MPP A1.1

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Introduction........................................................................................................................ 3

A. Marketing concept.......................................................................................................6

I. Definition................................................................................................................. 6

II. Analysis of external factors will affect the ability of the Ofelia company................6

III. The impact roles and responsibilities of the Marketing department in the Ofelia

IV. The Marketing department influences and interrelates with other departments in
the Ofelia company.......................................................................................................12

B. Benchmarking analysis..............................................................................................14

References........................................................................................................................ 18
Every business needs to have appropriate marketing strategies because it is an
essential and extremely important factor to help customers know the company, and
increase profits for the business. More specifically, when there are many companies with
the same product in today's market, the competition in the market is increasingly fierce,
and consumers have many choices to choose the product they like. idea. For customers to
choose their company's products and not those of competitors, the company must show
customers the value of the product that the company offers, and the differences that the
rival company does not have. And to do that, Marketing will help the company connect
with customers to achieve the goals both sides want. The importance of marketing not
only affects the promotion of products, and services or creating brand recognition, but
also affects the credibility of users as well as the long-term development foundation for

Nowadays in the market, there are many famous cosmetic brands, from domestic to
foreign, so the market competition is increasingly fierce, as companies always try to
attract customers in many different ways. What contributes to the success of the
company, cannot fail to mention a successful Marketing strategy. That is clearly shown
through the Ofelia brand - a very famous cosmetic brand in the Vietnamese market today.
To get the buzz it is now, the company's Marketing department has constantly tried to
bring good values to consumers.

 About Ofelia company


Ofelia was founded by a very famous

YouTuber and Beauty Blogger –
Changmakeup, whose real name is Ngo Quynh
Trang. Starting with making lipstick reviews
and swatch videos, until now, Changmakeup's
youtube channel has attracted more than 1
million subscribers. At the end of 2016, Changmakeup launched the Ofelia brand with
the first product line "Ofelia Nightfall". After only 3 hours of opening, the product line
was sold out, and Ofelia's websites were blocked and sold out after only 4 days. Although
founded in Vietnamese, the brand originates from the US with the exact name Ofélia Los
Angeles and is produced in Korea - the Asian cosmetic paradise. OFÉLIA, in Greek,
means help, but it also means beautiful. Because of its uniqueness and meaning,
Changmakeup chose this name for its brand without much hesitation.


Ofelia's product lines are currently different lipstick lines, such as matte lipstick, and
lip gloss, most notably the following collections: Touch of Rose, Starlight Velvet
Lipstick, Glacier Velvet Tint, Lolli Collection, …

Core Value

According to Changmakeup (2020), the value that the brand wants to bring to
customers is QUALITY: product quality; CONFIDENCE: confidence, self-respect;
CREATIVITY: continuous innovation, creativity and DIVERSITY: diversity, in terms
of skin colour, gender and lifestyle.
These core values are reflected in Ofelia's products as the brand always tries to
change and develop product lines to suit the customers that the company has set out - the
young girls in Asia, especially in Vietnam. They carefully go through the designs, lipstick
colours, and packaging to enhance the customer experience.


The brand name means to help, which is also the mission that Ofelia wants to
achieve. For Changmakeup, the mission of the Ofelia brand is to help girls find the most
suitable lipstick colour to stay beautiful and confident. Not only that, but Ofelia also
wants to help girls not lose themselves, always pursue their passions and always radiate
positive energy.

I. Definition
According to Bruce J.W. William (2014), Marketing is considered an activity
towards human needs and desires, through exchange processes. In that process, the seller
must understand the needs and desires of the customer to create the right products. The
seller through that process can create the necessary products, set prices, distribute,
advertise, and sell.

In short, Marketing is a process by which sellers create beneficial values and create
lasting relationships with consumers. Minh chứng ở Ofelia

II. Analysis of external factors will affect the ability of the Ofelia company
It can be said that external factors have a great impact on businesses coming up with
appropriate marketing strategies. Based on changes and impacts from the micro and
macro environments, the Marketing department will take appropriate and correct steps.
Therefore, it is very important to understand the factors from the external environment.
For Ofelia, when redirecting operations from the US to Vietnam, Ofelia had to face
numerous difficulties due to the impacts of the macro environment such as politics, law,
and environmental factors, ... However, the impact of the micro-environment on Ofelia is
not small, forcing the company to have appropriate marketing strategies to win the trust
and love of customers. Ofelia must pay attention to the micro-environment impacts that
their customers and competitors have.

1. Customer

According to Peter F Drucker (1954), a customer is a collection of individuals,

groups of people, and businesses that have a need to use a product or service and want to
satisfy that need. The customers that Ofelia wants to target are young girls in Asia in
general and Vietnam in particular. Young girls of Generation Z - girls born from 1997 to
2012 (10-25 years old) - are a generation with great potential but also extremely difficult.
Because each girl has a different personality, and different styles of dress, especially with
different skin tones, and for them to stand out, be beautiful and confident, they need a star
lipstick colour to suit them.


