Mechanical Ventilation in Neurocritical Care Setting

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Mechanical ventilation in neurocritical care

setting: A clinical approach
Denise Battaglini, MD, Consultant in Intensive Care a, *,
Dorota Siwicka Gieroba, MD, Consultant in Intensive Care b,
Iole Brunetti, MD, Consultant in Intensive Care a,
Nicolo Patroniti, MD, Associate Professor a, c,
Giulia Bonatti, MD, Consultant in Intensive Care c,
Patricia Rieken Macedo Rocco, MD, PhD, Full Professor d,
Paolo Pelosi, MD, FERS, Full Professor a, c,
Chiara Robba, MD, PhD, Consultant in Intensive Care a
Anesthesia and Intensive Care, San Martino Policlinico Hospital, IRCCS for Oncology and Neuroscience,
Genoa, Italy
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medical University of Lublin, 20-954 Lublin, Poland
Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostic (DISC), University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Laboratory of Pulmonary Investigation, Institute of Biophysics Carlos Chagas Filho, Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Neuropatients often require invasive mechanical ventilation (MV).
mechanical ventilation
Ideal ventilator settings and respiratory targets in neuro patients
acute brain injury
neurocritical care are unclear. Current knowledge suggests maintaining protective
tracheostomy tidal volumes of 6e8 ml/kg of predicted body weight in neuro-
weaning patients. This approach may reduce the rate of pulmonary com-
plications, although it cannot be easily applied in a neuro setting
due to the need for special care to minimize the risk of secondary
brain damage. Additionally, the weaning process from MV is
particularly challenging in these patients who cannot control the
brain respiratory patterns and protect airways from aspiration.
Indeed, extubation failure in neuropatients is very high, while
tracheostomy is needed in one-third of the patients. The aim of
this manuscript is to review and describe the current management
of invasive MV, weaning, and tracheostomy for the main four
subpopulations of neuro patients: traumatic brain injury, acute

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D. Battaglini), [email protected] (D. Siwicka Gieroba), [email protected] (I.
Brunetti), [email protected] (N. Patroniti), [email protected] (G. Bonatti), [email protected] (P.R.M. Rocco),
[email protected] (P. Pelosi), [email protected] (C. Robba).
1521-6896/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: D. Battaglini, D. Siwicka Gieroba, I. Brunetti et al., Mechanical ventilation in
neurocritical care setting: A clinical approach, Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology, https://
D. Battaglini, D. Siwicka Gieroba, I. Brunetti et al. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology xxx (xxxx) xxx

ischemic stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and intracerebral

© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Neuro patients frequently require invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) for protecting the airways
from aspiration and preventing secondary brain damage by modulating oxygen and carbon dioxide
levels [1]. Unfortunately, the ideal ventilator setting and respiratory targets in neuro patients are unclear
and depend also on the type of brain injury, being part of the complex brainelung interaction [2] (Fig. 1).
Current knowledge concerning MV for neuro patients suggests maintaining protective tidal volumes
(VT) (6e8 ml/kg of predicted body weight (PBW)) [3,4], rather than higher VT (9 ml/kg of PBW or higher)
as customary applied many years ago [5]. Maintaining lower VT reduces the risk of developing pulmo-
nary complications [3]. However, this cannot be easily applied in a neuro intensive care (ICU) setting
because of the need for special care to minimize the risk of secondary brain damage [6], but applying a
protective MV associated with early extubation seems to improve ventilator-free days [7]. This suggests
that the protective MV strategy could also be safely applied in ICU, albeit the monitoring of carbon di-
oxide and oxygen remains mandatory for these patients [5]. The weaning process from MV aims to
reduce ventilator parameters yielding extubation for at least 48 h [8]. Extubation failure in neuro pa-
tients reaches up to 38% [9], while tracheostomy is needed in 32%e45% of them [10,11]. Besides, the
timing for performing tracheostomy is still under debate in both populations [12,13].
The aim of this manuscript is to describe and review the current MV management, weaning, and
tracheostomy practice for the main subpopulations of neuro patients (Fig. 2). For this purpose, we
performed a systematic search of literature, by using the following terms “MV or tracheostomy or
ventilation or weaning or intubation or extubation or physiotherapy or pulmonary complications” and
“AIS or TBI or brain injury or SAH or ICH or brain damage.” We also performed a search about novel
studies on MV and brain injury currently recruiting (Table 1).

Traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a large socioeconomical and healthcare burden, with a global inci-
dence of approximately 369 cases every 100,000 habitants [14]. The severity of brain injury widely
influences the occurrence of respiratory complications as well as the need for MV and tracheostomy
[15]. Hospital-acquired pneumonia is a frequent complication of TBI, particularly ventilator associated
pneumonia (VAP) that can occur in 20.4% of TBI patients within 5 days (3e7 days) from intubation [16].
Patients with TBI and VAP have a longer duration of MV and ICU length of stay, but not increased
mortality [16]. Moreover, TBI patients with pneumonia may show worse Glasgow Outcome Scale-
Extended (GOS-E) than those without and higher hospitalization costs [17]. The higher incidence of
VAP has been supposed to be related with the prehospital airway management, although this was
discredited in a retrospective cohort [18].
The pathophysiology of TBI is characterized by an elevation of intracranial pressure (ICP), the reduction
of cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), followed by secondary brain damage [19,20]. Besides, changes in
intrathoracic pressures, oxygenation, and arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) may alter this
self-regulatory mechanism, which, in TBI patients, is often already compromised [21]. TBI may be
complicated with an increase of ICP over 20e22 mmHg, defined as intracranial hypertension (IH) [20,22].

Endotracheal intubation and gas exchange

In TBI, the Glasgow coma scale (GCS)8 is generally considered the optimal threshold for endo-
tracheal intubation to secure airways from aspiration and reduce respiratory drive [23]. Prehospital
interventions include the tendency to hyperventilate TBI patients, whether indicated or not by the

D. Battaglini, D. Siwicka Gieroba, I. Brunetti et al. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Brain-lung crosstalk. Brain-lung crosstalk in neuro patients. Brain injury can influence the occurrence of lung injury by
activating several mechanisms (e.g., increased ICP, the release of catecholamines, neuroinflammation, release of dopamine, and use
of hyperosmolar therapies). Likewise, lung injury and MV can directly affect the brain (e.g., hypoxemia, hyper/hypocarbia, impaired
MV, VILI, pneumonia, inflammation, and MV asynchronies).

guidelines [24], thus leading more frequently to hypoxia, hypotension, and acidosis [25]. This approach
may deeply modify the cerebral physiology by changing the PaCO2, which is considered as a major
determinant of cerebral blood flow (CBF) (for CBF between 20 and 80 mmHg) [26]. Low CBF due to low
PaCO2 is associated with cerebral ischemia, while high CBF results in cerebral hyperemia and higher ICP
[26]. TBI patients exert less CBF modifications than healthier patients because hyperventilation may
lead to hypocapnia and alkalosis, redistributing oxygen and hemoglobin [27,28]. Prophylactic hyper-
ventilation with PaCO2 <25 mmHg should be avoided because of possible cerebral ischemia and

Fig. 2. Targets of mechanical ventilation for TBI, AIS, SAH, and ICH patients. The figure resumes all the targets to be applied in each
subpopulation (TBI, AIS, SAH, and ICH) of neurocritical care patients.

