Windows Server 2008 2 GHz 20 GB 2 GB
Windows 7 2 GHz 20 GB 2 GB

Other hardware requirements:

• Echelon PCLTA-20 LON adapter requires one PCI-bus slot. One card supports one
LON channel. XLON PCI from DH Electronics takes also one slot per channel.
Adlink PCI-1760 or Nudaq PCI-7250 or PCI-7256 I/O cards require one PCI slot.
• Depending on the size of the application, MicroSCADA Pro requires approximately
100 to 500 MB of disk space. The recommended total disk capacity is at least 20
GB. Any SCSI or IDE controller or RAID configuration supported by Windows
operating system can be used.
• The recommended RAM size is 2 GB or more.
• If the base system computer is also used as an operator's workplace, the screen res-
olution should be at least 1024x768 pixels. The graphics adapter should support at
least a 256 color mode or a true color mode. To ensure high ergonomics, the refresh
rate of the screen should be at least 70 Hz for CRT-screens.
• Any keyboard and mouse supported by Windows can be used.
• A CD-ROM device is recommended for Windows installation.
• A parallel port can be used for connecting a printer.
• Any Ethernet adapter supported by Windows can be used for connecting the base
system computer to the LAN.
• A PC 31/32 radio clock board from Meinberg Funkuhren, Germany, can be used
for synchronizing the clock. The board contains a radio receiver for the Frankfurt

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

DCF-77 77 kHz radio transmitter. Optionally the PC 32 board can be connected

with a serial line to a GPS receiver.
• The Comtrol RocketPort multi-port serial communication board can be used to
provide the PC-NET with up to 8 COM ports. Moxa and Digi serial port adapters
are tested as well.

3.1.2. Software requirements

The MicroSCADA Pro system supports the following operating systems:

• Windows 7
• Microsoft Windows Server 2008
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional
• Microsoft Server 2003 Standard Edition.

Other server versions might be compatible with MicroSCADA; however those are not
supported by this software.

For more information about operating systems, refer to Microsoft documentation.

The user documentation is available as PDF files on, both as

part of the product package and as separate files.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is not supplied with MicroSCADA

Pro, but can be downloaded for free from

MicroSCADA Pro supports only the 32-bit version of the operating system.

Additional software

The Hummingbird eXceed version 7.0 or newer is required as an X-server on the work-
station computer whenever the system includes distributed HSI (Human System Interface),
and uses MicroSCADA X and VS Remote monitor types (Classic workplaces).

3.1.3. Installation procedure

The MicroSCADA Pro base system installation procedure:

• Install the network adapter card if a local area network is to be used.

• Install the operating system.
• Install corresponding device drivers and protocols for the local area network.
• Install the PC cards used by MicroSCADA Pro: PC-NET cards, I/O units, LON
adapter cards and radio clock cards.

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

• Install the X-server software, Exceed, if MicroSCADA Pro X-monitors or VS remote

monitors are shown on the base system computer display.
• Install the MicroSCADA Pro base product software.
• Install optional products, if used: LIB 500 and LIB 5xx.
• Add and prepare applications.
• Configure, test and start the possible drivers.
• Modify the base system configuration files to match the actual configuration.
• Perform administrative tasks: define the startup type, change passwords, share
resources, and so on.

3.1.4. Installing SYS 600

The MicroSCADA Pro installation package contains an installation program, which

creates the directory structure and copies the required files to your hard disk. By default,
the installation program also creates a new program folder named MicroSCADA Pro
Control System SYS 600 containing icons on the desktop. Any previously installed
MicroSCADA Pro software does not need to be removed before a new installation. The
old files will be overwritten, except for the following ones:

• SHUTDOWN.CIN (in the folder\sc\prog\exec). Installation preserves the old

version of SHUTDOWN.CIN. The new version is copied into the same directory
and named SHUTDOWN$CIN.
MONITORS.DAT and SYS_NETCON.COM (in the folder \sc\sys\active_\sys_).
Installation preserves the old versions and the new versions are copied into same
directory and named PC_NET$CF1, PC_NET$COM, SYS_BASCON$COM,
• SYS600_colors.clut. (in the folder \sc\prog\graphicsEngine\etc). Installation
preserves the old version and the new version is copied into same directory and
named SYS600_colors$clut.

The applications located under the \sc\apl directory are not touched. The application
MAIN and WD can be overwritten. The installation program asks whether to do that or

When installing MicroSCADA Pro or some other programs

on server versions of operating systems, use Add New Pro-
grams (in 2003) or Install Application on Terminal Server (in
2008) in the Control Panel and browse the installation package.

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual


Figure 3.1.4-1 Add or Remove Programs window

MicroSCADA Pro installation procedure

To install the MicroSCADA Pro base product software:

1. Restart the computer to remove possible memory resident data.
2. Logon as a user with administrator rights.
3. Double-click the installation icon to start the installation. It is recommended to install
using Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel.
4. In the Product Installation dialog the software packages are listed, see Figure 3.1.4-
2. Select the software packages that you want to install by selecting the appropriate
check box.

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual


Figure 3.1.4-2 Selecting products to be installed

Program contains MicroSCADA main program and must be installed

in SYS PC.
Workstation monitor opening application (mons) is installed for VS and X
Monitor types
Documentation will install documents

In practice, all three packages are installed in the SYS PC. This will allow
opening VS monitors locally on SYS PC and reading documents. Workstation
package is installed on workstation PC if VS/X -type monitors are used.
5. Select the drive in which the application is to be installed. The installation program
suggests a destination drive for the MicroSCADA Pro installation. If MicroSCADA
Pro has been installed before, the destination drive used in the previous installation
is shown as a default drive. Otherwise, the default drive is C. To select another drive,
click Change Drive and choose the drive.

MicroSCADA Pro must be installed on a disk drive

physically located in the base system computer. It cannot
be installed on a logical disk drive, for example a network

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

6. After selecting the components to be installed, click Start. If a previous installation

of the selected software package is detected, a System Information dialog is shown.
A system reboot may be necessary during the installation in some cases. If this
occurs, restart the SYS600 installation manually after the reboot
7. After the System Base Software has been installed, type a password for a Micro-
SCADA user, see Figure 3.1.4-3.
The MicroSCADA user is created during the installation. It belongs to the Adminis-
trator group and it is the user who owns the MicroSCADA processes.

The MicroSCADA user performs all references made by the processes. If two
base system computers share resources, the MicroSCADA user should be given
the same password on both computers. The password can be changed later from
the MicroSCADA Pro Control Panel.

This user name should not be used for purposes other than
administration tasks. If the MicroSCADA user already exists
due to a previous installation, the password is not changed.


Figure 3.1.4-3 MicroSCADA User Password dialog

8. After base software is installed, other selected packages are installed.
9. The Installation completed dialog is shown when MicroSCADA Pro has been

Installing COM 500i

Existing product COM 500 is included in SYS 600 9.2 or newer as a functionality - COM
500i that is license dependent. COM 500i is a communication gateway running on a
MicroSCADA Pro platform. It provides a gateway between process devices and eight
Network Control Centers (NCC). The main tasks of COM 500i are signal rerouting and
protocol conversions. A COM 500i tab is constructed, when the SYS 600 is started for
the first time. Select the COM 500i tab from the Tool manager to use the COM 500i
functions, see Figure 3.1.4-4.

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Installation and Administration Manual


Figure 3.1.4-4 COM 500i

COM 500i also handles the situation, when an existing COM

500 product is upgraded to SYS 600 9.2 or newer version.

Using the SCIL function WORKSTATION_CALL

The SCIL function WORKSTATION_CALL can be used to execute tasks on the work-
station. This function uses the TCP/IP communication and the port number 12221. For
security reasons, this function is disabled by default and the port is closed. If this SCIL
function is needed, the function has to be enabled and the firewall port opened.

To enable the service:

1. Paste a shortcut of ..\sc\prog\exec\wserver.exe to Start > Programs > Startup
2. Configure the firewall to unblock the incoming port 12221.
3. Execute the shortcut to enable workstation calls from the server right away.

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

Running MMC500_TS.cmd in Terminal Server environment

Register.exe has been removed in Windows Server 2008.

The register.exe tool was introduced in Windows 2000 as a temporary application com-
patibility tool. MicroSCADA Tool Manager is now compatible with terminal service
environment and Register.exe is not needed (no need to run MMC500_TS.cmd).

A new Terminal Server feature in Windows Server 2008

• Terminal Services RemoteApp Manager (TS RemoteApp)

Allowing MicroSCADA Pro window to be opened from client com-


1. Start TS RemoteApp Manager by selecting Terminal Services > TS RemoteApp

2. If you want to allow connecting clients to start any program, do the following:
• In the TS RemoteApp Manager view, click RDP Settings Change.
• In the Terminal Server tab of the RemoteApp Deployment Settings dialog,
select Allow users to start listed and unlisted programs on initial connection
(default setting).


Figure 3.1.4-5 RemoteApp Deployment Settings

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

3. If you do not want to allow the default settings, do the following:

• In the TS RemoteApp Manager view, click Add RemoteApp Programs on
the right.


Figure 3.1.4-6 TS RemoteApp Manager

The RemoteApp Wizard opens.

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Installation and Administration Manual


Figure 3.1.4-7 RemoteApp Wizard
• In the RemoteApp Wizard, select SYS 600 Monitor Pro and click Next.

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Installation and Administration Manual


Figure 3.1.4-8 Adding SYS 600 Monitor Pro to RemoteApp Programs list

• Select Allow any command-line arguments for running FrameWindow.exe.
There are a lot of parameters which can be used when opening FrameWindow.
Command line parameters are required, for example, for OpenRemoteDesktop.

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual


Figure 3.1.4-9 RemoteApp Properties
4. To accept this, click Yes.


Figure 3.1.4-10 RemoteApp Wizard confirmation

The selected program appears in the RemoteApp Programs list.

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual


Figure 3.1.4-11 RemoteApp Programs list

3.1.5. Verifying SYS 600 installation

During the installation of the MicroSCADA Pro kernel software, two empty applications
are created. The two applications are named MAIN and WD.

The desktop icons for the MicroSCADA Pro Control System SYS 600 is created during
the installation. See Figure 3.1.5-1.


Figure 3.1.5-1 Desktop icon

SYS 600 Control Panel

The SYS 600 Control Panel dialog contains application management tools. The
MicroSCADA system can be started by clicking Start and stopped by clicking Stop
from these Application management tools.

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Figure 3.1.5-2 MicroSCADA Control Panel

SYS 600 Notify

The revision information and all the possible error messages that occur during the start-
up and operation of SYS 600 are shown in the Figure 3.1.5-3.


Figure 3.1.5-3 SYS 600 Notification Window

SYS 600 Monitor Pro

When an operator wants to supervise an application on a monitor screen of type VS or

X, the operator opens a MicroSCADA Pro monitor.

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Figure 3.1.5-4 Monitor Pro Startup Window

SYS 600 Monitor

When an operator wants to supervise an application on a monitor screen of type VS or

X, the operator opens a SYS 600 Monitor with the MicroSCADA Monitor dialog.


Figure 3.1.5-5 MicroSCADA monitor dialog

External OPC DA Client

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Figure 3.1.5-6 External OPC DA Client

The shortcut menu for External OPC DA Client Control Panel provides a link to External
OPC DA tools.


This icon links to SYS 600 Status Codes and SYS 600 Operation Manual.

61850 OPC Server

This icon links to Communication Engineering (CET) tool.


Figure 3.1.5-7 CET Tool


You can add additional applications by using the administration tools accessed from the
MicroSCADA Control Panel. The MicroSCADA administration tools also provide means
for listing and removing applications. When you add an application, the application dir-
ectories for the new application are created. The startup and initialization pictures and
dialogs are copied to the application directory apl_.

To open the Control MicroSCADA Applications dialog:

1. Open the MicroSCADA Control Panel by double-clicking the icon.

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Figure 3.1.5-8 Control MicroSCADA Applications dialog

2. Click Admin.
3. Click Applications to open the Control MicroSCADA Applications dialog.
In this dialog, it is possible to view, add, prepare and remove the applications.

Adding applications

To add a new application:

1. In the Control MicroSCADA Applications dialog, click Add to open the Add new
application dialog, see Figure 3.1.5-9.


Figure 3.1.5-9 Adding new application

2. Type the name of the application to be created.
3. Click OK.

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The new application directory and its subdirectories are created under the \sc\apl dir-
ectory. The initialization and startup pictures and dialogs are copied into the pict subdir-
ectory of the new application.

Preparing applications

When preparing an application, the necessary startup and initialization files are copied
to the application directory. If application is added as described before, it is also prepared
and no further preparations are needed. However, if MicroSCADA is updated, applications
need to be prepared again to use tools properly.

To prepare an application:

1. Open the Control MicroSCADA Applications dialog.

2. Select the application to be prepared.
3. Click Base Tools.
4. Select one of the following options:
• Full prepare - copies all the initialization files and pictures to the application
directory. The possible existing files are overwritten.
• Limited prepare - to copy initialization files but not the APL_INIT and
APL_START pictures. Use this option if you wish to keep the existing
APL_INIT and APL_START files. For instance, if you have prepared the
application for LIB 500, you should use Limited prepare.

If LIB 500 is used, prepare the applications for LIB 500.

1. Open the Control MicroSCADA Applications dialog.

2. Select the application to be prepared.
3. Click LIB 500 and refer to the LIB 500 documentation to complete the preparation.

Removing applications

To remove an existing application:

1. Open the Control MicroSCADA Applications dialog.

2. Select the application to be removed.
3. Click Remove to remove the selected application directory and its sub-directories.

Using this utility physically removes the application from the

SYS 600 computer file system. Therefore it is important to
verify that the backup of the application exists, in case it is
required for later use.

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3.2. Local Area Network (LAN)

A local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and associated devices that share
a common communications line or wireless link. Local area networks are built with
hardware such as Ethernet cables, network adapters, hubs and managed or unmanaged
switches. Wireless LAN and other more advanced LAN hardware options also exist.
LANs connect MicroSCADA workstations and SYS 600 computers and other supported
devices like IEDs using IEC 61850 protocol. Each individual device connected to LAN
has its own IP address. They are able to access data and devices anywhere on the LAN,
they can share resources on LAN. Users can also use the LAN to communicate with
each other. There are many different types of LANs. Our scope is on Ethernet and used
protocol is TCP/IP. See detailed installation instructions from corresponding Windows
Operating System manual.

3.2.1. Network interface card

Each computer on the LAN contains a network interface card and software for handling
the card and the used protocols.

Insert the network interface card before installing the Windows operating system. Most
computers are equipped with a built-in network interface card. The LAN software is
installed and configured during the operating system installation.

3.2.2. IP addresses

The communication protocol supported by MicroSCADA is TCP/IP.

Each node or host in a TCP/IP network has an unique identifier, also called an IP address.
The IP address is composed of four numbers in the range from 0 to 255. The numbers
are separated with dots. For example:

The smallest LAN can have exactly two computers, a large LAN can accommodate many
thousands of computers. Because every computer on an IP network must have a unique
IP address, careful planning of IP addresses to the whole system is important. You should
remember to take care of the future needs in address areas when planning large networks.

There are some special IP addresses. is known as the loopback address and it
always refers to the local computer. Hostname used for the address is 'localhost'.

Use static addressing in MicroSCADA networks.

The IP addresses of the MicroSCADA Pro base system and workplaces must comply
with the addresses of other nodes on the network. Consult the local area network
administrator for valid IP addresses and other LAN configuration issues. This document
does not include planning guide for TCP/IP networks. You can find these guides from
Microsoft or other Internet sites.

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3.2.3. Host names

During Windows installation:

1. Type the computer name for the NETBIOS protocol so that the computer is recog-
nized on the LAN. The computer's name is not the same as the host name used by
TCP/IP. The host name is given during the TCP/IP protocol configuration.
2. Read the computer's host name and IP address by typing: ipconfig /all in a Command
Prompt window. It is also possible to verify the settings from the Network Tool in
the Control Panel.

To be able to use host names in the communication front-end computers, the names to
be recognized have to be defined in a host table on the computer. The host table maps
the host name to an IP address. On most Windows systems it is at
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts. An example of a HOSTS file is listed below:

#Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.

#This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
#This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
#be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
#The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
#Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
#lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
#For example:
# #source server
# #x client host

The following is an example of a host table. Here each node has two names, one in lower
case letters and one in upper case letters. The items in a host table are separated by spaces
or tabs. localhost apassi APASSI ws1 WS1 ws2 WS2 fe1 FE1

There are, however, other mechanisms such as DNS that can be used. Consult your net-
work administrator for information on solutions applied to your network.

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3.2.4. Verifying the LAN communication

Use the ping utility to test the connectivity on the LAN and determine if a host is available
and active. The syntax is: ping host where 'host' is the computer's IP address or node
name on the network. If the computer responds, a message is produced with some dia-
gnostic information.


Figure 3.2.4-1 Testing LAN Connectivity



Reply from bytes = 32 time < 10ms TTL 255

The typical reply time is below 10ms. If the reply time exceeds 50 ms on normal
10/100Mb/s Wired or Fibre Optic Network, it is recommended to check the LAN com-
munication equipment.

3.3. Installing workplaces

3.3.1. Installing Terminal Services

Terminal Services is a component of Microsoft Windows (both server and client versions)
that allows a user to access applications and data stored on a remote computer over a
network. This feature is needed to be able to open MicroSCADA Monitor Pro pictures
on workstations.

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Figure 3.3.1-1 Principles of Terminal Server based computing

Server-based computing

With server-based computing it is possible to deploy, manage, support and execute

applications completely on a server. The client devices, whether “fat or thin”, have instant
access to it without application rewrites or downloads.

Components of server-based computing

Server-based computing relies on three critical components:

1. A multiuser operating system that allows multiple concurrent users to log on and
run applications in separate, protected sessions on a single server.
2. A remote presentation services architecture capable of separating the application's
logic from its user interface, in such a way that only keystrokes, mouse clicks, and
screen updates travel the network.
3. The Terminal Server product consists of four components: the Windows Server
multiuser core, the Remote Display Protocol, the Windows-based client software
and enhanced system administration tools.

Terminal Server: A multiuser server core that provides the ability to host multiple,
simultaneous client sessions on Windows Server 4.0 (Terminal Server Edition) and on
later versions of Windows Server (Windows Server 2003 and 2008).

Remote Display Protocol (RDP): A key component of Terminal Server is the protocol,
which allows a client to communicate with the Terminal Server over the network. It is

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a multichannel protocol tuned for high-bandwidth enterprise environments. Furthermore,

it supports three levels of encryption.

Terminal Server Client: The client software presenting or displaying the 32-bit Windows
user interface on a range of desktop hardware.

Administration Tools: In addition to all the familiar Windows Server administration

tools, Terminal Server adds the Terminal Server License Manager, Terminal Server
Client Creator, Terminal Server Client Connection Configuration and Terminal Server
Administration tools for managing the client sessions. There are two new objects, Session
and User, which are also added to the Performance Monitor to allow tuning of the server
in a multiuser environment.

3.3.2. Terminal Server system requirements

The Terminal Server system requirements are as follows.

Operating system:

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition or

• Microsoft Windows Server 2008

Base Requirements:

• 32-bit x86 microprocessor (such as Intel PentiumIII or higher)

• 1024x768 or higher resolution monitor, 256 colors or more
• One or more hard disks, with 1GB minimum of free hard disk space
• 1 GB of RAM, plus 20 MB for each typical user who is connecting
• Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
• CD-ROM drive or network access for installation

Processor and Memory Requirements:

Processor and memory requirements scale linearly up to four processors. The maximum
memory supported is 4 GB.

Other Peripherals:

Hard disk throughput also affects the performance of the system. For the highest disk
performance, consider using a SCSI RAID controller. The RAID (Redundant Array of
Independent Disks) controllers place data on multiple disk drives automatically and can
therefore increase disk performance and improve data reliability.

Although the Remote Desktop Protocol used with Terminal Server causes negligible
network load, a high-performance network interface card (NIC) is recommended. This
is particularly important, if many users require access to data stored on network servers
or run client/server applications.

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If a multiport asynchronous communications adapter is installed for supporting dial-in

users, be sure to use an intelligent (microprocessor-based) adapter to reduce interrupt
overhead and increase throughput.

Client System:

A Terminal Server Client can be used on a client PC to access a Terminal Server using
the TCP/IP protocol from a network or by connecting via a Remote Access Service
(RAS) connection.

The minimum requirements for the 32-bit Terminal Server Client are:

• Personal computer with an x86 compatible processor, Pentium or higher.

• The Client is available on any Windows operating system. It is included or can be
downloaded to older Windows versions.
• 1024x768 or higher resolution video adapter, min. 256 colors.
• Network interface card (NIC) using the Microsoft TCP/IP protocol.
• Microsoft serial mouse or 100 percent compatible.

Windows XP does not contain Terminal Services, but only

the RDP Client. Terminal Services is a feature of Windows
2003/2008 Servers.

3.3.3. Licensing service installation

To install the license service:

1. Choose Terminal Server Licensing during product setup, or at any time click the
Add or Remove Programs icon on Control Panel.
2. Click Add/Remove Windows Components.

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Figure 3.3.3-1 Add/Remove Components, Terminal Services Licensing

In Windows Server 2003, the licensing service can be installed on a workgroup based
server, a member server or a domain controller.

During the installation of the Terminal Server Licensing service, you need to choose
between the following modes of the license server:

• Your entire enterprise (enterprise license server)

• Your domain or workgroup (domain/workgroup license server)

Normally, your domain or workgroup is used. In this scenario, a license server is auto-
matically discovered by any terminal server within the same subnet as the license server.

License installation

License tokens must be installed on your license server in order to deploy them to client
devices. After you have purchased Terminal Service Client Access Licenses (TS CAL)s,
you can then install the corresponding license tokens by using the CAL Installation
Wizard, which is located in the Terminal Server Licensing tool.

