(Wei Ding, Xia Lin) Information Architecture The
(Wei Ding, Xia Lin) Information Architecture The
(Wei Ding, Xia Lin) Information Architecture The
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DOI 10.2200/S00214ED1V01Y200910ICR008
Lecture #8
Series Editor: Gary Marchionini, University North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Series ISSN
Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services
Print 1947-945X Electronic 1947-9468
Synthesis Lectures on
Information Concepts,
Retrieval, and Services
Gary Marchionini, University North Carolina, Chapel Hill
XML Retrieval
Mounia Lalmas
Faceted Search
Daniel Tunkelang
Wei Ding
Marriott International
Xia Lin
Drexel University
&C Morgan & cLaypool publishers
Information Architecture is about organizing and simplifying information, designing and integrat-
ing information spaces/systems, and creating ways for people to find and interact with information
content. Its goal is to help people understand and manage information and make right decisions
accordingly. In the ever-changing social, organizational and technological contexts, Information
Architects not only design individual information spaces (e.g., individual websites, software ap-
plications, and mobile devices), but also tackle strategic aggregation and integration of multiple
information spaces across websites, channels, modalities, and platforms. Not only they create prede-
termined navigation pathways, but also provide tools and rules for people to organize information
on their own and get connected with others.
Information Architects work with multi-disciplinary teams to determine the user experience
strategy based on user needs and business goals, and make sure the strategy gets carried out by
following the user-centered design (UCD) process via close collaboration with others.
Drawing on the author(s) extensive experience as HCI researchers, User Experience Design
practitioner, and Information Architecture instructors, this book provides a balanced view of the IA
discipline by applying the IA theories, design principles and guidelines to the IA and UX practices.
It also covers advanced topics such as Enterprise IA, Global IA, and Mobile IA.
In addition to new and experienced IA practitioners, this book is written for undergraduate
and graduate level students in Information Architecture, Information Sciences, Human Computer
Interaction, Information Systems and related disciplines.
information architecture, user experience design, content management, user-centered
design methodology, interaction design, usability, global IA, mobile IA, navigation
design, design for persuasion and engagement, search interface design, enterprise IA
Wei’s Dedication:
to her grandmother Peiying Sun,
who always lives in her heart.
Xia’s Dedication:
to his parents, Lin Yue-sheng and Wang Zhu-rong.
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xvii
3.1 Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.1.1 The Need for Research 24
3.1.2 Research Methods 24
3.1.3 User Personas and Personarios 25
3.2 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.2.1 Design Methodology 31
3.2.2 Design Process 32
3.2.3 Design Deliverables 34
3.2.4 From Design to Implementation 34
3.3 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.3.1 Design Walkthrough 35
3.3.2 Heuristics Evaluation 35
3.3.3 Website Logs and Web Usage Mining 36
6 Interaction Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
This book is a result of our teaching of a graduate level course on Information Architecture at
Drexel University for a number of years. The content has been constantly updated to incorporate
the latest developments in the field. The objective of the course is to introduce fundamental IA
concepts, theories, processes and techniques, in the context of user-centered design, to graduate
students majored in Library and Information Science as well as in Information Systems. We cannot
stress more that the essential point of learning for this course is by practicing via group projects and
individual assignments. As the book was originally written as lecture notes, we believe it is most
suitable to be used as textbook for similar courses in other schools. The key features of the book
include concise discussions structured around each topic and the balanced coverage of theoretical
and practical issues. As Drexel’s courses are quarter courses typically include 10 lecture weeks. We
have conveniently structured the book in 10 chapters, one for each week. The content for each week
can be easily expanded when used for a semester course, however.
User experience practitioners should also find this book useful and inspiring. We hope this
book can help bridge the gap between the community of practice and of the academia.
Chapter 10 identifies IA trends and future directions, urges IA researchers and practitioners
to work together to continue to promote and grow the discipline. The chapter ends with a revisit of
the IA definition used throughout the book.
Information Architecture
In this chapter, we are going to cover the following topics:
• The Definition of Information Architecture.
• The combination of organization, labeling, search, and navigation schemes within websites or
• The art and science of shaping information products and experience to support usability and
The first definition is very broad and emphasizes “structural design.” The 2nd definition
specifies the scope of Information Architecture. However, the context here is “within websites or
intranets.” The third highlights the relationship between Information Architecture, usability and
findability. The spirit of IA as a discipline is well represented in Definition 4 – bringing principles of
design and architecture to the digital landscape. It also explains why Information Architecture became
a discipline in the web environment although the IA related work had been existing long before the
World Wide Web era. And it continues to evolve.
With above being said, we think information architecture has been having and will continue
to have a great role to play in the user experience design practices. As information access, sharing,
creation, organization, management and consumption become people’s lifestyle, the collaboration
among all disciplines will become even more critical and necessary.
How big is the Web today? Take a look at http://www.worldwidewebsize.com/. The site
provides an up-to-date weekly calculation of the size of the Web based on the estimation of the web
pages indexed by Google, Microsoft Windows Live Search, and Yahoo Search and Ask.
• Web 2.0 is about “Web as platform” where software applications can communicate via ap-
plication programming interfaces (APIs) and RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technologies
2.3. WEB 2.0 9
• Web 2.0 is “about giving complex powerful applications with guidelines (not rules) to armatures
and make them act like professionals,” by Jeff Veen, a former Adaptive Path co-founder and
current Google user experience designer.
• Web 2.0 is “about making the global information available to local social contexts and giving
people the flexibility to find, organize, share, and create information in a locally meaningful
fashion that is globally accessible,” by Danah Boyd, a Yahoo researcher.
Table 2.3 shows some specific examples to help you distinguish Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and even
Post-Web 2.0.
There are many visual summaries of the Web 2.0 and post-Web 2.0’s linked data. It is inter-
esting to compare the original Web 2.0 meme Map that summarizes examples and attributes of Web
2.0 to the “official” linked data project map that shows how more and more linked data projects are
linked together (Figure 2.1).
Strategic PosiƟoning:
• The Web as Plaƞorm
Figure 2.1: Visual representation of Web 2.0. Fig. 2.1(a) based on Tim O’Reilly’s Mem Map of Web
Figure 2.1: Visual representation of Web 2.0. Fig. 2.1(b) The map of linked data projects.
2.3. WEB 2.0 13
Wikis, Blogs, and Social Network Applications
Compared with other Web 2.0 applications, wikis and blogs (although they existed during the Web
1.0 era) are more driven by the user. The site provides a platform for individuals to easily express
themselves, share ideas with other people, get feedback and contribute to the public knowledge base in
a very dynamic manner. While wikis adopt a democratic model for people to freely collaborate, blogs
allow bloggers and visitors to actively participate via “conversations.” This is significantly different
from the Web 1.0 model in which content is provided by a lower percentage of “authorities” or site
owners whereas the majority of the people are passive consumers. Company blogs are a creative way
for the business to engage and communicate with their customers in a more casual environment.
The simplicity of the user interface also lowers the barrier between the bloggers and their
readers (usually just an input field or two and an edit/save button).
Social networks are powerful tools to connect people with all different types of interests in
different settings, including social and business environments. Just like the social tagging sites, the
content of the sites is contributed to by the user while they are participating. The richer the data
the site owns, the more attractive it becomes to new users. While the user benefits from being
part of the network, the site owner accumulates a large amount of user data which could become
extremely valuable business intelligence information for profitability. That is also one of the reasons
why pioneering entrepreneurs are motivated to build and host social websites. However, from a user’s
perspective, it could become a serious privacy threat. MySpace, was the #1 popular website based
on web traffic, was rated as the worst website by PC World a few years ago. How to strike a good
balance between engaging users and safeguarding their privacy is a big challenge for the business of
social websites. (Facebook is now the # 1 social network site and #2 highest traffic site.)
Note there are different types of social network sites, some of which support comprehensive
network building, whereas some only focus on a specific way of sharing. Some sites are adding the
social networking aspect in the context of the user performing certain tasks, such as Netflix, which
is a good example of differentiating designing for usefulness or cool features.
Example sites are listed below:
• Del.icio.us.
• Flickr.
• CiteULike.
• Furl.
Unsurprisingly, there have been different schools of thought on folksonomies. While many
people think folksonomies will replace taxonomies to offer new ways for people to find, discover, and
share information, others are concerned about its messiness, tagging motivation issue, scalability
and global applicability. We will have more discussions in later chapters to compare tagging and
2.3. WEB 2.0 15
User-Controlled Information and Websites Aggregation
Thanks also to the remixibility of Web 2.0 technologies, many portal sites now allow users to control
what information goes to their own pages. On general portal sites, the user can subscribe to news
feeds and blogs, add tools and services, and even link application/sites to different pages and arrange
them in a meaningful way for personal use. On certain specialized sites, such as bank or other
financial investment sites, the user can aggregate and track their credit cards and billing information,
or track all their investment assets from different sources. The well-known personal aggregation sites
include but are not limited to the following:
• Netvibes.
• Pageflakes.
• iGoogle.
• Yahoo.
The following shows examples of types of information or sites that are available from the
public portals for aggregation.
Tools: Search tools, instant messaging tools, calculators, sticky notes, to-do lists, dictionaries,
etc. For example, netvibes allows the user to put Google, Yahoo, and MSN search bars on the user’s
homepage (or another personal page) so that the user can use any search engine without going to
the specific site.
Dynamic information tracking: News, events, traffic (both commute and web), weather, prod-
uct prices (airplane tickets, stock price, eBay items), latest information from other sites/applications
(such as email systems, flickr, digg, technorati). The user can set up certain parameters as filters
to make the information more relevant and manageable. For example, when adding “Digg” to the
portal page on netvibes, the user can choose a specific topic of news being recommended in Digg
and set up how many news should be displayed.
Similarly, on the intranet behind the firewall, many institutions allow their users to cus-
tomize their pages by selecting and arranging content components. A good example is DrexelOne,
a web portal used at Drexel University to allow all the students and university employees to access
university-related information, from course registration, course materials, to financial aids and pay-
rolls, and many others. Individual users can customize and select the content components shown on
their screens. They can subscribe various community news, add/remove content channels, and add
new tabs or other layout fragments to change the views, etc. The portal is an aggregation of many
different systems and web applications. Depending on types of users (i.e., students, faculty, staff ),
users will have access to different data and applications. Again, the applications/sites aggregation
efforts started in the Web 1.0 era, but the Web 2.0 technologies have high potentials to make them
less costly and happen more easily.
As the Web continues to expand exponentially, these aggregation features show great promise
in helping users track, filter and discover, and manage information and tasks.
Mashup technologies allow the developers to create new applications to better support user tasks by
simply assembling existing programming codes and data in an innovative and effective way. Examples
of well-known mashup applications include:
• Housing Maps uses Google Maps to show housing information listed on craigslist.
• SimplyHired.com integrates Google Maps, DMB for company information, LinkedIn for
career and social networking data, and payscale.com for salary estimation.