D. Battaglini, D. Siwicka Gieroba, I. Brunetti et al. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology xxx (xxxx) xxx

cerebral infarction [5], while for short periods (15e30 min) it can be considered. Hypocapnia should be
always considered in the case of refractory IH, aiming to reach PaCO2 levels of 30e35/32e35 mmHg
[22,29,30]. Thus, in the absence of cerebral herniation, PaCO2 should be maintained between 35 and
38 mmHg [5], albeit current practice in Europe confirms that in the case of IH, the most used PaCO2
target is 36e40 mmHg [31]. Respiratory rate and VT adjustments are identified as useful tools to
regulate PaCO2 [5].
Oxygenation should be strictly monitored, maintaining peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) >94%
[30,32]. Early hyperoxia was not associated with higher inhospital mortality in a retrospective cohort of
24,148 TBI patients, while a greater risk of death was found for PaO2<40 mmHg [33]. On the contrary, in
a recent meta-analysis, hyperoxia was associated with higher mortality in MV TBI patients [34]. Final
disconfirmation came from a recent small randomized controlled trial (RCT) that compared high
fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) (0.7) to normal FiO2 (0.4) in MV TBI patients, which revealed that
normobaric hyperoxia could be used to alleviate secondary brain ischemia without determining
negative side effects. Higher FiO2 did not increase the markers of oxidative stress, neurological injury,
inflammation, and the incidence of pulmonary complications [35]. Concerning clinical practice, the
most used PaO2 is within a range of 81e100 mmHg both in the case of PaO2/FiO2 ratio >150 and < 150
[31]. The effects of hypocapnia and hypoxia should be monitored by using the jugular saturation of
oxygen (SjO2) or brain tissue oxygen pressure (PbtO2) [5]. The individual trends of PbtO2 are associated
with an outcome in TBI patients [36]. In summary, in TBI patients, both hypocapnia and hypercapnia
are associated with poor outcome and should be avoided.

Tidal volume and pulmonary pressures

High VT are more often provided in brain-damaged patients than in the general critically ill
population because of the need of a wider modulation of brain gases [37]. Nevertheless, MV setting
in TBI patients should include protective VT and plateau pressures [3]. As reported in a recent

Table 1
The available studies on MV practice in brain-injured patients currently recruiting or nearly recruitment on

Study title Status Design Primary aim ID

Study of Variables Related to Unknown Prospective, observational To evaluate the effectiveness of NCT01713010
the Discontinuation of MV in integrated pressure index of
Patients with Head injury airway occlusion x index
(INDEXTBI) breathing fast and shallow (p
0.1  f/VT) in predicting success
and failure of weaning from MV
in patients with TBI
The Brain and Lung Interaction NR Observational, The change in ICP as a function NCT04288076
(BALI) study interventional of PEEP
Ventilator setting in patients NR Observational, ICP increases with lung NCT03278769
with acute brain injury interventional protective setting
Multicenter observational NR Prospective, observational Description of different NCT04459884
study on practice of MV in ventilator strategies in neuro
brain-injured patients patients admitted to ICU
Inhaled nitric oxide in brain R RCT (nitric oxide, placebo) The change in PaO2 of 20% or NCT03260569
injury greater
Brain-injured patients R RCT (standard of care, Extubation failure in neuro NCT04080440
extubation readiness study extubation readiness patients defined as the need of
(Biper) clinical score) reintubation or death
Treatment of intracranial R RCT (cisatracurium, Area under the curve of the NCT02404779
hypertension of severe TBI placebo) temporal evolution of ICP, over
patients. Physio pathological a period of 30 min after the
effects of neuromuscular administration of
blocking agents (THIC Cu) neuromuscular blocking agents
or placebo

NR, not-recruiting; R, recruiting; MV, mechanical ventilation; TBI, traumatic brain injury; VT, tidal volume; ICP, intracranial
pressure; ICU, intensive care unit; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; and RCT, randomized controlled trial.