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Figure 3.3.3-2 Terminal Services Licensing

For more information, see the Microsoft Terminal Server Licensing document.

Activating license

A license server must be activated in order to certify the server and allow it to issue client
license tokens. A license server is activated using the Activation Wizard in the Terminal
Server Licensing administration tool. To activate a license server, select Action >
Activate Server while the server is highlighted.

There are three connection methods to activate your license server:

• Internet (Automatic): The quickest and easiest way to activate and install licenses,
which is also recommended by Microsoft. This method requires Internet connectivity
from the device running the Terminal Server Licensing admin tool. Internet con-
nectivity is not required from the license server itself. The internet method uses
TCP/IP (TCP port 443) to connect directly to the Clearinghouse.
• Web: The Web method should be used when the device running the Terminal Server
Licensing admin tool does not have internet connectivity, but you do have access
to the Web by means of a Web browser from another computer. The URL for the
Web method is displayed in the Activation Wizard.
• Phone: The phone method allows you to talk to a Microsoft Customer Service
Representative to complete the activation or license installation transactions. The
appropriate telephone number is determined by the country/region you choose in
the Activation Wizard and is displayed by the wizard.

A license server must be activated only once. While waiting to complete the activation
or license token installation processes, your license server can issue temporary tokens
for clients that allow Terminal Server Licensing.

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Purchasing license

The process for purchasing TS CALs for Windows Server 2003 remains the same as for
purchasing other Microsoft Client Access licenses. Customers might purchase these
licenses by obtaining a Microsoft License Pack (MLP), Microsoft Open License, or
through one of Microsoft's volume licensing programs, such as Microsoft Select.

3.3.4. Installing Windows 2003 or 2008 Terminal Services

To install Windows 2003 Terminal Services:

1. Select Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.

2. Click Add/Remove Windows Components on the left pane.
The Windows Components dialog appears.


Figure 3.3.4-1 Windows Components dialog

The components wizard will start automatically.
3. In the Components list, select Terminal Server option, and click Next.
4. In the Terminal Services Server dialog, click Next.
The Terminal Server Setup dialog appears.

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Figure 3.3.4-2 Terminal Services Setup dialog

5. In the Terminal Server Setup dialog, select Relaxed Security, and click Next.
6. In the Licensing Server Settings dialog, select I will specify a license within 120
days, if you do not have licensing yet, or otherwise one of the other available options.
7. In the dialog for licensing mode settings, select either Per Device or Per User, and
click Next.
8. In the System Savings dialog, click Yes, and reboot your computer.

To install Windows 2008 Terminal Services:

1. In the Terminal Server computer, open the Server Manager.

2. Click the Roles node in the left pane of the console.
3. Click the Add Roles link in the right pane of the console.
The Select Server Roles dialog appears.

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Figure 3.3.4-3 Select Server Roles dialog

4. In the Select Server Roles dialog, select Terminal Services, and click Next.
5. In the Select Role Services dialog, select Terminal Server and TS Licensing.
6. In the Specify Authentication Method for Terminal Server dialog, select Require
Network Level Authentication.
7. In the Specify Licensing Mode dialog, select the licensing mode.
8. In the Select Use Groups Allowed Access To This Terminal Server dialog, fine
tune the access control over the Terminal Server by adding or removing groups.
9. In the Configure Discovery Scope for TS Licensing dialog, select normally the
workstation option.

Windows Server 2003

When you install Windows Server 2003, you are not prompted to install Terminal Ser-
vices. You can only enable or disable connections to the computer.

You can use Add or Remove Programs to install Terminal Server.

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Figure 3.3.4-4 Installing Terminal Services

Terminal Server Licensing is a required component that licenses clients on a terminal

server. You must install Terminal Server Licensing or your terminal server will stop
accepting connections from unlicensed clients 120 days from the date of the first client
logon. For small deployments, it is acceptable to install both the Terminal Server and
Terminal Server Licensing service on the same physical computer. For larger deployments,
it can be installed on a separate server.

Managing Terminal Services Users

Each user who logs on to a Terminal Services session must have a user account either
on the server or in a domain on the network that the server is on. The Terminal Services
user account contains additional information about the user.

Windows Server 2003 family operating systems contain a built-in User group called
Remote Desktop Users, which is used to manage Terminal Services users.

When you install one of the Windows Server 2003 operating systems, the Remote Desktop
Users group is one of the built-in user groups on your computer. Members of this group
have the same access as members of the Users group, but they have the additional ability
to log on remotely to the computer. By default, this group is not populated when you
install Terminal Server. You must choose the users and groups that you want to have
permission to log on remotely to the terminal server, and manually add them to the
Remote Desktop Users group.

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To add users to the Remote Desktop Users group:

1. Open Computer Management.

2. In the console tree, click the Local Users and Groups node.
3. In the details pane, double-click the Groups folder.
4. Double-click Remote Desktop Users, and then click Add.
5. On the Select Users dialog box, click Locations to specify the search location.
6. Click Object Types to specify the types of objects you want to search for.
7. Type the name you want to add in the Enter the object names to select (examples):
8. Click Check Names.
9. When the name is located, click OK.

In the server computer, client users were previously granted

Administrator rights to get access to the MicroSCADA and
its related tools from the client computer. The following now
describes an alternative solution. By default, a Remote
Desktop Users group is available in the operating system. The
client login names should be defined to belong to this Remote
Desktop Users group. After this, the rights to Modify Access
to the MicroSCADA directory, i.e.<drive>\sc should be

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Figure 3.3.4-5 Access rights for MicroSCADA users

3.3.5. Installing Terminal Server Client

Windows Server 2003/XP Professional computers

The Client is installed as default.

The Terminal Services Client, called the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC), provides
substantial improvements over previous releases, including greater functionality through
a simplified user interface.

Remote Desktop Connection for Windows XP (Terminal Services Client 6.0) is available
from Microsoft site (see KB925876). This will give some new useful features, for
example, it is possible to use large two monitor displays on workstations.

This version of Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.0) can be
installed on client computers running Windows XP Service Pack 2. It can be used to
connect to terminal servers or remote desktops running earlier versions of Windows, but
the new features are available only when the remote computer is running Windows Vista,
Windows 7 or Windows Server.

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3.3.6. Remote Display Protocol (RDP) Client

To open the Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) Client select Startup > Accessories >
Communications > Remote Desktop Connection. See Figure 3.3.6-1 below.


Figure 3.3.6-1 Opening the Remote Desktop Connection

Customizing the Remote Connection

To change the various options for configuring the remote connection, a property sheet
with tabs shows the controls for

• General
• Display
• Local Resources
• Programs to run on connection
• Experience settings
• Advanced

See Figure 3.3.6-2.

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Figure 3.3.6-2 Remote Desktop Connection Display

3.4. Citrix MetaFrame Application Server

Windows 2003 Terminal Services supports the native Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol
(RDP) as well as the Citrix Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) protocol (via
the Citrix add-on).

Citrix MetaFrame/Presentation Server is a remote access/application publishing product

built on the Independent Computing Architecture (ICA), Citrix Systems' thin client

This package consists of a handful of products that run on Windows Servers and go
beyond what Windows Terminal Services can do. Support of larger displays than on
Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services and seamless window mode (no frame on
application window) for instance are features, which can be achieved by using Citrix
features and may be useful in the MicroSCADA Pro workplace.

The following table provides an overview of the features available with each of these

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3.4.1. Introduction

MetaFrame Application Server for Windows is Citrix's thin client/server system software
for Microsoft's Windows Terminal Server. MetaFrame thin client/server system software
incorporates Citrix's Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) protocol.

Latest version tested with MicroSCADA Pro is called Citrix MetaFrame Presentation
Server 4.0. Installing MetaFrame will not interfere with the functions of a computer
running Terminal Server. This means that clients can connect and execute programs on
the server regardless of whether they are running the Citrix ICA protocol, or the standard
Terminal Server client using RDP. The main differences are in the features each protocol
and its respective clients support.

3.4.2. System requirements

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2003 SP1

• Microsoft NET Framework version 1.1
• Java Runtime Enviroment (JRE) version 1.4.1_02 (or later)
• ASP.NET (Microsoft component)

3.4.3. Installing Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 4.0 system Windows components installation

To install the Windows component:

1. From the Control Panel, go to Add or Remove Programs and select Add or Remove
Windows Components.

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Figure Windows Component Wizard

2. Select Application Server and click Details.
3. Select Application Server Console, if not yet checked and ASP.NET.


Figure Application Server dialog

4. Click OK in the Application Server dialog and click Next in the Windows Com-
ponents Wizard.
5. Click Finish.

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual Get Citrix license file from internet

1. Go to The Citrix Login page is displayed.


Figure Citrix Login Window

2. Type Login ID, Password and click Login.
3. Click Licensing.
4. Click Citrix Activation System (CAS).
5. Click Activation of licenses. Follow the rules for Citrix License Activation. Installation and configuration of MetaFrame Access Suite


1. Install Citrix Presentation server CD in a SYS 600 PC.

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Figure Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server setup

2. Select Product installations and updates. Then select Install MetaFrame Access
Suite licensing, click Accept and next select Prerequisites Installation and click

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Figure Prerequisites installation
3. Click Next.


Figure Component selection

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4. Click Next.


Figure Citrix MetaFrame Access Suite licensing setup

5. Click Next and then accept Destination Folder by clicking Next. Accept the
selected features and click Next.

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Figure License files location

6. In the License Files Location, copy your license file in SYS 600 to c:\Program


Figure Web Server selection

7. Select Next.

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Figure Restart server dialog

8. Click Next and then Finish. Install MetaFrame Presentation Server 4.0 and its components

1. Click Install MetaFrame Presentation Server 4.0 and its components as shown
in the figure below.


Figure MetaFrame Presentation Server and components installation dialog

2. Accept the license agreement and continue.

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Figure License agreement


Figure Component Selection for MetaFrame Presentation Server

3. Click Next.

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Figure Warning dialog
4. Follow the Components Setup messages. In most cases there is no need change
default setup.
5. The following is an example setting when joining a Farm.

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Figure Server farm window

Farm name: SCADA


Figure Create Server farm window

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6. Click Next.


Figure Assigning credentials
7. Click Next.

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Figure Licensing settings
8. Click Next.


Figure Configuring Citrix XML Service Port

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The installation summary is displayed at the end.


Figure Installation summary window

Citrix will set Only Launch Published Applications selection

on both connection types, ICA and RDP. Installing Citrix
MetaFrame affects also Terminal Services RDP! You have to
deselect Only Launch Published Applications.

To do so:

1. Go to All Programs -> Citrix -> Administration Tools -> Citrix Connection
Configuration Tool


Figure Citrix Client configuration tool

2. In the Citrix Connection Configuration, right click “..rdp-tcp..” and click Edit.

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Figure Citrix Connection Configuration

3. Deselect Only Launch Published Applications. Do the same procedure for ica-tcp


Figure Advanced connection settings

3.4.4. Publishing applications

It is MetaFrame Presentation Server's integral function to make applications and their

content available to users. If you are logged into a certain server farm, use Presentation
Server Console to publish applications on any server in the server farm. You do not have

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to run Presentation Server Console from the same MetaFrame Presentation Server, where
the applications are installed. The server or servers, that host the published applications,
has to be a server farm member.

To publish an application:

1. Open the Presentation Server console.


Figure 3.4.4-1 Launching Presentation Server console


Figure 3.4.4-2 Authentication window
2. Click Cancel.

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Figure 3.4.4-3 Logon window
3. Enter Password and click OK.


Figure 3.4.4-4 Selecting applications
4. Select Applications.


Figure 3.4.4-5 Selecting published applications

5. Select Actions > New > Publish Application.

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Figure 3.4.4-6 Publishing wizard
6. Define the display name and application description and click Next.

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Figure 3.4.4-7 Selecting application dialog

7. Browse to “FrameWindow.exe”


Figure 3.4.4-8 Command line
8. Click Next.

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Figure 3.4.4-9 Program neighborhood settings

9. Click Next.


Figure 3.4.4-10 Application appearance
10. Click Next.

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Figure 3.4.4-11 Client requirements
11. Click Next.


Figure 3.4.4-12 Configuring access control

12. Click Next.

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Figure 3.4.4-13 Specifying servers
13. Add server and click Next.


Figure 3.4.4-14 Specifying users
14. Click Finish and exit from the Management Console.

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3.5. ICA Workstation Installation

3.5.1. Installation of "Program Neighborhood"-Client

1. Install Citrix Presentation server CD (Components Disk ) to Workstation.


Figure 3.5.1-1 Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server Clients

2. Select MetaFrame Presentation Server Clients.
3. Select Install MetaFrame Presentation Server Client for Windows, next accept
License Agreement and continue.


Figure 3.5.1-2 Selecting client
4. Click Next.


Figure 3.5.1-3 Entering client name

5. Click Next.

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Figure 3.5.1-4 Using Local Name and Password

6. Click Next.


Figure 3.5.1-5 Program Neighborhood Options

7. Click Next to begin installation. After successful installation, click Finish.

3.5.2. Adding a new Application Set

A basic ICA client limits the connection type choices to just custom ICA connections.

With custom ICA desktop or application, the user connects to the Citrix server and
receives either a full desktop on the server or runs a particular published application.

With the full version of the Citrix ICA client, you will get Program Neighborhood
functionality. The Citrix Program Neighborhood enables to make a connection to a
published application set. By setting up an application set, a user sees a set of application
icons based on what applications are published for him.

To access published application “FrameWindow.exe” from the workstation:

1. Browse to Program Neighbourhood and doubleclick.

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Figure 3.5.2-1 Start Menu
2. Select Find New Application Set.


Figure 3.5.2-2 Find new application set

3. Click Next.
4. Type the name SCADA1, click Server Location, add address and click OK.

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Figure 3.5.2-3 New application set

5. Select the name of server from the drop-down list. Note that MicroSCADA Pro is
running on SV_SER1.

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Figure 3.5.2-4 Locating
6. Click Next.


Figure 3.5.2-5 Customizing settings
7. Click Next.

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Figure 3.5.2-6 Setup successful message

8. Click Finish.
9. Click Find New Application Set in the Citrix Program Neighborhood window.


Figure 3.5.2-7 Citrix Program Neighborhood Window

Logon settings of Application Set “SCADA1” User “valvomo” of SV_SER1 is a member

of Remote desktop users.

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Figure 3.5.2-8 Logon settings

Connection Settings of Application Set "SCADA1"

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Figure 3.5.2-9 Connection settings

Default Options of Application Set “SCADA1”

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Figure 3.5.2-10 Default options

When selecting Application Set “SCADA1” then following folder appears.


Figure 3.5.2-11 FrameWindow MicroSCADA

To open a FrameWindow MicroSCADA picture select “SER1 SYS600 Pro Monitor”

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3.6. Installing process communication units

3.6.1. PC-NET process communication unit

The PC-NET process communication unit is a Windows executable which is automatically

installed when the SYS 600 packet is installed or upgraded. The instances of these units
are defined with the system configuration tool, see System Configuration manual, chapter
‘Configuring process communication’. In runtime, each configured NET in the system
configuration will have a corresponding pc_nets.exe process running.

Depending on configuration, the communication lines configured to PC-NET instances

will use serial ports, network adapters or PCLTA extension cards (LON communication).
The required hardware must be installed and configured before a complete verification
of the system configuration can be done.

The installation of the computer hardware used by PC-NET process communication

units is described in, Installing multiport serial card,, Installing LON
cards,, Installing network cards and, Verifying PC-NET process commu-
nication unit. Installing multiport serial card

Each PC-NET instance supports 12 communication lines and in most cases, additional
COM ports are required. The usage of standard COM ports 1-4 is also possible.

The multiport serial card is an extension card which is installed to a PCI slot in the
motherboard of the PC. As to the installation procedure, refer to the installation manual
of the product. In principle, any PCI based serial card can be used but following product
lines and manufacturers are verified and widely used in MicroSCADA Pro systems:

• RocketPort from Comtrol Corp.

• DigiBoard from Digi International
• MOXA serial boards from Moxa Technologies, Inc.

The serial port products which are not PCI-based are also widely available. However,
as long as the COM ports provided by these products may disappear from the system
during runtime, the overall reliability of the system is worse than in PCI-based alternatives.

In all cases, for the COM port, the communication line used is defined with the SD-
attribute of the line object. Installing LON cards

For installation of LON cards, see SYS 600 9.3 Connecting LONWORKS Devices.

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual Installing network cards

If the system configuration contains protocols which use LAN, the necessary network
adapters must be installed. In most cases, the process communication uses the same
network adapter as the MicroSCADA Pro base system and the installation procedure is
the same as described in 3.2, Local Area Network (LAN)

The communication lines created to PC-NET instances may use multiple local IP-
addresses especially when there is multiple connection to Network Control Centers (slave
protocols) or the IEDs which are connected the MicroSCADA Pro are divided to multiple
networks (master protocols).

In Windows, it is possible to define multiple IP-addresses to the same network adapter

but it is also possible that the used IP-addresses are divided to multiple network adapters.
Multiple network adapters are often used in systems requiring redundant communication
lines. When the installation and the configuration of the network adapters is complete,
the successful ‘ping’ test described in 3.2, Local Area Network (LAN) indicates that the
given IP-address is present in the system and it can be used by the PC-NET.

In all LAN protocols supported by PC-NET, line attribute LD defines which local IP-
address is used by the communication line. Verifying PC-NET process communication unit

In order to verify the operation of the PC-NET process communication unit, the system
configuration must contain at least one configured NET node. When MicroSCADA Pro
system is started, following printout shown in Figure is displayed in the noti-
fication window for each configured NET node.

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Figure Notification window

In case the configuration already contains communication lines and there are errors in
the configuration, corresponding printouts will be found from the notification window
as shown in Figure and from file “sys_error.log”. In the printout below, the
communication line 1 in NET 2 has failed to open the serial port configured for it. When
this happens, usually the configured port is already in use or the installation of the serial
card is not complete and the given port cannot be found from the system.


Figure Notification window showing errors in configuration

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As described in the system configuration manual, the startup of the PC-NET process
communication unit can be done also using the SCIL procedures. When this method has
been used and system is started, the existence of the NET nodes can be verified e.g. using
the ‘Open Online’ function of the system configuration tool. If the configuration contains
errors, the error printout can still be found from the notification window and the used
status codes are the same as with the system configuration tool. The status codes are
listed in a separate MicroSCADA Pro manual ‘Status Codes’.

3.6.2. IEC 61850

The IEC 61850 related process communication unit is an Windows executable, which
has been automatically installed during the SYS 600 software installation. Before any
actual IEC 61850 process communication occurs from the set of IEC 61850 IED's (i.e.
process devices) into SYS 600 process database, there is a need to configure each of the
IEC 61850 process communication units to represent the certain part of the underlying
process devices. This is made by using the tools included into SYS 600 software, see
IEC 61850 System Design manual, chapter Configuration. At run-time, each configured
IEC 61850 process communication unit is called an instance. Each of these instances
can be seen that the corresponding opcs_iec61850.exe process is running.

The actual IEC 61850 protocol communication occurs over the physical TCP/IP network.
However depending on the selected configuration, different TCP/IP network related
hardware and software has been installed and configured accordingly before the complete
verification of the IEC 61850 system configuration can be done, see IEC 61850 System
Design manual, chapter Requirements.

3.7. Installing peripheral equipment

3.7.1. Installing printers

Printers are used for automatic event and alarm print, and for operator initiated hard
copy. For hard copy, the hard copy functions of eXceed or Windows can be used without
any configuration measures in MicroSCADA Pro. On the other hand, the automatic event
and alarm print requires that the printers are connected to MicroSCADA Pro. These
printers can also be used for MicroSCADA Pro initiated hard copy. The installation
descriptions below apply to the printers used by MicroSCADA Pro. Regarding the
installation of Windows hard copy devices, refer to the Windows and the printer manuals.

A MicroSCADA Pro printer can be connected in the following ways:

• Directly to a base system computer, through the parallel port or a serial port.
• To a LAN via a printer server.
• Communication unit (NET, serial type connection)

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual Connecting printers to the base system

Printers connected to a NET unit can be made accessible to all base systems in the entirely
distributed MicroSCADA Pro system. A printer connected directly to a base system can
also be used by other base systems on the LAN. The printer has to be defined as “shared”
in the computer's operating system configuration to which it is directly connected.
Printers connected to a LAN can be made accessible to all base systems on the LAN.

On the application level, the printing can be accomplished according to two different
principles which determine the appearance of a printout:

• Picture based printing (old, “out of use, no printers available” )

• SCIL defined printing ("transparent" printing)

The SCIL defined printout can contain any characters supported by the printer.

The last mentioned type is specified by the SCIL function PRINT_TRANSPARENT.

The picture based printout produced by printers connected to a Windows computer or a

LAN is always semi-graphic. Pixel based printout can be obtained only on printers con-
nected to a NET. The fully graphic printout can be obtained on any printers. Each base
system and each application is able to recognize and use up to 20 printers. It is possible
to configure virtual printers without a real physical correspondence for logging in a file
on a disk. When a printer is defined for printer logging, all printout sent to the printer is
stored on a disk. This is useful when configuring an event log, that is a disk copy of the
event list. A physical printer can also be given more than one printer object definitions
to enable several different types of printout to the same printer. The printer operation
can be supervised and controlled, for example temporarily stopped and restarted, or the
printout can be redirected to another printer. This can be done by means of the ST and
CL attributes (see SYS 600 System Objects). Connecting printers to LAN

Printers connected to a base system computer or LAN must be configured in all base
systems that uses the printers. Configure the printer in each base system as follows:

1. Create a PRIn:B base system object, with at least the following attributes (see
System Objects manual):

DT "NORMAL" (black-and-white ASCII based print

out) or "TRANSPARENT" (SCIL defined print
SD Printer device name including UNC path
(SD="\\My_Computer\My_printer"). The printer
must be shared for the UNC name to be a valid
value of the attribute

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In addition, optional features are defined by the following attributes:

LP Lines per page, this should > = the number set

on the printer
QM Printer queue length
OD Output destination: "PRINTER", "LOG" (disk
files) or "BOTH"
LD, LL, LF Printer log attributes, specially the management
of log files. The attributes are meaningful, if OD
= "LOG" or "BOTH"
OJ Open on Job Basis, set value to 1. The printer
is opened before each print job and closed when
the job is completed

2. If needed, map the printer for an application with the APLn:BPR attribute. Printers
can be mapped for an application, which means that the application recognizes the
devices under logical numbers. The printer mapping is required only if you want to
use a logical printer number which is not the same as the printer object number.

