Organic Chemistry Terms

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what are C9 - C16 used for? kerosene,
jet fuel, diesal fuel, kerosene (lowest
boiling of these fuels)

Chemistry  what are C16+ used for? lubricants and

heating oils
 where are most alkanes derived from?
 Alkane- hydrocarbon that contains only petroleum (crude oil) and petroleum by
single bonds. products
 Why are alkanes the simplest and least  how is petroleum refined? fractional
reactive class of organic compounds? distillation, catalytic cracking
Because they contain only hydrogen  catalytic cracking- converts less
and spy hybridized carbon and have no valuable fractions to more valuable
reactive functional groups products by heating alkanes in the
 Heteroatoms- Atoms other than carbon presence of materials that catalyze the
or hydrogen cleavage of large molecules into
 Alkanes act poorly as what properties? smaller ones
acids/bases, electrophiles, and  Hydrocracking- when cracking is done
nucleophiles. in the presence of water
 Homologous series- a series of  methane hydrate- individual methane
compounds that differ only by the molecules trapped inside cages of water
number of CH2 groups molecules
 Homologs- individual members of the  Paraffins- another name for alkanes, as
series common/trivial names they have a low level of reactivity due
 What are alkanes primarily used for? to a lack of affinity for other reagents
fuels, solvents, and lubricants  Combustion- rapid oxidation that takes
 What is the solubility of alkanes like? place at high temperatures, converting
They dissolve in nonpolar or weakly alkanes to oxygen and water
polar organic solvents but don’t  Hydrocracking- hydrogen is added to
dissolve in give saturated hydrocarbons, as
 what is the avg density of alkanes? 0.7 cracking without hydrogen gives only
g/mL mixtures of alkanes and alkenes
 What factor leads to an increased  Halogenation- alkanes can react with
boiling point/melting point in alkanes? halogens to form alkyl halides, usually
more carbon atoms and higher initiated with heat or light
molecular weight, because the larger  Conformations- the different
the surface area the molecule has, the arrangements formed by rotations
more intermolecular van der Waals around a single bond
attractions must be overcome before  Conformer- a specific conformation
vaporization and boiling can occur  Newman projections- a way of drawing
 why do alkanes with odd numbers of a molecule looking straight down the
carbons melt at lower temperatures? bond connecting two carbon atoms
Because they do not pack as well  Sawhorse structures- Picture the model
 How does branching of the chain affect looking down at an angle toward the
the alkanes melting point? it increases carbon-carbon bond
the melting point because it gives the  Dihedral angle (theta)- the angle
alkane a more compact 3D structure between C-H bonds on the front and
 what are C1 and C2 used for? natural back carbon in a newman projection.
gas  Eclipsed conformation- the
 what are C3 and C4 used for? fuels, conformation with theta=0, hydrogens
both for heating and combustion on the back atom are hidden (eclipsed)
engines, propellent in aerosol cans. by those on the front carbon.
 what are C5 - C8 used for? constituent  Staggered conformation- theta = 60,
of gasoline has hydrogen atoms on the back carbon
staggered half way between the front
hydrogens on the front carbon, lowest
energy because electron clouds in the There is significant torsional stain
C-H bonds are separated as much as because the molecule is planar and all
possible. the bonds are eclipsed
 Skew conformation- any other  Why is the ring strain in cyclobutane so
intermediate conformation high? it assumes a slightly folded form
 Torsional strain- a molecules resistance to reduce the torsional strain that would
to twisting be caused by being a planar square, but
 torsional energy- the energy required to this adds some angle strain
twist  What is the conformation of
 Conformational analysis- the study of cyclopentane? Since a planar structure
energetics of different conformations would require all of the bonds to be
 Conformations of butane- a four carbon eclipsed, it assumes a undulating,
alkane, C4H10. n-butane = straight slightly puckered envelope
chain alkane even though it has conformation that reduces eclipsing and
tetrahedral geometry. rotation around lowers the torsional strain.
any of the C-C bonds is possible, forms  Why is the conformation of
3 special conformations: totally cyclopentane important? the sugars
eclipsed, gauche, and anti. ribose and deoxyribose assume
 Totally eclipsed conformation- when cyclopentane like ring formations that
the groups are all pointed in the same are crucial to the properties and
direction and eclipse each other, higher reactions of DNA
energy than the gauche and anti  What is the conformation of
conformations cyclohexane? has no angle stain (all
 Gauche conformation- the molecules tetrahedral angles) and no torsional
are staggered (lower energy than strain (no eclipsing of bonds), is not
eclipsed) planar.
