0814 Model Answer Paper Winter 2017

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Title: Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Subject Code: 0814

Important Instructions to examiners:

1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The
figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for anyequivalent
figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may
vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based
on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Title: Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Subject Code: 0814

Q. Sub Answer Marking

No Q. N. Scheme

1 Answer any Eight of the followings: 16M

1 a) Give the objectives of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971. 2M

The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 was passed by the parliament to
provide for the termination of certain pregnancies by Registered Medical Practioner
(RMP) at approved place for bonafied medical reasons.

1 b) Give penalties for falsely claiming to be a registered under the Pharmacy Act, 1948. 2M
Any person whose name is not entered in the register falsely claims to be a registered
pharmacist or uses in connection with his name any words or letters to suggest that his
name is so entered in the register is-
i) punishable with fine upto 500/- rupees on first conviction, and
ii) with imprisonment upto six months or with fine upto 1000/- rupees or both on any
subsequent conviction.
1 c) Give the functions of Drugs Consultative Committee. 2M
This is an advisory committee founded by Central Government to advice the Central
Government, State Government and Drug Technical Advisory Board on any matter to
secure uniformity throughout India in the administration of this Act.
1 d) Define ‘Advertisement’ under the DMR (O.A.) Act, 1954. 2M
Advertisement: It includes
i) Any notice, circular, label, wrapper or otherwise such document, and
ii) Any announcement made orally or by means of producing or transmitting light, sound
or smoke

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1 e) State the objectives of the Drug Price Control Order, 1995. 2M

i) To achieve adequate production. (Each
ii) To secure or regulate the equitable distribution. point ½
iii) To maintain and increase the supplies of bulk drugs and formulations and mark)
iv) To make these available at fair prices.

1 f) Define ‘Poppy straw’ under the N.DP.S. Act, 1985. 2M

Poppy Straw:- it includes all the parts (except the seeds) of the opium poppy after
harvesting whether in original form or cut, crushed or powdered and whether or not juice
has been extracted therefrom.

1 g) State the importance of the ‘Pharmacist’ in health care system. 2M

i) All the pharmacists working in different fields of profession are directly or indirectly (any 4
related to nation’s health. points)
ii) Community pharmacist and hospital pharmacists are health professionals for the safe
& effective use of drugs.
iii) Pharmacy occupies an important position in the health care system. So the pharmacist
should be well equipped with knowledge of drugs, their handling system & legal aspects
as well as principles of quality assurance applied to medicine product.
Pharmacist is an expert on drugs.
iv) With the developing trend in science and technology as well as in the potent and
synthetic drugs, pharmacists’ responsibility is increased to give information to the
physician and the patients regarding the use, side-effects, etc. of such drugs in the interest
of public health.
v) Pharmacist is legally held responsible for the quality of product which is manufactures
and distributed.
They supply medicines against prescriptions.
vi) They counsel patients at the time of dispensing prescriptions. The pharmacists also
participate in health programmes.
vii)They provide link between Physician & Patient

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viii)They are able to advice patients with minor illness

The profession of Pharmacy presently consists of -
i) Industrial pharmacist
ii) Hospital pharmacist
iii) Academic pharmacist
iv) Community pharmacist
Pharmacist has to play an important role in areas such as -
1) Prescription adherence.
2) Storage and distribution of drugs.
3) Consultation and management.
4) Drug choice.
5) Drug monitoring.
6) Information and education.
7) Clinical pharmacokinetics.
8) Research and development and many other health activities.

1 h) Differentiate between ‘drug store’ and ‘pharmacy’. 2M

Sr. No Drug store Pharmacy

Licensed premises for the sale of drugs, Licensed premises for the sale of drugs
which do not require the services of a which require the services of a
qualified person. “Qualified Person” and where the drugs
are compounded against the prescriptions
1 i) State the objectives of the Drugs & Magic Remedies (O.A.) Act, 1954. 2M
The drug and magic remedies act passed with following main objects
i) To control certain types of advertisement related to drug. e.g drug used in treatment of
AIDS, Glaucoma, diabetes, epilepsy etc.
ii) To prohibit certain kinds of advertisement related to magic remedies which falsely
claim and mislead the public.
iii) To provide for matter related to therewith.

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Subject Title: Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Subject Code: 0814

1 j) What do the schedules ‘F’ and ‘G’ to the D& C Rules, 1945 prescribe? 1M for
Schedule F: - Provisions applicable to Blood Bank requirements and licencing to process each
Blood Components.
Schedule G: - List of substances required to be taken only under supervision of a
Registered Medical Practitioner.
It is dangerous to take this preparation except under medical supervision.
1 k) Differentiate between ‘law’ & ‘ethics’.(any four points) 2M

Sr. No Law Ethics ( 1/2

Definition- Rules by which a profession Mark for
Definition- Rules of human conduct
1 regulates action & sets standards for all each)
binding on all persons in a state.
its members.
Law may prevent one from causing
injury to another but it cannot force Helping the neighbour is the function
him to help his neighbour in hours of of ethics.
Ethics is how society expects you to
3 A law is something you must obey
Law deals with actions that are
4 Ethics deals with right & wrong.
Laws are written & approved Ethics are also written words but they
documents. are not carrying legal status
If rules of ethics are broken, the
If law is broken, a violator may be
professional body may subject the
6 subjected to punishment, a fine or
violator to loss of professional

