Int Sci Labs 1-13

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Lab #1

Title: The effects of exercise on pulse rate
Aim: To investigate the immediate effects of exercise on pulse rate.

Apparatus and Materials: Stop watch, ruler, Subject A

Method: 1. The pulse rate of subject A at rest was measured and recorded.
2. Subject A exercised vigorously for ten minutes and then immediately after measured the
pulse rate for one minute.
3. Pulse rate was measured for each minute afterwards until the rate returned to the original
4. A bar graph was drawn to illustrate data obtained.



Activity Pulse rate (beats per minute)

Resting 79
Immediately after exercise 122
2 minutes 94
3 minutes 83
4 minutes 77

Bar graph displaying the pulse rate of subject A before and aft er exercise

pulse rate
resting imed. After 2 minutes 3 minutes 4 minutes

pulse rate
The term heart rate or pulse rate describes the cardiac cycle. The pulse rate is the amount of time
the heart contract (beats) in a segment of time. We measure heart rate by pressing lightly on our wrist to
feel our pulse. At rest the heartbeat of subject A was 79. After 10 minutes of vigorous exercise Subject
A’s pulse rate increased to 122. This increase is a result of the heart supplying more oxygen to the
muscles. After 1-minute, Subject A’s pulse rate decreased to 94. This is because the heart has to pump
less blood through the body because subject A doesn’t need it anymore since the high demand (exercise)
phase is over. After 3 minutes has passed, the pulse rate dropped to 83, this is because it is trying to return
back to its previous rate before vigorous exercise. After 4 minutes, the pulse rate was recorded at 77
which is a similar figure to the pulse rate to what Subject A initially started with.

In this lab, I was ask to conduct an experiment on the effects of exercise on my pulse rate. I was
asked to exercise vigorously for 10 minutes and then record my pulse rate immediately for every minute
following until my pulse rate returned to a sense of normalcy. This lab has taught me that the reason for
an increase in pulse rate is due to the heart beating at a faster pace because the heart is supplying more
oxygen to the muscles and the pulse rate will decrease when the oxygen is no longer in high demand. I
could apply this information to the next time I choose to exercise.

Conclusion: Pulse rate is affected as a result of exercise

Lab # 2
Aim: to show that living things respire.
Apparatus and Materials: Boiling tube, delivery tube, test tube yeast, spatula, glass rod, 10% glucose
solution, limewater, test tube rack, measuring cylinder, dropper.

Method:1. 20cm3 of a 10% glucose solution was placed in a boiling tube along with some yeast. The
mixture was stirred using a glass rod.
2. A delivery tube was connected from the boiling tube with the glucose-yeast mixture to a test
tube containing 10cm3 limewater (aqueous calcium hydroxide).
3. Another experiment like this was set up, but yeast was not added to the glucose mixture.
4. Observations were recorded after one hour.

Contents of apparatus Observations

With yeast The limewater turned milky
Without yeast There were no changes in the limewater

Respiration is a process by which living things obtain energy from the food they eat. Energy is
released in this process. There are two types of respiration. Aerobic respiration breaks down the food
molecule completely, releasing much of the energy stored in it. Anaerobic respiration takes place when
there is not enough oxygen available, in this absence yeast and other microorganisms breaks down
glucose to release energy. The bi-products of this process are alcohol and carbon dioxide. Limewater
(aqueous calcium hydroxide) turns milky, when carbon dioxide gas is passed into it due to formation of
insoluble calcium carbonate.
While conducting these experiments, two identical boiling tubes containing a glucose solution.
One of the tubes contained yeast. Both tubes were each connected to a test tube containing limewater.
After some time has passed, the limewater connected to the glucose yeast solution was observed to be
getting cloudy, while there were no observable changes in the one without the yeast. From these
experiments we can deduce that anaerobic respiration has taken in place in the boiling tube containing the
glucose and yeast, provided that alcohol and carbon dioxide was released. The carbon dioxide turned the
limewater cloudy.
To carry out this lab, I was asked to conduct an experiment to test for the anerobic respiration of yeast.
From this lab I have deduced that respiration is a natural common process that occurs in cells and
produces carbon dioxide and water (aerobic) and carbon dioxide and ethanol (anaerobic). It is carried out
every day in our daily lives such as the making of alcoholic drinks, and bread.