 Anti conformation- molecules point in  Why is the conformation of
opposite directions (preferred cyclohexane important?Many
conformation) important compounds contain
 Steric strain- interference (caused when cyclohexane like rings that are critical
the electron clouds of two molecules to their important reactivity
experience strong repulsion) between  Chair conformation- the most stable
two bulky groups conformation in which all C-C bonds
 Physical properties of cycloalkanes are 109.5 degrees and in staggered
most have acyclic properties: non polar, formations. allows cyclohexane to
relativly inert comound with boiling achieve tetrahedral bond angles and
and melting points that depend on their staggered conformations.
weights.  Boat conformation- has bond angles of
 Ring strain- combined angle and 109.5 and avoids angle strain, but has
torsional strain. total amount energy in torsional strain because there is
cyclic compound - amount energy in eclipsing of the bonds. Is similar to
similar strain free reference compound chair conformation except the footrest
= extra energy due to ring strain methyl group is folded upward
 Heat of combustion- the amount of heat  Flagpole hydrogens- two of the
released when a compound is burned hydrogens on the ends of the boat that
with an excess of oxygen in a sealed interfere with each other due to the
container (bomb calorimeter) eclipsing in boat conformation. stick up
 Why does cyclopropane bear more ring like flagpoles.
structure per methylene than any other  Twisted boat conformation- the slightly
cycloalkane? there is significant angle skewed boat conformation a
strain caused when the 109.5 degree cyclohexane will assume. the flagpole
angles are compressed to 60 degrees, hydrogens move away from each other
which also weakens the overlap of the and eclipsing of the bonds is reduced.
C-C sp3 orbitals, which overlap at an  Half-chair conformation- the highest
angle to form weaker "bent bonds". energy point during the interconversion
from the chair to boat when the footrest larger group equatorial and smaller
of the chair flips upward. This occurs group axial.
because the energy barriers between the  What often happens to extremely bulky
2 forms are low. groups? They are extemely strained in
 Axial bonds- one located on each C in a axial positions therefore most stable in
cyclohexane in which the C-H bond is equitorial position
directed up and down parallel to the  What conformation is formed when
axis of the ring neither chair conformation will allow
 Equatorial bonds- one located on each the bulky groups to be equitorial? The
C in a cyclohexane in which the C-H ring may be forced into a twisted boat
bonds are pointed out from the ring conformation
along its equator  Bicyclic or polyciclic systems- can join
 What is the pattern formed by axial and two or more rings
equatorial bonds on cyclohexanes? The  Fused rings- ost common, sharing 2
odd numbered C's have axial bonds up adjacent carbon atoms and the bond
and equatorial bonds down, the evens between them.
are opposite  Bridged rings- also common, sharing 2
 Chair-chair interconversion or ring flip- nonadjacent carbon atoms (the
the twist boat, which is the intermediate bridgehead carbons) and one or more
of the different orientations of axial and carbon atoms between them (the
equatorial bridge)
 What methylcyclohexane conformation  Spirocyclic compounds- rare, in which
is lowest energy at room temp? The 2 rings share only 1 carbon atom
chair with the methyl group in an  what is the most common example of a
equatorial position fused-ring system and how many
 How many gauche interactions does the isomers does it have?
axial methylcyclohexane contain? the  ecaline (bicyclo[4.4.0]decane) has 2
equatorial? axial has 2, equatorial has isomers, one in which the rings are
none. fused using 2 cis bonds, the other fused
 1,3-diaxial interaction- a form of a using 2 trans bonds.
steric strain (gauche relationship  Why is the conformation of the cis
between carbons and hydrogens places form flexible while the trans form is
methyl hydrogen close to the axial not? Because if one of the rings in the
hydrogens on these carbons, causing trans isomer did a chair-chair
their electron clouds to disappear) conversion, the bonds to the 2nd ring
involving carbon atoms on substituents would become axial and be directed to
on carbon atoms of a ring that bear a 180 degrees apart, which is an
1,3 relationship. not found in the impossible conformation
equitorial formation  Chiral- object that is not
 How many anti relationships does the superimposable upon mirror image (no
equatorial methylcyclohexane have? plane of symmetry)
the methyl group has an anti  Achiral- object that is superposable on
relationship to both C3 and C5 its mirror image. has a plane of
 Why does a larger group usually have a symmetry
larger energy difference between the  Stereoisomers- isomers that differ only
axial and equitorial positions?Because by the configuration of attached atoms
the 1,3-diaxial interaction is stronger at one of more positions. Not
for larger groups interconvertible by bond rotations
 Is the energy difference between axial  Enantiomers- molecules that are non-
and equatorial positions is greater for a superimposable
larger or a smaller group? Larger  two requirements to be enantiomers:
 What has the most stable conformation (1) stereocenter (2) an atom about
if both groups cannot be equitorial? which exchange of any 2 groups
The most stable conformation has the produces a stereoisomer
 chiral center- tetrahedral atom bonded stereochemistry is known to be trans or
to 4 different groups cis, BUT absolute configuration is
 True or False: all chiral centers are unknown.
