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Article · April 2021


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3 authors:

Manvendra Kushvaha Siddharth Jha

Galgotias University Galgotias University


Yogesh Kumar
Galgotias University


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e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:03/Issue:04/April-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
Manvendra Kushvaha*1, Siddharth Jha*2, Dr. Yogesh Kumar*3
*1,2,3Electronics and Communication Department, Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Agriculture dynamism and a need for new strategies are highly debated concepts as the agricultural
environment highly influential in India, and the field witnessed various strategic plans by the nation, but the
improvement remains a daydream; as the hindrance faced is more than the existing strategies. Increased
demand for monetary benefits and dynamism in the field necessitates new financial and technological
strategies. This paper attempted to study the concept of drone technology in agriculture and analyzed the
response of farmers and legislators. It was concluded that, since the concept is at its birth age, new regulations
and specialized personnel are required to work out those concepts.
Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for about 58 percent of India’s population. As the Indian
economy has diversified domains for its development and growth, agriculture's contribution to GDP has
steadily declined from 1951 to 2011 because of its fundamental structural shift. The agriculture growth in India
is impressive in many dimensions, during the rapid population growth and economic development that
occurred in India, have brought considerable changes in basic types of agriculture. Pre-colonial and post-
colonial India witnessed a drastic change in various sectors as the Industrial development and agriculture co-
existed for sustainable development, as the industrial growth and agriculture enslaved the spatial separation
between the green revolution and resource-poor agriculture also has been eroded by the expansion of
cultivation frontier into the forests. Many traditional methods of farming that were sustainable with a low
density of population and economic liberation now tend to be increasingly strained and vulnerable to the
pressure of the rising population. According to CIA Factbook in 2017, India's GDP composition in Agriculture is
15.4% which contributes $375.61 billion by the production of agriculture activity which made India the 2nd
largest producer of agricultural products. In the Indian economy contribution of the Agricultural sector is
higher than the world's average contribution which is about 6.4%. Presently, Indian Agriculture is involved in
various phases of diversification as the sector has indulged in a transition phase to shift to high-yielding
varieties (HYV) of crops from conventional crops which enabled a successful transition in Indian Agriculture
from its stagnation to a growth path. The sector has expected to create better momentum in the forthcoming
years due to increased investments in agricultural infrastructure. Furthermore, the gradual use of genetically
modified crops is likely to improve the yield for Indian farmers in partial sustainable development with the
climatic changes. The external economic environment that created some incentives for producers in recent
years by indulging in extraordinary diversification both within and between countries. In recent times,
awareness and recognition regarding sustainable agriculture development with financial stabilities have
reached its interest merely by introducing various financial strategies, action plans, better crops, new cattle
breeds, more credit or rural cooperatives, flowing along with the evolution and transition. Drone technology is
one of the incredible and innovative developments which has the potential to change the way daily practice of
agriculture, where its manual exercises are done in farming. Rural enterprises around the world are
progressively utilizing drone innovation to modernize cultivating through a distantly steered airplane
framework, with a programmable regulator with or without the satellite route framework and a mechanized
flight facilitating highlights and, cameras splashing frameworks. UAV/UAVs (Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle/Systems), UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) are some of the drones used currently in the most formal
and global method of tending agriculture. The drones utilized for rural exercises is known as agribusiness
drone which intends to convey the sensors that can give constant data about the harvest status or animals
development, with the goal that choice on social activities and the executives is made effectively furthermore,
accurately controlled over remote correspondence.
1. S. K. Goyal, Prabha, Jai P. Rai, and Shree Ram Singh, in their article on “Indian agriculture and farmers –
problems and reforms” discussed various problems faced by Indian farmers; they pointed out the