Only the printers mapped with the logical printer numbers 1

...15 can be used as alarm and event printers; printer 15 is
reserved for event lists.

The following is an example of a configuration where a printer is connected directly to

a base system:


TT = "LOCAL",-
DC = "LINE",-
SD = "\\My_SYS_name\My_Printer_name",-
LP = 66)
#CREATE PRI2:B = %PRI Connecting printers to PC-NET units

A printer connected to a NET can be used by all base systems connected to the same
network. The printer must be defined both in the base systems which uses it and in the
NET unit to which it is directly connected. It is assumed here that the NET unit has been
defined to the base system as a NODn:B object. Include the following definitions in each
base system which will use the printer:

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

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1. Create a PRIn:B base system object with at least the following attributes:

ND The node number of the NET unit to which the
printer is directly connected
TN The device number of the printer in the NET
unit to which it is directly connected
Select "NORMAL", if the printer will be used
exclusively for the black-and-white character-
based printout. Select "COLOR" for all other
types of picture-based printout. Even the printer
will be black-and-white, "COLOR" is preferable
as this mode provides a more picture resem-
bling printout by exchanging graphical charac-
ters to printer specific characters. Select
"TRANSPARENT", if the printout will be SCIL

In addition, optional features are defined by the following attributes:

LP Lines per page

QM Queue length maximum
OD Output destination: "PRINTER", "LOG" (disk
files) or "BOTH"
LD, LL, LF Printer log attributes, specially the management
of log files. The attributes are meaningful, if OD
= "LOG" or "BOTH"

2. If needed, map the printer for an application with the APLn:BPR attribute, ("Device
Mapping"). The printer mapping is required only if you want to use a logical printer
number which is not the same as the printer object number.

Include the following definitions in the NET unit to which the printer is directly connec-

1. Select a line for the printer and define the line with the ASCII protocol:

PO 4
IU 1
LT 0
MS, MI System message handling, see chapter 17
PS Buffer pull size, see
BR Baud rate (recommended value 2400)
PY 0

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RD 8
SB 1
TD 8
OS Output synchronization, see SYS 600 System

2. Define a printer (a PRI object) on the selected printer line with the attributes:

LI The number of the selected line

IU 1
MI, MS System message handling, see
AL, AS 0 (the printer reservation is handled automatic-
ally by the base system)
PT Printer type 1 = character-based, black-and-
white 2 = "transparent" 3 = pixel-based, black-
and-white 4 = character-based, black-and-white,
graphical characters replaced by printer charac-
ters 6 = Facit 4544 7 = pixel-based, color

For more information on the attributes of the PRI object, see SYS 600 System Objects.
When a base system is started, its default application (the application created first in
SYS_BASCON.COM) sends a message to the printers (form feed). Therefore, make
sure that these applications are defined in the NETs.

Using System Configuration Tool for setting printer


Figure Base configuration system

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Create an outline of your system configuration or a table that includes the following

• The node numbers and station addresses of the base system and NETs.
• Application numbers and possible names.
• NET line numbers.
• Station numbers (in NET and in the base system if different) and station addresses
(slave numbers) of all devices.

Use System Configuration Tool and do next steps:

1. Define a configuration, which at least contains the ASCII Printer communication

2. Specify the ASCII Printer line specific attributes IU and SD.
3. Save the active configuration.
4. Close the tool, re-open it, and open the active configuration.
5. Under Program/User_Defined you will find preconfigured file for printer.
6. Edit it (remove semicolons) to fit your purpose.
7. Stop the running MicroSCADA and re-start MicroSCADA.


Figure System configuration tool

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Installation and Administration Manual

3.7.2. Installing adapter cards

To install an adapter card, mount the alarm card used into a free PCI expansion slot in
the base system computer. A PCI card selects the necessary I/O port addresses automat-

To use these cards, settings to SYS_BASCON.COM must be done:

#local Sys_Modify = list(-

-; Communication Attributes
ER = 0,- ;Enable Routing 0=disabled, 1=enabled

TI = 10,- ;Timeout Length

-; Time Handling Attributes
TM = "SYS",- ;Time Master, SYS or APL
TR = "LOCAL",- ;Time Reference, LOCAL or UTC
TF = 0,- ;Time Format
-; 0 = yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
-; 1 = dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss
-; 2 = mm-dd-yy hh:mm:ss
-; Memory Handling Attributes
PC = 8192,- ;Picture Cache Size(kB)
RC = 8192,- ;Report Cache Size(kB)
-; Audio Alarm Device
AA = 0,- ;Audio Alarm Address, 0 = No audio
alarm board
AD = "NONE",- ;Audio Alarm Device, "NONE" = No
audio alarm board
AW = 3,- ;Audio Watchdog Cycle, seconds
-; External Clock
CA = 0,- ;External Clock Address, 0 = No
external clock
CF = 0,- ;External Clock Read Frequency,
CL = "NONE",- ;External Clock, "NONE" = No external
-; SPA device attributes
SD = "",- ;SPACOM Driver Name
SP = 0,- ;SPACOM Protocol, 0 = Direct
connection of SPACOM not allowed
-; MS-STOOL Settings
SV = (0,- ;System Variables
list(t_System_Configuration_File = "sys_/SysConf.ini",-
;PC-NET Configuration information
b_Conf_Mech_In_Use = TRUE,- ;enables/disables
start-up configuration
b_SSS_Mech_In_Use = TRUE,- ;enables/disables
system self supervision routing
t_Version = "9.3")),-
-; Operating System Event Handles Attributes
OE = 0,- ;1=Enabled, 0=Disabled
OT = (Bit_Mask(0,1,2,3,4),- ;Application events (Bit
Bit_Mask(0,1,2,3,4),- ;System events (Bit 0=ERROR,
Bit_Mask(0,1,2,3,4))) ;Security events (Bit 0=ERROR,

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

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Alarm I/O cards

Set parameters SYS:BAA to value representing the card type you use

AA = 1 ;(if no AD is given then old Flytec card)

AW = xx ;(xx = seconds between watchdog pulses)

AD = "Nudaq PCI-7256" ; supported I/O card types, Nudaq PCI-7256,Nudaq

PCI-7250 or Advantech PCI-1760

Watchdog output D25 pins 17 and 18 are open when program not running and closed
when running.

To check I/O, use test picture and next commands:

@A = audio_alarm( "all","on")

@A = audio_alarm("all","off")

@A = audio_alarm(xx,"on/off") xx=1..7

External clocks

To use a Meinberg PCI511 radio clock in the base system, set the SYS:BCL attribute to
one of next:

CL="NONE" ;No external clock

;"PC31 " = Radio clock used in PC/ATs. The radio clock is
;synchronised in accordance with Central European radio time signals
;"PC32" = PC clock card of type PC32
;"PCI510" = PC clock card type PCI510 and new PCI511

3.7.3. Installing SNMP components

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) devices are able to provide information
about themselves via network management protocols. Such devices are servers, printers,
hubs, switches and routers. It is common that these devices are supervised in
MicroSCADA Pro systems via third-party SNMP management software products.

To enable SNMP components in Windows operating systems:

1. Open Windows Components Wizard by selecting Control Panel > Add and Remove
Programs > Add/Remove Windows components.
2. Select the category Management and Monitoring Tools, and click Details.
3. Select both Simple Network Management Protocol and WMI SNMP Provider
subcomponents to be installed.

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Figure 3.7.3-1 Management and Monitoring Tools dialog

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4. System administration

4.1. Exporting/importing objects

The following common functionality is provided by the Export/Import tool:

• Recognizing of all the application objects from the selected MicroSCADA Pro
• Defining the common options for the exported and imported application objects.
• Exporting and importing application objects.

The common options for the exported and imported data are provided in the Export and
Import field. The application objects to be handled are listed in the Applications Objects
list. The progress of operation is indicated by using the progress indicator and the status
bar field. The user can operate by clicking the appropriate buttons in the tool. See Fig-
ure 4.1.2-1

The Export/Import tool can also act as stand-alone tool and be consequently accessed
directly through Tool Manager.

Recognizing application objects

During the start-up of the tool, the list of MicroSCADA Pro applications is read. The
application, where the Export/Import tool has been started, is used as a default item.

The list of object types contains the following application objects, which are indicated
with letters:

P Process Object Groups

IX Process Objects
X Scale Objects
D Data Objects
C Command Procedures
T Time Channels
A Event Channels
UP User Defined Process Objects
F Free Type Objects
H Event Handling Objects

It is also possible to select All Object Types from the Object Type drop-down list.
When All Object Types is selected, the Export/Import tool operates with all the applic-
ation objects found from the selected application.

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

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Export/Import Tool composition

The Export/Import Tool is composed of:

• a menu bar
• a tabbed page containing search conditions
• Import, Export and Close buttons
• a tabbed page containing application objects to be handled

At the lowest part of Export/Import Tool dialog, there is a status bar showing the number
of processed application objects found and selected.

4.1.1. Opening and exiting Export/Import tool

Application Object Export/Import Tool can be run as a standalone tool or as a Application

Object Navigator's subtool. The standalone tool can be started by clicking the
Export/Import icon and then selecting File>Open, see Figure 4.1.1-1. If the standalone
tool is used, it is possible to export and import the application objects according to the
common options for the exported and imported data.


Figure 4.1.1-1 Export/Import icon

Application Object Export/Import Tool can also be started from the Object Navigator
menu item by selecting Data > Export.... See Figure 4.1.1-2. In this case, the tool is
started on export mode, that is it can only be used for exporting the application objects.
Depending on the selected application objects in the Object Navigator, the common
options in the Application Object Export/Import Tool become assigned as defaults.

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Figure 4.1.1-2 Open the tool from the Object Navigator dialog

When Application Object Export/Import Tool is started from the Object Navigator menu
item by selecting Data > Import. See Figure 4.1.1-2. In this case, the tool is started on
import mode, i.e. it can only be used for importing the application objects. When the
import operation is finished, the selected Object Navigator view becomes updated.

Close the Export/Import Tool by clicking the Close button. The tool can also be closed
by selecting Object > Exit or by the keystroke Alt+F4. SeeFigure 4.1.2-1.

4.1.2. Exporting objects

Use common options to define the set of application objects to be exported. The applic-
ation objects that match the common options are listed in the Application Objects tabbed
page. Select the application objects that need to be exported. When Select All is clicked,
all the objects are selected. When Unselect All is clicked, none of the objects are selected.
To select separate application objects from the list, hold the Ctrl key down while clicking
the objects.

When the selection contains at least one application object, Export is enabled. When
the button is clicked, a destination (export) file is created. See Figure 4.1.2-1.

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

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When Export All is clicked, all objects are exported without selecting any objects. The
Application Objects tabbed page shows only the first 10 000 objects in the list. The
button also exports the objects that are not shown in the tabbed page.


Figure 4.1.2-1 Main dialog of Export/Import Tool

During the export operation, the progress indicator displays the operation progress. See
Figure 4.1.2-2.


Figure 4.1.2-2 Export operation progress dialog

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At the end of the export operation, either the objects were successfully exported dialog
is displayed or exceptions summary dialog is displayed. See Figure 4.1.2-3.


Figure 4.1.2-3 Objects are successfully exported Exporting formats

The Export/Import tool supports three formats:

• ASCII File Format (ASC)

• SCIL Database Format (SDB)
• Comma Separated Values Format (CSV)

ASCII File Format (ASC)

The ASC Export format is an outdated export format. The ASC format is not editable
and data is saved in a slow sequential text file. The file name extension is .asc by default.

SCIL Database Format (SDB)

The SDB export format is based on the SCIL database files or SCIL data files. The SDB
format is not editable. The SCIL database files are not limited and the SCIL database's
structure is optimized for fast access. Hence it is possible to transfer a program in one
step with the SDB export format. The file name extension is .sdb by default.

Comma Separated Values Format (CSV)

The CSV export format is an editable export format and list-based engineering (LBE)
uses it. The file name extension is .csv by default. Defining CSV attributes

To form the CSV data, the following options are available:

• Delimiter is Comma

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

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The data's delimiter is a comma (,) instead of a semicolon (;). Select the Delimiter
is Comma check box, if the dot is used as a decimal point instead of comma.
• OI Attribute Split
The OI (Object Identifier) attribute of process objects can have a structure. If the
structure exists and the OI Attribute Split check box is selected, the attribute's value
is splitted according to the attribute's structure.
• Attribute Name Header
By default the first row of the CSV data represents the two letter attribute names,
which you can select. If the Attribute Name Header check box is selected, the first
row represents mnemonic instead of attribute names and the two letter attribute
names are represented on the second row.
• Vertical Text Vectors
By default the complicated attrubute values are represented as a dumped in a line
(compare with SCIL function DUMP). If the Vertical Text Vectors check box is
selected, the type text vector's attribute values are represented as vertical.
• Vertical Vectors
If Vertical Vectors check box is selected, the type none-text vector's attribute values
are represented as vertical.
• Vertical Lists
If Vertical Lists check box is selected, the type list vector's attribute values are rep-
resented as vertical.

Define how to form data, their attributes and their order in the CSV data, using the CSV
Attibute Tool dialog as shown in Figure To open the CSV Attribute Tool
dialog, select Tools > CSV Attributes from the Application Object Export\Import
Tool dialog. SeeFigure

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Figure Opening CSV Attribute Tool dialog

To define CSV attributes:

1. In the CSV Attribute Tool dialog, select the object type from the Object Type drop-
down list. If the pre-defined (IX) or user-defined (UP) process object type is selected,
select the sub type from the Sub Type drop-down list.
2. In the Sub Type drop-down list, either select the common attributes or the process
object type specific attributes. See Figure
3. On clicking the CSV Attributes tab the following two lists are displayed: All
Attributes and Selected CSV Attributes. The All Attributes list contains all config-
urable attribute names, which are available for the current object type. The Selected
CSV Attributes list contains attribute names, which are selected from the All
Attributes list. By selecting Edit menu, it is possible to edit the Selected CSV
Attributes list's attributes. See Figure
4. There are three buttons between Selected CSV Attributes and All Attributes lists:
left arrow, Reset and Save button. See Figure

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• The left arrow button is enabled when one attribute is selected from the All
Attributes list. Click this button, if you want to copy the selected attributes to
the Selected Attributes list.
• Click the Reset button to select and move the configurable attributes to the
Selected CSV Attributes list.
• Click the Save button to save all selected attribute names of the object types to
a file. When opening the CSV Attribute Tool again, the CSV attributes are read
from this file. Attribute names are saved during the last export session by default,
to the CSV_ATTRIBUTES.INI file. See Figure

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Figure CSV Attribute Tool

5. Click the CSV Attribute File tab to change a CSV attribute file. Change the file
by clicking Set File (the button with three dots). New attribute names can be loaded
from the file by clicking the Load File button. See Figure

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Figure CSV Attribute File tab Defining common options for exported data

In addition to the application and object type definitions, it is possible to define other
common options for the exported data. Define also the export type, available types are
ASC file format, CSV (Comma Separated Values) and SDB (SCIL Database) formats.

Furthermore, it is possible to define SCIL Search Condition for the application objects
to be handled through this tool during the export. As a default, the SCIL Search Condition
is empty. For example, if the Process Object's type is selected and the SCIL Search
Condition LN=="KUI_SABAY1" is defined, all the process objects with Logical Name
"KUI_SABAY1" become listed in the Application Objects tabbed page. See Fig-

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Figure Filter dialog

The existing Filter Condition is applied by selecting the condition from the drop-down
list or using the SCIL Search Condition dialog (the button with three dots). The tool
stores the 30 latest Filter Conditions in the history list. The history list is read in the tool
during its start-up.

The file name to be used as a destination (Export) is defined by selecting the file with
the File Chooser component (the button with three dots) on the right of the field. The
default file name is assigned to the running application's picture folder (logical path PICT
is used). See Figure


Figure File chooser dialog

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Regarding the file handling options, it is possible to define either Overwrite or Append
option. See Figure 4.1.2-1. In the Overwrite option, the existing destination file becomes
always overwritten. Whereas in the Append option, the new data is appended into the
end of the existing destination file. In the Append option, the existing objects are only
modified. If you choose SDB (SCIL Database) for export type, the new data is not
appended, if the data already exists. When Read File is clicked, the source file defined
by file name is read and the result is shown in the Application Objects tabbed page.

The Save Datalog Values option can be toggled on/off, depending whether the user wants
to store the datalog values during the import operation. Default value is off.

4.1.3. Importing objects

The file name that contains the application objects is displayed in the common options.
When the application objects are read from the export file by clicking Read File button,
the progress indicator displays the read or review operation progress. While previewing
objects in the CSV format, the progress indicator cannot show the total number of objects.
When all the application objects are read, they are listed into the Application Objects
tabbed page. Read objects are saved in a temporary SDB data file, except those objects,
which are already in SDB format. Exceptions the preview are shown in the summary
dialog. In addition, the Export/Import tool creates the formats during the export. The
Export/Import tool also recognizes Load File format (LOF files).

When Select All is clicked, all the objects is selected. When Unselect All is clicked,
none of the objects is selected. To select separate application objects from the list, hold
the Ctrl key down while clicking the objects.

When the selection contains at least one application object, the Import button is enabled,
and when the button is clicked a source (import) file is read. See Figure 4.1.3-1.

The Import All button also imports those objects that are not shown in the tabbed page.
The Application Objects tabbed page shows only the first 10 000 objects in the list.

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Figure 4.1.3-1 Main dialog of Export/Import Tool

During the import operation, the progress indicator displays the operation progress. See
Figure 4.1.3-2. If the file cannot be read, an appropriate notification dialog is displayed
for the user.


Figure 4.1.3-2 Import operation progress dialog

An exception can occur, when the tool imports application objects. Due to an exception,
the application object cannot be created or modified according to the import file. If one

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or multiple exceptions occur, they are listed in the Import Exceptions dialog. See Fig-
ure 4.1.3-3. This dialog displays the following information:

Type Letter that identifies the object type

Name Name of an object
Exception Context of exception (create new or modify an
existing object)
Status SCIL status received from the system
Conflicting Object The name of the object that causes the conflict


Figure 4.1.3-3 Import Exceptions dialog

Functions of the dialog:

Button Functions

Save As... Opens the file chooser to specify the location

for .log file to save the occurred exceptions. As
a default, the file chooser is opened in the
application's PICT folder, and the default file
name is Default.log.
Close Closes the dialog Defining common options for imported data

In addition to the application and object type definitions, it is possible to define other
common options for the imported data.

The file name to be used as a destination source (Import) is defined by typing the file
name into appropriate field or selecting the file by using the File Chooser component

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(the button with three dots) on the right of the field. The default file name is assigned to
the running application's picture folder (logical path PICT is used). See Figure

Regarding the object handling options, it is possible to define either Overwrite or Append
option. In the Overwrite option, data of the existing destination object are always over-
written. Whereas in the Append option, data of the object are appended to a database, if
the object does not exist.

The Create Dummy Scales and Create Dummy Event Handling Objects options can be
toggled on/off depending on whether the user wants to create scales and event handling
objects that do not exist, while process objects are imported. Objects will be created with
their original names, but they are dummy. So, they should be modified afterwards to
make process objects work properly. The Import Exceptions dialog informs about created

The Save Datalog Values option can be toggled on/off, depending whether the user wants
to store the datalog values during the import operation. Default value is off.

The Preimport Activities and Postimport Activities options can be toggled on/off
depending on whether the user wants to execute activities just before and after the proper
import. Pre- and postimport definition tools are started from menu Tools ---> Preimport
... and Tools ---> Postimport ... . A pre/postimport command procedure/SCIL file is
executed by DO function. In postimport an argument in DO function call is a list which
includes all imported predefined process objects. The list is in form list(LN, IX), where
the vector attribute LN includes logical names and IX indexes. The second argument
passed in function call is the number of the application, where objects are imported into.
Import tool assumes that procedures/SCIL files return the status of operation. If preimport
fails, a notice dialog with status will be raised to ask whether to do the actual import or
not. If preimport (or postimport) totally fails (syntax error, etc.), the standard error dialog
will be raised and import will be interrupted.

4.2. Searching strings

The Search Tool is used for searching strings in objects and files. The tool can search
strings through command procedure and data objects, text files, pictures and Visual SCIL
Object files (VSO files). The Search Tool can be opened through the Object Navigator.
The input for the tool is selected object types in the Object Navigator. If objects or files
are also selected, they act as targets for the search. The search type, target names and
other search conditions are saved in the SEARCH.INI parameter file , when the tool is
closed. The Search Tool can also act as a stand-alone tool and be opened through the
Tool Manager.

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4.2.1. Opening and exiting Search tool

Select Data > Search in Object Navigator to open the Search Tool. Before opening the
Search Tool, the object types can be selected in the Object Navigator. These objects act
as an input for the Search Tool. If no object type is selected, Text file search is default.
If objects or files are also selected, they act as targets for the search. In Figure 4.2.1-1
the first four command procedures of the external application are selected for search in
the Object Navigator.

The Search Tool can also be opened as a stand-alone tool from the Tool Manager's
Miscellaneous tab.


Figure 4.2.1-1 Opening the Search Tool from Object Navigator.