D. Battaglini, D. Siwicka Gieroba, I. Brunetti et al. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology xxx (xxxx) xxx

survey (VENTILO) on 687 respondents of whom 472 are from Europe, the most common VT applied
in TBI patients is 6e8 ml/kgPBW in the case of PaO2/FiO2 >150; and 4e6 ml/kgPBW in half of the
cases of PaO2/FiO2 < 150 [31]. Among ventilator strategy, pressure-regulated volume control
ventilation resulted in less fluctuation of ICP and PaCO2 than the pressure controlled in TBI patients
[38]. Some believe that elevated intrathoracic pressures may lead to significant changes in central
venous pressure and ICP from venous congestion. A comparison between traditional ventilator
mode and airway pressure release ventilation has been assessed in TBI patients, which concludes
that this strategy does not significantly affect ICP and cerebral hemodynamics, being considered
safe if applied [39]. Also, neutrally adjusted ventilatory assist and pressure support ventilation
preserved CBF velocity in a patient recovering from brain injury, without affecting pH, PaCO2, and
oxygenation [40].
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is considered as another key component of protective MV.
Although PEEP may be dangerous on CBF and perfusion [41], in the case of concomitant brain and
respiratory diseases, PEEP is considered safe because it results in acceptable systemic and cerebral
hemodynamic changes, even when low or high (5e15 cmH2O). A prospective study on 20 TBI patients
demonstrated that increasing PEEP of up to 15 cmH2O can improve brain tissue oxygenation [42], thus
challenging the concept of low/zero PEEP (ZEEP) customarily applied for decades in neuro patients
[43]. In the VENTILO survey, the mean highest PEEP is 15 cmH2O in patients with PaO2/FiO2 <300 and
without IH; while it is 10 cmH2O in patients with IH [31]. The most frequent rescue strategy for re-
fractory respiratory failure is neuromuscular blocking agents, followed by recruitment maneuvers
(RMs), and prone position [31]. RMs can improve oxygenation by promoting gas exchange, although
their effects on ICP could be deleterious due to the impaired jugular venous outflow and venous return.
Therefore, we suggest RMs in only TBI patients in the case of severe hypoxemia under strict neuro-
monitoring [44].

Weaning and extubation

A positive spontaneous breathing trial test usually precedes weaning from MV. However, as neuro
patients may present with impaired breathing control and respiratory driving, approximately 5%e20%
of them cannot proceed to weaning and extubation [45]. Predictive factors for extubation failure in TBI
patients include female sex, GCS motor score <5, moderate to large secretion volume, absent or weak
cough, and MV for >10 days [46]. At present, the VISAGE score represents the most appropriate test for
identifying neuro patients who can reveal extubation readiness. This score has been validated for
general ICU patients, but it can also be applied in TBI patients, because specific scores have not yet been
developed [47].
Before extubation is performed, chest physiotherapy is recommended for MV critically ill patients
based on a multisystemic approach, because it can reduce the incidence of respiratory complications,
promote weaning from MV, facilitate physical function among ICU survivors, and reduce the length of
stay [48]. A study that investigated manual versus mechanical chest percussion techniques in TBI
patients found that the manual technique was associated with a transient increase in ICP and impaired
hemodynamics. However, the increase in ICP was transient and not clinically relevant in moderate-to-
severe TBI without IH [49]. Nevertheless, chest physiotherapy did not demonstrate efficacy in the
prevention of respiratory complications such as VAP, reduced MV-days, and ICU length of stay in brain-
damaged patients [50].

Tracheostomy practice

Patients who have failed weaning and extubation often receive tracheostomy, although up to 79% of
neuro patients do not receive an extubation attempt before tracheostomy [10]. Factors associated with
the need for tracheostomy include CRASH, IMPACT, SAPS II, and APACHE II scores, age, revised trauma
score, GCS, subdural hematoma, abnormal pupil reactivity, and the collapse of basal cisterns [51].