• LibraryThing is a social book cataloging site, which allows the user to catalog their own books
using cataloging data from Amazon, Library of Congress or other libraries. Users can also tag
and organize them, share book reviews, or find a copy from a particular library.
In addition, there are also websites that empower end users to directly mash applications
up on the fly without having to write any computer programming. Examples include: Popfly (by
Microsoft) and Yahoo Pipes.
• Automatic completion for data entry (based on the beginning part of the words or phrases the
user types).
• Automatic save.
• User generated content via wikis and blogs has become a very important portion of the overall
web content and of the public knowledge base.
• Aggregated user activities become valuable data, which can be used as business intelligence
information to help companies better align their services and products with user needs, build
brands and drive loyalty.
• User-centered innovative design has been very critical to the success to any Web-based business
since Web 1.0 or even earlier, such as eBay, Yahoo and Amazon. Services and products out
of user-centered design are also helping Google retain its unmatchable competitive position
among peers.
• The concept of user-controlled Web experience continues to evolve. With website aggregators,
the users now have much more flexibility to customize relevant content from different sources.
RSS allows the user to determine when to get what information.
• Providing means for the user to organize information (tabs/pages, columns, may enabling
column sizing in the future?)
• Organizing all the available content in a meaningful way so that the user can easily discover
and identify content of interest.
• Helping the user deal with the content: Reminding them of the components that are already
added on their personal page(s), understanding what each new component is about, and making
the decision about removing or adding content.
• Providing means to introduce the Ajax new feature (such as drag and drop) which first time
users don’t necessarily expect to have. (Keep in mind that in most cases people don’t read
textual helps on the screen.)
In short, giving users control does not mean the designer jobs get eliminated. Instead, infor-
mation architects assume more responsibilities to empower the users to take control.
In this chapter, we discussed how the Web grew and evolved from the earlier generation of simple
html pages to Web 2.0 and to post-Web 2.0 era. We then took a close look at Web 2.0, its concepts, its
components and applications, and its impact on information architecture and Web design. Although
an in-depth discussion is beyond what we can cover within one chapter, we hope that the discussion
in this chapter will motivate you to explore the connections between the current context and IA and
to experience how the concepts and techniques of Web 2.0 would transform your IA and web design
experience. We will revisit some of related issues later when we get into the specific IA context.
Research Design
• Identify problems and • Conceptualize project goals
objectives • Develop blueprints and wireframes
• Employ the right methods for user interfaces
to conduct research • Create navigation and organization
• Analyze research results structures
• Develop design strategies • Develop implementation
• Walk though design plans to verify
that goals and objectives are met
• Conduct heuristic evaluation for usability
and functionality
• Perform log analysis or web usage
Any design process requires significant research activities. For information architecture, research is
needed for the following:
• Prepare a collection of relevant objective data, facts, best practices and design principles that
help the team stay focused, serve the same goal, and understand the design rationale.
• Save money and avoid unnecessary mistakes. Spending time on research will help shorten the
durations of the downstream phases and therefore shorten the overall timeline of the project.
Focusing on different aspects, IA research can be further divided into sevel sub-areas:
Background research (understand the problems and challenges as well as the goals and objec-
tives; develop short-term and long-term goals; learn existing technical infrastructure; develop
schedules and budgets, etc.).
Communication channels research (interview and develop working relationships with stakehold-
ers, management team, technical team, intended users, etc.).
Content research (learn who creates, maintains or updates content, who owns what content, how
content is used currently, etc.).
User needs, tasks and their environment (understand culture, work flow, and sophisticate levels of
Outcomes of the IA research are clearly stated objectives of the IA project/program, and one
or several research summary reports on users, in addition to, the content and the context of the
program/project, which serve as the data to support the strategy rationale and justification.
Background Stakeholder Technology
Context research
interviews assessment
Heuristic Content
Content evaluation
and content
Search log
User interviews
and Use cases and Contextual
Users clickstream personas inquiry
and user
general, to choose the right research method or methods combination, one needs to consider a set
of criteria from the sample size, nature of data, purpose of research to time and resource constraints.
We do not include “Personas” and “Personarios” in the table because they are more of a design
tool that is created based on certain research methods or their combination. They are discussed in
the next section.
• Using personas to create a rigorous form of user model, based on behavioral patterns that
emerge from ethnographic research. Personas can be used to represent the key behaviors,
attitudes, skill levels, goals, workfolks and the environment of real people. Personas also lay
the foundation on which to build user scenarios. The two are then used to guide the system’s
functionality and design.
• Using personas as a medium for communication. As described by Pruitt and Grudin [81], while
comprehensive user research reports provide valuable insights into design, many team members
may not actually read them through or end up remembering very little about them. When the
results are represented by personas, they can engage team members more effectively. Personas
utilize the power of narrative and storytelling to enhance attention, memory, and organization
of detailed user data. They also invoke the human mind’s powerful ability to extrapolate from
partial knowledge of people to create coherent wholes and project them into new settings and
situations. Once the team gets familiar with the personas, they will be able to easily make
inferential conclusion in new situations.
• Considering personarios as one of the many drivers for design. This kind of practice is slightly
different from Cooper’s in that it acknowledges that many other pieces of research data may
not best fit into the persona structure (e.g., the business and technological context, and the
metadata issues, etc.).
Using personas is best when it is impossible to list exhaustively all the user types and charac-
teristics. When there is a possibility to get complete statistics about users, the comprehensive user
profiling approach might be more appropriate to use.
• Help team members share a specific, consistent understanding of various audience groups.
Data about the groups can be put in a proper context and can be understood and remembered
in coherent stories.
• Help to create criteria to check how well various team members’ solutions meet the needs of
target users. Features or functions can often be prioritized based on how well they address the
needs of one or more personas.
• Provide a human “face” so as to focus empathy on the persons represented by the demographics.
• Create a good container to hold majority of the research data through the comprehensive
persona document.
Design is the process of making use of the research data to create concrete action plans. In the context
of information architecture, design is parallel to research in many ways. Table 3.2 shows a parallel
comparison of actions between IA design and research.
Design is also iterative and often includes sub-phases like conceptual design (with low fidelity
prototype or wireframes), logical design (high fidelity) and documentation. Usability tests can be
conducted at the end of each sub-phase, and the findings are used to further enhance the design.
3.2. DESIGN 31
The most prevailing design methodology for information architecture is User-Centered Design
(UCD). Although some others might call it “customer-center design” [109] or “contextual design” [7],
the ideas are the same—the user must be the center of focus during the whole design process. The
user here can be customers or workers, current users or potential users, public users or internal
users. Website designers must carefully consider all of these users to improve usability and maximize
An international standard, ISO 13407: Human-Centered Design Process for interactive sys-
tems [42], has been established to provide guidance for UCD activities throughout the life cycle of a
system or product development. The standard specifies four general user-centered design activities:
• Understand and specify the context of use.
• Specify user and organizational requirements.
• Create design solutions through iterations.
• Evaluate design solutions against requirements.
The ISO 13407 can be applied to all kinds of interactive systems, including software ap-
plications, websites, services, and other interactive products. In the next section, we will translate
these general activities into specific design process for websites. Before we do that, we need some
discussions to clarify potential misconceptions about UCD.
UCD puts the user in the center. However, it does not mean that UCD minimizes the influence
of other players such as executives, companies (business goals), technologies, and designers. It is
important to clarify the following potential misunderstandings.
UCD does not mean focusing only on user needs and ignoring business goals and market opportunities.
Instead, UCD helps designers align business goals with user needs. In either a commercial or
non-commercial setting, a user’s activities help achieve business goals. How do you resolve a conflict
between the user needs and business goals? Reconcile the two through prioritization. For example,
suppose that one of the business goals is to reduce the cost of customer services whereas the user need
is to have help available at anytime. What are the implications for the design? The direct implication
is to provide easy-to-use, easy-to-understand, online contextual help in addition to the centralized
comprehensive FAQ section or Help Center so that the user needs for manual help are minimized.
This is the ideal situation. Nevertheless, some scenarios may still arise in which the user needs to
directly contact a live person from the site. Then the prioritization comes into play. Option 1 is
based on the conclusion that the business goal has higher priority than the user needs. Therefore,
the designer may decide not to make any customer service phone number (or instant messaging,
click to chat or video conferencing features) visible, or even not available at all to the user. Option 2
is based on the opposite conclusion and always having their contact information (e.g., click to call
or chat) highly visible and easily accessible in the right context. Which one is the right choice?
It really depends on the situation. Depending on the business model, company culture and other
factors, some companies (e.g., financial companies) are more likely to think direct contact increases
opportunities to earn more business from the user while others deem cutting manual support as the
#1 business priority.
UCD does not mean that the design is against new technologies or changes.
Technology-centered design is like preparing a meal by equipping the kitchen with utensils
and then ignoring quality of ingredients. Without a thorough understanding of the user needs and
the use of the information, it is hard for the design to provide value to the user and the business.
At the same time, it is critical for design professionals to be sensitive to the new capabilities of
available technologies and leverage them to improve the user experience and design. Sometimes,
certain technology may change the way people interact with the website or any system, and managing
changes is always a challenge for Web design. For example, RIA technologies promised to improve the
user experience by making the interaction more immediate, direct and less cumbersome. Although
it may take time for the user to get used to the change, designers should consider creating suitable
paths for the user to overcome initial barrier to take advantage of the technology (when appropriately
implemented). The key is to find the best match between problems at hand and the right technology.
UCD does not mean that users themselves can best design the sites for their own use.
UCD is really about the design driven by user needs. Users are usually very good at telling
what problems they have; they do not necessarily always have good solutions. Here is a Henry Ford’s
famous quotation: “If I would have asked my customers what they wanted, they would have asked for
a faster horse.” It is true that many popular websites originated from personal uses, such as YouTube
and Facebook, but in general, it is the designer’s and the information architects’ responsibility to
clearly understand the user problems and user needs, and transform them into robust design solutions.
One might remember the classic episode of The Simpsons, where Homer meets his long lost brother,
gets to design his dream car, and eventually ruins his brother’s business.That story tells us what might
end up with when users try to design for themselves.
Front-end UI Design
Low fidelity: High fidelity:
Blue prints Live prototypes
Conceptual Design Logical Design
Usability Testing
Focused on: Focused on:
Site structure Site structure
Navigation Navigation
Detailed pages
Detailed workflows
information architects). Although the UI design constantly evolves and reiterates, it is still meaningful
to differentiate the high level conceptual design from the more detailed (could be pixel-perfect)
logical design. The conceptual design is more focused on the site structure and navigation—whether
the user can easily tell where they are or what they can do, whether the labels make sense, and where
else they can go from here. Visual details and specific interactions are often handled during logical
design. Usability tests are recommended at the end of each sub-phase to help further validate the
design with a sample of targeted users. The feedback is then incorporated into the next sub-phase.