Figure 4.2.1-2 shows Search Tool, when the tool is started through the Object Navigator.
Note that in case the Search string(s) field is empty it should be filled out before the
search can be completed.

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Figure 4.2.1-2 View of the Search Tool started from Object Navigator.

Close the Search Tool by clicking Close. The tool can also be closed by selecting File
> Exit or by pressing ALT+F4.

4.2.2. Making searches

After defining the search conditions, click Search to start the search. Search can also be
started by pressing Enter.

When a search starts, the tool initializes a search first by locating targets according to
search conditions. At this stage the empty Progress Indicator dialog is displayed and
the Searching text is shown on the status bar. At initiation stage, it is not possible to stop
a search in the Search Tool. After the initiation, the proper search takes place, and the
Stop button in the indicator dialog is enabled. A search is stopped by clicking Stop. The
dialog disappears, the result page shows search results and the status bar informs about
search statistics.

Figure 4.2.2-1 shows a picture search in progress.

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Figure 4.2.2-1 A picture search in progress

Figure 4.2.2-2 shows a completed ‘VSO files’ search and one error is found.

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Figure 4.2.2-2 A completed ‘VSO files’ search with a failure

4.2.3. Defining searches

The search conditions are the input for a search. They consist of a search type, an
application, target names and paths, search strings, overlapping strings to be excluded
and two boolean options: Include subdirectories and match case.

Search conditions are saved in the SEARCH.INI parameter file when the Search Tool
is closed.

If the search criteria (a search type, target names, target paths) include incompatible files,
a warning dialog informs that the incompatible files were skipped from the search. Dialog
occurs if, for example, the following criteria are selected:

Search type Text files

Target name *
Target path Folder containing pictures and/or VSO files.
The files are skipped, because they are not text

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Search types

Select the appropriate search type from the Search type drop-down list.

Supported search types for report database search:

• Command procedures
• Data objects

Supported search types for file searches:

• Pictures
• VSO files
• Text files

When the Search Tool is opened, it displays the default search type, which depends on
how the tool is started.

If Search Tool is started through Object Navigator, the default search type is selected
on Object Navigator. For example, if the VSO files object is selected on Object Navigator
and Search Tool is opened. The default search type is VSO files in the Search type drop-
down list. If no object type is selected or Search Tool does not support the selected type,
default search type is Text files.

If the tool is started as stand-alone, default search type is the last saved search type in
the SEARCH.INI parameter file while the Search Tool was closed. If the tool is started
for the first time, default search type is Command procedures.

When the appropriate type is selected, the Target names drop-down list is also changed
to correspond the search type, see Figure 4.2.2-2.


Select the application, where the search is performed, from the application drop-down
list. The application list is updated when the search type is changed. The option is disabled
when searching text files.

Applications are in the form <name>(n), where <name> is the application's name and
(n) is the application's logical number. Local applications are available for both the file
and database searches. External applications are available only for database searches.

If Search Tool is started through Object Navigator, the default application is the applic-
ation that was selected before the Search Tool was opened. If the tool is started as stand-
alone, default application is the last saved search type in the SEARCH.INI parameter
file while the Search Tool was closed.

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Target names

The Target names drop-down list can be edited. The Target names box can be edited
as follows:

• Type a name or names separated with a delimiter. Wildcard characters are allowed
in the names.
• Select an earlier saved item from the drop-down list.
• Select a file by browsing the directory. Add a file by clicking the Add file button.
In the Select File dialog, select the appropriate file. The file name is the last in the
Target names box and it is separated by the delimiter from the other file names. A
directory name is added to the target paths box.
• Select objects or files in Object Navigator. The selected items are target names when
Search Tool is started. If the selected objects or files are more than 255 characters
long, the extra characters are removed. The search is single search, because of this
the Target name box is disabled. To enable the Target names drop-down list, make
another selection in Object Navigator or click the Add file button.

The default target names for the different search types:

Command procedures *
Picture *.PIC
VSO files *.VSO
Text files *
Data objects *

Target paths

The Target paths option can be used only for file searches. When performing the report
database searches, the option is disabled. The Target paths box can be edited as follows:

• Type a directory name or names separated with a delimiter.

• Select an earlier saved item from the drop-down list.
• Select a directory by browsing the directory. Add a directory by clicking the Add
file button. In the Select Directory dialog, select the appropriate directory. The
directory is the last in the Target paths box and it is separated by the delimiter from
the other file names.

If the selected application is the current one (the application number is zero), the field
also accepts logical paths as input. For other local applications, logical paths are not
available. Therefore, when an application is selected in the Search Tool, the field is
changed to ‘PICT' and dimmed. The ‘PICT' stands for ‘\sc\apl\<apl_name>\pict'. It is
not a logical path anymore.

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Include subdirectories

If the Include subdirectories check box is selected, the tool also searches all subdirectories.
The option is used only for the file searches and it is disabled for the other searches.

Search strings

The Search strings drop-down list can be edited. Its text box shows a string or strings
to be searched. Different strings are separated by the delimiter to enable multiple searches.
Earlier searched strings can be selected to the text box from the saved choices in the
drop-down list.

Match case

If the Match case is selected, letters are case sensitive.

Exclude overlapping strings

Strings can be typed to the text box, when the Exclude overlapping strings check box

When the check box is selected, a defined string is excluded from a search, if they
overlap the strings selected in the Search strings box. When the check box is not
selected, the text box is disabled.

Changing delimiter

The default delimiter is semicolon (;) and it separates the editable search conditions
items. To open the Delimiter dialog, select Options > Set Delimiter.

When a delimiter is changed, all the choices containing old delimiter in the drop-down
lists are updated with the new one.

4.2.4. Saving searches

Search results can be saved and printed. To save the search results, select File > Save
Results and to print the search results, select File > Print Results.

Both produce the following output:

Search type: 'Pictures'

Target name(s): '*.PIC'
Target path(s): 'C:\SC\LIB4'
Search string(s): 'store'
Exclude overlapping string(s): '!restore'

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Application: 0
Name Location Program Line Column Search

Standard printer set-up dialog is displayed by selecting File > Printer Setup from the
menu, if the tool is started from the local VS monitor.

4.2.5. Analyzing search results

The Search Results page shows results of a search completed according to conditions.
The page has a header, a result list and a text box for a program line. When a search
proceeds, hits are shown and added to the result list as they are found. When a search is
completed or stopped, the last hit is selected and the program line including a searched
string is shown and highlighted in the text box, if no errors are encountered. See Fig-
ure 4.2.5-1

Up to 10000 results can be handled on Search Results page. If the limit is exceeded,
the search is interrupted and an information dialog pops up.

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Figure 4.2.5-1 Search completed with no errors

The figure above shows a command procedure search completed with no errors. The
last finding is selected and the program line with a searched string is shown as highlighted
in the text box.

If the Search Tool is started via the Object Navigator, double-clicking the selected hit
result starts the corresponding editor or dialog and brings up the program, where the
searched string was found (for ‘VSO files’ search only VS Dialog editor is started). If
the tool is started as stand-alone, straight away editing is possible only for Text files

4.3. Text Translation Tool

The Text Translation Tool is for translating all language dependent texts of LIB 5xx,
CAP 500 Visual SCIL tools and MicroSCADA Visual SCIL tools. In addition to manual
translation of texts, the tool also provides the possibility to transfer all translated texts
from one revision of MicroSCADA/CAP 500/LIB 500 to another. The tool supports a
dictionary for automatic translation of common words and phrases. The tool is compatible
with SYS 500, COM 500, SMS 500 revision 8.4.2 and later. The tool can only be used
in VS monitor types.

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4.3.1. File formats

The Text Translation Tool is used to translate texts stored in files.

The tool supports the following file formats:

• Files exported from VSO files
• VSO files
• LIB 5xx texts - list format
• LIB 5xx texts - variable format
• LIB 5xx texts - SPACOM module event texts
• LIB 5xx texts - text profile format (RED module event texts)
• LIB 5xx - help files (ASCII text files)
• LIB 5xx – menu configuration files
• Base System tools – Windows Initialisation file format
• Base System tools – text file format for language dependent texts

4.3.2. Text Translation Tool layout

The Text Translation Tool consists of a menu bar, toolbar and drop-down list boxes for
selecting languages. It also includes a table with columns for row numbers, object names,
text IDs, texts in reference language and in the edited language, and X indicating the
translated texts that were found in the dictionary. At the lower part of the tool there is
the Edit text box for typing the text in the edited language.

The width of the columns in the table can be adjusted by dragging column borders.

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Figure 4.3.2-1 The Text Translation Tool for translating all language dependent texts of LIB 5xx,
CAP 500 Visual SCIL tools and MicroSCADA Visual SCIL tools

The buttons in the Text Translation Tool toolbar, from the left, are:
• Exit
• Open
• Save
• Initialise
• Next line
• Import texts
• Export texts
• Compare
• Add language
• Delete selected language
• Use keywords
• Settings
• Edit keywords

The following mnemonics make the use of the main window controls easier (see Fig-
ure 4.3.2-1):
• ALT + R moves the focus inside the dialog box to the Reference Language combo
• ALT + I moves the focus inside the dialog box to the Edited Language combo
• ALT + S moves the focus inside the dialog box to the list box containing the language
• ALT + X moves the focus inside the dialog box to the Edit text box.

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4.3.3. Opening and exiting Text Translation Tool

To open the Text Translation Tool, double-click the Text Tool icon in the User Interface
page of the MicroSCADA Tool Manager.

The following properties are preserved from the previous session:

• Maximised
• Size
• Position
• Column widths in the table
• Reference language
• Edited language

To exit, select Exit from the File menu, click the leftmost button on the tool bar or click
the rightmost button in the upper right corner of the dialog box.

4.3.4. Selecting and opening a file

The tool provides fast navigation to standard directories from which the files can be
selected. The navigation is done in a tree structure, which reflects the directory structure.
The tree shows the directories starting from the SC directory. When you add a new dir-
ectory or file, click Refresh in the dialog to update the tree structure.

To open a file in standard directories:

1. Select Open from the File menu.
2. Navigate the tree structure and select a file.
3. Click Open.

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Figure 4.3.4-1 File navigator for opening files for editing

4.3.5. Selecting the languages

When a file is open, all the text IDs in it are shown in the Text Translation Tool. When
the Text Translation Tool is used for the first time, English is the reference language. If
the Text Translation Tool has been used before, the reference language is the one selected
in the previous session. If the language exists in the file, the Text Translation Tool loads
the texts in the reference language.

If the Text Translation Tool has been used before, the edited language is the same as in
the previous session. If the language exists in the file, the Text Translation Tool loads
the texts in the edited language.

To select languages:
1. Select the reference language from the Reference Language drop-down list. If the
language is the edited language, it is removed from the Edited Language column.
All the texts in the reference language are loaded from the file and shown in the
table. The texts in the Reference Language column cannot be edited.
2. Select the edited language from the Edited Language drop-down list. All texts in
the edited language are loaded from the file and shown in the table.
3. Edit the texts in the Edited Language column.

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4.3.6. Adding languages

To add a new language:

1. Select Add from the Language menu.
2. Enter a new language code following ISO 639 standard or select a language from
the list.
3. Click OK or Apply, if several languages are to be added.
4. Select the language from the Edited Language drop-down list in the Text Translation

4.3.7. Deleting edited languages

To delete edited languages:

1. Select Delete Edited Language from the Language menu. A dialog box appears
asking the user to confirm the deletion of the edited language.
2. Click Yes to delete the language.

4.3.8. Finding/replacing texts

To find/replace texts:
1. Select Find/Replace from the Edit menu. The Find/Replace dialog appears.

2. Select the column to be searched. The Edited Language radio button is enabled
only when at least one edited language is added.

3. Type the text to be searched to the Find what: field, or select an already searched
string from the drop-down list.
4. Click New Search to start a new search.

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5. Select suitable search options. Select Match Case to search for match case results.
6. Click Find First, or click Replace All to replace all matching words.
7. If you selected Find First and a match case is found, replace the matching word by
clicking Replace.
8. A word can be replaced only for the Edited language. Select the Edited language
radio button to enable the Replace with field.

9. To replace the found word, type the new word to the Replace with: field, or select
an already used replacement string from the drop down list.

4.3.9. Editing texts

To edit the text:

1. In the Edited Language column, click the cell you want to edit.
2. Type the correct text in the Edit text field.
3. Select the next cell.

The Text Translation Tool gives you a notification when the edited text is longer that
the reference text. To enable or disable the notification, select Texts > Warn about long

4.3.10. Initializing edited languages

Initialization of edited languages copies all the text from the referenced language cells
to the corresponding empty (not yet translated) edited language cells. This can be used,
for example when editing a very long list of reference language texts to prevent such

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human errors as having no text at all in a language dependent LIB function (event list,
control dialog, etc.).

To initialize edited languages, select Initialize from the Texts menu.

4.3.11. Setting fonts

Different fonts can be used in the Text Translation Tool.

To select a font:
1. Select Set Font... from the Texts menu. The Font dialog appears.
2. Select a font family, style and size. Click OK.

4.3.12. Saving file

The edited texts can be saved. To save the texts, select Save from the File menu.

4.3.13. Compressing file

Files can be compressed in the Text Translation Tool. The original and the new size are
shown in a dialog box after the compression. Compressing files removes unnecessary
data from the file, so it is useful, for example, after deleting an edited language.

To compress a file, select Compress File from the Tools menu.

4.3.14. Opening locked files

When you open a file in the Text Translation Tool and a warning about the file being
locked appears, the Text Translation Tool or MicroSCADA monitor may have crashed
during the previous editing session. In such case you can open the locked file in the Text
Translation Tool.

To open a locked file:

1. Click OK in the file lock warning dialog box.
2. Choose Break File Lock from the Tools menu.
3. Open the file.

If a file is locked because it is already open in another tool,

for example in the Dialog Editor, the locked file cannot be
opened and the Break File Lock is disabled.

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4.3.15. Exporting texts

The texts in the edited language can be exported to a text file. All texts in the selected
edited language in the whole VSO file are exported. Different languages in the same
VSO file can be exported to the same file. Texts in a VSO file can be exported into a
separate text file and later imported, for example, into a newer version of the VSO file
with language dependent text. The texts can also be exported at the same time to all the
VSO files in a selected folder and its subfolders. Exporting a single VSO file

To export a single VSO file:

1. Select Open... from the File menu. To open a single file, first open the file in the
Text Translation Tool.
2. Select VSO Export from the Texts menu. The Select Export Options… dialog
opens, see Figure


Figure The Select Export Options... dialog box

3. Under Export Type, click Manual. The other two options are for exporting several
4. Select the language by clicking Select. The Add Language dialog appears. For
information on using the dialog, see 4.3.6, Adding languages, steps 2-4.
5. Click OK. The file chooser dialog appears.
6. Select the destination folder and type the name of the .txt file to the Save as: text
box. The default name of the text file is same as the VSO file, with the extension
"txt". The default folder is the same as the one that was used in last import or export
7. Click Save to save the file and close the dialog, or Apply to just to save the file
without closing the dialog. If you click Apply you can save the file to several loca-
tions without having to repeat the steps 2-6.

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual Exporting several VSO files

Exporting several VSO files may take several minutes and

load the workstation’s processor enough to remarkably slow
down its operation. Therefore it is not advisable to perform
this operation while running a process.

To export several VSO files:

1. Select VSO Exportt from the Texts menu. The Select Export Options… dialog
appears, see Figure
2. Click Automatic, ask before processing each file or Automatic, assume "yes"
for all questions. The first option stops before processing each file to ask whether
it is OK to proceed. The second option processes files automatically without con-
3. Select the language by clicking Select. The Add Language dialog appears. For
information on using the dialog, see 4.3.6, Adding languages, steps 2-4.
4. Click OK. The Select Export Source directory dialog appears.
5. Select the export source folder. All the VSO files under that folder and its subfolders
are included in the export. A subfolder is created to store the generated text files
(*.vtx). The subfolder is created into the original file location folder and is named
LangY, where Y is the language number from the language cross-reference file

After the export operation of several VSO files has finished, an Export Summary dialog
appears. For information on summary dialogs and their reports, see 4.3.20, Reports.

4.3.16. Importing texts

Texts can be imported from two sources:

• From another file of the same type, for example, another version of the same file.
• From a text export/import file (for information on exporting texts, see
4.3.15, Exporting texts).

Texts can be imported in two ways:

• Manually into one file at a time, by selecting the import source file with a file
• Automatically into one or several files.

Manually imported texts are imported from a file that is selected with a file chooser, into
the file, which is translated. Texts can be imported manually for all file types. The tool
gives a warning if the source file name is different from the destination file name.

Automatically imported texts are imported into all files selected in the file navigator,
from files of same name in another directory. When importing texts automatically the
source directory must first be selected. The tool also provides a list of files/texts, which

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were not found in the source directory. The list can be printed or saved to file. The tool
stops at each file and asks the user to confirm the automatic translation. When importing
texts to VSO files automatically, the user can select whether to import from text files or
VSO files.

When importing from text files, the same file name is assumed, but with the .txt or .vtx
extension. When importing texts into VSO files or menu configuration files, the language
of the source and destination must match. The “Object” and “Text ID” must be the same
for the source and the destination file.

Importing several files may take several minutes and load the
workstation’s processor enough to remarkably slow down its
operation. Therefore it is not advisable to perform this opera-
tion while running a process.

To import a file:
1. Select Import from the Texts menu.
2. In the appearing Select Import Options... dialog, check suitable options for the
import action. Click OK to proceed.
3. Select the text file with the file chooser that appears. The default file name is the
same as the VSO file, with the .txt extension. The default folder is the one that was
used in last import or export action.
A warning is shown if the imported texts were originally exported from a VSO file
with a different name than the one currently being edited.
4. Click OK.

After the import operation has finished, the Import Summary dialog shown in Fig-
ure 4.3.20-1 appears.

4.3.17. Exporting to a database

All files in one folder and all its subfolders can be exported to a single text file, a database.
The database makes it easier to create dictionary files and also enables editing of language
files in, for example, Microsoft Access or Excel. For information on the dictionary, see
4.3.23, Dictionary. For information on the types of language files the export handles,
see 4.3.1, File formats.

Exporting to a database may take several minutes and load

the workstation’s processor enough to remarkably slow down
its operation. Therefore it is not advisable to perform this
operation while running a process.

To export files to a database:

1. Select Export... from the Database menu. The Database Options dialog appears.

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2. Type the operating system relative path and the folder name to the Source text box
or click Browse... next to the Source text box to select the path and the folder with
the file chooser.
3. Type the operating system relative path and the name of the English source folder
to the English Source text box or click Browse... next to the English Source text
box to select the path and the folder with the file chooser.
4. Type the operating system relative path and the name of the destination file, that is,
the database, to the Destination text box or click Browse... next to the destination
text box to select the path and the file with the file chooser. The destination file is
always in .txt format. The file can already exist or it can be a new file that is created
during the export operation.
5. Select the separator from the Separator drop-down list. The options are semicolon,
tab and fixed. An example of the semicolon separator in the database is shown in
Figure 4.3.18-1. The tab separator displays a tab instead of the semicolon and the
fixed separator displays the unused characters, out of maximum number reserved
for the particular file information, as spaces.
6. Select the language by clicking Select.... The Add Language dialog appears.
Instructions for using the dialog box are in 4.3.6, Adding languages, steps 2-4.
7. Under Handle existing file(s), select Overwrite or Append. Overwrite overwrites
all information in an existing destination file and Append appends all the information
that is missing in an existing destination file.
8. Click OK to start the export operation.

After the export operation has finished, an Export Summary dialog appears.

The report in the dialog box shows the following information:

• File name and text id with the selected separator.
• Information if any of the file information elements was too long.

For information on summary dialogs and their reports, see 4.3.18, Importing from a

4.3.18. Importing from a database

Text files can be regenerated from a database, which is a text file itself. The import
operation handles the type of language files listed in 4.3.1, File formats.

The database must contain the following information for the import operation:
• Row ID (number starting from 1 for the first text Id) (String, max. length 6 char).
• Path (String, max. length 60 characters).
• Filename (String, max. length 50 characters).
• Modification date and time (String, max. length 16 characters: 1999-01- 31_01:45).
• Type of text file (String, max. length 3 characters: VSO, LIF, VVF, EFT, INI, MNU,
• Object(s) (String, max. length 50 characters).
• Text ID(s) (String, max. length 50 characters).
• Row number (String, max. length 2 characters: 0,1,2,3, … ,99).

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• Text ID type (String, max. length 1 character: T, V, I).

• Contents (String, max. length 255 characters).

An example of the file information in a database is shown in Figure 4.3.18-1.


Figure 4.3.18-1 An example of a database opened in Notepad. In this database the semicolon

has been selected as a separator for the row IDs, paths, filenames, etc.

The database can be imported to, for example, Microsoft Access or Excel. For this, a
header is needed with information about the drive, path, language, exported date and
time. The header information is 10 lines starting with the character #, as shown in Fig-
ure 4.3.18-1 and Figure 4.3.18-2. The compatibility of the database with, for example,
Microsoft Access enables combining already translated texts with the latest English
versions of files containing language dependent texts.


Figure 4.3.18-2 An example of a database imported to Microsoft Excel

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Importing from a database may take several minutes and load

the workstation’s processor enough to remarkably slow down
its operation. Therefore it is not advisable to perform this
operation while running a process.

