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A. 1. Which paragraph has unity? Paragraph 2 has unity.

2. Which paragraph does not have unity because it discusses two different topics?
Paragraph 1 does not have unity because it discusses 2 topics:
(1) biological reactions caused by co]or that change our behavior, and (2) religious
significance of colors.
3. Which paragraph does not have unity because it has sentences that are not related to
the main topic? Paragraph 3 does not have unity because it has sentences that are off
the topic. (Blue is not a good color for dinnerware, however. Food looks less
appetizing when it is served in blue plates, perhaps because very few foods in nature
are of that color.)

B. Paragraph 1
Topic sentence: Adventure travel is the hot trend in the tourism industry.
Cross out: People of all ages are choosing educational study tours for their vacations.
Paragraph 2
Topic sentence: Daredevil sports are also becoming popular.
Cross out: Soccer is also popular in the United States now, although football is still more

C . Paragraph 1
First topic sentence: Because the Internet makes the world a smaller place, the value of
having a common language is greatly increased.
Cross out: His company spends $200 million a year translating software into other
Second topic sentence: Someday, software may be available to instantly translate both written
and spoken language so well that the need for any common language could decline.
Cross out: Computer spelling checkers also exist for various languages.

Paragraph 2

First topic sentence: Even when you try to be polite, it is easy to do the wrong thing
inadvertently in a new culture.
Cross out: Meals in the United States are usually more informal than meals in other
countries, and the times of meals may be different.

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Second topic sentence: Although North Americans are usually very direct in social matters,
there are a few occasions when they are not.
Cross out: Idioms are often difficult for newcomers to understand.

A. In the following paragraph, the key noun is never repeated. Replace the pronoun it with
the key noun English wherever you think doing so would make the paragraph more coherent.
English has almost become an international language. Except for Chinese, more people speak
English than any other language. Spanish is the official language of more countries in the
world, but more countries have English as their official or unofficial second language. More
than 70 percent of the world's mail is written in English. It is the primary language on the
Internet. in international business, English is used more than any other language, and it is the
language of airline pilots and air traffic controllers all over the world. Moreover, although
French used to be the language of diplomacy, English has displaced it throughout the world.
Therefore, unless you plan to spend your life alone on a desert island in the middle – of the
Pacific Ocean, English is a useful language to know.

B. In the following passage about dolphins, replace some of the pronouns with appropriate
singular or plural nouns.
Dolphins 1. Dolphins are interesting because they display almost human behavior at times.
For example, they display the human emotions of joy and sadness. During training, when
dolphins do something correctly, they squeal excitedly and race toward their trainer. When
dolphins make a mistake, however, they droop noticeably and mope around their pool.
Furthermore, dolphins help each other when they are in trouble. If dolphin is sick, it sends
out a message, and other dolphins in the area swim to help it. They push dolphin to the
surface of the water so that it can breathe. They stay with dolphin for days or weeks until it
recovers or dies. Dolphins have also helped trapped or lost whales navigate their way safely
out to the open sea. Dolphins are so intelligent and helpful, in fact, that the U.S. Navy is
training them to become underwater bomb disposal experts.

Red: Key nouns
green: Pronoun
yellow: synonyms
A Mardi Gras Custom

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"Throw me something, mister," is the customary plea for a Mardi Gras "throw."
in the final days of Mardi Gras, the season of parties, parades, and revelry! that precedes the
Christian period of fasting and penance2 called Lent, crowds of spectators line the streets of
New Orleans. They hope to catch a Mardi Gras souvenir tossed from parading floats. Mardi
Gras o~ganizations called "krewes" build the floats and sponsor the parades, and while
cruising along parade routes, costumed krewe members throw plastlic trinkets to the crowds
below. The trinkets, which are called "throws," conssist of bead necklaces, coins, cups, toys,
Frisbees, and figurines stamped with the krewe's symbol or the parade theme. Mardi Gras
throws are big business for the companies that supply them. Krewe members spend an
average of $800 on them, and some spend $2,000 or more. By far the most treasured of the
Mardi Gras mementos are gaudy bead necklaces. Originally made of glass, they are now
made of plastic (Roach).
Key noun: throw
Key nouns: throw (sentences 1, 5, 6), krewe (sentences 3, 4, 5, 7);
Pronouns: them (sentence 6), them (sentence 7), they (sentence 9);
Synonyms: souvenir (sentence 3), trinkets (sentence 4), trinkets (sentence 5),
memento (sentence 8)