stereocenters, but not all stereocenters  what does it mean if the bonds at chiral
are chiral centers: TRUE centers are wedged or dashed? the
 Diastereomers- stereoisomers that are absolute configuration is unknown
not mirror images  plane polarized light: light waves that
 two things that are true of oscillate only in a single plane
diastereomers:(1)absolute configuration  chiral, optically active: molecules that
(2) identification of a chiral center as R rotate plane - polarized light in a
or S clockwise or counterclockwise
 relative configuration- the relative direction are ______ and _______.
relationship of two chiral centers  Enantiomers: can rotate plane polarized
 Enantiomers- have opposite light equally in opposite direction
configuration at all chiral centers  optically active: chiral diastereomers
 Diastereomers- have opposite that can have an enantiomer may also
configuration at one or more but NOT be _________.
all stereocenters  Polarimeter- instrument that passes
 Epimers- diastereomers with opposite plane-polarized light through a sample
configuration at one chiral center to detect observed rotation of the light
 Enantiomers- have identical properties  optically inactive, 0: with achiral
in an achiral environment, but different molecules, the plane-polarized light is
properties in a chiral environment (such NOT rotated, and the sample is
as when associated with proteins or _______________ so alpha =
carbohydrates in the body) _________.
 Diastereomers- have different  racemic mixture: 50:50 mixtures of two
properties in all environments enantiomers
 Achiral: enantiomers have identical  dl-, +/-, rac-: how are racemic mixtures
properties in ________ environments designated?
 Chiral: enantiomers different properties  Inactive: racemic mixtures are optically
in a ________ environment _________.
 Different: diastereomers have  0: if optically inactive, alpha = what?
________ properties in all  Racemates :equal concentrations of two
environments enantiomers
 meso compound: compounds that  Dextrorotatory: with chiral, non-
contain two or more chiral centers but racemic mixtures (not 50:50), if the
are achiral due to a symmetry plane light is rotated clockwise (right) the
 flat polygon: when assessing the compound is
chirality or absolute configuration of  d-, (+)-:how is dextrarotatory
cyclic molecules, draw the substituted designated?
rings as _________ with wedges and  Levorotatory: with chiral, non-racemic
dashes. mixtures (not 50:50), if light is rotated
 One: epimers are a type of diastereomer counterclockwise (left) the compound
that have opposite configuration at is
______ chiral center  l-, (-)-: how are lerorotatory compounds
 what does it mean when the bonds at designated
chiral centers are drawn straight?  can optical rotation determine whether
mixture of stereoisomers or the an unknown has an R or S
configuration is unknown configuration? NO
 what does it mean when the bond at a  specific rotation: the reported value
chiral center is wavy? exists as a from after polarimetry
mixture of all stereoisomers  What does D mean in the specific
 what does it mean if the bonds at chiral rotation equation: degree of light of
centers are drawn as rectangles that are sodium D lamp
either solid or striped? relative
 enantiomeric excess (optical purity, 8. The electrons of the bonding pair are
ee): way of describing the composition taken away or provided singly; carried out
of a mixture of enantiomers. Reflects in gas phase or solvents.
the % excess of one enantiomer over 9. The electrons of the bonding pair are
the other. taken away or provided in pairs; carried out
 chiral resolution: the process of in solution.
separating enantiomers from eachother 10. This are the basic electron-rich reagents
 Racemization: the process of that tends to attack the nucleus of the
converting a single enantiomer or an carbon.
optically active mixture of enantiomers 11. Displacement by anion
into an optically inactive racemic 12. What is the product of the
mixture dehydrogenation of Alky Halides?
 diastereomic salts/derivatives, 13. An amorphous powder which
enzymatic resolution, chiral hydrolyses rapidly and inflames
chromatography:3 methods or chiral spontaneously in air.
resolution 14. Reaction of alkyl halide with sodium
 it is used for the enantiomers of 15. Is the study of hydrocarbons and their
naproxen in alieve. the S is good and derivatives.
the R is bad for you so chiral resolution 16. The father of Organic Chemistry
is used to separate them, then the S is 17. The same molecular formula but
filtered out of solution. different structural formula and differs in
their physical and chemical properties.