Understanding that, Ofelia has tried their

best to create products and collections where
lipstick colours must be trendy, and suitable
for all skin tones, all personalities, and all

outfits. Not only focusing on lipstick

colour, but Ofelia also always tries to invest in product quality when producing lipstick
lines with different lipsticks, to satisfy each girl’s needs.


Ofelia products are also very focused on packaging. As a girl, and passionate about
the field of cosmetics, Chang understands very well that girls will be delighted to receive
an order that is not just a lipstick wrapped "lonely" in a single carton box. simple, but will
get something more special. Therefore, each paint box is always beautifully taken care of,
each delivery order is always as thoughtful as a gift with a loving message, and a thank
you card is always postscripted with "Love, OFÉLIA", there is candy, and there are
accompanying gifts. This has made Ofelia's customer experience always good, set it apart
from other brands and helped Ofelia win the hearts of girls, and that is what creates the
bond between consumers and Ofelia.

Purchase method

Generation Z young girls today tend to buy very differently, they often shop on e-
commerce platforms instead of traditional stores. Because of the focus on customers who
are Gen Z girls, Ofelia also focuses on selling on the brand's website so that all customers
around the world can buy. From the time of launch until now, OFÉLIA publishes
products in the form 100% online, at the website: In Vietnam, Ofelia not only
allows consumers to buy products on the company's main website, but also on popular e-
commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, and Tiki.
However, the wishes of our customers are limitless, we cannot satisfy everyone. If
Ofelia is too caught up in satisfying the needs of each customer, Ofelia may lose the
essence of the brand, or there will be deviations when calculating future directions.

2. Competitors

According to the Porter model (1979), companies face five forces, including pressure
on potential competitors. Rival companies are an accepted fact for all businesses. The
influence of rival companies, makes the company have a successful strategy to be able to
beat its rival company. A competitor is an individual, a company or an organization that
provides consumers with the same product line, same market segment, and customer
target. More specifically, when the market demand is increasing, when there are many
competitors, easy to replace products, and rival companies have "equal" strength,
companies have to fight fiercely to win market share on their side. In the cosmetic
market, the fierceness is seen when today there are many cosmetic products from old to
new, from high-end to affordable lipstick brands. This shows that Ofelia has to face a lot
of domestic and foreign competitors.

For foreign brands, it is impossible not to mention famous brands such as Estee
Lauder, Innisfree, M.A.C, Dior, and Merzy. These brands have been on the market for a
long time, and are strong competitors for Ofelia. Pre-presence made Ofelia take more
time to gain the trust of customers. However, because Changmakeup is a famous
Youtuber, attracting several customers - who follow and love Chang, also helps Ofelia
have a strong foothold in this extremely fierce market.

For domestic brands,

the competition between
Lemonade and Ofelia is
fiercer than ever. As
Vietnamese consumers
have more and more
choices, creating a difference between other brands is more important than ever. Ofelia
strives for constant innovation from product lines to design. For example, on the
packaging of OFÉLIA lipsticks, there are often words printed in reverse, consumers who
own OFÉLIA products are not only interested in the product inside but will also be
curious to see what the quote on the paper cover is. Along with holding hands and
reading in front of a mirror, Ofelia hopes these small messages will help customers'
spirits to be happier and more confident.

 Conclusion

It can be seen that Ofelia has understood very well what her customers are wanting
and has taken appropriate steps to create an attachment with her customers.
Microenvironment factors, especially customers, have affected the orientations and goals
that Ofelia will do in the future. It can be seen that the factors from customers have a
great influence on the company. When choosing customers as Gen Z - potential
customers, with opportunities that have a long-term commitment to the brand, Ofelia had
to make every effort to satisfy "fastidious" customers, when it came to being meticulous
from product to packaging. packaging, and purchasing methods, so that they have the
best experience. These customers are also an opportunity for Ofelia to take long-term
steps, keeping up with the times and trends.

In addition, it can be seen that competitors can also be seen as Ofelia's opportunities
because to survive during the past 6 years, Ofelia has made constant efforts to innovate
herself, and has created long-term relationships with customers, regaining a share of the
market for themselves.