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Likewise, GCS, Marshall score, chest tube, and Injury severity score have been identified as pre-
dictors for tracheostomy in TBI patients at admission. Inpatient risk factors included the requirement of
an external ventricular drainage, number of operations, inpatient dialysis, aspiration, GCS on day 5, and
a need for reintubation [52].
Tracheostomy timing in TBI patients is still under debate. Several definitions for early and late
tracheostomy have been proposed, thus leading to misinterpretation for daily clinical management.
Although general critically ill patients frequently receive tracheostomy 14e16 days after ICU
admission, early tracheostomy (<15 days) demonstrated benefits in terms of ICU length of stay and
MV-free days [53]. Early (within 3 days from admission) versus late (after 3 days) tracheostomy has
been investigated in 98 TBI patients. Early tracheostomy reduced the ICU length of stay, antibiotic
use, cost of hospitalization and pneumonia rates. No improvement in mortality was found [54]. In a
meta-analysis based on eight RCTs concerning early tracheostomy (within 10 days from injury)
versus late (>10 days) for TBI patients, ICU and hospital length of stays, duration of MV, and pneu-
monia rates decreased in the early group [55]. Very early and early tracheostomy (cutoff of 72 h from
ICU admission) were also investigated. Thirty days mortality was 3% and 8%, respectively, for the very
early and early group, without differences in the adverse event rate, incidence of pneumonia, and
unnecessary tracheostomy rate between groups. When tracheostomy is performed within 72 h of
admission, it may decrease the duration of MV and ICU length of stay [56]. Recently, Robba et al.
investigated whether early (within 7 days from admission) versus late (more than 7 days) trache-
ostomy timing is preferred for a better patient management in terms of outcome, in a cohort of 433
tracheostomized TBI patients. Age, GCS 8, thoracic trauma, hypoxemia, and unreactive pupil have
been identified as predictive factors for tracheostomy. Moreover, early tracheostomy timing revealed
better outcome and less length of stay than late [57]. Fast and safe decannulation from tracheostomy
seems to improve the outcome, thus a recent study investigated criteria for decannulation after
tracheostomy in brain-injured patients, including among those with higher sensitivity and speci-
ficity: tracheostomy tube capping, endoscopy assessment of airway patency, swallowing instru-
mental assessment, and the blue dye test [58].

Acute ischemic stroke

Acute ischemic stroke (AIS) is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in the adult population,
which can lead to severe disability [59]. MV is often required in these patients, and the brain area
involved in AIS is one of the major determinants of the etiology of impaired MV. In fact, the level of
consciousness, breathing, and swallow are regulated at the central level [60,97]. As the areas
commonly targeted in ischemic injury are responsible for respiratory regulation, AIS patients are
particularly prone to develop pulmonary complications such as respiratory failure, acute respiratory
distress syndrome (ARDS), pulmonary edema, pulmonary embolism, stroke-associated pneumonia
(SAP), and pleural effusion [37]. SAP has been identified as a major determinant of respiratory
failure in AIS patients, it is usually caused by a decreased level of consciousness that reduces pa-
tients' airway patency, causes swallowing dysfunction, and dysphagia [61]. SAP accounts an inci-
dence of 3.9%e56.6% with higher occurrence particularly in ICU [62]. Several scores have been
developed to predict SAP even if uncommonly applied in clinical practice, rather than biomarkers
such as C-reactive protein, dysphagia, stroke severity, and CDCP criteria [63].

Endotracheal intubation and gas exchange

General recommendation for intubation is commonly guided by neurological status (i.e., GCS 8),
signs of intracranial hypertension, seizures, large infarct size that involves more than 2/3 of middle
cerebral artery territory, bulbar dysfunction with the inability to protect the airway, and confirmed
midline shift [64]. Oxygenation should be maintained within safe ranges, and supplemental oxygen
may be administered if the SpO2 is less than 94%, while hyperbaric hyperoxia is not recommended
[64,97]. Continuous monitoring of oxygenation is strongly recommended. Moreover, during the

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intubation phase, 100% FiO2 may be administered without serious adverse effects and 3 min of pre-
oxygenation or a short period of high flow nasal cannula [65]. In AIS patients treated with intra-arterial
mechanical thrombectomy in the anterior cerebral circulation, admission PaO2 >120 mmHg is asso-
ciated with worse functional outcome at 90 days [66].