Olympic athletes must be strong both physically and mentally. First of all, if they hope to
compete in an olympic sport, they must be physically strong. Furthermore, aspiring
Olympians must train rigorously for many years. For the most demanding sports, they train
several hours a day, five to six days a week, for ten or more years. In addition to being
physically strong, athletes must also be mentally tough. This means that they have to be totaly
dedicated to their sport, often giving up a normal school, family, and social life. Being
mentally strong also means that they must be able to wihstand the intense pressure of
international competition with its accompanying media coverage. Finally, not everyone can
win a medal, so Olympians must possess the inner strength to live with defeat.

Paragraph 2:
One difference among the world's seas and oceans is that the salinity varies in different
climate zones. For example, the Baltic Sea in northern Europe is only one-fourth as saline as
the Red Sea in the Middle East. There are two reasons for this. First of all, in warm climate
zones, water evaporates rapidly; therefore, the concentration of salt is greater. Second, the
surrounding land is dry; consequently, it does not contribute much freshwater to dilute the
salty seawater. In cold climate zones, on the other hand, water evaporates slowly.

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Furthermore, the runoff created by melting snow adds a considerable amount of freshwater to
dilute the saline seawater.


Genetic Engineering
Genetic research has produced both exciting and frightening possibilities. Scientists are now
able to create new forms of life in the laboratory because of the development of gene
splicing. On the one hand ,the ability to create life in the laboratory could greatly benefit
humankind. One beneficial application of gene splicing is in agriculture. For example
researchers have engineered a more nutritious type of rice that could help alleviate the serious
problem of vitamin A deficiency. It is estimated that 124 million children worldwide lack
vitamin A, putting them at risk of permanent blindness and other health issues. In addition
genetic engineers have created larger fish, frost-resistant strawberries, and cows that produce
more milk. Indeed agriculture has already benefited from the promise of genetic engineering.
On the other hand, not everyone is positive about gene-splicing technology. Some people feel
that it could have terrible consequences. In fact, a type of corn engineered to kill a certain
insect pest also threatened to annihilatel desirable monarch butterflies. In another accident, a
genetically engineered type of corn that was approved only for animal consumption because
it was toxic to humans accidentally cross-pollinated with corn grown for humans. As a result
many countries banned imports of genetically modified corn for several years. Furthermore
the ability to clone human beings is a possibility that frightens many people. In 2004, two
South Korean scientists reported that they had successfully cloned a human embryo
(Dreifus). The embryo did not develop into a baby; however it is possible that one could do
so in the future, a possibility that not everyone is comfortable with.

1. However
2. Therefore
3. For example
4. Therefore
5. As a result

B. Fill in the blank with an appropriate transition signal from the list provided

1. In fact
2. Also

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3. For Example
4. SImilarly
5. Second
6. Third
7 . Indeed
8. Final and most convincing

C. Improve the coherence of the following paragraph by adding transitions in the blank
1. Another
2. First
3. In contrast
4. Second
5. In addition
6. As a result
7. Clearly



After you have enjoyed the delicious taste of an avocado, do not throw out the seed!
You can grow a beautiful houseplant or even your own tree by following these simple steps.
First, wash the seed and dry it. Then, insert three toothpicks into its thickest part. Second, fill
a glass or empty jar with water and suspend the seed in the water with the pointed end up and
the broad end down. The water should cover about an inch of the seed. Next, put the glass in
a warm place, but not in direct sunlight. Add water when necessary to keep the bottom of the
seed under water at all times. In two to six weeks, you should see roots begin to grow. The
seed will crack open, and then a stem will emerge from the top. However, wait until the stem
is 6 to 7 inches long before cut it back to about 3 inches. Now wait until the roots are thick
and the stem has leafed out again. Then fill an 8- to 10-inch diameter clay pot with enriched
potting soil. Plant the seed, leaving the top half exposed. Water it well. After that, water
frequently but lightly; also give the plant an occasional deep soaking. However, do not
overwater your little tree. Yellow leaves are a sign of too much water.
Place the potted plant in a sunny window and watch it grow. The more sunlight, the better;
Then, when the stem is 12 inches high, cut it back to 6 inches to encourage the growth of side

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branches. In just a few more weeks, you will have a beautiful indoor plant. In conclusion,
enjoy your new plant, but do not expect it to bear fruit. Avocados grown from seed
occasionally flower and bear fruit; however, you will have to plant it outside and then wait
anywhere from five to thirteen years.