18. The alcohol that can be accepted by the
1. An inorganic substance which can be body
transformed into urea. 19. Contains all genetic information
2. A description of detailed pathways by 20. Catalyze all reactions in the body
which compound is converted into another. 21. Is the prime requisite for understanding
3. Is a derivative of saturated hydrocarbon chemistry
in which hydrogen atom is replaced by a 22. Is the three dimensional arrangement of
halogen. atoms in a molecule.
4. An acid that is shaken at room 23. Accounts for the geometric arrangement
temperature to convert the very reactive of electron pairs around a central atom in
tertiary butyl alcohol to the chloride. terms of electrostatic repulsion.
5. Lucas Reagent 24. Are saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons
6. This is not suitable for the laboratory characterized by single covalent bonds
preparation of alkyl halides because of low between carbon atoms.
percent yield and is difficult to separate it 25. Alkanes are also called as
from its isomers. 26. Are alkanes with one of the hydrogen
7. Characteristics of alkyl halides: atom removed from the C-H bond, they are
A. RX have higher boiling point than usually the substituents or branches.
alkanes with the same number of carbon 27. Are unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons
atoms. characterized by the presence of a double
B. For a given Alkyl group, boiling point covalent bond.
increases with increasing atomic weight of 28. Alkenes are also known as
halogen. 29. Substituents on the same side are
C. For a given halogen, boiling point 30. Substituents on the opposite side are
increases with increasing number of carbon 31. Compounds with two double covalent
atoms. bonds are called
D. Alkyl Halides are insoluble with water 32. Compounds with three double covalent
but they are soluble in organic solvents like bonds are called
ether, benzene, CHCl3, and ligroin. 33. Are unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons
E. Iodo, bromo and polychloro compounds characterized by a triple covalent bond in
are much denser than water. the parent chain.
34. Known for their fragrance and aroma.
35. Aromatic compounds are called
36. Are halogen derivatives of hydrocarbon irritating action on the skin provides a
37. Are halogen derivatives of aromatic counter-irritant for sore muscles.
hydrocarbons. 67. Plays an important role in the
38. Are hydroxy derivatives derivatives of metabolism of carbohydrates
hydrocarbons 68. Are products of an esterification process
39. Are alkoxy derivatives derivatives of when an organic acid is heated with a
hydrocarbons primary or secondary alcohol in the
40. Are carbonyl derivatives derivatives of presence of metal catalyst.
hydrocarbons 69. An alkyl or aryl derivatives of ammnia
41. A test that distinguishes aldehydes from 70. Most commercially important amine
ketones or the silver mirror test for 71. Are acyl derivatives of ammonia.
aldehydes. 72. Is used as antipyretic
42. Are carbonyl derivatives of 73. Is a special amide, end product of
hydrocarbons where two other C atoms are metabolism of proteins, and excreted in
attached to the carbonyl c urine
43. Test for the presence of sugar 74. The simplest of the diamides, prepared
44. From oil of jasmine by reacting ammonia with ethylene
45. Are caboxyl derivatives of hydrocarbons dichloride.
46. An acid in rancid butter 75. Product of the reaction of ethylene
47. An acid in buttr fat of milk diamide with chloroacetic acid.
48. Are straight chain aliphatic acids 76. Foul smelling, formed when animal
49. Are products of an esterification process flesh decays.
when an organic acid is heated with a 77. Same as putrescine
primary or secondary alcohol in the 78. Most important commercial diamide as
presence of metal catalyst. raw material in nylon manufacture.
50. Are cyclic esters 79. Formed when adipic acid and
51. Are pleasant smelling substances hexamethylenediamide is treated together
responsible for the flavors and fragrances or 80. Are sulfur analogs of alcohols
fruits and flowers. 81. Is the component of the yellow liquid
52. Artificial rum flavors that shunks when threatened
53. Present in oranges 82. Are products of sulfonation of an alkyl
54. Present in apricot or aromatic group.
55. A common solvent for glues, nail polish, 83. Not mirror images
paints and lacquers 84. Mirror images but not superimposable
56. A lactone, pleasant odor of a newly 85. Used as anti-knocking agent in gasoline
mown hay. 86. These substances are used to salt out
57. Present in bananas proteins
58. Present in pineapples 87. It is used in the treatment of burns,
59. Prepared from acids by reaction with because it produces an astringent effect on
thionyl chloride, SOCl2, or phosphorous the tissues and prevents absorption.
halides, PX5. 88. Used to relieve diarrhea and to check
60. Produced when two acids are secretions in the treatment of burns.
dehydrated. 89. Used to precipitate and remove proteins
61. An acid that cannot form a cyclic in blood analysis.
anhydride 90. Are building blocks of proteins.