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Subject Title: Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Subject Code: 0814

1 l) 2M
What punishment is prescribed for contravention of provisions in relation to
cannabis plant & cannabis under the NDPS Act, 1985? (1Mark
Punishment for contravention in relation to cannabis plant and cannabis.-Whoever, for each
in contravention of any provisions of this Act or any rule or order made or condition of clause)
license granted there under,
(a) cultivates any cannabis plant; or
(b) produces, manufactures, possesses, sells, purchases, transports, imports inter- State,
exports inter-State or uses cannabis, shall be punishable
[(i) where such contravention relates to clause (a) with rigorous imprisonment for a term
which may extend to ten years and shall also be liable to fine which may extend to one
lakh rupees; and
(ii) where such contravention relates to sub-clause (b),-
(a) and involves small quantity, with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend
to, one year or with fine, which may extend to ten thousand rupees, or with both;
(b) and involves quantity lesser than commercial quantity but greater than small quantity,
with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years, and with fine
which may extend to one lakh rupees.
(c) and involves commercial quantity, with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall
not be less than ten years but which may extend to twenty years and shall also be liable to
fine which shall not be less than one lakh rupees but which may extend to two lakh
Provided that the court may, for reasons to be recorded in the judgment, impose a fine
exceeding two lakh rupees.]
2 Attempt any FOUR of the followings 12M
2 a) What are the functions of the Central council under the Pharmacy Act, 1948? 3M
1. To prescribe the minimum standards of education required for qualification as a
pharmacist (This can be provided by making the rules as education regulations, which
prescribes minimum qualification for admission, duration of the course, details of the
syllabus, practical training and examination, minimum facilities required for conduct of

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course, examination & practical training).

2) To regulate the minimum educational standard. (For this purpose, Council appoints
Inspectors to inspect institutions, providing the minimum standards in education in
pharmacy and report on the facilities available and decides whether the institute should be
recognised or not.
3) To recognise qualifications granted outside territories to which Pharmacy Act 1948
extends for the purpose of qualifying for registration under the said Act.
4) To compile and maintain a central register for pharmacist containing names of all
persons for the time being entered in the state register.
5) The Council has to furnish copies of its minutes and those of executive committee,
together with the summary of annual activities and accounts to the central Government.
6) Any other function that may be assigned to the Central Council in the furtherance of
the objectives of the Pharmacy Act, 1948.
2 b) State the rules prescribed by state Government in relation to possession for the sale 3M
and sale of any poison.(any six)
( ½ Mark
The State Government has power to make rules in this connection which may provide for – for each)
1. The grant of licenses for the possession for sale, either wholesale or retail of any
specified poison and fixing of fees to be charged for licenses.
2. The classes of persons to whom the licenses for the possession for sale and sale of
poisons are to be granted.
3. The maximum quantity of any poison that may be sold to a person.
4. Maintenance of registers for the sale of poisons and inspection of the same.
Safe custody of poisons and labelling of vessels, coverings or packages in which such
poison is sold or stored for sale.
6. Inspection and examination of any such poison possessed for sale by any vendor.
2 c) Give the procedure followed for the movements of the goods from one warehouse to 3M
1. Bond for due arrival and re-warehousing :-
When goods are removed from one warehouse to another. The consigner has to enter in
bond with Excise Commissioner.

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For security purpose at least twice amount of duty payable than goods.
Such bond should remain valid until officer in-charge received certificate for goods have
been re-warehoused.
2. Remover may enter into general bond :-
EC will permit any person for removing goods from one warehouse to another, by
entering into general bond with sufficient security as prescribed by EC

3. Procedure for removing goods:-

For removal of goods the consigner has to apply in triplicate with sufficient documents to
the officer in-charge at least 24hrs advanced.
Officer may take account (confirmation) of goods and allow them to be remove good by
completing removal certificate on all copies of application.
Send duplicate copy to officer in-charge of destination warehouse and also give transport
permit and triplicate copy of application to consigner.
On arrival of goods at the destination warehouse, the consigner has to present triplicate
copy of application along with transport permit to officer in-charge.
Officer may take account (confirmation) of goods and then complete the re-warehousing
certificate and issue to consignee with triplicate copy.
The consigner shall present both triplicate copy and re-warehousing certificate to officer
in-charge of initial warehouse within 90days of issue of transport permit.
If consigner fails to present these documents to the officer in-charge, he shall pay the duty
within 10 days of demand.
If duty is not paid, he shall not permit to make fresh approval for removing goods
Goods may be kept in warehouse for maximum 3yrs from date of their deposit or for such
extended period as may have been permitted by excise commissioner.
2 d) State the qualifications for appointment of ‘Drug Inspector’ as per the D&C Act, 3M
A person who is appointed an Inspector should possess the following qualifications
1) Graduate in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences or Medicine with specialization in
Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology from a recognized University.