Conclusion: Living things respire

Lab #3
Date: 21st April, 2021
Aim: To investigate whether two brands of fruit juices are healthy for consumption.

Apparatus and Materials: Two brands of fruit juices, ruler, calculator.

Method: 1. Two brands of fruit juices were obtained.

2. The nutritional content of each brand of fruit juice was tabulated.

3. The nutritional content of both brands of fruit juices were compared.


Brand A Brand B
Serving size: 250 ml Serving size: 250 ml
Calories per serving: 90 Calories per serving: 85
Total fat: 0g Total fat: 0g
Saturated fat: 0g Saturated fat: 0g
Trans fat: 0g Total carbohydrates: 27g
Cholesterol: 0mg Total sugars: 19g
Sodium: 5mg Fibre: 0g
Total carbohydrates: 23g Protein: 0g
Dietary fibre: 0g Sodium: 0mg
Total sugars: 23g Vitamin C: 26mg (26%)
Protein: 0g Cholesterol: 0g
Vitamin D: 0mg
Calcium: 0mg
Potassium: 100mg
Vitamin C: 100%

Health is defined as a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being. Everything we eat
and drink makes up our diet. The food we eat contains all the essential nutritional elements that we need
to live, grow and stay healthy, that is proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water.
Food is the fuel we use in order to get the energy we need each day.
In this study, brand A is the healthier option. This is because for the same serving size of 250ml,
it contains more vitamins than brand B. It also has more sodium compared to brand B. Brand A also has
potassium which was not present in Brand B. From the data provided it can be concluded that brand A is
the healthier option.
For this lab, we were asked to investigate two brands of juice were healthy for consumption.
While recording this lab, I have recapped and expanded my knowledge on healthy eating and the
nutrients, minerals and vitamins we consume. It also helped me to learn to compare the contents of two
products and make a conclusive decision on which product will be the healthier one for consumption.
This lab has taught me to read and analyze product packaging labels properly so I will know what I am
consuming and also what type of I am spending my money on.
Conclusion: Brand A is healthier for consumption

Lab # 4
Date: 21st April, 2021
Aim: To compare simple machines (levers) in the classroom.

Apparatus and Materials: Scissors, bottle opener, tweezer, ruler, pencil.

Method: 1. The levers found in the classroom were examined.
2. Each lever found was classified and then a diagram of each lever was drawn and the
fulcrum, effort and load were labelled.
3. Results were tabulated.



Name/type of lever Diagram

Scissor (1st)
Bottle opener (2nd)

Tweezer (3rd)

Machines are objects that are designed to make work easier. A simple machine only has one part,
and is designed to exert a force. Levers consist of a rod or a stick that is free to move about a fixed point
or a balancing point. All levers have a fulcrum (point on which the lever pivots), load (object that is being
moved) and effort (force applied to make the lever work)
There are different kind of levers. In first class levers, the fulcrum is between the effort and the
load, for example a scissors. In second class levers, the fulcrum is at one end and the effort at the other,
with the load in the middle, an example of this is a bottle opener. In third class levers, the effort is in the
middle with the load and the fulcrum at opposite ends of the lever, for example tweezers.

In this lab, we were asked to compare simple machines (levers) found in the classroom. I found
three various levers that can be used around the classroom, a pair or scissors, a bottle opener and a pair of
tweezers. During conducting research for this lab, I observed that there were three main components to
any lever: load, fulcrum and effort. This lab helped me to reinforce and expand my knowledge on various
types of levers and the different arrangements in which they can function. I also discovered numerous
possibilities in which levers can be useful in everyday life.