To import from a database:

1. Select Import... from the Database menu. The Database Options dialog appears.
2. Type the operating system relative path and the database name to the Source text
box or click Browse... next to the Source text box to select the path and the file
with the file chooser.
3. Type the operating system relative path and the name of the English source folder
to the English source text box or click Browse... next to the English Source text
box to select the path and the folder with the file chooser.
4. Type the operating system relative path and the destination folder name to the Des-
tination text box or click Browse... next to the destination text box to select the
path and the folder with the file chooser.
5. Select the separator from the Separator drop-down list. The options are semicolon,
tab and fixed. An example of the semicolon separator in the database is shown in
Figure 4.3.18-1. The tab separator displays a tab instead of the semicolon and the
fixed separator displays the unused characters, out of maximum number reserved
for the particular file information, as spaces.
6. Select the language by clicking Select.... The Add Language dialog appears. For
information on using the dialog, see 4.3.6, Adding languages, steps 2-4.
7. Under Handle existing ids, select Overwrite all existing text ids or Overwrite
only empty text ids. Overwrite all ids overwrites all IDs in the destination folder
and Overwrite only empty ids overwrites all the missing IDs in the destination
8. Click OK to start the import operation.

A report is shown after the import from the database is completed.

The report contains the following notifications:

• Any empty text ID in a language that is not empty in the English version.
• If there is any attribute or file in other languages not present in the English version.

For information on the summary dialog boxes and their reports, see 4.3.20, Reports.

4.3.19. Header information in text files

A header of the text file written by the Text Translation Tool includes information about
the version of the Text Translation Tool and the date when the file was written.


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;COPYRIGHT : ABB Substation Automation Oy
;PROJECT : LIB 500 Base 4.0.2 / Event List 2.0
;CREATED : 96-04-18 ;MODIFYED : 99-07-26
;TTT version 1.6.13 99-01-31
;DESCRIPTION: This is texts for the event list pictures

4.3.20. Reports

A report is generated every time an import or export operation is done. The report shows
erroneous and missing Text IDs, see Figure 4.3.20-1. The status of the text is displayed
separately for each language.

The header of the error list includes the following information:

• Time and date when the report was generated.
• The selected options.
• Source and destination directories.


Figure 4.3.20-1 This Import Summary dialog box is an example of a report from an import


The command buttons in the dialog allow saving and printing the report, as well as
closing the dialog box, see Figure 4.3.20-1.

Figure 4.3.20-2 shows an example that includes the following error information:

• The Text Id MAIN*B_HELP was not translated in the imported file.
• The Text Id MAIN*L_COMPILED was not found from the imported file.

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This means that these two Text Ids have to be edited in the Text Translation Tool. The
status may be:

Absent destination The text Id is not found from the destination file.
Non-empty destination The text was already in the destination file.
Absent source The Text Id was not found from import file.
Empty source The Text Id was empty in import file.


Figure 4.3.20-2 An example of information in an error list after an import operation from

sc\De_Tool\AplBuild to sc\Stool\AplBuild. This example is an import from MicroSCADA version

4.3.21. Comparing language files

Using the latest translated material and a summary of differences between the English
source versions simplifies the translation process. An example of a translation process
is shown in Figure 4.3.21-1.


Figure 4.3.21-1 An example of a translation process. The members in the boxes represent different
versions of texts, 1.2 being the latest version.

The summary of differences is a result of language file compare operation. Two different
versions of files can be compared in the same language.

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In Figure 4.3.21-1, for example, the differences between versions 1.1 and 1.1.2 of the
English language files are compared in the Text Translation Tool before translating the
English file version 1.1.2. The summary shows the differences between the language
dependent texts that have been added to the English file 1.1.2 version. Since the English
file version 1.1 has already been translated to another language, only the new English
texts in the English file version 1.1.2 need to be translated.

The comparison may take several minutes and load the

workstation’s processor enough to remarkably slow down its
operation. Therefore it is not advisable to perform this opera-
tion while running a process.

To compare two different versions of a file in a selected language:

1. Select Compare from the Texts menu. The Compare options dialog appears.
2. Type the operating system relative path and the database name to the First source
directory text box or click Browse next to the text box to select the path and the
file with the file chooser.
3. Type the operating system relative path and the database name to the Second source
directory text box or click Browse... next to the text box to select the path and the
file with the file chooser.
4. Select the language by clicking Select.... The Add Language dialog appears. For
information on using the dialog, see 4.3.6, Adding languages, steps 2-4.
5. Click Compare text id values and/or Include subdirectories to compare language
dependent texts and include subdirectories to the comparison.
6. Click OK to start the comparison.

When the comparison is finished, the summary of differences is displayed. Information

on the summary dialog boxes and their reports is found in 4.3.20, Reports.

Figure 4.3.21-2 shows a more detailed description of the different phases in the simplified
translation operation.

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Figure 4.3.21-2 The simplified translation process

4.3.22. Local language directories

Each time a local language is added (by selecting Menu > Language > Add in the Text
Translation Tool), a LANGn directory is created under all locations where LANG0 folder
is present. When a file is selected and edited it in the local language (Edited Language),
the file is saved under the LANGn folder. Ex- LANG1 is created at all locations where
LANG0 is present. The file BAU_ALARM1.HLP is edited in LANG1 and saved under
the LANG1 folder as shown in Figure 4.3.22-1.

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Figure 4.3.22-1 LANGn folder location

4.3.23. Dictionary

The Text Translation Tool manages a dictionary, which can contain words and phrases
in different languages. The dictionary can be edited with the Text Translation Tool. The
dictionary can be used to translate individual texts as well as all texts of a file. In this
case all words and phrases which are found in the dictionary are translated.

The dictionary contains the following functionality:

• Add a new word.
• Paste copied text from the Text Translation Tool.
• Delete a word.
• Erase all words from one language.
• Export the words and translations (in one language) to a text file or database.
• Import the words and translations (in one language) from a text file or database.
• Search and replace a word.
• Sort the dictionary in alphabetic order by each language.
• "Use Dictionary" functionality that uses the translations found in the dictionary.

An English version of the dictionary can be built from a database after importing all files
(i.e. c:\sc\) with language support to the database. For instructions on exporting to a
database, see 4.3.17, Exporting to a database. The English version of the dictionary
contains entries only in English. All unique strings from the file (database) should be
written to the dictionary when importing from an exported database to a dictionary.

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

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The dictionary can be modified and new entries can be added with the Dictionary Editor,
see Figure The Dictionary Editor can be accessed from the Text Translation


Figure The Dictionary Editor dialog

The Dictionary Editor toolbar includes the following buttons:

• Exit
• Import from file
• Export to file
• Add new word
• Delete current word
• Next cell
• Add language
• Delete current language Using dictionary

To use the dictionary:

1. Select Use Keywords from the Dictionary menu. All occurrences of the referenced
language entries in the dictionary import the corresponding translation into the edited
2. If there are two different translations available in the same language, the dialog
shown in Figure appears. In the dialog, select the correct translation for
the text from the All translations list and click OK. To cancel the translation of a

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single word and proceed with the operation, click Cancel this unit. Cancel trans-
lation cancels the Use Keywords operation.


Figure The Resolve Translation Ambiguity dialog Editing dictionary settings

To edit dictionary settings:

1. Select Settings from the Dictionary menu. The Dictionary Settings dialog appears.
2. Select suitable options.
3. Click OK. Finding and replacing text

To find/replace text:
1. Select Find/Replace from the File menu. The Find/Replace dialog appears. Before
selecting Find/Replace you can also select only a part of the text to be searched.
2. Type the text to be searched to the Find what: field or select an already searched
string from the drop-down list.
3. If the found word should also be replaced, type the replacement word to the Replace
with: field or select an already used replacement string from the drop down list.
4. Select suitable search options below the Replace with: field.
5. Click Find First, or click Replace All to replace all matching words.
6. If you selected Find First and a match case is found, click Replace to replace the
matching word. New Search starts a new search from step 2.

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual Editing a dictionary

To edit the dictionary:

1. Select Edit Keywords... from the Dictionary menu. The Dictionary Editor dialog
2. To add a language to the dictionary, select Add language... from the Language
menu. Select desired language from the list. Click OK.
3. To select the reference language, select the Select Reference Language submenu
from the Language menu. Select an option on the list.
4. To select edited language, select the Select Edited Language submenu from the
Language menu. Select an option on the list.
5. To add a new entry into dictionary, select Add New Word from the Word menu.
An empty cell is selected. Type the new word.
6. To delete an entry from the dictionary, select the cell with the word to be deleted.
Select Delete Current Word from the Word menu.
7. To save the dictionary, select Save Dictionary from the File menu. Exporting a dictionary

To export a dictionary:
1. Select Edit Keywords... from the Dictionary menu.
2. Select Export to file... from the File menu.
3. In the Save As dialog, select the appropriate directory and enter a filename without
file extension. Click Save. The file is saved with the extension .dic by default. Importing a dictionary

To import a dictionary:
1. Select Edit Keywords... from the Dictionary menu.
2. Select Import from File... from the File menu. Select directory and file (*.dic).
3. Click Open.
Entries of the referenced language that are not found in the edited dictionary are
imported. Importing from a database

Import from database may take several minutes and load the
workstation’s processor enough to remarkably slow down its
operation. Therefore it is not advisable to perform the opera-
tion while running a process.

To import from a database:

1. Select Edit Keywords... from the Dictionary menu.

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2. Select Import from Database... from the File menu. The file chooser dialog appears.
3. Select the database (*.txt) to be imported to the dictionary with the file chooser.
4. Click Open to save the file and close the dialog box, or click Apply to save the file
without closing the dialog. Clicking Apply enables you to import several databases
without having to repeat the steps 2-3. Text of VS objects

Texts of the VS_PROGRAM_EDITOR and VS_NOTICE_DIALOG objects can be

translated in the stdlang.vso file, which is located in the ../sc/ prog/exec folder. The
stdlang.vso file contains texts only in English (EN). They are meant to be used only for
referencing, so modifying these texts has no effect. If the language in the monitor is
English “EN”, the default texts are used. The stdlang.vso file includes also examples,
texts in Finnish (“FI”) for VS_PROGRAM_EDITOR.

4.4. SCIL Database Tool

In MicroSCADA, it is possible to create SCIL database files that may contain any SCIL
data types. For more information on SCIL databases, see the Programming Language
SCIL Manual. In the operating system's file system, the SCIL database files are recognized
by their file extension .SDB (SCIL Database file).

SCIL Database Tool provides the following functions for these files:

• Creating a new file

• Opening an existing file to display the contents of the file in a structured way
• Editing the file with regard to the sections, element names and their values
• Saving the file
• Copy and paste the contents of the file between two SCIL Database tools open at
the same time

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Figure 4.4-1 Main view of the SCIL Database Tool

The main view of the tool consists of the following parts. See Figure 4.4-1

• Menubar
• Toolbar
• Area for displaying the file contents in a structured way

4.4.1. Opening the SCIL Database File

When File > Open is selected or the appropriate toolbar button is clicked, the File Chooser
dialog is opened. See Figure 4.4.1-1.

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Figure 4.4.1-1 Selecting a file in File Chooser

The default folder for File Chooser is the active application's PICT folder. The files,
which have the .SDB extension are shown as default. When the SCIL Database file to
be opened is located in another folder, use the File Chooser to select the appropriate
drive and folder. To open the file, select the file name from the list or type the name of
the file to the File name field. It is also possible to open the latest files from the tool's
file history list, located in the File menu of the tool.

When the file is opened, its contents is displayed in the tool in a structured way.

If the Text Database files (SYS_TEXT.SDB, APL_TEXT.SDB

or other Text Database files defined by the APL:BTD Text
Databases attribute) are opened in SCIL Database Tool, the
following dialog is displayed for the user. See Figure 4.4.1-2.


Figure 4.4.1-2 Notification for opened Text Database files

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In this case, the tool disables the saving function. This is because, the Text Translation
Tool should be used for localization purposes of these files. However, it is possible to
edit the contents of this file, and save it to another file name.

When the file is opened in the tool, its contents is shown in the tree. Sections node of
the tree displays the number of sections included in this file. As a default, the Sections
node is expanded, thus displaying all the sections found from the file. The contents of
each section becomes displayed, when the appropriate Section node in the tree is

For each section and element, the following information is displayed:

• Name of the section or element

• Data type of the section or element
• Value of the section or element

Section is identified in the tree with following icon.

The data types for element values are identified with icons according to the following
Figure 4.4.1-3


Figure 4.4.1-3 Data type icons

4.4.2. Creating a New SCIL Database File

When File > New is selected or the appropriate toolbar button is clicked , the contents
of the SCIL Database file tree is cleared in the tool. If the current SCIL database file in

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the tool has been modified before creating a new file, the following dialog is displayed
to the user. See Figure 4.4.2-1.


Figure 4.4.2-1 Current file is modified notification

When Yes is clicked, the tool saves the current SCIL database file before clearing the
contents of tree. If No is clicked, the contents of tree is cleared without saving the content
of the current SCIL database file. If Cancel is clicked, the contents of tree is not cleared.

4.4.3. Creating New Section with Value

When root node Sections is selected in the tree, select Object > New from the menubar
or click the appropriate toolbar button . Then the New dialog is opened. See Fig-
ure 4.4.3-1


Figure 4.4.3-1 Opening the New dialog

Type the section name in the Section text field, and the value in the Value text field.
Here are some examples for entered values:






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Clicking OK or pressing ENTER creates a new section in the tool with the entered value
and closes the New dialog. Clicking Cancel discards the entered section with value and
closes the dialog.

4.4.4. Editing Section Value

When some section is selected in the tree, select Object > Edit from the menubar or
click the appropriate toolbar button . Then the Edit dialog is opened. See Figure 4.4.4-


Figure 4.4.4-1 Edit dialog

Modify the contents of the existing value in the text field. When OK is clicked or ENTER
is pressed, the modified value is applied into tool and Edit dialog is closed. If the entered
value does not follow the SCIL syntax (for more information on this, see the Programming
Language SCIL manual), the message dialog (Figure 4.4.4-2 is displayed for the user.
Clicking Cancel discards the entered value and closes the dialog.


Figure 4.4.4-2 Incorrect value entered in the Edit dialog

4.4.5. Saving SCIL Database File

When File > Save As is selected from the menubar, the Save As dialog is opened. See
Figure 4.4.5-1. The files with .SDB extension are recognized as SCIL Database files and
are listed in the default folder. Type the file name in the text field, and click Save. Or
select some existing file name in the list to replace the existing file. Clicking Cancel
discards the operation and closes the dialog.

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Figure 4.4.5-1 Save as dialog

If an existing file has been modified in the tool, select File > Save from the menubar or
click the appropriate toolbar button to save the file with the same name.

4.4.6. Renaming Sections

Select some existing section in the tree, and select Object > Rename from the menu or
click the appropriate toolbar button . Then the Rename dialog is opened. See Fig-
ure 4.4.6-1


Figure 4.4.6-1 Rename dialog

Type another section name in the text field. Clicking OK or pressing ENTER accepts
the entered section name in the tool and closes the Rename dialog. Clicking Cancel
discards the entered new section name and closes the dialog.

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4.4.7. Deleting Selected Content

Select some existing section or value in the tree, and select Edit > Cut or click the
appropriate toolbar button. The selected content is deleted. However, it is possible to
paste this section or value later, because it is saved to the clipboard of tool.

4.4.8. Transferring information between two SCIL Database Tools

It is possible to copy and paste section and value information between two parallel SCIL
Database Tools. The purpose of this function is to provide easier engineering, when there
is a need to reuse the data from one SCIL Database File to another. This can be done by
the following way:

1. Start the first SCIL Database Tool from the Tool Manager.
2. Start the second SCIL Database Tool from Tool Manager
3. Open the SCIL Database in this tool. Select some section name in the tree.
4. Select Edit > Copy from the menubar or click the appropriate toolbar button.
The contents of the selected section is copied to the clipboard of the first tool. After
this is done, do as follows:
5. Select the root node of the tree, that is, click the Sections item.
6. Select Edit > Paste from the menubar or click the appropriate toolbar button.

The contents of the copied section is pasted in the contents of the second tool. See Fig-
ure 4.4.8-1


Figure 4.4.8-1 Transferring information between two tools

4.5. Hard disk management

The Disk Management Tool (DMT) is designed for automatic and manual hard disk
management in MicroSCADA Pro, that is file deleting, moving and compression, in
order to free up disk space. The Disk Management Tool requires MicroSCADA version
8.4.3 or higher. The DMT uses external executable AR.EXE for compression.

The Disk Management Tool is able to perform the following actions to maintain the disk
space available:

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• Deleting files
• Moving files to another hard disk or removable media
• Compressing files and deleting original ones, archives created by the DMT are
handled by the DMT User Interface part

The DMT can be activated in one or more of the following ways:

• Manual triggering via the User Interface

• Automatic periodic triggering at predefined time of the day
• Automatic triggering based on the LIB 5xx hard disk space alarm

4.5.1. Using Disk Management tool

The Disk Management Tool is accessed by double-clicking the Disk Management icon
in the Miscellaneous tab of the Tool Manager. When the DMT User Interface part is
started, the main dialog box appears. The typical appearance of the main dialog box is
shown in Figure 4.5.1-1.


Figure 4.5.1-1 The Disk Management Tool main dialog box

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Table 4.5.1-1 File menu commands

Save This command saves current activation settings and file sets to the
parameter file. Base system objects are updated according to the
new activation settings. The left toolbar button also corresponds to
this command.
View Log This command opens the viewer dialog box to view the log created
by the Execution part. Log messages are displayed as plain text,
each one on a single line. Messages include date and time stamp,
message type (information, caution and critical), and the message

‘Information' messages are those not requiring immediate attention,

such as the number of processed files from each file set, the time
when the Execution part was started and so on.

‘caution' messages are logged when there is an I/O or other no-

critical error, but the DMT is able to recover and continue execution.

‘critical' messages are logged when there is a critical error, which

has caused the Execution part to stop.

Note that the log viewer is able to display up to10000 messages of

the log, so it is necessary to clear the log periodically. The log file
is stored in the language-independent format. When it is viewed in
the UI part, messages are translated using the current language.
The second toolbar button corresponds to this command.
Clear log This command empties the log file and immediately logs a message
that the log file was cleared. The third toolbar button also corres-
ponds to this command.
Run now This command activates the Execution part immediately, if it is not
already running. If there are unsaved changes in file sets or activa-
tion settings, the tool prompts whether to save them prior to activat-
ing the Execution part. The fourth toolbar button also corresponds
to this command.
View messages This command shows the dialog box containing recent messages
received from the Execution part. The dialog box also opens auto-
matically when a new ‘critical' or ‘caution' message is received. See
for more detailed description of the message dialog.
Exit This command closes the UI dialog box. If there are unsaved
changes in file sets or activation settings, the tool prompts whether
to save them.

Table 4.5.1-2 Archive menu command

Open This command allows the user to view and extract files from archives
created by the Execution part. See for the description of the archive-
handling dialog.

Table 4.5.1-3 Options menu command

Toolbar Visible This option toggles the toolbar state.

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Table 4.5.1-4 Help menu command

About This command opens the About information sheet.


Corresponds to the Save command in the File menu.

Corresponds to the View log command in the File menu.

Corresponds to the Clear log command in the File menu.

Corresponds to the Run now command in the File menu. Activating automatic disk space settings

The following activation methods are supported by the Disk Management Tool (DMT):

• The time-based activation (daily, weekly or monthly)

• The activation based on LIB 500 disk space alarm

These options are independent of each other, but only one instance of the Execution part
may run at a time. Therefore, if the Execution part was triggered by the disk space alarm
or manually, and has not finished before the time-based activation has occurred, then
the time-based activation is ignored.

1. Setting a daily, weekly or monthly activation in the main dialog

2. Select the Activation schedule check box in order to activate the option buttons. See
3. Select on of the following options, Daily at, Weekly at or Monthly at, depending
on which kind of activation is preferred.

Type the time of the day for the activation in the freely editable text box next to the
option button. The time must be typed in 24 hour format, for example 16:30. For the
Daily at activation, in addition to the time of the day, also the day of the week has to be
selected from the drop-down list next to the time text box. For the Monthly at activation,
in addition to the time of the day, also the date has to be selected from the spin box next
to the time text box.

The monthly activation will be ignored on months, which do not contain the selected
day. For example, the Execution part will not be activated on February, if the 30th day
is selected.

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Setting activation on disk space alarm is done by selecting the Activate on disk space
alarm check box. The disk space alarm limit can be adjusted with the LI attribute of the
process object 10 in the B_HDS process object group, see the Application Objects manual
for more detailed information on adjusting the attribute. Changing B_HDS process object
group also effects LIB 5xx since it uses the same group. If LIB 5xx is installed after
adjusting the LI attribute, the LIB 5xx default value will replace the adjusted value. Creating new file sets

Each file set consists of the following attributes:

Table File attributes
Source path This is the directory specification, where source files are loc-
ated. It can be application-related or operating system-
dependent absolute path.
File mask This attribute is the pattern of the file names to operate on. It
is also possible to specify several patterns separated by semi-
colon. The DMT correctly handles file names matching more
than one pattern. For example, if A*.* and *.PHD are specified,
APL_991004.PHD will be processed only once.
Action One of the following actions can be performed by DMT on file

Delete: Deletes all files matching the pattern and criteria.

Move: Moves all files matching the pattern and criteria to

another location.

Compress: Places all files matching the pattern and criteria into
the archive and deletes original ones if the operation was suc-
cessful. The archive file name can be a maximum of eight
characters long, excluding the extension. The extension can
be freely chosen and a maximum of three characters long.
Character selection for both the archive name and the extension
follow the standard DOS file naming convention. Note that for
the compression operation to succeed, the amount of free disk
space on the drive where MicroSCADA is installed needs to
be more than twice the size of the files to be compressed.
Action Destination This attribute is only applied for Move and Compress actions.
For Move action, it specifies the directory, where to move the
affected files. For the Compress action, it specifies the destin-
ation archive file. The archive name can be a maximum of eight
characters long, excluding the three character extension,
because the destination file name is given as an argument to

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Criteria One of the following criteria can be checked by the DMT to find
out whether to process the file set:

Time: All files older than the specified time stamp and matching
the pattern are processed.