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Provided that for the purpose of inspection of manufacture of substances specified in

Schedule C, a person appointed as a Drug Inspector should have -
i) Not less than 18 months experience in the manufacture of at least one of the substances
specified in Schedule C, or
ii) Not less than 18 months experience in testing of at least one of the substances in
Schedule C in approved Laboratory, or

iii) Not less than three year experience in the inspection of firms manufacturing any of the
substances specified in Schedule C during the course of their services as Drugs
Provided further that the first 4 years from the date on which Chapter IV of the Act takes
effect in the States, person whose qualification, training & experience are considered
adequate may be appointed as Inspector & their appointments continued even after 4
years, if the State Govt. is satisfied.
2 e) Define ‘Addict’ and ‘Cannabis’ under NDPS Act, 1985. 1M
Addict: A person habitual to regular use of any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance is Addict,
known as addict. 2M
Cannabis: It includes the following: cannabis
(i) Charas, which is a resin in crude or purified form obtained from the cannabis plant
which includes concentrated preparations and resin known as hashish oil or liquid
(ii) Ganja, which comprises of flowering or fruiting tops of the cannabis plant (excluding
seeds and leaves not accompanied by the tops)
(iii) Any mixture with or without any neutral material of ganja or charas or any drink
prepared from them
2 f) How do Schedule ‘X’ drugs are supplied on retail counter? 3M
Sale of schedule X drugs:-
1. Schedule X drugs shall be supplied only on a prescription of a RMP and such
prescription should be in duplicate, one copy of which is retained by licensee and
preserved for at least 2 years. Unless otherwise stated in the prescription by the

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prescriber, such drugs must not be dispensed more than once.

2. The supply of drugs specified in schedule X shall be recorded at the time of supply in a
bound and serially page numbered register, specially maintained for the purpose and
separate pages shall be allotted for each drug and the following particulars shall be
entered in the register.
i) Date of supply and opening and closing stocks of drug on that day and relevant bill
ii) Name of drug, its manufacturer’s name and Batch number or lot number.
iii) Name and address of the purchaser/patient.
iv) Date of prescription and name and address of RMP
v) Signature of the registered pharmacist under whose supervision supply is made.
vi) Specify the name and address of the patient or name and address or the owner of the
animal if drug is for veterinary use.
3. Transaction of schedule X drug should be recorded in separate register in which in addition
to the above details, the quantities purchased should be recorded together with name and
address of supplier and his license number.
4. Record of supply of schedule X drugs to Registered Medical Practitioners, hospitals,
infirmaries or other institutions, should be preserved at least for 3 years from the date of
5. The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and
rules and thereunder.
6. No drug shall be sold unless such drug is purchased under cash or credit memo from a
duly licensed dealer or a duly licensed manufacturer.
3 Attempt any FOUR of the followings 12M
3 a) Give the constitutions of Joint State Pharmacy Council under the Pharmacy Act, 3M
Joint State Pharmacy Council is constituted as follows:
1) As provided in the agreement not less than 3 and not more than 5 members elected
amongst the registered pharmacists of each participating state.
2) As agreement provides, not less than 2 & not more than 4 members nominated by each

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participating State Governments of whom more than half should possess degree or
diploma in pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry or be a registered pharmacist.
3) One member elected by the members of each Medical Council from amongst
themselves, of each participating state.

The following are ex-officio members:

1) Chief administrative medical officer of each participating State.
2) Officer in-charge of the Drug Control Organization of each participating State under
D&C Act, 1940.
3) Government Analyst appointed under D&C Act, 1940 of each participating state
3 b) How Bonded Laboratory be constructed? 3M
Construction of bonded laboratory:
1) A Spirit store, (if a distillery or a rectified spirit warehouse from which rectified spirit
is made available, is not attached with the laboratory).
2) Separate room or rooms for the manufacture of medicinal preparations and toilet
3) Separate room or rooms for storage of the finished medicinal preparations and finished
toilet preparations.
4) Accommodation near the entrance for the officer-in-charge with necessary furniture.
5) Every room should bear a board indicating the name of room and serial numbers
6) The pipes from sinks or wash-basins should be connected with general drainage of the
7) The gas and electric connection supply should be such that their supply can be cut-off
at the end of day's work.
8) Every window would be provided with specific arrangements of malleable iron rods of
prescribed dimensions and window should be covered on the inside with strong wire
netting of mesh not exceeding 25mm.
9) There shall be only one entrance to the bonded laboratory and one door to each of its
compartments. All the doors shall be secured with excise ticket locks in the absence of
officer in-charge. No alterations in the bonded premises shall be made without the

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previous orders of the Excise Commissioner.