Conclusion: the classroom contains various types of levers

Lab #5
Title: The kidney as an Excretory organ
Aim: To draw and label a longitudinal section through a kidney.
Apparatus and materials: kidney, ruler, pencil
Insert drawing on the other page

Lab #6
Date: 27/04/21
Title: Temperature control and ventilation
Observation given: a girl observed that whenever water spilled on her clothes on windy days, the water
marks on the cloth disappeared quickly
Hypothesis: clothes dry faster in the presence of wind
Aim: to investigate whether clothes dry faster in the presence of the wind
Apparatus: ribbons, water, fan, paper clips, stop watch, pocket scale
Method: 1. 7ml of water was thrown onto two pieces of cloth ribbon individually
2. each piece of ribbon now weighed in at 20g each
3. Ribbon A is attached to a fan using a paper clip
4. Ribbon B is placed to dry on a table in the same room
5. after 30 minutes both ribbons are weighed to investigate which ribbon dried faster
6. repeat experiment for accuracy
Variables: controlled: amount of water, size and type of cloth
: manipulated: presence/ absence of wind and water
: responding: weight of the ribbon
Expected results:

Time Wind (ribbon a) Repeated No wind (ribbon b) Repeated

Statement of expectation: ribbon a (with wind) should dry at a faster rate (weigh less) than ribbon b

Evaporation is the process of a liquid heating to form a gas. Evaporation occurs when the
particles in a liquid escape to form a vapor. Evaporation can occur at any temperature but it occurs most
rapidly at a liquid’s boiling point. The particles that escape take some energy from the remaining particles
and so the temperature of the liquid falls. Ventilation provides conditions for the movement or circulation
of air, particularly within an enclosed space. Temperature and ventilation affect evaporation as the place
is hotter, the faster it dries as the wind pushes the water molecules.
Assumption: because of the presence of the wind that is in the environment of ribbon a, that ribbon will
dry at a faster rate than ribbon b. if ribbon a dries faster then the hypothesis is accepted.
Source of errors: if unequal amounts of water are thrown on the ribbons
: if temperature fluctuates
Limitations: temperature is difficult to control

Lab #7
Title: Sense Organs: the human eye
Aim: To draw and label a vertical section through the eye
Apparatus and materials: pencil, ruler, eye
Insert drawing on the other page
Lab #8
Title: Osmosis
Aim: To investigate the process of osmosis in potato tissue

Apparatus and Materials: Petri dishes, Measuring cylinder, dropper, cork borer, knife, stop watch,
ruler, white tile

1. Four cylinders of potato were obtained using a cork borer
2. Each cylinder was cut to a length of 6cm
3. Petri dish A was filled with 40cm3 of distilled water and petri dish B with 40cm3 of
concentrated salt solution
4. Two potato cylinders were placed in each petri dish
5. The cylinders were left for 30 minutes, then measured and recorded the length of each cylinder
6. The average length of the cylinders in petri dish A and petri dish B were calculated after 30
Observation: Table showing the lengths of potato cylinders in distilled water and concentrated salt
solution after 30 minutes

Potato cylinders Petri dish A (distilled water) Petri dish B (salt solution)
Final Length of cylinders (cm)
Average Length (cm)

Calculations for average length: Final length(cm) of both cylinders in each petri dish/2
Osmosis is a process where there’s a movement of molecules in dissolve component such as
water from a high concentration to a lower concentration through a semi-permeable membrane. Water
moves out of the potato tissue when the solution is concentrated (hypertonic solution) whereas the water
will move into the potato tissue when the solution is dilute (hypotonic solution). If the salt concentration
of the water is higher than the potato, or the potato has higher water potential than the salt water, there
will be a net movement of water from the potato to the salt water, causing the potato to shrink. This
salting method is commonly used in food preservation (it causes the movement of water out of the cell
and the cell shrinks)
Precautions: Same amount of solution and size of cylinders were placed in a petri dish
Limitations: Only two types of solutions and one type of potato used
Source of error: Liquid clung to the sides of the measuring cylinder

In this lab, we were asked to investigate the process of osmosis in potato tissue. While recording
this lab, I have recapped and expanded my knowledge on osmosis as a process. I also grasped a better
understanding on how different solutions can affect the process of osmosis. It also helps to apply this
knowledge when doing simple tasks such as frying potato chips
Conclusion: Water moves in and out of potato tissue depending on the concentration of the solution it is