(Usability testing has been widely adopted for website/user interface evaluation. More appropriate
usability tests may be conducted before and during the design phase. The key is to test early so that
problems can be identified and fixed early, more easily and less expensively.
In many companies and organizations, the user-centered design process (UCD) has been
embedded into the overall system/application development process.While the information architects
conduct conceptual designs (sketching design concepts), the business client and business system
analysts gather requirements. The design concepts (along with the design vision out of the design
strategy) are often used to guide the requirement gathering activities and the requirements in turn
help refine the design. Only after all the business requirements are officially gathered, reviewed and
finalized, can realistic commitment be made by the IT team to the business client.
Having official business requirements will greatly benefit the design work. The following
defines what the requirements will do:
• Ensure that the system’s expected behavior is captured, documented, and understood by both
the business client and the IT project team.
• Establish and maintain agreement with business stakeholders on what the systems should do.
• For logical design: Detailed wireframe and prototype. Used for various design reviews and user
While Website analysis and evaluation is a huge topic and deserve another entire book to discuss,
here we only focus on its use for continuous design improvement or major redesigns. As critical as
understanding the mission and objective of the site before building it, the post-site evaluation and
usage monitoring can further explain how well the design meets the business goals and user needs.
More importantly, it provides data to drive the redesign effort.
Web usage mining has attracted much attention from different fields. It became “a method-
ology for the extraction of knowledge from data.” Due to its huge potential of commercial benefits
to the business (site owners), They can be used for the business to align its marketing strategy with
the specific user needs, personalize services and product offerings, and make recommendations (e.g.,
cross-sales and up-sales) based on usage behavior.
In addition, the search log can also be used to get insights into design problems of the site. If
your web log shows search is the most important feature of your site, that does not necessarily mean
your users are search dominant (unless it is a search engine site). Instead, a very likely reason could be
Page-level Metrics
Visits/visitors to Trending and basis of addiƟonal
Number of visits and visitors each page received
page calculaƟon
Page views Number of page views each page received Trending and basis of addiƟonal
Visits to page Number of visits to the page that were the first page IdenƟfy where users entered
as entry page view of the site the site
Visits to page Number of visits to the page that were the last page IdenƟfy were and how users
as exit page view of the site exit the site
Average Ɵme Length of Ɵme on average that was spent viewing Trending and basis of addiƟonal
spent on page this page comparison
Single access Number of visits to the site that included ONLY the IndenƟfy whether page is
page page useful, or is turning users away
that the users got so confused by your site’s structure and navigation, and they used search as the last
resort to find information. With design improvement, the users’ reliance on search and help may go
down dramatically. Jared Spool [109], a Web usability pioneer, has been suggesting analyzing search
log data to improve your design and information architecture before spending money enhancing
your search engine.
Finally, it is important to be aware that, like any research method, web usage analysis has
its own strengths and constraints. With the log data alone, you may get a good idea about what
happened on the site but not necessarily why. You need to leverage multiple methods to achieve your
(a) Blueprint
Figure 3.4: Examples of IA deliverables (Courtesy of Stephen Croce (a) and Ryan Phillips (b)).
• Logical Organization
e.g., alphabetic, numerical and hierarchical organization schemas as well as placement and
• Semantic Organization
e.g., metadata, controlled vocabularies, content indexing, tagging, etc.
• Structural Navigation
e.g., global, local, and contextual navigation, process/wizard navigation, browsing aids and site
• Search
e.g., search algorithms, search result displays, search interfaces, and other search aids.
• Numerical (e.g., items sorted by price, distance, size, or other quantitative attributes).
• Chronological (e.g., time-sensitive information such as news, blogs or articles sorted by re-
• Geographical (e.g., information that can be easily attached to its geographical locations).
• By tasks (e.g., the eBay site is organized by buy, sell, and community, etc.).
• By audience types (e.g., the university website is organized by audience types: For everybody,
current students, prospective students, and alumni).
• By metaphor (e.g., rainbows of colors, solar systems and other things that have apparent natural
• By popularity or usage frequency. Instead of being based on pre-determined order, the sequence
of items change dynamically based on usage or participation (e.g., tag clouds).
• By relevance. Depending on the way the relevance is calculated, it can be based on a combi-
nation of several of the above methods.
All these methods have an “order” that can be defined systematically. For website organization,
information architects will need to decide which of these organization methods to implement and
how to let users understand the method used to organize the content and the displays.
Table 4.1: The 15 DC Elements (Source: Dublin Core Metadata element set, version
1.1: http://www.dublincore.org/documents/dces/)
DC Elements Definitions
Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource.
Coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applica-
bility of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource
is relevant.
Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource.
Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle
of the resource.
Description An account of the resource.
Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource.
Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
Language A language of the resource.
Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available.
Relation A related resource.
Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource.
Source A related resource from which the described resource is derived.
Subject The topic of the resource.
Title A name given to the resource.
Type The nature or genre of the resource.
Controlled vocabularies are a collection of terms selected and organized by domain experts
to represent a specific domain knowledge. Generally, some standards will be established for the
coverage and term selections. Every concept within the coverage domain will be assigned a unique
term (called descriptor, subject term or preferred term). Other terms with similar meanings will
be called equivalent terms, lead-in terms, or synonyms, etc. The relationships of descriptors are
established through hierarchical relationships such as Broader Term (BT) and Narrower Term (BT),
and associative relationships such as Related Term (RT).
Controlled vocabularies establish a precise mapping between a term and a concept and re-
duced ambiguity caused by homographs, synonyms, polysemes and other problems existed in natural
languages. Once controlled vocabularies are created, terms in the vocabularies can be used as subject
terms in metadata to index web pages or documents. There are several advantages of using controlled
vocabularies in metadata. First, the content of web pages will be represented more precisely through
the carefully selected terms. Second, term relationships established in the controlled vocabularies
will add an additional content-based navigation structure, which would be very helpful for user’s
browsing activities. Third, the precision of indexing and searching will be improved greatly through
the terms and structures of controlled vocabularies.
Disadvantages of controlled vocabularies include the labor-intensive creation process and the
difficulty to maintain and update the vocabularies. In the Web environment, true controlled vocab-
ularies are rare. They are mostly replaced by less controlled vocabularies—taxonomies. Taxonomies
are generally organized hierarchically (or poly-hierarchically). The hierarchy can be mixed—not
necessary strictly broader/narrower relationships; cross-reference can be defined; the terms can be
added/deleted more easily.
Recently, a new form of content organization, folksonomy, has attracted tremendous amount of
attention in the information architecture and related communities. In contrast to professionally
developed, well-structured hierarchical taxonomies and controlled vocabularies, folksonomies are
unstructured and free of “controlled.” Users can select and decide to use whatever terms they like
to tag Web pages; the uniformality and the organizing power emerge from the collective tagging
activities of the user community.
Unsurprisingly, there have been different schools of thought on folksonomies. While many
people think folksonomies will replace taxonomies to offer new ways for people to find, discover, and
share information, others are concerned about its messiness, tagging motivation issue, scalability and
global applicability. In the following, we highlight several advantages of folksonomies in the context
of information architecture.
Another way to explain the low cognitive cost of tagging is its easy-to-use interfaces. Tagging
interfaces are an essential component of any successful utilization of folksonomies. Figure 4.1 shows
a recent version of Del.icio.us tagging interface. Several features of the interfaces are popular among
all the tagging interfaces. For example, (1) the interface automatically fills in the known data when
the user opens up this tagging interface (in this case, the url and title are automatically fill-in);
(2) it shows a list of recommended tags (from your existing tags) and a list of popular tags (from
everyone’s tags). Users can click on any of tags in the lists to tag the current web page; (3) it provides
the type-ahead function to let users easily select from the tags they have used previously; and (4) it
lets users decide whether or not to share tagging of this page with the public or with users’ own
network friends. All these features contribute to the easy-to-use interface and make the tagging
process pleasantly easy and effortless.
In addition, in many tagging systems, each user’s resulting tags and tagging frequencies au-
tomatically make up the personal tag cloud, which over time dynamically reveals the structure of
the user’s interests and the makeup of the user’s resource pool. The tag cloud also serves as the
emergent navigation schema—instead of following a predetermined hierarchy to navigate, the user
can navigate through the system via a dynamic network built through shared interests.
Folksonomies Benefit from Collective Intelligence
In a social tagging system, although a major motivation of tagging is for personal use, as a side-
product (with enough user participation), the aggregation statistics also reveal a lot of otherwise
implicit relationships, from which the users can benefit.
After tagging a certain resource, the user can see some immediate system aggregation results:
• How many people have tagged this resource?
• What tags have been applied to this resource in a visual tag cloud?
• Who has used what tags for this resource?
The aggregation basically tells the user whether this is a popular (it could be an indicator of
quality or value) resource; what are the most popular tags for this resource; who shares same interest
with me? What other interests do these people have, and so on. According to a study [91], the
pattern of tag usage emerges rather early and remains stable over time.
The user may also use one known resource to get to other relevant resources via the common
tags (similar to the feature at Amazon.com—people who bought this also bought the following).
Note this feature is similar to citation-based information retrieval. CiteULike.com is applying this
mechanism for academic resource sharing and organization. This is an efficient way to discover new
resources. It also contributes to a positive user experience—it allows the user to benefit from others’
tagging via his or her own participation.
In summary, folksonomies represent a new approach to information organization. Rather than
building trees as in traditional classification systems and taxonomies, folksonomies create “piles of
leaves” and rely on the power of networks, search engines, and collective intelligence to get the order
out of the piles. David Weinberger [113] made a good argument that “piles of leaves” is the dynamic
information organization needed for the digital space. He believes that users will be able to create
useful organization that makes sense to them from the “piles.”
Breadcrumb Tails
Rights Info
Local navigation includes page-level navigation and contextual navigation. Page-level navigation
helps the user easily move around different sections of the page. For descriptive pages (e.g., a college-
saving page on Vanguard.com), there could be an overview/anchor links on the top or on the side,
back to top links, etc. For pages with large datasets (e.g., a search results page on hot jobs), interactive
mechanisms should be available to facilitate decision making, such as comparison and selection.These
things are mainly about interaction design, but they support navigation as well.
Contextual navigation follows content and context, rather than structures.The links are usually
embedded in the context of the content (via inline links) or displayed in a specific area of the page
(e.g., associative links for related items), commonly seen on the right-hand side, on the upper right
corner or at the bottom of the page. This type of navigation supports associative learning. “Social
navigation” in essence is a kind of associative navigation. The only difference is that social navigation
calculates the relationship between items/content pieces based on common usage or interests among
users (collaborative filtering).
don’t know what information will help them solve the problem. In other words, they do not know
what they are searching for. Second, users need to express their needs in queries. Queries stated in a
few words are not the best way to represent one’s information needs. Still, that is the only way people
use the search engine right now. Third, the search engine needs to index the content appropriately
(there are so many options and there is no one optimized way that will work best for all user’s queries).