Size: If the size of any file matching the pattern is greater than
the specified limit, the file is processed.
Criteria value This is the number of criteria units, selected for the file set. This
value must be between 1 and 999.
Criteria unit The following units are applied to the ‘Time' criteria:




The following units are applied to the ‘Size' criteria:

KB - Kilobyte, is equivalent to 1 000 bytes.

MB - Megabyte, is equivalent to 1 000 000 bytes

GB - Gigabyte, is equivalent to 1 000 000 000 bytes

File sets are processed by the Execution part in the same order as they are listed in the
UI main window. Two buttons, Move up and Move down, allow changing the order. Deleting file sets

File Sets can be deleted as follows:

1. Select the file set(s) to be deleted. Several file sets can be selected by holding down
Ctrl and clicking on the sets to be selected. Clicking Select All selects all the file
sets in the main dialog box.
2. Click Delete. The tool promps to confirm the operation. Defining file set properties

The File Set Properties dialog allows to create file sets and edit attributes of existing file
sets. The appearance of the dialog is shown in Figure

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Figure The File Set Properties dialog

The File Set Properties dialog contains dialog items for all attributes described in the
File sets section. The browse button enables a file chooser allowing selecting the directory
or file specification.

Adding new file sets

New file sets can be added as follows:

1. Click the Add command button in the DMT main dialog.

2. Select a Source path by typing the path in the freely editable text box, or click the
Browse button next to the text box and select the path with the file chooser.
3. Insert File mask by typing the pattern in the freely editable text box. Acceptable
extensions for the files are phx, phz, phd, phi, cfg, dat, and inf, files with other
extensions are not handled. It is also possible to specify several patterns separated
by semicolon. If, for example, d*.*;u*.ini is used as the file mask pattern, a warning
shown in Figure 11.2.2.-2 is displayed. The warning appears after the first file set
that may include not supported files, has been approved, but only once every time
the DMT is used.


Figure Warning about a file mask that may include files not supported by the DMT
4. Select the appropriate Action for processing the files included in the file mask. The
drop-down list provides the Delete, Compress and Move options.
5. The destination path has to be defined for the Move and Compress actions. Type
the path in the freely editable text box or click on the browse button to select the

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path by file chooser. For Compress action a file name for the archive file needs to
be defined in addition to the destination path, for example \sc\temp\
6. In the Criteria group box, click Older than to select time criteria or Occupy more
than to select space criteria.
7. Select the criteria value from it’s respective spin box and unit from it’s respective
drop-down list.
8. Click OK to accept the settings.

The OK button propagates the new file set to the main dialog and then closes the File
Set Properties dialog.

The Cancel button abandons any changes and closes the dialog. If there are unsaved
modifications, the tool prompts whether to save them.

Editing existing file sets

Existing file sets can be edited as follows:

1. In the DMT main dialog click on the file set to be edited.

2. Click the Edit button.
3. Do the necessary changes in the File Set Properties dialog.
4. Click OK.
5. The OK button propagates changes to the main dialog and then closes the File Set
Properties dialog.

The Cancel button abandons any changes and closes the dialog. If there are unsaved
modifications, the tool prompts whether to save them.

The two navigation buttons in the File Set Properties dialog can be used to move between
file sets in the main dialog. The left arrow moves to the previous file set in the list and
the right arrow moves to the next one. If there are unsaved changes in the File Set
Properties dialog, the tool asks whether to save them prior to moving. Saved changes
are propagated to the main dialog; the separate Save command should be given to save
file sets to the parameter file. Viewing execution messages

When the Execution part is activated, and the UI part is open, the Execution part sends
urgent messages to the UI part. All messages sent to UI are also logged, but not all of
the logged messages are sent to UI. When a ‘critical’ or a ‘caution’ message arrives, see
File > View Log in Section 3.4.1. Using Disk Management tool, the UI part opens the
Execution Message dialog. The appearance of the dialog is shown in Figure

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Figure The Execution Part dialog

The dialog shows the message status icon, the time stamp, the message text, and the
SCIL status code if any. These messages are not stored permanently. When the main
dialog is closed, they are automatically removed.

The Close button closes the dialog.

The Clear button removes all the messages from the list, but they still remain in the log

The "Open this dialog upon incoming critical and caution messages" check box allows
turning off the dialog pop-up. If this option is turned on, then incoming ‘information’
messages are placed on the list, but the dialog is not automatically opened. However,
the last message sent by the Execution part opens the dialog regardless of the message
status. Viewing log

The Archive dialog handles archives created and updated by the Execution part. It allows
deleting compressed file sets and extracting individual files from archives. The appearance
of the Archive dialog is shown in Figure

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Figure The Execution Part dialog

The Source file text box shows the name and the path of the currently open archive. The
corresponding Browse button allows selecting another archive.

The leftmost list contains IDs of compressed file sets in the first column. IDs are 4-digit
numbers assigned in the ascending order. The result of the first compression receives
the ID 0000, the next one has the ID 0001, and so on. Other two list columns contain
the original and the compressed size of the whole data.

The rightmost group box displays the following information related to the selected file

• Time stamp, the date/time when the compression was performed

• Location, the original location of files
• File mask, the file mask of the file set
• Condition, the condition used to select files
• The list, that shows the name and the original size for each file

The Refresh command button forces the tool to refresh the contents of the archive. It is
useful to reflect changes made by the recent activation of the Execution part.

The Extract files... command button allows to extract all or only selected files from one
file set at a time. When this button is clicked, a dialog is displayed allowing changing
the destination directory.

The Delete file set button allows deleting one or more selected file sets. There is no way
to delete individual files from a compressed file set.

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4.6. Starting SYS 600

4.6.1. Starting base systems

To start a base system:

1. Switch on the computer and the display.

2. After the power has been switched on, the memory is tested and the operating system
is started.
3. MicroSCADA can be started either manually or automatically, depending on the
configurations made to the system.
4. You can log on to Windows, either automatically or manually, depending on the
configurations you have made to the system. Manual logging is needed only if
monitors are opened manually in the same computer where base system is running.

4.6.2. Base System startup procedures

Base system runs as a service in the operating system. This means that the program runs
in the background without any visible user interface.

At startup, the MicroSCADA main program runs the following operations:

• The base system is configured with the SYS_BASCON.COM file.

• The remote communication system is configured and possible NET units are started

4.6.3. Application startup procedures

The applications that are configured in the SYS_BASCON.COM are started after the
service has started. For each application that has started and has been set to "HOT", the
following tasks are performed:

• The entire process database of the application is copied from disk to the primary
memory. The values for process objects with SS= =2 are marked as not logged
(status code 10).
• An event channel (APL_INIT_1) is activated. Often the channel starts an application-
specific command procedure(s). The function is defined in the event channel config-
• All time channels in the active applications, which are connected to data objects
and should have started during the system break, are executed. The missing report
data, due to the break, is marked as not logged. Command procedures and data
objects with SE= =1 are executed. After the marking of data objects is complete,
another event channel (APL_INIT_2) starts another command procedure(s).

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The tasks are performed regardless of whether they are started from the
SYS_BASCON.COM file or later on. If the application is a part of a hot stand-by system,
the procedures are identical.

The command procedure started by APL_INIT_1 is normally programmed to perform,

for example, the following operations:

• Reading process object values from the remote terminal units and updating them in
the process database (the primary memory).
• Completing and modifying the equipment/line configuration. The command proced-
ure started by APL_INIT_2 can, for example, be programmed to send messages to

4.6.4. Manual startup of SYS 600 Monitor

Manual startup means that MicroSCADA is started manually, from the MicroSCADA
Control Panel. If the base system has not been configured for automatic startup, start the
MicroSCADA manually.

To start:

1. Log into the operating system as a user belonging to the Administrator group.
2. Double-click the MicroSCADA Control Panel icon.
3. The MicroSCADA Control Panel is displayed as shown in Figure 3.1.5-2.


Figure 4.6.4-1  MicroSCADA Control Panel

4. Click Start.
5. The dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure 4.6.4-2.

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Figure 4.6.4-2 This dialog box tells that MicroSCADA has been started

6. Click OK.
7. The application defined in the configuration is started and MicroSCADA VS/X -
type monitors are opened to the defined workstations.

4.6.5. Defining automatic startup for SYS 600

Automatic startup means that MicroSCADA service is started directly after Windows
has been started. No user needs to log in. In addition to automatic startup, automatic
logon into Windows can be used and MicroSCADA monitors can be opened automatic-

To define the automatic startup:

1. Open the SYS 600 Control Panel.

2. Click Admin.
3. Click Service.
4. The dialog shown in Figure 4.6.5-1 is displayed on the screen.
5. Select the Automatic Startup type.
6. Click OK.


Figure 4.6.5-1 Automatic startup of MicroSCADA is chosen in this dialog

Disabled startup determines that MicroSCADA cannot be started. Disabled startup is

also chosen as described above.

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4.6.6. Opening SYS 600 Monitor manually

To define a SYS 600 Monitor for manual opening:

1. Double click the SYS 600 Monitor icon.

2. Define the following:
• Monitor Type
• Application number
• Application Monitor number
• The size of picture
• VS Printer - used only with VS Remote monitors


Figure 4.6.6-1  Basic MicroSCADA Monitor (SYS 600 Monitor) Definitions

3. Click OK.

The options available to define the monitor include:

Monitor Type: Choose the monitor type you want to open from the following:

• VS Local
This is the local Visual SCIL monitor and requires no X emulation software. The
MicroSCADA base system must be on the computer from where the MicroSCADA
monitor is started.
• VS Remote
This is the remote Visual SCIL monitor. It requires an X-server on the computer
where the MicroSCADA monitor is to be displayed. The MicroSCADA base system
can be on any computer on the network and the MicroSCADA monitor can be
opened to any computer on the network, provided that the privileges are sufficient
and network configuration allows it.
• X
This is the X monitor. It requires an X-server on the computer where the
MicroSCADA monitor is to be displayed. The MicroSCADA base system can be
on any computer on the network and the MicroSCADA monitor can be opened on

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any computer on the network, provided that the privileges are sufficient and network
configuration allows it.

Application #: Choose the application you want to connect to.

Application Monitor #: Choose the MicroSCADA monitor in the application you want
to use.

Picture Size: Choose the picture size to be used in the MicroSCADA monitor.

The possibilities are:

• 640 by 480 pixels

• 960 by 720 pixels
• 1280 by 960 pixels
• 1600 by 1200 pixels

Picture size is always 48x80. Semi graphic characters and the sizes of the fonts are:

• 8x10
• 12x15
• 16x20
• 20x25

VS Printer: This property is only used with VS Remote monitors. This printer is used
for Visual SCIL screen dumps and the output for the Visual SCIL object


For example the printer LPT1 stands for the local printer using the LPT1: parallel
port connected to the MicroSCADA base system computer. You can also give an
UNC path to a printer shared on the network. The UNC path to the printer shared as

The MicroSCADA user must have appropriate rights to use the shared printer. The printer
defined must be a postscript printer

Opening a Predefined MicroSCADA monitor

To open a predefined MicroSCADA monitor:

1. Select In Use check box.

2. Insert the setting number and the name of the base system computer where the
monitors.dat file is. These definitions are described in 4.6.8, Predefined Micro-
SCADA monitors
3. Click OK.

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4.6.7. Automatic logon of SYS 600

Automatic startup means that MicroSCADA service is started directly after the Windows
has been started. No user needs to log in. In addition to automatic startup, automatic
logon into Windows can be used and MicroSCADA monitors can be opened automatic-

To enable automatic logon:

1. Open the SYS 600 Control Panel.

2. Click Admin.
3. Click AutoLogon.
4. The dialog shown in the Figure 4.6.7-1, is displayed on the screen.


Figure 4.6.7-1  Automatic logon of SYS 600 Monitor

5. Type the user name and the password.
6. Select Automatic Logon Enabled.
7. Click OK.

Using Automatic Logon might compromise the security of the MicroSCADAsystem.

To override Automatic Logon, press the SHIFT key during Windows startup. The user
is prompted for the user name and password. If the user logs on as a different user than
was defined for the Automatic Logon, the Automatic Logon has to be re-enabled from
the SYS 600 Control Panel.

4.6.8. Predefined MicroSCADA monitors

Predefined monitors (up to 999) can be defined to simplify and automate the startup of
MicroSCADA monitors. The MicroSCADA monitors are defined in the file monitors.dat
located in the \sc\sys\active\sys_ folder of the base system computer.

To define predefined monitors:

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1. Edit the monitors.dat file in a text editor. The monitors.dat file is described in the
following section.
2. Copy a monitor definition block of the required type and change the predefined
monitor number to a previously unused number.
3. Modify the block to meet your needs regarding:
• MicroSCADAmonitor type
• application
• logical monitor number
• semi-graphic font
• display
• print file
To change the font, copy the desired font name of the MicroSCADA monitor type
in question from the comment part of the file. When entering a print file name in
the file, the name must end with a colon (:).
4. Save the file as an ASCII file.


The monitors.dat file is a text file with a specified format. The default monitors.dat file
has the following contents:

; The comments (lines beginning with ';') can be removed.

; NOTE no space character is allowed before and after the equal sign
; The following attributes can be set for the different monitors
; VS Local Monitor:
; 0 - 250 (0 stands for default)
; 0 - 50 (0 stands for default)
; family:MicroSCADA0810-size:10
; family:MicroSCADA1215-size:15
; family:MicroSCADA1620-size:20
; family:MicroSCADA2025-size:25
; family:MS Sans Serif-size:8 (default)
; (should be empty)
; VS Local Monitor, Modern Look & Feel:
; 0 - 250 (0 stands for default)
; 0 - 50 (0 stands for default)
; family:MicroSCADA0810-size:10
; family:MicroSCADA1215-size:15
; family:MicroSCADA1620-size:20
; family:MicroSCADA2025-size:25

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; family:MS Sans Serif-size:8 (default)
; (should be empty)
; VS Remote Monitor:
; 0 - 250 (0 stands for default)
; 0 - 50 (0 stands for default)
; -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1
; -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--15-150-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1
; -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1
; -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--25-250-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1
; family:helvetica-size:12 (default)
; the name of the display
; the name of the printer to send monitor dumps
; note: the printer "name" must end with a colon
; X Monitor:
; 0 - 250 (0 stands for default)
; 0 - 50 (0 stands for default)
; -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1
; -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--15-150-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1
; -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1
; -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--25-250-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1
; the name of the display




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The first part of the file is composed of comments. The four blocks in the latter half of
the file define four MicroSCADA monitors numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. MicroSCADA
monitor number 1 is of type “Local VS” and it uses the smallest semi-graphic font
(scada810). MicroSCADA monitor number 2 is of type “Local VS, Modern Look &
Feel” and it uses the smallest semi-graphic font (scada810). MicroSCADA monitor
number 3 is of type “Remote VS”. It is also to be shown on the base system. It uses the
medium size semi-graphic font (scada1215). MicroSCADA monitor number 4 is an “X”
type monitor to be shown on the base system screen. It uses the medium size semi-graphic
font (scada1215). All MicroSCADA monitors will be connected to the default application
and given default logical monitor numbers.

The predefined monitors numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4 are examples

and can be removed from the monitors.dat file.

4.6.9. Defining customized icon for SYS 600 monitors

To define an icon for opening a SYS 600 Monitor with predefined properties without
using the MicroSCADA Monitor dialog box:

1. Define a predefined monitor in the base system where the application is located.
2. Copy the original SYS 600 Monitor icon.
3. Edit the properties of the new icon by changing the target line. This can be done by
choosing the properties of the icon/program. Insert the command for opening a
predefined monitors by setting the following flags -d for the predefined monitor and
-r for retries. See the example below.


mons -r 4 -d mycomp 4

The command opens the predefined monitor number 4 on the base system computer
mycomp. By stating retries with the -r flag the program tries again if the network initial-
ization has not finished when the monitor is requested. The retries are made every 5
seconds as many times stated after the flag.

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4.6.10. Automatic opening at application startup

In Windows Vista, Windows 2008 and later, automatic

launching of local classic monitors or Monitor Pro windows
at application start-up is no longer possible. The following
instructions are applicable when SYS 600 is running on
Windows 2003 Server or Windows XP. The instructions are
applicable also when SYS 600 is running on Windows 2008
Server and Windows 7 for automatic launching of remote
classic monitors (X and Remote VS).

To configure a MicroSCADA monitor to be opened automatically at the startup of an


1. Define a predefined monitor in the base system computer as described in

4.6.8, Predefined MicroSCADA monitors.

2. Insert the SCIL function OPS_PROCESS or OPS_CALL with the command for
starting a predefined monitor.

By using the -n flag MicroSCADA knows that the monitor

request was given from within MicroSCADA. If an error
occurs, the error message will not be displayed on the screen.
It is put in the event log of the operating system. If you use
the -n flag, the MicroSCADA monitor properties must be
predefined. If a MicroSCADA monitor is started from within
MicroSCADA and the monitor is to be displayed on the base
computer screen, there must be a user logged on.


@OPS = OPS_CALL("mons -n -d mycomp 4",1)

The command opens the predefined monitor number 4 defined on the base system
computer mycomp. The ‘-n’ flag should be used when opening the MicroSCADA
monitor from within MicroSCADA. The -fl, -fr and -s parameters cannot be used together
with the -d parameter and the -n parameter can only be used with the -d parameter. The
predefined monitors numbered 1, 2 and 3 are examples and can be removed from the
monitors.dat file.

The X-server program should not be started from within

MicroSCADA using OPS_CALL. Use the Startup folder for

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

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starting the X-server or start the X-server manually. If the

MicroSCADA monitor requires the X-server program, the X-
server should also be started from the Startup folder.

4.6.11. Automatically opened MicroSCADA monitor at user logon

To configure a MicroSCADA monitor to be opened automatically when a user logs on

to Windows:

1. Define a MicroSCADA monitor in the base system as described in 4.6.8, Predefined

MicroSCADA monitors.
2. Copy a MicroSCADA Monitor program icon into the Startup folder of the user.
3. Change the target line (found by choosing the properties of the icon/program) by
setting the following flags -d for the predefined monitor and -r for retries. See the
example below.


mons -r 4 -d mycomp 4

The command opens the predefined monitor number 4 on the base system computer
mycomp. By stating retries with the -r flag the program tries again if the network initial-
ization has not finished when the MicroSCADA monitor is requested. The retries are
made every 5 seconds as many times stated after the flag.

If the MicroSCADA monitor requires the X-server program, the X-server should also
be started from the Startup folder.
Table 4.6.11-1 Parameters of the Mons Program
Parameter Description

-d mycomp x where mycomp = computer name and x =

number of predefined monitors. Use this para-
meter when predefined monitor is to be opened.
-n Non-interactive; Use this parameter when
monitor is opened from within MicroSCADA.
-r n Number of retries, where n = integer
-fl font_local where font_local is the font to be used in VS
local monitors. For example "family:MS Sans
-fr font_remote where font_remote is the font to be used in VS
remote monitors. For example "family:Helvetica-

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

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Parameter Description

-s n Picture size value in the MicroSCADA monitor

dialog, where n = integer, 1...4.
-start_serv If this parameter is given, MicroSCADA service
is started automatically during monitor start if
service is not already started. The dialog box
informing that MicroSCADA service is started
successfully is not shown, when this parameter
is used.
-serv_create_dir_disabled If this parameter is given, no directories are
created during MicroSCADA service startup.
This means that, for example, with current SYS
500 default installation, directories "Form" and
"Pic" are not created under application director-
ies. This parameter can only be used with "-
start_serv" parameter.
-start_as_logon_user With this parameter the monitor is started as
logged-in user's context.


Only VS Local monitors can be started with

this parameter.
-default With this parameter a monitor with default
properties is opened. Properties are:

Monitor type: VS Local

Application #: 0

Application Monitor #: 0

Font: family:MicroSCADA0810-size:10

VS Printer: LPT1

4.6.12. Starting base systems from command line

Base systems can be started by running the ms_serv.exe program together with the
parameters described in Table 3.5.11.-1. The ms_serv.exe is located in sc\prog\exec\
folder. The MicroSCADA service can be started, for example from the operating system
command prompt with the following command line:

ms_serv -start

When running this command line from the command prompt, the working directory
should be the same as the file's location, which in this case is the sc\prog\exec.

Several parameters can be combined into one command line, for example in the following

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ms_serv -start -no_create_dir -no_info_dialog

In this example the command line starts the base system, prevents the creation of addi-
tional directories such as "Form" and "Pic" during the startup, and prevents displaying
the info dialog box telling if MicroSCADA is started successfully.
Table 4.6.12-1 Parameters of the ms_serv.exe
Parameter: Description:

-start With this parameter MicroSCADA service is

-stop With this parameter MicroSCADA service is
-forced_stop With this parameter MicroSCADA service is
forcibly stopped.
-no_create_dir If this parameter is given, additional directories
such as "Form" and "Pic" are not created under
application directories during service start-up.
This parameter can only be used with "-start".
-no_info_dialog If this parameter is given, the info dialog telling
if MicroSCADA is started or stopped success-
fully is not shown.

The service start and stop access can be granted only for user-defined groups and "Users"

The following groups are not granted access:

• Power Users
• Back-up Operators
• Guests
• Replicator

This is because the MicroSCADA monitor and notify window, can only be opened by
users belonging to the following groups:

• Administrators
• Users

4.6.13. Starting PC-NET

In the normal situation, the PC-NET process communication units need not to be separ-
ately started but they are started automatically if the system configuration contains NET
nodes. In system startup, the PC-NET starting should be seen from the notification
window as described in, Verifying PC-NET process communication unit.

The system configuration tool as shown in Figure 4.6.13-1 provides a possibility to start

and stop PC-NET instances during runtime. This feature is useful when the system is

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

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under testing and the configuration changes has been done. In normal use of a
MicroSCADA Pro system, this function is not needed and PC-NET processes are running
without interruptions.


Figure 4.6.13-1 System configuration tool

When PC-NET process is running, on-line configuration changes can be done in online
mode by selecting Configuration>Open On-line. In this mode, the background of the
dialog is purple.