Lab #7
Title: Photosynthesis
Aim: To draw and label a byrophyllum leaf
Apparatus and materials: pencil, ruler, eye
Insert drawing on the other page

Lab #10
Title: Rusting
Aim: To determine the conditions required for rusting
Apparatus and Materials: Boiling tubes, anhydrous calcium chloride, boiled water, tap water, iron nails,
oil, dropper, cotton, spatula
Diagram: Draw the diagram on page 337 of textbook, from practical activity 13.1
1. Four boiling tubes, labeled A-D were set up as shown in the diagram above
2. Anhydrous calcium chloride was used as a drying agent in tube a
3. Water was boiled for several minutes and then cooled before placing iron nail in tube b
4. Observations were recorded after one week

Observations: Table showing the appearance of the iron nails after one week

Boiling tube Observations

A No rusting occurred
B No rusting occurred
C Rusting occurred
D Half of the nail rusted (less than in tube c)

Rust is a type of corrosion. It happens to iron and its alloys when it is exposed to air or water for a
long time. Rust slowly decomposes iron into other chemicals, because of a reaction with the oxygen
molecules. Both air and water are needed for rust.
Rusting was detected in two out of the four tubes (c and d). The nail in tube A didn’t rust because
no water was present, (calcium chloride acts as a drying agent). Rusting didn’t occur in tube B due to the
lack of presence of air. In tube C, rusting occurred because rusting was exposed to both oxygen and
water. The nail in tube D rusted less than tube C because it wasn’t entirely submerged in the water
In this lab, we were asked to explore the conditions required for rusting. I have expanded my
knowledge on this topic which now allows me to better ensure materials and objects in my home don’t

Conclusion: Conditions for rusting are metal + oxygen + water

Lab #11
Title: Ph of Household Chemicals
Aim: To determine the pH of a variety of household chemicals
Apparatus and Materials: Measuring cylinder, pH paper, color chart, dropper, spotting tile, distilled
water, baking soda, tea
1. 2cm3 of distilled water was measured and placed into a space on a spotting tile
2. The pH paper was dipped into the solution on the spotting tile and then the color change of the
paper was noted
3. The color on the pH paper was matched to a color on the color chart and then the corresponding
pH value was recorded.
4. The results were tabulated
Observation: table showing the color change and the pH of three household chemicals

Household chemical Color change on the pH table pH

Distilled water 7
Baking soda

The pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution on a scale. The scale is within the
parameters of 0 to 14 with 7 being neutral, lower values are more acidic and higher values are more
alkaline. Household chemicals are non-food chemicals that are commonly found and used in and around
the average household.
pH paper is used as a universal indicator of the pH of a substance. Distilled water has a pH of 7
therefore it is said to be neutral. Baking soda was alkaline because it was of a higher pH whereas the tea
was acidic because the pH was lower.
In this lab, we were asked to explore the pH of household chemicals. This has helped me to
greater expand my knowledge on the household substances I come into contact with or consume on a
daily basis. I can now apply this knowledge to my everyday life
Conclusion: The pH of household chemicals varies with every solution

Lab # 9

Date: 24th June, 2021


Observation: A gardener who eats beans regularly was seen scarring the testa of beans before


Hypothesis: Scaring the testa of beans causes it to germinate at a faster rate.

Aim: To determine whether scarred beans germinate faster than unscarred beans.

Apparatus and Materials: twelve (12) red beans, measuring cylinder, water, dropper. Sandpaper, tissue
paper, cotton, container, thermometer, scissors.