Fourth, the search results need to be displayed in a way that users understand.
There are a lot of misunderstandings about the role of search engines in a web site. As an
information architect, one big challenge is to communicate to content owners and users about what
search engines can and cannot do. This book will not cover in detail search engines and how they
impact on information architecture. Here is just a short summary of some potential misunderstanding
of search engines:
• It is not there if I cannot find it through search engines. Many users might think this way. They
assume that each site has an optimal search engine for their information needs. The fact is
that a search may fail for many reasons, including problems in queries, query mapping process,
indexing scope, and vocabulary matching, etc.
• Users can always use search engines to find what they want. That’s a good excuse for not doing a
good navigation design. Research indicates that user’s success rate with search engines is less
than 50%. Half of the time users still cannot find what they want after trying various searches.
• All we need is to have Google on our site. Google is, currently, the best search engine. But its real
advantage lies in its indexing of the whole Web space; it may not work as well as it should on
your site. For example, Google relies on “popularity contest” for query matching and query
result ranking. In a small site, there may not have much data for “popularity contest.”
In short, search cannot solve all the problems of way finding in websites. It is important to
provide robust navigation methods and search functionality to support users’ browsing and search
tasks depending on user’s needs, site genres and many other factors. Peter Morville’s books on
findability [58] and on search patterns [60] are excellent places for you to explore further about IA
and search.
• Add life to the personas, but remember, they’re design tools first.
• Each persona should have three or four important goals that help focus the design. Keep in
mind that goals and tasks are different.
Users are also the same—the knowledge about human beings’ cognitive psychological charac-
teristics (e.g., attention, memory, learning, and problem solving), information seeking behavior, and
communication patterns—mostly coming from the fields of HCI, cognitive psychology, informa-
tion science, anthropology, linguistics and many others—can help designers make better decisions
to meet the user needs and expectations. In addition to the Fitt’s Law and the statistics about color
deficiency between men and women (mentioned in the book), other theories or principles, such as
the “principle of least effort,” the “information foraging (scent)” theory, and the “basic level cat-
egories” theory have important implications for IA and Web design as well. Many usability and
design guidelines are created based on these theories and empirical evidence. Web Users don’t Figure Things Out, They Muddle Through
Krug’s #1 law of usability is “do not make me think” [52]. He observed that web users were not
willing to figure things out. They just quickly moved on. “It doesn’t matter how many times I have
to click, as long as each click is a mindless, unambiguous choice.” He also suggests that “instructions
must die because no one is going to read them—at least not until after repeated attempts at muddling
through have failed.”
Nielsen and Loranger [71] got the following data from their usability observations:
Only the 1st search engine results page (SERP) was visited in 93% of searches; users got to
the second SERP in 7% of the searches, among which 5% of users actually clicked the links. Only
47% of users scrolled the 1st SERP while 53% of users only saw results above the fold, typically 4-5
organic results + 6-7 sponsored results.
As we can see, many web usage patterns mentioned above are rooted in this principle. Rather
than complaining that “people are lazy,” we should acknowledge that users are efficiency-driven.
From a design perspective, it could also help us prioritize tasks and goals when constrained by time
and budget. At the same time, we need to understand this is a strategy for survival not for excellence.
It may not apply to all situations.
The book written by Barry Schwartz “Paradox of Choice: Why Less Is More” [90] has been widely
referenced by the design community. In the book, two types of people are identified based on their
decision-making patterns:
While satisficers are content to select products or services that meet a minimum set of re-
quirements, maximizers compare all possible options.
According to the book, when there is no choice, life is miserable; but with too many choices,
issues come up:
Analysis Paralysis: When there are so many choices, you end up not being able to make a choice
quickly. A grocery store did an experiment with two treatments. One was to allow customers
to sample 24 or 6 different flavors of jam. With 24 options, more people came to the table
but 1/10th as many people actually bought jam than the other setting. At Stanford University,
students were offered to write an essay for extra credit towards their degree. In one group,
students got 30 topics to choose from, and another group got 6. More students wrote essays
in the 6-topic group.
Decision Quality: With too many choices, the decision making process gets exponentially more
complex. People tend to adopt the most simple and avoid the complex criteria, but simple
ones aren’t necessarily the most important criteria. As a result, they end up making a worse
Opportunity Cost: Even though you made the right decision, there is no easy way to tell this is
truly better than your next best alternative. That will make you feel less satisfied with your
choice. “Everything suffers from comparison.”
Escalation of Expectations: Seeing more choices raises higher expectations. When your expecta-
tion is higher than the selection, you regret.
Another example Schwartz gave was about a study on college seniors looking for jobs. Maxi-
mizers got jobs with $7500 more or 25% higher for their salary, but they felt worse (and were also
more pessimistic, overwhelmed, stressed, and disappointed) than the satisficers.
How to Cope with Too Many Choices?
Schwartz offered some advice for people to cope with too many choices. At the individual level, try
to be a satisficer instead of maximizer so that you can make yourself feel better; or hire an agent to go
through the choices and make the decision for you. In a Google presentation, Schwartz mentioned
people using search engines is like hiring an agent.
From the designer’s perspective, here are the things you can do to help the user:
• Set up default settings to the best interest of people because people tend to do nothing when
facing multiple choices. This is consistent with the findings about how much customization
users bothered doing with their software—only 2% of the Microsoft Office users actually
customized their toolbars.
• Use invisible filters (e.g., based on previous behavior, profile preferences) and visible filters
(allowing the user to articulate their selection criteria) to limit choices for the user.
• Organize choices hierarchically because hierarchical structure feels smaller than flat lists.
• How does the user come to your site? Via search engine, feeds, direct urls, or other links?
• Public-facing sites vs. intranet sites. What is your default homepage for your home computer?
How about your computer at work?
Jacob Nielsen [71] argues, “The homepage is the most important page on most websites, and
gets more page views than any other page.” “Homepages are most valuable real estate in the world.
It’s the company’s face to the world.” If a user arrives at a Website through the homepage, that
page is indeed critical. But Nielsen then quickly points out, in the “Prioritizing Usability” book, “Of
course, users don’t always enter a website from the homepage. A website is like a house in which
every window is also a door: People can follow links from search engines and other websites that
reach deep inside your site.” “Deep links enhance usability because they are more likely to satisfy
user needs. Interior pages accounted for 60% of the initial page views and homepages 40%.”
• Categories are organized from most general to most specific. But there is a basic level some-
where in the middle of a hierarchy.
• This cognitively basic level is learned the earliest, usually has a short name, and is used fre-
• Basic levels are the highest level at which single mental image can reflect a category.
• Most of our knowledge is organized around basic level categories.
She also made suggestions to make best uses of BLCs in IA design:
• In organizing the site structure, we can work from the middle out by starting with basic levels
of categorization.
• Because they can be identified quickly (short and frequently utilized) basic levels have a good
information scent. They make good “trigger” words to help people choose their information
• Try getting people to the basic level of the hierarchy as soon as possible.
For those of you who are working on folksonomy for your first group project, think about this
question: Are tags at the basic level? If yes, they might have natural advantages over their counterparts
• Navigation and orientation: Avoid orphan pages that do not have links or site-specific naviga-
tional means to go back to the owning site. It is no longer safe to assume the user can use the
browser’s back button to navigate back especially when the user comes directly to this page.
One click to the home page is recommended. Using breadcrumbs or other means to show
where the page is in the site’s hierarchy is very helpful.
Finally, and most importantly, keep in mind the content on the page is the real reason for the
user to look at this page. Users spend the vast majority of time looking at the content area. Therefore,
quality content is key to interior pages.
• Content (viewable) vs. data entry forms (especially when there are dependencies between the
If the user task is to fill out a long form in which later user workflow varies dependent on
the values the user enters to in datafields, the common approach is to provide a multiple-step
“wizard” (serial processing) by breaking the information into short chunks across several pages.
If the page only contains information for viewing and pagination may interrupt the user task,
a long page might be more suitable.
Experience level: Nielsen found that high-experience users scroll slightly more than low-experience
Page type: Users are more likely to scroll a search engine results page or an interior page than a
Context of use for the targeted user population: Some physical or technical contexts of use also
need to be taken into consideration. For example, majority of PC and laptop users have wide-
bandwidth of internet access, which eases page performance issues; most computer mouses
have a scroll wheel that makes scrolling easier. However, in the mobile web environment, due
to limitations of screen size, resolution, cursor control, and wireless network speed, some long
pages may not work equally well as for the conventional web (more detailed discussions can
be found in Chapter 9).
Design Guidelines for Long Pages
• Putting most critical information above the fold.
• Providing enough visual cues to indicate there is more information below the fold.
• Give visual cues to remind people of more information below the fold. Do not add a lot of
blank space near or on the fold or something that looks like a closure.
• Repeat actionable buttons or links on the top and at the bottom for interactive forms. For long
tables (when necessary), repeat column headers for every screen.
This applies to the situation in which users know what they are looking for. When introducing
something that people don’t necessarily expect (but very useful to them), it got to be in front of people’s
face, either in the right context (like Amazon.com’s “people who bought this also bought…” feature)
or on the most frequently visited page.
Once again usability guidelines cannot solve all your design problems. IAs and User Researchers
need to weigh in with their own findings based on user research in a very specific context (for their
own site) as well as the general usability and design guidelines. It is equally important between
following general guidelines and knowing when to deviate from them.
Interaction Design
This chapter discusses the intersection between Interaction Design and Information Architecture
in the Web contexts. Best design practices and design principles are to follow.
Here, is the definition from the Interaction Design Association’s website [44]:
Interaction design (IxD) is the branch of User Experience Design that illuminates the rela-
tionship between people and the interactive products they use. While Interaction Design has a
firm foundation in the theory, practice, and methodology of traditional user interface design,
its focus is on defining the complex dialogues that occur between people and interactive devices
of many types— from computers to mobile communications devices to appliances.
As mentioned earlier, IxD is a broad concept, emphasizing the interaction between people
and the product. Established as a discipline with different concerns on focus, IxD was emerged from
traditional User Interface Design (aka “man-machine interaction” or “human-computer interaction
(HCI)”), while IA was driven by the needs for information organization. The former is more con-
cerned about the user’s control and the systems response, and the latter emphasizes the connections
between information chunks and between related functionalities. However, in the Web and mobile
world, IA and IxD are more and more intertwined together, and the overlap between the two is
getting increasingly bigger. The Interaction Design we are discussing here is mainly focused on the
overlapping areas.
Form Form
Step 3A
Step 1 Step 2
Verification Confirmation
Form Form
Form/View View
Step 3B
all the forms in the sequence, the user is typically taken to a view page summarizing the choices.
Typically, the “Shopping cart checking out” process on e-Commerce sites takes a wizard approach. It
is commonly used for desktop software installation as well.The wizards approach breaks the complex
user tasks into multiple simple steps and guides the user through the process. Wizards is one of the
best examples in which multiple short pages are advantageous over one or a few long pages.
