Final Exam Revision 4th Eso PDC

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1. Present Simple (affirmative). Complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs.
Be - listen to - read - speak - work get up - walk - learn - play -

a. My sister _____________ a book every month.

b. James _____________ to the gym every day.
c. He _____________ Italian and French.
d. The boys _____________ football on Saturdays.
e. These men _____________ in the factory.
f. My brother _____________ at University.
g. Lucy _____________ music in her room.
h. Peter _____________ at seven o’clock every day.
i. They _____________ the new players.
j. We _____________ English at school.

2. Present Simple (negative). Complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs in
not be not go not play not study not watch
a) I ………………………………………………… volleyball on Sundays.
b) The children ……………………………………… to bed late.
c) Martina ……………………………….............. TV every evening.
d) John ……………………………………………. very much.
e) His girlfriend ……………………………………… from England.

3. Present Simple (interrogative). Order the words to make questions and answer them.
a) brother / tennis / play / your?
……………………………………………………………………….. No, he ……………
b) going to / like / you / the cinema?
……………………………………………………………………….. Yes, I ……………
c) Lucy and Jim / school at / eat?
……………………………………………………………………….. No, they …………
d) give / the / a / homework / of / teacher / lot?
……………………………………………………………………….. Yes, she …………

4. Translate into English the following sentences. Use PRESENT SIMPLE.

Me gusta bailar y salir con mis amigas.

Susana juega al baloncesto.

Mi hermana estudia siempre por las noches.

Sofía a veces escucha música en su cuarto.

¿Dónde vivís? Yo vivo en Málaga y Elena vive en Cádiz.

¿Cuándo abre tu padre la tienda nueva? El miércoles.


5. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the Present Continuous.
not go not shop make put read
1 She …………………………………… a magazine.
2 I ……………………………………… to the library.
3 We …………………………………… some coffee.
4 They ……………………….…… the books on the table.
5 David ………………………………… in the supermarket.

6. Complete the questions and answers.

1 (you / have) ………………………………………… lunch now? Yes, I
2 (Anne / do) …………………………………………… her homework? No,
3 (the boys / wear) ……………………………………….. jeans today? Yes,
7. Complete the sentences using Present Continuous. Write P for present or F for future.

cry have not listen to not sit not write open paint run
study wear

A. The man _____________________________________ his car in the garage.

B. The children ________________________________________ the new English words.
C. The King and Queen of Spain ______________________ the Picasso museum next
D. Our teacher _________________________________ on the blackboard in this
E. Sheila ___________________________________ in the race tomorrow.
F. I’m so tired. I _______________________________ a hot shower in five minutes.
G. Some students ________________________________ the cassette in silence.
H. The little girl _______________________________ because she’s hungry.
I. My sister _________________________________ her new dress next Sunday.
J. They ________________________________ on the grass because it’s very wet.

8. Traduce estas frases con el Present Continuous.

1 ¿Qué vas a hacer el domingo? Voy a estudiar para un examen de matemáticas.

2 ¿Qué va a hacer Sara mañana por la tarde? Va a jugar al fútbol con su equipo.
3 Mis padres van a comprar un coche nuevo la semana que viene.

9. Complete and translate all these sentences with these REGULAR verbs.

1) Jenny ________________ her watch using a screwdriver. (MEND)

2) The car passed by the corner and ___________________ right. (TURN)
3) The public ______________________ their hands after the performance. (CLAP)
4) I ____________________ at the picture in the museum for hours. (LOOK)
5) My friend ____________________ me all her new CDs. (SHOW)
6) Peter and Mary ____________________ when they were twenty-nine. (MARRY)
7) Susie _____________________ a hair-drier to dry her clothes. (USE)
8) When I was at school, I ______________________ about my studies. (WORRY)
9) The gangsters ____________________ a lot of money in a shop near my house. (ROB)
10) The architect ____________________ a lot of workers in the building works. (EMPLOY)

10. Complete and translate all these sentences with these IRREGULAR verbs.

1) The girl ____________________ her school books to a friend. (SELL)

2) The new group __________________ all their great hits. (SING)
3) Jenny ___________________ me her bicycle for the summer holidays. (LEND)
4) I was in a hurry, but finally I ___________________ the train on time. (CATCH)
5) Last autumn John _________________ a lot of photos in Greece. (TAKE)
6) Those gold earrings ______________________ me fifty pounds. (COST)
7) The wind __________________ powerfully and the dead leaves fluttered in the air.
8) The Watson family ____________________ some tasteful seafruit in the restaurant. (EAT)
9) Johnny was studying in his room when the phone ___________________. (RING)
10) My mother _______________________ a letter to a TV contest yesterday. (SEND)