1. Three red beans are placed in a petri dish lined with 8cm x 8cm tissue paper and 8 cotton balls
that are dampened with 7ml of water. Label this as the control experiment.
2. Three red beans are scarred using sandpaper and also placed in another petri dish lined with the
same amount of tissue paper and cotton as the first petri dish and is also dampened with 7ml
3. Place both petri dishes with the beans on a table near a window.
4. The growth of the plumule is recorded for 6 days.
5. Repeat procedure to ensure accuracy

· Controlled: same size of petri dish, same amount of water, same type and amount of tissue paper, same
type and size of beans, same amount of cotton

· Manipulated: Testa of beans

· Responding: growth of the plumule

Expected Results: the scarred beans are expected to germinate faster


Time (days) Unscarred beans(cm) Scarred beans (cm)



Time (days) Unscarred beans(cm) Scarred beans (cm)

A1 B1 C1 A1 B1 C1


Germination occurs when dispersed that are exposed to suitable conditions start to grow into new plants
or seedlings. The radical grows down and the plumule grows up. Seeds require nutrients in order to
germinate but they also need oxygen to respire, a suitable temperature and water. There are two types of
germination, epigeal germination and hypogeal germination. If scarred seeds germinate faster then the
hypothesis can be accepted

Assumptions: Beans are free from pests and parasites (healthy and viable), beans absorb the same
amount the same amount of water

Precautions: Make sure the cotyledon isn’t damaged in the scarring process (handle beans with care),
beans are exposed to the same environmental conditions

Limitations: only red beans are used, temperature fluctuations are difficult to control
Source of errors: liquids clinging to the sides of the measuring cylinder therefore not all the water is
poured out.

Lab #13
Tittle: Soil
Aim: To determine the water holding capacity of a soil sample from the school’s compound
Apparatus and materials: Soil sample, electronic balance, petri dish, 100ml measuring cylinders,
funnel, dropper, filter paper, spatula, watch

1. A funnel lined with filter paper and 50g of soil sample from the school’s compound was placed in
a 100cm3 measuring cylinder
2. 20cm3 of water was measured and poured it through the soil sample
3. The volume of water that passed through the soil sample after 30 minutes was recorded
4. Results were recorded in a table that shows the amount of water drained through the soil sample
along with the water retained

Time Elapsed Water drained (ml) Water retained (ml)

Soil is a mixture of organic and inorganic elements. The organic component of the soil is made
up of degraded plant and animal remains, whereas the inorganic portion is made up of mineral particles
that were formerly part of massive rocks. Different rocks contain different types of minerals, resulting in
different soil types when they decompose. There are three main mineral components of soil: sand, silt and
clay. Different soils possess varying amounts of these components, which affect soil attributes such as the
volume of water it can hold or allow to flow through it, the nutrients found in the soil, how fertile the soil
is, and the soil's potential uses.

In this lab we were asked to take a sample of soil from the school’s compound and measure the
amount of water the soil can retain. In this lab I learnt about the different properties of soil and how to
correctly identify the different types of soil. I also learnt how to conduct simple tests to determine the soil
type. I was also able to observe and learn how an electronic balance scale works.

Conclusion: 50g of the school’s soil can hold xml of water

Manipulation and measurement
 Electronic balance/flat surface
 Turn on electronic balance
 Zero error checked
 Soil added to a plastic petri dish on top pan when weighing
 Able to use the tare button on balance
 No spillage of material on top pan
 No spillage of material on top pan
 Measure 50g of soil accurately
 Ensure electronic balance is turned off after use
Use of funnel
 Line funnel with filter paper
 Correctly position funnel in measuring cylinder

Lab #14
Title: Electricity
Aim: to classify substances as good and poor conductors of electricity
Apparatus and Materials: wires, bulb, batteries, silver, copper, aluminum, graphite, glass rod,
rubber, plastic, nail, wooden splint, stainless steel rod, string, brass rod. (crocodile clips)
Diagram: Insert circuit drawing
 A circuit was connected to a battery with the use of wires
 A bulb was added to the circuit in order for us to test the following materials: silver, copper,
aluminum, graphite, glass rod, rubber, plastic, nail, wooden splint, stainless steel, rod, string,
brass rod
 Each material was tested in the circuit to observe whether the bulb glowed or not for each
material used
 The results were tabulated
Substance Does it conduct electricity
Silver Yes
Copper Yes
Aluminum Yes
Graphite Yes
Rubber No
Glass No
Plastic No
Nail Yes
Wooden splint No
Stainless steel rod Yes
String No
Brass rod Yes