However, the wishes of our customers are limitless, we cannot satisfy everyone. If
Ofelia is too caught up in satisfying the needs of each customer, Ofelia may lose the
essence of the brand, or there will be deviations when calculating future directions.
III. The impact roles and responsibilities of the Marketing department in the
Ofelia company
The marketing department in the company is one of the important departments in the
company. Because thanks to Marketing, consumers can know the company's products
easily, so the relationship between the business and the customer becomes closer than
ever. And the ultimate goal is to increase revenue and profit for the business so that the
business will grow more and more in the future. Some of the roles and responsibilities of
the Marketing department include:

Brand building and development

Building and developing the company's brand is an important task in corporate

marketing. When marketing for a long time, it is necessary to pay attention to the image
of the business that you want to promote. The brand image must be consistent, the new
message will be deeply conveyed to customers' consciousness, thereby, raising brand
awareness and increasing trust in customers' hearts. The tasks of the Marketing
department in brand building and development are: Establishing and managing a
professional customer service system. Develop after-sales and product warranty plans for
businesses. Regularly sponsor social activities to enhance brand image. Register for a
program related to testing and evaluating product quality. This Marketing department
function will help businesses make a mark in the market.

Research, product development and market expansion

One of the other roles of the Marketing department is research, product development
and market expansion. Marketing research is considered very important in promoting
products. Determining the scope and market segmentation is very important because
through it the business will determine the direction of product consumption, see
opportunities in the market and conduct new product development activities to be
effective. most effective and cost-effective. The Marketing department must build a
system to collect and synthesize information about prices, products, and competitors.
Analyze and evaluate information collected, thereby making decisions to improve
existing products or develop completely new products. Proposing ideas for new products,
product design orientation, branding, and product packaging. In addition, the department
must also develop a market expansion strategy in line with the development goals of the
business. Thereby, businesses will have the right strategies and decisions to deliver
excellent products to the market. In addition, the Marketing department also has to
research and learn about rival companies to find ways to capture market share for

 Conclusion

For Ofelia, the Marketing department has been doing excellent work and trying its
best during the past 6 years, helping the brand to exist and grow during the past 6 years.
Ofelia's Marketing department also did very good research when always learning and
analyzing external and internal factors to have the right orientation for its products. Even
keeping up with trends in lipstick colours to launch beautiful collections. Or promote the
brand across social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok – an application
that is preferred by young people but few brands participate. Or selling on the trading
floor to make it easier for customers to buy. Through all that shows, Ofelia's Marketing
department has done a great job with its responsibility to develop the company.

IV. The Marketing department influences and interrelates with other

departments in the Ofelia company.
In business, the connection between departments in the company is extremely
important. To operate effectively, departments must always communicate and connect.
Especially for the Marketing department, the connection between the Accounting
department and the Human resources management department must be extremely

Accounting department

Finance – or considered the lifeblood of the company is managed directly by the

accounting department. The costs, revenue, profit, and cost of each product will be
inventoried and calculated by the accounting department. Whether a marketing strategy is
considered successful or not will be partly reflected in the profit and loss indicators of
that product. In addition, thanks to the accounting department makes financial reports on
products, prices and investment costs for the strategy, and the Marketing department
knows how to spend and has a reasonable strategy. The link between themarketing and
accounting departments is most clearly shown through the BCG matrix. Based on the
BCG matrix, the accounting department will have financial statements to let the company
know which products should invest in and continue to promote (Star or Cash Cow),
which products will have to stop investing and Limit Marketing strategies (Dogs) and
which will be experimental products and may bring breakthroughs or failures (Question

For Ofelia, thanks to the accounting department, the company has appropriate
marketing strategies for each product. Ofelia's accounting department has done a great
job of calculating the costs and product prices so that no matter what promotion, Ofelia
will not lose revenue.

Human resources management department

HRM is an equally important part of the company in general and for the Marketing
department in particular. To become a part of the Marketing department, all employees
must have their requirements for the department. To find the right person for that
department's requirements, the HRM department must find the right people for the
Marketing job. The HRM department must have consultation rounds with the Marketing
department to find the right person to meet the company's requirements to help the
business become better.

Choosing a product
promotion channel is a
social network like
Facebook, Instagram,
and Tiktok because the customers are Gen Z young people, that's why Ofelia requires
employees to have knowledge of this field and understand their psychological, especially
about Social Media Content. To select a candidate to become an official employee
contributing to brand building, the HRM department will have to make efforts and search
for suitable candidates for the marketing department in need. For example, if candidates
want to enter Ofelia, they must know about design/art; know how to edit videos, fluent in
photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, After Effect, and Capcut;
Proficient in using cameras and shooting equipment is an advantage. Through the criteria
that the Marketing department is asking for, the HRM department will create rounds of
interviews and tests to select the candidate that the Marketing department is looking for.

 Conclusion

In short, it can be seen that it is very important that departments link together to
work. The existence and smooth operation of the business depend on whether the
employees of the departments are connected or not. Especially for the Marketing
Department, is not only associated with the Accounting department and the HRM
department but also many other departments in the company for a successful Marketing


Coming soon to expand into new markets, Ofelia will launch a new line of cosmetic
products made with 100% natural ingredients, which are skin care products. To do that,
Ofelia must analyze and learn from products made from 100% natural ingredients of
companies in other fields. To understand better, we can compare the products of two big
companies that are doing business in Vietnam, working in the field of whole bean coffee,
which is Trung Nguyen Legend and Starbucks through the 4Ps of Marketing Mix.