Tidal volume and pulmonary pressures

MV setting should take into account the possibility of secondary brain damage due to hypo/hy-
percapnia and/or hypo/hyperoxia (i.e., hypocapnia may determine cerebral vasoconstriction increasing
the risk for secondary brain ischemia) [67]. Therefore, MV should include a protective ventilator
strategy (VT of 6 ml/kg of PBW, plateau pressure less than 30 cm H2O, and enough PEEP to avoid both
overdistension and derecruitment) to reduce the risk for pulmonary complications [68], and a venti-
lator management focused on the strict control of oxygen and PaCO2 levels to prevent the secondary
brain damage [6]. However, there is no consensus regarding the best ventilatory management
(including the protective ventilator strategy) for AIS patients, as no studies are available in this specific
subpopulation of neuro patients [69]. In summary, PEEP levels and RMs are considered safe in AIS
patients [70].

Weaning and extubation

Although MV is lifesaving in certain neurological conditions to maintain airway patency and

prevent swallowing dysfunction, its long-term use is frequently associated with increased morbidity
and mortality [47]. The correct timing for extubating AIS patients is still under investigation, but
based on studies on general neuro population, weaning from MV should be initiated as soon as
possible [8]. Generic scores for the prediction of extubation failure in neuro patients have been
developed in the latest years. The most commonly applied in the general neuro ICU population is the
VISAGE score that takes into consideration gag reflex, cough, deglutition, and neurological status
assessed by the visual subscale of the Coma Recovery Scale Revised [47]. AIS associated dysphagia is a
major determinant of extubation readiness. A study conducted on AIS patients near to weaning and
extubation revealed that dysphagia was the main determinant of extubation failure in half of them,
and the reintubation rate reached 21.4%. After extubation, dysphagia commonly occurs in up to 69%
of general ICU patients and 93% of AIS patients [71]. The goal standard to detect swallowing
dysfunction is video fluoroscopy, although fiberoptic endoscopy has been recently suggested as a
valid alternative [72].

Tracheostomy practice

Tracheostomy is required in up to 45% of neuro patients [10]. Dysphagia and GCS <10; neuro-
imaging like hydrocephalus, brainstem lesion, intracranial hemorrhage (ICH); surgical procedure and
organs function were identified as possible parameters for identifying the patients who can benefit
from tracheostomy by the stroke-related early tracheostomy (SET) score [73]. Current knowledge is
still uncertain about the timing for tracheostomy in AIS patients. However, a recent study identified a
similar length of stay in patients with hemorrhagic stroke, AIS, or subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
early (within three days) or late (between 7 and 14 days) tracheostomized; while mortality was
lower in the early tracheostomized group [74]. Thus, early tracheostomy should be considered in
patients who fail a first extubation attempt as no evidence is available on possible negative clinical

Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Specific precautions for the management of SAH is needed with respect to patients affected by other
stroke subtypes (AIS and ICH), and particularly, referring to the higher risk of SAH patients for
developing vasospasm or delayed cerebral ischemia [75]. Pulmonary complications occur in up to 20%

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of SAH patients, with an oxygenation impairment in up to 80% of them [76,77] thus leading to worse
outcome and higher mortality [75]. The independent risk factors for the development of VAP in ICH
patients include >65 years, smoke, coronary heart disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, ICU hospital stay, and MV days [78].

Endotracheal intubation and gas exchange

Indication for endotracheal intubation for SAH patients includes uncontrollable hypertension in
unsecured and ruptured aneurysm, unconsciousness, GCS8, GCS<2 points, the optimization of
ventilation and oxygenation, seizures control, airway protection in the absence of reflexes [79]. Thus, as
cerebral vasospasm is associated with higher cerebral oxygen extraction, CPP and blood flow need to be
strictly monitored and MV should be adequate to oxygen requirements [80].