11. Choose a verb from the list and complete these sentences. Make sure that they make
cry draw sleep count come wash play fly eat live begin


He was very tired and __________ for nine hours last night.
The baby was ill and ___________ all night.
I ________ my hands and face this morning.
The teacher _________ a picture on the board.
The children were hungry and _____________ all the cakes.
Jack’s father _______ in London until 1988.
He opened the door and ____________ into the room.
This lesson ____________ twenty minutes ago.
The cat climbed the tree, but the bird _________ away.
The boys _____________ football last Saturday.
He took the book and _____________ at the pictures.
She opened her purse and ____________ the money.
12. Translate into English the following sentences. Use the Past Simple in all the sentences.

¿Dónde encontraste tu reloj? Estaba dentro de mi bolsillo.

Ayer no fuimos al colegio, fuimos a una excursión con nuestros profesores.

¿Cuándo escribiste el libro? El año pasado.

El alumno no leyó las frases, leyó un texto.


13. Form conditional sentences using the present simple and the future simple, and any
other addition.

1 you (be) late / you (not see) the film.

2 they (buy) the new house / the bank (give) them the money.

4 we (not clean) the garden / it (be) too hot outside.

5 I (stay) at home / you (not phone) me to go out tonight.


14. Complete the sentences with the Comparative and Superlative of the adjectives
given in brackets:

-Your father is _______________________ mine, but ________________________ one is

Peter’s father. (young)
-Horses are ______________________ cats, but dogs are ______________________ animals I
know. (intelligent)
-Scream is ______________________ The Haunting, but Blade is
________________________ film for me. (bad)
-Paris is _____________________ London, but Venice is ______________________ city in the
world. (romantic)
-Estopa are __________________ UPAdance, but Amaral are ____________________ Spanish
pop group. (good)
-The car is ____________________ the motorbike, but the bus is ___________________
transport in town. (safe)
- Teide is ___________________ Mulhacén, but Mount Blanc ___________________
mountain in Europe. (high)
-April and May are __________________ December, but June and July are
____________________months. (hot)

15. Use the COMPARATIVE of these adjectives to complete the following


cold difficult far fast rich

By plane you can travel _____________________________________________ by

A king is usually __________________________________________________ a
normal person.
Saturn is _____________________________________________ Mars.
The Antarctic continent is ______________________________________ the North
English is _______________________________________ other subjects for many

16. Use the SUPERLATIVE of these adjectives to complete the following


big intelligent polluted small tall

What do you think is ___________________________ animal?

My school is __________________________________ one in the area.
________________________ person in my class is .....................................
Mexico DF is ______________________________________ city in the world.
Some dogs can be _____________________________________ a book.

17. Translate into English. Use the Comparative and Superlative forms of the
adjectives below.

-Un apartamento es más pequeño que una casa.

-Esta mañana el cielo está más azul que ayer.

-Luisa es la mejor alumna de mi clase.

-El Concorde es el avión más rápido del mundo.

-El teatro es más emocionante que el cine.

18. Complete these sentences. Use How much or How many.

- .......................................................... time do you spend studying every day?
- .......................................................... months are there in a school term?
- .......................................................... money do you spend every day?
- .......................................................... days are there in a week?
- .......................................................... players are there in a football team?
- .......................................................... pork do you want, madam?
- .......................................................... beer is there in the jug?
- .......................................................... fish do you usually eat?
- .......................................................... colours are there in the Spanish flag?
- .......................................................... burgers do you eat in a month?

19. Choose the right word from those underlined below.

a) There isn’t many / much food in the fridge, I’m afraid.

b) Have you read many / much books in German?
c) There isn’t many / much rain in the summer.
d) There isn’t many / much coffee in the coffee pot.
e) You haven’t made many / much mistakes.

20. Translate these sentences into English.

a) Había algunas casas en la colina.

b) Hay sal y pimienta en el cajón.

c) No había revistas en la tienda.

d) No hay aceite en la botella.

e) ¿Hay pasteles en la panadería?

f) ¿Hay nata en el bote?

g) ¿Cuánto dinero hay en la caja?

h) ¿Cuántos discos hay en esta colección?

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