Trung Nguyen Legend Starbucks

Product - The main colour on the product - - The product retains the same packaging as
packaging is green - the colour of nature. other products, changing the colour of the text
- Products focus on "100% - organic", to green.
organic fresh milk - The product name is printed in a different
- Committed to introducing international- style, prominently with the word
European standards, with images of "Organic".
European quality standard stamps. - Products are committed to surpassing strict
- Simple product name, easy to standards of process and technology, with
understand. serious and methodical investment, bringing
- The product has 2 capacities, 1L and outstanding quality, and achieving European
180ml organic certification.
- There is also powdered milk - Super - Capacity is 500ml
Premium Organic Gold - 850g. - There are many flavours and the product
line developed further is TH True Milk TOP
KID Organic - 180ml
- Organic milk products are usually - Organic milk products are usually
distributed at agents, retailers and distributed at agents, retailers and wholesalers
wholesalers across the country, or at across the country, or at genuine TH true milk
genuine Vinamilk stores. stores.


- The price for 1 box of Vinamilk - The price of TH True Milk is usually from
Organic milk powder for 180ml capacity 32,000 VND/box of 500ml. This price is
Price is 44,000 VND/4 box. This price is considered reasonable with the spending level
considered reasonable with the spending of Vietnamese people.
level of Vietnamese people.
- Vinamilk's products are often - TH true milk's products are often advertised
advertised on media such as TVC, on media such as TVC, posters, at
Promotion posters, and at exhibitions/fairs. exhibitions/fairs.
- There are often discount codes and
incentives for shoppers at the store.


I It can be seen that Vinamilk and TH True Milk are two quite prominent companies
in the Organic milk market. Products of both brands focus on "Organic" and ensure
product quality meets international standards. This helps customers trust and feel secure
when using the brand's products. The product packaging of both brands is green - the
colour of nature. This enhances the true value of the product and its meaning. For the
price, Vinamilk and TH True Milk have the same price, but Vinamilk is a bit cheaper.
Regarding distribution, both of them choose to distribute at agents, retailers, wholesalers
across the country, or at genuine stores. However, TH true milk focuses mainly on selling
at its store. Regarding promotion, the products of both brands are often advertised in
media such as TVC, posters, and at exhibitions/fairs. However, TH true milk often has
discount codes and incentives for customers to buy goods at the store.


Through a 4Ps analysis of two companies whose products are made from 100%
natural ingredients, there are several takeaways for Ofelia's new product.

First of all, the product must be unique, with 100% natural ingredients that the
company has been aiming for from the beginning, Ofelia's design should be in green
tones or focus on words like "Organic". Products need to be colourful, suitable for all
skin tones, and every outfit of each girl. The next thing is that the products can also focus
on the design of the product, they need to be eye-catching, beautiful, unique and
luxurious design. With the name of each product needing to have many different names
with many meanings, this has been successfully applied in each of Ofelia's previous
products. Ofelia's design should have

Secondly, the price must be reasonable and affordable, because the customer target is
Gen Z girls, their income is average to different, so the new products must also be at a
level they can afford. yes, like the price range of 250,000 VND – 350,000 VND.

Third, products continue to be sold on the brand's direct website and e-commerce
platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, and Tiki. In
addition, it is possible to cooperate with certain
stores or brands to sell directly at the store to
expand the sales market.

Finally, Ofelia can have money on the

product such as continuing to promote it on
social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok. In addition, you can
take advantage of monthly promotions of e-commerce platforms of Shopee, Lazada, and
Tiki such as 12/12, 1/1, and Black Friday to have promotions and attract customers row.
In addition, traditional gift giving in Ofelia packages should still be promoted to please
and increase the good customer experience.

Michael E. Porter, "How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy", Harvard Business Review,
May 1979 (Vol. 57, No. 2), pp. 137–145.

Hieu Le (2020), Trò chuyện cùng Changmakeup – Founder & CEO of OFÉLIA Vietnam/
Beauty Vlogger. Retrieved 22 October 2022, from:

OFÉLIA (2022), THÔNG TIN DOANH NGHIỆP. Retrieved 22 October 2022, from:

OFÉLIA Việt Nam (2022). ABOUT OFÉLIA COSMETICS. Retrieved 22 October 2022,

Philip Kolter (2018) Principles of Marketing Retrieved 23 October 2021, from:

Starbucks Coffee Company (2022). Our Coffee. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from:
Trung Nguyen Coffee (2022). Product portfolio. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from:

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