62. An acid with a cis-carbonyl group 91. A jelly-like colloidal substance
readily forms a cyclic anhydride when conceived as the physical basis of all life.
heated 92. An amide bond that links one amino
63. Occurs in the cell sap of any plants acid to another.
usually as a salt. 93. They are the constituents present in all
64. Is the most common salicylate. living things.
65. Esters that are used as antipyretics. 94. This is a specific test for proteins and
66. Chief component of oil of wintergreen, substances which contain the peptide
used in rubbing liniments where its mild linkage; test for unhydrolyzed proteins.
95. Biuret Test: Protein + NaOH + CuSO4 123. When fructose undergoes partial
→ _____ color oxidation it will yield ______________.
96. This is a test for the presence of benzene 124. Partial oxidation of galactose, will
ring or aromatic nucleus; eg. Tyrosine, yield ______________.
tryptophan, phenylanine 125. A specific test for galactose
97. Xanthoproteic Test: Protein + Conc. 126. A yellow crystalline solid formed when
HNO3 → _____ color sugar reacts with hydrazine.
98. This is a test for the presence of a 127. The breaking down of sugar in much
phenolic group in proteins. simpler forms.
99. An amino acid that contains a phenolic 128. Are a heterogeneous class of naturally
group will give a positive result in Millon’s occurring organic substances, this means
test. “fat” or “lard”.
100. Mercuric + Mercurous Nitrate in 129. Building blocks of lipids
HNO3 is a ________. 130. An animal sterol.
101. Protein (containing phenolic group) + 131. A plant sterol.
Millon’s Reagent = 132. anomeric carbon: carbon atom that was
102. This a test for the indole nucleus in the carbonyl carbon atom in the straight-
proteins. chain form of a monosaccharide
103. This is a general test for alpha amino 133. Mutarotation: the ongoing
acids. interconversion between anomeric forms of
104. Protein in eggs. a monosaccharide to form an equilibrium
105. Protein in blood. mixture
106. An inorganic substance that is used as 134. reducing sugar: any carbohydrate
an explosive and circulatory depressant. capable of reducing a mild oxidizing agent
107. It is used to lower blod pressure. (such as Tollens' or Benedict's reagents)
108. It is any metallic salt of higher fatty without first undergoing hydrolysis
acids. 135. glycosidic linkage: carbon-oxygen-
109. Alkaline hydrolis of fats and oils to carbon linkage between monosaccharide
produce soap. units in more complex carbohydrates, such
110. Contains mercuric iodide to destroy as disaccharides or polysaccharides.
microorganisms. 136. lactose intolerant: inability to digest the
111. Are simpler proteins linked with non lactose found in milk or dairy products due
protein groups. to a deficiency of the enzyme lactase
112. Are proteins linked with a colored 137. Galactosemia: genetic disease caused
compound. by the absence of one of the enzymes
113. Proteins linked with carbohydrates. needed to convert galactose to glucose
114. Protein in milk. 138. Tollen's reagent: reagents used to
115. Insoluble protein product produced by detect the presence of reducing sugars
the action of heat/alcohol. - utilizes Ag(NH3)2 + as an oxidizing agent
116. An ether used as refrigerant especially - in positive Tollen's test, aldehydes reduce
in the quick freezing of foods. Ag+ to metallic silver
117. A property of sugar solution to change 139. Benedict's reagent: reagents used to
the rotary power of a freshly prepared sugar detect the presence of reducing sugars
solution. - aldehyde group of an aldose is readily
118. A chemical reaction wherein sugar are oxidized
converted into alpha with the aid of enzyme. - indicated by a red precipitate of Cu2O
119. A raw material that can be used to 140. Iodine: well-known reagent that tests
produce whisky. for the presence of starch
120. A sugar acid when the -CHO group is - fits inside the helix conformation amylose
oxidized. typically makes.
121. A sugar acid formed when the -
CH2OH group is oxidized.
122. A sugar acid formed when both the
aldehyde and second degree alcohol is

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