Clinical Study On The Efficacy of Eranda Beeja Anjana in The Management of Kamala

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 6, September-October 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Clinical Study on the Efficacy of Eranda

Beeja Anjana in the Management of Kamala
Dr. Abu Zuber1, Dr. Rajesh Sugur2, Dr. Doddabasayya Kendadmath3
PG Scholar, 2MD (Ayu) Professor, 3MD (Ayu) Professor & Head,
1, 2, 3
Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma, Taranath Government
Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Ballary, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Abu Zuber |

Medicine began as an act and gradually evolved as a science over the Dr. Rajesh Sugur | Dr. Doddabasayya
centuries. if We trace the history of medicine from medern medicine Kendadmath "Clinical Study on the
to antiquity. We will find medical knowledge has been divided to a Efficacy of Eranda Beeja Anjana in the
very great degree from intuitive and observational proposition Management of Kamala" Published in
tempered by evaluating interpretations. Folklore medicine can be
Journal of Trend in
considered as part of traditional medicine which is mainly practiced Scientific Research
by the trebles at home by simple measures based upon experience and Development
and knowledge handed over by generations by word of mouth. (ijtsrd), ISSN:
Folklore medicine are having more benefits like, it is impressive, 2456-6470,
easily available especially in kitchen and quite effective. Here an Volume-6 | Issue-6, IJTSRD51955
attempt is made to treat jaundice. Which is a symptom of liver October 2022,
disease and there is an increase of bilirubin circulating in the blood pp.779-781, URL:
due to abnormal metabolism and excretion in the urine1. By Anjana
with erandabeeja for three times a week, morning on empty stomach
to be administered. Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in
KEYWORDS: Erandabeeja, Anjana, Liver disease Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Kamala is pittaja nanatmaja vikara and also Clubbing-absent
raktapradoshajsa vikara. Rakta and pitta are in ashraya Koilonychia-absent
ashrayee bhava. If pitta vitiates ultimately it vitiates Lympedenopathy-absent
rakta and produces pathological condition called Bp- 110/70mmHg
kamala2. The word kamala is derived from the root Temperature – 98°F
word Kamu, which means kanthi. The term lunatic Pulse – 76B/min
means Nasha. Kanthim lunathi means, a pathological Ht-5. 7FtWeight-60kg
condition in which normal colour of skin is lost. Built- Moderate
hunger and appetite for a person is reduced. all malas RR-22b/MinRR-22b/Min
get vitiated discoloured.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVE: Erandabeeja Anjana
To review the therapeutic efficacy of eranda beeja
Inclusion criteria4
Anjana in the jaundice3 (Kamala) and to assess the
Symptoms should be in pakva or vyaktavastha.
role of it in the management of Kamala.
Patients having Nirama avastha of dosha.
GENERAL EXAMINATION Exclusion criteria5
Icterus-Present Krodhita, Shokapidita, shramita, bhayabeeta
Tongue-coated vyakti.
Cyanosis-absent Akshiraga, shula, shotha, sravayukta vyakti.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51955 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 779
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Sama doshayukta avastha INVESTIGATION:
Should not perform in night time LFT (Total bilirubin, Direct bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT,
Alkaline phosphatase, Total protein, Albumin,
Globulin, A/G ratio)
Taranath Government Ayurveda medical college
Paste of Eranda majja rubbed over the water and
apply to both eyelids. 3 sittings in a week.
Single case study.