• Automatic save.
• Inline edit without the separation between viewing and editing, and many more.
RIAs can be very powerful, flexible and useful to the user when designed and implemented
appropriately. Although the AJAX-driven coding is more complex than using the Web 1.0 tech-
nologies, the high availability of public APIs allow the developers to implement designs at a quicker
pace. It is critical for all the project team members to understand though that the ultimate goal of
implementing RIAs is for the usefulness to the user and meeting business objectives. Without a
clear understanding about what RIAs are really good for, an over-enthusiastic RIA redesign of your
site may risk the user experience and beat the purpose.
The following lists some common mistakes seen in RIA implementations:
• Creating subtle changes on the page that users don’t notice because the page doesn’t refresh.
• Requiring fine motor skills to manipulate interface elements (sliders, fly-out menus).
• Overloading users with too much information and unnecessary visual complexity.
• Decreasing accessibility (connection speed, ADA Compliance, and finer motor skills).
Bigger is better: Important functions should be presented with large objects (reasonably big).
Closer is faster: The contextual action buttons or links should be presented within the reasonable
proximity of user activities.
The less fine motor control is required, the easier: Correspondingly, when the target is so small or
surrounded so closely by other objects, the user will have to slow down their pace to move the
mouse very carefully in order to avoid misclicks.
(from eluxury.com)
(from washingtonpost.com)
(from shopping.yahoo.com)
Which design above do you think is easier to click? You may think the answer is no brainer,
but it really reflects the Fitts Law. Between eLuxury.com and Washingtonpost.com, the latter
is easier to click on due to the larger size. When the font size is the same, the design with larger
clickable areas win (between washingtonpost.com and yahoo! Shopping). The latter makes the
square area surrounding the number clickable, which is easier to do then just clicking on the number
Here, is another set of examples:
ArrowCursor SizeVerCursor
UpArrowCursor SizeHorCursor
CrossCursor SizeBDiagCursor
WaitCursor SizeFDiagCursor
IbeamCursor SizeAllCursor
PointingHandCursor SplitVCursor
ForbiddenCursor SplitHCursor
WhatsThisCursor BlankCursor
Efficiency allows the user to accomplish the task more quickly. General usability findings suggest that
users don’t mind painless clicks as long as the path leads to the right information, especially when
people interacting with new websites or infrequently used websites. However, many users would
like to have as few clicks as possible when dealing with familiar applications and tools everyday. For
example, to create 5 Group Pages in Blackboard, an e-learning courseware used by many universities,
you have to repeat the same process five times, which could be annoying. In fact, when not sacrificing
usability, all types of users need efficiency.
In the Maximizing Human Performance paper, Bruce Tognazzini [103] discusses different
ways to ensure efficiency, including decreasing data entry and limiting decision making on the user’s
side. To decrease data entry, the system can auto-fill information for the user based on previous user
activities, such as the 1-click ordering feature on Amazon.com. Suggesting allowable data range or
using selections can also save users’ time and prevent errors. To limit decision making by the user, the
system should only present applicable choices (instead of presenting everything and then showing
errors after the user selects invalid ones) at any point.
Remember the Less is More research? Be mindful of the fact that every pixel on the screen
adds something to the amount of information the user’s brain needs to comprehend; therefore, to
a leaner, more focused interface is almost always better. Also, putting every possible thing a user
may need (or that an organization may want the user to see) in front of the user’s eyes at once is
counterproductive. Pushing too many choices leads to cognitive static and user anxiety. The system
should shape choices based on likely user needs, and provide additional choices in relevant contexts
where the user may find them most valuable.
Error Prevention
Designers should predict common problems and try to prevent them from happening. For example,
data entry can be minimized and, therefore, error rate can be minimized when menu selection is
offered rather than free form fill-in. Also, it is helpful to instruct the user upfront about certain rules
(for example, in password creation). When errors cannot be completely avoided, try to isolate them
as much as possible. For example, one of the benefits of wizards is to help the user fix the problems
that occurred in the current step so that they won’t lead to more mistakes in many more subsequent
steps for the whole process.
Error Handling
Error handling should be the last resort to fixing the error. When users make an error, the error
message should be written to help detect the error and offer simple, constructive, and specific
instructions for recovery.
A classic example occurred in the 1930s in New York City, where “users” in a large new
high-rise office building consistently complained about the wait times at the elevators.
Engineers consulted concluded that there was no way to either speed up the elevators or
to increase the number or capacity of the elevators. A designer was then called in, and
he was able to solve the problem.
What the designer understood was that the real problem was not that wait time was
too long, but that the wait time was perceived as too long. The designer solved the
perception problem by placing floor-to-ceiling mirrors all around the elevator lobbies.
People now engaged in looking at themselves and in surreptitiously looking at others,
through the bounce off multiple mirrors. Their minds were fully occupied and time flew
When it comes to time, user perception could be wrong. In one of Tog’s studies, each and
every user was able to perform the task using the mouse significantly faster with an average of 50%
faster, but interestingly, all of them reported that they did the task much faster using the keyboard.
Do similar situations exist in searching vs. browsing? Maybe. As discussed earlier, depending on
the user task, the site, and nature of the information, we may get different answers. However, it
is important to provide multiple ways to accommodate different users so that they can choose the
preferred method to perform their tasks. In addition, it is very important to reduce the “subjective” or
“perceived” system response time when it cannot really be shortened. Tog recommends the strategy
to keep users engaged. He also offers tactics for reducing the subjective experience of system “down
time.” On many of websites, you can see those similar types of techniques used to show progress
status which helps make the wait time less boring and more tolerable.
• Information is scattered across share drives, intranets, and local drives leading to poor version
control, duplicate or conflicting information, and information gaps. Users, especially new
employees don’t know where to find the gold copy of the information.
• A disparate array of applications were developed based on point solutions without enter-
prise guidelines, which leads to duplicate team efforts among organizations and unnecessarily
different solutions to similar problems. Inconsistent navigation, interaction and information
presentation adds frustration to the user experience.
• Users are forced to find information based on organizational structure. If you are not familiar
with the organizational chart, you cannot find the information needed. However, the org chart
may change from time to time, which then leads to obsolete and fragmented information and
high maintenance costs.
• Information overloading and irrelevance. Did you ever feel that there was a lot of information
on the Intranet, but very little relevant to yourself, especially when the site architecture does
not match the way you thought it should be?
82 CHAPTER 7. ENTERPRISE IA AND IA IN PRACTICE Understand the Business Strategies and Objectives
Information Architects need to work with the senior management to understand the business strate-
gies and objectives. For example, the business objectives can be as follows:
• Business needs to communicate the company’s culture, vision and initiatives via the Intranet
and build stronger relationship with its employees (communication).
• Increase employee’s knowledge about their job and their profession, knowledge about the
business and the organization (knowledge management).
• Encourage employee self-provisioning to minimize manual processes, reduce operational costs,
and increase the organization’s competitiveness.
• Maintain scalable and consistent infrastructure to support business growth and ensure cost-
• Promote company advantages (benefits and perception) and, therefore, increase or improve
employee retention.
The central portal that aggregates, integrates, and presents all relevant information to the em-
ployee in the proper context in a flexible and customizable manner, therefore supports task
management and increases employee productivity and satisfaction (implies personalization,
customization and central repository of knowledge and tools).
The primary forum that engages employees in all business units and locations, facilitates knowledge
management and sharing, and supports collaboration and community building.
The testbed of innovation that serves as a proving ground for new technologies before they are
rolled out to the company’s public websites, allowing for development of best practices in a
safe environment.
In this example, the vision clearly defines the role of the intranet as a communication tool, a
task management tool, knowledge management tool and an innovation sandbox.
Once the Intranet vision is created, communicated, refined and agreed upon, the user experi-
ence design team and related parties need to define the Intranet design strategy, which can be used
to guide the design process, prioritize Intranet features, and keep teams on the same page.
Intranet design strategy needs to address many issues that external websites do not necessarily
have to, such as application aggregation and integration, and personalization and customization (see
Section 7.1.3).
• Access to information on work practices, job aids, products and services, business procedures,
HR policies, professional development resources, periodically updated reports, etc.
• Knowledge management and sharing, such as site search, staff directories, departmental wikis,
• Accessing job-related applications or online workspaces.
• Integration of business applications and single sign-on [79].
• Instead of simply surfacing links to programs/applications, the former allows users to access
tools and information without having to go and choose the source program. For example, a
manager can approve her direct report’s PTO request without going to the application; the
latter frees the user from having to login to each single application again and again within an
active session.
• Personalization (e.g., personal dashboards, tools and applications based on job role, fa-
vorites/bookmarks) and customization (preferred language, portlets of choice, page layout
selections, etc.).
• Community building and social networking features, e.g., employee contributed picture/videos
(enterprise Youtube), eCards, etc.
According to the Nielsen Norman’s Intranet Annual 2008 [79], here are the major Intranet
• Increased personalization.
• Integration of information sources, often resulting in a single “one-stop shopping” page.
• Emphasis on mission-critical applications and information.
• Improved event and project calendars.
• Special sections to help orient new employees.
• Integration of external and company news, often in the form of customizable feeds.
• Integration of alerts with the main intranet to inform users of important messages.
• Redesigned and improved search features, which often went from horrible to good and gen-
erated ecstatic user feedback.
• Public content area presents information that anyone in the company can access, including a
news portal, company info, work practices and business operations, compensation and benefits.
• Global features and tools. The global header area is reserved for information that people
frequently use or constantly look for, such as directories, categorized enterprise applica-
tions/forms, specialized contacts, subsites, glossaries as well site search/and employee search.
They are always one click away from any page.
• Departmental/divisional subsites follow standard design templates and are linked from the
enterprise Intranet.
My Job
It supports the Intranet vision of “the only central portal” for the employee to start their day. It also
allows the user to group and organize tools and references relevant to their daily job. It serves as a
dashboard to show the big picture about what needs to be done for the day or the week so that they
can prioritize the tasks efficiently.
The public content area, aggregates critical information from various applications and surfaces
it via different “portlets” to make up a big picture. The user logs in the morning and a web browser
automatically launches the Intranet, default to the My Job page. It shows what “my day” looks like
–from a task management perspective–with information such as today’s schedule (pulled from the
email/calendar application), “my work queue” (pulled from the primary applications I use as part of
my daily job) or things that need my immediate attention. In addition, there are portlets called “my
contacts” (see details in Figure 7.7). It is a list of people “I” often need to touch base with and their
phone extensions within the company – customized by using the online people finder), “my tools or
apps”(like bookmarks), and a list of reports I am subscribing to (as well as its last updated date), etc.
If “my contacts” have a different time zone from me, their local time shows up so that I know when
is appropriate to call. If one of my contacts is out of office (set up via the email system), I will see
an “out of office” indicator next to the name. The Federated Site Search box and “People Finder,”
in the global header area, are always zero click away from any page.