10) All vessels intended to hold alcohol and other liquid preparations should bear a
distinctive serial numbers and full capacity.
11) The vessels for storage of alcohol, opium, Indian hemp and other narcotic drugs & all
the finished preparations on which duty has not been paid should bear excise ticket locks.
3 c) Describe in detail Drugs Prices Equalisation Account (DPEA) 3M
Drugs price Equalisation Account (DPEA) –
The Government may by recover the dues accrued under the provisions of the Drugs
(Prices Control) Order, 1979 from the manufacturer, importer or distributor as the case
maybe & deposit the same into an account known as Drugs Prices Equalization Account.
The amount, from Drugs Prices Equalisation Account shall be utilized for :
(i) Paying the shortfall between the retention price and the common selling price or the
pooled price as the case may be to the manufacturer or importer or distributor, to
increases the production, or to securing the equitable distribution and availability at fair
prices, of drugs.
(ii) Meeting the expenses incurred by the Government in discharging the functions under
this provision &
(iii) Promoting higher education and research in Pharmaceutical Sciences and
3 d) What are the powers of Central Govt. to prohibit & regulate the operations involved 3M
under the N.D.P.S. Act, 1985. (Each
Operations prohibit & regulated by Central government under N.D.P.S. Act, 1985 points ½
i) The cultivation, or gathering of any portion of coca plant (only on account of the marks,
Central Government), or the production, sale, purchase, transport, import inter-state, Any 6)
export inter-state, use or consumption of coca leaves.
ii) The cultivation of the opium poppy;(only on account of Central Government)
iii) The production & manufacture of opium & production of poppy straw
iv) The possession, transport, import inter-State, export inter-State, warehousing, sale,
purchase, consumption & use of poppy straw.
v) The sale of opium & opium derivatives from the Central Government factories for

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export from India or sale to State Government or to manufacturing chemists.

vi) The manufacture of manufactured drugs ( other than prepared opium) but not
including manufacture of medicinal opium or any preparation containing any
manufactured drug from materials which the maker is lawfully entitled to possess.
vii)The manufacture, possession, transport, import inter-State, export inter-State, sale,
purchase, consumption & use of essential narcotic drugs
viii) The manufacture, possession, transport, sale, purchase, import inter-state, export
inter-state, use or consumption of psychotropic substances
ix)The import into India & export from India & transshipment of narcotic drugs &
psychotropic substances.
3 e) Give the particulars that should appear on label of ‘Ophthalmic preparations’ 3M
(a) Ophthalmic solutions & suspensions –
i) The statement, ‘Use the solution within a month after opening the container’
ii) Name and concentration of preservative used.
iii) The words ‘NOT FOR INJECTION’.
iv) Special instructions regarding storage, wherever applicable.
v) A cautionary legend reading as:
Warning :
i) If irritation persists or increases, discontinue the use and consult physician.
ii) Do not touch the dropper tip or other dispensing tip to any surface since this may
contaminate solution.
(b) Ophthalmic ointments
i) Special instructions regarding storage wherever applicable.
ii) Warning: If irritation persists or increases, discontinue the use and consult physician.

3 f) Explain the ethics for pharmacist in relation to his profession. 3M

Role of pharmacist in relation to his profession
1) A pharmacist should observe the law and ethical principles to maintain the standard of
the profession.
2) A pharmacist should extend the help and co-operation to his fellow pharmacist in an

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emergency and legitimate needs.

3) A pharmacist should try to weed out the undesirable corrupt or dishonest conduct of
the member of his profession maintaining its status in society.
4) A pharmacist should have a fair knowledge of laws of the state and nation pertaining to
food, drug, pharmacy education, health etc.
5) A pharmacist should have an upto date knowledge of professional matters. It should
associate himself with various pharmaceutical organizations, the aims and objects of
which are compatible with this code of ethics.
6) A pharmacist should not perform such acts which will bring discredit to his profession
or to himself.
4 Attempt any FOUR of the followings 12M
4 a) Describe offences & penalties under the Drugs and Magic Remedies (O.A.) Act,1954 3M
Offence- 1) Contravention of any of the provision of this Act or rules thereunder:
Penalties: a) Imprisonment 6 month or with fine or with both on 1st conviction. (11/2mark
b) Imprisonment 1 year or with fine or with both on subsequent conviction. for each
Offence-2) In case of contravention of the provisions of the Act by a company, every offence
person who at the time of the commission of the offence, was in-charge of & was &
responsible for the conduct of company business shall be deemed to be guilty & liable for penalty)
the punishment.
However, such person is not liable for the punishment if he proves that the offence was
committed without his knowledge or he has taken all the precautions to prevent that the
commission of such offence.

4 b) Define: ( i ) Net worth; and( ii) Free reserve, as per DPCO,1995 3M

(i) Net worth: It means the paid-up share capital of a company plus free reserve, if any (11/2mark
and surpluses excluding outside investment which are not readily available for the for each
operational activity. def.)
(ii) Free reserve: It means a reserve created by appropriation of profits, but does not
include reserves provided for contingent liability, disputed claims, goodwill, revaluation
and other similar reserves.

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4 c) What “Education Regulations” are as prescribed under the Pharmacy Act, 1948?
Subject to the provision of section 10 of Pharmacy Act, 1948, Central Council after Definitio
approval of Central Government may make regulations prescribing the minimum standard n 1M,
of education required for qualification as a pharmacist is called Education Regulations Explanat
Education Regulations may prescribe – ion 2 M
i) Minimum qualification for admission to the course.
ii) Nature & period of course of study.
iii) Nature and period of practical training to be undertaken after the completion of
regular course. (Not less than 500 hrs. covered in a minimum of 3 months in an
Institution, Hospital, Pharmacy or Dispensary recognized by Central Govt.)
iv) The subjects of examination and the standards to be attained therein.
v) The equipment and facilities to be provided by the institutions for the students
undergoing approved course of study.
vi) Conditions to be fulfilled by institutions giving practical training.
vii) Conditions to be fulfilled by authorities holding approved examinations.