Atoms are the smallest particles that make up everything on the planet. Atoms come in a variety
of shapes and sizes, but they all include a nucleus, which is a dense center structure around which
negatively charged particles called electrons rotate. An electric current is the passage of these negatively
charged electrons within a substance. The presence and flow of this electric charge is referred to as
Some electrons on the outer electron shell of the atom in materials like metals and graphite can
freely move between atoms. This means they can pass through materials as an electric current. These
materials are known as electrical conductors. Some materials, such as plastic and rubber, do not enable an
electric current to pass through them because their electrons are unable to travel freely. These materials
are termed insulators or non-conductors. Some non-metals can conduct electricity but less well than
metals. These materials are known as semi-conductors

Reflection: In this lab, we were tasked with conducting a simple experiment to classify materials as either
insulators or conductors with the aid of a circuit. While conducting this lab I realized how materials we
use in our everyday lives can be classified and divided. I became more mindful of using these materials at
my home and their purpose and was able to piece together why certain items are made with their
materials for the prevention of shocks and further hazards
Conclusion: the good conductors found where: Silver, Copper, Aluminum, Graphite, Nail, Stainless-
Steel rod, Brass rod
The good insulators were: rubber, plastic, wooden splint, string, glass

Lab #15
Title: Food Preservation: Plan and Design
Observation: Julianna noticed that whenever her mother purchased a large amount of peppers
from the market and was unable to use all immediately, she stored the remaining peppers in
Hypothesis: peppers have a longer shelf time when preserved in vinegar
Aim: to determine whether peppers last longer in vinegar
Apparatus and Materials: mason jars, measuring cup, bird peppers, thermometer, vinegar, distilled
 Obtain 12 bird peppers from a local supermarket
 Pour 250ml of distilled water in mason jar A
 Pour 250ml of vinegar in mason jar B
 Place 6 bird peppers in each jar
 Measure temperature of environment to ensure the jars sit around the same temperature
 Leave peppers to sit in jar for a week
 Repeat procedure to ensure accurate results obtained
 Controlled: Same amount of solution, same type of pepper and size of mason jar
 Manipulated: type of solution
 Responding: appearance of the outer surface of peppers

Expected Results:
Time (days) Jar a Jar b

Statement of expectation: the bird peppers in the vinegar solution will decay at a slower rate than the
one in the distilled water.
When microorganisms cause deterioration in our food, they frequently create poisons. As a result,
food must be preserved in conditions that limit the growth and proliferation of microorganisms in order to
avoid illness and food waste. Some methods of food preservation include heating, refrigeration, drying,
pickling, salting, irradiation and adding sugar
Pickling is the process of putting an acid on food or soaking it in an acidic solution, usually
vinegar. In acidic environments, many of the bacteria that degrade food are unable to develop or survive.
Vinegar is an acidic liquid produced though the fermentation of ethanol by acetic acid in bacteria. It is a
preserving agent that kills microorganisms. If the peppers in jar B decays at a slower rate, then the
hypothesis is accepted
Assumptions: peppers are healthy on the inside
Precautions: adding same amount of solution to both, use of gloves, exposing to the same environment
Limitations: temperature fluctuations, only one type of pepper use
Source of errors: liquid solutions clinging to the side of the measuring cup when pouring them out
 Clear statement of hypothesis based on the observation
 Hypothesis is testable
 Aim related to hypothesis
 Appropriate apparatus and materials
 Suitable method
 At least one manipulated or responding variable
 Controlled variable stated
 Expected results: reasonable
 linked with method
 Assumptions/precautions/possible sources of error (any one stated)

Lab #16
Tittle: Hardness of water
Aim: To determine the hardness of three samples of water.
Apparatus and Materials: Measuring cylinder, droppers, test tubes, stop watch, samples of sea
water, distilled water and tap water, beakers, dishwashing liquid, ruler, test tube rack
Method: (in past tense)
1. Samples of sea water, distilled water and tap water were obtained
2. 5cm3 of each type of water was measured and each placed in a separate test tube with it correctly
3. Three drops of dishwashing liquid were placed in each test tube
4. Each test tube were evenly shook for ten seconds
5. Immediately after, the height of the lather in each test tube were measured and results were
Type of water Height of lather (cm)