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Figure 4.6.13-2 System configuration tool

If the online mode does not show all NET nodes which are configured and saved, most
probably the corresponding PC-NET process has not been started and the notification
window (and “sys_error.log” file) contains related error messages.

4.6.14. Shutting down SYS 600

To stop MicroSCADA:

1. Close all monitors.

2. Open the MicroSCADA Control Panel.
3. Click Stop.
4. The dialog box shown in Figure 4.6.14-1 is displayed.


Figure 4.6.14-1 Stopping service confirmation dialog box

5. Click Yes.

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6. The dialog box shown in Figure 4.6.14-2 is displayed, when the applications have
been closed.


Figure 4.6.14-2 Shutting down SYS 600

7. Click OK.

MicroSCADA can also be stopped using Forced Stop. This function is only to be used
when the MicroSCADA system is not stable and has to be ended fast. However when
the shutdown sequence has started there is no way of changing the operation. The pro-
cedure of closing by force should not take longer than 15 seconds.

Do not shut down the base system computers simply by

switching off the power, because this might damage the
MicroSCADA system files.

4.7. Verifying SYS 600 startup

Follow this procedure when starting up the entire SYS 600 system:

1. If not already running, start the process units as described in their respective manuals.
2. Start the remote communication equipment, modems, etc.
3. Start the printers by switching the power on.
4. Switch on the workstations.
5. Start the base systems. If there are hot stand-by (redundant) base systems, start both
the hot and stand-by base systems.
6. Start the communication frontends. If there are redundant frontends, start both the
hot and stand-by frontends.
7. Open the MicroSCADA monitors.
8. Log into the application.

During the installation of the SYS 600 software, a MicroSCADA Control System SYS
600 icon is created, in which you will find links to available tools. Refer to the Figure 4.7-
1 given below.

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Figure 4.7-1 Links to available tools

In addition to MicroSCADA kernel software, two empty applications named MAIN and
WD are also created. You can verify the start of MicroSCADA SYS 600, MicroSCADA
and SYS 600 Pro Monitor without any further editing, by opening the SYS 600 Notify
window shown in Figure 4.7-2 to see information messages and the possible reasons for

Software revision information is available in the Notification Window.


Figure 4.7-2 Notification window

More information of installed MicroSCADA software is available in .log files under

sc\Setup directoryas shown in Figure 4.7-3.

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Figure 4.7-3 Revision info

To verify the start of MicroSCADA SYS 600, MicroSCADA and SYS 600 Pro Monitor:

1. Open SYS 600 Control Panel.

2. Click Start.
3. Click OK in opened window.
4. Double click MicroSCADA Icon.
5. Log into MAIN application using the dialog shown in Figure 4.7-4 by typing in the
user name and password.

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Figure 4.7-4 Main application logon dialog

SYS 600 Monitor Pro

To open Monitor Pro locally, double click the SYS 600 Monitor Pro Icon. The Monitor
Pro Login window opens as shown in Figure 3.1.5-4

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Figure 4.7-5 Monitor Pro Login dialog

4.8. SYS 600 Monitor Pro Remote Connection

Pro remote connection means that MicroSCADA Pro monitor is not opened on the SYS
but on a separate PC. To establish a connection between MicroSCADA base system and
workstation on which the Pro type monitor is opened, the following steps are needed:

To establish SYS 600 Monitor Pro remote connection:


Figure 4.8-1 Computer management window

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

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1. Create a user to the MicroSCADA Pro server which is running Terminal Services
and licensing service. Licensing service must be available in the same PC or in the
same network in another PC.
2. Open Computer Management and select Local Users and Group/Users Action/New
User as shown in Figure 4.8-1.
3. Add created Users to Remote Desktop Users Group in the Remote Desktop User
Properties dialog shown in Figure 4.8-2.


Figure 4.8-2 Remote Desktop User Properties dialog

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Figure 4.8-3 Remote Desktop Connection General dialog

On the client side:

1. Open Remote Desktop Connection from programs/Accessories/ Communications.

2. Select options like Display properties and programs that you want to start when
connecting as shown in Figure 4.8-3 and Figure 4.8-4.
3. If Start a program is deselected a desktop is shown. Type the name of Computer
then press Connect.

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Figure 4.8-4 Remote Desktop Connection Programs dialog

SYS 600 Monitor Remote connection

Terminal Services can be utilized also when using VS type monitor. On client side, Open
Remote Desktop Connection and input parameters. Set Start a program as shown in
Figure 4.8-5.

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Figure 4.8-5 SYS 600 Monitor Remote Connection

Mons.exe program is started with parameter –start_as_logon_user and –default. SYS

600 Monitor is installed on volume e:\.

4.9. System info logging for technical support

To solve any problems which may have occurred in the MicroSCADA Pro system, it is
important to collect all significant information of the current system for the technical
support. The data can be collected with a tool for system info logging. Start the tool from
the SYS600 Control Panel. Follow the steps described below.

1. Open the SYS 600 Control Panel.

2. Click Admin.
3. Click Support.
4. The following dialog is displayed on the screen.

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Figure 4.9-1 The System Info Logging dialog

Click the Start button to start the system info logging. The data collection may take
several minutes depending on the contents of the system. While the logging is in progress
the following message dialog is displayed.


Figure 4.9-2 Logging in progress

The following dialog will be displayed when the system info logging has been completed.

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Figure 4.9-3 System Info Logging completed

All the collected information is included in a single zip file that should be delivered to
the Product Support Center for analysis.

The collected data contains the following information:

• date and time
• SYS600 system configuration information
• base system log files
• Drwtsn32.log
• license data
• system information (Os version, CPU info, RAM info, Network card info)
• list of running processes with properties (CPU usage, VM Size, etc.)
• Windows event logs
• list of files in sc directories including date and time
• the state of the running SYS600 system and applications (memory pool usage, run-
ning objects, queues used, etc.)

4.10. Backup files

With Backup Tool you can make an online backup of the MicroSCADA application.
MicroSCADA is running while the backup is made.

This tool makes a backup of the main application, not of the whole MicroSCADA. In
other words, it makes a backup of everything located under \SC\APL\'main application

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

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This means that you always need a second backup of \SC, if you change
SYS_BASCON.COM or other files located outside the application.

This backup makes a shadow of the application in an other application (shadow applica-
tion). In normal use the shadow application is passive.

When the backup starts, it removes all the files in the shadowing application and after
that, it copies files from the main application to the shadowing application.

If some changes are made on files, which are already copied, it copies them again. When
the copying is ready, it freezes the shadow application and starts to copy the shadow
application to the tape or to some other media.

This tool is meant to be used for making an online backup in

the single MicroSCADA system. This is not meant for the
online backup functionality in the redundant (HSB)
MicroSCADA systems.


Figure 4.10-1 Main view of the Backup Tool

4.10.1. Creating online backup

This section provides information on how to use the backup function.

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Manual Backup:

Click Backup in the Backup Tool window shown in Fig.3.5.15.-1, and after that click
Yes. The procedure takes about 1 1/2 hour with a medium application with reporting.

When you start a manual backup from this tool, it will trigger the command procedure
BCK_START, which starts the backup.

Auto Backup:

When No Backup is selected in the Backup Tool window shown in Fig.3.5.15.-1, no

automatic backup is made. If Once a month is selected, the time channel BACKUP_1
activates the start of backup.

If Once a week is selected, the BACKUP_2 activates the start of backup, and if Once
a Day is selected then BACKUP_3 activates the start of backup.

As default, the time channels are started as shown in Table If there is a need
to change the time, it can be done with the Time Channel Tool, which is opened from
the application object navigator.
Table 4.10.1-1 Backup time channels
BACKUP_1 First day every month at 00:10 (once a month)
BACKUP_2 Every Friday at 18:01 (once a week)
BACKUP_3 Every day at 00:10 (once a day)

Backup Media:

It is possible to select where the application backup is created. When you select the Tape,
it will be the Windows Backup, which creates a backup of the backup application to a

If the Directory is selected, the backup application is copied in that directory. The dir-
ectory definition should be in the operating system format.

If Advanced is selected, it is possible to define a SCIL program, which creates the


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Figure 4.10.1-1 Example of a advanced backup definition.


When Backup has been started, this tool can follow the shadowing of the main application
to the backup application.

When the shadowing is ready, and the backup creation command has been executed, it
shows the following message, "Shadowing is ready. Backup will be created by operating

This means that this tool does not have any connection to the creation of the backup,
which is normally made by the operating system tools like Windows Backup.

In the lower part of the tool dialog, there is an info bar, which shows different system
messages. One of the fields shows when the last backup has been made.

During the installation, the standard template file, sys_bascon.bck, to be used together
with online backup functionality is installed into the \sys\active\sys_ folder.

4.10.2. Configuring Backup Tool

The configuration of Backup Tool requires the following steps:

1. Stop MicroSCADA.

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2. Copy the SYS_BASCON.BCK to be the SYS_BASCON.COM. The following

definitions in SYS_BASCON.COM are important for the shadowing and backup
procedures. See SYS_BASCON.BCK in \sys\active\sys_ folder.

3. Define the system node name, main application name and application numbers.

Normally the main and watchdog application can be the same.

@SYSTEM = "SYS_A ; System node name or TCP/IP address

@APL_NAME = "MAIN" ; Name of main application
@APL_NUMS = (1,1,3) ; Application numbers in the following order:
(Main, Watch-dog, Backup), application number must be <= 10

Base system shadowing must be set in use:

#CREATE SYS:B = List(-

SA = 209,- ; Station address of base system
ND = 9,- ; Node number of base system
DN = 1,- ; Default NET node number


LAN link is needed:

#CREATE LIN:V = LIST(- ; Link to other SYS or LAN frontend (requires

LT = "LAN") ; Link type

Base system node is needed:

#CREATE NOD:V = LIST(- ; Node for Base System

NN = %System,-
LI = 2,-
SA = 209)

• Main and watchdog applications must have at least 2 parallel queues.

• Main and backup applications must have the shadowing attributes defined correctly.
• Main and watchdog applications must be set to HOT state, and the backup application
to COLD.
• Application mapping must be made in main, watchdog and backup applications.

#CREATE APL:V = LIST(- ; ** Main Application **

TT = "LOCAL",- ; Translation Type
NA = %APL_NAME,- ; Name of application directory
AS = "HOT",- ; Application state (COLD, WARM, HOT)
PQ = 2,- ; Number of parallel queues

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

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This watchdog application is not needed, if the main and watchdog applications are
combined by selecting the watchdog application number to be the same as for the main
application in vector "@APL_NUMS", in the beginning of the SYS_BASCON.COM.

#CREATE APL:V = LIST(- ; ** Watch dog Application **

TT = "LOCAL",- ; Translation Type
NA = "WD",- ; Name of application directory
AS = "HOT",- ; Application state (COLD,WARM,HOT)
PQ = 2,- ; Number of parallel queues


4. Create a backup application:

#CREATE APL:V = LIST(- ; ** Backup Application **

TT = "LOCAL",- ; Translation Type
NA = SUBSTR("BCK" + %APL_NAME,1,8),-; Name of application directory
AS = "COLD",- ; Application state (COLD, WARM, HOT)
SN = %APL_NUMS(1),- ; Shadow application = Main application
SW = %APL_NUMS(2)- ; Shadow watchdog


5. Create a backup application with the MicroSCADA control panel.

6. Set the name to BCK, plus five first characters of the main application name (see
the backup application definition in SYS_BASCON.COM.

The name can also be something else, but it has to be the same as defined in the

7. Start MicroSCADA.

8. Enter a Base system tool picture and select Base Object, (SYS), then select
Tools>HSB Management. Check if the shadowing object manager is installed. If
not, Click Install to install package.

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This will create all the command procedures needed for the shadowing management.

9. Enter this backup tool and select File > Save. Then it asks you to modify the backup
command procedure name from SHADBACKUP to BCK_CREATE.

This creates the line @BCK_PROC = "BCK_CREATE" in the SHADGLOBAL command


10. Select File > Save again, and it asks you to create the following objects:


4.10.3. Testing new configuration

A new configuration can be tested as follows:

• Click the Backup button and check that the shadowing function is working correctly.
• Select Base system from the tool picture and check that the shadowing on applications
is sending and transmitting correctly.
• Watch the Notify window in case there are some error messages.
• If something has gone wrong and the shadowing does not stop, change the shadowing
state in the Basesystem Configuration Tool to "NONE" for both main and backup

4.11. Uninstalling MicroSCADA

At the moment there is no uninstall program in MicroSCADA releases. The following
items have to be deleted when uninstalling MicroSCADA.

Please note that the control set numbering may vary in differ-
ent computers.

Delete the following:

1. \sc directory (and subdirectories)

2. Service (only, if CAP 50x/SMS510 are not installed into the same computer,
otherwise those products do not work)



1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

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Use uninstall program of the services, if possible.

3. MicroSCADA group from start menu
4. Shortcut to MicroSCADA group on desktop
5. Following fonts from Windows font directory:











6. Package & Product information from registry:





7. Driver information from registry:





SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

The drivers are named starting with letters "MiSC"

(MiSCAlrm, MiSCRAM...).

8. Misc event log information from registry: (only, if CAP 50x/SMS510 are not
installed into the same computer, otherwise those products do not work.)




9. Path definitions (this one is needed for older MicroSCADA product versions):

Manager\Environment\ key "MS_SYS"

Manager\Environment\ key "MS_SYS"

Manager\Environment\ key "MS_SYS"

sc\prog\exec from

Manager\Environment\ key “Path”

sc\prog\exec from

Manager\Environment\ key “Path”

sc\prog\exec from

Manager\Environment\ key “Path”

Please note the following, when uninstalling MicroSCADA:

• Wserver-process should be killed first. (only, if CAP 50x/SMS510 are not installed)
• Starting of Wserver should be removed also from the Startup folder. (only, if CAP
50x/SMS510 are not installed)
• Service should be uninstalled second. This should be done before deleting sc-direct-
ory, because service can be uninstalled with the command "servinst -r". (only, if
CAP 50x/SMS510 are not installed)

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

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• MicroSCADA fonts from Exceed -directory should be removed too.

• MicroSCADA user should be removed too. (only, if CAP 50x/SMS510 are not

In the directory HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ABB the following keys:



HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ABB\Products\Common\MS-SBASE (this key only if

CAP 50x/SMS510 are not installed)

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

5. Upgrading from earlier revisions

This chapter describes upgrading information related to the base system, communication
system and LIB 500 system.

Previous and current program packages available for MicroSCADA usage are shown in
Table 5-1.
Table 5-1 Previous and current program packages available for usage
SYS revision Base LIB revision Application library revision

SYS 600 LIB 500 4.2 LIB 510 4.2

LIB 520 4.1

LIB 530 4.0.4

LIB 542 4.2

LIB 500 4.1 LIB 510 4.1

LIB 520 4.1

LIB 530 4.0.4

LIB 542 4.0.5

SYS 500 8.4.4 SP1 or newer LIB 500 4.2 LIB 510 4.2

LIB 520 4.1

LIB 530 4.0.4

LIB 542 4.0.5

LIB 500 4.1 LIB 510 4.1

LIB 520 4.1

LIB 530 4.0.4

LIB 542 4.0.5

LIB 500 4.0.5 LIB 510 4.0.5

LIB 520 4.0.4

LIB 530 4.0.4

LIB 542 4.0.5

SYS 500 8.4.4 or newer LIB 500 4.0.4 LIB 510 4.0.4

LIB 520 4.0.4

LIB 530 4.0.4

LIB 542 4.0.4

Application Libraries:

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

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• LIB 510 Application Library for Medium Voltage process

• LIB 520 Application Library for High Voltage process
• LIB 530 Application Library for High Voltage process
• LIB 542 Application Library for Medium Voltage process

5.1. Base system

If the system to be upgraded is running an operating system other than Windows (Unix
or iRMX), please consult our Product Support Center for the details of the upgrade.

5.1.1. Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008

The new security policy restrictions introduced in Windows Vista and Windows Server
2008 operating systems have an impact on MicroSCADA applications. When upgrading
to SYS 600 revision 9.3 or creating a new application on 9.3, the new behavior described
in this section should be carefully considered.

The most important change in security policy is the isolation of Windows session 0 from
the desktop. The applications run as a service, including SYS 600, have no access to the
desktop. Consequently, no application program that has a visible window or requires
user input can be started by a service. Each user of the system has to do a proper Windows
login to be able to access the system.

In SYS 600 this means that no human interface programs can be started by SCIL executed
in SYS_BASCON.COM, in command procedures or via OPC. For example, automatic
launching of classic monitors or Monitor Pro windows at application start-up is no longer
possible. In addition, external programs (SCIL-API programs) automatically started by
SCIL have no access to the desktop.

Extensions to the SCIL functions that start a new Windows process have been implemen-
ted to specify the session of the new process. The affected functions are OPS_CALL,
OPS_PROCESS, AEP_START and IP_START. These changes are described in SYS
600 9.3 Release Notes. When upgrading to revision 9.3, the usage of these functions
should be checked. The default value for the session may be inappropriate for the case,
or even a bigger design change may be required.

If DDE functions of SCIL language are used in the application, see the heading “DDE
functions” in SYS 600 9.3 Release Notes for required changes.

5.1.2. Configuration and revision compatibility

Apart from the Windows requirements described above, no modifications to the applic-
ation are required to start it after the installation. However, there are some issues to be
considered to make the application work exactly as before (or better):

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

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• The configuration file templates SYS_BASCON$COM, SYS_CONFIG$PAR and

SHUTDOWN$CIN should be merged to the corresponding old application files
features introduced in newer revisions. The configuration files are described in the
System Configuration manual.
• During the development of the product some errors have been fixed in a way that
may have influence on the old applications that have relied on the error. In addition,
the default behavior in some situations, often related to event and alarm handling,
have been changed. The Revision Compatibility mechanism, implemented as the
RC attribute of the application object (see the System Objects manual) and the
REVISION_COMPATIBILITY function (see the Programming Language SCIL
manual), may be used to keep the old behavior.

In the following sections, the most important revision compatibility switches to be con-
sidered at the upgrade are described. They are listed in the reverse order of the revision
of the old system. For example, if the system is upgraded from 8.4.3, the sections down
to 5.1.5, Upgrading from revision 8.4.3 are relevant.

5.1.3. Mirroring considerations

If the system to be upgraded is or is going to be a part of a mirroring network, the com-

patibility switch "844_COMPATIBLE_MIRRORING" must be set in the following two

• There is a system running revision 8.4.4 in the network.

• "844_COMPATIBLE_MIRRORING" is set in the other systems of the network.


Mirroring between revision 8.4.4 and any later revision does not work when default
settings are used. When upgrading from 8.4.4, both the host system and the image system
has to be upgraded to make mirroring work again.

Compatibility switch "844_COMPATIBLE_MIRRORING" has been implemented to

make it possible to upgrade systems of the mirroring network one by one.

When "844_COMPATIBLE_MIRRORING" is set (in revision 8.4.5, or later), the mir-

roring works with an 8.4.4 application, and also with a newer application that has specified
"844_COMPATIBLE_MIRRORING". However, it does not work with an 8.4.5 or later
application without "844_COMPATIBLE_MIRRORING".

Using "844_COMPATIBLE_MIRRORING", the upgrading can be done system by

system without disturbing the operation of the network. In this case, each new node that
is added to the network later must set "844_COMPATIBLE_MIRRORING" as well.

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The setting of "844_COMPATIBLE_MIRRORING" does not affect the functionality

of the program or cause any decrease in performance.

5.1.4. Upgrading from revision 8.4.5 SP1 or 9.0


Generation of audio alarms has been changed in SYS 600 revision 9.1 and in SYS 500
revision 8.4.5 SP2. Audio alarms and alarm printouts are now generated independently
of each other. In earlier revisions, an audio alarm was generated only when an alarm
row was printed on the event printer.

When "COUPLE_AUDIO_ALARMS_AND_PRINTOUTS" is set, the audio alarms of

the application are generated as in earlier program revisions.

5.1.5. Upgrading from revision 8.4.3


Since revision 8.4.4, the alarm state is recalculated when AB is set back to 0. However,
neither alarm printouts nor event channels are activated (they are not activated when AB
is set to 1, neither).


application, for a reason or another, does not want this new behaviour.


Since revision 8.4.4, the protocol specific attribute OR (Out of Range) and OF (Overflow)
value 1 generate an alarm (cf. OS value 1, or FAULTY).

"NO_ALARM_BY_OR_AND_OF" may be set if the application, for a reason or another,

does not want this new behavior.


In revision 8.4.4, the implementation of time handling was comprehensively rewritten.

Both local and UTC time as well as daylight saving time are fully supported. There is a
slight incompatibility between the new and old implementation of the scheduling of time
channels: The default behaviour of time channels at daylight saving time / standard time
transitions has been changed.

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Prior to revision 8.4.4, the scheduling of time channels was synchronized to the local
time of the system. When the local time was moved backwards at daylight saving to
standard time transition, the time channels stopped for an hour. Correspondingly, at
standard to daylight saving time transition, the time channels were excessively scheduled.

In revision 8.4.4, the default behaviour is that the time channels are scheduled evenly
(synchronized to UTC time) when the local time changes due to daylight saving and
there is a new attribute DP (Daylight Switch Policy) to specify the behaviour, see the
manual “Application Objects”.

When "DEFAULT_DAYLIGHT_POLICY_IS_CALENDAR" is set, the time channels

created with earlier program revisions keep behaving as before. Even scheduling is the
default behaviour of new time channels, however.


When a pre-8.4.3 application is upgraded to 8.4.5 or later, the creation of F (Free Type)
the F object defines attribute names implemented as common process attributes in the
base system in revisions up to 8.4.4. Examples of such conflicting attributes are RB, TI,
TY, OI, BL, RB, OR and CT.

When "ALLOW_CONFLICTING_F_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES" is set, such conflicting

attribute names are accepted when an F object is created.