Central Council before submitting the ER or any amendment thereof, as the case may be
to the Central Government for approval, sends copies of draft of ER to all State
Governments. Then ER is published in official Gazette by Central Government.

4 d) Give bonafied reasons for termination of pregnancy under M.T.P.,1971.(any six) 3M

1) No pregnancy shall be terminated by a RMP without the consent of the pregnant ( ½ mark
women except: i) When the pregnant woman is less than 18 yrs. of age or for each)
ii) The pregnant woman is lunatic.
2) In case of pregnant woman who is minor or lunatic, the pregnancy may be terminated
with a written consent of her guardian.
3) A pregnancy may be terminated if it is not more than 12 weeks old & a medical
practitioner is of the opinion that continuation of such pregnancy-
i) May involve a serious risk to the life of pregnant woman, & would result into serious

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injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman,

ii) The child to be born would be seriously handicapped due to physical or mental
4) A pregnancy may be terminated when the length of the pregnancy is more than 12
weeks old but not more than 20 weeks old & not less than 2 RMPs are of the same
opinion as above.
5) A pregnancy of any duration may be terminated by RMP when is of the opinion that
such termination is immediately necessary to save the life of pregnant women.
6) The pregnancy caused due to rape or due to failure of contraceptive device used by any
married woman or her husband for the purpose of family planning.
4 e) State in brief powers of Drugs Inspector under D&C Act, 1940 and rules 3M
thereunder. ( ½ mark
Within the local limits for which the Inspector is appointed, he may, for each,
i) Inspect: Any 6)
1) Any premises wherein any drug or cosmetic is being manufactures. And also he may
inspect the means employed for standardizing and testing the drug or cosmetic.
2) Any premises wherein any drug or cosmetic is being sold or stocked or exhibited or
offered for sale of distributed.
ii) Take samples of any drug or cosmetic:
1) Which is being manufactured or being sold or is stocked or offered for sale or
exhibited or being distributed.
2) From any person conveying, delivering or preparing to deliver any drug or cosmetic to
a purchaser or a consignee.
iii) Search any person in connection with the offence under this chapter at all reasonable
iv) Enter and search at all reasonable times, any place or premises in which he has
reason to believe that an offence is being committed or has been committed.
v) Stop and search any vehicle or other conveyance which he has reason to believe used
for carrying any drug or cosmetic in respect of which offence has been or is being
vi) Give order in writing to the person in possession of drug or cosmetic in respect of

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which offence has been committed or is being committed, not to dispose stock of such
drug or cosmetic for a specified period not exceeding twenty days or unless the defect
may be removed by the possessor of the drug or cosmetic, and may seize the stock of
such drug or cosmetic or any substance or article used to carry drug.
vii) Examine any record, register, document or any other material object found while
exercising above powers and seize the same if he has reason to believe that it is an
evidence of the commission of an offence under the Act.
viii) Exercise any other powers as may be necessary, for carrying out the purpose of this
Act and the rules thereunder.
4 f) Give functions of Central Drugs Laboratory. 3M
Functions of Central Drug Laboratory (CDL) ( ½ mark
1) To analyse or test the samples of drugs or cosmetics sent to it by Custom collectors or for each,
any other authorized officers or courts Any 6)
2) To carry out such other duties as may be entrusted to it by Central or State Govt. after
consultation with the DTAB
3) In case of the following drugs or classes of drugs, function of CDL carried out at the
Central Research Institute, Kasauli, and such functions are exercised by the Director of
the said Institute:-
Sera, Solution of serum proteins intended for injection, Vaccines, Toxins, Antigens, Anti-
toxins, Sterilized surgical ligature and sterilized surgical suture & Bacteriophages.
4) The functions regarding Oral Polio Vaccine are exercised by the Deputy Director &
Head of the Polio Vaccine Testing Laboratory in case of Central Research Institute
5) In case of the following drugs or classes of drugs shall be carried out at the Indian
Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar or Mukteshwar. Such functions are exercised by
the Director of either of the said institutes:
Anti-sera, Vaccines, (Toxoids, Diagnostic Antigens for veterinary use.
6) In case of condoms the functions of CDL are carried out at the Central Indian
Pharmacopoeia Laboratory, Ghaziabad, and such functions are exercised by the Director
of the said Laboratory.

