ACTASummary2e 1

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Attack Table

Successful hit roll 1d6

1 Bulkhead Hit No damage dealt
2-5 Solid Hit -1 Damage, -1 Crew
6 Critical Hit As Solid Hit, also roll Critical Hit
Critical Hit
Location Area Dama Crew Effect
Engine Critical Hit
1-2 Power Relays Destroyed -0 -0 -1 Speed
1-2 3-4 Thrusters Damaged -1 -0 -2 Speed
5 Fuel Systems Ruptured -2 -1 -4 Speed
6 Engines Disabled -3 -1 Ship moves as though adrift
Reactor Critical Hit
1-2 Capacitors Damaged -0 -1 -2 Speed, all weapons –1AD*
3 3-4 Power feedback -1 -1 Lose 1 random trait
5 Reactor Gas Leak -0 -3 No Special Actions
6 Reactor Explosion -3 -4 No SA, lose 1 random trait
Weapons Critical Hit
1-3 Targeting System Damaged -0 -1 All weapons -1 AD*
4 4 Power Fluctuations -0 -0 Each weapon fires only on 4+
5 Weapons Offline -2 -2 Random arc, 1 weapon may not fire
6 Catastrophic Ammunition Explosion -3 -4 Random arc, no weapons can fire
Crew Critical Hit
1-2 Fire -0 -2 -
3-4 Multiple Fires -0 -3 Damage control, -1 penalty
5 Localised Decompression -1 -3 -1 troops, no SA
6 Hull Breach -2 -4 -2 troops, No damage control this
Vital Systems Critical Hit (cannot be repaired by Damage Control)
1 Bridge Hit -0 -1 No Special Actions
2 Secondary Explosion -1d6 -1d6 -
6 3 Engineering -4 -3 No Damage Control permitted
4 Weapons Control -4 -4 No firing out of 1 random arc
5 Reactor Implosion -2d6 -4d6 Lose 1 random trait
6 Catastrophic Explosion -4d6 -2d6 Lose 2 random traits
*These effects are cumulative

Crippled (Damage <= Second Number):

All Turns reduce to 45°, -1 turn (min of one), Speed halved, on a 4+ Ship Trait destroyed. May only fire 1 weapon per
arc. Lose Fleet Carrier, Command X, Interceptors and Admiral abilities.
Skeleton Crew (Crew <= Second Number):
No Special Actions, only one weapon system may be fired, -2 to damage control, Troops halved. Lose Command X,
Fleet Carrier and Admiral abilities.

Damage Table (Damage <=0)

D6 Result
1-6 Running Adrift: Half Speed in End Phase until off the table
7-11 Ship Destroyed: Burned out hulk, left stationary on table
12-17 Ship Explodes: ship will run adrift then explode at the end of the next movement phase.
18+ Ship explodes immediately. All targets within 4” suffer attacks equal to half the ship’s starting damage (maximum 15AD).
Remove ship.

Damage Control: 1/ship/turn (not on the same turn suffered)

1d6+Crew Quality>= 9 => repaired, Vital Systems may never be repaired this way.

Stellar Debris
Asteroids: CQ roll >= density or suffer AD x inches moved, SAP, triple damage, no interceptors (fighters roll 6+d6). Grants Stealth
3+ or +2 bonus.
Dust clouds: -1CQ, grants Stealth 2+ or +1 bonus.
Ship traits
Adaptive Armour Halve Damage and Crew, round down. (min. of 1),
Advanced Anti-Fighter X As anti-fighter but +1 to roll
Advanced Jump Engine See rules
Afterburner All Power to Engines! doubles Speed
Agile Need only move ¼ of speed before turning, 1” between turns
Anti-Fighter X Has X dice to roll against fighters hulls to destroy them, 2” range
Carrier X Can launch or recover X squadrons per turn
Command +X +X to initiative. Not cumulative, lost when crippled or skeleton crewed.
Dodge X 1d6 per hit, if result >= X, attack missed. Lost if Adrift or not moved.
Escort May lend Anti-Fighter dice to ships within 8” and LOS
Fleet Carrier +1 bonus to dogfight. Repair destroyed flights within 30”. See rules.
Flight Computer Crew Quality never less than 4, no penalties for being reduced to Skeleton Crew
GEG X Reduces damage and crew taken by X, criticals not affected
Interceptors X See rules
Jump Engine See rules
Lumbering May not continue move after turning, one turn only; may not be lost
Self Repairing X +1 to Damage Control, listed Damage repaired in End Phase
Scout 36” range. Instead of special action my roll CQ 8+ to reduce stealth by 1 or to allow friendly ships to
re-roll one weapon AD against target that turn (not beams).
Shields X/X Stops X hits (hits multiplied by double etc), regenerates second number.
Stealth X After an Attack has been declared only hits on X, if distance > 20” add 1 to X, if < 8” minus 1, if target
has already been hit –1 again.

Weapon traits
Accurate Ignores Dodge value
AP +1 to AD
Beam Ignores Interceptors; hits on 4+, if hit, re-roll until no hits is scored; may only split fire if targets are within 4”
Double Damage Damage and Crew x2, including Critical Damage, always cause one Damage, even if it is a Bulkhead hit
Energy Mine Nominate point within range, all objects within 3” receive damage, which ignores Stealth, Interceptors and
Dodge traits. Cannot cause crits.
Gravitic Shifter May turn enemy ship 45 degrees, opposed CQ check.
Mass Driver Target must be Adrift or not moved. Ignores Shields, Interceptors and GEG.
Mini Beam Hits on 4+, ignores interceptors
One-shot May only be used once. Not used if Stealth roll failed.
Orbital Bomb May only be fired at planetary targets (troops and emplacements).
Precise +1 on Attack Table
Quad Damage Damage and Crew x4, including critical damage. Causes 2 damage on Bulkhead hit.
Slow Loading May only fire every other turn, not fired if Stealth roll failed.
Super AP +2 to AD
Triple Damage Damage and Crew x3, including Critical Damage, always cause one Damage, even if it is a Bulkhead hit
Twin Linked Missed AD, may be re-rolled
Weak -1 to AD

Special actions Crew Quality Check

Activate Jump Gate! Automatic/Opposed See rules
All Hands to Deck! Automatic +2 Damage Control, any Number of Critical Hits may be
repaired; One weapon only.
All Power to Engines! Automatic +50% Speed, no turns
All Stop! Automatic Move between 0 and ½ Speed, no turns
All Stop and Pivot! Automatic No movement last turn. Turn double turn rate. No movement.
Fire one weapon.
Close Blast Doors and Activate Defence Automatic For each point of Damage & Crew on a 5+ is no Damage
Grid! taken, as are the effects of Critical hits. Fire 1 weapon (except
ships with only one)
Come About! 9 +1 Turning, or +45° on one turning
Concentrate All Firepower! 8 All AD, that missed may be re-rolled, only one target. Not
beams, Twin Linked or E-mines.
Give Me Ramming Speed! 9 +50% Speed, only one turn, must be crippled, see rules
Initiate Jump Point! Automatic See rules
Intensify Defensive Firepower! 8 Double Anti-fighter and Interceptors. Halve all weapon AD.
Launch Breaching Pods and Shuttles! Automatic Use Troops to board ship with 4”. Target ship must have
moved less than ½ original Speed and cannot be fired on.
Run Silent! 8 Stealth 4+ Trait (or Stealth +1, max 6); Speed score is halved,
may not fire, may not turn, even if Quality check fails!
Scramble! Scramble! 7 May launch an extra flight, carrier may launch extra 2
Stand Down and Prepare to be Boarded! Opposed See rules

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