Tidal volume and pulmonary pressures

SAH patients receive MV in higher percental (47%) as compared to AIS (5%) and ICH (26%) patients
[81]. Moreover, in-hospital mortality for MV stroke patients varies among subpopulations, reaching up
to 47%, 61%, and 56% in IS, ICH, and SAH, respectively [82]. Status epilepticus, pneumonia, sepsis, and
hydrocephalus has been associated with a higher risk for MV in SAH patients [82]. As for other kinds of
brain damage, protective MV is suggested for SAH patients, keeping protective VT (8 ml/kg of PBW)
and plateau pressure 30 cm H2O [83].
Most recent evidence confirm that PEEP could be safely used for brain-injured patients. PEEP can act
on intrathoracic pressure and impair venous return and CBF without modifying ICP [84]. The concept of
low/zero PEEP was challenged by the application of 0, 5, 8, and 12 cm H2O in MV patients with SAH or
other severe brain injury with different respiratory system compliances. Patients with normal
compliance showed an increase in central venous pressure and jugular pressure, with reduced mean
arterial pressure and CPP. After PEEP titration, ICP and CPP slightly returned to normal values thus
suggesting that respiratory system compliance may be used to detect in advance the potential harmful
effects of PEEP on cerebral homeostasis [85]. However, an increase in PEEP up to 20 cm H2O may cause
a decrease in CBF and mean arterial pressure [43].
Only one study investigated the role of alveolar RMs in SAH patients with ARDS. Two RMs were
tested, one by applying a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) of 35 cm H2O for 40 s and the
second one by using pressure-controlled ventilation with a PEEP level of 15 cm H2O and pressure
control of 35 cm H2O above PEEP for 2 min. ICP was higher and CPP was lower for the CPAP group.
Moreover, arterial oxygen tension improved in the pressure-controlled group [86].

Weaning and extubation

Extubation failure often occurs in SAH patients, particularly in those with poor neurological grading.
SAH patients show an extubation failure rate of 29%, in accordance with the other stroke sub-
populations. The VISAGE score can be applied for SAH patients, to detect the extubation failure in
advance [47]. A decreased level of consciousness can reduce patients' airway patency and cause
dysphagia. Pneumonia is common in SAH patients with higher World Federation of Neurological
Surgeons score, aneurysmal SAH, secondary complications, older, longer ICU stay, and intubation.
Indeed, dysphagia risk was significantly associated with age, ICU length of stay, intubation, tracheos-
tomy, vasospasm, and new stroke [87].

Tracheostomy practice

SAH patients who cannot be extubated, frequently need tracheostomy performance. Tracheostomy
performance has been detected in 17% of SAH patients [81]. The median time for tracheostomy in SAH
patients was 11 days after intubation, which represents the strongest predictor for tracheostomy. Late
tracheostomy has been associated with pulmonary complications, venous thromboembolism, and

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pneumonia [88]. Indeed, early tracheostomy was positively associated with a shorter length of stay
[89]. As there are few studies regarding tracheostomy in SAH patients, we suggest following the same
rules of MV management and tracheostomy in the general population.

Intracerebral hemorrhage

ICH is considered as a medical emergency that requires urgent therapeutic management, because
up to 23% of ICH patients develop hematoma expansion and neurocognitive decline within few hours
[90]. MV ICH patients show an inhospital mortality of 90%, while other studies report a 50% of survival
at three years, with good functional outcome in only 20% of them [91].

Endotracheal intubation and gas exchange

Intubation followed by MV support is often necessary for providing adequate airway protection and
oxygen delivery [92]. Intubation should be considered in the case of GCS 8 or significant respiratory
distress, keeping peripheral oxygenation higher than 92% [93].

Tidal volume and pulmonary pressures

Among respiratory complications, ARDS has been found in 27% of ICH patients, particularly those
ventilated with higher VT, males, patients who received transfusions, higher fluid balance, hypox-
emia, acidosis, obesity, smoke, emergent hematoma evacuation, and vasopressor dependence.
Higher VT was identified as the strongest risk factor associated with ARDS in ICH patients [92]. A
specific recommendation for ICH patients concerning ventilator management are lacking, albeit
current management for stroke patients could be applied also for ICH patients. As suggested by a
multicenter RCT on 749 neuro patients (of whom about 40% had a stroke), the application of a lung
protective MV strategy, using VT less than 8 and PEEP of 6e8 cmH2O, can significantly reduce
ventilator-free days and mortality [7].

