ALP - Intermediate 3
ALP - Intermediate 3
ALP - Intermediate 3
El Bikepolo es una variante para todos los públicos del polo, que en vez de a caballo se juega
en bicicleta. Actualmente, este deporte está cogiendo fuerza en ciudades como Bilbao, Vitória,
Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Alicante y A Coruña, donde ya se han formado ligas y participan
en competiciones europeas. Las reglas son muy parecidas. Aquel jugador que toque el suelo
con el pie comete falta y ha de tocar la línea de las bandas del centro del campo para poder
volver al juego. En algunos torneos se ponen campanas para comprobar que se cumple esta
Queda claro que en cuestión de deportes no todo está inventado. Poco a poco iremos viendo
cómo ciertas disciplinas deportivas pasan a ser olímpicas por su reconocida fama. Y es que
nada como el deporte para cuidar la salud y pasar un rato divertido junto a familiares y amigos.
Introducción- Fabiola
Good morning teacher and classmates,Today, We’d like to talk to
you about our project. If you are lover of unusual sports, you will
interest this.There are a lot of sports around of world, but many
of this are unusual or not common in some countries. An
example of this is BIKE POLO. If you have relative in other
country, irish or french, probably they have hear about this sport.
but in Perú, is not common. We don't have a proffesional team
and at schools, don't practice this sport like an extracurricular
activity neither. Bike polo is not well known enough in South
Have you been to a Bike polo game? Do you want to know more
details? Well, My classmates going to explain next.
The game was invented by Irishman Richard J. Mecredy in
1891. That same year the first Bike Polo match was played
by Scalp and CC Ohne Hast. Towards the end of the 19th
century the game reached the United Kingdom, the United
States and France, with which the sport began to become
known. The first international match was played between
Ireland and England in 1901. And it was an exhibition sport
at the 1908 London Olympics with Ireland as champions in
the final against Germany by three goals to
one.Traditionally, bike polo is played on a rectangular
grass field measuring 150 meters by 100 meters officially;
Unofficially, any grass pitch is valid if it allows fluid play
between the players. On the other hand, the official
dimensions can vary between 120 and 150 meters in length
and 80 to 100 meters in width. The ball used is 12-15
inches in circumference and the mallet is 1 meter long.
Cuerpo 2-Keity
1.The foot cannot be placed on the ground
or on any surface (mallet, fallen bicycle,
etc.). If a player steps, he will not be able to
intervene in the game until he "touches" one
of the two designated points in the middle of
the court.
2.The goal must be scored by a "Hit", which
consists of hitting the ball with the end of
the mallet (like a hammer).
3.When a team scores a goal, it must wait at
the end of its court until the ball or a player
from the opposing team passes the half
The basic equipment for the Bike Polo is a
bicycle of any type, except tandems and
tricycles, the mallet, the hockey ball and of
course protections. As for the bicycle, the
players adapt them according to their type of
game and personal taste.
Cuerpo 3 (Rubí):
Also, Bike Polo is similar to Polo. But in bike polo, there
are 6 or 7 players on a team. In many countries there are
6 players but in France there are 7 players because they
think that is more interesting. Now, how do you win ?
The object of the game is score goals on wheels,
without putting a foot on the ground. This is a game of
great adrenaline and fun at the same time. This game
requires a lot of physically active and you need to be
And finally, the conclusion that my group and I have reached is that
Bikepol is a very beneficial sport for people because it helps them
mentally and physically since going outdoors and participating in
this game distracts your mind and exercises your body. And
another thing is that in this game, the most necessary thing is to
dominate the bicycle and learn the rules. So, I recommend playing
this game with your friends or family in your spare time.