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7) In case of VDRL Antigen (Veneral Disease Ref. Lab.) the functions of CDL are
carried out at Laboratory of the Serologist and Chemical Examiner to the Government of
India, Calcutta and the functions are exercised by Director of Serologist and Chemical
Examiner of the said Laboratory.
8) In respect of Intrauterine Devices and Felope Rings, the functions of laboratory shall
be carried out at the Central Drug Testing Laboratory, Thane, Maharashtra and such
functions shall be exercised by the Director of the said Laboratory.
9) In respect of human blood and human blood products including components, to test for
freedom of HIV antibodies, shall be carried out by the following Institutes, Hospitals and
such functions are exercised by the head of the respective Institutes-
a) National Institutes of Communicable Disease, Department of Microbiology, Delhi.
b) National Institute of Virology, Pune
c) Centre of Advanced Research in Virology, Christian Medical College, Vellore.]
10) In respect of Homoeopathic medicines the function of CDL carried out at the
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory, Ghaziabad and such functions are exercised
by the Director of the said laboratory
11) In respect of Blood Grouping reagent and diagnostic kits for Human
Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and Hepatitis C Virus the function
of CDL carried out at the National Institute of Biologicals, NOIDA and such functions
are exercised by the Director of the said laboratory.
5 Attempt any FOUR of the followings 12M
5 a) Give the classes of advertisement which are prohibited under Drug and Magic 3M
Remedies (OA) Act, 1954?
Classes of prohibited advertisements under Drugs & Magic Remedies Act and Rules: (1M for
1) Advertisement of drugs which may lead to its/their use for the treatment of certain each,
diseases and disorders: any 3)
i) For procurement of miscarriage or prevention of conception in women; or
ii) For the correction of menstrual disorders in women; or
iii) For the maintenance or improvement of the power of human beings for sexual
pleasure or

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iv) For diagnosis, cure, alleviation, treatment or prevention of any disease or disorder or
condition specified in the schedule or in rules made under the act.

2) Advertisement of Magic Remedies for treatment of certain diseases or disorders which

may claim to be efficacious for any of the purposes specified in I as above.

3) Misleading advertisements in relation to drugs, which:

i) Directly or indirectly gives false impression regarding true character of drug or drugs;
ii) Make any false claims for such drug or drugs
iii) Is otherwise false or misleading in any material particularly.
iv) Ayurvedic remedies to cure liver disorders & memory enhancement.

4) Prohibition of advertisements of Magic Remedies for the treatment of certain diseases.

Publication of any advertisement related to any Magic Remedy which directly or
indirectly claim to be effective for any of the purposes is prohibited

5 b) Describe the offences & penalties under poison act 1919. Offences
Offences: 11/2M
Unlawful importation of any poison. Penalties
Unlawful possession & sale of poison. 11/2 M
Breaking any condition of license for import of any poison.
Imprisonment 3 month or with fine- 500 rupees or with Both on first conviction
Imprisonment 6 month or with fine- 1000 rupees or with Both on subsequent conviction.
The poison in connection with the offence, together with the vessels, packages or
coverings is liable for confiscation.

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5 c) Give the formula for calculation of retail price of formulations and explain the terms 3M
as per DPCO, 1995. (1M –
By applying the following formula, the retail price of the formulation is calculated by the formula,
Government. 2M-
R.P.= (M.C.+ C.C.+ P.M. + P.C.) x (1+ MAPE/100) + ED explanati
Where, R.P.:- Means retail price. on)
M.C.:- means material cost which includes the cost of drugs and other pharmaceutical
aids with overages, if any, plus process loss thereon in accordance with the norms
specified from time to time by notification in the official Gazette.
C.C.:- means conversion cost worked out in accordance with such norms as may be
specified by the Government from time to time by notification in the official Gazette.
P.M.:- means the cost of packing material including process loss thereon worked out in
accordance with such norms as may be specified by the Government from time to time.
P.C.:- means packing charges worked out in accordance with such norms as may be
specified by Government every year by notification in the Official Gazette.
MAPE :- Maximum allowable post manufacturing expenses.
In means all the cost incurred by the manufacturer from the stage of ex-factory cost of
retailing. It also includes trade margin and margin of manufacturer. MAPE shall not
exceed 100% for indigenously scheduled formulations.
E.D.:- means excise duty.
5 d) Define (i) Registered Pharmacist and (ii) Repatriate under Pharmacy Act, 1948- 3M
i) Registered pharmacist: means a person whose name for the time being is entered in (11/2mark
the register of the pharmacists of the state in which he is for the time being residing for each
or carrying on his profession or business of pharmacy. def.)
ii) Repatriate : Any person of a Indian origin who on account of civil disturbances in any
area now forming, part of Burma, Sri Lanka or Uganda, or any other country has
after the 14th day of April 1957, left or has been displaced from his place of
residence in such area & who has since then been residing in India

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5 e) State the penalty for following offences: 3M

(i) Sale of dutiable good except in prescribed containers bearing a label. (1M for
Penalty- Fine upto 1000/- & confiscation of the goods related with this offence. each
(ii) Keeping of stocks of dutiable goods in disorderly manner ( not in accordance with the penalty)
provision of this Act.)
Penalty- Fine upto Rs. 1000/-
(iii) Vexations search, seizure by any officer exercising powers under this Act or rules
there Under the M.T.P.(E.D.) Act,1955
Penalty- Fine upto Rs. 2000/-