C/O-Jwara, Aruchi, Agnimandhya O/E-Yellowish

Intervention 1
Eranda beeja Anjana discoloration of sclera (++)
Yellowish Discoloration of urine (++)
C/O-Moderate reduction of Jwara, Aruchi, Agnimandhya
Intervention 2
Eranda beeja Anjana O/E-Yellowish discoloration of sclera (+)
Yellowish Discoloration of urine (+)
Intervention 3 C/O-No Jwara, No Aruchi, No Agnimandhya.
Eranda beeja Anjana
24/10/2021 O/E-No Discoloration of Sclers & Urine.
Patient is advised to sit in a upright position In front of phycisian. By using left hand physician has to widen the
eyelids of patient.
Apply the paste of Eranda majja over the index finger of right hand. With a gentle pressure apply it from medial
canthus to lateral canthus6
Course of treatment
8 consecutive days
Assesment will be done on
Pretreatment that is Day 1
Post treatment that is Day 8
Assessment criteria
Assessment was done on the basis of subjective & objective parameters.
Subjective criteria
Reduction in the symptoms like jwara, aruchi, agnimaadhya.
Objective criteria
Investigations carried out before and after the treatment, Mainly includes LFT
Reduction in symptoms like Aruchi, Agnimandhya, Jwara.
Liver function Test Before Treatment After Treatment Normal range
Total bilirubin 4. 8 0. 9 0. 00-1. 00
Direct bilirubin 2. 9 0. 4 0. 0-0. 4
SGOT 256 45 0-55
SGPT 243 56 0-55
Alkaline phosphatase 196 80 100-250
Total protein 6. 4 6. 5 6-8
Globulin 3. 2 3. 2 3. 8-5
Albumin 2. 7 2. 4 2-3. 5
A/G Ratio 1. 0 0. 9
DISCUSSION: tridosha along with Rasa Rakta and Mamsa8 with
Kamala is pitta pradhana tridoshaja vyadhi, purvarupa like jwara. Eranda phala majja has similar
Mentioned under pittaja nanatmaja vikara. Where properties like tailam. Due to Madhura rasa, Madhura
Rakta & Mamasa dhatu are also involved. In this vipaka, Ushna veerya and gunas (Properties) like
patient pittakara ahara vihara leads to vitiation of Teekshna (Penetrating action), Sukshma (Enters into

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51955 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 780
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
minute channels) and actions like deepana (Improves BIBLIOGRAPHY
agni), Srotovishodhana (cleanses the channels), [1] Text book of general medicine, Golwall’s
Vatakapha hara9 (Alleivates vata & kapha) As MEDICINE ForStudents, 25Th Edition, Editor:
mentioned in the kaideva nighantu Eranda phala with Milind Y Nadkar
its katu rasa and its ushna veerya, Deepana pachana [2] Ayurveda Deepika commentary, Charaka
actions helped to reduce symptoms like aruchi,
Samhita, Chaukamba publicationVaranashi,
Agnimandhya. Eranda phala is told as charaka Samhita SutraSthana,
yakritpleehagna in kayadeva nighantu hence its action
Vividasheetapitiya 28/11
can be correlated in this case. Ricinus communis
Linn. Famous as castor belonging family Euphorbiace [3] Vagbhata. Asthanga sangraha, Chikitsa sthana,
is generally cultivated for its oil seeds. The all parts Pandurogachikitsa 16/44, dr Brahmanand
of plants viz Root, Bark, leaves, flower, Fruit, seeds, Tripathi, Chaukambha Publication, Delhi,
oil etc possess high medicinal value and traditionally Edited with Nirmala hindi commentary.
used for the treatment of various ailments of human [4] Sushruta Samhita Uttaratantra 18/52 Ambika
being. Eranda is highly useful in the treatment of a Dutt shastri, Choukambha Publication,
variety of common & chronic disdorders. Varanashi, Sanskrit Samsthana
CONCLUSION: [5] Sushruta Samhita Uttaratantra 18/68 Ambika
Kriyakalpa are well designed procedures to treat Dutt shastri, Choukambha Publication,
occular disdorders. Among them Anjana is used for Varanashi, Sanskrit Samsthana
both occular as well as systemic diseases which was
outlined by our ancient medical scholars as they were [6] Sushruta Samhita Uttaratantra 18/64, 65
aware of the mechanism of blood aqueous barrier & Ambika Dutt shastri, Choukambha Publication,
blood brain barrier. Thus Anjana is mentioned in Varanashi, Sanskrit Samsthana
netra vikaras. as well as in some of systemic [7] Text book of general medicine, Golwall’s
disdorders. Anjana is simple therapeutic procedure MEDICINE ForStudents, 25Th Edition, Editor:
among the kriyakalpas for the daily usage which will Milind Y Nadkar
act as a chakshushya. i, e helps in maintaining good
acquity. the purpose of this topic is to popularize the [8] Ayurveda Deepika commentary, Charaka
anjana and to creat awareness in the society. so that to Samhita, Chaukamba publicationVaranashi,
overcome the lack of practical utility of medicated charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana,
Anjana in clinical practice offcourse stillmore Panduchikitsa 16/34
research work is needed to be done on the applied [9] Bhavamishra, Bhavaprakash Nigantu
aspects of anjana in both occular as well as systemic Guducchyadi varga shloka no 62
Diseases. Eranda Beeja acts as rechana. Hence by
application of anjana it helps in eliminating the excess

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51955 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 781

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