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:03/Issue:04/April-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
importance of agriculture and briefed on the socio-economic status of the agriculturists and derived some
prominent solutions. They widely spoke about the importance of Precision agriculture, which originated in
US and European countries, where big farms are monitored using Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) for
precise mapping of farms and - with the appropriate software – it informs the farmer about the status of his
crop and which part of the farm requires inputs like water, fertilizer, and pesticide, etc.
2. Swapnil Kurkute, “Drones for Smart Agriculture: A Technical Report Article”, April 2018: in this article the
author published a technical report of the agriculture drone, he attempted to deliver views on the idea
about various technologies used to reduce human efforts in various operations of agriculture like detection
of the presence of pests, spraying of UREA, spraying of fertilizers, etc. This paper describes the
development of quadcopter UAV and the spraying mechanism. In this paper, we also discuss the integration
of the sprayer module into the quadcopter system. The discussed system involves designing a prototype
that uses simple cost-effective equipment like BLDC motor, Arduino, ESC wires, etc.
3. Annual report 2017-2018, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare Ministry of
Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Government of India: in this annual report the government has mentioned
various agricultural schemes and their operational status. It dealt with the functions and organizational
structure of the Department of Agriculture, of the Indian government and provided reports of the vigilance
over agriculture business. Some of the mission they discussed are National Food Security Mission (NFSM),
Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm
(NMOOP), National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), National Mission on Agricultural Extension
&Technology (NMAET), National Crop Insurance Programme (NCIP), etc.
4. P. P. Mone, Chavhan Priyanka Shivaji, Jagtap Komal Tanaji, Nimbalkar Aishwarya Satish in their paper
entitled “Agriculture Drone for Spraying fertilizer and Pesticides”, has given some comprehensive
information about detail about the implementation of Agriculture drone for automatic spraying
mechanism. In this paper, they gave problem statement of World Health Organization where it estimates
that there are 3 million cases of pesticide poisons in each year and up to 220,000 deaths, primarily in
developing countries. In this paper, they also explain what precautions the farmer should have to use to
avoid harmful effects of pesticides and fertilizing effects as well as cost-effective technology using
components such as PIC microcontroller for the control of agriculture robots.
Agriculture is one of the most exciting and revenue attractive fields in India, it has been in a stronghold for
centuries and is considered the backbone of the Indian economy. However, in recent times it was bombarded
with numerous bottleneck problems, which also demanded away more than a solution. Because of its dynamic
nature, it demands more comprehensive new approaches for the betterment of the sector, and one such thing
outcome is the usage of agriculture drones for cultivation. Drone technology is a current highly debated
concept, yet there are certain bottleneck problems to be addressed. This study attempted to work on the rife
issue of the regulatory framework and the present condition and usage of agriculture drones and the need for
preparedness in technological farming.
The agriculture drone regulatory framework is a positive approach concerning the importance of the growth of
the agricultural field in India and is made best suited and prepared for the growth of the Indian agriculture
1. To study the importance of embracing agriculture in India
2. To know about the shift from traditional agriculture methods to neo standards
3. To know about the concept of Drone technological
4. To analyze the prime necessity of drone technology in agriculture
5. To study the status of the application of drone technology in Indian agriculture
6. To study the effectiveness of agriculture drone

