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B.Tech., M.Sc.(Integrated), M.Tech.(Dual Degree) (2nd Year 1st Sem.) MID-SEMESTER (AUTUMN) EXAMINATION, 2021

Course ID.: MA-2305 Full Marks-30

Subject: Numerical Analysis
Duration of Examination: 2 Hours
Answer ALL Questions
Each question carries equal marks
No part of a question may be answered separately
(Notations have their usual meanings)

1. The Taylor polynomial of degree n for f ( x)  e x is  i! . Use the Taylor polynomial of degree 7
i 0
and three-digit chopping arithmetic to find e . Hence, find the maximum error bound.

2. Use simple fixed point iteration to locate the root of

f ( x)  2sin( x )  x ,

with an initial guess x0  0.5 and iterate until  a  0.001% . Verify that the process is linearly
3. Find two iterations of the Newton method to solve the system of equations

x 2  xy  y 2  7,
x3  y 3  9,

with the initial approximation as x0  1.5, y0  0.5.

4. Find Langrange’s polynomial for f ( x)  e 2 x  x on [1,2] using the nodes x0  1 , x1  1.25 , and
x2  1.6 . Determine the error form and the maximum error at x  1.4 when the polynomial is used to
approximate f ( x)  e 2 x  x for x  [1,2] .

5. Find the cubic spline g (x) corresponding to the given data f 0  f (0)  1, f1  f (1)  0 , f 2  f (2)  1 ,
f 3  f (3)  0 , with f 0  0 and f 3  6 .

6. Comment on the advantage and disadvantage of Bisection method. Further, state and prove the
condition of convergence of the Fixed-point iteration method.

7. Discuss the Secant method graphically for finding a simple root of the equation f ( x)  0 in (a, b) .
Also find a root of an equation f ( x)  5 sin 2 x  8 cos5 x  e x  x  0 between 0.5 and 1.5, using the
Secant method, correct up-to two decimal places.
8. Derive the convergence of the Newton-Raphson method. Find a root of an equation
f ( x)  e x  x cos x  x  1 with initial solution x0  0 , using Newton-Raphson method correct up to
four decimal places.

9. Derive the relationship between Newton’s divided difference and Newton’s backward difference
operators of nth order. Using the Newton’s divided difference interpolation method, construct an
interpolating polynomial of degree 3 for the data: f (0.75)  0.0718125 , f (0.5)  0.02475 ,
f (0.25)  0.3349375 , f (0)  1.10100 . Hence find f (1/ 3) .

10. The following data represents the function f ( x)  e x ,

x 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

f (x) 2.7183 4.4817 7.3891 12.1825 20.0855

Estimate the value of f (1.75) by using the Newton’s forward difference interpolation. Obtain a bound
on the error at x  1.75 .

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