There is also an aggregated role-based corporate calendar covering various events and re-
minders along different themes. The user has access to the calendar entries that s/he is authorized
to and can choose to filter/view events based on the theme, such as work-life events/workshops,
career development events/dates, diversity events, etc. The user can also with one click add event
reminders to his/her personal calendar.
This kind of capability/feature helps promote the business to employee (B2E) communication
and makes information more easily accessible. While making the intranet usable, useful and desirable
is a long term effort, picking low-hanging fruit like this could allow the UED team to demonstrate
their value to the business relatively quickly.
My Rewards HR Contact
Figure 7.1: My Rewards page shows the compensation and benefits information in an aggregated way.
It surfaces summaries of the user’s learning activities (e.g., course enrolled), subscribed job
posting information, performance management applications, and job history data.
The manager portal – Manage My Crew integrates data from different management systems
and populates them into different portlets, such as “My Approvals” and “My Crew.” The former
allows the manager to see all approval requests sent to him/her from his/her direct reports via different
systems. For most requests, the manager can approve them via the portlets without even having to
go into specific systems. The “My Crew” portlet allows the manager to see all his/her direct reports’
names, extensions, and working status (on PTO, training or in the office). Also, the manager can
view a particular direct report’s public profile and then drills down to the “confidential profile” as
shown in Figure 7.2.
This page allows the manager to easily gather all relevant information about the direct report,
which is very helpful for the manager (especially for new managers) to get to know his/her team or
prepare for a one on one meeting. On the Confidential Profile page, the manager can easily switch
to another direct report or the current direct report’s subordinate by clicking on the people lists on
the right-hand side. The list on the upper right shows the current employee’s peers and the lower
right show the current employee’s direct reports when applicable.
Figure 7.2: Manager can view his/her direct report’s comprehensive confidential profile.
Another noteworthy feature on Vanguard’s intranet is the attached applications. One example is the
Retirement Planning Tool embedded in the Retirements section of “My Rewards.”
Unlike other sections, the retirement plan data is pulled from Vanguard.com instead of any
HR system, showing the current balance and the user’s 401K contribution rate. Vanguard is a mutual
fund company and the employees’ retirement plans are managed by the Vanguard’s institutional
investment unit. In addition to the data updated every business day, the contextual action links (e.g.,
going to vanguard.com to make changes, or going to financial engine also residing on vanguard.
com to do some calculations or analysis) and reference link to the retirement benefit policy area, we
also embedded a little “retirement planning tool” to help people better plan for their retirement. This
replaces paper statement the company used to send to every employee once a year. The bar chart
gives the user a quick snap shot about where s/he is standing towards the retirement goal (shown as
dotted line across the top on the chart). It is also a teaser to use the planning tool.
Clicking on the bar chart or the Retirement Planning Tool link leads to the retirement planning
screen as shown in Figure 7.3. Here, are some highlights about this application:
First, it takes advantage of Javascript technologies to provide dynamic online help. Because
retirement planning is such a complicated subject that most users need hand-held help with taxes
related issues, inflation rate, investment rate of return, etc. When the mouse cursor is in a certain
data field, contextual help shows up on the right-hand side. Given that fact this was implemented
in 2005, when AJAX and other RIA technologies were not yet popular, the design was considered
intuitive and innovative.
Second, this application takes advantage of the fact that the employer’s HR systems know so
much about each employee’s compensation and retirement details. These data are personalized and
pre-populated, which helps avoid unnecessary human errors and allows accurate retirement planning
data range
gives user Data pre-populated to avoid
clear unnecessary human errors
and inaccuracy.
Figure 7.3: The retirement planning tool is embedded in the retirement section of “My Rewards.”
(Courtesy of Vanguard, Inc.)
Third, the design of the Results page as shown in Figure 7.4 went through multiple iterations
with several rounds of usability tests. The design team learned a great lesson that when there are
graphics on the page, the most important textual information (as marked in red in the Figure)
should be placed below the graphics because human eyes are almost always immediately drawn to
the graphical display first. When the paragraph was originally placed on the top of the page, almost
all participants overlooked it.
Figure 7.4: The retirement planning tool is embedded in the retirement section of “My Rewards.”
(Courtesy of Vanguard, Inc.)
What is the relationship between the company’s intranet and the divisional/departmental websites?
Again, we are running into the “centralized” vs. “distributed” vs. “hybrid” issue. In the centralized
intranet model, all employees go to the same website and have role-based access to relevant informa-
tion, based on your administrative affiliation and job function, in addition to the public information
available to everyone. For the distributed model, like at Drexel, there are separate websites at the
University level as well as at the School/College/Department level.
Which model works better? It depends again on various factors, such as the intended use
of the information, targeted users, nature of the business, the size of the institution, the functions
of the departments and business lines. However, regardless of the model (although a distributed
model with some a centralized homepage/start point is more realistic for large organizations from a
content generation perspective), the org-chart based site structure (IA) eventually should be replaced
by topic-based structure. Here, are several reasons:
• Topics are usually universal to everybody in the company/organization while organizational
structure potentially changes from time to time.
• Each group/business unit generates content not only for their own group but often generates
content for their internal clients in other groups. If the departments serve exactly the same user
population, close coordination is highly recommended. For example, corporate departments
(as opposed to business lines), such as HR, Financials, and University Libraries, serving all
people within the organization, should organize their (client-facing) information based on user
needs as opposed to organizational structure–it would be perfect if the organization structure
matches the way users think about their HR information.
• Users should not be forced to constantly learn the organizational structure in order to access
all information, just like library users don’t have to always know the author in order to find a
It is also critical to have a centralized governance board responsible for coordination and
collaboration. Having a consistent enterprise-wide look and feel is an important step, but a consistent
metadata structure and a strategic content creation model would benefit the user and the organization
even more.
Less centralized or distributed models may work better for departments of a university (similar
to business lines) because they are primarily serving different users.
• Minimize development costs by building one flexible solution rather than a number of indi-
vidual solutions.
• Harness collective design experience to build a cohesive experience across business groups.
• Manage different tasks and roles to accommodate different working styles while ensuring
• Create a scalable solution that could withstand the incorporation of new technologies.
Internal applications and client- Management is
facing applications are put automatically
together in the OWA in tabs. populated on the
side, as the
primary task area
displays the client
User Research
Job Function Working Style
Job Families
Business Areas &
Job Titles
Matrix Job Role
Workspace Aggregator
The combination of user characteristics (in boxes) determines the specific makeup of the
OWA for the corresponding user group.
Job function was one of the important workspace differentiating factors. Similar job functions
exist in multiple business lines at Vanguard, including Call Centers, Processing Centers, Customer
Services, Client Relationship Management, Investment Analysis, Data Administration, System
Analysis and Development, and Project/Resource management. Each function requires that certain
system capabilities be packaged together in specific ways.
It also became obvious that there exists a spectrum of working styles in the company, with
event-driven workers at one end and self-paced at the other end, and most others falling somewhere in
between. For event-driven workers, productivity, promptness, and accuracy are the primary concerns.
Their work is triggered by an incoming call or the automatic assignment of processing work. They
need quick access to all relevant information from various systems in order to respond promptly to
client’s requests.
Self-paced workers, on the other hand, typically engage in a great deal of multitasking, with the
ordering of their tasks being largely self-determined. They are required to reprioritize tasks through-
out the day as new requests and issues arise. Support for time management and task management is
critical to them.
While the event-driven users benefit greatly from seeing related information from different
systems simultaneously, our observations showed that self-paced users seemed very comfortable
holding information in short-term memory as they toggled between windows. This was a key
finding that clearly differentiated the needs of event-driven workers from those of the self-paced.
The analysis of user tasks and the business process research led to a matrix of OWA capabil-
ities/features against each identified user group. Those capabilities were then prioritized based on
criticality and frequency of use for each user group. An investigation of the company’s 26 job families
and 156 job titles further validated the definitions of Job Function, Job Role and Working Style.
The combination of these attributes mentioned above can largely dictate what kind of capa-
bilities or features are needed for a particular OWA as well as the corresponding components and
design patterns, which in turn formulates a knowledge base determining the relationship between
the attributes and the OWA design components.
This case study is a good example to demonstrate that information architecture is not only concerned
with the organization and navigation in a single online space or within one product but also concerned
with how to integrate company intranets, client-facing websites, and home-grown applications as
well as third-party tools to support task management and employee productivity. The resulting
framework aggregates diverse information spaces and accommodates a wide range of user types,
tasks, and workstyles, ensuring a cohesive user experience across multiple workspaces.
Figure 7.7: An example of an OWA. In the global header area, sharable services are surfaced from other
apps, e.g., My contacts and the Search Bar. Split window views allow all relevant info pulled together
from multiple apps.
Although this framework was created to meet workspace integration challenges for one fi-
nancial company, it should also inspire other large enterprises dealing with similar situations where
employees are forced to move between complex and multilayered information spaces.
In addition, this should trigger further thinking around personal information management
in the public Web context. When the Internet users have to deal with so many websites, devices,
channels and platforms, information and functionality aggregation, and integration will become
more and more necessary. While there will be challenges in terms of security and authentication,
information architects should start looking into the opportunities help people manage their life more
easily and efficiently.
• Content Writers/Strategists.
The Chart on the next page shows an example of the makeup of a typical User Experience
Design team, based on our own experience. Along the timeline (x-axis), each role is involved with
a different pattern of effort levels (y-axis). In the case of specialized IA and ID roles, IAs tend to
be involved in the earlier phase (visioning and conceptual design phases) while the ID picks up the
work as it comes to the logical design phase all the way through documentation and post-design
support. The IA and ID roles may be played by the same people on some UED teams.
The Usability Engineer (UE) or User Researcher gets involved in the project in a peak and
valley pattern. When it is the time to conduct user research, they have their peak time. Then they
gradually fade out until at the end of the conceptual design. It comes to their second peak time when
conducting the usability test. The third peak time comes at the end of the logical design phase–
conduct UT with the logical design prototype.
The involvement of Visual Designers follows a different peak/valley pattern.
• Model 1, Centralized: The centralized model allows the UED department to be the “Big
Picture” keeper for the organization it makes it easier to push for enterprise design standards
and guidelines as well as design pattern sharing and reuse, and it minimizes the learning
curve for users (with coherent/consistent user experience). In addition, it allows for easier
collaboration (across business lines) and best practice sharing. The UED department as a
whole can have a stronger voice and higher visibility.
• Model 2, Distributed across the IT shops: This model allows each design team to focus on
specific needs (of each business line) and also allows easier vertical resource management (the
design team and the IT development teams report to the same division/department). However,
it is very easy to create isolated “design islands,” which can be barriers for cross-organizational
• Model 3, Distributed across the business lines (similar to Model 2): The only difference is
design teams in Model 2 are more likely to have intimate technological knowledge.