Weaning and extubation

Extubation failure in ICH patients is around 15%, while external ventricular drainage is more
associated with extubation failure than craniotomy or patients' comorbidities [94].

Tracheostomy practice

Predictors for tracheostomy have been evaluated in ICH patients in two retrospective studies.
Lower GCS, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ICH volume and location, midline shift, intra-
ventricular blood, and hydrocephalus showed a higher predictivity of the need for tracheostomy
[95]. Among predictive risk factors for tracheostomy, GCS was detected as the most significant
clinical predictor; whereas hydrocephalus (H), septum pellucidum shift (S), and the thalamus
location of the ICH (L) were identified as the most useful radiological predictors. Thus, the TRACH
score was carried out by assessing the following formula: 3 þ (1  RS scale)e(0.5  GCS), and
adding 2 points for L, 1.5 points for H, and 3 points for S [96], to easily identify ICH patients who
may require tracheostomy.

D. Battaglini, D. Siwicka Gieroba, I. Brunetti et al. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology xxx (xxxx) xxx


In summary, ventilatory management, weaning, and tracheostomy for the main subpopulations of
neurocritical care patients is similar to the general population, although specific recommendations and
evidences should be taken into account for each specific subgroup, to minimize the risk of respiratory
complications and cerebral dysfunction.

Practice points

 Oxygenation and carbon dioxide should be strictly monitored

 A standard tidal volume of 6e8 ml/kg of predicted body weight can be adopted in each brain-
injured population
 Zero-PEEP (ZEEP) must be avoided, minimal positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to reach
oxygenation targets (SpO2 >94% e PaO2 >60 mmHg), recruitment maneuvers can be per-
formed under neuromonitoring surveillance
 A weaning trial should be performed before choosing tracheostomy. The VISAGE score is
quite sensitive to predict extubation failure
 Tracheostomy timing is not clear, albeit an early approach might be associated with less risk,
to develop VAP and better outcome
 The role of chest physiotherapy in neuro critically ill patients needs to be clarified

Research agenda

 Evidences concerning an optimal approach for ventilatory management in the most common
critical care populations are needed
 We need established valid and reliable criteria to be used when selecting patients for tra-
cheostomy and weaning
 Pulmonary rehabilitation can augment the benefits and outcomes of mechanically ventilated
critically ill patients, reduce postoperative complications, or improve patient survival
following the surgery, but evidences in patients with acute brain injury are urgently needed.

Authors' contribution

DB searched for literature and wrote the manuscript; DSG, GB, IB, NP, PP, and PRMR revised for
intellectual contents; CR supported DB in writing the manuscript and revised for intellectual contents.
All authors approved the final version.


None declared.

Declaration of competing interest

None declared.

D. Battaglini, D. Siwicka Gieroba, I. Brunetti et al. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology xxx (xxxx) xxx


None declared.


AIS acute ischemic stroke

ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
BtpO2 brain tissue oxygen pressure
CBF cerebral blood flow
CPAP continuous positive airway pressure
CPP cerebral perfusion pressure
FiO2 fraction of inspired oxygen
GCS Glasgow coma scale
ICP intracranial pressure
ICH intracranial hemorrhage
IH intracranial hypertension
ISS injury severity score
ICU Intensive Care Unit
PaCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide
PaO2 partial pressure of oxygen
PBW predicted body weight
PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure
RMs recruitment maneuvers
SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage
SAP stroke-associated pneumonia
SET stroke-related early tracheostomy
SjO2 jugular saturation of oxygen
SpO2 peripheral oxygen saturation
TBI traumatic brain injury
VAP ventilator-associated pneumonia
VT tidal volume
WFNS World Federation of Neurological Surgeons


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