5 f) What do you mean by 3M

(i)Restricted licences- (11/2mark
(ii) Loan licenses for each)
(i)Restricted licences :
(i)Restricted licences shall be issued subject to the discretion of the Licensing Authority,
to dealers or persons in respect of drugs whose sale does not require the supervision of a
qualified person.
(ii)Licences to itinerant vendors shall be issued only in exceptional circumstances for
bonafide traveling agents of firms dealing in drugs or for a vendor who purchases drugs
from a licensed dealer for distribution in rural areas where other channels of distribution
of drugs are not available.
(iii)For restricted licence, applicant has to make an application in Form-19A and the
licence issued for drugs other than those specified in schedule C,C(1),and X in Form 20A
and for drugs specified in schedule C, C(1) in Form 21-A
(iii)The restricted licence in Form 21-A may also issued to a travelling agent of a firm for
drugs specified in Schedule C.
(iv)Such licence is not needed for venders for the specific purpose of distribution to
medical practioner or dealers.
(v)Such licence in not needed to traveling agents of licensed manufacturers, agents of
such manufacturers and importers of drugs engaged in free distribution of samples of

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medicine among members of the medical profession, hospitals, dispensaries and the
medical or research institutions.
(ii) Loan licence:
It means a licence which a licensing authority may issue to an applicant who does not
have his own arrangements for manufacture but who intends to avail himself of the
manufacturing facilities owned by another licensee/ manufacturer.
(i)Application for the grant or renewal of loan licences to manufacture for sale or for
distribution of drugs other than those specified in Schedule C, Schedule C (1) & Sch. X
shall be made up to ten items for each category of drugs shall be made in Form 24-A
accompanied by a licence fee of rupees 6000/- & an inspection fee of rupees 1500/- to the
licensing authority.
(ii)The Licensing Authority shall, before the grant of a loan licence, satisfy himself that
the manufacturing unit has adequate equipment, staff, capacity for manufacture, &
facilities for testing, to undertake the manufacture on the behalf of the applicant for a loan
(iii)Application for manufacture of more than ten items for each category of drug on a
loan licence shall be accompanied by an addition fee of rupees 300/- per additional item
specified in Schedule M.& M-III
(iv)If the Licensing Authority is satisfied that a loan licence is defaced, damaged or lost
or otherwise rendered useless he may, on payment of a 1000/- Rs issue a duplicate
(v)An original licence or a renewed licence in Form 25 valid for a period of five years on
which it is granted or renewed.
6 Attempt any FOUR of the followings 16M
6 a) What are the powers of State Government to prohibit, regulate and control the 4M
operations involved under N.D.P.S. Act,1985

Prohibit, regulated operations by State Government (2M-

State Government may by rules prohibit and regulate : prohibit,

1) The possession, transport, inter-state import, inter-state export, sale, purchase, regulate,

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warehousing, consumption & use of poppy straw. control)

2) The possession, purchase, sale, transport, inter-state import, inter-state export,
consumption & use of opium.
3) Cultivation of any cannabis plant, manufacture, production, possession, purchase, sale,
transport, inter-state import, inter-state export, consumption or use of cannabis.
4) Manufacture of medicinal opium or any preparation containing any manufactured drug
from materials which the maker is lawfully entitled to possess;
5) Possession, purchase, sale, transport, inter-state import, inter-state export, use or
consumption of manufactured drug other than prepared opium and of coca leaf and any
preparation containing any manufactured drug.
6) Manufacture & possession of prepared opium from opium lawfully possessed by an
addict registered with the State Government on medical advice for his personal

Controlled operations by State Government

i) Provide that the State Government shall fix from time to time the limits within which
licences may be given for any cultivation of cannabis plant.
ii) Make provision that, only the cultivators licensed by the prescribed authority of the
State Government shall be authorized to engage in cultivation of any cannabis plant.
iii) Require that all cannabis, the produce of the land cultivated with cannabis plant, shall
be delivered by the cultivators to the officers of the State Government authorized on this
iv) Empower the State Government to fix from time to time, the price to be paid to the
cultivators for the cannabis delivered.
v) Prescribe the forms and conditions of licences or permits licences or permits for some
or all of the following: possession, transport, import inter-state, export inter-state,
warehousing, sale, purchase, consumption and use of poppy straw, opium, cannabis
(excluding charas).
vi) Empower the state government to declare any place to be warehouse wherein it shall

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be the duty of the owners to deposit all such poppy straw as is legally imported inter-state
and is intended for export inter-state or export from India; to regulate the safe custody of
such poppy straw warehoused and the removal of such poppy straw for sale.

6 b) Explain the ethics for pharmacist in relation to his job. 4M

1. Pharmaceutical services:
i) A pharmacist should provide efficient and reasonably comprehensive pharmaceutical
services through the medical store or pharmacy.
ii) Such services should include supply of commonly required medicines without undue
delay and furnishing the emergency supply at all times.
2. Pharmacy/Drug Store:
i) In every pharmacy/ drug store, there should be qualified pharmacist to have personal
control the pharmacy.
ii) A pharmacy should be planned in such a way that there is no accidental contamination
in the preparation, dispensing and supply of medicines.
iii) The appearance of the premises should reflect the professional character of pharmacy.
3. Prescriptions:
i) Prescriptions presented for dispensing should not be discussed with patients or others
regarding the merits and demerits of their therapeutic efficiency.
ii) A pharmacist should not show any expression on his face so that the patients will lose
their faith in the physicians or prescribers after receiving the prescriptions.
iii) No addition, omission or substitution of ingredients in a Rx should be made without
the consent of prescriber whenever possible except in an emergency.
iv) In case of any error in the prescription, it should be referred back to the prescriber for
necessary correction or approval of the change suggested.
v) If at all change in the prescription is necessary, it should not affect the reputation of
vi) A pharmacist should not recommend any particular prescriber unless he is specially
asked to do so.