This switch should be used only when an old application is upgraded, because the new
base system functionality implemented by conflicting attributes will be lost when the
name is overloaded. In addition, some common SCIL tools (such as the Object Navigator)
and other SCIL software may be confused when the data type and meaning of some
common attributes are not that expected.

5.1.6. Upgrading from revision 8.4.2


In revision 8.4.2 and earlier, the quality attributes SB (Substituted), BL (Blocked), OR

(Out of Range) and OF (Overflow) have been information-only attributes, i.e. they have
been stored in the process object to be available for SCIL but their values have not
affected the behavior of the process object in any way.

In newer revisions the following rules apply:

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• A change of a quality attribute generates an event if EE = 1

• A change of a quality attribute activates an event channel, a printout and/or history
logging if the activation is enabled (AE == 1, LD <> 0 or HE == 1) and the activation
criterion (AA, PA or HA) is "NEW VALUE" or "UPDATE".
• In such activation, the changed attribute is reported as the value of CA pseudo-
attribute. If more than one attribute is changed at the same time, each change will
be reported separately in any order. For example, if OV changes from 0 to 1 and
SB from 1 to 0, two activations occur, one with CA == "BI", BI == 1 and SB == 0,
the other with CA == "SB", BI == 1 and SB == 0.
• When the switch state (SS) or the substitution state (SU) of the object is changed,
the quality attributes are set to 0.

When "NO_QUALITY_ATTRIBUTE_SEMANTICS" is specified, the quality attributes

behave as in revision 8.4.2 and earlier.

5.1.7. Upgrading from revision 8.4.1


Since revision 8.4.2 global variables are guarded against alias references. Status
SCIL_VARIABLE_ALIASING_ERROR is generated when aliasing rules are violated.

When "NO_ALIAS_CHECKING" is set (either by the RC attribute of the application

or by REVISION_COMPATIBILITY function), alias checking is not done. Turning on
the switch by the RC attribute disables the checking of alias referencing in the whole
application. To disable the alias reference checking locally in a program, use the REVI-
described in the “Programming Language SCIL” manual.

The arguments of method calls, as well as all the arguments of SCIL functions, are passed
by copy instead of reference. This degrades performance when text, bit string, byte string,
vector and list arguments are used.

If the base system will be used together with applications created with pre-8.4.2 revisions
of the base system, e.g. using LIB 4.0.1, the revision compatibility switch
NO_ALIAS_CHECKING should be turned on.

5.1.8. Upgrading from revision 8.4.0


In revision 8.4.0 and earlier, setting AG or LA attribute of a process object did not affect
the alarm state of the object and no post-processing was done. Since revision 8.4.1, the
alarm state is updated according to the new value and normal post-processing is done.

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

Due to the change, some old applications generate unwanted alarms and printouts when
run under 8.4.1 or later. To prevent this, this revision compatibility value was implemen-

The value can be used only as the value of the application attribute RC. It cannot be used
as an argument of SCIL function REVISION_COMPATIBILITY, because event handling
is done by the process database.

5.1.9. Upgrading from revision 8.2


The timing of update programs of pictures is synchronized to the system clock (See the
Programming Language SCIL manual, command !UPDATE). In revision 8.2 (or older),
such a synchronization was not done. When an old application that relies on the old
behavior is upgraded, this setting may be used to avoid recoding of the pictures.

When "DO_NOT_SYNCHRONIZE_PICTURE_UPDATE" is set, the executions of

update programs are not synchronized. This setting does not affect the cyclic methods
of Visual SCIL objects.

5.1.10. Upgrading from revision 8.1


In revision 8.1 or older, the 'macros' of each SCIL command line were expanded before
the line was interpreted. This lead to an incorrect behavior in case of a single line #ON
command, as shown in the following example:

@A = "XYZ"


When event EVENT:E1 occurred, command "#EXEC XYZ:E2" was executed regardless
of the current value of A. Variable expansion is a run-time operation, which should use
the current values of variables. The following worked correctly:


When "ON_COMMAND_EXPANSION" is set, the expansion of macros is done as in

revision 8.1, that is, before the line is interpreted.

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

5.2. LIB 5xx

Language translation

When LIB 5xx is updated there might be new attributes in language text files. This means
that those attributes has to be added and translated to corresponding localized language

Revision compatibility switches

If only base system is updated and LIB 5xx is from earlier revision, some malfunction
may occur in LIB 5xx application. This situation can be handled by means of revision
compatibility switches. In this chapter the relation of revision compatibility switches
having influence to LIB 5xx applications is explained.


If SCIL_VARIABLE_ALIASING_ERROR is generated turn this switch


If base system is 8.4.4 or newer and LIB5xx application is revision 4.0.3 or older each
switch device control action generated an alarm. This can be avoided by turning this
switch on.

Daylight saving time

When LIB 500 is updated to revision 4.0.4 or latter a new daylight saving time mechanism
is taken into use. Command procedures (BGU_SUMMER, BGU_WINTER) and related
time channels handling the daylight saving time in a "old" way are disabled. A back up
of the command procedures is stored to files PICT/BGU_SUMMER.CIN and

5.3. Monitor Pro

5.3.1. Common applications with LIB 5xx

SYS 600 revision 9.2 or newer contains the User Management, Calendar and Login
Dialog integrated from LIB 500 to SYS 600. By default, the user name and password
are requested for the applications. If the application has not been previously prepared

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

for the LIB 500 User Management, then the first operator who logs into application will
be the System Manager.

By default, the User Management, Calendar and Login Dialog, are run from Power
Process Library. This is applied also when the application has been prepared for the LIB

For the Login Dialog, the authentication has become more strict. This means that pass-
words are case sensitive, i.e. passwords that have been created with SYS 600 revision
9.1 or older must be typed with upper case letters.

Defining application specific login picture

When opening classic monitor, the first visible object can be defined in file \sc\apl\'apl-
name`\ APL_\Apl_Def.txt. This option can be used when application specific login dialog
is opened or user login is not wanted at all. For example, the login dialog from LIB4 can
be taken in use by doing the following:


2. Make this definition to Apl_Def.txt

;define starting picture

@i_monitor_number = mon:ban
#if mon'i_monitor_number':bcx == "<LIB500/INVISIBLE_MONITOR>"
;This monitor is reserved for the relay tools. Monitor is invisible
@Start_Object_Type = "Dialog" ;Defines the fist object
as a VS dialog
@Start_Dialog_File = "b_use/bgu_invisible_mon.vso"
;Needed if Start_Object_Type == "Dialog"
@Start_Dialog_Tag = "Main" ;Needed if
Start_Object_Type == "Dialog"
@Start_Dialog_Type = "VS_Main_Dialog" ;Needed if Start_Object_Type
== "Dialog"

#else_if MON:BDT<>"VS"
@Start_Object_Type = "Picture" ;Defines the fist object as a
@Start_Picture_Name = "APL_START" ;Needed if Start_Object_Type ==

@Start_Object_Type = "Dialog" ;Defines the fist object
as a VS dialog
@Start_Dialog_File = "b_use/bgu_login.vso"
;Needed if Start_Object_Type == "Dialog"
@Start_Dialog_Tag = "Main" ;Needed if

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

Start_Object_Type == "Dialog"
@Start_Dialog_Type = "VS_Main_Dialog" ;Needed if Start_Object_Type
== "Dialog"

In order to have Tool Manager as a first picture make the following definition:

@Start_Object_Type = "Dialog" ;Defines if the first object is a picture

or VS dialog
@Start_Picture_Name = "APL_START" ;Needed if Start_Object_Type ==
@Start_Dialog_File = "Sys_Tool/ToolMgr.vso"
;Needed if Start_Object_Type == "Dialog"
@Start_Dialog_Tag = "Main" ;Needed if Start_Object_Type
== "Dialog"
@Start_Dialog_Type = "VS_Main_Dialog" ;Needed if Start_Object_Type ==
@Start_Dialog_Attributes= vector("Default_Path=""Sys_Tool""",
"Notify_Parent_On_Exit = false","Delete_Parent_On_Exit=true")


In SYS 600 9.2 and newer versions, the Event and Alarm List filters must be in predefined
directory, whereas in 9.0 and 9.1 it was possible to store the filter files anywhere in the
directory structure. When updating to 9.2 or newer version, the filter files must be moved
to directory \sc\apl\<application name>\PAR\<user name>\FILTERS, otherwise they
are not shown in Save/Load Filter dialog.

Command procedures

Monitor Pro functionality uses some command procedures to communicate with base
system. These command procedures are overwritten during the update from previous
versions. If there are any modifications done to these command procedures these changes
will be overwritten during the update. To avoid this, the code of the command procedures
should be copied manually into text files. Following command procedures are overwritten
during the update:


SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual


Process objects

Following process objects are re-created during the installation:

BGU_ALARMINDS (indexes 1..10)

Event handling objects

Also certain event handling are re-created. Modifications made to these objects are also
lost. To avoid loosing such changes, use Import/Export Tool (can be found in Tool
Manager) to export the objects and import them back after installation. The name of
these event handling objects start with letters "SAGR".

Starting MicroSCADA Pro without preparation for Power Process


If MicroSCADA is wanted to run without Power Process Library do the following actions
after version 9.2 or newer is installed and before starting MicroSCADA.

1. Comment SYS_600 specific part from the file \sc\sys\active\sys_\

2. Comment SYS_600 specific part from the file \sc\Stool\Misc\Apl_Stl.txt
3. Rename file \sc\sa_lib\base\bbone\inst\INDEX5_B1.TXT to e.g. _INDEX5_B1.TXT
4. Rename file \sc\LIB4\base\bbone\use\PATH4_Z1.TXT to e.g. _PATH4_Z1.TXT

5.4. Communication units

In principle, the process communication unit PC-NET, Modbus Slave and CDC-II slave
can be upgraded to a newer version without changes in the system behavior. This chapter
provides additional information related to the upgrading of IEC 61850 and External OPC
Data Access Client.

If the system to be upgraded contains DCP-MUX units, they must be replaced with PC-
NET process communication units. In this situation, it must be checked that all required
protocols are supported by the PC-NET. Furthermore, the configuration used in DCP-
MUX units must be loaded to corresponding PC-NET units with the system configuration
tool or with a SCIL-script. Generally, the same attribute values for line and station objects
can usually be used. Upgrading from DCP-MUX to PC-NET requires changes in serial
port hardware.

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

The list of the protocol implemented to DCP-MUX and supported by the current version
of PC-NET:

(value refers to line attribute PO)

PO value Protocol

1 ANSI X3.28 Full Duplex or ACP

2 ANSI X3.28 Half Duplex
4 ASCII protocol for printer (or printer simulating
7 RP570 master protocol
9 P214 protocol
12 LCU500
13 ADLP180 Master
14 SPA protocol
15 General ASCII
16 RP570 Slave
17 RCOM (Procontic)
18 Westinghouse F4F
23 ABB Alpha meter protocol
24 General PLC protocol
25 Modbus RTU master protocol
26 IEC 1107 protocol

If the DCP-MUX to be upgraded contains a protocol which is not listed here, the
upgrading is not possible as such. In this situation, please contact SA-D SupportLine for
more information.

5.4.1. PC-NET

The main issue in the development tasks made to pc_nets.exe is to retain backward
compatibility from revision to another. This principle applies also to protocols developed
already to DCP-MUX hardware.

However, the differences in processor speeds, operating system versions and communic-
ation hardware together with new requirements in system setups and security will require
that the system behavior must be verified after the upgrade. Before the upgrade, please
read through the backward incompatibility items listed below. The listed PC-NET related
issues are protocol specific and if the system to be upgraded does not contain mentioned
protocols, the item has no effect in the upgrade. More information about the mentioned
attributes can be found from protocol specific manuals and System Objects manual

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

If the behavior of a communication line after the upgrade is not satisfactory, attribute
changes to the system configuration may be required. A systematic proceeding in the
problem analysis usually gives best results, sometimes it is needed to record a commu-
nication log from the line which is causing problems. PC-NET from SYS 600 9.1 (COM 500 4.2)

In this case, there will be neither backward compatibility issues nor changes in system
requirements. PC-NET or DCP-MUX from SYS 500 8.4.x

If the previous version is SYS 500 8.4.5 SP1, SYS 500 8.4.4 SP4, SYS 600 9.0, COM
500 4.0 SP1 or older, following upgrade notification must be taken into account:

• After the upgrade, each instance of PC-NET will allocate 16 Megabytes of memory.
PC-NET instance in versions SYS 500 8.4.4 SP1, COM 500 4.0 (without service
packs) and older allocated 4 Megabytes of memory. In versions COM 500 4.0 SP1,
SYS 500 8.4.5 SP1, SYS 500 8.4.4 SP4, SYS 600 9.0 or older but newer than SYS
500 8.4.4 SP1 the allocated amount is 8 Megabytes. In principle, the usage of a
newer version may lead to lack of memory if the computer resources stay unchanged
in the upgrade.

If the previous version is SYS 500 8.4.4 (without service packs), COM 500 4.0 (without
service packs) or older, following upgrade notification must be taken into account:

• In DNP 3.0 slave protocol, the response handling of an incoming class 1/2/3/0 request
from the DNP 3.0 master is handled differently and order of the datapoints in the
response is different. It is possible that the new behaviour can be seen in the process
pictures of the master also.

If the previous version is SYS500 8.4.3 SP3, COM 500 3.0 SP1 or older, following
upgrade notifications must be taken into account:

• In IEC60870-5-101 slave protocol, the RM attribute bit 4 of station object controls

the acceptance of the incoming control commands from the master. In the newer
version the default behaviour is that a execute command is not accepted without
preceding select. The behavior stays unchanged if bit 4 of the attribute RM is set,
see corresponding manual for more information.
• In IEC60870-5-101 slave protocol, the TC attribute of the station object controls
the handling of the incoming time synchronization. In the newer version the default
value is 1 which causes the message contents to be sent to a process object also. See
corresponding manual for more information.
• In any serial protocol, the line attribute RY presented in version 8.4.4 also controls
the behaviour of the RTS-signal of the RS-232 port. For RocketPort serial cards,
the default value RY=1 will cause the RTS signal to be active one character longer

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

compared with the previous version. This is usually harmless. With setting RY=0
the behaviour is unchanged with RocketPort. With a standard serial port of PC, the
behaviour is unchanged with setting RY=1 and depending on the used modem
hardware, setting RY=0 does not necessarily work at all.

If the previous version is a DCP-MUX unit and the needed protocols can be found from
the list presented below, the upgrading of the DCP-MUX unit to PC-NET should be
possible. The existing line and station attribute configuration must be converted to a
SCIL script if the DCP-MUX has been configured with a NETCONF program. The
DCP-MUX card is replaced with a multi-port serial card. DCP-MUX from SYS 500 8.x

If the needed protocols can be found from the list presented below, the upgrading of the
DCP-MUX unit to PC-NET should be possible. The DCP-MUX card is replaced with a
multi-port serial card having sufficient amount of COM-ports. The connected RS232-
devices like modems can usually be used as such. The existing line and station attribute
configuration must be converted to a SCIL script if the DCP-MUX has been configured
with a NETCONF program.
Table List of the protocol supported in the PC-NET
1 ANSI X3.28 Full Duplex or ACP
2 ANSI X3.28 Half Duplex
4 ASCII protocol for printer
7 RP570/RP571 master protocol
9 P214/INDACTIC 35 master protocol
12 LCU500 master
13 ADLP180 Master
14 SPA protocol
15 General ASCII
16 RP570/RP571 Slave
17 RCOM (Procontic)
18 Westinghouse F4F
23 ABB Alpha meter protocol
25 Modbus RTU master protocol
26 IEC 61107 protocol
27 LonTalk protocol
29 IEC 60870-5-101 Unbalanced slave
30 IEC 60870-5-101 Balanced slave
31 IEC 60870-5-101 Unbalanced master

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

32 IEC 60870-5-101 Balanced master

33 IEC 60870-5-103 Unbalanced master
35 DNP V3.00 slave protocol
43 DNP V3.00 master protocol
44 IEC 60870-5-104 master
45 IEC 60870-5-104 slave

5.4.2. IEC 61850

Migration of Communication Engineering Tool (CET) configurations

before usage

If the IEC 61850 CET project has been originally made with SYS 600 revision 9.0 or
9.1, and the appropriate configuration will be now taken in use in SYS 600 revision 9.3,
the following steps are needed to migrate the project.

Before installing the SYS 600 revision 9.3 take a copy of your {guid}.xml files. For

23a247e6-7552-4c58-a202-eff8693f372f.xml from
drive>:\sc\prog\61850_OPC_Server\CET\bin\Tools\OPCSCLExport\[project name].

After finalising the SYS 600 revision 9.3 installation, create both a new database and an
IEC 61850 OPC Server to CET. Use SCLImport tool and import your existing configur-
ation from the {guid}.xml file. A {guid} example included into above is an example of
such a code, the {guid} in your projects, i.e. related .xml files differs from the example
given above.

To successfully use the CET you will need 'Full Access' access rights to be assigned for
everyone to the following folders:

<drive>:\PCMDATABASES (location depends on Environment Variable PCMDATADIR



<drive>:\sc\prog\61850_OPC_Server\CET\bin\Tools\OPCSCLExport\[project name]

The reason for this migration is that the CET databases in SYS 600 revision 9.0/9.1 and
revision 9.3 are not fully compatible.

When existing CET configurations are taken in use with SYS

600 revision 9.3, it is important to also verify that the correct

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

configuration attribute values will be taken in use by your IEC

61850 project. See further information in IEC 61850 System
Design manual, chapters Timeout handling and

5.4.3. Modbus slave

Modbus slave is a separate executable used in systems with COM 500i. The same
backward compatibility approach is also used with modbus slave . The modifications
made to modbus_slave.exe has been minor and upgrading to a newer version should not
cause problems.

5.4.4. CDC-II slave

CDC-II slave is also a separate executable used in systems with COM 500i. The same
backward compatibility approach is also used with CDC-II slave. The modifications
made to cdcslave.exe has been minor and upgrading to a newer version should not cause
problems. Additional information regarding the configuration parameters related to the
CDC-II slave can be found from the CDC-II Slave Protocol manual.

5.4.5. External OPC Data Access Client

External OPC Data Access Client is a separate executable used in systems including
devices communicating via OPC protocol or IEC 61850 systems. Any existing configur-
ation can be used in External OPC Data Access Client. The modifications made to
daopccl.exe have been mainly extensions but the backward compatibility has been
retained in a way that the upgrading to a newer version should not cause problems. Pre-
viously, when External OPC Data Access Client was delivered as a separate installation
package for SYS/COM products, the destination folder for the executable was always
<drive>:\MS_Interfaces\OPC_Client. For all the SYS 600 revisions, the installation of
External OPC Data Access Client occurs always into folder
<drive>:\sc\prog\OPC_Client. Modify the application start-up routines accordingly to
start the latest External OPC Data Access Client executable, when needed. Additional
information related to the configuration parameters related to the External OPC Data
Access Client can be found from the External OPC Data Access Client and IEC 61850
System Design manuals.

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

5.5. Communication gateway

5.5.1. Upgrading COM 500 revision 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2

If an existing COM 500 revision 2.0-4.2 application is updated to COM 500i revision
9.2 and newer, please note the following:

COM 500i revision 9.2 and newer has a mechanism that makes all the required modific-
ations to the application to update an older revision to revision 9.2 and newer. This
mechanism is started when a monitor is opened to a COM 500i application for the first
time after the installation of COM 500i. After the mechanism has been run, you must
restart SYS 600 to take all the modifications in use. Also PQ and QD attributes should
be defined for queue 16 in SYS_BASCON.

SYS_BASCON modifications:

PQ = 16,- ;Number of parallel queues/ Needed in COM 500 Applications

QD = (1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),- ;Parallel queue dedication/ Needed in COM 500


If any project specific modifications have been made to the command procedures of the
previous COM 500 revision, the modifications must be copied to the matching new
command procedures. A back-up of the project specific modifications must be taken
before installation of COM 500i, because all command procedures are updated during
COM 500i start-up.

Base System, LIB 5xx and Communication unit changes are described in 5.1, Base system,
5.2, LIB 5xx, and 5.4, Communication units. The same changes should be also made
when COM 500 is updated to COM 500i. Corresponding of COM 500 and SYS revisions
are show in the following table:
Table 5.5.1-1 Correspondence of COM 500 and SYS revisions
COM 500 revision SYS revision

4.2.SP2 SYS 600 9.1.5

4.2 SP1 SYS 600 9.1 SP1
4.2 SYS 600 9.1
4.1 SYS 600 9.0
4.0 SP1 SYS 500 8.4.4 SP1
4.0 SYS 500 8.4.4
3.0 SP2 SYS 500 8.4.3 SP4
3.0 SP1 SYS 500 8.4.3 SP2
3.0 SYS 500 8.4.3

1MRS756634 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3

Installation and Administration Manual

COM 500 revision SYS revision

2.0 SYS 500 8.4.2

5.5.2. Upgrading COM 500i revision 1.0

For more information about upgrading revision 1.0, see SYS 600 Communication
Gateway, COM 500i User’s Guide.

5.6. Updating device drivers

In general the device drivers are backwards compatible within a major revision number,
that is, drivers in 8.4.2 revision is used with Base System Software of revisions 8.4.1
and 8.4.0.

When updating to MicroSCADA Pro, the driver packages can be installed from the
MicroSCADA Pro software CD or they are included to adapter card package. The sup-
ported versions of the drivers can also be downloaded from the web sites of the
respective manufacturers :

ADLink site:

Advantech site:

Meinberg site:


SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756634

Installation and Administration Manual

6. Abbreviations

6.1. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
GB Gigabyte
HSB Hot Stand-by
LAN Local area network
MB Megabyte
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
RAM Random access memory
SCIL Supervisory Control Implementation Language
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TS CAL Terminal service client access license

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