Paragraph 1
The process of machine translation of languages is complex. To translate a document from
English into Japanese, for example, the computer first analyzes an English sentence,
determining its grammatical structure and identifying the subject, verb, objects, and
modifiers. Next, the words are translated by an English-Japanese dictionary. After that,
another part of the computer program analyzes the resulting awkward jumble' of words and
meanings and produces an intelligible sentence based on the rules of Japanese syntax2 and
the machine's understanding of what the original English sentence meant. Finally, a human
bilingual editor polishes the computer-produced translation.
Logical order type: Chronological

Paragraph 2.
French and U.S. business managers have decidedly different management styles.
French meetings, for example, are long and rambling and rarely end on time. Furthermore,
meetings often end without closure. Managers in the United States, on the other hand, make
an effort to start and stop a meeting on time, and North American business meetings typically
end with decisions and action plans. Another difference involves documentation. North
Americans adore documentation; they have a procedure manual for everything. The French,
in contrast, think this is childish. French managers find it difficult to stick to a schedule, but
U.S. managers are intolerant of delays. In addition, the French prefer to work alone, whereas
North Americans like to work in teams. Another major difference in management style is that
in French companies, authority comes from the top; French managers do not share
information with subordinates and make decisions with little participation by employees
beneath them. In U.S. companies, however, top managers share information and frequently
solicit5 input from subordinates ("How French Managers')
Logical order type: comparison/contrast

Paragraph 3
It took more than 2,500 years to develop the calendar used in most Western countries today.
In about 700 B.C.E.,7 the ancient Romans used a calendar that had 304 days divided into 10
months; March was the beginning of each year. There were more than 60 days missing from
the calendar, so very soon the calendar did not match the seasons at all. Spring arrived when
the calendar said that it was still winter. A few decades later, the Romans added the months of

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January and February to the end of the year. This calendar lasted about 600 years. Then in 46
B.C.E., Julius Caesar, the Roman ruler, made a new calendar. His calendar had 365 days, with
one day added every fourth year. He also moved the beginning of the year to January 1, and
he renamed a month for himself: Julius (July). In Caesar's calendar, February had 29 days.
The very next emperor, Augustus, not only renamed a month for himself (August), but he
also took one day from February and added it to August so that "his" month would be just as
long as Caesar's. This calendar worked better than the previous ones, but it still was not
perfect. By 1580, the first calendrical day of spring was 10 days too early, so in 1582, Pope
Gregory XIII, the leader of the Roman Catholic religion, made a small change to make the
calendar more accurate. In the Gregorian calendar, the year is still 26.3 seconds different
from the solar year, but it will be a long time before this causes a problem.
Logical order type: Chronological order

Paragraph 4
The many different calendars used throughout the world are all based on the phases of the
moon, on the revolution of Earth around the sun, or on a combination of the two. The first
kind of calendar is the lunar calendar, based on the phases of the moon. A month is calculated
as the time between two full moons, 29.5 days, and a year has 354 days. The Islamic calendar
used in Muslim countries is a lunar calendar. It has 12 months and a cycle of 30 years in
which the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 18th, 21 st, 24th, 26th, and 29th years have 355
days, and the others 354 days. A second kind of calendar is the solar calendar, which is based
on the revolution of Earth around the sun. The ancient Egyptians used a solar calendar
divided into 12 months of 30 days each, which left 5 uncounted days at the end of each year.
A very accurate calendar developed by the Mayan Indians in North America was also a solar
calendar. It had 365 days, 364 of which were divided into 28 weeks of 13 days each. The new
year began on the 365th day. Because the solar year is exactly 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes,
and 46 seconds long, however, a solar calendar is not totally accurate, so many cultures
developed a third kind of calendar, the lunisolar calendar. In a lunisolar calendar, extra days
are added every so often to reconcile! the lunar months with the solar year. The Chinese,
Hebrew, and Gregorian calendars used today are lunisolar calendars.

Logical order type: Logical division of ideas

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