How to choose the right model? It depends on many factors, such as the size and type of
business, the communications process the business needs, and the competitive advantage in providing
a stellar user experience. For small organizations, there may not be a sizable UED team. The design
can be provided by external consultants or internal staff who may not have an IA or designer title
(e.g., webmasters).
• Fighting the right battle. Do not expect that you can change the world over night. Prioritize
the things and allow people time to have the buy-ins. Also, keep in mind, you are not fighting
against people, you are fighting for the right way to do things. At the end of the day, you need
to have friends outside of the UED teams and disciplines instead of enemies, which leads to
the next bullet point–
• Working on early adopters of UCD methodology and usability in the IT and business areas.
The early adopters can then become UED champions to help spread the words and advocate
the value.
Design Skills
Good IAs or designers should be experts that are skilled at converting user needs and business
goals into appropriate designs. We consider this as the top competency of any good IAs. We would
like once again to differentiate “user wants” and “user needs.” Good IAs/designers listen to the
user, diagnose the problem, and then provide solutions. It is risky to simply give what the user or the
business sponsor wants. We don’t want to underestimate the value of visual design, but it is important
to know that the aesthetics alone cannot improve design effectiveness if the user needs are met. It
must be well integrated into the overall interaction flow.
In addition, IAs should have in-depth knowledge in the following aspects:
• HCI knowledge including user cognitive characteristics and user behavior patterns.
Global Information
While global information architecture covers a lot of topics, in this chapter, we are focusing on
the user experience strategy for institutions that need to interact with their users in multiple lan-
guages/cultures, from different countries, or in a combination of the both.
People from different cultures and countries have different value systems and cognitive styles,
which may lead to different expectations and interpretations of their Web user experience and
usability. Companies and businesses with global distributions of services and products need to pay
close attention to those factors so that they can design their user interfaces accordingly to best meet
the user needs and maximize business profits.
Figure 8.1:
• Low-Context websites are expected to be consistent in their layout and color schemes, whereas
pages in High-Context websites are expected to be diverse.
• Opening of links in the same browser windows in LC websites is in contrast to the HC Asian
websites where new pages would open in new browser windows, giving the visitor a multitude
of starting points for further website navigation.
• Collectivism vs. individualism: Individualism pertains to societies in which the ties between
individuals are loose; everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and his/her immediate
family. Collectivism pertains to societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated
into strong, cohesive in-groups, which throughout people’s lifetime continue to protect them
in exchange for unquestioning loyalty.
• Femininity vs. masculinity: Masculinity pertains to societies in which social gender roles are
clearly distinct; femininity pertains to societies in which social gender roles overlap.
• Uncertainty avoidance (UA): The extent to which people feel anxiety about uncertain or
unknown matters. Cultures with high uncertainty avoidance (UA) tend to have more formal
rules, and focus on tactical operations rather than strategy. People seem active, emotional, and
even aggressive. By contrast, low UA cultures tend to be more informal and focus more on long-
range strategic matters than day-to-day operations. These cultures tend to be less expressive
and less openly anxious; people behave quietly without showing aggression or strong emotions;
people seem easy-going and relaxed.
• Long- vs. short-term orientation: Long-term dimension is also called “Confucian dynamism.”
Persistence (perseverance), ordering relationships by status and observing this order, thrift and
having a sense of shame’ are the dominant values. The values of perseverance and thrift are
future oriented and more dynamic while the short-term values are more static, being past and
present oriented.
This type of website style can be partially attributed to the fact that in China the user popula-
tion is much younger and relatively more computer savvy, but on the other hand, obviously cultural
values and orientation serve as another driver. One of the landing pages of qq.com (the world’s 14th
largest website as of April 21, 2009) http://lady.qq.com/ was so long that it crashed the screen
capture software (SnagIt) each time the author tried to capture it. It took 10 clicks of the PgDn
button to get to the bottom of the page (with a 1024x768 resolution).
The screenshot on the next page is the homepage of Eachnet, a popular Chinese auc-
tion/shopping site (the former Chinese eBay). It shows a much more sophisticated page layout
then eBay or any eCommerce site in the Western culture. This page is about four folds long with
a large number of images and links, and all links open a new browser tab/window; there are two
carousal display
for most favored
Most searched
products in
products by
“status bar”
staying at the
bottom of the See enlarged view of the
window above status bar on the next page
the fold
Even Google’s landing page, arguably the most simplistic design, shows some cultural variance
on its Chinese version. As shown on the next page, the Chinese site has more links on the page to
showcase other Google tools, with a mousetip to further explain what each tool does.
Additional links
are on Google’s
Chinese site.
Figure 8.4: Comparison between the Chinese and English versions of Google.com.
needs to be considered during the design process allowing for this occurrence. Typically, German
translations require 30% to 40% more space that English. Sometimes, while some English labels
or phrases can fit in one line, in German it would require text wrapping. When choosing labels,
especially when the text becomes part of the functionality (e.g., labels for a progress bar), Informa-
tion Architects and Designers need to be aware of the length spectrum in different languages so
that the design works for all websites. Although browsers can accommodate some swell depending
on monitor resolution, it is much easier to design for the user’s lowest common denominator. If,
however, you are targeting Asian markets, keep in mind that the text will generally take up less space
than English.
In addition, people from different cultures sometimes think differently, which leads to different
ways of expressions. A good international website will not only speak the language of the target
audience but also use analogies and expressions that the customer is familiar with [40]. For example,
recently Marriott was promoting 20% off weekend prices for its hotel rooms globally. When the
message was translated into Chinese, instead of saying 20% off, it was stated as 80% offers, which is
a more common way of expression in China (See Figures 8.6).
• Do not assume that there is one to one mapping between each country/region and the official
language of the country.
When using a flag to represent a language, it may upset the readers from other countries that
speak the same language. Furthermore, when a country speaks more than one language, the flag
approach will not scale up.
• Language options on the website need to be obvious and easy to find. Otherwise, most people
would assume there are no such options.
• Using target language to indicate choices of language so people with little knowledge of English
can easily get what they want.
Gerber also learned a lesson in Africa. Due to the large amount of people who cannot read
in Africa, most products have pictures of what is inside printed on the label. Africans were very
confused when Gerber the baby food company release their products. It contains a picture of a baby
on the label [105].
Also, hand gestures should be avoided from illustrating a point. They may not be interpreted
the same way internationally. For example, the ‘okay’ sign (index finger and thumb together forming
a circle) is considered obscene in Brazil, while the thumbs-up gesture in Iran is highly offensive.
Similarly, icons should be used with caution for communicating concepts. For example, the
mailbox and shopping carts are standard in the United States, but they do not carry the same
interpretation in other parts of the world.
Various user research methods including ethnographical research are often used to reveal invaluable
insights about the intended audience and the targeted markets, which could be eye-opening for
researchers and designers from a different cultural background. For example, multiple family mem-
bers may share one account in collectivism cultures (e.g., in Vietnam) . People may sit side by side
to browse the Web together. Under these circumstances, system features like shared accounts and
co-browsing should be taken into consideration.
In some countries, more people browse the Web using public Internet Café instead of per-
sonally owned computers; in other countries, especially some emerging economies, more people are
using mobile device than PCs for Web browsing. Interestingly enough, in India, people even use
IM agent as the primary tool for web browsing instead of web browsers. These scenarios stay at the
two ends of the spectrum of users information access environment, which can significantly impact
users’ perspective of personalization and information collaboration.
eCommerce website design involves many nitty gritty details from client information, address
formats, time, payment methods, currency calculation, weights, measures, shipping costs, ex-
change/return policies to customer support. Without paying attention to these details, customers
can easily get alienated or frustrated. This requires the eCommerce design and development teams
to step out of their cultural boundaries and plan for people who might not perceive information the
way they do.
8.5. SUMMARY 117
It is important to set up the right default settings best suitable for the specific situation of
each country/culture. At the same time, companies and designers need to stay on top of the latest
trends on the emerging markets and position themselves strategically.
In North America, the standard purchase method has been credit cards. However, that is not
the case in some European or Asian countries. In Germany, people prefer to pay by cash or money
order. Many restaurants and smaller hotels in the German-speaking world do not accept credit cards
of any kind. In China, the domestic online payment was primarily based on the debit card system
with 11% of credit card penetration at the end of 2008 [80].
Designing a global product is challenging, but when faced with the time constraints of a product
roadmap, sometimes textual translation is deemed enough “localization” for all countries. Often, the
expenses and additional time required to conduct user research for each country before releasing a
product seem too daunting for a company to invest in. However, the teams need to assess the risks of
neglecting user research and bring creativity and flexibility to help mitigate them. One option would
be, based on the business priorities, to identify representative user groups and key local markets
where they can focus on their user research efforts. This approach often proves to be cost effective
and realistic in discovering fundamental technological flaws or cultural faux pas towards optimal
user experiences.
Mobile Information
This chapter discusses challenges and opportunities for user experience design in the mobile Web
territory. Starting with unique characteristics and use cases of mobile devices, we then discuss usability
best practices based on today’s mobile technologies and introduce a vision of the future mobile user
• 16% (40 million) of them were active users (accessing the Internet at least once a month).
• 14% of the Top 1000 U.S. Brands had optimized mobile sites in 2008, up 75 % over 2007 [83].
• Local Services 24.2% – requests for opening times of local businesses were also found in this
• Travel and Commuting 20.2% – requests for information about flights, accommodation, maps
and directions, bus schedules, and traffic reports, etc.
• General Information 15.6% – requests for factual information, e.g., “Does a Nintendo DS
need batteries? If so what type of batteries?”
Cui and Roto [12] categorize the user activities on the mobile web into three types: Infor-
mation seeking, communication, and data handling. Nielsen Mobile’s large-scaled user survey [64]
reveals that the world’s top mobile web categories are: Portals, email, weather, news, search and city
guides/maps, and sports. This means mobile browsing are both utilitarian (find a specific piece of
information) and hedonic (entertainment while waiting), and it is important to balance the two.
Taylor et. al [102] proposed a framework to help understand the mobile web behavior and
motivations. The motivations are listed in the table below and these motivations can be fulfilled via
a combination of different behaviors (Table 9.2).
• Small. Users are unlikely to carry large devices, the primary screen will stay small, although
some flavor of projection can be used as a backup screen. Some mobile applications can come
really handy. For example, the Lonely Planet iPhone Audio Phrasebook allows the foreign
traveler to “speak” in local language. See Figure 9.1 the translation from English to Mandarin.
• Multi-purposed and ubiquitous. Since users will not carry a variety of single-purpose devices
full time, mobile devices are carried and used in a wide range of environments, including at
home, at work, on the street, while driving a car or using public transportation, in restaurants
or other public settings.