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4. Drugs/Ingredients:
i) While dispensing, the drugs or ingredients should be weighed or measured correctly.
ii) Pharmacist should always use drugs and medicinal preparations of standard quality.
iii) Drugs likely to cause addiction or abuse should not be supplied when there is reason
to suppose that it is required for such purpose.
5. Practical Training:
i) While imparting practical training, the in-charge pharmacist should see that the trainees
acquire sufficient technique and skill.
ii) No certificate should be granted to the trainee pharmacist before completion of
prescribed period of training or without undergoing practical training or unless the trainee
acquires sufficient knowledge.

6 c) What is the purpose of Pharmaceutical Legislation? Explain recommendations of 4M

D.E.C.( any six) (1M-
Purpose of Pharmaceutical Legislation is - To ensure that the patients receive drugs of purpose,
required quality, tested and evaluated for safety efficacy for their intended use. It is
associated with the health of the society.
Recommendations of DEC. Following are some important recommendations of DEC- Each
i) Formation of Central Pharmacy Council & State Pharmacy Council which would look recomme
after the education & training of professionals. These councils would maintain the ndation
register containing the names & addresses of the registered pharmacists. ½ M ,any
ii) Creation of Drug Control Departments at the Centre with the branches in all the states. six)
iii) Establishment of well-equipped Central Drug Laboratory (CDL) with expert staff.
iv) Appointment of an advisory board to advise the Govt. in making rules.
v) The drugs industry in India should be developed.
vi) Setting of the test laboratories in all states to control the quality of the production of
drugs & pharmaceuticals.
vii) Setting of courses for training in pharmacy.
viii) Prescribing minimum qualification for registration as pharmacist.

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6 d) Give the procedure for getting approval to the Institutions or Authorities providing Each
courses of study & examination. Point
1) Applications by Institutions / Authority to the Central Council: An Institution or 1 M
Authority, which conducts course of study or holds an examination of the pharmacist, has
to apply to the Central Council (PCI) for approval of the course or examination.
2) Inspection: The Central Council, after receiving such applications, depute its
inspectors to visit the institution and ascertain whether the institution has the prescribed
facilities for imparting training or holding examination in accordance with ER or not.
Inspectors may also attend any examination, to judge its standards without interfering
with its conduct. The Inspectors then report to the Council on the sufficiency or otherwise
of the facilities available in the institution and on the conduct and Standard of the
examinations held.
3) Approval: On the reports of the inspector if council is satisfied that the course or
examination under consideration is in conformity with ER, it may accord approval to it
and the said course and examination shall be deemed to be approved for qualifying for
registration as a pharmacist under Act.
4) Declaration: Declaration of approval made by resolution is passed at a meeting of the
Central Council and published in official gazette.

6 e) Define “Adulterated Drug” as per the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940. 4M

A drug shall deemed to be adulterated-

i) If it consists, in whole or in part, of any filthy, putrid or decomposed substance, or,
ii) If it has been prepared, packed or stored under insanitary conditions whereby it may
have been contaminated with filth or whereby it may have been rendered injurious to
health, or,
iii) If its container is composed in whole or in part, of any poisonous or deleterious
substance which may render the contents injurious to health; or
iv) If it bears or contains, a colour other than prescribed which may be used for the
purpose of colouring only; or

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v) If it contains any harmful or toxic substance which may render it injurious to health; or
vi) If any substance mixed with it so as to render its quality or strength.
6 f) Give the constitution of Drugs Technical Advisory Board (DTAB )
Ex-officio members. Ex-

i) The Director General of Health Services, who is the Chairman of the board. officio
11/2 M
ii) The Drugs Controller of India.
iii) The Director of the Central Drugs Laboratory, Calcutta.
iv) The Director of the Central Research Institute, Kasauli.
v) The Director of Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar.
vi) The Director of Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow.
vii) The President of Medical Council of India.
viii) The President of the Pharmacy Council of India.

Nominated Members -Following members nominated by Central Government.
ed 1 M
i) Two persons from among persons who are in-charge of the drugs control in the states
ii) One person from the pharmaceutical industry.
iii) Two Government Analysts.

Elected Members
11/2 M
i) One teacher in Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry or Pharmacognosy on the staff of
an university or affiliated college elected by the Executive Committee of Pharmacy
Council of India.
ii) One teacher in medicine or therapeutics on the staff of an university or affiliated
college elected by the Executive Committee of Medical Council of India.
iii) One Pharmacologist, elected by the Governing Body of the Indian Council of Medical
iv) One person elected by the Central Council of Indian Medical Association.
v) One person elected by the Council of the Indian Pharmaceutical Association.

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