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:03/Issue:04/April-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
7. To determine the bottleneck problems of drone technology in agriculture
8. To study the regulatory framework on agricultural drones.
1. How important is agriculture to India
2. Why there is a need for neo-classical methods in agricultural works
3. How prevalent is agriculture drone technology in India
4. How important is it for Indian legislators to en-cash technological farming in India
5. Why there is a need for calibrating and regulating agriculture drone use
6. How effective is the regulatory framework on agricultural drones
The research method followed in this study is doctrinal, where a qualitative research design has been made to
ease the study on agriculture drone technology. The inquiry deployed into the topic was achieved with the help
of multiple academic disciplines by gathering information on the various questions about agriculture drones.
This methodology has been focused on reviewing secondary resources such as articles, government reports,
statutory materials, reports of Committees, Legal History, and digests.
Drone applications in agriculture are already widespread across Asia, and around the world. Their usages are
limited and specific for commercial operations in horticulture, agriculture, and forestry. It engages in spraying
for weed, insect-pest, and disease management, spreading pesticides and fertilizers as well as planting new
forests are among the diverse uses now being found for drones. The laws regulating drones are accustomed by
India's Directorate General of Civil Aviation declared the country's first Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR) for
drones on August 27, 2018, to become effective from December 1, 2018. The activity of robots in India is
administered by the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Rules18 - Part VI, distributed on June 2, 2020, in the
newspaper of India which requires acquiring an automated airplane administrator's license (UAOP) for guiding
UAS, Permission for each trip through Online Digital Sky stage for No Permission No Take-off (NPNT)
While India has permitted the utilization of robots for military applications over twenty years prior—in 1999—
its utilization for regular citizen purposes has for the most part ridden a hazy situation between ineffectively
characterized guidelines or a total absence of them. In 2014, the public authority forced a ban on the utilization
of robots for non-military personnel purposes, and in 2018, the Ministry of Civil Aviation distributed an
administrative arrangement relating to their utilization. Conversations in the Indian setting have for the most
part finished at a stalemate, and in that capacity, the nation's ranch area has not had the option to saddle the
capability of robot splashing. India endured a phenomenal desert beetle (Schistocerca gregaria) pervasion this
year from April until the beginning of the storm in July. This was generally viewed as a reminder to restore
center around the issue, and the public authority has hence needed to restrictively permit the arrangement of
robots to handle the attack. While the flying use of agrochemicals through rambles or different methods isn't
legitimate in India, the nation professes to be quick to have utilized the framework for an insect the executives.
At that point, CropLife India gave a warning to influenced ranchers, underlining steps to limit harm to their
The paper expresses that permitting drone-based innovation would be an applicable expansion to India's
headway in dribble water system procedures and motorized cultivating rehearses. Referring to the public
authority's remarkable use of consent during the grasshopper season, it reports that the thought has gotten
positive reactions from numerous states, which have since given e-tenders for the incorporation of robots in
elevated showering capacities. Approaching the public authority to think about the innovation and its benefits,
CropLife and FICCI diagram primer activity designs that ought to be considered for its powerful organization.

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:03/Issue:04/April-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
These incorporate ideas in regards to the preparation of administrators in safe practices, and the utilization of
individual defensive gear to alleviate any worries about the openness of ranch laborers to edit assurance items.
Moreover, it features factors, for example, low water utilization and extended field limit of robot oversaw
splashing, other than making a new word-related area including talented and ensured showering experts.
Rather, traditional practice achieved by farmers working in very specific farm-household systems, sustainable
agriculture has procured its necessity, new technological strategies tread to achieve sustainability in
agriculture including factors beyond the control of the household: the ecology and natural resources, the social-
cultural environment of the community, and the policies, prices, services and infrastructure that affect rural
prospects have proved its standards. Hence there arises a need for the introduction and better implementation
of new strategies to lead farmers. Agriculture drones proved to ensure the development of sustainable
agriculture if applied and performed effectively. The countries have to create an enabling policy and regulatory
framework, generate and disseminate appropriate technology, target disadvantaged groups, improve support
services and encourage community participation, improve physical infrastructure and social services, and
develop non-farm income-earning opportunities and financial stabilization. In the light of the aforementioned
concept the hypothesis of this paper, that is; agriculture drone regulatory frameworks are proved to be a
positive approach concerning the importance in the growth of the agricultural field in India and it should be
made best suited and prepared for the growth of Indian agriculture setup/
[1] S. K. Goyal, Prabha, Jai P. Rai, and Shree Ram Singh, in their article on “Indian agriculture and farmers –
problems and reforms, January 2016, (PDF) Indian Agriculture and Farmers-Problems and Reforms
[2] Swapnil Kurkute, “Drones for Smart Agriculture: A Technical Report Article”, April 2018, (PDF) Drones
for Smart Agriculture: A Technical Report (researchgate.net)
[3] P. S. Mehetre, Chavhan Priyanka Shivaji, Jagtap Komal Tanaji, Nimbalkar Aishwarya Satish in their
paper entitled “Agriculture Drone for Spraying fertilizer and Pesticides, (Volume:02/Issue:06/June -
2020), https://irjmets.com/rootaccess/forms/uploads/agriculture-drone-for-fertilizer-spraying.pdf
[4] Annual report 2017-2018, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare Ministry of
Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Government of India,

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