Table 9.2: One or More User Behaviors Below Are the Actions Taken by the User to Satisfy
the Motivations Mentioned Above
Awareness: The desire to stay current, to keep oneself informed in general. Examples:
Scanning email and checking news sites
Time The desire to be efficient, to manage projects, or get things done.Examples:
Management: Looking up an address; checking traffic maps; looking for supplies/ jobs/
roommates; getting instructions for a class assignment
Curiosity: The interest in an unfamiliar topic, often based on a tip or chance encounter.
Examples: Looking up information about a country of interest; looking up
information to settle a friendly bet in a bar
Diversion: The desire to kill time or alleviate boredom. Examples: Browsing favorite
sites; checking social networking sites
Social Connection: The desire to engage with other people. Examples: Arranging to get to-
gether; sending email; posting to social networking sites; seeking informa-
tion as a group
Status Checking: Checking a specific piece of non-static information. Examples: Weather;
news; sports and scores (during a game)
Browsing: Trolling for new information of interest without any apparent goal
Information Gathering: Looking up information about a particular topic. Examples: Searching
multiple sources about a band, or finding information about a news topic
or a country
Fact Checking: Checking or validating a specific piece of static information. Examples:
Business address or phone number
In-the-Moment: Seeking information to aid the immediate course of action. Examples:
Looking up the driving directions for a business to run the next errand
Planning: Seeking information to aid events beyond the immediate course of action.
Examples: Checking the weather for a weekend trip; collectively planning
a social event with others
Transaction: Exchanging information with another person or an institution for financial
resources, goods, or services. Examples: An e-commerce purchase or bank
Communication: Engaging in a two-way sharing of information with another person or
group. Examples: Email or responding to others’ posts
• Personal, as an always-carried device is always carried by one person. The device is not shared,
except in some emerging markets. It is possible to receive notifications or promotions in the
right context (location) based on the users’ preferences and previous behavior. It is also a
statement of personal style with a potential to be a highly personalized computer and used as
the user’s unique identity.
• Always on, always connected. Instead of being turned on only for use, mobile phones are
turned off only to preclude interruption for various temporary reasons (unless there are dead
spots for the wireless network. Literally, they are on from the moment people wake up to the
moment they go to sleep. This allows significant opportunity for ongoing event-driven user
• Battery powered with relatively slow speed. (The actual average speed of 3G network is only
25% as the Wi-Fi network [22]).
Correspondingly, mobile devices are also found to have different contexts of use than regular
PCs, which makes mobile devices advantageous and more suited in the following situations:
• Location specific. Mobile devices allow people to access and interact with location-specific
and context-specific info at the moment on the go to aid the immediate course of action. For
example, finding a store or a restaurant nearby.
• Immediacy. Mobile phone also provides the convenience to do things in unprepared situation
or in the last minute. The same-day hotel booking makes up 90% of the overall bookings on
the mobile site of Marriott.com.
• Monitoring real-time information or checking dynamic information repeatedly. Mobile
phones are also well suited for quick status checking, which does not take complex actions or
long time and sometimes can be time-filers, such as getting alerts about real-time stock quotes
or presence-awareness of family members or friends, price changes, and checking emails, news,
weather or traffic information. According to TNS Global, 74% of the world’s digital messages
were sent through a mobile device in January 2009. In emerging markets, the trend is even
more dramatic; nine out of 10 messages are sent via mobile.
• More convenient and flexible than PCs for certain tasks. Because mobile devices are small,
light, easy to carry, and easy to turn on, many users prefer to use them over regular computers.
A recent survey shows that 70% of mobile Internet use actually takes place in the home.
People reported reasons of using mobile phones for these tasks were because they did not
have to turn on the computer (avoid waiting time), go downstairs to the office, or leave the
couch during the TV commercial time. A diary study of Internet access from cell phones by
Nylander, Lundquist, and Brännström [74] reported 51% of the occurrences of cell phone
Internet access took place in locations where participants had access to a computer but still
chose a cell phone, and that the most frequent location for mobile Internet access was the
home. This suggests the mobile world extends well into the home and that the cell phone has
its own role as a device for accessing the Internet. In other words, mobile phone is not a mere
backup solution for when there is no computer available, but a tool that often provides quicker
and more convenient service than a computer.
in any area. These differences seem to continue diverging, turning much of the design process into
a maddening branching problem.
Forrester [2] suggests that reaching 80% of the US audience using mobile browsers means
developing websites for approximately 60 different handsets and 13 different browsers. Reaching
90% of the same population requires a solution for nearly 150 handsets.
• 22% type in the URL directly (underscoring the importance of mobile optimized or redirected
Here, are the suggestions to make your mobile site more findable [65]:
• Use standard domain names/urls, and reserve urls as appropriate to make sure m.site.com,
mobile.site/com, site.mobi, www.site.com/mobile all point to your site.
• Use SEO to increase the visibility of your mobile site. Mobile sites generally have lower page
rank, which means sometimes users may not get to it without a SEO strategy.
Mobile Shopping
By taking advantage of the ubiquity of mobile devices, mobile shopping will enable customers to
bridge and merge the physical space and cyberspace more seamlessly and create brand new user
shopping experiences. Imagine you are standing in a supermarket trying to buy something, instead
of having to call somebody at home to go online to cross-check the prices for you, on the spot, you
use the mobile phone to compare prices from different stores and read product reviews in real time!
Some mobile applications have shown promising signs toward that direction. With Shop-
Savvy’s personal shopping assistant application, consumers can hold their mobile phone camera up
to a product’s UPC; the camera scans the bars and pings ShopSavvy servers to find the best prices—
both locally and on the Web. The application also captures product reviews and information, such as
allergen alerts or ingredient lists. It even allows users to set price alerts for various items and create
wish lists and registries that can be shared on Facebook or MySpace. In addition, the customer will
be able to scan an item and find out whether or not a coupon exists. If it does, with one click, the
customer can receive the coupon via the mobile device and use it immediately.
While the consumer enjoys the convenience and efficiency of mobile shopping, the retail
stores can easily capture rich data about their consumers, such as who they are, how long since
they’ve been in the stores and what they do when they get there. Accordingly, the store can then
offer the customer relevant products with more competitive prices. At the same time, consumer
behavior and buying patterns can be tracked over time.
Mobile Marketing
Couponing is currently the most commonly seen mobile marketing technique. Couponing can be
done via a “push” or “pull” method. The former usually sends out the coupon via SMS or MMS
alerts based on the specific location of the user, the previous purchase history and profile preferences.
The alert needs to be highly relevant and target users need to be chosen judiciously. Meanwhile,
businesses should fully leverage mobile devices’ characteristics to attract customers to services that
are time-critical and demand a fast reaction.
In addition, the consumer can buy goods and services as, and when, he feels the need. The
immediacy of transaction by mobile phones helps to capture consumers at the moment of intention
so that sale is not lost in the discrepancy between the point of intention and that of the actual
The second couponing approach is more passive. The user needs to launch the application in
order to look for relevant coupons. It allows you to find out what around you has coupons for you to
save money on. It is location specific. The mobile device containing the coupon can then be scanned
and discounts can be applied correspondingly.
Mobile Social Networking
Mobile social networks allow families members, friends, or community members to create and share
information with each other via emails, short messages, and the Internet, including pictures, videos,
blogs, products or services reviews, gas prices, traffic updates, and even driving shortcuts. This means
that your mobile phone can serve as your omnipresent microphone to the world. As people from every
corner of the planet are covering their experiences in real time, a new world emerges dynamically.
Another popular mobile feature is presence awareness. For example, Google Lattitude allows
friends to share location information with each other. This feature can be very useful in certain
scenarios such as for parents to track their children’s whereabouts, and for friends to coordinate
activities in real time during big events or vacation time.
Point-based search: By pointing the mobile phone to a building, the user can get its history infor-
mation, event schedule within the building, or user reviews about its services.
Mobile device as a universal remote control: Mobile device can also turn into a universal re-
mote control for TV, other multimedia devices and even for controlling room settings (e.g.,
heater/cooler, lighting, etc). Some companies are trying new services that allow the user to
download info directly from digital TV by pointing their phone to the television screen.
Currently the ZipCar iphone app allows the user to make the horn honk and unlock the
borrowed car.
“Become a trusted information source that consistently meets the needs of the expand-
ing community of UX professionals, advances disciplines relating to the design of user
experiences, encourages high standards of practice among UX professionals.”
“IxDA intends to improve the human condition by advancing the discipline of Interac-
tion Design. To do this, we foster a community of people that choose to come together
to support this intention. IxDA relies on individual initiative, contribution, sharing and
self-organization as the primary means for us to achieve our goals.”
ASIS&T: The American Society for Information Science and Technology
“Finally, the organization that hosts the IA Summit. ASIS&T is a much broader orga-
nization with a mission “to advance the information sciences and related applications
of information technology by providing focus, opportunity, and support to information
professionals and organizations.” IA is one of the areas it supports. Information archi-
tects will benefit greatly from interacting with its members in many IA-related research
areas that the organization supports.”
“Information architects not only design individual information spaces (e.g., websites, software,
applications), but tackle strategic aggregation and integration of multiple information spaces
including different channels, modalities, and platforms. They not only organize information,
but also simplify information for better understanding. Finally, the goal of IA design is to
support people not only to find information, but also to manage and use information.”
We hope that it becomes clearer now that the point we emphasize throughout the book is
that IA is not just about website design or information findability. More importantly, it is about
helping users make use of information and make information works for them. Like real architects
who deal with site, space, and place and whose goal is to convert a site into a place where space can
be experienced, information architects’ ultimate mission is to convert information site (websites or
10.4. IA AND BEYOND 139
other information products) into place where users can experience the digital information space and
where information will be utilized to support people’s daily activities.
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Authors’ Biographies
Dr. Wei Ding is an Information Architecture Director at Marriott International. She manages
a group of talented information architects working on the functional user experience design of
Marriott.com and related websites. Prior to joining Marriott, she was a lead information architect
at The Vanguard Group. She has been an adjunct professor at the iSchool of Drexel University
teaching Information Architecture and other graduate level courses since 2006.
Dr. Ding has a PhD degree in Information Science from the University of Maryland, and
BS & MS from Peking (Beijing) University. With 17 years of professional experience in interaction
design, user research, information architecture, user experience strategy and project management,
she has led a number of projects on large-scaled client-facing web applications, enterprise Intranets
and enterprise online workspace integration. Dr. Ding has published more than 20 research papers
and articles.
Dr. Xia Lin is an Associate Professor at the College of Information Science and Technology, Drexel
University. His major research areas include digital libraries, information visualization, information
retrieval, and knowledge organization. He initiated the Information Architecture course at Drexel
in 2003 and has since taught the course for many years.
Dr. Lin has published more than 50 research papers and received significant research grants
from federal agencies and industries. His visualization prototypes have been presented and demon-
strated in many national and international conferences. Dr. Lin has a Ph.D. in Information Science
from the University of Maryland at College Park and a Master of Librarianship from Emory Uni-
versity at Atlanta, Georgia. Prior to join Drexel, Dr. Lin was an assistant professor at the University
of Kentucky.