Water is a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that makes up the oceans, lakes, rivers, and rain,
as well as the fluids that keep living beings alive. The water in our supply can be classified as either hard
or soft. Calcium and magnesium salts are dissolved in hard water. When rainwater, which is normally
slightly acidic, travels over limestone rocks, hard water is generated. There are two types of hardness:
temporary and permanent. Water can be softened by boiling, adding sodium carbonate or ion-exchange
Distilled water had the most lather therefore this was the softest of the three as it had no dissolved
minerals in it. The tap water didn’t produce as much lather as the distilled because this has more calcium
and magnesium minerals in it. Sea water had the least amount of lather making it the hardest water out of
the three. This is because the high level of salt
Reflection: in this lab, we were required to carry out a simple experiment to determine the hardness of
three types of water. I was able to recap and gain knowledge on the types of water. I also learnt how to
test whether water is soft or hard. I am now more mindful of the types of water I have at my home
Conclusion: sea water was the hardest and distilled water was the softest with tap water being in the
middle of both


 Use of measuring cylinder
 Measuring cylinder placed on a flat surface
 Choose appropriate size of cylinder
 Use of dropper for accuracy (to reach meniscus for 5cm 3 of water)
 Meniscus read at eye level
 Accurately measure 5cm 3 of distilled water
 Pour water from the spout side of the measuring cylinder
 Use of stop watch
 Reset stopwatch to zero
 Use start and stop buttons to time
 Accurately time 10 seconds
 Height of lather measured with ruler
Total marks
 Accurate observations: Distilled water has the most lather
 Tap and sea water have less lather than distilled water
 Numerical Table: Enclosed
 Descriptive title present
 Appropriate headings
 Units in headings
 Results recorded to two decimal places
 Discussion: Coherence of expression
 Spelling and punctuation used with three or less than 3 errors
 Grammar used with three or less than three errors

Lab #17
Observation given: A gardener who eats beans regularly was seen scarring the testa of beans
before planting.  
Introduction: Include the purpose of the investigation, how it is carried out and information on
germination. (1 paragraph)
Method: Write the exact method you had in the beans plan and design part A. This time write the
method in past tense.
Results: Show tables with titles, headings etc. Remember to include the results for the repeated
experiment. Show calculations you did and put below table. Show a calculation for scarred beans
and one for unscarred beans e.g. you can find the average of something you measured. Rate can
be calculated also.
Define germination, also state conditions needed for germination. Describe trends in
table/data you obtained. Explain results- you can say scarred beans germinated faster since water
was absorbed faster through the scarred testa, oxygen entered quicker etc. Explain what is the
purpose of the water and oxygen to the bean. Remember oxygen is needed for respiration.
Unscarred beans germinated slower since these beans had to naturally burst the testa. Quote one
piece of data/result from the table and then say this means/suggest that scarred beans do
germinate faster so hypothesis is valid. Anything else you want to discuss, state here.




Sources of error:

Reflection: Say how your findings can benefit others/community/world, what you learnt about 
                   yourself. Include a line stating that no adjustments were made during the experiment.


 Method: Linked to proposal and past tense used
 Results: Obtain results for scarred beans
 Any calculation performed for scarred beans
 Obtain results for control (unscarred beans)
 Any calculation performed for unscarred beans

Discussion: Explanation of results for scarred beans

 Explanation of results for unscarred beans or definition of germination
 Trends from data stated
 Interpretation stated
 Data supports interpretation
 Identified a source of error
 Precautions stated
 Limitation stated
 Reflections: Relevance between experiment and real life
 Impact of knowledge gained from experiment on self
 Justification of any adjustment made during the experiment
 Appropriate scientific language used all the time
 Appropriate grammar all or most of the time
 Conclusion: Stated related to aim
Total marks

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